Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 21

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various errors and examples in English, including incorrect or inaccurate examples, mistakes in writing, and the use of "good" or "good job" in English. They stress the importance of proper English language and the use of proper noun and "good relationship" in relation to construction. The speakers also discuss rules for writing proper names in different languages and stress the importance of pronouncing " Hamza whistling" in Arabic. They provide examples and exercises for practicing the writing process, including a demonstration of a pen and a message about the end of registration.
AI: Transcript ©
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This one out of 100 Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Ashraful MBO most serene. We you know, could watch you know, Mohammed Ali, he also saw us go to sleep along Marlon nabina may, in fact, oh no and fat and happy mount ILM Turner, was it an element? Yeah, no, but I mean,

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this has been a long lesson compared to the lessons that we've had before. We've been slowly but steadily making our way through, everyone has been doing a really great job.

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And Insha Allah, today, we will finish this lesson.

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Some had requested a review lesson.

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So that will fall on Saturday morning, inshAllah 10am Eastern Time, according to the new time.

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And that lesson, we will also have an influx of some new students and shout a lot because we opened up the registration,

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so that other people who had missed didn't see at this class was going on could try to join up with us and benefit inshallah. So it will be a welcomed addition, in sha Allah, we gave them a little test, they had to basically prove that they had knowledge of what we've done so far. So insha, Allah that will

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facilitate them joining the class seamlessly.

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As for today, we have one more exercise when it comes to the possessive construction. Okay. So they are testing for various different skills. Within knowing the possessive construction, we started way back from just reading, right, and then accelerated to being able to fill in the blanks with something that

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was going to require you to simultaneously keep track of what was going on with the meaning of the sentence, but also the grammatical kind of aspects of a sentence as well. Everybody did a great with that. And today, now we're going to have a brief exercise, there's only six examples here that are incorrectly formed. Okay, they are

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possessive constructions that are incorrectly formed. And your job is going to be to try to correct it.

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Which is a nother level up. And then after that, we're going to be dealing with the Huffman NIDA, the vocative particle, the Hey, you. So get your attention. And finally, there are some things with the

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forming a question and then just a few little things with Hamza tawassul. So without further ado,

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let's go down our list here. Someone from the Soviet family? Could you please read the first example how it appears in the book? And then after that, explain what's wrong? And then correct it.

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Okay. All right.

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I would tell him what

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it should be, I think, hopefully, the mood column would only be so you don't need aplomb in the beginning.

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Not only Don't you need it, you can't have it. You can't.

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This construction. If we were to put a llama here, it would be first of all, it wouldn't make sense with what the words are. But it would look like a noun described by an adjective, as opposed to something having a possessive construction. If it has a possessive construction, the first part is matita. It's definite by virtue of the fact that it's possessed by what comes after it, meaning that the ALI flam is completely unnecessary and redundant. And Arabic abhors redundancy, as we'll get into more later, so we have simply have gone and malt barley be everything in the second word is correct. Only the first word needed, amending Very good.

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345 Okay, Mohsen. Could you please do the second one?

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To say yes, to so here Barbossa Yara P would be better because it's being possessed.

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Yeah, it's a positive sentence.

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Excellent, good job. So one of the requirements is that the second part of our possessive construction v mehg. Road, it has to be in the genitive case, here represented by a kestra. In the sentence, that's what tells you that there is a possessive relationship going on. Right? The Castro of the second word is the dead giveaway. Also, the fact that the first word has lost its ally, flam. Those are the two things that communicate the meaning. It's like an apostrophe, basically. Right? If we're going to make an analogy to English. Very good.

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Mr. Ross, could you please do the following example?

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It says, Being to harm a dune.

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So this should be

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being to her meeting.

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Very good. Excellent. That's correct. So

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this is

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I'm sorry, your voice is sounding a bit garbled. I can't hear you very clearly. Okay. Can people tell me in the chat?

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If you can hear me clearly? Or to be okay, no. Okay. So there were some indications that there was an internet connection in the beginning of class, but it seems to have stabilized. So hopefully, it'll hopefully it will see us through inshallah. So, the only difference between this example in the previous example is the type of move off ELA that we have here. The move off ELA being the possessor, here in Bible sejati, the possessor is a common noun, okay?

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Whereas here, it's a proper noun. Now, because in this example, the first example Bibles say out it, it's a common noun, that means that we're only going to have

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a one Kessler on the end of it to balance out the Elif lamb on the front of it. However, with Hamad Hamid is a proper noun. Okay, so as we learned with masculine names that are proper nouns, we have here 10 We and so we have to not just have one customer but two customers to replace the two bombers. Very good. Next up rather Awesome. Can you do the following example please?

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Rasul Allah He

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that's the right version or the or the wrong version. Sorry, that is

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one of the one of those students that never showed their work in math.

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I guess I guess that's fair to say.

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So the incorrect version is as is as it's written out real soon Rasul. Allah rasool Allah He, but it shouldn't be rasool Allah He without the Elif. Lem, very good. Excellent. Correct. So it's the same exact situation as the first example, the Atif man has redundant, its mount etha it is definitely due to its being possessed by the Milwaukee late meaning that the LE flam is redundant and unnecessary and Arabic says that means you cannot have it there. There has to be a rasuluh right and the absence of a turn when and the absence of an olive lamb is kind of like a hint when you're reading right to left, that you're entering into the front door of a possessive construction Rasul

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Allah He very good.

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Brother Sire. Can you do the next example?

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A small while Eddie.

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So listen to what he said is small. Well, I think what we have written here is small while other. So we have an umbrella that is in the accusative case, which is used for objects of various kinds. That's incorrect. That's not what we use. That's the wrong case to describe the possessive relationship between two nouns. So the correct case is the genitive case that's represented by the kestra in this situation. So it should be is small Well, D.

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And everything else was correct. Good. And the final example, Sister Erin, could you please do the final example for us?

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It's written ignore the receipt. See? I think it is.

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sounds correct. To me, I'm

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told the minor ecology

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He okay, that doesn't mean is the wrong. Okay, even though there are see, but

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That's right at the end is. Yeah, because it's okay.

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If I can explain in right words, but no one would ever see. Okay, that's fine. You did a great, excellent bonus points for working together there.

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So the correct thing here was that the move off, the thing being possessed has a 10 week,

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it can neither have an Alif Lam nor can it have a 10. We every other example where there was an error in the first word, this example. And that example, the error was adding and adding them. Right. But the same type of error would be to add a 10. When the requirements of the move off the first part of the possessive construction, the thing being possessed is that it can neither have an early flag, nor can it have a 10 we that's our signal that we're entering into a possessive construction. So instead of ignoring Neal moeder Resy, which would be the correct pronunciation. If this was such a thing. We haven't said it Bunnell motor racing. The son of the teacher or the

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teacher son rendered idiomatically Very good. Excellent work, everybody. Since we ran out of exercises before we could get to Brother Mohammed Tronic. Maybe you probably will haven't thought of could read for us what's in the box? And point us

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in the box Muhammadan Yeah. Mohammadu was Tarzan. Yeah, I do. Highly, highly do. While I don't. Yeah, yeah. Well, I do. Excellent work. It should be August but just pointed out to our class. What's the difference between the nouns on the right and then once we put the yeah in front of them?

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What happens was the transformation

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Muhammadan is just a name Ya Muhammad who is specific? Very good. Okay. That's correct. And what's happening on the grammatical end of it is simply that it's losing its 10 week. Right. So what we have here Mohamed don't and then when we add a Yeah, and then it becomes Dr. Mohamed. So it no longer has a very good so what they're teaching you here is the second main components of this lesson. The first was the possessive construction. You finish that mashallah, congratulations, you've graduated on from the possessive construction, you're all masters now, inshallah have moved off with often the late. The

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point number two, and it's a much less significant point is the what's called harmful to me that the evocative particle or something that's the equivalent to an archaic English. Oh, right. That's like, oh, Mohammed, you see all the translations in English of the Quran and the Hadith and things like that. In present day idiomatic translations, we would say, hey, right. Hey, mustard. Hey, awesome. Alright, when we're, we're calling out to get someone's attention. So in the Arabic language, that, hey, does grammatical work. Okay, it changes slightly, the word that comes after it.

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There's three rules that you have to consider when it comes to Yeah, hopefully that the first one is if is, let's say, changes to the 10 week. Okay. All of these words that we have here have a 10 week in it. Mahamadou and finally doing because they are proper nouns who stand alone, which is a familiar word to all of us, which means teacher, which is neck, you know, here it is indefinite a teacher. Right? What I do a child a boy, here, if we add Yeah, before it's then it drops the 10 week.

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Whether it's a proper name,

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a proper noun or a common noun. Yeah, it was steady. Yeah. Well, I do you hear this all the time in Saudi Arabia. Very common thing to hear on the streets. Yeah, well, of course they don't pronounce the final Hanukkah. That's the customer on the Arabs. Even in touch. We don't pronounce the final Hanukkah. And similarly, yeah, Holly, you do

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So this is the rule for

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these sorts of singular nouns.

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If they have a 10 week, it loses the 10 week. What's the second rule of year? I'm going to write it in for you here. If we have for example, what if we have a

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a name with an LLM?

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Let's say we have

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a rough min oops.

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Rough man, right. It begins with Le flam. It's a proper name. And then one of the names of the last Pousada. If we put a year in front of it, we want to call out to a rough man in order to do it.

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Then it's going to drop the Elif lamp we say, er off man.

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Yeah, as ease Yeah, of a thug. Yeah, Latif, and so on and so forth. So similarly, you can see the relationship between this point and the point between the possessive construction, where the first word in the possessive construction loses its ally, flam, and it's 10. When, similarly, if a word comes after Yeah.

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Then it loses his Alif Lam, or it's 10 weeks. Right? That's the relationship.

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It's not to say that this is a possessive relationship. It's not to say that rock man is now with a castle. No, no, no, no, no, not at all. But you can see the fact that it loses its ally for them and losers. It's 10 wean makes it resemble what we just learned, which is why the author may Allah bless him and give him long life. Put them together in the same lesson. Yeah, man. Yeah, it was down to

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the last thing, the last thing

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when it comes to rules regarding Yeah.

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These rules we explained, okay, basically every permutation of a simple, singular

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noun that you're calling upon what if you're calling upon

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something? That's part of a possessive construction?

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let's take the most obvious and recurring one in the Hadith literature, let's say Rasul Allah, he

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normally would have a llama.

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And due to the rules of the possessive construction, a law is going to have a customer he's

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what happens to it? What happens to it if we add a Yeah, before?

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Yes, the word after yet is mobile off, is possessed. Then

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it gets it that time and becomes in the accusative case. Yeah, Rasulillah Allah.

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And the second word them will love you they is unchanged, it's still part of the console. This is still a possessive construction.

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But this is the rule for if you're calling upon something that is part of a possessive construction. Yeah, so a lot of law here, all over the Hadith literature. So those are three rules that will take care of whatever need you have when it comes to Yeah, you're looking for examples of yet in the Quran.

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Most of them have a you have

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in between. Yeah, and the thing being called out. Okay. So for example, we have yet au healthcare if you own

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a you have is a further linguistic divisive emphasis.

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And it changes some of the rules. So I'm not going to go into those rules, but you'll notice that they'll say wait a second. Our rough man, we don't say yeah, a you have Kathy rule,

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right? We say Yeah, are you *, Kathy? Well, guess what, if we put a u hat, then we can keep the Elif man Exactly yeah, model young. Yeah. Zachary. Yeah. Yeah. No Maria right. Yeah, yeah. And all these there's many different examples of before and

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many of them are tricky because

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modems are gonna Yeah, many of them are classed as non Arabic names. And as we will see later on

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That's not worth explaining now, but non Arabic names have some separate grammar rules from Arabic names.

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That's later on these three rules for yet are going to surprise you for a long time you have yet with a common noun or a proper noun, if it hasn't 10 When you have yet with a

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noun with any flam, and then you have Yeah, followed by a possessive construction. That's more than enough. Anybody have any questions about that before we proceed?

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just like with me cash, I'm going to take your silence as

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an affirmative, and we're rolling on

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a quick exercise here.

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This is going to just test your reading ability. This is a nice little reinforcement of what we've done. So let's roll through it.

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Sister Syrah could you lead us off with the first one?

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Yeah, Ali you but yeah, Lee you normally it will be oddly young. But now it's yeah, I leave you with a massive number two. Yeah. Besu. Very good. Sister Mossad.

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Sorry. Um,

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yeah, you didn't get tricked up. But then the next one for us so that we can see the see that?

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Yeah, che Very good. Excellent work. Awesome. The next one? You Yeah, Ron? julu. Good.

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And the next one

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on the sire, are you?

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Sorry, sorry. I was talking about as muted. Yeah, so yeah. See rune? Because it even

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looks like Yeah, yeah.

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Yes. Good.

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Sister arrow.

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You. Yeah, model. Good. Mohammed.

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Dr. Arun. Very good. And finish us off with the last one. The same example. Yada, yada to

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as you are aware, you know, it's

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it's the cognate of doctor, but proper Arabic word in classical Arabic is Bobby, which we've learned from them, which is medicine.

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However, everybody knows what doctor means. And so talk tour is also used.

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Very good. Okay. Moving right along.

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There, it will be third tier from Cohen as ealerts. And with level Moshier on Isla sewer Italia.

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Okay. All they want to communicate to you here is that we can also use

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the possessive construction with questions. Okay. And we saw that in the initial dialogue as part of this lesson. So What's tricky about it for us? Because it's,

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we have to remember that the word order is different.

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In English, if we were to say, whose book is this?

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It's different than saying literally, book whose is this? Right? So just like with how the word order is different from using the apostrophe in English, the word order is going to be different here when making the possessive into question. So P tatical. Men keytab woman is a possessive construction.

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Notice that keytab has neither Alif Lam nor 10 We, which tells us that it is a possessive construction men who win this case whose is Magne it's not decline level, it's never going to change, which is why it doesn't show the customer of being in the genitive case. So this is how we form questions. With the with the possessive construction, we put in the front

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of our sentence or of our question, the thing that we're asking about.

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We're not asking what is this? We're asking whose book is this? Therefore, whose is going to come before this? And we're going to just go down and make similar sentences from the remainder of the objects. So

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Going back to the top sister. Saira, could you lead us off with this one?

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Carla Moo Minh has an excellent work. Yep. And just translate it for us while we're at it.

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Who is Ken is this? Yes. Listen to how she said Paul and Paul. I'm all men. Good. Excellent work. Brother mustn't do this shirt over here.

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Call me Sue. Man had very good same principle very easy to call me sue me Sue Manhattan.

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And my son Roscoe, could you please do this house example here?

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A two men had very good

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they two men had.

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As you can tell, now that you all are experts in the possessive and possessive constructions is pretty easy. And brother Awesome.

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That either woman had a very good setup, and I probably don't even need to write anything because we got to do an upgrade. And that's it. Okay, now, here's our last points when it comes to this lesson. Our last the last component of this lesson is learning how to read the hands until the Watson Okay, so the first component was possessive construction, you guys mashallah Subotica lockmaster. That second component was Yeah, and learning how it affects the word after it done. Not a whole lot to talk about there. Now we're getting into housing for the lesson. Okay, and how to pronounce it also not as significant as the possessive construction, but also an important point for how we read

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especially how we read the Koran.

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There are a couple important rules about the Hamza tawassul. The first rule about the Hamza tawassul is when to pronounce it. Okay, this is the easy rule that most of you probably know. It's derived from its name. Hamza tawassul, means the connecting Hamza whistling means to connect. And what they mean is that when you connect letters and you find that the 100 for Russell is

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in between,

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in the middle of your speech, you're going to just skip right over it and connect the two letters that are on either side of it. However, if you begin

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your speech with a hands it's a muscle you are going to pronounce it. So we have here is small Wella. D Mohamed uno was smooth was small Binti Zayn Abu

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That's why we have a common

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we won't get there because we didn't learn that.

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So we see the difference here between this small and Western. The fact that the handwritten muscle is preceded by a letter we're pronouncing which is well means that we're not going to pronounce that kind of this lesson at all. Similar to the 100 tawassul here in El beit or Sunni Alvin's

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we connect the Obama to the lamb. We skip right over the 100 tawassul. That is there. If we were to stop, let's say that we I don't know had a coughing jag or maybe we sneezed in the middle of the sentence. We're gonna say yes, well, where are they more Hamler doing work at you. Is small been teasing?

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Or if we wanted to test the last example we would say is whether the Mohammed universe more at U. L. Binti Xena boo. Is there a question from the product?

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Yes, please.

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As viewers,

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we are not reading the word or live between was smooth and the same like a lift between the abysmal Binti why we have to have it here then? Very good. Because and this is something I just

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kind of implied was that if if you stopped,

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then you would have to say it. Why would you have to say because the letter that comes after it as a sukoon. And a principle of Arabic phonology is that you can't start a word with a sukoon.

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Right? So the 100 tawassul exists to prevent the problem of starting a word with the sukoon. In English, we have many words streets, right? I drive my car in the street, the s and STS has no vowel coming off of it. We have consonant clusters where we do

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Join many consonants together. In Arabic, it's phonology it's not permissible to start a word with a consonant cluster.

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Okay? There's occasional consonant clusters, which can happen. But for the most part Arabic is much more

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against consonant clusters and seeks to avoid them than English. Alright, so if we were to eliminate the hundreds the Walsall here, we would have this word would be

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like that, how would you pronounce it? You could say smooth. But isn't it easier to say is smooth, isn't a little bit more easier on the tongue and fluid. That's what the rules of classical Arabic dictate that they would much prefer this one to smooth.

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Even if local dialects in some parts of the Arabic world now break this rule, for example, Moroccan Arabic, you basically, you do just you have lots of consonant clusters, and you say smooth, Shmi, thick, and all this other sort of stuff.

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But that's neither here nor there. The classical Arabic, the Hamza tawassul exists to prevent the problem of consonant clusters. Here, the scene has a

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student a Sukkot, and here it would be the lamp. Right? If we were to isolate this word,

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without a hamlet the muscle, we will have

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And you can hear how this is a better example than smooth. Because in this example, there there comes into its ambiguity, right? You can't really clearly hear hear what's being said, the event, the event, especially if you're speaking fast, what makes it much more clear. You add 100, the muscle before its element, makes it very, very, very clear to the ear. What is being said.

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Is in the Hamza. Like originally, if I had to only say that word, it has the Hamza in it, right?

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Well, the olive it has an olive energy. Like, can I say? Like, is the oil actually just too long?

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I'm sorry, can you repeat the question? I didn't

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say so what I'm asking is, is the the Elif? Is that not part of the word. So is the word is just only seen a meme is the word I'll only long actually, that's a very, very good question. And the the scholars of grammar argued about this point.

00:32:45 --> 00:33:22

Loose. So it's really funny, because the last one of the things that you had asked before that the scholars of grammar had also argued about remember when we're talking about the name of Allah, right, and whether is a proper name, Allah, or whether it's derived from El Isla, though God, the scholars of grammar also argued about this because this is part of the LE flam construction. Okay. So the scholars of grammar, they argue they have a debate amongst themselves. They say, what is actually responsible for something being married?

00:33:23 --> 00:33:54

For a noun being definite? We know that this means though, okay. What's really the thing that's doing it here? Is it just for them? Or is it the the Hamza and the LEM? It's called La McCartney. That's why I got confused because it's actually not called a daddy. That's why I wondered, well, that depends on which grammatical school you're listening to. Some of them say Lammott sati. And some of themselves say early inflammatory.

00:33:56 --> 00:34:10

And the difference between them is exactly this difference between the two competing schools of grammar. By the way, the two biggest schools of grammar that one is based in Kufa, and the other is based in Boston. I've also then present day Iraq. So these are the two schools that are always kind of

00:34:11 --> 00:34:45

debating and disagreeing with each other. So some scholars and one particular school I can't remember which one says that what's really the essential part here is the lamp. And the hands little whistle is merely just to prevent the consonant cluster. It's literally just a phonetic thing. Whereas the other school says, no, no, no, no, the hundreds the Walsall is a unit along with them, which communicates the communicates definitive pneus

00:34:46 --> 00:34:47

Very good.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:51

Good looking out and good questions. Let's try to

00:34:52 --> 00:34:56

see if we can finish this before our classes over inshallah. So

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

We answered the question of when

00:35:00 --> 00:35:13

Okay, when is an easy question when to pronounce hundreds muscle and when not to? That's easy. The harder question is What? What do you say? Okay? How do you know whether it should be a pets hat or a lawnmower or a customer?

00:35:15 --> 00:35:22

Even unjustly in his tweet poem, he has a chapter dedicated to the 100 philosophers to explain to you just that.

00:35:25 --> 00:35:33

The distilling what what he says, basically, is that you have two possibilities.

00:35:34 --> 00:35:38

Either the hamlet or Russell occurs in an in an essence

00:35:42 --> 00:35:45

meaning a noun, or it occurs in a verb.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:54

I'm not going to teach you the rules for the for the right now, we will cover them once we get to verb conjugation, okay?

00:35:57 --> 00:35:57


00:35:58 --> 00:36:02

you are dealing with an Edison, and it starts with 100, tawassul.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:07

There are two possibilities.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:12

Either it's part of an LED lamp construction.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:15

Or it's not.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:26

If it's part of an elite land construction, and you're going to pronounce it with a fence, l handling, you know, denial, I mean,

00:36:30 --> 00:36:36

if it is not part of an elite lamb construction, like it's some, then you're going to grasp what the customer

00:36:37 --> 00:36:38


00:36:40 --> 00:36:41

is, its main

00:36:43 --> 00:36:44

word for to.

00:36:51 --> 00:36:54

And that's that, right? The actual lines of the poem.

00:36:56 --> 00:37:03

That Hamza also in Imperial in Milan in China. 34 million fairly young works here who have kasseri. Well, Fatima be

00:37:05 --> 00:37:07

famously less

00:37:08 --> 00:37:31

work. This movie only gives a bunch of examples. So basically, that's what he's saying. He says that, if it's part of Ellie's lab, this device that Arabic uses to make things definite, then you're going to pronounce it with a Fattah Al Hamdulillah. And if it's not, if it's part of the actual word, to avoid the consonant cluster, and you're going to pronounce it with a customer, which is all your examples here.

00:37:32 --> 00:37:37

Yes, small modal recei have you done was smooth and moody.

00:37:39 --> 00:37:40

Or I'm sorry, Miss moody.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:47

So here, we're not pronouncing this because it is preceded by a min

00:37:49 --> 00:37:56

Hypno. Call it in fetal med rasa tea window Hamidi as opposed to 1111 and 11.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:20

I think everybody gets the point. We're going to go now without necessarily reading these because it's been 40 minutes already. There are some exercises to read and there happened to be six of them, which is perfect. So all you're going to do is read the sentence and try your best to observe the rules of the hundreds of muscle. So sister Syrah lead us off number one

00:38:24 --> 00:38:26

in the new Mohammed bin

00:38:29 --> 00:38:29


00:38:31 --> 00:38:43

he would know Hameed then kill Hindi Alright, good. This is just Iraq. Right? Iraq is one of the nations that they have with Alif Lam in Arabic

00:38:44 --> 00:38:45

that Iraq Iraq

00:38:49 --> 00:38:50

number two on the Muslim

00:38:52 --> 00:39:00

herd I just knew the BB Meenal Beatty. Excellent work your job moving right along side razza three

00:39:04 --> 00:39:14

the hubbub Look daddy Illa SUPing Mashallah. Very good. A couple of hard things in there You did well. And number four brother awesome

00:39:17 --> 00:39:36

DC face Hello. What's up buddy? We Mr. Odin, very good. Excellent. And now we've learned through learning possession and learning so how to now talk about people's names. The name of the engineer is by the name of the doctor is so good moving on brother side

00:39:41 --> 00:39:56

much more less motivated. You must move actually very good. And that was another tricky one because you have to run his smooth into a harsh MC which is wrong. So we skipped over not just the muscle but also the

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

mess mole Rajamouli

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

Very good. And last but not least, Aaron, can you take just the question and then and then we'll have a thought if you can do the answer and then we'll have everybody covered

00:40:12 --> 00:40:13

it Newman

00:40:16 --> 00:40:54

I never knew I'd have known was very, very good avenue. Listen to how he ran it together and Avenue. Excellent work, everybody. And that is how does the whistle. That's how you do it. All we have here is a collection of the words that we learned in this particular chapter. l Rasul means the messenger, al Qaeda, as well known as Islam, the name, even the Son, and I'm with the Shabda is the paternal uncle at a fog, the maternal uncle

00:40:55 --> 00:41:01

al happy but to was a bag, a car, a car, a shattered

00:41:02 --> 00:41:41

the streets mobilock closed or locked TAFTA underneath, and Huneck meaning over there. And finally, they just remind you the parts of the possessive construction, say out I'll tell them without a receipt, say Allah to is milled off, meaning the thing being possessed and move off on the lay, the possessor is no doubt racy. And a final example of the hustle, hustle, and you have graduated from less than five. And that was a very challenging lesson and everybody did. Very, very well. Anybody have any questions at all about anything before we dismiss?

00:41:45 --> 00:42:16

Instead of the just a quick question, inshallah. Yeah. When we were saying like, when have you can replace the men with someone's name like Allah Muhammad didn't have. Could you say that? Okay, good. So, to answer this question, we have to just leave briefly remember the difference between asking a yes or no question and the difference between asking a question that requires an answer. Okay. All right. Okay. Right. So if we want to ask an open ended question. Yes, you're right. It would be all in all men. Whose

00:42:18 --> 00:42:36

if we want to ask a yes or no question, are you? Exactly We have the hands as mentioned attack. So I'll call them Mohammed had is this yes or no question? At all, Mr. Mohammed in how there is this Mohammed spent?

00:42:38 --> 00:42:45

Gotcha, exactly. I mean, well, yeah. And you can also, you know, substitute however with that eco, which we learned for something far away.

00:42:48 --> 00:42:50

Could we also say, Aha, the

00:42:52 --> 00:42:53

color Mohammadi?

00:42:54 --> 00:43:28

Sorry, repeat these Apple again. Instead of thing Apollo Moon Muhammad heard? Could we also say had color? Muhammadan? Yes, we could, depending on what we're trying to emphasize. Right. So in Arabic, we always are trying to put in the beginning of the question, the thing that we're asking about. So if we say a color Mohammedan means that there's clearly a pen, and we're asking who is the pens owner? Right? Is it? Well, Hamlet's pen, whereas if we were to ask, for example,

00:43:30 --> 00:43:44

I have a column on Mohamed, then maybe there's many pens on a desk, and we're trying to find which pen is Mohammed's out of many pens. Right? So you see how that's the emphasis, the emphasis kind of shifts a little bit.

00:43:47 --> 00:43:48

Does that make sense?

00:43:50 --> 00:43:51


00:43:53 --> 00:43:54

Very good questions.

00:43:57 --> 00:43:58

Any other questions?

00:44:00 --> 00:44:12

Just got a quick question. Is the registration still open? And how can people join again? Yes, registration is open for another couple of minutes. Now. I'm just getting

00:44:15 --> 00:44:17

where do we put put the

00:44:18 --> 00:44:25

if you check the Facebook page of the message, okay, there's a link. She has to do it tonight. Tonight is gonna be the cutoff.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:27

I'm gonna

00:44:29 --> 00:44:32

say she'll take the test. The flyer says, Arabic level two.

00:44:33 --> 00:44:42

It was posted some some just a couple of days ago. So did I go okay, thank you. Okay. Anything else? Anybody?

00:44:45 --> 00:45:00

Excellent work. Everybody's doing fantastic. Very, very pleased to have a raise progress. Continue to work. Continue to practice writing as much as you can vocab as much as you can. I know it's difficult to fit it in. But it will endure

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

Ah it will enrich everything that we do here

00:45:04 --> 00:45:07

very good until next time in sha Allah Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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