Waleed Basyouni – Magnificent Seven 01

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary ©
The Hadith is recognized as the most authentic and famous Hadith in the world, and it is discussed in various ways. The Hadith is seen as a pan optimization of seven kinds of people, with men and women being attached to their minds and control their behavior. The importance of protecting Muslims from the army and the potential for multiple categories to be considered is emphasized. The Hadith is also discussed in various ways, including the importance of protecting individuals in the event of a war and the need for individuals to be accepted in society.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Ashraf al MBR your mursaleen Nabina Muhammad in while early he was such a big name

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all braised due to Allah and His praise and blessings and peace be upon His Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his family and his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. My dear brothers and sisters, I would like to welcome you all

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by a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. The best greeting that Allah subhanho wa Taala have said to us,

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inshallah, in this series of lectures, I will be talking about the Magnificent Seven. I'll talk about seven kinds of people and they are very unique and very special. And those seven people, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam have mentioned them in one of the most common and known Hadith.

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The study reported by several scholars, such as an Imam Al Bukhari, Rahim Allah, and Muslim also reported by him ematic in his book and mapa and Mr. Ashman in a Muslim anessa in Sudan, and so many others. And also this Hadith, related to asked by several of the Prophet Mohammed Salah, lightest aliens companions, such as Abu hurayrah and jabber for the Allah, an anniversary, the Audrey and others.

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This Hadith also was chosen by great Eman, great scholars, in the science of Hadith to be the best Hadith in fava man.

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chosen by a man had been Abdel Rahim Allah to Allah, to be one of the best Hadith ever, then narrated to us about the virtues of the good deeds. As he said in his book at them here, this is the most authentic, the most detail Hadith in follow, man,

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the Hadith goes

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as Abu huraira the Allahu and related to us, that the Messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala said,

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seven are whom Allah subhana wa tada will put him in his shade, in the Day of Judgment, in an aeration which is reported by Imam Malik in wapa. And others that he said, in the shade of his throne, in the day of judgment

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and they are a just ruler, or youth who grow up with the worship of Allah,

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a person whose heart attached to the massage to the most

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to persons who love and meet each other and depart from each other, for the sake of Allah.

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And then

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human, extremely beautiful woman, extremely beautiful woman seduce, but he rejects her offer by saying, I fear Allah, a person who gives in charity, and concealed it and conceal it to such extend that the left hand might not know what the right has given.

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And a person who remembers a law alone solitude and his eyes will have

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this great Heidi, I know it might be a very common Hadith. And so many of us heard this hadith before, but I would like to focus in these categories in my lectures in sha Allah tala and in my classes with you during this series, to learn or to study this Hadeeth in details.

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First of all, I would like to

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Give you an introduction for this hadith. As you heard, this hadith one of the most authentic hadith in fava man in the virtue of the good deeds, and this hadith cover all kinds of people, actually this hadith cover the whole society, it's related to the whole society, from the top to the bottom, this has to deal with the elite member in the society, like the rulers, goes all the way to the average person in the street, or in domestic. Also, this hadith is not related to

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one group of people, less heavy,

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is talking about the youth, about the adult. Also, this hadith are not only for male, but it goes for males and females, this Hadeeth also related to the rich people or members in our community, and also to the poor people in our community.

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This Hadith also cover all different kind of act of worship. It's talking about the heart actions, the things that you do with your heart, you worship Allah subhanaw taala with it by your heart, and also talking about the

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act of worship which is related to the money that you donate, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Also, this Hadith, talking about the physical actions that you do, and you worship Allah Subhana Allah with it, such as praying in the mosque, in the masjid, as you will see, inshallah, as we go deep in this Hadith,

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there is something common between all of them, all these different kinds of people, there's different categories, that is something common between all of them, that they all

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have so much love and respect for Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that love and respect prevented them from doing what is not allowed, preventing them from practice, what is haram, and help them to be worshipper to be righteous members in the society. Also, if you if you think about this different categories, you will see also that one more thing common between all of them, they all hold their desires, and they all go against their desires, in order for them to please Allah subhanho wa Taala, a young man would like to go around and play and be perilous and not take any responsibility and to fulfill his desires. But in this Hadith,

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what happened, he committed himself to the master to pray in the midst. Also, you see that ruler, you see the ruler, who will go against his desires, and being just with his people, and the ruler here,

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also committed himself to justice committed himself to be good to his people.

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Also, this Hadith, if you think about these different categories, you will notice that there is a logical sequence in the body, there is a logical sequence in the heading. So the first one is the ruler, and the ruler provide provide

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the safety and the security and the environment for the people who live under his ruling or under his protection, to be able to grow up in a society where his mobile mobile phones are here and in monka, whereas good been supported and the evil been controlled, and not been allowed to release and to spread in the community. In a such environment, you will have the young men or the youth who will grow up worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. Whereas the young men who will who grow up worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala, where he should grow up in the massage. That's why the third category of person has heart attached to the massage added in the massage where you meet your good friends, when

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you meet your brothers and sisters. And this is the third category is where people are

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attached to the massage and they love each other for the sake of Allah. Then

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after that, the men who

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have been seduced by that beautiful woman and he rejects her offer by saying, I fear Allah, a person whose heart attached to the mustard. A person who has a good company, a good friends around them, he will be able to protect himself from fulfilling the forbidden desires, he can control his sexual laws. And a person like this, he will be able also to control another desires and the inside the human being, which the love for the wealth, the love for the money, that's why he will be able to give an a spin for the sake of Allah subhana wa Taala.

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Then in the end, a person who can protect himself from all different kinds of evil things and evil deeds, he will be able to have a such soft heart, that whenever he remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala, he can control his eyes, he can control his his tears. And that the last one in this Hadith, you see, this sequence and Hadith makes a lot of sense.

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And also,

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we look into this Hadith, more in details, we see that Allah subhana wa Taala promised this kind of people or this the those people with a great reward and the day of judgment

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala will put them in his shade. And

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the shade here and this hadith been explained by the other Hadith which is reported as I told you by a mathematic Rahim Allah, then his more thought that and also say at the mon Sol, that Allah subhana wa Taala will put them in the shade of in the shade of his throne. And this duration related by or narrated by Sal man, alpha zero, the Allahu wa,

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we don't

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attribute we don't attribute this

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attribute or we don't attribute this attribute to Allah subhana wa Taala. Or we don't consider this as one of his attributes. We don't consider his shade as one of his attributes, because the other hadn't explained clearly that this is the shade of his throne, the shade of his throne. Allah subhanho wa Taala has a great throne. Great throne. It's so great.

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This throne is so great. And so why'd you know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that the example of this mass heavens, this mass Heavens

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and the chair of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the chair of philosophy panel attallah, like a seven kinds, that you three that you threw them, that you threw them in a shield of a shield off a warrior, can you compare seven coins in weight and size, to the big shield that the warrior carry in the battle? That's that comparison between the size of the chair and the throne. And when you talk about the heavens and the chair, and if you talk about the chair, comparing the chair to the throne, it's like a ring that you threw in the desert. How big of a throne is that? So great and a lot smaller greater than that. People will be in the shade of that great throne in the Day of Judgment,

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when people are looking for any protection for any place to be in in the shade of that place, cooling themselves down because the sun is so close from human being in that time. May Allah Subhana Allah make us among those who will be in his shade in his shade in the Day of Judgment.

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And now we'll have a break, then we'll come back inshallah to Allah soon.

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Do you have kids? Do you want your kids to enjoy their time? Do you want them to benefit from their time

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to increase their knowledge in Islam and general culture?

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honesty brother fresco? Yes.

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How should you choose a friend and they should have lots and lots of toys. Yes.

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consists of challenges.

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The two teams with the most points at the end of the show that when the lovely golden medal, or if you come in second place, of course with a lovely silver medal, the winning team overall gets a lovely golden medal. I'm very excited

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to like to teach them the Islamic Finance, would you like to get to know our puppet freesco it's a good day to join our program hits quiz to have more knowledge and fun.

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Welcome back.

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We just heard that the shade, which mentioned the Hadith is the shade of that great throne, that Allah subhana wa Taala has, and he mentioned it in several occasions and several times in his book, as his tower arch is above his throne. Allah subhanho wa Taala his throne is so great, as we heard, and some scholars consider the thrones of philosophy panatela to be the first creation, the first creation,

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such as Alabama didn't get to him a whole lot and pay him and other scholars mentioned that it's one also, it's been mentioned that this the opinion of Abdullah Al hamadani urashima home Allahu taala Jamia

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anyway, Allah subhanho wa Taala has thrown is one of his creation, and we cannot say that the throne of Allah is a symbol of his knowledge or his kingdom, because this is well not goes with that Hadith and the verses that Allah subhana wa tada described his throne, with such as that Allah's throne will be carried by angels, or somebody will be in the shade of his throne, cannot be in the shade of his kingdom or a shade of his knowledge. So all these interpretation to the or these meanings are not acceptable by and signal Jenna I we believe the throne is something Allah Subhana Allah created and it's so great, and owner, honorable.

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And Allah subhana wa tada will honor this kind those people, the seven kind of people on the Day of Judgment, by allowing them to be so close to him, and in the shade of his throne. My brothers and sisters, don't think that this howdy related to men only know this hadith apply to men and woman as well as a man

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made an exception in

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the issue of the great rulers or the amendment of them, like the president or the Caliph, or the halifa, or the president of the country, that it has to be a man but ruler in this hadith is not restricted to the ruler in the sense of the president or the king of the state, but anybody who has responsibility, and this can apply to women and females as well. But other than that, the rest of the Hadith apply to male and female, as well as you will see in Sharla. During our series, when we explain in detail, this hadith.

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Also, this hadith are not related to seven individual. So it's not only seven individual will be in the shade of philosophy panatela in the Day of Judgment, no, it's about seven kinds of people, these seven categories, maybe each category, under each category that is hundreds and 1000s or millions of people can fit in these categories. Also, one person can have more one than one category. As the scholar said, the prophet Yusuf Ali Salim, all these different categories, all these seven categories fit him fit him. So he is a just ruler. He's a man who was seduced by a beautiful woman and he said he rejects her offers because he said I fear Allah subhana wa Taala. He also among those

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who give charity a lot and so on, so

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One person can also have more than one category in him.

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So this Hadith, talking about seven different categories.

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And now

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we have a rule in Arabic language called an added llama formula. Sometimes number are not meant in Arabic language. I mean by that, you might say a number seven, but you don't necessarily mean strictly seven, but you only choose in seven, because they are the most common or the best of other categories. For example, the prophets Allah, Allah subhanaw taala told the Prophet Mohammed Salah, if you make a stub for 70 times, to those who die in a state of hypocrisy, Allah will not forgive them. So it means if he made stuff for 72 times alone, forgive them, no, here Allah subhanaw taala that when he mentioned that number, he didn't he doesn't mean that strictly 70 it means even if it's

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70 times a lot of time, that what we call an Arabic language when that number not meant when the number not meant is that the case here is only seven category will be in the shade of philosophy and the Day of Judgment, or there is other categories as well. Allah promised him and his messenger Salah sunlamp promised them that they will be in the shade of philosophy hotel and the Day of Judgment by researching in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and reading in the books which is Arthur by the scholars, we found that there is so many other people been promised the same reward, the same reward and that's why there are several scholars Arthur book to collect those

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who deserve to be in the shade of philosophy panatela in the Day of Judgment, such as an Imam assuta Rahim Allah tala. He has a famous book

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about those who will be in the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala time he will fill his side in more DBT Li focus eyelid Mooji Betty living Lelouch and also even hajra Rahim Allah, Arthur, another book, and he could look at it in that book, those people who will be in the shade of philosophy panel earlier in the day of judgment, as a matter of fact, as a member of Sahar Rahim, Allah to Allah have collected 92 different kind of people will be in the shade of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah in the day of judgment in the Day of Judgment.

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I can share with you some example of those who will be in the shade of Allah subhana wa Tada, other than what this hadith mentioned, just to give you an idea about that.

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I'm so glad it's windy today. So it's the weather is nice. So I hope it will not disturb you much.

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one of those people who Allah subhanaw taala promised them to be in his shade in the Day of Judgment, those who will give a break and extended and Paul spawned the debt, when the person in the hardship that they will not asked for their money. When the people who lend money from them in a hardship, they will postpone the pay until an ease time will come to that person when he has an extra money that he can give to pay his debt off. If somebody came to you and tell you that I don't have enough money to pay my debt. And you give him a break. You tell him I will give you more time. You know I'm going to reduce that amount of money or the payment that you have to pay me because

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you're in a such hard shape or you are in a difficult time you don't have enough money to pay me back. If you do that, and you're sincere in this. The prophets of Salaam said such person will be in the shade of his throne. Also, those who will support the Mujahideen, those who go to fight for the sake of Allah Subhana which Allah for the right cause the person who supported them, Allah subhanho wa Taala will put him in his shade in the Day of Judgment. Also, the prophets of Salaam told us that the trust the honest businessman, he will be in the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Day of Judgment, he deserved to be in the shade of a loss of power.

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I want to add in the Day of Judgment, also, the prophets, that Shahada, the Righteous One, the trustworthy one, so deep in almost people, Allah subhanho wa Taala will put them in his shade, in the Day of Judgment, will protect them with his shade from the suffering, that the people of the Day of Judgment are facing and struggling against. And that date.

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Also the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, if a Muslim and the battle, see that the army of the Muslims defeated, then he stand in the battle, and defend the Muslims and protect their tree of retreating from the world from the battle the battle, and he protect them until they, until he save them and give them a safe pass, to exit from such a traveler problem during the battle. Verse one, Allah subhanaw taala also will put him in his shade, in the Day of Judgment, in the Day of Judgment.

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Also, in nubby sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that there are a Muslim in Philadelphia, Archie, the prophets of Salaam also told us that the children's of the Muslims who die before they reach the age of puberty, will be in the day of judgment in the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Also, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Allah to noble man. And ela also mentioned one of this the one of the categories, or one of the people who will be in the shear in the shade of philosophy, and the depth judgment, those who have been killed or murder for no reason, and their murder or their they've been killed and justice. There murder was unjust, that a dictator killed them, or murder them, or somebody killed them for no reason they have, they have done nothing. As we see today, in so many places in the world, people just die, and there is no reason for them to die.

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I'll take this opportunity to tell my brothers and sisters all over the world, especially my brothers and sisters in Iraq, those who die daily 10s hundreds, even 1000s of them die in the last few months. And so many of them been killed. And there is they don't know why they've been killed or for what and no doubt killing people in a such mathway is no there is nothing can justify that killing people in the souks or in the mall or in the mosque. Those one who lost the loved one in such

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incident or they lost someone because he was thrown in jail or being killed

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for no legitimate reason or right reason. Those people will be in the shade of Allah subhana wa Taala of the dying the status of the heat and then they will be in the shade of philosophy and what Allah because they're great injustice been done to them, that they've been stripped, they're alive. And they've been they've been stripped their opportunity to live and to enjoy this live. May Allah Subhana Allah to forgive all those who die among the Muslims allow morpholine Muslim Mina, what a Muslim act.

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You know, there are so many other people than mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam as you just heard as to how he alone have collected 92 different different kinds of people will be in the shade of Allah. But I want to focus on those seven people that the those seven people that the prophets Allah mentioned them in the Hadith are decided in the beginning of our lecture today and inshallah we will be studying each one in details. May Allah Subhana Allah to accept from all of us, and help us to be among those who will be in the shade of his throne in the Day of Judgment, and Salama, who was a lemma, Allah Nabina Muhammad in early he was

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For the people who live under his ruling or under his protection, to be able to grow up in a society, where is a more vulnerable foreigner he added monka. Whereas good been supported, and the evil been controlled, and not been allowed to release and to spread in the community. In a such environment, you will have the young men or the youth who will grow up worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. Whereas the young men who will who grow up worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala, where he should grow up in the massage. That's why the third category of person has heart attached to the massage added in the massage where you meet your good friends, when you meet your brothers and

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sisters. And this is the third categories where people are

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attached to the massages and they love each other for the sake of Allah. Then

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after that, the men who've been seduced by that beautiful woman and he rejects her offer by saying I fear Allah, a person who is hard attached to the mustard, a person who has a good company, a good friends around them, he will be able to protect himself from fulfilling the forbidden desires, he can control his sexual laws. And a person like this, he will be able also to control another desires and inside the human being, which the love for the wealth, the love for the money, that's why he will be able to give and spend for the sake of Allah subhana wa Taala.

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Then in the end, a person who can protect himself from all different kinds of evil things and evil deeds, he will be able to have a such soft heart, that whenever he remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala he can control his eyes, he can control his his tears. And that the last one in this hadith. You see, this sequence and Hadith makes a lot of sense.

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And also,

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we look into this Hadith, more in details, we see that Allah subhana wa Taala promised this kind of people or this the those people with a great reward and the day of judgment

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala will put them in his shade. And

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the shade here and this hadith been explained by the other Hadith which is reported as I told you by a mathematic Rahim Allah, then his more thought that and also say at the mon Sol, that Allah subhana wa Taala will put them in the shade of in the shade of his throne. And this duration related by or narrated by Sal man, alpha zero the Allah And voila,

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we don't

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attribute we don't attribute this

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attribute or we don't attribute this attribute to Allah subhana wa Taala or we don't consider this as one of his attributes. We don't consider his shade as one of his attributes. Because the other hand it explained clearly that this is the shape of his throne, the shape of his throne. Allah subhanho wa Taala has a great throne. Great throne. It's so great.

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This throne is so great. And so why'd you know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that the example of this mass heavens, this mass Heavens

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and the chair of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the chair of philosophy anoeta Allah, like a seven kinds that you three that you threw them, that you threw them in

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shield off a shield off a warrior? can you compare seven coins in weight and size, to that big shield that the warrior carry in the battle? That's that comparison between the size of the chair and the throne. And when you talk about the heavens and the chair, and if you talk about the chair, comparing the chair to the throne, it's like a ring that you threw in the desert. How big of a throne is that? So great and greater than that people will be in the shade of that great throne in the Day of Judgment, when people are looking for any protection for any place to be in in the shade of that place, cooling themselves down, because the sun is so close from human beings in that time.

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May Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who will be in his shade in his shade in the Day of Judgment.

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And now, we'll have a break, then we'll come back inshallah to Allah soon.

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Do you have kids? Do you want your kids to enjoy their time? Do you want them to benefit from their time

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to increase their knowledge in Islam and general culture?

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honesty, brother Frisco. Yes.

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And they should have lots and lots of toys. Yes.

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The two teams with the most points at the end of the show, that when the lovely golden medal, or if you come in second place, of course, what a lovely silver medal, the winning team overall gets a lovely golden medal. I'm very excited.

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Tonight to teach them the Islamic Finance, would you like to get to know our puppet freesco it's a good day to join our program hits quiz to have more knowledge and fun.

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Welcome back.

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We just heard that the shade which mentioned the Hadith is the shade of that great throne, that Allah subhana wa Taala has, and he mentioned it in several occasions and several times in his book, as his tower arches above his throne. Allah subhanho wa Taala his throne is so great, as we heard, and

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some scholars consider the thrones of philosophy panatela to be the first creation, the first creation,

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such as Alabama being Katia bajo la and pay him and other scholars mentioned that it's one also it's been mentioned that this the opinion of Abdullah Al hamadani urashima home Allahu taala Jamia

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anyway, Allah subhana wa Taala has thrown his is one of his creation, and we cannot say that the throne of Allah is a symbol of his knowledge or his kingdom, because this is well not goes with that. A Hadith and the verses that Allah subhana wa Taala described his throne with such as that Allah's throne will be carried by angels, or somebody will be in the shade of his throne cannot be in the shade of his kingdom or a shade of his knowledge. So all these interpretation to the or these meanings are not acceptable by and signal Jana we believe the throne is something Allah Subhana Allah created and it's so great and owner, honorable

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and Allah subhana wa tada will honor this kind those people, the seven kinds of people on the Day of Judgment by allowing them to be so close to him and in the shade of his throne. My brothers and sisters don't think that this hadith related to men only know this hadith apply to men and woman as well and

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made an exception in

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the issue of the great rulers or the innocent

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And I'm like the president or the Caliph or the halifa, or the president of the country, that it has to be a man but ruler in this hadith is not restricted to the ruler in the sense of the president or the king of the state. But anybody who has responsibility, and this is can apply to women and females as well. But other than that, the rest of the Hadith apply to male and female, as well, as you will see in Sharla. During our series, when we explain in detail, this hadith.

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Also, this Hadith, are not related to seven individual. So it's not only seven individual will be in the shade of philosophy panatela in the Day of Judgment, no, it's talking about seven kinds of people, these seven categories, maybe each category, under each category, that is hundreds and 1000s, or millions of people can fit in these categories. Also, one person can have more one than one category, as the scholar said, the prophet Yusuf Ali Salim, all these different categories, all these seven categories, fit him fit him. So he is a just ruler, he's a man who was seduced by a beautiful woman. And he said, he rejects her offers, because he said, I fear Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. He also among those who give charity a lot, and so on. So one person can also have more than one category in him.

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So this Hadith, talking about seven different categories.

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And now

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we have a rule in Arabic language, it called an added llama formula, sometimes number are not meant in Arabic language. I mean by that, you might say a number seven, but you don't necessarily mean strictly seven, but you only choose in seven, because they are the most common or the best of other categories. For example, the prophets Allah, Allah subhanaw taala told the Prophet Mohammed sauce Allah, if you make a stub for 70 times, to those who die in a state of hypocrisy, Allah will not forgive them. So it means if he made the 472 times ALLAH forgive them know, here, Allah subhanaw taala, that when he mentioned that number, he didn't mean he doesn't mean that strictly 70 it means

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even if it's 70 times a lot of time, that what we call an Arabic language when that number not meant when the number not meant is that the case here is only seven category will be in the shade of philosophy on the Day of Judgment, or there is other categories as well. Allah promised them and His Messenger solar sunlamp promised them that they will be in the shade of philosophy hotel and the Day of Judgment by researching in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and reading in the books which is Arthur by the scholars, we found that there is so many other people been promised the same reward, the same reward. And that's why there are civil scholars Arthur book to collect

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those who deserve to be in the shade of philosophy panatela in the Day of Judgment, such as an Imam assuta Rahim Allahu taala he has a famous book

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about those who will be in the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala Tim, he will fill his side in more GBT Li focused silent majority living Lelouch and also even hajra Rahim, Allah, Arthur, another book, and he could look at it in that book, those people who will be in the shade of philosophy with Allah and the Day of Judgment. As a matter of fact, as a member of Sahar Rahim, Allah to Allah have collected 92 different kind of people will be in the shade of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah in the day of judgment in the Day of Judgment.

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I can share with you some example of those who will be in the shade of Allah subhana wa tada other than what this hadith mentioned, just to give you an idea about that.

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I'm so glad it's windy today. So it's the weather is nice. So I hope it will not disturb you much

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One of those people who Allah subhanaw taala promised them to be in his shade in the Day of Judgment, those who will give a break and extended and Paul spawned the debt, when the person in a hardship that they will not ask for their money, when the people who lend money from them in the hardship, they will postpone the pay until an ease time will come to that person when he has an extra money that he can give to pay his debt off. If somebody came to you, and tell you that I don't have enough money to pay my debt, and you give him a break. You tell him I will give you more time, you know, I'm going to reduce the amount of money or the payment that you have to pay me because you

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are in a such hard shape or you are in a difficult time you don't have enough money to pay me back. If you do that, and you are sincere in this. The prophets of Salaam said such person will be in the shade of his throne. Also, those who will support the Mujahideen, those who go to fight for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala for the right cause the person who supported them, Allah subhanho wa Taala will put him in his shade in the Day of Judgment. Also, the prophets of Salaam told us that the trust the honest businessman, he will be in the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Day of Judgment, he deserved to be in the shade of Allah subhana wa tada in the Day of Judgment, also the

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prophets, that Shahada, the Righteous One, the trustworthy one, so deep in almost people, Allah subhanho wa Taala will put them in his shade, in the Day of Judgment, will protect them with his shade from the suffering that the people of the Day of Judgment are facing and struggling against in that day.

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Also, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if a Muslim in the battle, see that the army of the Muslims defeated then he stand in the battle and defend the Muslims and protect their treat that retreating from the world from the battle the battle, and he protected them until they until he saved them and give them a safe pass to exit from such a troubled problem during the battle. This one, Allah subhanaw taala also will put him in his shade in the day of judgment in the Day of Judgment.

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Also, in Nabhi, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that there are a Muslim in Philadelphia Archie, the prophets of Salaam also told us that the children's of the Muslims who die before they reach the age of puberty, we'll be in the day of judgment in the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Also, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Al Maktoum noblemen. Allah also mentioned one of the one of the categories, or one of the people who will be in the shear in the shade of philosophy and the Day of Judgment, those who've been killed or murder for no reason. And their murder or their they've been killed and justice. Their murder was unjust, that a dictator killed them or murder them, or somebody killed them for no reason they have they have done nothing. As we see today, in so many places in the world, people just die, and there is no reason for them to die.

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I will take this opportunity to tell my brothers and sisters all over the world, especially my brothers and sisters in Iraq, those who die daily 10s hundreds, even 1000s of them die in the last few months. And so many of them been killed. And there is they don't know why they've been killed or for what and no doubt killing people. In a such mass way, is no there is nothing can justify that. Killing people in the soups, or in the mall or in the mosque. Those one who lost the loved one in such

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Siddhant or they lost someone because he was thrown in jail or being killed

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for no legitimate reason or right reason, those people will be in the shade of Allah subhana wa Taala of the dying the status have to heat and eat man, they will be in the shade of philosophy, or whatever Allah because they're great injustice has been done to them, that they've been stripped their life. And they've been they've been stripped their opportunity to live and to enjoy this live.

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May Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to forgive all those who die among the Muslims allow morpholine Muslim Mina, what a Muslim act.

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You know, there are so many other people than mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam as you just heard as to how he alone have collected 92 different different kinds of people who will be in the shade of Allah. But I want to focus on those seven people that the those seven people that the prophets Allah mentioned them in the Hadith are decided in the beginning of our lecture today. And in sha Allah, we will be studying each one in details. May Allah Subhana Allah to accept from all of us and help us to be among those who will be in the shade of his throne in the day of judgment and Salama who was in demand Salam ala nabina Muhammad Ali he was

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