Tim Humble – Buloogh al-Maram – The Book of Zakah, Lesson 06 – Hadeeth 485-488

Tim Humble
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses various topics related to money and the use of it, including naming cow breeds, using numbers to measure success, choosing the right number to use when naming breeds, and the importance of protecting Muslims from attacks. The speakers also touch on the history of Islam, including the use of wealth and personal reasons, and the importance of finding a right person for a pension. They also discuss the restriction of car collectors and the importance of rewarding individuals for their actions. The segment also touches on the Hadees and their theory of fair narration.
AI: Transcript ©
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me see one.

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Caller Tune in howdy Salwa.

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wa Salatu was salam, ala Atilla he was surely he Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edgeline We begin with the praise of Allah by asking a large ritual to exalt the mentioned grand peace Tao messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his family and his companions. Were still continuing with keytab zecca from blue, and Milan. So our hidef GitHub is aka, our Hadeeth is one more than the javelin rhodiola one, and then there'll be a solo lohani who was send them about I said, Who LLVM and for MRR? Who Enya who the mean Cooley seleziona dakara to be an ottavia woman Cooley out of diner masina woman Cooley

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Haile Min De na, our idler, whom Fira Raja Hamza well loved fully Armored Warfare Center who tell me they were ashara inactive, laughing furiously he was a he would not have done well hack him.

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More I live in Jebel Ravi Allahu and narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent him to Yemen.

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Now here we know we've already covered more I've been sent to Yemen. We know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam instructed him in a dour yellow light either how to give Dawa to Allah subhanaw taala. And we talked about earlier, our limited are all in Asia harder to enter either in the law, that the first thing you call them to be the Shahada, that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah. I'll warn you, I hate a lot for them to hate of Allah. All of this was spoken about earlier. Alhamdulillah. This is another part of a different Hadith, which talks about one of the instructions that was given regarding this car and the jizya regarding the car and the jizya. So he sent him to

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Yemen, for Mr. He commanded him to take from every 30 cows to be an old tibia.

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He has to take a tibia, or a tibia, and it's a beer is a male cow, which is reached a year old, it's reached a year, it's finished. It's here, at least one year. And a tibia is a female cow. So both the male

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ie the bull and the female cow that has reached one year, and here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he didn't distinguish here between the tibia, which is the moon to be, which is the female

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was equally auto ballerina muslin.

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And for every 40 and will sin and then we'll sinner is the one that is the female, the cow has reached two years of age.

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So here, we have for the cows, it's a lot more simple than the camels. It's simply 30 is a tibia. And 40 is a moose in 30 is a tibia 40 is a Musina. So someone has 30 or 31, or 3233 3430 530-637-3839, from 31,

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from 3031 32, from 30, all the way to 39. Then that person all's a tibia, which is a cow which is rich one year of age.

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And when they reach 40, they don't owe the tibia anymore, when they reach 40 they owe the muslin now, which is the female cow, which has reached two years of age. Now here after that comes is the colossal failure. So immediately we settle into the pattern every 30 every 40. So if somebody has we said

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we've explained this when it comes to camels, how is the croc alpha works out? So here we said in the beginning 3239 is a one year old cow and 40 onwards is a two year old cow. Now what's the next number that they

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could reach the next number you can make out 30s and 40s is 60. Right? The next number that you can make out of 30s and 40s is 60. So 60 will be too

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Tobia to have the one year old cows, the next number you can make out of 30s, and 40s would be 70. Right? The next number you can make out of 30s, and 40s would be 70. And the 70 would be one tibia, and one more sinner, one one year old cow, one two year old. The next number you can make out 30s, and 40s would be 80. And 80 would be two most in the next number, you can make out 30s and 40s would be 90, and 90 would be three to be a three of the one year old cows. And it goes on like that you can go up intense making up 30s and 40s 30s and 40s. So, obviously 16 made up of 230s 17, made up of a 30 and a 40 at medical 240s, then 90 made up of 330s.

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And then you make up 100 out of 230s Anna 40. So that's two tibia, more senior, and you make 110, and so on, you know, you make 110. And you keep going like that, again, you're going to have a choice when you reach which number, what number you're going to going to have a choice at at 120. Right? Because 120

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is a common.

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What's the word common multiple, all right, I think the right way of 30. And 40 120 is a common multiple. So you're gonna have a you can either make it out of all 430s, or you can make it out of three, you can make it out of 340. And we spoke about that with a comma. So in the beginning 30 is 140 is a different 131 year old cow 42 year old cow, when they reach 60. If up to 59 is a two year old cow once you reach 60. Now it's a sell pattern to 30s 30 to 4330s 30 and 240s, and a third and so on and 240s and a 30. And then and it just keeps going like that, like 337 424 and it just keeps going all the way every 10 made up of 30s and 40s. That's the rule for

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that's the rule for for when it comes to cows.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said woman coolie halimun de nada, de la Houma. raffia.

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He said, from every Harlem, Harlem is here, someone who has reached a hurdle, which is puberty, someone who has reached puberty. And here what it means is it means mean advocate up. Now here, the difference here to understand is that I look it up, there's a car is not taken from them. But the point here is that there's a car collection here is for the Muslims. As for the non Muslims, what is collected from them is the jizya from Al Khattab, the jizya, here from Al Kitab, because the Prophet sighs you are going to a people from Louisville keytab a people from the people of the book.

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And that being said, because you're going to have people who are a people of the book, then if they don't accept Islam, you're going to take from them lgcs and the jizya is attacks which is taken from from Al Khattab, who are living under Muslim rule. So here you have Muslim rule, the Muslims are in command, and Al Kitab are living there. Alone keytab are allowed to pay a jizya the jizya or rather, they're compelled to pay the jizya. But the jizya here, what it does is it gives them the protection of the Muslim army, they are not

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obliged to join the army and so on. They can stay without joining the army gives them the protection of the Muslim army, in return for a fee in return for attacks in return for attacks and that is the jizya

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and the jizya. He is from every Harlem from every Jew or Christian who has reached puberty so that tells us that the jizya is not taken from the one who is solea the one who is below the age of puberty. They don't pay the jizya for children, children don't pay the jizya. The jizya is paid from the people who reach puberty and it is Edina.

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A DNR as we said, we saw we said what a Durham is. A DNR is a particular

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coin, which is minted made of gold.

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And that's taken every year. It's something which is sent a weir, it's taken every year. So every year, the administrator, the the administrator of or the governor of that region appoints people to collect from every

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person from Albuquerque tab. One DNR and a DNR, as we said, is a weight

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is a weight in, in gold.

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It's a gold coin, and we're going to come to its weight in grams and ounces in short, Allahu taala. When we come to the topic of the xhaka upon gold,

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oh, Abdullah humara or equal to it, or it's equivalent, Abdullah, Who here is it equivalent? It's equivalent in mercury. Mercury, is the clothing that was produced in that region in Yemen. So sometimes it might be that keytab they are making the this clothing The region is famous for clothing. And they're making this particular mercury clothing that is really well known from this place in Yemen. And they might not all have a dinar, they might not all have a gold coin each, they might not have one. So what they do instead is okay, if you don't have the gold coin, give us Idina hours worth of clothing of the produce that you make. So that's that could be in it doesn't have to

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be in the city, because other regions might have other things. But if they can't pay the jizya in money, then they pay the jizya in its equivalent in what is their common, you know, goods that they might have. So they might have

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textiles. This was a region that was famous for textiles. They had a particular type of clothing golden alfre clothing, so its equivalent would be paid in an ivory clothing a dinars worth which is a single gold coin per year.

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And monthly marathon in the first place is actually a

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it actually refers to a tribe in Yemen,

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or a tribal area in Yemen, but it became famous as a type of clothing. This Harley's narrated by Al Hamza dailies narrated by Ahmed and us harbor sunon which is I would say autonomy the Enable merger were lawfully made and the wording is that of Akhmad waha Cena who took them with you in a tournament he said that it is hasn't what a Shara elect elf in philosophy he and a tiramisu he noted that there is some debate over whether this howdy is has a has a connected chain to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or whether this hadith has a break in the chain. And that is because in some of the wordings of the Hadith, or in some of the chains of the Hadith is narrated, and Sophia

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and and in Atlanta, and everywhere in Ms. Rock, and in Lahore, it was from Miss rock to the Prophet sly someone that is not that has a

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that it doesn't have the

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sahadi in it.

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So here it would have a broken chain. However, as if not the bottle said, Rahim Allah to Allah. The Hadith is Jorge Juan sabot. It's authentic. And it is, it is established. And it was declared, so hey, by Abraham pan, and alaric him. So this Heidi tells us the zurka upon the cows, and it also tells us a little bit about the jizya we haven't, we're not going to dwell too much on the jizya because we're in keytab zecca. So we're not going to dwell too much on the jizya we can talk about that as we come to later parts of the book a shout out to Allah, but it gives us a little bit of information about the jizya and the jizya that was established by the prophet sallallahu wasallam is

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a dinar per adult per year that is post puberty and he wants to reach puberty onwards per adult per year for Lulu keytab that don't accept Islam.

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One unbelievably short a IV he enjoyed it he no call graviola and Carlos Lai sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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to huddle saw the call to Muslim in either me or him. either me or him. grower who actually

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While the Abbe de la to hado saw the car to whom he left he duty him.

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This head is the head is i'm sure i, IV and JT he so the Heidi's the Sahabi is Abdullayev and I'm not even an ask or the love and humor. And the Heidi says that chat the charity of the Muslims is taken at their watering holes,

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or their watering places. And that's narrated by Imam Ahmed in his Muslim. Now here, what is it talking about the charity? First of all, he's talking about the zecca. By charity, the meaning is the visakha. And here it's talking about the Bedouins who are the owners of the camels, and the cattle that and now typically the Bedouins that own camels and cattle, do you think that they have like one place where they are? I mean, he might be out in one side of the desert or the other side of the desert. So it's hard for him? Where should he go to meet there's a car collector, and it's hard for the car collector, where should I go to meet the owner of these, these the this cattle. So

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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established two places. He established them here, the media, and the media is the place of water. So this is usually in the summer, there in the summer, there would be like an oasis, and all of the cattle herders would gather together at the oasis. So that's where you collect as a calf from in the winter, they would have here a dog, which is they would have a place which is Muslim, or * is the crop, like they would have like a hut, or a house, or a farmhouse or something that is that place where they are based at. So in the summer, when they were at the watering holes, there's a car collector would come to the watering holes. When they were in when they had like farm houses or

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places where they were based, he would come to their houses, and he would collect what he wouldn't do is run around from all different parts of the desert, going from one place to another, or from one if it was in fields, like in Yemen or something from one field to another field to another to one side of the valley to another side of the valley. Instead, he would visit them in their homes, whether it is to cross the place where they stay, or he would visit them at their watering holes if that was the season where they gathered around the watering hole like the oasis.

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And that is tells us about the ease of the religion of Islam you read a lot will become more useful. While Are you ready to become an Rasul Allah wants is for you. And he doesn't want to make things difficult for you. So it's not difficult for the owner of the cattle because he knows there's a car collector will come and see me doesn't matter if I'm on the other side of the valley, as a car collector will come and see me in my place of residence or there's a car collector will come and see me at the watering place where everyone gives their cattle water to drink. So this makes it easy for them. And it makes it easy for the car collector because he doesn't have to go from place to Valley

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to Valley or field to field or desert plains desert plain. Instead, he knows that I'm going to visit the different watering holes in the area and the different farm houses or houses or the place where they would you know pitch their tents or whatever you know the permanent places where they usually are. I will visit those places to collect the Zika

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the two different wordings the wording of Akhmad is Allah Mia him at their watering places and Abu Dhabi would do to him. Their places of permanence, their purpose, their sort of places of residence, if you like their place where they are. They're typically based, you know, the place where they stay all the time.

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Our next Heidi's Barnaby Jorge, author of the alarm and call a call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lay silent Muslim effed up de wala Fie fallacy he sada Rahul Bukhari, wily Muslim les surfin, Abdi sadhaka in sada Patil fatale

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ebihara graviola underrated this Heidi. Heidi is in Bukhari and Muslim. He said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no

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sada I know

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I can do on a Muslim for his slave or for his horse. And in the wording of Muslim, there is no Zakat or no sadhaka do upon a slave, except for sada cultural fit meanings, the cattle fitter at the end of Ramadan. Now here, it's interesting to the scholars extracted from this principle. So obviously the slave is the person who is owned by another person. So slave is part of the property. And likewise, the horse is a part of someone's property, and there is no as their car drew upon either, that means there's no as a kaiju upon your car, there is no as a kaiju upon your house, there is no as a kaiju upon the food you have in the house, and so on. Now, the scholars extracted a principle

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for this, they said that, in reality, we can divide money. And by money, I mean wealth among all the different types of wealth into categories.

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The wealth, for which the purpose of that wealth is a number,

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where Dustin said, the purpose of that wealth is for it to grow. And for it to continue to increase. Like for example, the cattle, you what you know, you have 10 camels and then don't you know, you have a male camel, that is that is breeding with the female camels, and then you end up next year with 15 camels, and then you, you know, breed those camels and you end up with 25 camels. So the purpose of it is to grow the wealth from that wealth, and from that source.

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The second purpose is a T jar is trade. So the purpose you have the reason you have this wealth, is to buy and sell in it, you're trading it you're buying you're selling, if someone says what do you do, I buy and sell cars, I buy cars, I sell cars, he's not driving his car, or two cars or even three cars, he's buying and selling I buy and I sell cars, what do you do, I buy and I sell widgets I buy and I sell

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metals I buy in I sell wood whatever, but you buying a new selling tgr

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The third is

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Alistair luck, that the purpose of having this wealth is to use it for yourself. So this is like your house, your car, the slave the food, you you have to use it and this there is no zeca do upon it upon the wealth that is real estate that is there to be used up is there for your personal use. There is no Zakat or the use of your family or the use of the people generally, there is no as their car due upon this, we're going to come to a possible exception in that. Because legally car indebtedness, if not every principle has exceptions right.

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And then the fourth one that some of the scholars mentioned is

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that which is to be rented out. So I own the house to rent it out the rent and the goods that are used up. They have Zakat on the profit in the business and not on the goods themselves. And likewise the house that is rented out, he pays Zakat upon the profit that he makes from the rent, there's going to be profit from the rent right after he's paid his bills. He pays Zakat upon the profit, but he doesn't pay zakat upon the house itself. Unless it is 40 Jara, he bought that house to sell it, I bought that house, so that I can sell that house right I bought it, to sell it. And that so we say that Zakat is due originally upon two things, upon things that are there for a nomad to grow. And to

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increase in number like the camels, the cows, the sheep, and the things that are there 40 Jara to buy and to,

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to buy, and to sell. And also in an AMA, you can include money as well, because you have your money in order to your savings in order to you know, increase you try and increase the money that you have and increase the savings that you have. So that is what the car is due upon the capital, the money and the business goods, however,

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and also crops can come in and out as well. You grow them every year and stuff like that.

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As for the things that I used up personally, there is no zeca do upon them. However,

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The middle category or the one that requires some explanation are when your business is renting something out, in which case, there's a case paid upon the profit. The exceptions will come, we will mention exceptions and we will mention things about goods in factories and when these guys do and when it's not you come to that later on inshallah.

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The one where the scholars differ therefore, is jewelry. Because they said, Well, according to the principle, there should not be zurka drew upon jewelry, right, according to the principle because jewelry is less the law is to be used, it's there to use. But since it also has a high intrinsic value in itself, then the question came is jewelry. And there are a hadith that indicate that there's a cause due upon jewelry. So this is a matter of scholars different about and we're going to come to it to it later on in the chapter with all of that Hadeeth and everything, we're going to come to the topic of jewelry later on. But just to be aware that the scholars differed over some

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things in that principle. But generally, they said, Zakah, you have things that are there to grow, you've got your money, you've got your crops, you've got your cattle, and you've got business goods.

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And then you have things that you are using to make money.

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Does that make sense? You're using them to make money, like you're renting a house, in which case the car is due upon the Prophet and the things which are for your personal use or the use of your family, there is no xikar drew upon them, generally speaking, and jewelry is something that scholars differ over because it's gold and silver. But it's also you for your for you to use up. So this call is deferred over it. And we're going to come to that later on. A lot of this when we're doing keytab aceca. You have to be patient till we get to the end of the chapter because a lot of things are going to come as we move on through the chapter. So I know it's tempting to kind of ask all the

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questions you have on zakkai in the beginning, but actually as we move through the chapter, we will cover a number of these different situations. Why embezzling money Hakeem in an IV and JT he no call caller Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Pico Lisa emetine Pico Lisa imati ebilling Fie Albertina been to level 124 roku Eb rune and Hey sabya men are more techy ah. What tagged you on behalf Allahu ajuda woman men or have her in Hebrew worship Torah Maliki Lee.

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eyes met 10 min Isaiah Murti rabina La Jolla Hindu Lee Ali Mohammed min her Shay bro who I've met while widowed when he was a horrible hair Kim while aka chef theory you will polar either full booty.

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This head is the head guitar bass even Hakeem and Avi and JD from his father from his grandfather, messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said,

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in every candle that is salema, the saaremaa Selma, we are not the same with Assad. But with a scene, the sad amount we had spoken about is the candle that grazes all of the year or most of the year in the pasture. And it's not fed by the owner the whole year.

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In every 40, there has been two level. Now we've already spoken about this, that binter level, but here it mentions 40. Actually, we said that in the first place, the benteler boon is jus between 35 and 46. So here, when we say 4040 is to Honey, it's just an approximation. The number is between 35 and 46. As is explained clearly in the other IDs, and as we know we have to bring the Heidi's together, Gemma or ahaadeeth bring them all together. So we understand the ruling.

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And it's not allowed to separate between the camels at the time of the accounting when there's a car collectors there IE to separate them to pay less zeca and we've spoken about that. Whoever gives this car Motegi law, ie seeking the reward seeking the adjunct teacher on behalf seeking the edge of from seeking the reward from it, he will have its reward and that is the Nia ie the personal need having a good near good intention, that the reward and they don't see as a burden. And that's from that the scholars take that Zakah should never be a burden upon a person you should never see that as a burden on you. Instead, you should see that Zakah is

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An opportunity to get reward from Allah and to get Baraka in your wealth and to get more money for yourself from Allah subhanaw taala. And more award and more benefit in this dunya and in the ACA.

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And as for the one who forbids I forbids the Zika then we will take

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and from this the scholars they took that there's a car is taken on, it's forcibly taken from the person who says I'm not giving any soccer. So car collector comes and he says about the camels. He says, okay, you do have been to level, this is I'm not giving you been to the moon.

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Go take a walk, turn around, go away. So then there's a car collector says, Okay, I'm gonna take it from you forcibly. Okay, but what if the person is a person of strength. So he says to the car collector, I will fight you, if you come near to me, I will draw my sword. When the modern day I will, you know, I'll shoot you or something or I'll fight you. then in this case, the Muslim army is dispatched to take it from them, and if necessary to fight them for it.

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Hear the Prophet sighs haven't said then we will take it from them. We'll take it from them was shot by Maggie and half of his wealth. Now here we have a very interesting set of massai. The first thing is that this is a financial penalty, or punishment, that the person who refuses there's a car collector, half the profits, I said we're going to take it from them, we're shattered family and half of his wealth.

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I all of his camels take half of them as a punishment

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from Allah azzawajal for what this person has refused of giving the second. Now, this is really interesting. First of all, this issue of shuttle man, this, to the best of my knowledge, what I found from the disagreements among the scholars is isn't so much the amount, but it's is it allowed for the ruler to take a financial penalty or to impose financial penalties upon people. So here's where we call, it's a very interesting mess, Allah, the mess a lot of fines, is it allowed for the ruler, or the kabhi to implement a financial penalty or fine in order to punish a person to punish a person financially. There are two opinions from the scholars. The first one is that it is

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permissible for the ruler to find people. And if he thinks that that fine is a muscle, there's a benefit in that fight any level Mosler de hazard a benefit in it, then he can find the people. And they use this hadith as evidence for in Hebrew, however shorter Amelie, we're going to take it from them, and we're going to take half of their wealth.

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The second group of the scholars, they said it's not permissible. You can throw them in jail. The ruler can have them beaten, whipped, otherwise punished, but he can't impose a financial penalty. And they use for that the General ahaadeeth about the wealth of the Muslim being inviolate being sacred and protected. Unless he does something to have that wealth taken off him. Yeah. And he will be happier like that his wealth and his blood are sacred and you can't kill him and you can't

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take his wealth. So they said it's not allowed for the ruler to find somebody. It's not allowed for the ruler to impose a fine or a financial penalty upon somebody.

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Unless it's not allowed for them. It's allowed for them to put them in jail. It's allowed for them to beat them. It's allowed for them to you know, have them lashed, but it's not allowed for a financial penalty because of the idea that say that the person's wealth is sacred and violet. As they become Muslim, their wealth is their wealth.

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However, Shere Khan Islamic wouldn t Mia Rahim Allah to Allah and it will pay him or him allowed to either

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they made total g of L cola or will the first opinion and they said that it is permissible. And this hadith is Hadith which I believe is Hadith, which is hasn't it's a fair Heidi. Oh, sorry. It's a fair Heidi. And therefore, this Hadeeth is an evidence for the permissibility of financial penalties being imposed as a

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punishment by the Muslim ruler in the religion of Islam.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said la luly early Mohammed min Hershey is not allowed for the family of Mohammed to take anything from it I from zeca Why is it not First of all, who is intended by the family of Mohammed, the family of Mohammed, they are Banu Hashim. I bet all of the members of the Benny Hashem and Ben will look polyp, all of the members have been able to live.

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So they are the ones who the Zakah is prohibited for. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in them are here, oh, softness. It's just the, the, the, the dirt or the filth of the people. And the meaning of that is why did the people give the zeca? What What do we say was one of the meanings of the second to purify their wealth. So this is the impure party. I mean, the wealth itself is purely to be given to the poor, but this is the part they took out to purify their wealth. So he said, Look, my wealth might have some problems in it. So you know, here's my share. For the profits, I seem to take that it's dishonorable is not part of the owner of the profits I sell, and

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the owner of his close relatives that they don't take the Zika What do they have instead, for the poor among them, they have the homos, the fifth of the war booty, for in a coma cell, for Allah is the fifth of the war booty. And this has absolutely nothing to do with the belief of the Shia, who, and their, you know, I add a shape on there there any whatever they call them, the Imams, and so on and so forth, who take the fifth of everything that everyone earns a fifth of everyone's salary, in order to fund their Bastille, they're evil and therefore good. It has nothing to do with anything of that. But rather it is to do with the family of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam being prohibited from

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taking this car, because that's their car was given to purify the wealth. So it resembles the impurity. It's like, Look, this is you know, this is the bit that might be impure. This is the bit that I might have made a mistake and so you take that has to be given to the poor and the needy. It's not to be given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to his family from Banu Hashim and baniel Elmo Talib.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:49

This head is narrated by Acme, the IBEW si and it was declared Sahib by Kim

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and a chef it'll be here he said, that the ruling is dependent upon whether the Hadeeth is authentic. And that is because a chef very hard statement about what it all comes back to bears even hacking the narrator is he reliable or not. So from those who declared him to be reliable was even main, an imminent Medina and unnecessary and also a very heavy, and a group from the scholars of Islam from the major scholars or the jar with a deal. And therefore we say that inshallah to Allah the correct opinion is that he is a fair narrator or an Ori authentic or reliable. Narrator And the Hadith is either Hassan or Sahih. And so there is no issue with this Hadees and the ruling of the

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permissibility of finding a person is one that is inshallah to Allah established for when that is a punishment that the judge dishes out or the call the, or the Imam of the Muslims dishes out, particularly in this case, with regard to the zakat.

00:38:54 --> 00:39:27

Now, I was asked some questions last time, which I didn't answer. I'm still waiting on the answer to a couple of them but I did get the answer on the question of the pension. So someone says the car on a pension pot which they don't have access to, I found a fatwa from a chef I'm gonna say mean Rahim Allah to Allah. He said, there is no xikar do upon this year in year out. But there's a chi is June This is for a pension that you get in a lump, not the one that is paid like monthly or something like someone is paying money from their salary into a pension pot.

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presuming that pension pot is halal, because a lot of the time I would say the majority of the time they are haram because they invite the investing in all kinds of harm and whatever. But someone puts it into a halal pension pot. And when they become let's say, 65 or whatever that pension pot is going to be in which was invested is going to be given back to them and it doesn't have interest and so on. What do they do? They don't pay until they receive it and when they receive it, they

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Pay one years aka upon the entire amount that they receive. They pay for one years Zakat upon the entire amount. So let's say

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when they retire, and they reach, let's just say 65 years old, and they pension, they write them a letter, they say your Islamic investment pension is due, and it is 10,000 pounds. So that 10,000 pounds is transferred to them and they take it into their possession. When they take it into their possession, they pay one years back out, which is Robert Mercer. So 10%, what's 10% of 10,000 1000? What's a quarter of it 250. So from 10,000, they pay 251 year only, because this money is not accessible to them. At that time until it comes and when it comes to them. Then at that time, they pay there's a car that is due upon it, inshallah, to Allah and if they want to pay it every year,

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they're welcome to pay it every year, as in every year before that. But once they have it on their possession, then when they take it in their possession, when they put it in their bank account, they pay one year, and then after that, if the money is still over there nisab over the amount they pay every year, because zakkai is not a one off payment, right? zakkai is not a thing where you pay once and never again. If you still have that money the next year, you pay again. And if you still have the money the next year you pay again. And if you still have the money the next year up again, if the money is still over the threshold. So if it was 10,000 pounds, for example, that's well over the

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threshold was the cap.

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So it was 10,000 pounds, they paid 250 next year, it's 9970 they haven't spent anything from it. So they're going to pay again Zakah on that 2.5% then the next year, it's 9000, whatever 400 or whatever, then they're going to pay zakat on that and so on. But the first year they when they take it when they receive it and they put it in their bank account, they pay one year's a cap on it. And that is what shifting the theme in Rahim Allah to Allah He said, that's what Allah made easy for me to mention on a line was best for salatu salam and Mohammed Ali, he was so happy he made to Zack malacanang for watching. Please subscribe, share and you can visit Mohammed tim.com

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