Yahya Ibrahim – 005 Ramadan Taraweeh & JuzADay Talk

AI: Summary ©
The group discusses various topics related to Islam, including the return of Prophet Muhammad and the return of the Prophet sallal. They also discuss the importance of learning and practicing the language of Islam to change one's behavior and trust others. The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize.
AI: Summary ©
staring at
a wall
me in our rock Manny Rafi man looking young Genie
Buddha canister sorry
a Dina's see all most happy please sleep it off
yeah you
monastery No this was
all the
one not only shame Mina Whole
Foods she wants some raw love as she is for baby
go home
Sam yo Lehman Hermida
Murni Yomi Dini yah
yah Ganesh starin Deena slid off stubby
slid off
yay you
Marina Babu
Temple Law in law
yes Evie yes have you others have NA s have
is too
low yo
min Hoshi and team
oh hello lovey
whoa whoa
go Hi Amy
Hi Amy
sober Hannah
you set
Semia low human Hamidah
Sammy Hello Ayman Hamidah
Semi on Longwood Hermida
how long
Santa Maura
law law
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. does not come Allah fan May Allah subhana wa Allah accept from us mashallah the month of Ramadan is moving very quickly. Tonight we're beginning we will be beginning from the fifth use of the Quran will be blessed in sha Allah to hear that all of Chef Montez in the first few raka followed by a need in the next two, followed by our Muhammad coffin. And finally by
good luck man Joseph moolah fan and finishing off with a shipper well what
if I can call forward? Five inshallah mentees make your way forward shipments will begin quickly insha Allah
Allah hematic people does not go long enough. Does that
want you got to keep them.
Exactly one l'affaire.
Just some quick announcements as normal. We are following attended the COVID mandates with regards to the masks and other things may Allah reward you for your patience with that. Also, we ask you in chat like you do mean the bathroom. Just across from our building is the men's bathroom around back on the left hand side is the ladies bathroom the doors are open. If the lights aren't on it'll turn on automatically or turn on the switch. If you go in insha Allah
JazakAllah head we're using the parking lot on this side. I know for some families who live on the other side, it's a little bit of a walk around. We will try to make some type of arrangements for that in the coming day or so certainly before the school holidays just give me a couple more days inshallah just trying to work out the logistics for that and we'll make it as easy as possible.
With that, let's get ready for our prayers without them.
For a decimal
smuggler your manual Rami
Al Hamdulillah europeen.
Rahmani Raheem, Maliki omit the year Kanagawa iya ganas diary
in the No sir all fundamental stepping Sirocco levena da la mo Biale bow
wow all law how to Shady cool we shall
be no early
we've been whirly there any AXA no big deal for
Mercer kini all reveal
reveal guru
June OB was saw hey we will
be at Sebelius Malakut
the Niagara Falls now
I have to move
on in
theory not the movie
yo Simona Allahumma
see Wallah you may know that
or may punish you for no devil glory
him now
you are Leo mill
now we
Cooley to be sure he or j because
Yo my ad
Vina ghafar also Rasulo to sell
you au Hallerin
Bravo sada
suka rah
rah rah Lam
want to know when he he said he had daughters you know we're in
law a long suffering
boom be won't you hate ad
in law
a long one
I'll move on.
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al Hamdulillah Yurok below let me
know the key the year cannot do or cannot Stein in a slit all team also role for learning in an entirely for any limo Brd in one of CO
lemon Takita Larina Oh to now see
mean al Qaeda Dr stone Ebola Reto euery una
Delville was the
you already get
a no sale or Mina levena Her Do you have any food alcohol him
wearing he
was what's SMA SMA
BLC notti him are in early
synergy more on
the follow
call me on out on a smile oh good luck for you you're all
working on a home low vehicle free him for the
lady in
meno vimanas then
meno B man as Musab de Colima na
mele cobbly upon me sir
in Ohio
may Shrek he
may now be
lamb Turner in the US
foster home Valley who use a key my
bouquet for
lawn care or Cafe de
terre enough
to now see
you mean
Kowloon early learning
he can Levine Allah, Mo Mi La
Mina Mookie either you tune in here or a miasma Boonen Nassau
Okay now
let me know
i mean
in your in
your phone
cell phone mostly
get to know do
in law
who saw the heart
send me a lot.
All work well
and hamdulillah you're Melanie oh nine Elahi Maliki omit the ER cannot
Ghana styling if the no cell autonomous Taleem slid off all learning and naantali him why No, no no we are laying him well on it
in La Jolla Moroccan and
Tila Niihau either Hi can Bain and
como belong
LA honey I'm
a semi mostly y'all
You read oh nine
Will you read a shape on way
first game
by game
so I gave that
for that home mostly by Bhima Goddamnit ad
in our Drina
una Egon Levine
will be
forcing him
forcing him
HMI done
a lot about
Al Hamdulillah
me oh man a walhi mannequin kill me D He cannot go do he cannot study he didn't know Sarah was stopping split off on Latina naantali him
on a him wallow blog me
one ma salami Solon
was still
Lahoma Rasulullah
but our
follow up big
follow up big lie No. Me no no
yo hug chemo care FEMA
FEMA Shadowbane
you don't see
my you are gonna be here it's like my you are gonna be here
Lima Walla Dana
woman woman may
anomala anomala Allah
maybe you know was Fred deeply you know shahada your swan you say
well Hassan hola coffee for
the very long Garnica fumbling may no longer work
photo Hazel
zeros were bad in a way 00 Jeremy
liked well
send me a loved one Amen honey done
wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam was
in the fifth use it's entirely in Surah Nisa and we said yesterday that Surah Nisa was revealed in the third and fourth year of the hicieron of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This arrival of this surah came at a time after the defeat, or the seeming physical defeat in the battle of
and in the Surah is a mandate of how to rebuild a community that has suffered loss and Subhan Allah one of the great sores that is a treasure for the owner of the Prophet Muhammad so I sell them in the times that we are in today is Surah camisa
It contains a constitution of justice, a constitution of acceptance of the word of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the tradition of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as being an ideal that is in the heart, then in the home, then within our community, and then as a shift and as a paradigm change in what we see as being necessary to be changed in society. There was a famous incident where we heard in the citation, that there was a group of people who had accepted Islam outwardly, but in their hearts, there was a suspicion of Allah and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as they were sitting there, one of them mentioned to the other, if we truly believe in this man, then we are
more ignorant than the donkeys we ride on. The son of one of these men, the son of one of these men in the inner room, heard his father say this.
And he said, Well, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah rasool Allah, by God, I will take this to the Messenger of Allah.
So Allah, it was
an in it became a very powerful lesson in the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu. It was that this young man comes to the prophet and he says, oh, Messenger of Allah, although my father has favour on me, his love to me, and the men that were seated with Him are all members of my family, the love I have for you exceeds the love I have for them. And as they were sitting they said this and this and this when they're when your name was mentioned. So Allah revealed, verses with that regard. Lola is John had they not just come to the messenger and ask Allah for forgiveness and ask the messenger to make forgiveness for them? No wonder the law they would have found Allah forgiving
for them, but rather they said, no, no, this child has lied. He misheard he hasn't spoken the truth.
And one of the lessons that we learned is that the supremacy of our love for Allah and the messenger Muhammad, Salah must be taught, even to our children, that will lie you have no faith.
As the prophets I seldom said, Until I become more beloved to you, then your father, then your mother, then your spouse, then your children, then your own self to yourself so Allah hottie
and then came to the Messenger of Allah weeping.
The prophets I send them said, man,
he said, O Messenger of Allah, Allah He in me or hit book or messenger of Allah, I love you. The prophets I send them said,
think about what you're saying because it's not a word that need that can be just said it requires evidence. So the men said, well, Allah He Neela hymnbook rasool Allah I swear by the Lord Almighty, I love you.
The prophets Allah Allah Azza wa sallam said that there is none who will love me meaning who will practice what I was sent with,
except that there will be trials in their life to test that faith. To test the commitment to Mohamed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is it is a word that is said or a practice in your habit and faith.
And then Allah revealed the verses we heard recited by our young brother I need Joseph Allah said with a better Who was your Quran if you're convinced May Allah place the Quran firm in his heart, making any man for our oma in the coming years Allahumma Amin
that Allah subhanho wa Taala said
those who have this love may Yuto Rasul those who obey the messenger those who favor Allah, Allah iica man ebeam they will be at the level raised to the level of the prophets and messengers, why Bic Why was this man crying? He said, O Messenger of Allah, I fear the day that I die. And when we meet on the Day of Judgment, you will be where you are, and I will be in sha Allah in where I am. Hopefully I will make it to Jana. But where will you be your school Allah Now I live with you I can see you I can come to you, I can speak with you.
But I have this love for you a messenger of Allah that when I thought of the day of my departure from this life, I may never be near you as I am today. So Allah revealed that those who love the messenger some Allah Allah, us and those who favor his way those who seek it from the inside
side and it shows on the outside. They will be the ones not nabina was Sidiki not what shahada was Solly Hain were hacer una ecoffee. All of Surah Nisa is about one's internal commitment to Allah in opposition to hypocrisy
is where one on the inside is different to the outside. It comes from the word NASA thought it is the habit of a rat, and a rodent in the desert that they build a home with two exits and entrances, one that they use all the time. And the second they never use, you don't know it exists until danger enters. So everyday the rat is going in and out of the same hole. But when a snake follows it in it this it runs out of the second hole, it shows a second part of itself. This is where the out I've got the word munafo, the one who act like Iraq, may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from an effect
in this surah Allah gives the remedy to it.
Now Allah subhanho wa Taala says that the remedy to it is that one is sincere in their love for Allah and the messenger in their heart, more so than seeing seeking to show it in their public sense. The final lesson we take from Surah Nisa is about a Sahabi, whose name is unknown to us. Living in Mecca and Makawao mother was an old age man who accepted Islam and the prophets I sell them. But due to his place in this society, and his fear of his sons and daughters of trapping him and not allowing him to make his euro to the prophets. I seldom catch me he manner he hid his faith in his heart.
And secretly he began to build enough supplies to make the hedgerow to the prophets Allah, Allah, a lot of us and on a fateful day, knowing his family have not come to faith. His love for Mohamed is more so a lot he would send them to his home and his land and to his own family. He set out at night in the dark. And after a day and two and three of travel, his body is weak, he is elderly, his supplies have run out in the middle of the desert, he feels his death is soon.
So as he lays in the sand between Mecca and Medina, seeking the hedgerow to the prophets I send them with love and sincerity in part one.
He put his hand in his hand, shook his own hand for buddy up and he said Allahumma Havey buddy it surely Allah this is my pledge to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma humanness Salam, O Allah let my Salam reach him and let him know that I thought to come and enter interfaith and accepted with him but that has cut me short. So Allah reveals verses in sort of a nice
woman you had your feet Sabine, Linda,
the one who leaves his home,
seeking his euro to the way of Allah. So may you recall now, and on the way death overcomes him, so are the waka amuru. Allah Allah is affair is only with Allah, Allah who will be his source of protection and reward and elevated status in Jeddah. The prophets I send them doesn't even mention to us who it is when he conveys the salam of this man to the rest of his ummah in El Medina sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhana wa Taala make us memorable with Allah, even if we are forgotten by others who live amongst us, Allah Amin, may Allah grant us sincerity in our privacy that we seek to show publicly or suddenly now whom Allah say you didn't want to be, you know,
shahada, ramen, Chef Adam, is that
Allah Akbar
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen rochman Rahim, Maliki omit the ear canal Abu tener starting at 900 Thomas Duffy zero Paula Deen and now
La Vie will Malou la Mola mo de
la jolla Rafi Kathy even mean Nyjah whom Mr. B sada Putin Alma Roofing NOW IS LOVE I'm paying
for many file cabinets you
bought in labor so fine oh gee Adriana Lima why may you shop at Rasul
demands of a local Buddha, waiter Waitomo virus Sabine Nene and worldly matter well, one Asli Jehan was at the mercy or in a la la alviero a shrunk a bit, while Ophir Roma Duna dolly Callie may
or may wish to believe Callisto for Cadogan law Paula alum.
Runa Dooney INETA ye the owner in shaytaan am Mary the law no law won't bother me then. I mean, I bird you cannot see my food or water Odin Humala Omen Mian no Mala Mon Valley but chicken then
we'll move on now home for the year one Allah for me definitely the shape on Ali
Kodaka Jaco Swan will be yeah I do human me and my mache upon in LA or will come at well whom Johanne number variety tuna Mahi saw one leadin and also left artesanato Philo whom Jen TGV Jackie
y de loi oppo woman as dokumen Allah up Illa laser Bemani eco Mala Amani kita may also you deserve it. Wala de la whom? Do ne yo la si Euro? For me? Amina saleha team, the Camino uz uzawa
folder, creator for Luna Jen, that's our lair of the euro. Woman Sinodinos MYM and Assalamo Jehol Illa you will see no whatever I mean, let's say Ibrahim Khalifa with Jakarta love it Ibrahima kalila what little EMF is summer What do you feel oh? Worker no love will be equally Shay Mohito alo work work more
semi on long enough even Hamidah?
Oh workabout
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or Manurewa Rahim, Maliki yo me Dean, ear canal Buddha iya Kana Stein. Idina Sirota Mr. Hakim cero Tala de nom de la him via Wilma adobea la Mola bow all the
way your stuff to NACA in nice
little with T comfy in our man Utila Ali communicator beefy German,
Vietnam and nice
Latina to now own Mr. Gucci Bella with Northover bone and
muscle Dafina mineral wilderness, the whole mall area to build this woman follow minify wins in Milaca and ABBYY Alima way nim rotronic off at MIM Ballia new shoes and our all the vulajin Halima
was sold to courier walk with you the water for social work of seawater Kufa in Allah cannot be Mata MeLuna hubiera Yeah, you
You are the man who
will just study Yahoo and JD Liu Baden nice.
He will allow for us to further TAMIU parallel main effect of the rule. Cal ma law was justly who watch over in ala Ghana for Rahima where he is a former roto.
Worker no who was Yana Hakima well in EMF is summer what you wanna fill Welaka was sinal de la jolla kita Burmese public more er comm any type of
check for over in La La EMF is summer Awatea Maskull worker no lo Ghanaian Amida while in LA EMF is summer word you are my field of work of biller you were key. He shot you you become a human. See ya TBL curry worker no more voila the liquor body Oh, man, Ghana you we do our best dunya for Deloitte dunya will
work on Allah who sent me I'm persico Allah Akbar
Samia alone Amen Hamidah?
Bill Eileen R Rahman r Rahim
Malik young with D E can I'm doing the kind of study in a single study set off like a noun anti gay him way mo
fo me
yeah you
know no no Anwar Nina Be sure
you are the one
I will need Amy will be E quinone and 34
Tell you Oh,
not alone. Can I be mad at
you? Yeah.
Human learning. Oh, um, you know, you all assumedly will kita Levine as
well. Kita been loving as the last movie will Keita be like levy
on Wyoming for belying on
To be
kufra food
for Allah Nia Cooney, Julio
surbey bedsharing Muna 15 RBN
been heavy Levina toughie una cash Marina only
meanie I better oh nice
nice that I find
that Jamie Walden is the Donnie coombsville kita be an either semitone if you follow her where you stand up her further taka
ko CFRD see noi in Nakhon
in Allah
send me on long
Alhamdulillah Europe Bilad me
Kill me de
cana Canis die Stein
is the no Sarah Mr. Medina and untidy him or Erin are no more be Eiling him on me
I love the natural persona because I can I can search from mean Allah HIPAA low
ceiling and I'll see boom low or low
with it from one and not
many for long. Como Bay Netcom young man of the
word only Giada long woody Lucas Ed na didn't mean to be in Luna city now you heard your own allah how I'm more for the room why either oh you know sada tip la Musa you row
would've been
one man
who further
told you that
me to redo
third yada yada equals
movie in Muna city now she * less very mean and nasty. What do you do? Now Sierra? Loving it
welcome also Deena homely learning from Buddha he cannot really mean what those things
mean agile run now the NIAA follow along with me either become ish come to
What can I learn wish I can on 19
send me Allah. Amen Hi NIDA
Salatu Salam lashup
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar or cavea Robin
Alhamdulillah Europ Delilah Amina rock manuale Rahimi Maliki I will meet Dini he cannot a Buddha he cannot styrene
Dino syrup almost of email see it all for levena Ananda Ali him are you really?
Oh Ali Amin
Allah host Samad lemmya Lee do LMU lead while Aamir Khan level Khufu one had
semirara Mabuni man Hamidah
Oh law
Akobo about
Alhamdulillah hero Billa lemme no rock manual rocky Mima Ehrlichia with me Dini, he cannot he cannot stay.
And you know seal off Halima stuffy masiero for letting
early in
an hour Ooh brr Bill fell up Miss Sheree masala why Miss Sheree hos you can either well when you showering net pasa TP
one shot rehab sitting in either I said
sent me all along holy man Hamidah
Allahu Arklow
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah?
Alhamdulillah your biller
a Walkman you're walking Maliki ohmic Dean he cannot he cannot styrene staring at the you know syrup, stuffing, Sirocco, leadin Ananda him
to be it was all clean
Melek in
Mujeres showreel was silicon
Allah the US with Sophie so door in
MENA gene natty when
Allah Allahu Akbar.
Semi Allah Guney men Hamidah
Allah Who Medina demon her they wi fi nofima nothing whatever learner team until late, whether they Kyla Mallanna FEMA.
What they know what sorry, I'm not sure Rama probably in Naga taco de la la inna hula yoga Luma lado Azuma na de Guevara. BENNER what?
Like Al hamdu
lillahi Wa laka Shu Kuru Isla Manoj
fusina, Wi Fi Lana,
Lana Coonan
Foschini Rob Benalla fitna in nesina
Rob banner
is wrong
levena being called the Lena Rob banner
author Lana wild one
all Finland
last one
demo hola Bonjour.
Oh minion caffine
Allah Allah may
Allah Houma in Naka, aku, Karima Moon now the moon to
Allah who met in Naka foon to
rob banner have learner mean as well? Do you know whether we, Tina, are you what your alma mater Tina EMA
our Kaleena what is
You got
what you know you got emosi
in Sameera Muna de una de Lima
Lana don't know
what what's up
Tina What are what's
up oh
sallallahu alayhi wa
ala Middlebrook Nasha
Aluna I mean how will the history acromial Chromie Allah Mojo command
shuttle metal metal back
a lot of metal nappies or Marathi Robina
ala home Masoli Allah rasool
Allah Who muscle ala Nabina Muhammad while
he was he was a
demon getting your
guru Dawa
Europe me
Allahu Akbar
look forward to seeing you again