What Is The Proper Name For God

The Deen Show
AI: Summary ©
The self defense workshop on the deen show will cover topics such as deeds, law, and the origin of the word Islam. The speakers will also discuss the pronunciation of words in Arabic and English, including "by the way" and "has." The concept of universal human qualities is discussed, and the host suggests checking out a website called "God, Allah" to improve understanding of the concept.
AI: Transcript ©
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We're gonna be right back with the all new self defense workshop later in the program on the dean show teaching you how to defend yourselves when you ever call it a bad situation. So sit tight, and we bring you this self defense workshop later in the program. Only on the deen show.

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Hello. So while a coma Salaam shake is this use of estus is it? Is this a

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show I need you in the studio? You think you can make a shake? Well, you bet Yeah. When do you want to do it? Right now? Right do let's go

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on Lake on peace be unto you. Welcome to the deen show, which is a way of life we try to put out there for everyone to see helping you understand Islam and Muslims. And I just made a call to the sheer use of estus. So sit tight. We're going to be right back in the studio to cover a very important topic. We'll be right back on the dean show. We'll be

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Salam Alaikum peace be unto you. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah. Thank you for taking my call. It's always a pleasure to be here. And if I can do anything at all to help the deen show, I'm ready. All right. Well, yes, you can we got a very important topic. Okay. People are hearing this word of law. Some are distorting the meaning the word the word, Allah, Allah, we want to know, does a law mean God? Well, for a lot of Muslims, it is. That's what Muslims will tell you a lie is God. But actually, if you have any study of the etymology of the word, you're going to find out that in our opinion, that it's not exactly right. No,

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it doesn't. Okay, why, why this should? This should be the logical question. Why? Because so many Muslims say it is. Now a lot of non Muslims would say, No, we never thought it was to start with this is a totally foreign God. We're not talking about the concept of God here, what we're just talking about the word itself, only the etymology of the word. You see.

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One of the things we'll do is when we break this down, is to look for the root in the Semitic language, because Allah is the Arabic word, and it's one of the Semite early Semite tribe. So this is where this is coming from. And you can compare it to the Hebrew, the word l for Elohim. You familiar with this? Yes. And the Old Testament Hebrew, this appears to be the same word in Arabic is Allahumma addo him out of Houma, and that's calling upon a law. The other word that you find in the New Testament is Eloy, they usually spelled e li, but it's irrelevant because it's coming from Aramaic at that stage. And another similar meaning is Allah He and Allah He and Allah, Allah and

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Allah are very similar. In fact, some people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But if you know about the Mel Gibson movie called The Passion of the Christ, they did it in the Aramaic language, they went to the one place on earth where people still speak Aramaic, which is in Syria, and they got their language and then they put it in this film. And you can actually hear in parts of the film, that the character that's portraying Jesus, he's speaking the Arabic language and he is saying, Allah, Allah like this, our and there are many phrases in there that Arabs, Muslim Arabs, who went to see the program and they can make they said, we're shocked that we could understand a

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lot of things that this character was saying was really an amazing show. So now, explain to us further because now you said Allah doesn't mean God. Well, the reason is, because in the English language, you don't have the word for Allah, but you have a word for God. And again, that sounds confusing. And Arabic, there is a word, Isla. Isla exactly means that God, la isla, well, when you consider what does God mean, God means something, worship, anything can be a god, a rock, a stick, a stone, a bone, anything that you can see or even not see something that you can formulate in your mind and a deity or worship a human being. People can set that up to be their deity that they

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worship. Got it, got it, that becomes their God. So if you said, Well, I'm talking about the one and only God, how do you make a differentiation in the English language? You can't? So what you do you use a big G. Well, that's all well and good if you're looking at it on a piece of paper board if I'm speaking to you, talking about a god of the Hindus, he has many gods

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said the Hindu god zone. So how do I differentiate that when I'm speaking from the God of Abraham and Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon all of them? Well, I can't do it in English, unless I would maybe I'm talking about the big g jump up and see what

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I can't. The other thing is that when you see it written, it's always got a big g say, well, let's a differentiation, at least in writing. But what if you start the sentence with the word God, even if you meant the lowercase God at that stage, you're stuck, you have to use a big g because that's why English is, incidentally, a lot of people don't know this. But in Semitic languages, such as Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic.

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All of them. They don't have capital letters, they don't have upper lowercase, they just have their letters. That's it. Another thing is that in Arabic, this word like the English word can be made plural, ala Aloha, gods, you can do the same thing by making this plural, put a guess on it. But when you say Allah, Allah cannot be made plural, Allah is only one. There's no way to make the plural form of it in Arabic language. Also, it cannot have gender. When you have gender, you say he or she. But in this case, a law is independent of that kind of thing, because this word doesn't allow for gender. Now some people say yes, but in the Quran, for instance, it says, Allah, He is the

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one but it's only out of respect. Many times in Quran you find the form of this, not know how Alekna we created. And you say, well, there's the plural right there. But it isn't it there is no plural, because this is the Royal way out of respect and dignity for Almighty Allah. So it's actually the best word to describe the God of the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims, because this is the God of Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, and Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon all of them. So we said, God now can be the money, God, the materialistic God, the God that people make an idol to. But when you say a law, that is the one true God, the God of Abraham, Well, for one that

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this city is the front office, okay? And the word God, when did this actually come into existence? This word, the word of God, Jesus never spoke English. So he never said God. Well, the word the word God is actually from an older word from the Celtic languages from the like Germanic or so on. It comes from would hold like this is sort of in the back to the throat sound. And this came about in about 1066 ad, less than 1000 years ago, at the time when the Normans invaded the Saxons. And at that time, when the when they came in and took over, they changed the language to what we call an English, they were Anglican, and English is where that came from. The proof. Now I want to I want to

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talk about the proof that Allah is the God of Adam and Abraham. Okay, that's not the question you asked me. But this is something that's is key here. We say Allah is not God, because you don't have a word, a proper word for God of Abraham and Adam. But if you simply go to the, the Old Testament in the Arabic language, because there are Arabs who are Jews, and there are Arabs who are Christians, so just go to Lebanon or to that's one of the best countries you can go to or Egypt, where they are actually publishing the Bible in Arabic language, and look on page one in Genesis and when they make a differentiation between an ILA which is spelled Olive lamb ha, okay, then you can tell this is

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where it says God in little G. But when they say God with a big G, and they translate it into the Arabic, you can see it real clear. It's Ali lamb, lamb ha, which is a lot, the same exact word which is used in Quran for the one Almighty God. Now, a lot of people don't have access to the liberties Bible. But I'll tell you what you do have access to any hotel, any motel on this planet probably has a Bible packed away in the drawer right by the bed. So you open it up, take it out, turn about five, six pages there and look and you'll see samples of the translation of the Gideon Bible to these languages. The first one will be the Afrikaans language, and the second one will be the r&b and when

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you look at the Arabic language, you'll see it says For God so loved the world. You know, the frame is from john 316. And there it is in in Arabic, it says for a loss so love the world. Of course, I'm still living in English, but Allah is there and it's Ali Fleming m Haas was clear proof. There's, this is not even a subject of discussion for an intellectual person who knows Bible or who knows scripture or who knows a ton about

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languages, the only people who say things like this are very ignorant people. So when Jesus peace be upon him would cry out to God when he would call and pray to God, would he say aloha? Well, he probably said,

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Aloha, Aloha. It's a different pronunciation. Because it wouldn't have the doubling or the shedder. On the last was kind of like a different dialect. But the same words the same, same word a lot, a lot. I don't even say it's that far apart or that close together? Because I'm not sure. The I have never really spoken to anybody in the Aramaic language. Yeah. So when you listen just for someone that's listening. Oh, I would. It's far fetched. It's far away from Jehovah. was God ever called Jehovah? Do we have evidence that God no, that's impossible. It's impossible. And the reason that I say it's impossible is because we're mispronouncing it from the get go. My name is what use if you

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use it, but when they translate it to English, they go Jusuf, which becomes Joseph. Yes. But actually, it's the old Hebrew name. This is not Arabic. Yeah, this is not Arabic use it is actually the Prophet use of who is the son of Yaqoob. Or Jacob, we put a j sound for the wise, that's English. His name was not Jacob. It was Yaqoob. His son's name was not Joseph. It was Yusuf. So and the one we call job in the Bible, his name? Was I YouTube. So you have to understand that there's no way they could have said these words, because they didn't even exist. Why would anybody purposely mispronounce your name? So someone who's a Jehovah's Witness might disagree with you? So no, that

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was God's No, I don't have it. Not if they've studied anything. They know that the pronunciation Hebrew was Yahuwah. Yeah. yehovah Yahuwah Yahushua. Now was God called Yahuwah. Ever? It's possible. It's possible. It's very likely actually. Because Yeah, how are ya Hawaii? What they're doing here, whoever did this left out the Val markers. Yeah. Cuz, yeah.

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But you were, you're missing the vowels? Yeah, this is normal. Because there are no vowels. There are absolutely no vowels and the Arabic language. Okay, so how it is with Hebrew, I can't tell you everything about Hebrew. And that's not my forte. But I will tell you that if somebody took Hebrew and left out the vowels for the name, maybe they added vowels in their language much later after that this I don't know. But if they left it out, it would make sense because in Arabic If you had, yeah, well, you've got Yeah, which is Yeah.

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Yeah. How are ya? How are you here? That's calling. Yeah. Yeah. Hi, if that's what it was, yeah. Hi. You know what this is, let's say God's attributes. It's the living God, living God. That's what it means the living God. A high means, though, living the Eternally living high is living, like high yet to do when you're living in the material world. This is what it means life in the material world higher to junior high is the eternal living. And if you said Yeah, hi, Yeah, hi. You're saying Oh, the living one, the living one. Yeah. And if you look at Jehovah in the concordance of the Bible, and you go to the Hebrew dictionary, which is attached to Strong's Concordance, well, you get the

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big one like I got, you look in there and it says that this is calling upon the living God, the living God, calling upon the living God. And in Arabic, that'd be Yella Hey, yo, hi, or Yeah, hi, yah. Hi, yah, hi, yah, Hawa Hawa, it could very easily be I'm not saying it was, but it easily could be. Okay, let's simplify it real quick because we run out of time for somebody who's heard of him. Someone who's heard Aloha, someone's heard Jesus being called God. Hold on, hold on one second. Eddie. Yes. Jesus wasn't Jesus, Isa, Isa, Isa,

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Isa, Isa, Isa. Now someone who's never studied any Aramaic language is sure to by the way Yeah, but he never was called even Jesus, how you got an English words? So let's break it down. What is God's proper name, then? What was the if you make all these connections from the Hebrew, the Aramaic now the Arabic what and what we have modern day English now today what for somebody was how does God call upon God for a Jew who speaks Arabic for a Christian who speaks Arabic and for Muslim who's all Muslims? It doesn't matter in America, just in America any any Muslim? Anywhere and any Arab anywhere will say Allah is the word doesn't matter if he's Jew, Christian, or if they're if they

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know the Arabic. Now, otherwise, they may have a slightly different pronunciation, but for sure the word God never even existed 1000 years ago. It's impossible.

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We'll be right back. Welcome to the self defense workshop on the deen show. Remember, these moves are only for self defense to be able to defend yourself or your family, if ever put in a life threatening situation. So let's get to the move. Now.

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If ever confronted in a life threatening situation, I want to try to prepare myself and minimize any threat that can come to me Be it by an elbow via by a sucker punch a knee. So how do I do that, I want to keep some distance, a lot of guys make a mistake where they run up on somebody's chest to chest. Okay, and from here, it's a very bad situation for me if the guy decides to do a sucker, punch,

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punch, elbow me. So I want to create some distance between me and my opponent, you can talk to me from over here, it doesn't need to be in my face. Now, with that said, I'm going to take one step back to guard my private parts here, my sternum here, bring my hands up to about shoulder level. Notice I'm not clenching my fists, and communicating to him that I want to fight 65% of communication is done physically. So I don't want to communicate to him that I want to fight, there's still some room that we can try to defuse this and that's the best way to go. calm him down. If that doesn't work, and we go to the next situation to self defense. From here,

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talking, obviously he's not working, he's gonna decide to throw what's called a haymaker punch. This is where you wind up, put all your weight on that side, and release, giving that trying to give that one punch knockout. So very damaging blow if connected with. So from here, I bring my hands up, he's gonna try to do the haymaker punch, I'm prepared. From here, I block by the bicep. Now he's going to punch with the other side, I blocked at the same time, the other side, from here, I'm going to bring my head down so he cannot headbutt me. And keeping one hand on the bicep, the other hand is going to hug the hip and my body is going to follow

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under siege. From here, I have his own traps that he cannot punch me, I'm controlling his hips and he can't turn into me and my head is nice and tight and his chest. So from here, now, I'm going to go for the takedown, what's called a hip full, my first photo is going to line up with his writing font, in the other back leg is going to step forward, line it up with his other foot, I'm going to clear his hip now, all I need to do the power is going to come from the bottom of straighten my legs.

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And I take him down. Now I went from being on the defense to the offense from here. I will continue to show you in the upcoming weeks and months how to control a person from this situation. But until then, you've gotten out of a bad situation. You can run go make a lot. You can go to your mother, you're okay.

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Go continue watching the deen show, and we'll see you again. inshallah. Salaam Alaikum. Peace be unto you

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about the concept of this too, when we use this word a lot, what are we talking about? This eliminates any anthropomorphism. That means giving human qualities the concept of Almighty Allah. And that's why we make a distinction because if God can have human qualities where a lot of gap another thing that we have as Muslims the unwavering faith that a law is always the same. He doesn't change. He doesn't get like tired and I gotta rest now he doesn't change his mind. He doesn't get disgusted with something and just Okay, that's it, forget about it. This is not how it works. Because everything about a law he has these qualities of his names or attributes. And they're all

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the epitome of each one of those. Okay, it is that the final word on it. So he's not just merciful. He is the mercy. Okay. And we don't we say he's not just love. Okay, he is the loving. we're describing a law now. That's a lot. Yes. So these are qualities of a law. But when you add it all together, you got to come back to a law. So he's the Merciful, the Most Merciful the most loving eat we can't say it in English.

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Or what that means is though there might be

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like good, better best that doesn't work that way. He's the epitome Epitome, and that's why Allah is the best word to describe it and he's nothing like his creation. Well, he

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Can't be because he's the creator of the creation existing before the creation, therefore, he doesn't permeate the creation, creation is not made from him. And he is totally free and independent of anything. And he's mighty, mighty, mighty, and far beyond all of that the only one worthy of worship?

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Well, this is what we say, yes, there is none. There are no Gods worthy of worship. Only a law, only a law. There are many gods that people have, but they're not right. Yeah, the only real God. And that's obviously the only one worthy of any worship is going to be Almighty Allah. Okay, so now people can get a better understanding, get a better feel that law is not we're talking about some moon god or gods. The difficulty for the Muslims, this is the God of Abraham, the God of Jesus, you got of Moses, and the last and final message of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon all the prophets of God. Let's do this. Let's just back up what we said with some proof. Let's just do that. Before

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we do anything else. We have put up a website for this purpose, to break down in detail some of the things you and I just talked about. Yeah. So when you go to the website, check it out. The other thing, there's a total rebuttal against this notorious book, saying something about a lot among God, which is so bogus, and the author himself is bogus. We've tried to contact him to establish a dialogue and he's just playing games. Yeah. So if you hear about a book or hear somebody talking about among God, and a lot together, you can go to this website, you can check out what we say and improve for yourself. The website is called God, Allah. God, Allah. Yeah, God. Ah, God, Allah, and

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it's a.com. Yeah, you just go there and check it out. We've got a number of programs on there, actually, you can listen to some audios, watch some videos there. And we can send you a free Quran and go there and pick that up too. But But go check it out. It's called God, a law.com. Okay, so to recap everything, give us a minute real quick. Somebody in short,

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let them know. You had described some attributes, but just summarize again, the word Allah. The best way to understand this when we talk about a law is to understand that we're talking about the Creator, the Sustainer of the universe, who existed before creation.

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And he has all in total control over everything all the time. He's the only sustainer and he is the only one to turn to for your salvation. He is God. The God, the only God or simply said, he is a law. This is what he says about himself, who will lead the Holocaust somewhat he will face it is Soma alarge. He is God He is the law, the one who created the heavens and earth in six days, then rose above his throne and didn't rest or sleep. Now doesn't say that. You just did it. You know, you just did it. And he's running the universe as we speak. Oh, yeah. Thank you for being with us again on. Call me anytime. And thank you for tuning into the D show. Stay tuned every week, where we have

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a special guest like use of SSR and we bring you a new topic. We'll see you as salaam alaikum. Peace be unto you.

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