Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #24 – Journal

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speaker shares a story about a woman who had to deal with her father's actions during a lunch meeting. She explains that she had to leave her father's shirt and retrieve the folder of trash, but eventually found it hiding under her shirt. She advises her parents to start writing a journal of their experiences and to be wise when they do so.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters in Islam today I wanted to share with you a secret. So when I was young around around the age of 1314, if I recall correctly, I was standing in the street waiting for my father to come for our regular lunch meeting. And while I was standing alone, reflecting looking left and right, I saw one of my neighbors friend, one of my friends who left his home, hiding something under his shirt, looking left or right, looking really strange. And I thought that he's hiding something and this something there must be something wrong. So I observed from far, and I saw him lifting a big trash bin, and putting like a folder underneath the rubbish bin and getting back

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home. And I was like, What is he doing? And you know, that age that curiosity kills? And immediately Yes, you guessed it, right. I was I was like, you know, think you already planning how to get that file into my hand. And immediately, in a split of a second I ran, I took I lifted the trash bin, I took the folder, I hid it in the same way how he was hiding it earlier. And I took it home as if nothing happened, my father came, we had the lunch, I went to the bathroom, and I start browsing through this folder. Of course, this is something very bad advice, you know, never to do it. But we were young, and we were wrong. And but I went through and hamdulillah It was like the best thing

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ever happened to me at that age. And that was a journal of that brother. He was he was jotting down his his thoughts, his achievements, the thing that he has done that made him proud, the things that he's done that he regretted, and a solution to it. And from now on, I will never do this again and again, and so on and so forth. And it was actually a great idea for me at that age. And for also the people who came from my culture in Egypt, it's very difficult to open up to your family members, for example, about a girl that you like, it is very, very awkward, sometimes for younger generation to open up to their parents or elders. And so it gave me that idea that I wanted to actually jot down

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my thoughts, my ideas, my achievements, my mistakes, my sins, to something that will never judge me to something that will never say you're wrong. You're this you're that haram haram haram you know the Haram hunters that we have around us. And this is my advice for today. judge yourself before you are judged by Allah subhanho wa Taala This is according to Omar, may Allah be pleased with him. So the advice today will be Why don't you start to have a journal of your own to jot down your your daily you know inputs what you have done today, whether you have slipped whether you made a mistake. And when you get back to these ideas and to these thoughts and to these mistakes, most likely it

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will strengthen you in the future in sha Allah Allah. So start from today on and continue with that practice for as many years as you can, and try to keep it safe. In a safe place where it's not accessible by anyone who will shame you or who will expose your secrets. Try to be wise when you do that. May Allah subhanho wa Taala hide our faults all of us. I mean, mean mean my brothers and sisters in Islam all the links to previous episodes are to be found below this video kindly like them, share them with everyone and we'll see you tomorrow inshallah with another episode title. Don't worry

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