Yaser Birjas – Racism, human original sin

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The potential for racism to lead to disaster and reform in society is discussed, including the success of Islam as a means of admission and reforming communities. The importance of humanizing culture and finding ways to make it a better one is emphasized. The history of racism in the Middle East is also discussed, including the use of negative language and the importance of social interaction. The importance of love for each other and a sense of community in marriage is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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The human Original Sin, no matter how much we try to go away from it, no matter how much we try to ascend above that, no matter how much we reform people, communities, humanity, then somehow law people, they keep returning back again, over and over again to that same original sin. No matter how much you try, it comes in different forms, whether it's racism right now, which is a new form of tribalism, as a matter of fact, racism against the opposite gender racism against, you know, people of different colors, who are different than you even with different abilities, all kinds of racism Subhanallah it's a human Original Sin. And you know, what, it caused a lot of problems. And as a

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matter of fact, it's it's a crime. It's not a it's not a point of view, like many people did try to, to shape it and try to speak about it as being a different opinion. It's a point of view. Now, what's not a point of view a lie. being racist as a man is not a point of view. Now, that's a human sin. And we should really ascend and go beyond that to highlight causes crimes, such as the one that just happened recently in Pittsburgh, in the synagogues, Carla, it causes its cause it goes world wars, as we all know, the cause of the first and the second world war in particular is all about people thinking that they're better than others.

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It's, it's a crime, and it can lead to disasters. The problem with this is that sometimes when it comes to the subject of racism, a lot of people specifically within the Muslim community, they think Alhamdulillah, we're safe. Islam is inclusive and hamdulillah. Look at our masajid we're very diverse, Mashallah. And that tells you a lot about how inclusive we are on our hamdulillah we're, you know, we, we include everybody in the community, but we could be really racist from the inside.

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We could be truly racist, you could be one of them, I could be one of them without you noticing that the way we behave, the way we interact. Sometimes it's an indicator of this subtle form of racism. And we need to be true about it, we need to wake up, we need to make sure that what do what's going on in the community right now in the world, in America, in particular, as an overall community for us. It's really, really dangerous. And if you read the history of nations, if this continues in that fashion, that's gonna lead to disaster. It's not just massacres. It could create really a huge international crisis and instability. And so how are the Muslims as Muslims of Hamdulillah, we have

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a huge reservoir of information and knowledge and even practice and procedure that can help reduce that tension and eliminate that that tension, maybe not 100%. But at least we do have a lot of the tools that we can help people get out of that and reformed communities to become less and less inclined to address Islam. You see, to say that we can take it all out. I can, I can say that, because even the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, after all the teachings he has done to his community. So what Allah wa sallam which we're going to talk about in a bit shallow tala, but after all the instructions, or the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. At

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the end, he says, tell us three things. Three things mean I'm Raja Hillier of the manners of Jehovah, which means matters of the practice of the people before Islam. He says, My own man will always be doing Khufu these things, which means they cannot let go of these things. And one of the mentioned at the fall horrible. So

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what what our Carnival and our Carnival a Sabbath of our homeland said that they always they always brag about their personal family pride, they always you know, kind of like, raise and inflate their their ancestor legacy and bloodlines and culture and themselves and their names and their families. And also always belittling and insulting other people, based on the same fact. So it exists in the community, it exists in the society and it's not, you know, it's not going to go anywhere so easily. But we do have the tools, we do have the instrument and we do have the teaching that will help us in sha Allah, Allah ascend above that, and make the community a better community. And if we have that,

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we can lead the way to others around us in sha Allah, Allah, how we can remove this, the sense of racism in the society? Well, let me talk about it from the very beginning, how it all start and what do we have in our Deen that will help us inshallah share with others, share with our neighbors, with our you know, with our co workers with the people around us, hopefully, by humanizing, humanizing humans to that level, we can make big difference in shallow data. So in this clip, I want to share with you for Muslim perspective, how do we see racism and what the professor some did in order for us of handler to eliminate that the first thing that we know about racism that started from the very

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beginning of the time when Allah Subhana Allah created Adam, which is why I say it's a human original sin, but who started it anyway? Did it come from Adam himself? No. The element they argued was

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was the first sin ever committed after the creation of Adam? The first sin that was ever committed? After the creation of Adam? They say what he believes he believes refusing to prostrate before Adam. Okay? Allah Subhana given order to blaze the trail on the devil, you need to you need to prostrate before Adam as an honor everything for him. Now, he refused. And that was a sin. But now what was the cause of that sin? What made it believes refuse the command of Allah subhana wa Tada. Look how dangerous racism can be.

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Look how dangerous people focus on colors, focusing on gender focus in their own culture on their own language, the legacy how dangerous it could be admitted, please reject Allah subhanaw taala as orders.

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Sounds familiar among humans as well. Like in our cultures as Muslim, we told America tequila, I mean, Allah so Allah says this is the Quran is a pseudonym. But then people that say, I know I understand, but you know, in my culture, so and so it happened to live one time someone asked me a question. And I answered him from the Quran. And as soon as you know, it's not okay, because the loss of assets are no poor. And the professor says in the Quran, and the Hadith and so on. So basically, I told him that this is not allowed, because it's an apprentice to not expand there. He goes, You know, I believe you're right. But actually, in my culture, we do these things.

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And will lie, my face turned red in a moment. And it just shook me that answer shoot bla bla, like, I'm telling you Kala color suit and you're telling me, Carla, Abu furano con, whoever that is that you sit in your ancestory line is to that level, that sometimes this sense of superiority and racism can lead people to reject Allah subhanaw taala commands we think, you know, we don't know what the shaitaan is, did long time ago, we sometimes do that the same thing to why because we believe our culture is more superior. Our food is more superior, let it be, but these are the trivial things. But when it comes down becomes into your head and you believe you're better than other people

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because of the color of your skin. Or because of your professional because of your gender because of your color, whatever that is. Somehow that becomes dangerous. Now is everyone son of every human being is acting in that same fashion believing in the same myth in his mind. We become a group of devils that are the blind spot of each other do the same thing to the shaytaan rejected the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala because he was racist. What did he say when Allah told him my man aka Allah does dah dah dah Mahalo to bat. What prevents you from posterity before what I have created Allah subhanho wa Taala said to please, what was his answer? His answer is on logic like many of us,

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we try to justify that to ourselves rationally. We say you know, as he said, Allah Anna Holloman, I'm better than him.

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Why are you this Oh, what's your basis of this kind of this claim called HELOC attorney may narrow and lock the home and when you create me from fire, he's made of made of mud made of dirt.

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Like he's looking down upon

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Adam, even though it was a magnificent creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the losses kurama Bunny and Allah says we have elevate, we have honored the creation of Adam and the children of Adam's panel and this company believes because he had this kind of emotional envy or animosity towards this new creation. And then he start justifying this in his own mind that you know what, I think I'm better than this nothing. So therefore I deserve to you know, to this obey Allah Xhosa. that exact same mentality exists until this day in the mind and the heart of a lot of people, Muslims and non Muslims we have some personal preferences issues, we will comfortable with our own

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kind our own people because that's a very comfort zone for us. And then we start looking for some sense of mental justification. You know, when I was researching on the subjects of higher law and on the internet the amount of papers and research paper that were produced scientifically so called or academically to prove that racism is you know, is okay is a natural thing. It's a human behavior human practice. Just like really, we're looking for every opportunity to justify something like this even will bring science into it. Okay, it's okay to be racist, basically. Okay, fine, you can be racist, but doesn't justify acting like this.

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You want to keep it in your heart that's up to you. But that doesn't justify you misbehave, and you insult other people just because you believe it's scientifically proven to be true that you can be shown so Allah subhana wa tada from the beginning of the revelation. He taught us that this is not the case. And as a matter of fact, if you look at the teachings of Islam, and what was going on in the world, prior to the advent of Islam, that level of racism was increasing.

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People were enslaving each other because of they believe they're superior to other people because of their color because of their culture. And it's a kind of culture trying to Overlay and take up space and location and in history as well of other cultures. It's all about that superiority. Came Islam, to teach people it doesn't have to be that way. Allah Subhana Allah that we see it in the Quran when Allah azza wa jal when you recite the beginning of Surat Al Fatiha Allah subhanho wa Taala says al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Praise be the Lord who is Rob will me the Lord of the worlds you see the beginning of certain factor has an indication or reminder constant reminder for you and I we are

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all from the Al amin from the world from everybody and we are all belong to the same Lord. It's a constant reminder to us that we belong to the one and only subhana wa Taala. He didn't say Robin, the white people or the black people or the Arabs or the he didn't say that I said to everybody, as an as a reminder to all of us, like whatever differences we have is completely irrelevant when it comes to religion that Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, it's ironic that the Fatiha is the first surah in the Quran and the last word on the Quran in surah. xS, right. So written as the people mankind, and what's the beginning sort of xs coolaroo do burrup bidness mexicanus illa Hannah's a

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final reminder for us as you read the Quran from the beginning reminding you you belong to the one and only you're all equal in that sense. Allah somehow reminding us also towards the end. Now as we have seen this the order of the sutras, Allah subhanho coolaroo, the bourbon saicm refuge were up bidness in the lord of oneness, the people mankind mexicanus the king of mankind, the people Illa Hannah's the God Allah subhanho wa Taala of the people, constant reminder that you all nurse you all people, you're all people, and there is no mention of any kind of distinctive quality with these people.

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No color, no size, intellect, no profession, no socioeconomic status, absolutely nothing. We all belong to the same category. We all human beings. One of the suitors which is was one of my favorite sources to recite and read and reflect on a lot specifically in the context of our time right now inserted in the Quran in Surah Surah Nisa, chapter number four. So Tony said the chapter of women, if you look into it, the essence of Surah Nisa is nothing but social reform.

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Allah Subhana Allah said the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as he said, Ramadan Allah mean mercy to the world. But how is that could be possible. It has to bring change, what kind of change we're talking about. That's when social reform comes in. You need certain NASA needs, the sort of focus is on first always the weakest link of the society. The first it focuses on is establishing a very, very fundamental principle for us human beings, which an AI that we decide every Friday at the beginning of the hotbar Yeah, you have NASA Takara, Bakula, the halaqa command NASA wide the beginning of certainly sir the first iron, all people, all mankind, it Dakota back home, be conscious of your

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Lord, Allah, Allah Kakuma, nafsa wahida, who created you all? Who created all of you from the same single person? What does that mean? No matter how much you think you're better than others, you go back to the same gene.

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You coming back to the same source Neff sinuata. And from that same source, Hala caminhar selja. Then he creates a pan on what Allah that spouse. And then from them both, both women who manage Allah and Cafiero Vanessa, then came all these men and women.

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And then Allah Subhana is reminding us of Allah, be conscious of Allah zildjian because of Allah spirit, Allah azza wa jal, Allah de de was or him by whose name you demand us from each other. While our ham and also our ham, he means basically, you're the type of kinship. Another reminder that at the end, ultimately speaking, we all tie together and this sense of of kinship, that we're from the same pair, the same husband, the same are the same and the same woman from the very beginning of Surah Nisa, Allah has reminding us about this, why? Because that was a premise. So whatever comes afterwards, people need to submit to that. Why? So maybe it's easy for us to understand at some

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point of handler living in a society that has multiple, of course, you know, narratives in regard to this issue of racism and so on. But back then there was no other story, no other narrative, no other path but racism in that culture. If you studied the Arab culture from the back in the days in those days panela

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it was all tribal, obviously, and tribalism was based off the subject of racism

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to the micro level.

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How's that? You have

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Have they filled the entire Arabian peninsula, but then they themselves are divided into tribes and tribes into clans and clans of two families and each one of them is just believes is more superior than others, even within the kurush therefore, is the tribe of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they had families and they always compete and fight among themselves.

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You know, the two rivals of Banu Hashim and and bento abdomen are basically one they can and the prophets and became the messenger. And then they went to Abuja Hello, Antonio, why don't you become Why don't you accept? Don't you believe what he says? Because you listen, you know, they said that we do this, we do that. So whatever good they produce, we did the same thing. So we're always competing with them. But then they come and they say they have a profit, we're gonna go to a profit from elsewhere, we're not going to give them the pleasure of believing in that profit. So became a matter of what, no, we're not going to allow them to be better than us. That's why the refusal

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Rasulullah Hassan Ahmed rejected the message. So it's again, it goes back again to this sense of racism in that sense. See, Allah subhanho, wa Taala, sent the Prophet sallallahu Sallam again to reform the humankind. And at least to bring back the people to one principle as a Muslim, and this is what exactly I want to start really focusing on. Our message is very simple. That's the beauty of Islam. The message of Islam that we should deliver to the world is more than just a theological debate. It just bothers me a lot with a lot of people they focus when we talk to non Muslims and people of other faiths, we always focus on theological differences. Like we focus on proving who

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Risa was and what the Quran in how it was revealed the Bible this and this is this is in some points of Allah would be irrelevant, unless we focus on something much more important. And that is to bring back again to the basics people bring them back to the basis and one of them is unfilter. The natural in it, to believe in Allah Subhana one on one on all ism. Hannah, do you see a lot of the people who accepted Islam at the beginning of the dour in Mecca, they didn't accept Islam because the prophet SAW some promise them, you know, with treasures and conquering Persian descent. No, because what was wrong with saucer and was teaching them was touching their hearts?

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This is true. It was fitrah it was natural, like telling them, hey, humans are all the same. They're all equal. You can be righteous like everybody else. There is no such thing, as you know, as someone is better than the other one because of their bloodline. And so all these things resonate a lot with these people. Your Money doesn't make you better than me. And it resonated with these people's palates. It accepted Islam easily. And it seems that we're not really focused so much on this message, bringing people back to the basics. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he one time he asked us a habit to get him a miswak that miswak with the toothbrush basically from a tree. I believe Miss

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Ruud was a very tiny Sahaba of the lawn in terms of his size. So because he Stan and his light as everybody was trying to rush to get up the tree he was already up there. And as he was getting cutting the twig to the for the prophets of Allah salam, the wind blew and showed his his legs and his feet and they were very, very tiny and little habitus are laughing at it. And the prophets Allah Sam said to them, he says you laugh at his at his legs. They're heavier in the scale than the mountains are heard. And then he says to the last lm in Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't look at your images like this is irrelevant to Allah as the origin, your color, your size, the color of your hair in your eyes. This is completely irrelevant. Allah zosen leyendo la soracom Wanaka Nando illa kulu qumola Malika Allah will look into your hearts and we will look into your deeds that was going to matter the most. You could say about yourself or you want to say or matters to Allah Subhana is much more important. And that's the message we need to focus on. We need to focus bring people back again to this basics. Like what is in your heart what is in your Amen. Obviously, I hope by delivering this message correctly, people that find way to

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Allah subhanaw taala easily, like the Prophet did not enforce it on the people they immediately accepted that and they gave the Chateau de la Milan home while bomb mighty brothers and sisters Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he instructed the Sahaba to do that, to make sure that they go back to the basics and also to establish that sense of, of human nature among themselves in the teachings of Islam, not just preaching it, also practicing it. Now in the preaching the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had always encouraged people to focus on of course, or the Imam not looking at each other and then he did that practice himself. Salatu was Salam Ali in the hood, but the final, the final

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hotbar that the Prophet says it has given the sermon on arafa on the final hedger, he did sallallahu wasallam. He made it very, very clear. It was an ambiguous message. It was absolutely clear

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message that is all about what you do your Eman and your taqwa he said Salah Salem and that Hooda Kala La la la bien Allah Jimmy there is no further which means there is no preference there is no virtue for are up against non Arab. For for a white against someone who is black for this against that mentioned different variations people they seem to be superior in one way or another. He says no, they're absolutely irrelevant in lab taqwa except the taco, which means as long as you're pious and righteous, that's what makes you superior. But then when I say that's what makes you superior, it doesn't make a superior in the dunya By the way, just to let you know, like some people when they

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see themselves, they go to the masjid they pretty much regularly they look down on others who don't know it doesn't that's another form of racism. Just because they're not close to Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't give you doesn't give you the right to go and insult them and humiliate them. A taqwa makes you superior true, but in the ACA because I don't know if that what your show is stuck well I don't know that a lot. The only one who knows it's upon Allah Tada. So using these, you know, kind of positions or this ayah to kind of see yourself superior over others in the dunya. That's another way of looking at racism from a different perspective, even in spirituality, people can be so this

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is like this alumnus Don. So, the Prophet salallahu salam, many practice many things like that. One of these examples be Nando de la and Bill allmodern. He became a modern villain was a senior in Makkah, he was a slave. He was a free lovable Crusader for the plotline. And he was one of the first believers of the law of Rwanda. And by the way, his Arabic wasn't maybe that perfect. When he when they used to put the stone, the huge boulder on his on his chest. He wanted to say Allahu Ahad or warhead, which means one but he could he couldn't say because of his of the language barrier policy. He says, I had an ad. And he was like, Why hadn't one had one is one and only one. That's what used

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to sell the law. And still, when the prophets Allah was looking for a way to call people for the prayers and the Sahaba, they saw the event in their dreams, and then they brought it to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he could have commissioned the one who saw the dream to call the other. Instead, he says, was villain, villain, teach him that and he said to the man is a teacher, rather than let him be the mother.

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He chooses villain to be the mother of the Latin. Why? Because voice was so strong. And he would go out and call the other end for the entire room. A man who wasn't even Arab. He was the one who would go up there calling the people to come and pray for the law of

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the land, or the law of the land talons panela had an encounter with one of the Sahaba. At some point, we all know the story, but somehow I want to give you the background story of it, which is Abu Dhabi along the line when he became Muslim. And when he had an encounter in Medina with Bilal, and Abu Dhabi, he cursed Bilal, and insulting him by mentioning the color of the skin of his mother. He goes Yagna said that you and your black mother

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Bilal was hurt so much, so much. And he went to the Prophet system complaint Yasser Allah was or he just thought that there was Buddha Buddha and he just kind of like he said this to me, the prophet SAW some was extremely angry and upset for about for Bill and on his behalf. And he calls the Buddha and Buddha he was didn't know any better. Why so and that's the point I would like to make to mention is that sometimes some panela we have to understand, in order for us to help people reform from being racist or us ourselves, to start literally and genuinely remove the sense of racism in our hearts and our minds against other people. It will take a while, which means it's actually it's

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a process. We learned that through a process. So bizarre. He was among the early people who embraced Islam in Mecca. But then it was so scary to be Muslim at the time was still Islam wasn't going in secrets in the first few years. So the Prophet told Abdullah, the family says Go back to your tribe, and stay there until you hear that we are not we are winning and we prevailing, then come and join me. Fast forward 11 years the professor moved from Mecca to Medina, fast forward again, you have seven years after right before the conquest of Mecca. That is when the Prophet had the treaty with the Mecca and so the war stopped. A Buddha comes to Medina. So you're talking about 18 years gap

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from the moment he gave his Shahada until he moved to Medina. If you compare that to what Bella did in Medina and Mecca, Subhan Allah I mean Bilal has a lot on his record. The other Sahaba the same thing. They were reformed because they were on the Prophet salla some of Buddha law one had didn't have that interaction, the social interaction to help him change his ways and his his culture. So when he had that encounter with the beloved

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He went back again to his original thing, which is again racism because you and your black mother

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to this Bilal was hurt like wow I've been Muslim all these years and suddenly you come to Medina and that's what you're telling me like I didn't hear that from a guy kuramoto Manali, the mighty Sahaba de la Toronto. And you told me that like, What do you know about me to tell me this? How many people in our communities had that encounter Gemma

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like you believe will handle you have done and you serve the community and this and then someone comes not knowing who you are and then just like, say something that will be a very upsetting so we have that. So that's why a biller was hurt. And then when he went to the sterilizer Law Center complaint also like called a Buddha says like seriously, like, really? I used to be like you, you you talk to him, you're insulting him because of his mother.

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And then he just told him something that hurt her as well. Carla,

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do you know you still have a lot of residents from Nigeria?

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Like you're not completely reformed.

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abuser because of that. He was one of the most reformed afterwards. The most humble you could say.

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Forget about him going down on the ground and says I'm not gonna move until Bilal come and step on my face with his own foot. Which is not real I didn't do obvious they said Come get up just get up. But above that, learn the lesson. Well, we'll learn from this as Muslims is that it takes a while. It's a process, but it is our duty. To lie. It's our duty. Our Deen teaches a lot about the subject and dismiss Allah. But we seems that we're focusing on so many other things that we lost going back again to the basics and clean our heart first before anything else. Now loss of homemakers among those who listen to the speech and for the rest of it. akuto Cody Heather was taught through law the

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media welcome. What is MC universe tofu

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undeletable alameen sallahu wa salam Baraka, Nabina Muhammad, while earlier he was at Los Alamos Sleeman kathira Mama, but mighty brothers and sisters, like I said, you know, when it comes to racism, it is indeed a human original sin and ally, it's our duty as Muslims to be conscious of this more than anybody else. And the way we do that is social interaction with people with others, whom you call others will help inshallah break all these barriers and humanize the human kind, even to Currently our relationship with a lot of people around us is very artificial, really,

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very, very artificial. very formal, very academic, very professional. We lost the human touch in our interaction with each other. In our Deen, there are so many practices to help us to break all this ice. One of them by the way, is Sonata Juma. How many of us come for Juma? Hey, just to look for a new friend.

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versus just I want to pray and just leave right away it's too late to jump on. How many of us come here just to be human. Finally I can be with a lot of people handle and interact with them is human after certain Juma Don't rush, just take a break. take few minutes in Sharla humanize your relationship with others. Shake hands with other people get to know somebody new. Learn about somebody's Apollo situation you can help with just be human humanize that gym on a regular basis. And then come serratos the five daily prayers we pray side by side shoulder to shoulder. You cannot tell who's richer, who's poor and who's academic who's not you can tell that we all equal in that

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imagine when you do that on a regular basis. Why do you think that we are required to come to the masjid frequently for Salah is it just because you want to get the 27 degrees as a reward. It's more than that. It's a social structure. It's building a social education and understanding in the society. That's why it's required from us that's why it's upon those who don't come to the masjid regularly. When it comes to big gatherings, we're still very individualistic, versus over regular to them as they're more into interact with other people. Imagine if we all as a community we would come back and handle our diamond waves for federal for a sharper slot. So we can do more shall have the

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spinderella zosen Givens occur as well in our Deen the rich give to the poor to break these barriers between being rich and being poor this kind of you know new form of racism as well, the social class it be removed if this will be practice regularly and a lot of blind me. Also there is something called Kapha to visa watch when it comes to compatibility when it comes to marriage. Today in our age, one of the crises we have in our in marriage in the Muslim community in marriage is that it's the number of marriages are less and the number of divorces are going high. A lot of it has to do with our perception of marriage or perception of compatibility. We think just because from the same

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family from the same culture from the same color from this, it's going to be okay for them to

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survive in this relationship? Not at all. And our Deen the prophets Allah submit Kapha compatibility based on two major qualities. Deen and US law, the relationship with Allah and the relationship with the people. How good how sound they are. Can you imagine if you maintain that as the basics of our interaction with each other, the mecca marriage becomes easier because much easier to handle Ah, but that's a lesson for us. Even the prophet SAW some himself. He had his cousin, his female cousin who was Cora Shia, which means honorable lady, right? She married zaytoven even had it a little bit harder for his ex adopted son who was the Mola like I say, like, wasn't slave and freed. But she

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felt you know what that's offensive to marry someone not of her status like me. These these people that keep telling me will say it, you have to find someone say for our daughters

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holla even they say either, from karate she met someone who was a slave one day, can you imagine? Because it goes back again to the same principle taqwa righteousness, and piety. And one other thing that was part of the prophets, I said, I'm always taught us to do is to love for each other, what we love for ourselves. If we if we can just apply this in our life, and I want to take this with you, from this hood, punk shallow dollar, in order to break all these barriers of racism, let's begin with something very, very basic. And that is at least to hope and wish and love for others, what we love for ourselves, no matter who they are, and I hope by doing so, you will see the nature of the

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humanity amongst human shallow terracotta, aloha mahnomen fan, one fan of Mr. Olympian in the cantle alima Hakeem Allahumma to the full Senate Aqua was a key on the harmonica Antonio amo la, la la la la la la la caja saloon Allah Nabhi Yeah, you're Latina masala Bollywood cinema, Taslima Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi main, one of the La Mancha Rashida Viva Kumamoto, Kathmandu Valley when Cyrus homage many women who do Medina often Salah

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