Yaser Birjas – Seeking Forgiveness After Salat

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the use of "fitness" to describe actions and emotions, and the significance of finding forgiveness in situations. The speakers emphasize the importance of forgiveness and the need for it after actions of worship. COBRA, a means of perfection, is also discussed, emphasizing that it is not just a matter of peace, but a matter of perfection. The speakers also touch on how COBRA is used to make people feel better, but it is not just a matter of peace, and emphasize the importance of forgiveness.
AI: Transcript ©
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Muhammad Ali, also have your salon with the Sleeman Kathira my my bad. We ask Allah subhana wa to make it easy for our brothers and sisters in Morocco but we ask Allah azza wa jal to alleviate their suffering. We ask Allah subhana wa Bucha to restore the livelihood, we ask Allah to protect them and their lives and the properties in the livelihood era. But I mean, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to restore peace and tranquility into the lives of Allah. We ask Allah subhana to make us among those who will be able to help them in any ways.

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We ask Allah subhana wa Taala for them the best in this dunya and in the after, they accept those who pass as shahada but Allah mean and restore the health of those who are injured and we ask ALLAH SubhanA to bring peace to all those alive your ability.

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Remember, never him Allah Allah Allah and Hadith number 1876. On the other side of hey, if you could tabulous too far the book of forgiveness call one Savannah Radi Allahu Anhu call Kana Rasulullah has sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even sort of a masala tea and stuff for Allah Tala and Wacol Allahumma Anta, salaam wa Minca Salam, Director urdal, Gera cron, pale Zaha Hadid water Hadith que Finisterre for color Kula Starfield Allah Astok Pharaoh ferula are Muslim. And this hadith Imam Anil Rahim Allah reports theraband are the Allahu alayhi wa Taala rasool Allah is Allah Kulkarni Rasul Allah has Salah Salem, when the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam he finished his salah, talking about

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the fourth salah. He would he would ask for forgiveness three times. You would ask forgiveness three times. And then he would say SallAllahu wasallam Allahumma Anta Sera, Ya Allah you are, you are peace, from Inca Salah and you be still peace. The Baraka generally will calm us panna watersedge, Allah you are blessed. Blessed you are a possessor of glory and honor. Remember that was one of the sub narrators was asked. How would he seek forgiveness how he does a step back? And he would say Estelle fear Allah Astok federal law. So what does it mean here? First of all, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, every time he finished his first Salah, the first thing that he pronounces after

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the official Salah is worth a stop for Allah, a stop for Allah, a stop for Allah, which means your Allah, I asked you for forgiveness, you're allowed to forgive, I beg for forgiveness. And then the irony here is that you're asking forgiveness and you beg for forgiveness after what

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Salah performing about an act of worship, which is paradoxical. Because when you finish an activity, what should you say? Alhamdulillah. Right, like I've done a great job hamdulillah but in order to avoid that feeling of pride, that feeling of over achieving, or that you've done a great job, you humble yourself for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and seeking forgiveness for it.

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Maybe that Ibadah was not done properly. Maybe you were just distracted. Maybe you don't feel that your heart was there. There is always always a reason why for you to seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala because no matter what you do, even if you spend your day and night, worshipping Allah subhana wa Tada you guys know that you're not going to be able to compensate for at least one of Allah's blessings bestowed upon you hasn't had an interview Salah Salah Bada, the sense of a buzzer the site and see when a man as a prophesy mentioned the Hadith, who spent 70 years of his life worshiping Allah Subhana dedikate His love for everybody. And when he died, he met with his

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Lord Subhan Allah Allah Allah azza wa jal at renewal Ginetta via rahmati admin him to Jana, by mercy, by my grace and the man of color, Robbie, why, by Your grace, what about the seven years I've done when I wanted to know exactly how much I get from my work?

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So Allah Subhana Allah says you for all his 70 years of over a vida, and on the other side, just put his

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hustle bustle just his site. Obviously, the site was heavier than what all the Ibadah he put against it. Which means no matter what you do, you cannot you cannot pay for the blessing that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada is bestowing upon you and that's why every time we do Salah riba or even hedge or sadaqa The first thing we say who says what is your man? Stop for Allah stop for lust for life someone praises you for an act of worship that you've done for the sixth panel with Anna the first that should come out of your mouth is what I stuff. I guess that whatever you're saying, I will do will I you know, I don't think this is actually is fair. No, I haven't done that great. You always humble yourself.

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Then after saying as the Father prophesied, some would say Allahumma Anta Salam, O Allah you are peace, when Minkus Salam in peace comes from you, which means you're the one who bestows please. Tabata Tabarrok the other day with the Quran is panna cotta.

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aren't as your ALLAH blessed you are the one who possesses all glory and all honor. Now when we say Allahumma Anta salam to each other, what do we say? A salamati Right? Peace be with you. But you cannot say that to Allah subhana wa Tada. You said that to the prophets, Allah says Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Salah mana Mohammed salat wa salam ala Rasulillah right. So we said about the prophets that Assam but we cannot say that about Allah subhana wa Tada. Why is that? Because he himself Subhana wa Taala is all peace

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and all peace comes from Him. And the meaning of salaam over here not just peace is also a salam from every blemishes you could think of every in every deficiencies, that you can think of in this creation. Allah subhanaw taala is sallam. He is free of any of these deficiencies, blemishes that could have been actually to any human being what it is creation. So when we say Allah Salam that he is peace and His perfection, that's what it means to Panama. Like he is perfection. Nada He is perfect. No perfection is him Subhana wa Tada.

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That's why

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my name is Khadija Allah Tirana when she was given the news from Allah azza wa jal Rasul Allah subhanaw taala. This is Jibreel coming and he's delivering the salam from Allah subhanho wa Taala to you

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to Khadija the Allah and Allah Azza and salaam to her. What did she say? She didn't say what I said I'm amatola She doesn't know God Allah Who Salam ominto Salah Allah is Peace. And he's the one who bestows salaams Hannover dal. So that's what whenever you say Allahumma Anta Salam, it's not just about being a matter of peace, really. It's also a matter of perfection. So ALLAH SubhanA wa the spiritually and all His attributes and beautiful names and his actions no matter where they are. And even as we make dua for brothers and sisters in Morocco, subhanAllah we sometimes will think about this. So how is that you know, fits in there? Allah azza wa jal, He created everything, everything

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that we see good and everything that will say otherwise. And many of these actions that we might see to be awful, we have to keep in mind that Allah azza wa jal never creates absolute evil. So no matter how awful matters are, there will always be an element of higher some they you know, some they don't see it. So in a situation like this, some people all what they look at is what that trust is the pain and then they start blaming God for this.

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Others What do they say? Or what do they see as a matter of fact, they see opportunity to show compassion

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immediately. So ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada provoked in the hearts of those who believe those who fear Allah subhana those who seek His reward, what competition to do hide for these people as much as we can. So we give it our money, we give our time, our effort, whatever that you can assist and help, you will do that. So even though we don't see this to be perfect in that in that micro level, but in the macro level of Allah's creation, all of this is part of a perfection model from Allah subhanho wa taala. So instead of complaining about what's happening there, what do we need to do? Make dua for them and make dua that Allah uses us in a way to help these people in sha Allah, Allah Allah so

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we can get the reward for making their life easy for them. That's how we do it. So may Allah Subhana Allah make it easy for all of us are Bananaman and the last thing he says kartha Baraka urdal Jelani malegra says your ALLAH blessed you are because you are the possessor of all glory, and all honor. Of course, he is subhanho wa Taala Amin Allah azza wa jal al Karim al mana and we asked him to make it easy for our brothers and sisters who are going through difficulties in Morocco and elsewhere in the world Yoruba Alameen, WA sallahu, WA Tada any questions

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so the question is, can we say this after the Sunnah as well? Well, it seems that the Prophet says I'm used to say that after the fall, but after so you can say whatever you want to say.

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If you insist on doing it regularly, it might be because I promise I did not do that with Allah. Now

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are there any relations with says the promises and begins with tech Pierre it's disputable because of authenticity. Although some they said these two here the Sahaba they used to know that the salah ended when they hit that we have the people which was after the Saudis Allahu Akbar Allah Subhana. So that's that's the narration but Allah Allah I would say this the FAR is to start with the first Allah. Now

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Suhana Calamba hummed Ashada several thrombotic Warahmatullah

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