Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #19 – Don’t Justify

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the danger of justifying pornography and addiction in general, and warns of the consequences of refusing to pray for failure. They encourage people to list down any excuses they have for their problems and promise them that they will find solutions. The speaker also mentions a new episode on addiction and a title for those who want to join them in a warahmatull weaker.
AI: Transcript ©
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One day a brother came to me to ask about tips and tricks on how to wake up for fudger the don't prayer. And believe me, my brothers and sisters in Islam the first 30 seconds of my response to him, he immediately he interrupted me. And he started asking questions like, what if I asked my mom to wake me up for failure, but she failed, she didn't? Will Allah forgive me for not praying fetcher? What if I was awake all night and I couldn't wake up for failure on my own? what if what if, what if, and this is the condition of so many people who justify the sins in order to not feel guilty about doing the wrong in this obeying Allah subhanho wa Taala. The same apply to * addicts who

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would say you know what, this is better than fornication. This is better than Xena. This is better than cheating. And they fail to realize that all these actions watching * of all types will either be lamea lots of panel data, save us all, would lead them ultimately to fornication to cheating on their wives to adultery, and so on and so forth. Be careful my brothers and sisters in Islam, of justifying the wrong Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, file made in Latin fowl levena Vala, mu Matera to whom well, whom you start a boot on that day on the Day of Judgment, those who wronged themselves those who wronged others the wrongdoers in general, their excuses, their

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justifications will not benefit them in the least. And they will not be able even to appease Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is the danger of justifying the sin. So today's decision my brothers and sisters is I will never justify the wrong rather I will seek professional help from experts so that I could cope with my addiction. May Allah subhanho wa Taala cleanse us all from these diseases. But this is one of the most important thing that you should realize. And you should understand very, very clearly that if you do not find a solution to your problem, guess what will happen? You will be looking for excuses to do that problem to pursue with your problems. And I always always tell to my

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clients and those people who have issues with * addiction in particular, list down to me all the excuses that you have, list them down for me and I will find for every problem for every excuse for every justification, a million solutions, but are you willing? Are you willing to go through that challenge? Are you willing to really cope with these difficulties and do that which is pleasing to Allah? That's the question. So decide today in sha Allah, Allah that I will never justify the sin anymore. Thank you as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi over a care to my brothers and sisters in Islam. The links to all the previous episodes as usual are below this video in sha Allah like them, share

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them with everyone. And we'll see you tomorrow with another episode in sha Allah title. This is who I am

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