Yasir Qadhi – Coping with Anxiety & Grief

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss ways to combat anxiety and grief, including finding ways to avoid anxiety and manage it, embracing the idea that suffering is bearable, and finding ways to avoid feeling anxiety or stress. They also emphasize the importance of finding ways to help others, such as using tools like salaries and salaries, and practicing positive practices to alleviate stress and bring peace to the body. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding feeling anxiety and finding ways to overcome it, and emphasize the benefits of working with Allah's guidance and learning from past experiences to alleviate it.
AI: Transcript ©
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and hemmed in Illa Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. All praise is due to Allah the Majestic and the Most High. We worship Him alone and upon Him do we rely. He saved the Ark of Noah on Mount Judy, and he spoke to Musa on Mount Sinai. He commanded Ibrahim alayhis salam to build the Kaaba, and he protected isa from being crucified. He hears the plea of the one in distress, and he responds to the silent cry. He revealed the Quran whose recitation with our voices we Beautify. And he sent to us a prophet who suna we strive to exemplify and he taught us how our hearts to purify. So may Salatu Salam be upon the one whose prophethood no sincere person can deny as to what follows Allah subhanho

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wa Taala reminds us in the Quran Nakoda cannon in Santa Fe cupboard. We created man in constant turmoil and struggle. Allah azza wa jal reminds us that man is created, always struggling, always anxious for something else never satisfied with what he or she has. It is the nature of man to be consumed with anxiety. Grief is a part and parcel of existence, and no human being is ever free of some worry or anxiety. And no matter what state we are in, no matter what we have, and what we don't have, we find that anxiety clouds our existence. So the one who is poor is anxious and worried desiring to be rich, desiring to have wealth. The one who is wealthy and Rich is always worried

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about losing that wealth. The one who does not have children is anxious and grief struck that he wants to have children and the one who has children, so many of them

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The anxieties come from the children as well. The one who is single wants to be married the one who is married does not find full peace within marriage. This is the reality of human existence. So the question arises, if anxiety if grief is a part and parcel of existence, then what should be done to combat? How do we overcome the feelings of concern, the feelings of grief that overwhelm us? If NACA mentions that never does Allah mentioned grief and worry in the Quran, except that He commands us not to have it? Or he gives us good tidings that it shall be lifted from us. Never does Allah mentioned anxiety in the Quran, except that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada commands us to get rid of that

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anxiety Falada he knew what it was no, don't give up. And don't be worried. We're Unto Allah alone and you shall be victorious. Allah is telling them don't be worried. Or the other alternative in the Quran, Allah gives glad tidings that a future shall come when there is no worry, there is no grief. Allah says in the Quran. Allah in Alia Allah healer, hope when I am whether homea has unknown, the real Motoki in the real pious of Allah, they shall have no cause to worry, nor shall they ever be scared. So Allah gives the glad tidings that a time will come when worry shall be gone. And of course, the ultimate time when there shall be no grief and worry, the ultimate abode when there is

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no hum or husen. When there is no grief and sorrow. That is Jana, and that is why, when the people of Jana enter Jana, the first thing that they will say as soon as they enter Jenna, and the angels give them Salam, the first thing they will say Alhamdulillah Hila De La Habra, Enel hasn't All Praise be to Allah. Finally, our anxiety has been taken away by him. This shows us that hasn't grief anxiety is going to be a part and parcel of our existence until we meet Allah subhana wa Tada. It is human nature. The prophets felt anxious, the righteous feel anxiety. So the goal is to battle and minimize the goal is to try to overcome realizing that ultimately, we will never live an anxious

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free life in this world. We will never live a stress free life in this world that is in the next life. And that is why Jana is called Daru Salam, the abode of salaam, the abode of no harm, no anxiety, no grief, the ultimate abode of peace. So yes, indeed, Jana is down to Salam. And we will never eliminate anxiety and grief from our lives. But surely, there are mechanisms to diminish. Surely, there are ways to combat stress, there are ways to cope with anxiety. And in today's brief hotbar I will mention five things from the Quran and Sunnah five aspects that are directly linked with minimizing our stress, minimizing our anxiety and our problems. And this is something that

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every one of us can benefit from, because there's not a single person except that something is causing stress. Usually many things are causing stress in our lives. So point number one out of five point number one of the things that help us cope with stress, overcome anxiety, battle, our grief is to understand and realize that Allah azza wa jal is in control and that Allah sees all and that Allah has everything in his plan. belief in Allah and belief in Allah's other is of the most powerful antidotes to combat grief and stress and anxiety when you're worried when you're facing a problem. When anxiety is overwhelm you, you must remind yourself that Allah is in control not you,

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and that Allah sees and that everything happens by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala when our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the law in the cave of in the cave of Thode, when the movie called we're trying to find where he and Abu Bakar were. Abu Bakar himself became worried. And what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say, is the Akula Sahibi he loved Zen, don't worry that Tyson don't feel that grief. Why how what will help you overcome it in a law Hama Anna, Allah is with us. The most powerful antidote to grief, to stress to worry is to turn to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, lotta Zen in Allah Hama, Anna, when Musa alayhis salam is being pursued by the army

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of Freetown and they reached the Dead Sea there is the red sea there is no place for them to go in front is the ocean they don't have ships behind them is found with his mighty arm.

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Me and the people of Bani Israel say that sit in limbo dracoon We shall be caught and we shall be killed, we shall be decimated. And what does Musa say? Kela No, that's not going to happen why? What did he turn to in times of anxiety in my era be saya Dean, my Lord is with me. Our Prophet systems in the LA Hamana. Musa says my Arab is with me, this is how we battle anxiety and grief, we turn to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah in the Battle of Tabuk. In the Battle of Isaiah, The Quran mentions multiple verses of the companions facing that grief, facing that anxiety and then they turn to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, they turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and they understand a surah In Surah

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Toba in the Battle of two book as the Sahaba said pull in your sleep and in Lama Khattab. Allah hula, now, nothing is going to happen to me and you except if Allah has already willed it, who am Oh Lana, Allah is my Mola, my enemies don't control me. The people who hate me don't have any power over me. They are not the people that control this world or the next Allah is the Mola while Allah He paliotta What Color Me known. So this is point number one. And this is no doubt the strongest point there is no way to combat the stress of this world effectively without turning to the creator of this world. There is no way to overcome anxiety without understanding that all that is happening

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is happening by the will in the plan of Allah and nothing happens except by His plan. So he must have a plan that is better than my plan and your plan. The second mechanism of coping with stress and grief and anxiety. The second mechanism is to understand that in that stress, there is also a blessing. There is also a Kufa for our sins, that even in this pain, there is also some gain as well. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said hadith is in Bahati. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, now you'll see will Muslim woman nossob in Walla Walla Walla hum in Walla Walla, walla hum. A believer is never afflicted with any na sub na sub means tiredness or what's up

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what's up means illness, or any hum or husen any Hum hum means a worry of the future whose own means a worry of the past hum is a worry of the future what's gonna happen to my kids? How will I pay my debt off? How will I cure this sickness? That's um, who's when something happened to you in the past and it's causing you grief or death of a loved one, you had a financial loss this has arisen so the profits are some said never does a hum or husen. He categorized the internal griefs into the future and the past and never does any pain or stress or then or hum around you're stressed you can think properly because clouds are called Hamam. So when you're stressed you can't think properly so

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literally hum is like cloudy mind never doesn't believe her face any internal or external stress, any hum or husband, even a thorn that tricks him except that because of that stress, Allah forgives his sins, Allah causes his sins to become nothing. So when we are faced with stress, we don't want stress. We don't want to be in grief. We don't want to face these problems. But when we're in them, we console ourselves that because of this pain, because of this internal grief, Allah azza wa jal will forgive many sins as Allah says in the Quran, nothing happens to you except because of what you yourselves have done. Why yeah for and Kathy and because of these pains, Allah will forgive many

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things. My Asaba admin will see button elaborate MCE seven ad come, no mercy but happens to you except because of my sins and your sins. And when that we'll see what happens. Allah says, Well, yeah, for an Cathy because of that calamity, Allah forgives many, many things. So when we are in stressful situations, when we cannot sleep at night, deep down inside, we need to turn to Allah and realize that what you're going through right now the pain, the internal grief in sha Allah, it will save you from the grief of the hereafter. The grief of this dunya is bearable, the grief of the Hereafter is not the suffering of this dunya you can cope with the suffering of the next you cannot

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so when you are suffering with the coping of this dunya then ask Allah to save you from the suffering of the next dunya that is point number two. Point number three. How do we cope with the stress and with the problems of this dunya our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us another tactic. And all of these are religious by the way, each one is slightly different. This is also a religious tactic. Beautiful Hadith and Wooster in the sooner we been major. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, mangia Allahumma hummin wa Haden humble Muhammad Kufa hula hula Hama dunya

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Whoever concentrates all of his concerns on one concern, whoever concentrates all of the concerns you have on the one concern, the concern of the hara, then Allah shall relieve him of all of his concerns of the dunya. What an amazing Hadith. If you start thinking of the problems of the next life, what will I say to Allah? How will I answer it Allah on the Day of Judgment? How can I earn Jenna if that is what begins to concern you? If you start thinking about the Ark era, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Kufa, hula, who humma dunya, who all have the anxiety of this dunya, Allah will take care of it. And then he goes on, and he says, and whoever diversifies his

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anxiety of all of the anxieties of this world, in other words, he's worried about money, he's worried about family, he's worried about business, he's worried about PR, he's worried what people say all of his stress is this world, there is no stress for the hereafter. The Prophet says that I'm said, that person who doesn't care about the hero, Allah himself doesn't care how he, how he ends his fate, or in what Valley he dies in. In other words, Allah has abandoned that person, because that person has abandoned Allah. Now this is a very deep psychological point, which makes complete sense if you think about it. It's a matter of prioritizing what is most important, it's a matter of

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understanding that when you realize what is really what is important, is the hero and the pleasure of Allah, then this world and all of his problems becomes manageable. When you understand that, how long can this world last? How long can this grief last? What is going to be the end result, and you understand that there's nothing more important than the eternal life of the hereafter, then all of a sudden, the problems of this world become utterly trivial. I mean, to give an example, that is not to that level, but you probably will get to the point imagine somebody is told by his doctor, that his heart is going to fail, he has to get a heart transplant right now, in the next few weeks, or

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else that is gone, he is gone. And then that person, the stock market goes down and crashes a few points. Do you think that person cares that the stock market has gone down, that he's lost 1020 30% When he's worried about his heart, when he was worried about his entire life, so then how much more so one one is worried about the euro and compares the problems with this dunya to the problems of the ocular, when you concentrate on the hara, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah will take care of all the problems of this world. Therefore, one of the strongest mechanisms to cope with the pressures of this dunya is to remind yourselves of the pressures of the opera. One of the

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best ways to overcome the stress of this world is to visualize the stress of the next and all of a sudden, this Dunia, you understand what it is, and you understand it's not worth losing your sleep over, it's not worth falling sick over. It's not worth going into depression because of if you have a law you have everything. If you have a connection with Allah, that's all you need. And if you don't, then all this dunya is not going to be enough for you. So this is point number three, to concentrate your stress and anxiety to concentrate your hum as our prophets have said, on the hum of the hereafter. Point number four very interesting point. What most people don't think of it, and yet

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it is mentioned in the Hadith. How do you cope with stress? How do you cope with grief and anxiety? Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, manifests our movement and movement in karapatan Minh COVID Dounia nafas Allahu Anhu Cotabato Minnkota yo milker Yama, whoever alleviates a pain and suffering from his brother, Allah subhanho wa Taala will alleviate his pain and suffering in the next anyone Virginia says in this world as well. Whoever conceals the fault of his brother, Allah will conceal his fault. Whoever eases the death of his brother, Allah will ease his own debt. And it goes on and on mentioning all the things that a person can do to help another person when you are in

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stress. When you are in grief, when you are coping with the tragic loss, one of the ways you can alleviate your own suffering is to alleviate the suffering of other people. And this is very difficult. I mean, let's be honest here. When you're in pain, you're not worried about other people's pain. When you're in grief. The last thing on your mind is my brother is also in grief. But here's the point. When you stand up and you realize hey, I have a grief I cannot solve this but I can help my brother I have some extra money maybe my health is better have some extra money or I have time I can take him on his chores or I can just be a good you know cheerful voice in his life.

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He is going through a difficult loss his his his loved one has died or has gone through a divorce. I can be with him. Be a friend for him and you sacrifice of your own ego and you overcome your own grief to help your Muslim brother or sister and our prophets. The lesson and promised if you help others in the law have found in Abdi mme and Abdo Fiona

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Allah will continually help his servant as long as his his servant is helping other people. So when you're in grief when you're in pain when you're suffering, one of the best ways to overcome it is to find someone who can help and help them And subhanAllah there's also a psychological realities of this as well. Everyone in these points there are spiritual and psychological. As for the psychological reality, the fact of the matter, every one of us is blessed it in our own ways, even as we are being tested, every one of us is blessed it even as we're being tested, and when we interact with people that are being tested in different ways, we thank Allah and appreciate that

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Alhamdulillah I'm not being tested in those ways. We thank Allah and I appreciate that indeed, I have blessings that I have taken for granted whether it is my health, whether it is my wealth, whether it is my family, when we interact with other people that are suffering that are in pain, we thank Allah hamdulillah at least what I have, I have a hamdulillah and when we help others, Allah azza wa jal will help us beautiful example beautiful example. The story of Musa once again Musa and all the prophets are role models when he is running for his life when he has not a penny in his pocket when he has nowhere to go. He's fled from Egypt fit on his on his back wanting to kill him.

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This is before he became a prophet, he flees to Meridian. And he has no helper other than Allah, he has no roof over his head, he has no family to protect him. And yet he finds some ladies in distress and he helps them with his sweat, sweat with his with his strength, he helps them to feed their goats, when he himself had nothing to give. He gave him his time and energy when he had not a penny to give. He gave what he could give, which is his his strength and his physical presence. And he helped them when they had no one to help them when their father was elderly and severely sick as you know, what happened, that one act of charity when he himself had nothing to give and he gave, Allah

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gave him back much more in return. This is the reality we need to be thinking about. Can you imagine how stressed Musa would have been? Can you imagine he doesn't even know what he's going to eat? And that's why he goes to the shade of a tree and says Rob be in difficulty and I'm here to whatever you can give me I have nothing Yeah, Rob I am a faqeer. Yet when he helped others, Allah azza wa jal helped him back. So this is point number four, helping others even when you're down, even when you're depressed and you're battling your own, find other people to help and help them and Allah will help you back in return. And point number five and this is not an exhaustive list. But time is

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of the essence. As always, point number five of the ways to relieve our stress of the ways to overcome anxiety, those inner feelings of doubt the sleepless nights, simplest way, the vicar of Allah and especially salatu salam upon the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is authentically narrated by even Kab as the prophets of Allah who it who has sent him how much should I do salatu salam upon you how much half of my vicar 1/3 of my decode 1/4 Or all of my vicar? It should I give all of my vicar to you and say salatu salam, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If you give all of the Dhikr time to salatu salam, he then took for hammock where you

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will for ruler come back. If you do so. All of your anxiety shall be gotten rid of and all of your sins shall be forgiven at times of stress. When the going gets tough. Send Sudan Suriname upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, think of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and make your tongue move with the vicar of praise to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam send Salatin, Salam upon him and you will see for yourselves will law heat your heart will feel the peace, your heart will feel a comfort because our profits are some promise this and because Allah azza wa jal promises us himself and the prophets of some himself said whoever sent salats upon me, Allah will send 10

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times the amount upon him so 10 times the amount will be given when you send salatu salam upon the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam these are but some of the things that we can do brothers and sisters when we are coping with stress and having those anxious feelings and that is to remember Allah is in control to have a man in Allah azza wa jal to understand the meaning of Tawakkol and Caudill to understand that this is a means of purification, that throughout your rising ranks, to understand that we should be thinking of the Hereafter more than the problems of this world to see if we can help other people when we ourselves are in need of help and to send Sadat and salaam upon

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhana wa Tada bless me and you with and through the Quran and may make us of those who is versus they understand and applies halal and haram throughout our lifespan. I ask Allah for goodness he was will ask him for his food and the ramen.

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Alhamdulillah helwa hidden ahead of Samad a lady limited welcome you lead. Well I'm your colo Khufu and I had to do. Of course one of the most obvious things

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mechanisms to cope with stress is to explicitly make dua to Allah to alleviate that stress from you. And there are many do us that we don't have time to mention in one brief kotoba but I thought I would mention at least one or two of them so that we are aware. And for those of you that are listening, you can listen online to this again so that you can understand the Arabic we won't have time to dictate them. But of the two hours in cyber Holly Sahih Muslim, and a symptomatic Rhodiola who reports that I would frequently hear the Prophet says and make this dua I would frequently hear the Prophet says and make this dua Allahumma inni aboubaker Minion Hamid HMI while hasn't Allahumma

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in Aruba, minute HMI while hasn't simple to our I seek refuge in You Oh ALLAH from him and hasn't what is Hum hum is the anxiety for something in the future hasn't the grief for something in the past so he would seek refuge in Allah Allah Allah I seek refuge in You from my mental from my anxiety from my grief from my inner issues Europe I turn to you so memorize this simple DUA and a systematic said he would frequently say this dua and it's so simple even the Arabic Allah Houma in nee Buddha bika Minal hammy, while hasn't I seek refuge in You Oh ALLAH from him and hasn't and the next door that I must mention and it is a very beautiful one, but it is also a very long so I'll

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very quickly go over it but you can listen to it online later on. It is reported from Ibn mostrou through the Allahu Allah that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and this is a dua that was meant to alleviate grief and stress. It was taught to the Companions specifically explicitly linking it to stress and grief our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Never does a servant of Allah feel anxiety. Ma Saba Abdon Ottoman wala hasn't never does hum or hasn't remember hum anxiety for the future hasn't grieved for something that has happened in the past. Never does a believer face that internal stress, except that he makes this do I will mention the drop, except that he

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makes this dua and that Allah subhanho wa Taala will then alleviate that stress and cause the grief to go away and substitute the pain with happiness. Abdullah hula hoop makhana Boustany Farah, Allah will substitute the pain with happiness, this is a dua directly from a Prophet sallallahu either you will send them what is the dua it is a bit long, so I will say it quickly Allahumma in the Abduch webinar Abdic wore blue ametek now sia T V Eddic. Mauldin fear tokamak I don't fear Kabarak as Luca the coolest men who were like some maybe he enough set on Zelda houfy Kitabi Oh, I love to have them in hollowtech I was thrilled to be here in Malaysia in Dec. untouch Allah orano Roby will be one who

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saw the agenda whose need what the harbor HMI, this is the drop and the summary of it, you ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada by every single name of his the name that he taught His creation, the name that he sent down in the books, the name that he kept hidden from himself, hidden from us, he kept it with himself. You ask Allah with every name of his that what do you ask Allah that Allah make the Quran the source of my happiness? Make the Quran the source of my happiness. That's what you ask Allah. When you ask Allah this, the prophet system said, if you ask Allah sincerely that the Quran shall be the light of your chest and the happiness for your eyes. Allah azza wa jal will substitute your

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grief with happiness and will take away your stress and give you peace in its stead. This beautiful dua even Massoud said everybody who hears it should memorize it and teach it to others so I have heard it I'm teaching it to you I want you to memorize it and teach it to your family and friends and you can listen to the recording or you can find any you know podcast or any YouTube video that goes over the DUA in Arabic or even say it in English. But this is a specific to our that are prophets, Allah Allah, why do you send them taught and very quickly when last two as well that our Prophet system would say at times of stress and grief, and that is, has to be Allahu undetermined

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Joaquin, we all know this one. And it is one of the most powerful to us to be said at times of stress and grief, our profit system taught to the Sahaba and he himself utilize this dua at times of stress has to be Allahu wa Nirmal Joaquin, and there are other two hours as well. But these three should be sufficient for this hook. But of ours, brothers and sisters, being stressed and being constantly worried about something anxious about something at some level, it is going to be a part of our existence until we leave this world. But the goal is to minimize the goal is to overcome the goal is to live as stress free life as possible. And the only way to do this overall we gave you

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five mechanisms. All of them go back to connecting with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. believing in him being good to others, remembering vicar of him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw that all of this is of the most powerful antidotes to combat stress and grief and then she

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Allah eventually the day will come when me and you insha Allah will enter Jannah and we too will say Alhamdulillah he led the abandon hasn't that is my goal and your goal allah how many died for me know Allah Allah Federica yami them Manila Fatah. Wa ala Hammond. Illa for Raja what are they in? Illa? Kobita What am I read on? Illa Shia feta what I see on Illa sorta Allama Filipina? What if one in the Lydia Saba Poonam in Eman what a treasure I feel KHUDOBIN as healer Lila Dena Manu Rob burner in Nakuru for Rahim Allah whom is Islam I will Muslimeen Allah whom is an Islam and when Muslimeen Allah Houma or Adana arasan Islam I will Muslimeen Ebisu infinitely Lubin FC which Altamira who

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fitted BT here Kuya Aziz rebound Allah in Allah to Allah Amara Combi Eminem better bohemian FC within the Malacca codici with selesa become a you know an engineer he will insert for color as important in Alima in Allah woman, equatorial saloon Allah Nebby you Alladhina amanu Sallu alayhi wa sallam with us Lima Allahumma salli wa salim was the co owner of the Quran SUTA Mohammed why the early he was such a big Marine, anybody Allah in Allah to Allah Yeah, Moodle Bill Adley what is Ernie, what is the kotoba wa 100 fascia A one one caddy, wide belly? You're either coming into the Karun or the Corolla or the mayor come watch guru who yesterday. What did they call it? Aquatimer

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at what

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feels cool Ruby mimma. Janita Anza down to Isla.

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