Yahya Ibrahim – Daily Dua in the Last 10 of Ramadan #13

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
Representatives from a political campaign interviews multiple individuals, including Mohammed Sallali Alayhi, who gives their preferences in terms of helping others, allowing others to protect their homes and families, and offering blessings and help in achieving their goals. The group expresses their desire to be guided and hear their goals, while also acknowledging their lack of experience with certain situations and their desire to become a judge. They also mention their desire to be heard and heard, but their specific feelings and emotions are unclear.
AI: Transcript ©
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permitting come about tala Ibrahim on early Ibrahim of La lemina in Academy doomadgee along Masoli Allah Mohammed anyone any Mohammed in commerce on $1 Rahim on the Rahim let me know in the Camino Majeed Hello masala Allah Mohammed Ali Mohammed in coma sonlight Allah hemo on

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him along Mubarak Allah Mohammed

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Ali Mohammed

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Ibrahim Allah early

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Philae lemina in camino madain along masani Allah Mohammed anyone any Mohammed in camera sunlight Allah Ebro Himalayan early Rahim

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Allah humma verde Kala Mohammed

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Mohammed in camera Baraka Ibrahim Allah early ra Haemophilia lemina Nick hamidou, Majid Allah Allah, Allah Allah Mohammed

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Mohammed in kamasan later Allah e ra Hema early Ibrahim Allahu Allah Mohammed

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Cannavaro tala Ibrahim ali ali Ibrahim Avila Haemophilia lemina in the Camino Majeed along Masoli Allah Mohammed.

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Mohammed income also late in growing early Ibrahim El amin, hamidou Majeed, Allah We begin by asking you to send your choices blessings upon our interview, Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to grant us his shift out on the Day of Judgment the day that it matters the day of salvation we pray that Allah Subhana Allah Allah, you join us with our interview Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the highest levels era but I mean, Allah we ask you, the asking of the one who is weak, the one who is in need the one who has nobody to turn to but you Yeah, a lot. We ask you your hammer, I mean, for guidance and for steadfastness in this life, to make us from those who are successful in this

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dunya and after I are a belisle. I mean, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to either to make easy our affairs they make easy our life and our death and to make easy I will return to love your hammer. I mean, we pray that Allah, You grant us success in this dunya happiness in it and success and happiness in the alpha and to save us from the punishment of the grave for that of us and our families are loving that. I mean, we pray that Allah subhanaw taala makes us from those who are able to help others in all of the difficulties that we in them face and to be a support for those who are in need of healing for those who are sick. Food and nourishment and sustenance. For those who are

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hungry we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes our wealth that is sufficient and enough for us enough for others as well. We pray that Allah subhanaw taala opens our heart to look after the needs of the needy Allah whom I mean

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yeah, Allah we ask you not to burden us with a burden that is too much for us to bear. Yeah, I mean, we ask you to grant a success in this dunya and success in the effort to protect us from the punishment of jahannam Allah Almighty Nick appunto bhullar 451 Allah I mean look forward to him would have far for under

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a law making the car fall into him Bulava and Allah who made the car for winter him well I for I'm not Oh Allah, you are at the forgiver the pardoner of errors we ask you to forgive us in part in us our mistakes you love to forgive in part in our love for our part in US Yeah, Allah Allah forgive us yeah Allah Allah wipe clean our slayter Allah Allah give us a headache from you yeah I love that turns us to you and not away from you yet Allah we ask you your hammer I mean to open the doors of good to us in our face and into into all that we seek from you Allah we ask a hammer I mean to make us from those who are happy in this life and happy in the next and save from the punishment of the

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grave and Gehenna yeah hello we asked you to open for us the avenues to Hello risk though so that we will be turned away from the hot on the Allah Oh Allah increase us in halaal so that we turn away from the hot all we ask you to bless our homes and our families and our children and our relationships. Yeah, Allah, we ask you to bless our wealth

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and to make it from that which is Hillel and spent in hallelujah Allah. We ask you a hammer I mean to give victory to those who are oppressed, oppressed in the East in the west of the world yet Allah we ask you in particular for our brothers and sisters who are in Philistine yeah Allah. Allah we ask you to protect the software it needs protection you know Allah, we ask you to help us

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yeah, our hammer I mean, we asked you to help us fulfill our duty towards our brothers and sisters who were distance from us here Allah, Allah Allah the world and much of it has conspired against them. Yeah, Allah, Allah, Allah allow them to protect their homes and their dignity Allah, Allah returned to them their sovereignty or hammer, amin Allah make them

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Those who are able to withstand the pressures and the tests that have been placed upon them yet Allah,

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Allah make their feet firm and give them steadfastness of heart to Allah, we make dua for the people of Philistine that people have after the valiant more rabid people of these lands that Allah keeps them holding on to the truth holding on to their dignity and culture.

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Yeah, Allah we ask you to make to make them from those who become an example for us to follow your Allah. We ask you to make us from those who are humble when we see the images of them fighting for their cause and for their homes, Allah, we ask you for to forgive us our inability and our inability to assist them in more than our door and with our wealth and charity Allah, Allah we ask you to allow us to be the victor of the orphans yet Allah to be those who bring peace to the small household of these orphans Yeah, Allah. Oh Allah we can change the whole world the law but we can we're trying to help one or two or more. Yeah, Allah. Allah. We're trying to help a few of our young

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young men and young women Yeah, Allah. Allah give us success in assisting to them in that regard. Yeah, a lot of our lives. This is one of the nights of Layla Takada, we ask you to make us from those who are accepted in it Allah Hi, Bella in Dhaka and send me your name

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or banner.

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Dr. Belman inac enter Semyon Ali moto Ballina, Mo Lana indicator wearable Rahim. Allah Maddy now what do we know which are not separated at all like guide us and guide other through us and make us reason for people to be guided to Allah? Oh Allah we ask you I'll be wrong and who they were to Allah grant us righteousness and guidance and piety of heart

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We are hamara chameleon mustafi we ask you a lot of the asking of the one who is in need the one who is standing before you as a slave before his mastery a lot of a lot of this is a little Qadri Oh Allah allow us to be from those who have witnessed it and witnessing it yeah a lot. We ask you to elevate our deeds and to make them greater in value than what we estimate them to be a lot we ask you yeah or chromel Academy to show us your mercy and compassion your hammer I mean, Oh Allah grant us Your mercy and compassion. Yeah, Allah. Oh Allah forgive us the sins that bring down your wrath. Yeah, Allah, Allah we ask you to send your blessings upon our interview. metalized tell him to send

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your Salah worth upon. May Allah subhanho wa Taala join us with our Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the highest levels of getting a lot of Allah we ask you to give us the chef out of the prophets I send them along what is often a chef

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or Allah we ask you to bring us closer to unobvious I sell them on the day of gentlemen so that he gives us a drink from alcohol or a drink that we will never be thirsty from it again. Yeah, Allah we ask you to admit us into the highest level of gender and protect us from the punishment of Johanna Allah admitted to a photocell Allah Allah. man never you know was so the lead

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was Shahada. He was Salahi. Allah we ask you to grant us good in this life and good in the next and protect us from the punishment of January Allah, Allah we ask you to give us the death of the martyrs and the salvation that follows with Allah. Allow us to be a testimony for the truthfulness of this faith of law. Allah we prefer you and none to you yet Allah asked you to protect our homes and our families and our communities and our loved ones Allah Allah we ask you to protect our loved ones to Allah protect them from all harm from all illness from all disease in us with them. Yeah, I mean, we ask you to live a love a balanced life yeah, Allah lead us to the balance sirata mustafina

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Allah help us to be upon it's truthiness.

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Yeah, Mohammed

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Yeah, Allah forgive us the sins that bring down your wrath. Yeah, Allah, we ask you your karma Rahimi led to everything in this email after now Oh Allah don't hold us accountable when we have made a mistake or have forgotten Yeah, Allah. Allah forgive us our sins yeah Allah forgive us our sins in this blessed month yeah Allah forgive us our sins this mess in monthy Allah Allah has the ability to earn good deeds to cover up our mistakes. Yeah, Allah. Allah grant is good in this dunya good in the next year Allah Allah grant is good in this dunya including the next year love hola Forgive us our errors. Yeah, how much do I mean? Did I mean guide our hearts to Allah? Allah how mad

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you know maybe no, it's unnecessary but really matter that Allah guide us and guide other through us and make us reason for people and mankind's guide see Allah. Oh Allah open to us the doors of prosperity, the doors of risk that have been close to us yet alive, they are good for us in this dunya and Allah, Allah give us what is good in this life and good in the next and protect us from everything other than Allah. Allah open to us happiness into our homes and with our spouses and into our hearts here Allah, Allah give us this ease and May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us ease and good in our life. Yeah, Allah. Allah remove the harm by our love for the whole and remove the harm by our

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Have the Quran remove sorrow from the hearts by the light of the Quran in our chest. Yeah, Allah. Allah Allah Pura Nairobi appa do we know when Nora so Dory now they have a homie now who are moving I mean, Allah Matt you know and even several Benjamin

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Allahumma salli wa sallam was it regardless at you know, whenever, you know Habibi, now Mohammed Salalah while you were here that awareness and in hamdulillah Europe Bilal amin also lilyana wa Sallim wa barik ala Sayidina whenever you know Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early or slimy or Salim. I have shared my campaign for seeking to shelter feed, protect, heal and educate 1000 orphans May Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to complete this either in Ramadan or thereafter. Please if you have not taken part to take part if you're listening on my Instagram, go to my link that in my biography and you'll be able to trace back to my justgiving page. For those of you on my Facebook

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page. I will share with you

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in the chat. The links to it and I pray that a lot opens your heart towards it Allahumma amin, Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for all of us to find a path to truth and a path to righteousness. Allah whom I mean, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make us from those whose good be accepted in this life and accepted in the next Allah whom I mean. We ask you your hammer, I mean to bless us with good in this life and good in the next life and to protect us from the sins that we have brought into this world. Yeah, criminal Academy. Yeah, well he almost Salafi

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Allah assists us against our own selves. Yeah, Allah, Allah protect us from Cinzia Amara he mean without Allah grant us the ability to be accepted and that you have made COBOL for our actions in this month of Ramadan. Allah metal hub LCM and LCM and otaku I know sujood and a hammer I mean, Oh Allah make easy all of our affairs before Lika Yeah, our hammer rahimian. For those of you who have missed I will do it a little harder. It's found on my social media pages on our Facebook and YouTube and chat law. We pray that Allah subhanaw taala grants us success and acceptance. Also Lillehammer wa Sallim wa barik alesi. You know, whenever you know Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was

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solomani Kumar

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