Yahya Ibrahim – Taraweeh & Juz A Day Summary of the Quran 04/05/21

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a series of messages from various speakers, including news announcements, donations programs, and altercations between brothers and sisters. They stress the importance of protecting everyone and their families, and encourage those with children to wear masks. The transcript also includes information about a workshop and potential song, and provides advertisements for movies and song. The importance of practice and understanding the meaning of "will" in relation to spiritual teachings is emphasized, along with the need for fearless behavior to avoid future negative consequences. The transcript also touches on various topics such as love, money, and a new album, but there is no clear conversation or interaction between speakers.
AI: Transcript ©
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saramonic Moore's law here Welcome to

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lambda level Salatu was salam, ala rasulillah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all that

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while our Jamaat is growing in number at the moment I know it's a little bit tough to get here for the pharma but this should be the priority for us. The word you've been afforded the prayer is of greater priority for jazak malassezia for coming early May Allah subhanaw taala reward you will make that announcement after the sada as well.

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In sha Allah just a couple of housekeeping

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pointers The first of them please do use the safe web app as you do arrive into the masala please make sure that you scan yourselves in this is for your protection and ours and is our legal requirement to remind you of it and to monitor it as best as we can. Number two, if you have brought plastic bottles and you're drinking from them and you want to get rid of them, we have a recycling program downstairs in LA please do make use of it. Number three, we have our donation program at the moment and our southern program for 2021 is set for us by our board and management here at the school it all goes towards a new Masjid in Malaga that is being built in sha Allah the masjid has

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been paid for but it is to refurbish it with the carpets the paint the bathrooms, the speaker systems, the air conditioning and facilities to make it useful in sha Allah May Allah allow us to pray in it next year Allah home to me

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third quick announcement inshallah if you do have young children and you need to give yourself and then arrest halfway through this Lada in chat log maybe after the fourth rock or so you're welcome to go just a little bit outside our building sister Surrey is there she's got some activities and other fun things that you can play with your children with, give them a little bit of a respiratory rocker and then come back into the masala inshallah our aim of course is that you are comfortable as families we welcome you with your children. This is an opportunity for them to hear the full plan and to see us engaged in this activity rather. But at the same time we want to make sure that there

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is serenity and the level of peace for all of us here in the masala finally a number of brothers and sisters have messaged me or brought to my attention that at Majid Latif there was an altercation and incident yesterday after some

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throwaway where three of our brothers were,

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you know, involved in an altercation and then assault occurred to three of the muzzle leads from people that are at the moment yet unknown. This has been brought to the police services I was in contact with them just maybe six seven minutes ago before arriving into the masjid. This is something that is being treated with the highest priority in sha Allah. It is not considered at the moment referenced as a racial incident or anything of this nature. It seems that there were people who were trying to look at why there's so many cars parked and maybe finding opportunities to take things and things of that nature. Insha Allah at our school hamdulillah we tried to keep you

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garaged. We have security on both sides for both parking lots and we pray that Allah subhana wa tada keeps them safe and healthy to fulfill this Amana in sha Allah for all of us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep you and us and all of our families safe. Please bear with us in these difficult times and we pray that Allah accepts all of that which we do in the final 10 days of the month of Ramadan, Salah to Asia telson if you can make that happen.

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Law, law,

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law, no more handmade Rasulullah it is

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for the moment is solid over there for the other month.

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This is your workshop.

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Still thought also I tend to do it more so fufa comm

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turn your attention to Allah subhana wa tada humble your hearts and bodies to him bring your body to stillness remove any distractions from your heart. This is a moment to show thanks for all that you are appreciative of, to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect you and I from all that which we fear.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala except from us or Allah and

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Allahu Akbar

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Rafi watching Maliki omit Dini he can, he can is dying. Then also rapala Mustafa email so you're upon Lavina anon tala g him, y el mundo de him.

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lm torok a father Obama who met Alan bhai button.

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Alam Baraka, Allahu methoden, Kalima.

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kashia Jyoti

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Bhatt in Oslo have

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also had

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this semma de Kula lane in the evening

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while the rebula who are learning sila

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Kuru one method Luca Lima kalimat in hobby eating kashia jurati hobby 13 ish. That meal fell out is to set me

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out of the malla Hamming

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youth that Baitullah levena Manu bill Ollie, BGP hyah dounia Warfield,

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y o biloela. Wally me, y en la Houma. Yasha

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lm todo el alladhina bed de Lune Yamato la hiko. from

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home at home. What a Hulu oma home.

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Jehan ma l slow Naha, Sal all wotja

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sebelah holtermann

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in MLC yurakucho

00:07:42 --> 00:07:48

only a baddie alladhina amanu aqui masala

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fipple Why are you fearful meme was

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corbelli ie de Manila by your own fee

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Allah lovey and

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fora jebi the Alhaji Ibrahim enough Temodar to respond laquon when whilst for Raja Alaikum

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wa for rajala come in be recon Nakhon falletta Dr. Lu Lila

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lm todo K.

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lm Tara and nama and salamina semma EMA for rajabi minute demo theories is connect

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myself for Allah qumola full Kalitta jewelry I feel bad Habibi, Emery he was off for Allah como un

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was off for Allah Kuma shamsur well on

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eBay everybody what's up

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Laila one

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Colima Sal tomo What

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do I met Allah to sue her in

00:09:38 --> 00:09:39

Santa Laval?

00:09:45 --> 00:09:45

La whoa

00:09:56 --> 00:09:58

send me Allah who Neiman hamidah

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Allah Allahu Akbar.

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Alhamdulillah Allah Allah mi nog Rafi manual Rafi mi Maliki a woman Dini Ghana Abu

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Anas dying. Dino sera mustafi Monsieur oppa levy levena and

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him Why

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What you call Ibrahim or BGR Bella the amino acid you know many why Bernie and nabooda also

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Robbie in

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oberliga Cathy

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Berman Debbie omniva in

00:11:43 --> 00:12:09

woman also Niva in Mecca for rocking Rob banner me as gun to me the reality beware didn't release our in the article more how Rami Rob banner, Rob banner loopy masala Vidal f

00:12:10 --> 00:12:25

meenan Sita hawi la Zoo po home what also for whom enough tema de la me ash guru Robin

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in NACA Donna man ofI women are earning one

00:12:37 --> 00:12:41

shy, feel our peace

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Allah Allah kebari is Mariela is

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in our biela Sammy.

00:12:56 --> 00:12:59

Robbie Gianni movie masala

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laureate at Rob

00:13:05 --> 00:13:05

Bell dual.

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From Danielle ofin Li, Li D.

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meanie Naomi

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00:13:20 --> 00:13:21

Allahu Akbar

00:13:28 --> 00:13:31

Samuel mabuni man hamidah

00:13:35 --> 00:13:36


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love it I

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love it

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Thank you.

00:14:37 --> 00:14:38

Allahu Akbar.

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Semi Allah holy man. hamidah

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a lot more about

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Long Walk.

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00:15:38 --> 00:15:41

Sami en la naman hamidah

00:15:45 --> 00:15:46

Allah How about

00:15:53 --> 00:15:53

Allah will

00:16:00 --> 00:16:00

a lot more.

00:16:06 --> 00:16:09


00:16:36 --> 00:16:42

Salam Alaikum wa rahmatullah Salah morani Kumar of

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00:16:49 --> 00:16:50

study stuff

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for your

00:16:56 --> 00:16:58

self love and all the magnetic

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just once again, just some quick announcements in July, check in with the safe web app please do so on your way in Sharma if your children do need a little bit of a rescue Welcome to take them across the road there to our facility where

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they will be happy to receive eusociality and others

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and we ask them for some kind of data to assist us in the final 10 days we do more than we've done in the previous point in mammals we cannot accept from all of us.

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Alhamdulillah europ bill ami Rahmani Raheem, Maliki only Dini he can Buddha he can s di C. Then I feel awkward at Sarah Levine and lay him why real Momo vi e mo

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now Walla

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Walla, Nisa.

00:23:01 --> 00:23:02

madaket aim

00:23:04 --> 00:23:08

what Allah

00:23:10 --> 00:23:15

Allah Hakka Na Na quilici shaggy

00:23:25 --> 00:23:27

Yeah, uh, you

00:23:29 --> 00:23:33

know, I he was suddenly moved to Sydney

00:23:36 --> 00:23:39

alone a long time our US hula hula

00:23:41 --> 00:23:44

Tonia Farah wow

00:23:49 --> 00:23:50

we're loving

00:23:51 --> 00:23:58

meanie now when removed me not to BYU demek Tessa booth Tamar ruble

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00:24:09 --> 00:24:10

Chico nice.

00:24:12 --> 00:24:14

Mimi nyiad na na na

00:24:16 --> 00:24:19

Giada be big in the Liga

00:24:23 --> 00:24:36

rosneath Asada, you they watch Allah, Allah for rahima la la mia tell you Oh in our Lady nafi Paulo de

00:24:39 --> 00:24:50

una Phil Medina. While Mooji foon I feel Maddie Mattila. No. naka de hims mela Yoda, we own a Cassie

00:24:51 --> 00:24:52

in Cali

00:24:53 --> 00:24:59

melone melone nine Ms. volti

00:25:00 --> 00:25:04

For Latino, Latina,

00:25:08 --> 00:25:09


00:25:11 --> 00:25:11


00:25:13 --> 00:25:16

daily soon learn

00:25:19 --> 00:25:20

a lot Allah

00:25:31 --> 00:25:34

send me a long email hamidah

00:25:38 --> 00:25:39


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00:26:06 --> 00:26:22

Al Hamdulillah here at Villa Lemmy Allah euro heymy Maliki Ahmed de Cana Abu careness dying then I'll set up well mustafi must

00:26:24 --> 00:26:31

lay him Why you will know who they are lay him Allah wa

00:26:39 --> 00:26:42

yes i Logan Swan is

00:26:43 --> 00:26:45

all in

00:26:47 --> 00:26:49

the love

00:26:50 --> 00:26:55

one you daddy Cana Eunice taco nobody Baba

00:26:56 --> 00:26:59

mela dine elka theory now

00:27:02 --> 00:27:03

quality nothing

00:27:07 --> 00:27:08

nobody you

00:27:09 --> 00:27:12

know so you're young metal Allah Budo

00:27:15 --> 00:27:16


00:27:19 --> 00:27:22

Allah how wosu wapo

00:27:25 --> 00:27:27

in our blog

00:27:29 --> 00:27:30

our Kubo

00:27:33 --> 00:27:35

biela Rock Band

00:27:37 --> 00:27:44

Fany mean another being one long long Gabby euro yeah

00:27:46 --> 00:27:51

man Lula Taku can Medina has a moose

00:27:56 --> 00:28:02

worker now? de la uwsg ha yeah I you

00:28:04 --> 00:28:07

know Apollo cola Sadie

00:28:13 --> 00:28:23

back home won me to play learn how Rasulullah Mustafa differs a fossa nazima in

00:28:25 --> 00:28:39

Dallas, why do you want the one Reba what would you burn if I will? Wash for one? I mean, our hammer is

00:28:40 --> 00:28:41


00:28:43 --> 00:28:49

jungle. Lee was Eva la luna city. Now our Luna

00:28:50 --> 00:28:52

wishes Viki now when wishing he

00:28:54 --> 00:28:56

were to Burma,

00:28:57 --> 00:28:59

meanie now What do you mean?

00:29:00 --> 00:29:04

waka nulla Rahim

00:29:06 --> 00:29:07


00:29:17 --> 00:29:20

send me on long email hamidah

00:29:38 --> 00:29:39


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00:30:23 --> 00:30:30

salam wa Alaykum wa rahmatullah As salam wa Alaykum wa rahmatullah.

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00:31:00 --> 00:31:20

al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen urashima your Rahi Maliki Medina he can Abu he kindness dying. Then acetylcholine mustafi surat Allah Dena and

00:31:23 --> 00:31:25

Dr. Les humalog

00:31:34 --> 00:31:34

What up other

00:31:38 --> 00:31:41

fella? Yeah Angie burn, we beam

00:31:46 --> 00:31:50

level Heidi. And now Melissa Billa to

00:31:51 --> 00:31:52

this Saturday

00:31:55 --> 00:32:03

in may be mad Meadow Anna belsey Wali Suleiman, hoodoo Masha

00:32:05 --> 00:32:05


00:32:07 --> 00:32:07

Allah wa

00:32:09 --> 00:32:21

why MENA region me My Melody Nyah DB Europe. Why me as a minimum man and Marina and Rosa como me neither this

00:32:23 --> 00:32:25

yeah my Luna Houma Aisha

00:32:27 --> 00:32:33

howdy Bella Dima sila g fan you can be wapo daughter was

00:32:36 --> 00:32:38

young Milo

00:32:39 --> 00:32:47

shukra what Callie? Neither dia Shaco but I'm leveling

00:32:49 --> 00:32:49

the level

00:32:54 --> 00:32:57

but we'll update that Konami is

00:32:58 --> 00:33:01

valen Mahabharata unity region.

00:33:04 --> 00:33:14

Muna loi Obama being foofy Lada Mui. La kodaka Annalisa famous Kenny him,

00:33:15 --> 00:33:18

Jen, I mean you

00:33:20 --> 00:33:25

could lose your resume or become washko Rola berners

00:33:26 --> 00:33:32

Lee by two or 4000.

00:33:35 --> 00:33:35

But then,

00:33:36 --> 00:33:37

why back then?

00:33:40 --> 00:33:44

him Janata you need to call in hon.

00:33:45 --> 00:33:51

Leo mushy Musa Diddy Ali. The alika Joseph

00:33:53 --> 00:34:00

cafaro New Jersey Josie cafo wodeyar

00:34:02 --> 00:34:02


00:34:04 --> 00:34:05

rocking as

00:34:07 --> 00:34:11

you write down Oh God. He has

00:34:12 --> 00:34:14

to see

00:34:15 --> 00:34:18

a young man meanie

00:34:19 --> 00:34:20


00:34:33 --> 00:34:35

send me a long way man how

00:34:40 --> 00:34:42

long work better

00:34:48 --> 00:34:49

long lead

00:34:53 --> 00:34:55

on long work.

00:35:02 --> 00:35:03


00:35:07 --> 00:35:12

Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen urashima

00:35:14 --> 00:35:25

Maliki de Cana Abu i E, kindness dying is then also called Mr t nazira. And

00:35:27 --> 00:35:28


00:35:29 --> 00:35:34

Allah wa

00:35:40 --> 00:35:41


00:35:43 --> 00:35:47

the bane is 30 now What what? Oh

00:35:49 --> 00:35:51

federa you know, I had these

00:35:53 --> 00:36:04

color mazurka in licona yeah luckily for birdie Shaco one other

00:36:08 --> 00:36:15

one other for the party he believes one taba, tabo Jeffery

00:36:17 --> 00:36:20

meany, Womack and

00:36:22 --> 00:36:26

Muse London in London at MMA men

00:36:29 --> 00:36:37

men men who I mean huffy shack water book coalition in happy

00:36:39 --> 00:36:39


00:36:41 --> 00:36:41


00:36:43 --> 00:36:46

lamb licona Miss call

00:36:47 --> 00:37:00

this summer What do you wanna if you want to see me you know whom in whom you want you want

00:37:01 --> 00:37:03

our chef or if

00:37:05 --> 00:37:08

Lehman and the Nana had

00:37:09 --> 00:37:10

you guys who

00:37:11 --> 00:37:17

follow him on the color of boo Come on we'll help

00:37:18 --> 00:37:21

you look at the poll my

00:37:24 --> 00:37:25

one polling

00:37:31 --> 00:37:35

Camilla who didn't know he was moving

00:37:37 --> 00:37:38

to Sedona

00:37:43 --> 00:37:46

Meadow bully I don't know.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:52

If they you know, Bill have a one

00:37:55 --> 00:37:59

hour only alladhina hopper to be sure

00:38:02 --> 00:38:07

can burn one lung disease will hacky one

00:38:13 --> 00:38:15

nasty Beshear Oh,

00:38:17 --> 00:38:23

why not King x run civili Mu y

00:38:25 --> 00:38:26


00:38:29 --> 00:38:34

to for the law.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:48

Send me a long woody man hamidah.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:01


00:39:05 --> 00:39:07

long, Mark.

00:39:51 --> 00:39:53

I said Imani Kumara

00:39:55 --> 00:39:58

I said I'm watching Kumara Mehta

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You want to continue

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you can continue

00:40:22 --> 00:40:24

along with Sunday NSE

00:40:27 --> 00:40:37

Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah salam O Allah and he was telling more about one of the beautiful edge that of the Quran sections of the Quran is the juice that we're in at the moment.

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We heard in the very first welcome where Allah Subhana Allah instructs the believers in Allah How am Allah He Cata who you saw Luna Allah NaVi? Yeah you're Latina am and Sol Lu Allah He was a luminous Lima Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayyidina, Mojave, Habibi, no wanna be in Mohammed, this particular ending of salthill as which is a sort of that, as we said yesterday is revealed in Medina and munawwara transitions into the next chapters which are revealed in Mecca. And we said alima masucci said that this surah is wedged between meccan Surahs and other meccan surah has to emphasize that life is always changing and that there will be circumstances of happiness and sorrow, ease and

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comfort. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his message began under very difficult situations, and even after his hedgerow to Al Madina, munawwara things became even more difficult but soon after the power and the strength of a law brought ease and comfort. Nevertheless, there was always in life a return to hardship after ease, and Allah Subhana Allah makes this a general theme for us in the Quran. So in the next surah, Allah Subhana Allah speaks about those two particular communities, the community of pa if and the people of operation Mecca, mocha Rama and Allah Subhana. Allah says Lacan can have he said in in the people of Sabbath and in their in their story and in the

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people that you are in your Mohamed, there is a lesson to be learned, where people had been given the neoma of Allah, the blessing of Allah, the happiness that they enjoy, but because they polluted their relationship with Him spiritually, it polluted their life physically. And so panela the next two surahs are in in regards to this. We're going to begin Chuck martyrs in sha Allah as he makes his way forward, we're going to recite surah, Fatah, which is that Allah is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. It is a surah where Allah gives many different parables were Allah speaks about the one who sees and the one who is unable to see can they be made equal? The one who knows

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compared to the one who does not know can they be made equal? In the same way, the one who worships God and understands their place as a slave of Allah, as a slave of the Almighty can they be made equal to the one who has enslaved themselves to their own desires. And so Pamela, as we continue through the section of the Koran, we begin to come to the final chapters of the Quran, which are predominantly chapters revealed in mecanoo. Khurana short surahs with short verses with a rhythmic pattern that seeks to instill a cliffhanger effect, almost every area you can almost hear in the intonation of it, just the sound of it and the meaning of it, what is to come next. And this is to

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lead the people of Quraysh at that time, to want to know and hear the photo and even though they are under pressure from the authorities that are around them, the people of wealth around them to turn away from the book of Allah. So Allah gives these examples halia, stoic can the one who hears and the one who doesn't hear b equal the one who sees and the one who doesn't see b equal, the one who possesses and the one who doesn't possess can they be equal, the one who knows and the one who does not know can they be equal. I end with one particular idea that will be recited in our first Hanukkah, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the my yaksha Maha that those who are the truly

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conscious of God, those who were truly capable of fearing Allah, missionary badshahi, they are from a select group of his slaves, and those who have been endowed with wisdom of knowledge, the knowledge of practice, and remember Shafi he discusses this idea very precisely. He's asked who are the scholars who have this great consciousness and funeral Allah? Is it just like the people of the past the people before us, yummy Luna, they put books on their donkeys and carry them around the city? Is it by the amount that you've memorized? And illuma Michelle? Very answer simply by saying I love

00:45:00 --> 00:45:41

Am I well, Ali menang Isla de marianum is the one who puts into action that which they have come to know as being the truth. All of us have a certain level of knowledge, but it is only a value if one makes it a beneficial knowledge and one of the duties that we make in our knights and laylatul other is the drive of the prophets of Allah. Why do you SLM Allah Homer's okna? Aden menoufia Allah give us knowledge that benefits us where we practice it Allah from me, does not come Allah Subhana Allah morbihan deca shadow Allah, Allah Allah enter suffered to la sala to clear me atharva common law

00:45:57 --> 00:45:58


00:46:13 --> 00:46:15

Stuck in was still

00:46:21 --> 00:46:22

a long,

00:46:25 --> 00:46:27

long while behind the quarter Baraka smoke

00:46:36 --> 00:46:51

Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen a rough manual Rahimi Maliki a MIDI yeah Ghana boudoir, India Ghana's di

00:46:53 --> 00:47:07

D now Sarah Palin was therapy mostly all for levena darling wiring will now be on a bow

00:47:16 --> 00:47:17


00:47:21 --> 00:47:22


00:47:24 --> 00:47:25

de Waal

00:47:28 --> 00:47:31

in Castillo Solon Ollie.

00:47:33 --> 00:47:38

Ollie any hottie in math now?

00:47:42 --> 00:47:44

He has zero Phil Hall came

00:47:47 --> 00:47:48


00:47:49 --> 00:47:59

lishi Cody Marissa wulin Senior rock magic fella moon say gala

00:48:00 --> 00:48:05

on Yom say sick fella morcilla woombye body

00:48:07 --> 00:48:11

disease will happy Yeah.

00:48:13 --> 00:48:16

So the guru Yamato yadi

00:48:17 --> 00:48:19

Hellman holiday Pinoy

00:48:22 --> 00:48:23


00:48:25 --> 00:48:26


00:48:35 --> 00:48:39

way you can people get up on a good day but also

00:48:41 --> 00:48:44

Public Law enough law

00:48:47 --> 00:48:49

Yeah, you

00:48:51 --> 00:48:53

know are the more

00:48:55 --> 00:48:56

valid run?

00:48:57 --> 00:48:59

Hire to do

00:49:00 --> 00:49:02

falador run

00:49:03 --> 00:49:05

hire don't

00:49:06 --> 00:49:07


00:49:12 --> 00:49:15

in nice shape upon Allah Kumar.

00:49:19 --> 00:49:20


00:49:24 --> 00:49:25

mean hours higher this

00:49:27 --> 00:49:34

levena cafaro hula Ramada shady Chevy. One lady in

00:49:39 --> 00:49:40

our furor

00:49:42 --> 00:49:44


00:49:49 --> 00:49:51

man he fell on

00:49:53 --> 00:49:53


00:49:56 --> 00:49:56


00:50:04 --> 00:50:05


00:50:06 --> 00:50:12

zuka has Oh, in

00:50:15 --> 00:50:17

the mail snow

00:50:20 --> 00:50:21

a lot more accurate

00:50:34 --> 00:50:37

semi on long Lehman hamidah

00:50:43 --> 00:50:44


00:50:56 --> 00:50:57

hello hello

00:51:03 --> 00:51:05


00:51:19 --> 00:51:21

long battle

00:51:22 --> 00:51:41

Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim al hamdu Lillah euram Villa de mi rahmanir rahim II Maliki Dean iya gana Buddha iya Ghana's dying in of

00:51:43 --> 00:51:45

the mouth. Lady

00:51:46 --> 00:51:51

darling him We will now be on a

00:52:05 --> 00:52:09

levy I will sell it via have a doozy

00:52:16 --> 00:52:18

here in the hill out of

00:52:22 --> 00:52:23


00:52:26 --> 00:52:32

man can you redo lies that fit? He lies to Jeremy

00:52:34 --> 00:52:39

lie Assad will kill him * alamelu saw a

00:52:41 --> 00:52:42

lady Nyamko

00:52:44 --> 00:52:49

de la Hamada shady warmack

00:52:55 --> 00:52:56

on lo

00:53:01 --> 00:53:06

mein mean no profit from my job as word

00:53:08 --> 00:53:10

Minami Oh,

00:53:11 --> 00:53:15

they'll always be it me. One I want

00:53:19 --> 00:53:19


00:53:21 --> 00:53:26

call Swami Normally he left he came

00:53:28 --> 00:53:30


00:53:31 --> 00:53:36

here see what am I still with?

00:53:39 --> 00:53:39

Have a

00:53:47 --> 00:53:47


00:53:50 --> 00:53:50

Why my

00:53:55 --> 00:53:56

body young?

00:53:57 --> 00:53:58

redo I mean

00:54:02 --> 00:54:05

full caffee Hema Iran eater better.

00:54:07 --> 00:54:08

Sub Li

00:54:09 --> 00:54:10

the school

00:54:12 --> 00:54:15

Yoli July laughing

00:54:17 --> 00:54:18

early June

00:54:19 --> 00:54:25

Rafi lady was rushed to come out

00:54:27 --> 00:54:28

at the edge of the most

00:54:33 --> 00:54:34

book on level

00:54:36 --> 00:54:37

one levena.

00:54:43 --> 00:54:45

Good to me.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:55

Sammy. Oh Mr. Jabu.

00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

Why Omar up at eco net

00:55:00 --> 00:55:07

This year a geek on whether you'll be okay Miss locomobi Yeah.

00:55:09 --> 00:55:09

Are you

00:55:13 --> 00:55:15


00:55:27 --> 00:55:27


00:55:29 --> 00:55:31

Ronnie, happy

00:55:33 --> 00:55:34

you're able

00:55:35 --> 00:55:35

to be

00:55:37 --> 00:55:46

JD god oh my god. Here we are see his

00:55:48 --> 00:55:49

love for love

00:56:04 --> 00:56:06

send me all the love all the men honey the

00:56:13 --> 00:56:14


00:56:27 --> 00:56:27


00:56:46 --> 00:56:47


00:57:21 --> 00:57:26

Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah said Moore's

00:57:27 --> 00:57:28


00:57:50 --> 00:57:51


00:57:55 --> 00:57:56

a lot more.

00:58:05 --> 00:58:17

Bismillah R Rahman Al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Rahmani Raheem ehrlichia when Vidi Yaga Nabu.

00:58:20 --> 00:58:26

In Dino Surat Al mustafi Nasir al anon darling way.

00:58:28 --> 00:58:31


00:58:37 --> 00:58:38

When does he you as you

00:58:42 --> 00:58:45

were dead almost call that on Isla hang Lee

00:58:47 --> 00:58:48

Melman who shy

00:58:52 --> 00:58:59

in the room lady and I have shown our beloved eBay app almost

00:59:01 --> 00:59:02


00:59:03 --> 00:59:04


00:59:05 --> 00:59:14

the NFC what he loved more he'll now see one is that we will see what a boom

00:59:17 --> 00:59:22

while on the lower level How rude. Why am I still

00:59:27 --> 00:59:29

in law how use me

00:59:35 --> 00:59:36

Debbie moves me I

00:59:37 --> 00:59:37


00:59:39 --> 00:59:43

in the Navy

00:59:46 --> 00:59:48

I will set it back I mean happy mushy

00:59:49 --> 00:59:50


00:59:51 --> 00:59:59

are in Medina in Halevy Han every way he can people can

01:00:00 --> 01:00:00

They can

01:00:03 --> 01:00:04

bury him

01:00:05 --> 01:00:11

at home Russolo will buy again it will be super your will cater

01:00:15 --> 01:00:21

to love in a cafo forgave anarchy energy Island

01:00:24 --> 01:00:24

Let me

01:00:32 --> 01:00:32

tell you

01:00:35 --> 01:00:38

why I mean algae Valley do that on Bubo

01:00:39 --> 01:00:40


01:00:42 --> 01:00:47

We will sue the woman and see what their

01:00:51 --> 01:00:52


01:00:54 --> 01:00:58

like in my mother

01:01:02 --> 01:01:02


01:01:03 --> 01:01:05

law hi xizhou

01:01:09 --> 01:01:10


01:01:24 --> 01:01:27

send me all Lehman hamedan

01:01:35 --> 01:01:36


01:01:50 --> 01:01:51


01:01:57 --> 01:01:59


01:02:18 --> 01:02:20

long What about

01:02:23 --> 01:02:24

Mr. Miller

01:02:25 --> 01:02:51

rocking Alhamdulillah you're on Milan I mean rock Mannion Rahimi Maliki on Monday. Yeah Ghana Buddha. Ghana stowing in no fellow therapy team so all in a naantali

01:02:52 --> 01:02:57

boulby Allah He him model bow

01:03:07 --> 01:03:10

in a lady Nyah Luna kita

01:03:11 --> 01:03:13

a bombs solid

01:03:15 --> 01:03:19

purple. Now rose up on our own see wrong

01:03:27 --> 01:03:27


01:03:29 --> 01:03:31

near to you on that day Joe.

01:03:37 --> 01:03:38

Leo fear

01:03:39 --> 01:03:40

is either

01:03:42 --> 01:03:44

family in

01:03:46 --> 01:03:51

Shaco one lady

01:03:53 --> 01:04:07

in a criminal kita we all have almost a call Lima in a day in Mojave Iver de la hobbie they'll see

01:04:10 --> 01:04:14

Nikita Bella be in our store finally nice. I didn't.

01:04:16 --> 01:04:18

I mean, Wally moodily nuptse he

01:04:20 --> 01:04:27

bought Alfredo I mean no big deal for your DB in

01:04:29 --> 01:04:41

the the guy who will help lol KB Jan guardini. Hello. Hello nothing I mean, as we all knew

01:04:45 --> 01:04:54

what he was vihari wok all hamdulillah he lovey

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

husband in

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

Then add

01:05:05 --> 01:05:07

on levena gaveau

01:05:11 --> 01:05:18

ly Yoko baalei him via moon he will have one minute

01:05:20 --> 01:05:23

gather league energies equals

01:05:25 --> 01:05:27

one meal story who

01:05:30 --> 01:05:32

will meal story hoonah fee

01:05:36 --> 01:05:40

for Aegina Armand saw the lawyer on the

01:05:45 --> 01:05:46


01:05:48 --> 01:05:51

Gadhafi Hema desert girl

01:06:01 --> 01:06:06

the mean and mean no see

01:06:07 --> 01:06:08

Allah Hi.

01:06:20 --> 01:06:22

Send me How long? How

01:06:30 --> 01:06:30


01:06:41 --> 01:06:42


01:06:49 --> 01:06:50

love law

01:07:00 --> 01:07:00


01:07:14 --> 01:07:14


01:07:37 --> 01:07:38

Selam Aleykum

01:07:41 --> 01:07:43

Selam Aleykum Maura

01:08:18 --> 01:08:26

solo to shuffle solid recitation is wash on FML three pillars rock, wash, lF and Madani meticulous rock

01:08:37 --> 01:08:38


01:08:51 --> 01:08:57

smilla rahmanir rahim Al Hamdulillah Alhamdulillah your Villa

01:08:59 --> 01:09:14

r Rahmani Raheem medica will MIDI in er konavle the way Yak * dying Indian or Surat Al Mustafa Masato Latina a normal

01:09:16 --> 01:09:16


01:09:18 --> 01:09:21


01:09:27 --> 01:09:29

Bismillah You're

01:09:31 --> 01:09:33

welcome lately either

01:09:34 --> 01:09:37

one either

01:09:38 --> 01:09:39

one a holiday

01:09:43 --> 01:09:44


01:09:46 --> 01:09:47


01:09:49 --> 01:09:50

past was the

01:09:53 --> 01:09:55

lesson we see rule induce

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

dakila was still

01:10:01 --> 01:10:06

What can the bill hosting? lesson we'll see ruling last

01:10:07 --> 01:10:08


01:10:11 --> 01:10:14

Oh either.

01:10:16 --> 01:10:20

In Alena lol no the way

01:10:29 --> 01:10:30

down to GM now

01:10:33 --> 01:10:34

the law

01:10:37 --> 01:10:40

in Alaska a lady

01:10:43 --> 01:10:45

was a union pilot

01:10:46 --> 01:10:50

a lady up Malibu desert

01:10:51 --> 01:10:53

woman he had enjoy

01:10:58 --> 01:10:58

toj is

01:11:00 --> 01:11:05

11th yo YG he'll be here

01:11:07 --> 01:11:08

one song for

01:11:11 --> 01:11:12

a moment

01:11:26 --> 01:11:29

send me all along lemon honey them

01:11:36 --> 01:11:37


01:11:50 --> 01:11:50


01:12:16 --> 01:12:17


01:12:23 --> 01:12:27

smilla rahmanir rahim Al Hamdulillah he'll be

01:12:30 --> 01:12:45

our rock man your Rahimi Maliki I will meet the Iraq manual Rahimi Maliki on Monday, he cannot move away. Yeah kennestone

01:12:48 --> 01:12:52

Dino firaga musta been also open learning anomaly

01:12:54 --> 01:12:56

we really know

01:12:57 --> 01:13:01

him What a bow

01:13:12 --> 01:13:13


01:13:16 --> 01:13:17


01:13:22 --> 01:13:24

Laffy Maria holida sheet

01:13:27 --> 01:13:31

he was sleepy Valley

01:13:35 --> 01:13:39

Alevi levy

01:13:49 --> 01:13:50


01:14:03 --> 01:14:06

tell me how long have you been home either?

01:14:14 --> 01:14:15


01:14:26 --> 01:14:27


01:14:33 --> 01:14:35


01:14:46 --> 01:14:47


01:15:17 --> 01:15:20

My album coming out there but that being

01:15:25 --> 01:15:26

said emmalin Kumar

01:15:29 --> 01:15:29


01:16:12 --> 01:16:14


01:16:30 --> 01:16:35

autowatch manual walhi Maliki only

01:16:38 --> 01:16:40

Yeah Can abodo canister

01:16:42 --> 01:16:47

you know Sarah Palin muster me, sir All

01:16:49 --> 01:16:53

right, him boy no more vre him

01:16:55 --> 01:17:00

on me

01:17:11 --> 01:17:18

Oh Allahu Ahad Allah whole sarmad let me lead with me

01:17:19 --> 01:17:20

while I'm here,

01:17:21 --> 01:17:25

Khufu one this law

01:17:36 --> 01:17:38

semi Allah and even I mean

01:17:43 --> 01:17:45

no matter local hand okemah

01:17:47 --> 01:17:52

de vida hikawa Avi mizuta Nick Yeah

01:17:55 --> 01:17:56

you went out of the way

01:17:58 --> 01:18:02

in Allah masala Liana gonna say he didn't

01:18:04 --> 01:18:09

feel very solid he was a limb honors

01:18:14 --> 01:18:18

Allah Medina Fie him and had a good

01:18:20 --> 01:18:24

v human fade whatever learner female

01:18:27 --> 01:18:31

well Bina was really fun shawarma probably it

01:18:33 --> 01:18:35

probably will have a one

01:18:37 --> 01:18:37


01:18:39 --> 01:18:40


01:18:41 --> 01:18:42


01:18:46 --> 01:18:51

Marina was a bit awkward man. Wow.

01:18:53 --> 01:18:58

Wally me, Allah. I am

01:19:00 --> 01:19:03

also a bit Murugan Allah

01:19:05 --> 01:19:05


01:19:07 --> 01:19:10

level we will also

01:19:11 --> 01:19:20

follow Ghana on the neck Allah in Naga foon to hip boy last one

01:19:21 --> 01:19:26

Allah main nakka foon to him boy laugh was

01:19:28 --> 01:19:32

alone in my phone to have

01:19:33 --> 01:19:34


01:19:35 --> 01:19:36


01:19:41 --> 01:19:42


01:19:47 --> 01:19:47


01:19:49 --> 01:19:50

Baba by now

01:19:52 --> 01:19:53

in our

01:19:57 --> 01:19:59

yeah How are you? Are you

01:20:00 --> 01:20:01


01:20:07 --> 01:20:08


01:20:09 --> 01:20:10


01:20:12 --> 01:20:13


01:20:17 --> 01:20:17


01:20:19 --> 01:20:22

learner. re Dena Raja

01:20:23 --> 01:20:26

Raja on pain

01:20:27 --> 01:20:34

Allah Mr. de nafi bartik Allah Mustapha

01:20:35 --> 01:20:36


01:20:39 --> 01:20:41

Allah, Allah

01:20:43 --> 01:20:47

Allah subhana wa tema

01:20:53 --> 01:20:58

Selena, Selena wa Sallim wa barik ala c'est

01:21:03 --> 01:21:04

la like them

01:21:14 --> 01:21:14


01:21:20 --> 01:21:20


01:21:30 --> 01:21:30


01:22:03 --> 01:22:06

solomani Kumara Matala

01:22:07 --> 01:22:10

Seto Adi Kumara Mottola.

01:22:43 --> 01:22:44


01:23:20 --> 01:23:21

Good stuff I could

01:23:24 --> 01:23:24

look it up

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