Yaser Birjas – Ta’Seel Class 15

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of Islam's physical purification, holy eye, holy spirit, holy month, its physical aspect, holy eye, holy spirit, its use in shaping one's image, its shaping of one's image of oneself, its use in shaping one's image of oneself, its importance in shaping one's image of oneself, its use in afterlife, its importance in the afterlife of the world, its use in the afterlife of the world, its use in the afterlife of the world, its importance in the afterlife of the world, its use in the afterlife of the world, its importance in the afterlife of the world, its use in the afterlife of the world, its importance in the afterlife of the world, its importance in the afterlife of the world, its importance in the afterlife of the world, its importance in the afterlife of the world, its importance in the afterlife of the world, its importance in the afterlife of
AI: Transcript ©
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Have you either been the first one?

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You know where we are right now? We are on page 43

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section one the exons of the inner secret of Salah.

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Salam Alaikum rahmatullah wa barakato

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Alhamdulillah Milan Amin sallahu wa salam Baraka, Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam to Sleeman kathira. To mama bad tonight to shallow to wala Quwata illa. From the book of Imam Evan Kodama. amatola Tara Leigh, Mutasa, Nigel Cassadine, will be studying the,

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on the inner secret of the prayer and discussing the excellence of Salah itself. But before we get to that point to Sharla let's quickly review. What did we learn exactly about the inner secrets of taharah we said when it comes to Tahara there are five categories for Tahara we need to master the skills of Joomla because this is really the meaning of purifying yourself as Allah subhanaw says called Afla Hamza Mundus, the essence of purifying yourself so that you elevate yourself in this dunya until we meet you, Lord Subhana wa Tada cauldon Selim with the purest heart. So let's begin with that insha Allah just so that we said that when it comes to a purification, there are five

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categories of purification what are they? Let's repeat it should be this quick and shallow Darla, what was the first one

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verification of what the physical purification total has? Which means what includes what means purifying yourself from the filth and not just that and so on clearing of course, the harder meaning will do and also runs on the second category of Tahara includes what

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of what

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your deeds from sins, the purification of your deeds, meaning your actions, your hands, your eyes, your ears, all these things, so make sure that you know do you don't do anything except that which is good. Number three, the purification of

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the heart. Whatever, you purify your heart, from what from ill feelings and any ill intentions or any animosity or hazard or anything that really occupies the heart without which is unnecessary for you, and will just defer they're gonna bring you fatigue and exhaustion. Number four, the third, the fourth category is the purification of one

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of the thoughts, right, the purification of your thoughts, so that your mind doesn't think except what that which most patients Allah subhanaw taala nothing crosses your mind, except that which is most pleasing to Allah azza wa jal, then the number five, which is the biggest thing, obviously, that's when a person reaches a certain level of spirituality is called the purification of word of the essence then there's the self completely the purification of the essence and Zoll involves when a person get to that level of spirituality, use everything that you look around everything you see, you see the beauty of ALLAH SubhanA wa taala. And you see his his beautiful names and attributes and

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everything that you see around you.

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Even when things go horrible, go bad. For example, what do you see the greatness of Allah azza wa jal and his ability to overpower his creation. When things become beautiful, you see the beauty of Allah subhanho wa taala. Like right now it is, for example for us here in Texas. We have this amazing beautiful Heatwave, right. So when do you start feeling the heatwave? What do you think is your mouth?

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Besides Johanna

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you realize the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala you appreciate the shade, you will appreciate the name of Allah subhana wa they have given you you know, cold water, you appreciate the shade that you have in your house, that the climate you know, room that you live in, all this becomes numb and you see the greatest of ALLAH SubhanA all this creation of Allah today inshallah tonight the Palazzo JAL will move in from the purification, the physical purification into another spiritual purification which comes to the subject of Salah. So we're reading on page 43 For those who would like to follow with us in sha Allah Allah, section one, the excellence of Salah Bismillah

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Bismillah wa sallahu wa salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was Sofia Jemaine Yama lipoedema. The law says that the prayer is the pillar of the religion. Amen, that Dean and the finest form of obedience so that many well known reports have been narrated about the excellences of prayer. What are the most beautiful traits a praying person should have is humility and submission for sure. Imam Imam abracadabra him Allah Tala he when he speaks about now a Salah. He went straight in

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To the most important thing for you this is what I'm masala Divina in meta Dean. It's obviously the most important pillar of Islam. for you if you have it that hamdulillah the whole the canal people faith will be resting on your Salah. The shade of your faith will be on your Salah if you don't have that there's nothing for you a mantra to stand on that what he means by that that's what the professor some consoler Mr. Dean Kawahara Tata which means the beautiful thing about your anybody meaning you can fast you can give Zakah you can give charity you can do whatever you want of good deeds, but the most the beautifies all your Eva that is what is a Salah. The word Hora in the Arabic

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language is basically the hair bank, by the way, just to let you know, was the son of beauty. So he said that luck would come to all the evidence, the most beautiful among all the Ibera the act of worship is actually a Salah and if you don't have it, yeah, your Salah is still there, but not as beautiful as it should be because Salah comes first he said that there are so many a hadith matura popular a hadith speaks about the virtue of Salah, which means he said I'm not going to elaborate on that. Why? He says I'm going to focus on one of the most important things about salah Kalwa Omen, Asante, Gabrielle who the most important etiquette of Salah is to focus and concentrate and keep

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conscious of your salon riba that is what he wants you to focus on as the most important part of the Salah. Like how to do it in terms of the technology to the haram. What breaks your Salah, what does it break your Salah, he said, This is not going to be here.

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These are going to be discussing books.

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Here we talk about the spirit of Salah, and particularly about kosher let's see what it says about that. So I found on the Allahu Akbar narrative that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no man to whom the time of a prescribed prayer comes and who then takes good care of its ablution submission and bowing, but it is in expiation cafardo for the sins that preceded it, as long as he does not commit a major sin. This is true at all times. So this hadith the Prophet service, I'm saying and this hadith which is a Muslim, anyone who attended a time for Salah salata, MK two verses for Salah, that's what it means for us to do. Rahu Orocobre look, the professor spoke

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about three things if you want to perfect your Salah and three things God will do which means the preparation for Salah that requires the physical purification of Bara Wahoo Aha. Now that's the spiritual aspect of your Salah Carl verrucosa the physical aspect of your Salah. So three things if you perfect the preparation for Salah and the Prophet you perfect the spiritual aspect of your Salah and you perfect the physical aspects of your Salah when you make your record you make it proper when you make the choice you make it proper and you pronounce you pronounce the proper all of these things in addition to the inner secret of Salah itself, which is the focus on the usual and Salah

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called Illa can't confer the McCobb law that will be the expiation of the sins that were committed before unless a person commits a Kibera Kabira which means a major sin that was mentioned the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu requires a major Toba or the penalty for it in the dunya or the akhira. As far as Sagar 11 As Allah subhanaw taala call them in the Quran lemma, which means the minor sins, these can be exploited by the salata hums and will do unto her and these things Carmela Murthy became Vera was Alika Daru Kulu. As long as he maintains that every single day, you have this opportunity for all your sins to be forgiven.

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Like Allah subhanaw does make an Salah as a furnace for you. Whatever is committed between the Salawat as long as you do it properly, perfecting the preparation for Salah, the spiritual aspect of the salah and the humor, and the physical aspect of the Salah. These are the three things you need to focus on. So the question that comes to your eye is, do I know how to prepare for Salah properly do I know how to make the hara properly. And I'm not saying it just just making will do as your mind because unfortunately, sometimes it really surprised me that some adults don't even know how to the bathroom properly.

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So they don't even know that there's an adjuster on themselves or not, or the adjuster stays on their hand on that they don't even have to clean themselves properly or not. So even to that level, so we need to know how to prepare for Salah how to pray or Salah maybe we'll learn that when I was 15 years old or 10 years old, long, long time ago for my grandmother probably. And I never really had a proper learning with an educated person, a teacher, a mentor, a chef, I demand to teach me how to do Salah properly. So I don't know am I doing it properly or not? You need to ask yourself that question. Because even some Sahaba who around the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they thought that they

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knew how to pray. Like the man who came to the Prophet Salah Salem one time in the masjid and he prayed on the corner of the magic when he came to the Prophet Salah Salem. The messenger told him what call earlier for Sullivan aka Abu Salim, go back there redo your Salah because whatever is there doesn't count. That wasn't Salah what he did. And the man went back again to try one more time. And he comes back again the Prophet says go back do it again.

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And the manual three times every time we come to the Prophet salaallah salah and the Messenger of Allah sends him back says that was not Salah what you did that.

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And then he says God of Allah here

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rasool Allah Allah Weston away Raha lemme Yasser Allah that's the best I can do. Please teach me and the Prophet says, I'm taught him how to make Salah. So how do you know that I'm making Salah properly? When was the last time I really read the book on salah? Or has it just been a given knowledge right now that I don't have to maybe update my knowledge about performance of Salah. Now the issue is again the most important thing here because you might be able to do it proper, but am I getting most of the benefit from the Salah, because the prophets ourselves mentioned the Hadith, while lesser human Sarathi Illamasqua that you don't get reward for your Salah more than the more

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than the part when you're most conscious.

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Like the conscious part of this, the one that comes for you. Everything else you're just not there. So let's see what you mean by that keep going.

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He also narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever performs two units of prayer without the distractions of any worldly thoughts, his past sins are forgiven. This hadith actually isn't Bukhari and Muslim and has a story be another story about at least the preceding part of the hadith is during his reign as a Khalifa of the ultra animada the people came to Earth man of the Allah I'm Fussa Lu in Abu Salah. So they asked him, How did the practices make wudu Subhanallah they asked about all these details, how did the prophets of Allah Salah mechanism, so for that abdomen, so he asked them to bring him some water so they brought him a water and a bowl or

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something like that in a container. So what he did first, he took from that water, he tilted the cup or the container on his hand, and he washed his hands three times outside of that container. And then with his right hand, he started dipping his right hand into the water and made his will do so he washed his hands his mouth and his nose unloaded now three times wash his face three times his right arm and then his left arm and then the describe the window completely to them as actually as was mentioned the Hadith. Then when he was done making that perfect will do the thurible which is what a terma will do ah perfect to the widow. Then he says carlman Salah mentor Donahoe, he had he

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said, Man, whoever makes will do like this, like the Bible says and he says that he did that to us. He taught us this Salah Salem and then he says Whoever makes will do like mine. So masala cotton and then you pray to raka lie you had to feed him Annissa you don't distract yourself with inner thoughts. Like your mind is not distracted with all these thoughts. Let your head to the demon of Santa Clara Salah Salem pan, lo que la Vela Amata aka demanda May Allah subhana wa Bucha I will expect this sense for them. Now, some of the Allameh they call these two raka Salah totowa the salah of the Toba? What does that mean if someone commits a sin, they feel remorseful. They feel guilt and

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really hurt them and burn burn and their hearts what they've done, then the best way to experience the sin is by making a thorough will do like this one, and then pray to raka will try your best to focus completely on the salah itself and when you're done. Then you make a dua ask Allah for forgiveness. Hopefully Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive them all their sins now.

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When Ibanez were rhodiola, who stood up to pray. He was like a piece of wood in his concentration in humility. When he would prostrate the sparrows would lay on his back taking him for nothing but a base of a wall. One day when he was praying by the edge of a stone from a catapult was flung where he was ripping a part of his garment. Yeah, he did not turn away from his prayer. Who was Abdullah was a virgin man.

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You know, who was Abdullah was?

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What do you know about Abdullah zuba

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he was the son of who? A smart Binta Rebekah the daughter of requisite death and was his father.

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As the verbal one who was a vet I wanted the prophets that Allah salah,

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his first cousin from his aunt Sophia, so was his first cousin. So this is basically like the saying is the second cousin of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and at the loveless bear was very has a specific you know, I would say he was very popular in Medina for a specific thing. What was that? Who knows what was the why Abdullah was a very became so popular back then at the very beginning of history Islam in Medina.

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The first born for the MaHA jurien The first bone for the Maharaja in Medina. Why was that? Because when the when the Metcons traveled from when the MaHA Judea they moved from Mecca to Medina. And Medina is a different climate. It's agrarian society. So it's a little bit humid. It's not like Mecca dry. Therefore, Medina had a lot of allergies like we have here in Dallas, for example, right? So when the Sahaba they moved from Mecca to Medina, many of them got sick, a lot of allergies, our Casa de Bella El Salvador class or the latrine. Many of them they got sick, they got sick. And as a result, many of them are hygiene women unable to conceive. So if they get pregnant, unfortunately,

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you know it doesn't last long.

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So that's when the rumors spread among the people that went all the way to Makkah they said like and Hakka tomb and Medina, the fever and the allergies of Medina is going to kill them. Don't worry about it, they're going to be finished. Because they're not going to procreate because of that. So when Abdullah Isabel was born, was first born, the celebration that came in Medina because of that was great.

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So he was like the first healthy baby that was born for them I had you know, they loved running water. And subhanAllah Baraka Abdullah is a very, is that he grew up so strong and so tough, which ended up becoming one of the leaders of Islam. At some point, some other Ma, they count him as the Khalifa as the Khalifa.

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There was like a, you could say an interim Khalifa between an unstable period for the OMA Yes, dynasty. Because what happened when when Mahavira de la Tromba. He passed, his son is he was supposed to be assuming the ruling. And there were a lot of disputes over that. To a certain extent, to certain extent, our beloved was aware he almost took over the Arabian Peninsula and many regions many in that region. And he became an his center was actually in Makkah and Medina. But unfortunately, you know, his reign did not last last long. And domains were able to besiege Mecca, where he was the leader over there. And that's the one the incident that speaks about him and his

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Salam. They say he was seen a lot in Mecca when he used to pray before in front of the Kaaba, he would he would focus on his Salah that you can't he wouldn't even care about what's happening around. No matter what's happening around he was focused on developing salah, so he will make sure who unscheduled sometimes the bird cannot tell this a human being from the length of his record the length of sujood so he's focusing on his concentrating too much.

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And then they said that one time it was reported the one time he was standing in Salah, the catapult because Alhaji Medusa photography who was on behalf of the Romanians, he came around the Kaaba and he was actually catapulted Mecca, over as aware of the law and order in this man unfortunately, he destroyed a lot of akti sides of the Kaaba. So it was one of those moments that when I beloved Isabel was praying I one of these stones of the catapult came flying flying by like missed him almost but it's basically the kind of like hit his clothes.

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I mean, can you manage my this happens to you? If you're standing in one moment and then suddenly bumps into you? Oh, gee, do you flinch and it's kind of like to try to see what's going on. For him. He didn't care.

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Like this. This example was mentioned this in the story over here further have a valuable thought will be like almost like ripped some of his part of his clothes. That shows you the proximity of how close that stone that came by. They almost killed him. He just didn't care. Why because it's focusing on Solana Zubaydah. How many of us can get to that level of Kosher regimen.

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Now I know this sounds very idealistic, like someone was my sous chef, I mean stuff alarming. You make me feel this for dry now. I could barely stand for five minutes and so I Bella Corolla. Not that I can go there the Rihanna. So still, that's an example that is achievable, as you can see, not by profits, not by profits, not by people like Rama Rahab and Alibaba, Taliban. Some of these measures Sahaba some of the young Sahaba at one time, they still achievable so if people would like to focus on concentrate, they can achieve that level of Very Bad Grandpa as well. Now

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Mamoon even Macron said, I never saw Muslim even yourself looking elsewhere in his prayer. Once a part of the masjid collapsed, and the people of the bazaar were frightened by that. But he was still praying in the mission and to not look away from his prayer. When he would enter his house, his family would become silent. But when he would begin praying, they would talk and laugh. So Muslim vinyasa Rahim Allah, Allah is one of the tambourine, those who are the followers of the companions of the ultra marathon. He is known to be one of the ascetic people and those who had under a bed of bustle in Iraq, in Iraq at the time. Basler was one of the major centers of knowledge in Islam. So

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they said that one day he was praying in the main method in the in the marketplace, aside of the method collapsed, Melissa, predictable from this, Robert, I mean, let's say you sitting sitting here, and then I started the medical apps completely from the roof collapsed. Obviously, the people in the market, they all came jumping, because they know what, it's msgid

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God forbid somebody was there and maybe fell on top of them. So everybody came to kind of ask for the rescue. And then suddenly, after this kind of start to kind of like, yeah, and it disappeared, and then they realized that because they asked who was there as a Muslim when Assad was there? So by the time they got to him, they find him just saying salaam alaikum warahmatullah Rahmatullah. So they came to visit look, are you okay? Are you okay? And he looked at it, because, yeah, what happened?

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He had no clue.

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He had no clue that the back of the method collapses.

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Now that's a level of for sure.

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To the extent that we hear the other example he says, Canada, beta who when he gets into the house, everybody goes quiet. Tell us that is home that home, right? He's home. And now they're gonna, you know, give him the time being quiet and some But the moment he says Allahu Akbar, Carlos, they go back to normal. Why? Because he doesn't hear anything. He zones out basically.

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He's in a whole different zone. No, Elijah, man, this is something you can experience. You can truly experience no lie. I tell you, if you try it, and you've been blessed, at least for one time, just one time to zone out in your Salah in that spiritual realm.

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You will always want to go back again to it because the whole purpose of the Salah is what is to take you take a break from this dunya that's the whole purpose of Salah some of us I think just an obligation I have to do so I have to keep track my March and I just Dun dun dun Dora answer my revision. That's not the point. Allah subhana wa has given you a portal to the afterlife is giving a portal to the to the Beyond material life. The moment you say Allahu Akbar, which is why it's called click here to the Haram because whatever was permissive becomes Haram is like you you leave that word completely. Because now what you're doing is not materialistic at all. I mean, what is the

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point of standing just like this, you know, in silence and then pronouncing few words that mentioned was the last panel well, what's the point of all of that, there is no material gain that comes out of it. But again, that comes out of this spiritual, it's from beyond this world. So if you truly want to benefit from your Salah, then make sure that the moment I say Allahu Akbar, my intention is not just to do my duty to Allah and then go back again to work. Rather, I just want to thank God I want to come back into Salah right now, because it's a portal to something beyond this one. And that's where the, the heart gets connected to power the prophets of Allah, salaam, whatever you used

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to call belong to the farm or they say, cholera, Ebola, Ebola.

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Please bring us some comfort with salah.

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Like we need to feel comfortable we need to have that peace in Salah. So make sure make sure that example of Muslim vinyasa Rahim Allah there's a little bit maybe extreme but at least you know when you come to the Salah, if you keep in your mind that Salah is really is my opportunity to get out of this world. Forget about my worries, forget about my deaths, forget about my things, all that stuff and just focus in on my connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala I need those 1015 minutes so that I rejuvenate and then when I come back to this dunya Hamdulillah I have strength to continue with this life now.

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When ready even in Hussein Rhodiola would perform ablution he would turn yellow, he was once asked why is this that happens to you during evolution? He then replied Do you know Do you know who before whom about a stand that's a very profound statement. Like one of the things that would might help you in focusing on your drink for sure. And to Salah is what when you try to remind yourself in some form of whom you're going to be standing.

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I mean usually if you stand before somebody from this dunya who has a specific status that is above yours for instance, you become so conscious of your clothes of your attire of your you know of your hair, have your smiles and eye movements and everything every gesture you become so careful with that. Imagine when you know that you're going to be standing before the one who made you the one who even knows what you think about even not if you don't have to pronounce it he knows evidence of Hannah will imagine how much you need to focus on on pleasing Him Subhana wa Tada in that moment so that's what the meaning of it as it turns yellow because they're so scared basically, I'm gonna be

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stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala now

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know that prayer contains pillars of God

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can or can or locations where do you bet and recommendations so the end in spirit isn't intention Nia, sincerity of loss, humility, shoe and presence of heart

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This is because prayer comprises words of remembrance, at at heart at call as far as communication manager with Allah and bodily actions. FYI. Let's start over a little bit here. So Imam, Abraham, Allah says look Salah has our can which means is the pillars of Salah YG bad obligation needs to be performed in Salah and certain now after that needs to be added into the salam. As for the archon, such as what Roku and so Judas considered one of the kinds of Salam. The rochen is the part of Salah that is if it's removed the whole virus collection, meaning if you don't pray, if you pray without so Julio Salas button,

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and wajib such as the middle of the shahada if you skip it by mistake, it doesn't break your Salah you don't have to get back again to it but you can fix it by making Sousa so as soon such as raising your hands for example for

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The Roku

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before the Roku and after the Roku and so on even if you don't do that you still are still handler valid and you should be fine. But it says this is not what I'm going to be discussing here. I will discuss with you Rufus Salah, the spirit of Salah which in which involve what your intention why you're making a Salah for Allah plus the sincerity Are you doing it for the sake of Allah are showing off for the people around you and who should your concentration Helldorado come the presence of the heart because we're in Nosara attachment with Colin one winner Jordan one fan because the essence of your Salah is three things whether you're praising Allah subhana wa Tada that's ADKAR

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or you're communicating with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada such as making dua, the ARB I need this from you

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or simply just make the movements

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just make it the moment some people they don't get anything from the Select cetera what is Gemma the moment

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and they all remember that they made reconstitute, what did they say in this digital record? They have no clue. If you ask them what sort of the genocide after Fatiha probably they will even remember

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because everything is automated already. So when they make their Salah it just for making the obligation. So he says over here, focus on these three things. You're praising Allah, you're talking to him, and you'll make it the movements that will bring some sense of humility and humbleness into into life with Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, if the heart is not present, the purpose of the remembrance and communication cannot be fulfilled, because utterances that do not express the heart are concerned mere rigmarole. The purpose of the actions is not fulfilled either, if the heart is not present, since the purpose of standing PM, is servitude and the purpose of bowing ruku and

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prostrating. sujood is humility, and reverence Tanzeem Na, so what he's saying over here, he said, Look, when it comes to the purpose of your, your car, your and your mood, your movement, all of them, if the heart was not present, then what's the point of that evidence? What's the point of that? If your heart is not there and you pronouncing things you only just saying stuff that you even know? Now, some of us might say, but that's exactly my life is because I live in no other way.

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Yeah, but you can still know the meaning of the Fatiha you can still recite Kulu Allahu Ahad and you exactly know the meaning of sortcl Lola you don't have to know sort of Bukhara, Allah to be valid. So whatever that you already know of your core of the Quran, it is sufficient for you to give you that that spiritual aspect of it inshallah to Baraka similar with the actions. If you don't focus on your Roku, if you don't focus on your sujood if you don't focus on what you're saying in your search on your Roku, then those moments going to be empty from their purpose, and they won't give you any benefits such as humbleness, humility, peace and tranquility. You don't get that because your heart

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is not there. Now.

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If intention is taken away, if if intention is taken away from actions, only meaningless movements are main, Allah says in the Quran, I will be learning in a shape on your logy, smuggler, manual for the lay and long lay and Allah Allah or who how Allah

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key and

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their meat their meat will not reach God nor will their blood, but what reaches him is piety from you. So this is sort of the Hajj Allah subhanaw taala speaks about the other hydrocarbon that we just did not too long ago. Allah Subhan Allah says that look, Allah azza wa jal is not going to receive the blood is negative the meat from you. That's not what the purpose of it, there is something beyond the physical action itself. The spiritual aspect of that offering or that sacrifice is that you're showing what compliance to the Command of Allah subhana wa Taala out of Taqwa and piety. And similarly, when it comes to the sujood, and Roku, the Roku answers in themselves, they're

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not beneficial to Allah subhanho wa taala. They are beneficial to who to you, if you do it with the right purpose out of Taqwa out of piety, and that doesn't happen unless your heart is present, as you perform this way, but that now

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in other words, what carries one to Allah, Exalted and Most High is that which takes over the heart and makes one abide by the orders he has been given. Therefore presence of heart is a necessary part of prayer. However, the Lawgiver has pardon absent mindedness or flat that occurs during the prayer for foreign concentrates in its first part, he is considered to have constituted in the remaining parts as well. Now so the next part of the shallot, remember them or him Allah, Allah is going to speak about the true meaning of the Salah, and he's going to mention three things that's going to be a discussion next week in sha Allah azza wa jal but at least I want you to take from the session

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here. The most important thing, Salah has specific Amal for it, if you think about it right now you are making dhikr of Allah subhanaw taala you are speaking to

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Liza will do DUA and your request and you also move in your body ensuring and humbleness humility and compliance to the Command of Allah subhana wa that all of this as of Taqwa also, the essence of Salah itself is not in the movement as much as the presence of the heart, which comes of course through the hoorah and focus and concentration. Your Salah is your golden opportunity to leave this world temporarily for a few minutes to connect with the divine subhanho wa taala. What an important opportunity to be in the presence of the Divine to get that spiritual strength and power to help you survive that translated to this life. May Allah Subhana Allah practice from the Zuni era Brahman its

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fifth annual Allah wala Jota you Shala next we're going to continue from here vanilla as

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we move on to book Consolata of Imam the barrage of Rahim Allah

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hamdulillah Bellarmine so Allah wa salam ala kind of you know, Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam to Sleeman Kathira to mama bad from the book of mammoth Rajib Rahim Allah to Allah Jami Rama Hickam Hadith number nine from from the collection of me now rahmatullahi wa alayhi wa la tierra de la Ultra Nordoff Tara, similar to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a cool man hate to come and refresh Telugu alma mater to compete to win a monster Titan fan nama Allah Kalyanam and publikum Catarratto masa ilium worked it out from Allah and BM ra Bukhari Muslim that's gonna be our discussion for tonight is shallow water, cold

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snow, so out of sight out of

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mind even so, we're not the only one who said I heard the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that which I forbid you avoided and that which I commend you do that which you are able for the thing that destroyed the ones who were before you was the excessive questions and their disagreements with their profits. Bihari and Muslim narrated it so what's the meaning of this hadith inshallah collectively quickly shall before we're going to the details, but Allah azza wa jal Imam another Rahim Allah Allah has bring this hadith over here in order to present to us the most important task that you owe Allah subhanho wa Taala in your urinary bladder and what is that

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What does it mean when I say compliance? Meaning if Allah Subhana Allah says something that you should do, what do you do with that? You do it. If Allah says stay away from it, what do you do with that? Stay away from it. When it comes to a bad and the deen of Allah subhanaw taala Gemma is not democracy.

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When it comes to the deen of Allah azza wa jal, it's not a matter of your choice or your option. It's a matter of whose command over here of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's what the heart is all about. We're going to explain that in more details in sha Allah Tabata Kota. Let's see what the Mamanuca M Allah says of it. So we're going to be starting on page 139 In sha Allah azza wa jal towards the bottom yes God

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in a vision over there, yes good in a version of his there is mention of the reason for this hadith in the version of Mohammed given Ziad Abu Laila Radi Allahu Anhu said, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam addressed us and said people, Allah has made a patch obligatory on you, so do the Hajj. A man asked every year messenger of Allah. He remained silent until the man said it three times. The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If I said yes, it would be obligatory and you would not be able to do it. Then he said, Leave me as long as I leave you for all that destroyed those who were before you was their questioning and their disagreement with their

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profits. So when I tell you to do something, do have it what you are able if I forbid you something, then leave it alone. So Imam or Imam

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Raja Rahim Allah Tala. Here he is bringing and actually one of the reasons why this hadith was was mentioned the context of the Hadith, he says, So the context of the Hadith was when when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, he spoke about obligation of Hajj. And when was that as a man? When was the obligation of Hajj made for the Sahaba dwelt on the ummah? Anyone knows?

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What year was that in the Hijri year?

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The ninth year, the ninth year, so the prophets Allah said I'm saying the first delegation for Hajj was led by over Casa de but that year, the NAM the machete key and the people of MK the heart of they were still allowed to come to Mecca. The following year, the Prophet saw 70, forbidden from coming. So that's when this hadith happened. The incident happened around that night before before the second the next hedge of the prophets of Allah someone on the 10th eg. So the prophesize M says in Allah for Allah, Allah who will have ever heard you oh people, Allah Subhana Allah made Hajj obligatory upon you. So perform Hajj,

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A man just came out of nowhere he says caught up you could laminate Rasulillah they're gonna be every year should we do we have to go through the process of remain silent?

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And when the Prophet says remain, sir, what does that exactly mean?

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He didn't like it.

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So the mindset era, so Allah is it is it every year

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and the professor's kept quiet and kind of like trying to ignore it. But the man again and says, God, ya rasool Allah, please is it every year and that's when the Prophet saw some change. And he says Carlo Cottenham, Lord Shiva if I say yes if you come negatory What

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are you want, you won't be able to do it. And then he said Salah Sam this hadith God only matter.

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If I didn't initiate any order for you don't ask about it. Don't ask about it. Then he says called for in the Malika Lydia macabre consequence. So the whatever command I give you follow it? If I asked you to refrain from something stay away from it. It says those who were before you, there will be for you. They were destroyed because they kept asking all these argumentative questions to the prophets until they were destroyed. And the example of this is very obvious in Venezuela, right? When most artists around came to bury us right as they were trying to investigate the murder of that young man right? And he said to them what got it in the lie? I'm gonna come and tell the Bajo.

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Baqarah Allah commanded that you slaughter an animal so sort of cow.

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I mean, what do you understand from this key manager? Man, you slaughter what? A cow. Right? What cow we'll talk about over here. Annika would be sufficient. But now they want to become philosophers. All of a sudden. So they ask Carlos, Donna Who are you marking us right now? Carla audible learner Kunal jehlen. So from Allah, how am I going to be such an invalid person? clutter? Alana Bucha, you will in MA? Okay, fine, ask you a lot to tell us how this look like. And now Allah Subhan Allah so make it very specific now that they make it harder on themselves. Okay, we'll make it hard for you.

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It looks like this, this color, that size that shaped that kind of then finally it was narrowed down to one single cow.

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And when they wanted to buy that car from this man, he asked for its weight in gold. And now they had to lose all this just because of their time not which means it's going to be so excessive and so extreme in trying to ask him all these questions, and if they just listen from the first time will be sufficient for them. So, that is something Allah Subhana Allah forbid us from doing going to excessive in this kind of questioning and so on. Some element they say, which was mentioned later on in the book, actually, is that the the Hadith was as a result of that, Allah Subhana Allah revealed the eye and sort of dilemma that yeah, you Alladhina amanu let us do Anusha into the locker room to

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soak them. Oh, you will believe don't ask about things that when they reveal to you it will, it will harm you or hurt you basically, that but however the majority of me they say that I actually revealed for something else is not nothing related to the story of this man, about hedge. So people they will ask the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for many things. Sometimes they would ask the Prophet sallallahu sallam, just because they're so excited, they want to excessively learn more. And the professor said would not like that. Like one of the examples a man the Prophet saw some was asking about our ox the Prophet was asked about what are the limitation between a husband wife when it

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comes to intimacy when she's on her period. So the Prophet says I may give the gift that he gave what needs to be done like avoiding one another period?

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Why because as long as he was still there, so the Jewish people do so and so and Medina, like that's the culture back then. So can we do this? And the professor said, No, he ended up there. Another man cam Carrera salah, how about we do we do the opposite of what they're doing?

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And then they said the promises and phase 210 Extreme rate which he was very angry with him, like how dare you call us I gave him the rolling. Why do you have to go like this by now? So he turned red Salah Salem and then the man felt awkward. So he kind of withdrew and he left

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was very embarrassing, very, very awkward moment. But Subhan Allah so Allah has said Allah Azza never hold grudge. At some moment, the promises have come down, obviously, and he received a gift of milk. And that moment he received a gift of milk, Salah Santa, that was something like a meal for them. So the Prophet immediately looked around to this man, because where was the man who asked this question earlier? Caller Salah Suraj he left says Go call him for me.

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So he sent somebody to go and bring him back. Now you put yourself in the shoes of this man who's running away right now. And then someone was sent after him to your hair. So I want you back.

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What? What goes through his mind right now? Fellas, I'm done. I'm gonna be punished. Right? But Subhan Allah rasool Allah has salat wa Sahbihi. O me will lie. how merciful how compassionate he was. He didn't want to leave this man to go with with any ill feeling or embarrassment or that he was I look at him was like, you see what he did to the prophet Samuel made him upset. He didn't want to have any kind of negative thoughts about him. Subhan

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from the community. So when the man arrived, obviously he must be shivering in that moment. The professor was smiling his face. He grabbed the milk he does have a sip.

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Like as if he's telling him no hard feeling, let's move on.

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So the amount of course obvious is like SubhanAllah. That was such a common moment for him probably Allah Tirana Wilda. So that's from the Prophet Salah Sam when people kind of like insist on asking question when they're not supposed to ask question. Sometimes people they ask questions that are

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they don't even need to know the answer. And that's one of the problems today many people they investigate on things the more you know, the more obsessed you become. You know what the situation that will ruin your life.

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ruin your life. Specifically when it comes to issues between husband wife between parents and children, and Dean is Melanie Alice sitter and we encourage people to keep to keep Citroen which means keep modesty and chastity and covering and concealing people's sins and so forth. It's not about really exposing people. So therefore, the more you investigate and dig into this, the worse it gets, unless of course someone is not is not remorseful and they're proud of their stuff for Allah sins. And that's a different story. So the Prophet SAW Selim, sometimes you will ask these questions like in the story, man.

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One time the Prophet was was very upset with his excessive questions. And then as he was telling the people that he was just don't ask me this question, man still want to ask more? He goes, Clara Salah SamCart. You know what, whatever you want to ask me about? I'll give you the answer right now. What do you want to know? A man says, who's my father?

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There's your man. What kind of question is that? Right? The reason why because this man, every time people argue with him, or maybe they have an issue with with him, they always they always go back again to his origin saying that you're not you're not illegitimate child, like you said, like he was a bastard. Basically, that's what they say. So he wants to kill this once and for all. So he asked the people, he has the prophesies in front of everybody. So Allah who was my father, and the Prophet says, Your father's forever

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to his real biological father hamdulillah

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his mom after his graduate goes, cup baccala like, what a shame, what a shame. What if one of the acid came, you know, came something different? Like, whoa, what's gonna happen to us? If you if the answer was not what you were looking for. But again, that's when our honorable Cadabra Dylon, he got really, really scared that the Sahaba and the people are scared that they kind of like upsetting the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he went and he kissed the provinces and fifth, Claudio Celebi Ibn to whom we also have teleseminar Matana philos with this we obey whatever you say, Hello, whoever said just come down Salawat Allahu wa salam Mali, some people unfortunately, you know, at the time of the

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Prophet salaallah Salam they what what they do they come to him just ask about. Yeah, and you can deliver things. Like they say, Where's where's my camel?

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Like, imagine the people that come to the Imam whether it happens just to let you know, people come to me says yeah, have you seen my car keys?

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Alone was like Why asking me? I mean, I don't have your car keys. I don't know. It's not to that extent, though. But at the time of the professor was, firstly, his app. So for law there was kind of like marking the profit or loss and more these kind of questions. And that's why the I came downstairs don't ask the professor about a question like this. So what the lie was, let's move on and see what the mammoth mammoth Raja means saying Rahmatullah the meaning of these prohibited questions like what are the questions that we're not supposed to ask? That's, that's the minimum? So it's going to be on page 141. Inshallah.

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That's the yellow mark.

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Do these studies show that it is prohibited to ask about those things for which there is no need? And whose answers would cause harm to the questioner, as for example, someone's asking as to whether he would be in the fire or in the garden, or whether his real father was the one to whom he was normally ascribed? Or someone else. They also show that it is prohibited to question in order to cause annoyance, or out of sport or mockery, as many of the hypocrites and others did. Similar. So these are the example that we mentioned to earlier two examples were mentioned in this chapter in this actual paragraph, the questions that you don't need to know the answer, because the answer

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could be actually counterproductive for you. And the other question is, is just like annoying to the prophets or Waterlow ceremony, or even to the people, like we say, sometimes just provoking people with these questions, provoking people with these questions. Sometimes people ask what they call them leading questions. Some of these didn't question can be good, because you would like to benefit other people with that. And some people can be really annoying because you know the answer. You're just gonna throw the question there just for the sake of you know, kind of like showing that you know, something, so be careful with that. Now, similar to that is asking and seeking for signs, as

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many of those who are associated partners with Allah and if the people of the book did right column, and others said, the idea was revealed about that and that's the third example people that were asking the Prophet SAW said, I'm with this impossible thing like

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Our desert like show us this, do this though show us that all of us was at the time of the Prophet Salla solando. Yes, go ahead.

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Very close in nature to that is to ask about things which Allah has concealed from his slaves and has not given them to know, such as asking about the moment of the hour and about the rule. And this has mentioned the Quran when Allah subhanaw taala mentioned many times in the Quran, it's kind of sad, yeah. Anna Mercer they asked about the hour, when is it going to be when is it going to be established? With Elmo and Dora? Say that only Allah knows that their knowledge of a sa also as a luna can rule they asked with regard to the rule and the soul and ALLAH SubhanA wa there's only knows what the soul is, how does it look like what's the nature of that soul? So these things know

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only Allah knows have that knowledge of this Don't ask about these things and sometimes happens to us as Imams, people that come to ask you about things we know that only Allah subhanaw taala would know the knowledge of this like some people that come say, you know I read about this so and so scholar, he found out you know, through some his depth of studying of the numbers of the Quran, he was able to calculate the judgment.

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Like, are you serious? Okay, Allah made it clear in the Quran. No one knows that they have judgment for sure, perhaps Hannah with that. So no matter what people said, claim, you can't do this. So we stay away from this kind of questions now.

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It indicates also that Muslims are forbidden to ask about a great deal of those things of the halal and haram which it is feared the question would cause the revelation of some hardship, such as the question of by the way, this was, as you can see what he said the last month, the last statement that he mentioned, that was what caused them hardship, because it will reveal some that will make things hard, so hard for them. So this was during the time of revelation and the time of the establishment of the law. So it's different in our time now, such as the question as to whether the hedge is every year or not. Now, in the second year, there is from psychological low, I knew that

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the greatest criminal of the Muslims against the Muslims is someone who asks about something which has not been forbidden, and which is then forbidden because of his asking not to God. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked about neon, he disapproved of the questions and consider them incorrect. Let's explain what Leanne is first. So Leanne is one of those folks ruling related to a

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situation between a husband wife if one of them excuse the man accused his wife with a fascia or the biller, if a husband accuses his wife of committing adultery, and he had no one which was mentioned sort of to know and has no witnesses about himself. In this case, he needs to stand before the judge. And he would invoke the curse of Allah subhana wa upon himself, that he was lying, that she committed such and such. And to protect herself from that punishment. She would also actually invoked out the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon herself if she was lying eventually and if if he was telling the truth, that's it. So that's what Eliane is, and it was not yet established at the

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time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So let's see what the rudeness when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked about Leon he disapproved of the questions and considered them incorrect, less than men who asked about it before it happened to be tested with it in his own family. So this is actually he referring to a story that was mentioned so Muslim and also a Muslim and Muhammad Rahim Allah Allah a man by the name or Middle Atlantic. Oh, I'm very large Lonnie, he went to another man. Also Brazil on Saturday a lot more boy, he said, Carla, is a little Sula, who Salas and can you ask the Prophet Sawsan for me? Like it was very awkward to ask about his situation

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to the Prophet innocent in a very embarrassing scenario. Because if a man finds another man with his wife, like he's saying, like he find them in the act, us. And then he out of course, out of jealousy was provoked, and then he kills this man.

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Are you gonna kill him for it? Because you're gonna get capital punishment for that? That was his question. So as someone uncited of the ultra Nevada he went to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked him that question, and the Prophet says, I didn't like it. He did not like this question at all. But what do we do with this person if this happens, so if this situation happens, come and talk to him about it.

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Eventually asked him want to revive her. And he told him you know what, I asked the professor Sam, he did not like it. And don't you ever say me again to the preface of a question like this? Your question Boardman, Ohio with a prophet salaallah. Salah. Like embarrassed me basically with the prophets that Allah Allah said, I'm alright. So, however, they said, You know what, that's not enough for me. So he went himself and he asked the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So when the Prophet says, I'm given the answer, obviously, you didn't like the question itself. But then Subhanallah it happened into the family of a lawyer himself, and that's what I learned, as the ruling was

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established and was revealed to them Allah. So basically, because of his question that Leon was, was revealed it was established in that fashion now.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to forbid tilta tittle tattle and gossip and a great deal of questioning and squandering

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property, which sometimes what happens actually is part of it is clear our call, which means when people keep asking question and keep saying things, and now you have it Subhanallah on WhatsApp groups in the comment section and everybody has an access to this today. And that's why we see that in the past the Allama have little knowledge, little knowledge in terms of in terms of material, but profound understanding of it, and profound acceptance practice of it. Today, we have so much access to material of knowledge, but unfortunately have little depth of that knowledge. Because again, the understanding is different. We look at it from different perspective these days now.

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The Prophet only gave license to ask questions to desert Arabs and the like from the delegations who came to him in order to draw them closer by that. As for the Maha gteen, and the US for the module one and the unsolvable, resided in Medina and whose Imam was secure in their hearts. They were forbidden to ask questions, as in Sahih, Muslim, the nurse in Somalia and said, I resided in Medina with the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam for a year and nothing prevented me from immigrating. But question

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when any of us emigrated, he did not question the prophets on the know why they use. This is one of the interesting things of Harlow by the Sahaba de la moda when they lived around the prophets of Allah salaam, they didn't dare ask a question. They wait for the prophets Allah Sam to initiate the rules. But every time they see a Bedouin coming from outside of Medina, they come to him and they start telling him ask him about this ask I was asked Oh, this is one of generation even they actually today they gave one one guy they gave him a board which means they said look, we're gonna give you like say like a jacket, for example, o'clock. We'll give you a clock but just go ask the

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professor some these questions. And they loved asking this good. Listen to this man on when it comes out the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and one of those incidents A man came from the desert. And he came to the Prophet SAW Allah Salam and just to give a perspective that the desert people they speak different dialect. So sometimes even the people of Medina, they wouldn't even understand what this man is saying. So that's why the man was speaking to the Prophet Salla seven, the Prophet says, and was kind of like answering him and the Sahaba they had no clue what this man was saying. God of AWS No, and Islam, and then we realize, Oh, he's asking about Islam.

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Like all the homies that was happening, they couldn't tell from his accent what he was saying. But the prophet says I was able to understand them. He was asking about Islam, and they were excited to hear these things. And I remember that also from Pamela from on a person personal experience will check out with me and Rahim, Allah Tana Sheva, they mean he lived in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula. And the city of renessa is a small town actually, in the heart of Arabian Peninsula. So the same thing as students, we only ask during the sessions, and we asked during that special, let's say, times with the chef or hatherleigh, the rally, but anything else leave it to the non students

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leave that time to the nonstudents. So sometimes, especially after salasar, specifically after also salah the Sheikh he doesn't like the students to ask questions. That's not your turn. Leave it for the hour for the masses to come and ask that question. And I remember like one time a man came from the desert now this was literally like this incident. If you look at him, his so suppose the white suppose the color of the third was white, but actually was brown, because of the dirt and the dust and being in the desert, Panama. You look at him. i It was a really, really very fascinating insight. And he was he looked really a desert man. That's what you call a desert man. And he brought

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his son with him. So when he came to the chef, I was fascinated because for me, that's the height that came to my mind the Bedouin, so it came as close as possible, try to understand what he's talking about. And I had clue what I was saying. will lie I couldn't understand the word from him. And the students keep saying, yes. Okay. I'm just like, how's your understanding him? I have no idea what he was saying. When the chef's has given the answer. I realized oh, this man as you talk about divorcing his wife it was valid or not.

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And then the shift are no, it's not valid that there was didn't happen, go go home, your wife is still your wife. So the guy stood up, he goes to son, come, let's go.

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I was lost such a very fascinating sight to a lie. It made me it made me feel that I went all the way in time to witness an incident like this, but definitely these people have done wonders for them when they ask all these questions. Let's move on to page 143 Insha Allah Tala,

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the companions of the Prophet so I got 143 one. Let's get let's get there first 143 I'll give them the chance to flip the page. Okay, go ahead. What has happened maybe the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would sometimes ask him about the ruling on some events before they had actually occurred. But they did so in order to act by them when they did happen. For example, when they said to Him, we will meet the enemy tomorrow and we have no butchers knives with us to slaughter animals for meat. Should we butcher with Cain? They asked him about the rulers whom he informed them would come after him and asked about obeying them or fighting them. For they asked

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about trials and

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about what he should do during them so just to give an IT perspective that story about the use of a cane cane is not really cane meaning that the wooden part is basically if you don't have a knife off you need you need the sword you need the daggers for the battle for example so you don't want them to be blunt by the time you get there is it okay if we cut the animal for example using a sharp object besides a blade such as for example bone that they carve and they make it actually sharp or a wooden piece that will be actually sharp that can also cut and the prophesy some say yes you can do that. As long as it's cuts and cuts clean unless the I suppose the blood of the animal it should be

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okay inshallah Tabata, Kota know what's the concept of this hadith? What is bring you this example for? So even the Sahaba they ask questions for the Prophet salaallah Salam, but they asked him question about things that that are happening soon. And there are practical you're not asking a hypothetical scenario that would never exist. That's the difference actually. Now.

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This hadith ie His Word, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, leave me alone, as long as I leave you, for the ones who were before you only perished because of the great number of questions and their disagreements with their prophets, shows that questioning is disapproved and blameworthy. Yet some people claim that was specific to the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, since it was feared things which were not forbidden might be forbidden by revelation in response to the question, or that something might be made obligatory, which is difficult to fulfill, and that this is safe after his dead son, Allahu Allah. He was, what do you guys think of this issue?

00:56:34 --> 00:56:55

But does that exactly mean? What does this concept means here? Some of them are they say, Look, this prohibition of asking these questions was at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam, because that was the time of Revelation. Now that revelation is complete, we should really ask these questions in details to get to have more knowledge. Let me give an example. Let's say somebody, for example, somebody who,

00:56:59 --> 00:57:13

afraid of asking about the ruling on on Zika, for example. Why? Because if he knows the answer, then he has to do pays a car, for example, let's say for example, as a guy on Bitcoins, for example.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:50

He doesn't, he's not going to ask the question about bitcoins. Why? Because he's afraid that if he asked if that Bitcoins, you know, consider the money that needs to up his account on it, he's gonna have to pick up. So is it okay for him to stay ignorant and say, You know what, I don't need to ask because the professor says, don't ask me any questions. Can he use this hadith for this matter? The answer is, what is your man? Absolutely not. It's a matter of fact, you're obligated to ask, because now these matters are real, and they're happening. And you're supposed to have the and the knowledge of this man. So you need to you need to actually give Zika and by the way, given the Bitcoins Yeah,

00:57:50 --> 00:58:16

the LMR, who considers to be an actual wealth and money, they say, Yes, you need to pay Zakat, and you didn't you need to base account into shallow water. So here he says that some of them are they say, this was at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. But he says that, you know, it's not just that even any form of questioning that might cause annoyance or cause disturbance or make things difficult for people by inventing myself, which is is going to call it overload that he says we shouldn't actually be.

00:58:17 --> 00:58:22

be asking these questions. Now, if you move next to the next actually point,

00:58:23 --> 00:58:26

the blue mark, which is on page 147.

00:58:30 --> 00:58:56

Yes, in this respect, people are divided into three categories. Number one of the followers of the people of Hadith, there are those who work who closed the door of questioning to the extent that their understanding and the knowledge of the limits laws and commandments that Allah revealed to His messenger are reduced, and that they become carriers of fit who are not themselves people of FIP kind of passed away a little bit so he's gonna divide when it comes to this Messiah. Well,

00:58:57 --> 00:59:32

what are your positions on these muscle asking the questions to in order for you to expand and expand on the subject of knowledge? He said, there are three categories. The first category he says about Al Hadith, scholars of Hadith, who closed the door of these questions and these hypothetical scenarios completely, he goes out because they don't want to go beyond the literal the letter of the text, the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Salla salah, because that category, limited its knowledge, limited its knowledge and close the door effect. So they did not really benefit much from the understanding of the Quran and the son of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So that's one, one

00:59:32 --> 00:59:59

category. The second category again, among the people of filth, who champion reasoning, there are those who are very expensive in generating cases and issues before they happen. Those which would ordinarily happen and those which would not, and they occupy themselves with finding answers for them and disputing about them, arguing in their favor so much that hearts are divided and separated by and because of which erroneous opinions as well as rancor, hostility and hatred become settled in their hearts.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:32

connected to which are often the intentions of winning the debate, seeking celebrity and vain glory, and seeking to turn people's faces towards them, which are the people of knowledge who seek to find pleasure disparage in which the center shows to be ugly and forbidden. Some of these people he talks about the scars of fact of that time he called them a ride that people have, right which means, you know, they're, they're so obsessed with with reasoning and trying to expand on the subject of fit by adding hypothetical scenarios. And some of them they actually, they do them for the sake of testing their students. And sometimes actually, that's it's really just

01:00:34 --> 01:00:49

has no meaning at all. Like, for example, here's a question for you. They say, if you were praying behind an Imam, and then the Imams had turned into a loaf of bread, sure, what do you do in this case? Do you continue your Salah? Or should you eat him?

01:00:51 --> 01:01:15

By the way, that's a real question you find in some books of fuck. But don't take me wrong. The Allama didn't put this question over there because they're really seeking a legitimate answer to it. Rather than doing this as a zoo, rather than just like kind of testing their students if they can relate to these questions from the from a hadith and folk. So what do you think this? This the scenario speaks about? Actually, what do you think?

01:01:16 --> 01:01:17

It's really to what?

01:01:19 --> 01:01:24

What Hadith Can you think of that this the unit can use to answer this question of

01:01:26 --> 01:01:36

the question a man was laid it brain behind an Imam and the Imam said turn into loaf of bread and the man was hungry? So should he continue salah or eat the Imams? Danny?

01:01:39 --> 01:02:17

I know it sounds ridiculous, right? But the purpose of this question is what from Hadith interview Salah Salem and nabina Ana salah, if you had rotted, what I would love for the professor, somebody forbid us from praying in the presence of food, if you're hungry, obviously. Or if you need to go to the bathroom. So now that this man is hungry, he's not supposed to make a Salah and the presence of food started the food appears in front of his face. Should he break his Salah to follow the Hadith and eat demand? Or should he continue the salah because you already started and then you can eat afterwards? You see, that's where the argument is right now. And some people are gonna say like, I

01:02:17 --> 01:02:40

think he should actually break his Salah and eat first. And then as you can see that in itself is sounds ridiculous scenario. But it's only for testing an experiment in their students. Another example, they would subpoena some of these hypothetical scenarios, at some point, at some point, they became legit. They became legit, like what kind of assert? Or do you have? Are you allowed to prey on a swing?

01:02:41 --> 01:02:45

Like if you're swinging on a swing? Can you play on a swing? Dejima

01:02:46 --> 01:02:51

you can't be on a swing. But guess what? You're dependent on swings? What are they? What do you call them today?

01:02:53 --> 01:02:54


01:02:55 --> 01:02:56

You're on the air?

01:02:57 --> 01:03:24

You're not on the ground? You're not you know on in the summer, it's an in between? So you're swinging basically. So are you allowed to pray on a spring right now? Right? And then somebody asked another question, that sounds really ridiculous. But that's another example that could come real. Like saying, for example, * yeah. And that's these are questions and books are filled by the call Roger on salah. wahala. He's got about a visa.

01:03:25 --> 01:03:28

Like a man was praying, he was carrying a bag of

01:03:29 --> 01:03:33

what do you want to call it? A bag of fourth basically,

01:03:34 --> 01:03:35

is a Salah valid or invalid?

01:03:38 --> 01:03:55

How are you going to classify this question to begin with, and forget about how he had all this gas in this bag? That's a different story. I assume he's already done that. And he's praying that Canada's gas basically on his on his back right now is just solid valid or not. Now we thought that this is actually is considered

01:03:56 --> 01:04:06

a difficult scenario to imagine. But nowadays in the medical field, a lot of this has happened is this where patients are walking around, you know, carrying them around with them.

01:04:07 --> 01:04:10

So what's the what's the ruling on this right now?

01:04:11 --> 01:04:24

Or human adult diapers? For example, are they allowed to play in this condition or not? So some of these scenarios can be actually real, but they're all about the solution. Are we actually delving into these scenarios unless really, they happen? Now, the third category right now.

01:04:26 --> 01:04:59

As for the possessors of FIP. Among the people of parties who act according to it, the greater part of their concern is to find out the meanings of the book of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and find out what clarifies it of the authentic sentences and verdicts of the companions and those who follow them in good deeds. And to find out about the Sunnah of the messenger of allah sallallahu are they he was sudden, and to recognize the authentic of it and the inauthentic gathering it's FIP and understanding it and reflecting on its meanings. Then they are concerned with knowing the words of the companions and those who follow them in good deeds on all the types of knowledge

01:05:00 --> 01:05:35

such as commentary on the Quran and Hadith cases of halal and haram, the principles of the Sunnah, doing doing without things which soften the heart, etc. This is the way of Imam Achmed. And those of the scholars of Hadith who seek divine pleasure, who are in accord with him, not. So he's saying or the third category is between these two categories. So the first category al Hadid, who just only focused on studying the letter of the text, without any understanding of the meaning of it, so they get themselves busy, just kind of like, think of the highlight to be authentic and authentic. That's the model the major things and when they come to given fatwas, they get better based on the letter

01:05:35 --> 01:06:13

of the text and, and completely being non flexible, because they don't know how to understand beyond this, the letter of the text. The second category goes, you know, away and beyond, but it's too much. So they lost the spirit of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, to the, to the pleasure of the intellectual reasoning and expanding on the subject of all students are subject to federal laws their ways, basically, because the middle way is for QA for QA and Hadith, those who have the understanding of the letter of the text, and also the spirit of the text itself, both of when they've combined both, you'll be able to adhere to the letter of attacks of Rasulullah

01:06:13 --> 01:06:32

sallallahu Salem's words, and also why he said that and the reasoning behind that, through learning the example of the Sahaba Delta Rama and how they practice the example The Prophet said about Allah, wa salam ala and that's the example the elements such as another element as well, too. Now, let's move on right now to page 149.

01:06:35 --> 01:07:09

Let us return to the explanation of the hadith of Julio Rhodiola. One, and say that whoever does not occupy himself with great numbers of cases the like of which are not found in the book of Allah nor in the Sunnah of His messengers, let alone why they must Salam, but rather occupies himself with understanding the speech of Allah and His Messenger, intending by that to be obedient to His commands and to avoid his prohibitions. Then he is one of those who submits to the command of the Messenger of Allah is on the longwater. He was Saddam in this hadith, and who act by his requirements. Those whose concern is not with trying to understand that which Allah revealed to His

01:07:09 --> 01:07:44

messenger and will occupy themselves with generating hypothetical cases which may or may not happen, and take on the responsibility for finding answers to them simply by reasoning, then it is feared that they are in the opposition to this hadith, practicing that which it prohibits and abandoning that we should commend. I have to mention by the way that the Imam with Raja Rahim Allah, He lived in a generation where that excessiveness over, you know, the obsession over this Messiah and these hypothetical scenarios, it was actually very popular in that time, very popular again, because first was was the one of the most popular things for them. And they like to of course, you know, expand on

01:07:44 --> 01:08:03

the meanings of facts. And there was a debate between the HANA buddies and the Sharpies and the Hanafis and so on. So that's what he says that the spirit of faith is just is dying. And as a result, we lost the application of this hadith and the Beast of Allah Allah wa salam by adhering to the commands of the Prophet Salah Salem and now we go to the, to these extremes in that regard. now

01:08:04 --> 01:08:38

know that the great number of things which happened for which there is no source in the book nor in the Sunnah only happened because of not being occupied with obedience to the commands of Allah and His Messenger, and with avoidance of the prohibitions of Allah and His messenger. If those who intend to do actions would only ask about what Allah has ruled concerning those actions and then obey it, and if they ask what he forbids and avoided, then events would take place within the limits laid down by the book and the Sunnah. However, people only act according to their own reasoning and desire, so that the generality of cases occur in a way contrary to what Allah legislates. And often

01:08:38 --> 01:09:10

it becomes difficult to refer them back to the judgments mentioned the book and the Sunnah, because of the remoteness from them, because when people started actually acting, you know, outside the Quran, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And then they invent certain scenarios. And then they tried to bend dinosaurs, the ayat and the Quran to fit these scenarios. And that's why they stopped producing these opinions and filth that is completely irrelevant, and not compliant to the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but a true believer, first of all adherence to that to the letter of the text, to understand the spirit of the text as well too. And whatever

01:09:10 --> 01:09:41

happens out when they happen, we try to understand and within that context of the cornerstone of the prophets of Allah salah, not coming from the outside and then try to bend all the higher than the Hadith to fit these reasonings. And that's what we have today and such a very intellectual society when everybody is thinking of themselves as you know what they're an authority when it comes to the Quran, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam they think that their opinion is an authority because they can and they have Masha Allah, Allah give them this kind of intellect and they have degrees in such and such, you know, philosophical for example, degrees and so on. They think they

01:09:41 --> 01:09:44

have the authority of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Alright, now

01:09:46 --> 01:10:00

in general, whoever obeys that which the prophets of Allah Almighty, He was salam commands and this hadith and keeps away from that which He prohibits, and is occupied with that and nothing else will attain safety in the world and the next life. Whoever is opposed to the

01:10:00 --> 01:10:31

And he's busy with whatever occurs to him and with that which he himself thinks good will fall into that which the prophets on Allahu alayhi wa sallam warned against, ie the state of the People of the Book who perished because of the great number of questions they asked and their disagreements with their prophets and their lack of submission and obedience to their messengers. He's really emphasizing the point again, that is all about what the GMAT is all about submission to the Command of Allah Subhana Allah the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam like what you need to take from this discussion is that when you leave this place, you need to value the way you

01:10:31 --> 01:10:59

need to vet every the revelation of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam above anything that you can think of in terms of authority, no matter how appealing something to you, no matter how you think this is actually makes sense to me in certain ways and so on. If the Quran and the Sunnah opposing that oppose that tradition or that culture that practice then you adhere to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam money. Otherwise, if you don't do so, then you're going to subject the Quran and Sunnah to your own personal desires and whims and understanding of things now

01:11:01 --> 01:11:28

about his word sallallahu alayhi wasallam when I forbid you something avoided when I tell you to do something do of it what you are able, one of the people of knowledge said it is derived from this that the prohibition is more serious than the command because there is no concession allowing one to do any part of the prohibition, but the command is conditional on the ability to do it. What do you guys think about this man over here? What is more important that's out of Allah subhanho wa Taala to avoid the prohibition or to fulfill the commandment?

01:11:30 --> 01:11:36

What do you guys think? What is more important to avoid prohibition? Or to fulfill commandment?

01:11:39 --> 01:11:48

Let me hear from you again. What do you guys say? I want to say, I believe that avoiding prohibition is more important than fulfilling commandment.

01:11:51 --> 01:12:05

Okay, so is the majority say no. Fulfilling that command is more important than avoiding prohibition. I'll give an example. Now which one is more important to observe? The five daily prayers

01:12:06 --> 01:12:08

for avoiding committing murder?

01:12:10 --> 01:12:17

What do you guys think? Stay away from murder, not spilled the blood of an innocent person was five daily prayers. What are you guys doing?

01:12:19 --> 01:12:24

So which one is worse? To abandon the five daily prayers are killing an innocent person?

01:12:26 --> 01:12:32

How many of you say abandoned the five delivers is worse than committing actually a crime? And that sense?

01:12:33 --> 01:12:37

How many of you say no, the spelling of a blood of an innocent is worse than abandoned the five daily prayers?

01:12:40 --> 01:12:41

Oh, man,

01:12:42 --> 01:12:44

social justice people, right?

01:12:45 --> 01:12:47

No, but SubhanAllah. That's the argument among the Allama.

01:12:49 --> 01:12:57

This is not what he's referring to which one is more important? So there are two opinions. Some of them are they say no, actually avoiding the prohibition is much more important than

01:12:59 --> 01:13:08

the commandment itself. Why? Because when it comes to avoiding the prohibited the prohibition, we're the purpose of this as what that will masterda

01:13:10 --> 01:13:17

to remove harm and damage. And usually on rules of thumb, the removal of harm takes a priority over the establishment of benefit.

01:13:19 --> 01:13:55

Also, the benefit of TA of worship is individual zone you when you pray the five developers but if you commit a crime that hurts everybody else and the society so they say actually the avoidance of the of the harm or the sin is more important than then fulfilling the commandments. However the other opinion which is the choice of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah Rahim Allah Tala and also Bill Karim Rahim Allah elaborate on that in his book and for a while he was no no avoiding the command or at least abandon the command is worse than committing the sin and he gave the example of Adam and Iblees

01:13:56 --> 01:14:02

Adam Annabelle is a bliss a bliss was was asked what Gemma

01:14:03 --> 01:14:14

to prostrate so he was given a command to prostrate before Adam for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. So, he abandoned the command. He refused to fulfill the command.

01:14:15 --> 01:14:42

But Adam was asked to refrain from eating from the tree, but he did. So what happened he committed a sin by breaking the command the prohibition of air so Allah subhana wa Tada forgive Adam, but the bliss was not forgiven for that. So he says that there are therefore avoiding the commandments and abandoned the commandment is worse than committing the crimes.

01:14:43 --> 01:15:00

Now that's again an issue of dispute among the Aloma. But nevertheless, your duty to Allah subhanho wa Taala is to make sure that you show reverence and respect and vinegar in Allah's commandments no matter what. Whether Allah subhanaw is asking you to fulfill a commandment or to refrain from

01:15:00 --> 01:15:34

committing haram. It's extremely extremely important that you observe all these rules for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala the last thing we need to add and show the blue mark the last blue mark. Now, the upshot of your words shows that avoiding things which are forbidden, even if there are very few things is better than doing extra optional active obedience, because that is obligatory and these extra voluntary acts are optional. A group of the later generation say that he only said sudden alarm or that he will sudden when I forbid you something than avoid it. And when I command you to do something, do it what you're able, because obedience to a command only comes about through

01:15:34 --> 01:15:58

action. And the existence of action depends on preconditions and causes, some of which one may not be capable of. And so for that reason, he made the provision of that one that one is able to do it. As a lot of couples his command to have Taqwa with the ability to do so when he when he Exalted is He says, but the Allahu must have gotten. So have Taqwa of Allah as much as you are able to, he says about the Hajj.

01:15:59 --> 01:16:37

What he learned here in June, at Minister bar, you know, he said, the hijab to the house is a duty owed to Allah by all mankind, those who can find a way to do it. As for prohibition, what is desired from it is the absence of the actions which are prohibited, and that is the primary situation, so that what is intended is the continuance of the original absence of what is prohibited, and that is possible and there is nothing in it which one is which one is unable to do. But there's also another view on this because the motive for doing acts of disobedience may be strong, and the slave may may have no patience to prevent himself from doing the act of disobedience, although he is able to do

01:16:37 --> 01:17:10

it. Thus restraining himself from it requires great struggle. So once I've made use of these two paragraphs over the finish this inshallah to work our discussion here, he is answering the question, which one is more, which one is more difficult? Which one is more difficult to endure during the commands? or abstain from the prohibition? What do you guys think? Like which one is more is requires more effort to wake up for Fudger and pray the five daily prayers on regular basis? Or to stay away from Xena stay away from for example, from drinking alcohol? What do you guys think? Which one is not?

01:17:13 --> 01:17:32

fulfilling the obligation, according to me, says look fulfilling the obligation because ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, when he spoke about fulfilling obligations is what must attach to whatever you're capable of doing. And everything that Allah prescribed for us, it isn't our capability. No one can say, well, that means I don't have to pay five daily prayers because I can do three, that's all. No, no, when Allah said five you can.

01:17:33 --> 01:18:10

And regarding the prohibition, he didn't say, avoid prohibition as much as you can. He didn't say he goes avoided completely. Why? Because the prohibition requires what from you abstinence, you don't have to initiate anything says this third element. But waking up prefer requires effort. That's what's harder. But he says still, though, for some staying away from the Haram begets it becomes very hard on them. Why? Because the day which means the incentive to do the Haram is so powerful, so strong, that they can't abstain from them. And he gave an example in some later on actually, in the book. He said that some people are very righteous, they're very righteous, they're very worshipers

01:18:10 --> 01:18:46

of Allah subhanho wa taala. But unfortunately a die their desires are too strong that they can't stand against it and they still commit sins. And that's why he says it's really it's a matter of personal thing. For some people doing the command harder than abstaining from the prohibition for others actually is the opposite of the other way around. But our required for us is try our best. You always, always try your best inshallah to Allah and your best you don't know exactly what is to the best of your ability until you try. So keep trying to abstain from the Haram and keep fulfilling Allah's command May Allah Subhana Allah make us among among those who are too too adorable Allah

01:18:46 --> 01:18:54

Mina Al Hamdulillah so Allah said amount of you know Muhammad Anwar early was Savio, Sanam Zsuzsa next week in shallow data, and we will continue the q&a after salata, Alicia inshallah

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