Tom Facchine – Ayah Series #30 – Who Are The Righteous

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of believing in the unseen and the foundation of one's actions. They also mention the use of the word "IT" in the first page of the book, which refers to the belief in the unseen. The speaker emphasizes the importance of believing in the foundation of one's actions and the need for a strong foundation for decisive actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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At the very beginning of Surat Al Baqarah. Allah talks about the person who is righteous. The person who has Taqwa. And the first characteristic of somebody who has Taqwa are the people and let the you know you're gonna build AI people who believe in the unseen. That's kind of interesting if you think about it, because if you think about someone who has taqwa, maybe you wouldn't think to start there he has, say, someone who prays or somebody who fast or somebody who obeys a law, somebody who stays away from the haram. But Allah subhanaw taala started with belief, right belief. And that tells us one thing that's important already is that your actions grow out of your beliefs, your actions grow

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out of your beliefs, you have to believe in certain things that content or what you believe in matters. It's completely against what we're told in modern society, that it doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you're a good person a lot, right? In the first page is sort of Lakota tell us the opposite? No, you have to believe in this first, what you believe in matters why and specifically believes in the unseen. The opposite of that is sort of like this hard materialism people who only believe in what they can see, if you only believe in what you can see, you're not going to be able to be a moral person, sorry, maybe you're going to be able to be a moral person, in

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some sense of the word when times are easy. When there's no war, when everybody's got enough, you can hold the door open for somebody, but when war breaks out, and when the economy crashes, and the currency is completely inflated and things start to go down, you're going to save your neck, you're going to save your neck and the people who around you, it's going to be me against everybody else. It's going to be your interests, who are the people who are going to do the right thing, when it's against themselves, who are the people who are going to do the right thing, when nobody's watching the people who believe in the unseen the people who believe, first of all, that Allah subhanaw taala

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is watching them that angels unseen angels are writing down everything that they do, and say and think and that they're going to get some sort of Recompense, they're going to get some sort of judgment at the end of it all after they die. There's life after death part of the unseen they're going to be resurrected, they're going to stand before a perfect God and be given an eternal sentence, either in paradise or in hellfire or a little bit in hellfire and then taken out and put into paradise. But they believe that this is real. That's the foundation of Taqwa. That's the foundation of all righteousness of all morality of all ethics, believing in the unseen, believing in

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things that are not just hard material facts, things that you can observe with your eyes or hear or taste or smell or touch. There's more than that. And the person who believes in more than that there they have a strong foundation for morality and righteousness.

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