Preservation Of The Hadith In Islam

The Deen Show
AI: Summary ©
The host discusses the history and importance of Islam, including its complete way of life and the need for further research to determine its natural rhythm. They also address the confusion surrounding the title Islam and the importance of obeying the Prophet sallavi wasallam. The speakers emphasize the importance of knowing the natural rhythm of Islam, the need for transparency in narrating the story, and the importance of purifying intentions to achieve the ultimate goal.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah Salaam Alaikum peace be unto you. Thank you for tuning in to another episode of the deen show. People from all around the globe tune in to the deen show calm where we're trying to help you understand Islam and Muslims. we come back we're going to bring out our next guest and we're going to be talking about the Hadith. What are the Hadith? How do they play a role in the Muslims life? We'll be right back with our next guest, Nevada xeen here on the deen show

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there's only one

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is His Messenger

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Jesus was his messenger

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Why did that maybe maybe it's just a break the ice. A salaam aleikum? Wa Alaykum sellout to the Qatar, thank you for being with us. It's a pleasure and honor to be here. Thank you. Thank you very much. And it's a pleasure. Not an honor to have you on the show. Tell us I got apologize. I chop your name up. It's okay. It's quite commonly, you know, mistaken. How do you say it now? It's navaid? Aziz. Okay. navaid Aziz, until a year with the Magnum Institute, correct. And you're born bred in Montreal, correct? Yep. And you finished from the prestigious Medina University correct last year. So we're not talking to a car mechanic about Islam. We're talking to somebody who knows this

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Deen this way of life, I'd like to hope so tell us a little bit more about yourself. Well, I was born in 1981, in Montreal, Quebec, and I spent the vast majority of my youth in Montreal with the exception of about two and a half years, which were between New York and Pakistan. And the rest of my youth was spent in Montreal, just like an average guy. And then around the age of 14, I was actually introduced to Dr. Abu Mina, Bella Phillips, he had come to Montreal, and he had a very large influence on myself and upon my family. And he actually encouraged me to pursue the path of seeking knowledge. And that is what I started to do at the age of 14, I started memorizing Quran at

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that time, and studying Islamic Studies, as well as Arabic on the side. And then Upon finishing college, I pursued the Islamic University of Medina, where I just finished from last year. Now at the age of 14, you got many youth, involved in gangs, trying to get fake IDs to get to the nightclubs doing all sorts of things besides surrender submission to God alone, right? And you're over here pursuing knowledge. How did this happened, how this came about? My parents and my immediate family played a very big role in that, especially my mom's sister's husband, he was very practicing at that time. And he would see me all the time, he instead of letting me play basketball,

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he's like, Okay, let's go to the machine, we're doing this, or he tried to actually initiate basketball at the machine instead. So he tried to combine them both. And this is what you see, with the vast majority of youth that are raised practicing, that they managed to combine their Deen with their dunya in one way or another. Because if you actually try to separate the two, then that's where problems occur. But Islam rather than just being a religion of worship, it's actually a complete way of life. And unless you accept it as a complete way of life, there's going to be a deficiency in one place on the other. So I think that's what the biggest problem is when people try

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divide Islam into a religious way. And then you know, another way of life or what it may be, how did you come to the firm conviction that this was, indeed the way of life of all the messengers of God, last and final message of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them the way of life that was ordained by the Creator of the heavens and the earth? Were you just going around? Going along with tradition, culture, which your parents were doing? Or did you actually look into the other ways? How did you come to know that this was indeed the way of life from the Creator of the heavens and earth, upon reading texts from the Koran and the sooner I realized that Allah subhanaw taala took into

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consideration the three aspects of man, the mind to the body and the soul. And it is only a complete and perfect religion that would be able to do so. And if it's completed and perfect from that aspect, it had to be revealed from God. And this is why I was convinced that this was the way to go forward. Now tell us the first evidence as a living miracle is the verbatim WORD OF GOD correct Allah in Arabic, we say the Qur'an correct. Tell us some of the elements that make this indeed something that if somebody looks into it, they're going to come to the same realization that over 1.5 billion people have come to today? Well, there's several aspects to the Quran, you can divide

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the Koran into two aspects. aspect number one is stories of the people of the past. And aspects number two is in terms of rulings and regulations and to even make the first category more general. This just concluded with information versus that of rulings. So when it comes to information unless panel with the other gives us information about

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To the creation of the heavens and the earth, the creation of mankind, how he came from a small clot of blood, and thus became a full human being. Obviously, when the time of the Quranic revelation, these things weren't known to scientists, they weren't known to the doctors. So this had to be from God himself that he revealed this to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So you have a scientific aspect to it as well, then you have a linguistic aspect to it, if you study the Quran, you will see that the pros of the Quran is so perfect. And the grammatical rules of the Quran are so perfect that had it been from man himself, you would have found deficiencies or mistakes. I mean, look at the

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best authors of our times today, they can write, you know, hundreds and hundreds of books, but not a single of them will be free from flop. Whereas this book that was sent to a man who is unable to read and write the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, is free from deficiency from a grammatical and from a poetic prose point of view. So that's point number two. Point number three, that there is other information in terms of people of the past, especially the prophets and the righteous people, that it is not possible than a man who did not know how to read or write and did not leave Mecca, you know, until past a certain age that he would have been able to gather this information. So thus it

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had to be from Revelation as well. So I think these are three key aspects that prove the divinity of the Quran, we have a lot of non Muslims, they're tuning in, you said another Arabic word you said Allah, some people might have a misconception and there's some moon God, right, some other crazy ideas, who is Allah

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linguist linguistically, if you look at the word Allah, the correct position is that the word Allah is actually derived from the term Allah, which means that the one who is worshipped and they often refer to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, as the monotheistic religions, based upon this very fact that they have this one entity that they call God that they worship. And in theory, this is accurate. But obviously due to other differences, you will eventually see that Islam is the only monotheistic religion at the end of the day. So Allah subhana wa tada are Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He in Islam is the entity that created all of us, and sustains all of us and grants us

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all of our blessings and sustenance. And likewise, if he is able to grant you all of that, then by default, He grants you that which is more important, which is guidance, you know, that which you need to survive in this world, and in the Hereafter, as well. So that is what we refer a lot. So this is the one true create tour. Oh, definitely. Give us real quick because this is very important, give us some attributes, because some people would think that the Creator is a man is the sun is the moon and other parts of creation. So give us the true attributes of Allah. When we talk about Allah subhanho wa Taala, we have to keep two things in mind. One, Allah is not like his creation, that

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Allah being the Creator, he is not like his creation. So when giving when you give him attributes, even though we may use terms that are similar to that of humans, we still need to realize that there in a way or in the form that are befitting His Majesty. Secondly, we have to realize that Allah subhana wa tada who revealed characteristics about himself, so that we may actually know or may be able to relate to it, because imagine if you have a God, that you cannot relate anything to, you know, there would be that disconnect. So Allah subhanaw taala is a balance between the two, that he describes himself as the ultimate entity that has some sentimental similarities to men, but in a way

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that is befitting of His Majesty. So when Allah talks about himself, and this is the, the one proof from the Quran that explains everything, when we talk about Allah, Allah says, Lisa comes to the shade, what was simulated by see that there is nothing similar unto Allah, and Allah is the all hearing and the all seeing. So Allah firms on one hand, that there's nothing similar to him. But at the same time, I was affirming for himself, sight and hearing, which are characteristics of a human being. So in terms of characteristics of Allah Subhana, WA, tada, you will have to affirm several of them by default. And when you think about God, you'd have to know that he is alive, you'd have to

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know that he is the all knowing, all seeing the all hearing, and that he is Able to do all things. These are things that any common or any educated level of education would have to accept, you know, you don't have to be a great philosopher or a PhD doctor to accept this. And in terms of other aspects, how you Allah subhanaw taala also tells us about his mercy because you know, when you think of God, as humans who commit sins, we need a God that is merciful. Likewise, we need a God that will, that will hold us to account, therefore as an Hasib as well. So there are a lot of characteristics and attributes that we can talk about Allah subhanho wa Taala, but the ultimate

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criterion of what it comes down to is, whatever is perfection is Allah subhanaw taala before we get into our main topic, tell us because you said and there might be some non Muslim out there who have has this in his head because you said, Allah is Able to do all things sometimes

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Think that he became a man or had a son, when you guys say about this, I would say about this, that there's a problem with the question and not in the answer itself. That in order Why would God need to become a man? Why wouldn't he? Why would he needs to have a son? This would actually be a form of deficiency. Yeah. And it's an interesting story that took place by a great scholar by the name of Albuquerque, Danny. Yeah, he was a linguistic

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scholar. And people came to him, and he said, you know, the Christians want to meet with you. And they want to, you know, have a discussion with you. So he's like, Sure, no problem. So he goes and enters the monastery, and he greets all the priests. And he says, you know, how are you doing? How are your family? How's your kids? And people started to uproar? And they're like, you know, how can you insult our priests? Like, how could you sort out this? Don't you know, that they're celebrate, they don't get married and have children? And then he said, that if this is a disgrace for human beings, then how about the one who created you? How can you affirm children, for example. So you

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know, it's normal for men to have kids because this is what human beings do. But Allah is different from men. There's no need for him to have kids. And there's no reason that he would come in human form. This is what differentiates God from men, the fact that he is different. This is amazing. What a beautiful analogy. Let's get into this subject of Hadith, because we have the miraculous living miracle, the Qur'an saved 1400 years, that has been unchanged. miracle after miracle, you want science and in there, your purpose of life is in there, where you go when you die, it's in there. But now there's another part there's some confusion for some Muslims, and also some people who are

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coming to Islam, they want to know the second miracle that has come, that goes hand in hand with the Quran is this hadith Talk to us a little bit about it. Okay, in terms of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, I think when we get into this discussion, two things have to be discussed. Number one is the authority of the Sunnah. And its relationship to the Koran. So I guess we'll start with that first. Allah subhanho wa Taala. Throughout the Quran, he says well to Allahu Allah Theodora soon. And in other it says while to la tierra soon will remain calm, that obey Allah and obey the messenger and those in authority amongst you. So Allah subhana wa tada in this ayah, and certain

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Nisa, which is, I believe, is sort of number four is number 59. He says, obey Allah, and obey the messenger, and those in authority amongst you. So let's start over here is saying unconditionally, you have to obey Allah, and unconditionally, you have to obey the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And then conditionally, this is actually a linguistic benefit of the IRA, then conditionally, you have to be those in authority amongst pieces are to law, are up to suit all the time they may come, he didn't mention well to the nominee may come in this ayah. And the point of this is that you have to obey the first two unconditionally. And the second, the third is conditionally based upon the

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Sharia. Yes. So in order for this commandment to be relevant at all times, and we know that the Quran is a message for all times, this necessity is that the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have to be preserved in one way or another. But let's put that on the side for one point, even abass, who is one of the greatest scholars of Tafseer, or exegesis as we call an English, he narrated that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was alive, this is what it meant to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and after the death of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, it meant that we would follow his son. So this is point number one in terms of authority.

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The Quran is at the same level as the student and the Sooners at the same level, as the Koran and the texts of this are many. Point number two in this in terms of the relationship of the Koran to the Hadith, Allah subhana wa tada says in another IRA in certain that indeed we have revealed unto a vicar so that you may explain to mankind that which was revealed to them. So here I was talking about a different revelation that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam so that he may explain a previous revelation. So the initial revelation is the Quran and the second revelation that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was the Sunnah itself. And point number three, this

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is further emphasized in an ayah and sort of the najem where Allah subhana wa tada says, Why am I young dequan in our, in our in our view, you have that he does not speak of his own desire of his own accord, but rather he speaks that which is revelation. So all of this is put together with the other various at the indicate and proof that the Koran comes along with the sun and the sun that in fact, is an explanation for the Quran. And this is why you will see that Allah subhana wa tada speaks in the various generalities and ambiguities in the Quran, and the Sunnah there comes to explain it. And this is one of the easiest arguments against those people that deny the Sunnah of

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the Prophet sallallahu wasallam How do you learn to

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Pre? How do you know that you have to pray for the hot market of any shot? All of these things are not mentioned in the Quran, you can't do it without God, exactly, you need the sun that were dependent upon it. So in terms of authority, I think the debate is pretty much of no value, where the debate actually starts to occur is in terms of the preservation of the center, and its ability to see until our time study, this is where you can get a bit technical. And if you'll allow me I'd like to explain that as well. Yeah, if you don't mind, can you go into that? Now, for someone who says, Okay, I know that the Quran is preserved. But now how do I know that man hasn't had his share

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of putting in his own words into these Hadeeth? Excellent sokolova. So now we mentioned in our point number two, that Allah revealed the Quran and also he revealed the Sunni deposits on them in order to explain to the Quran so if the explanation is needed, almost as much as the Quran, if not more, than how does it make sense logically, that only the origin would be preserved? But not his explanation? Because what good is that origin without his explanation? Yeah, so from a logical point of view, we understand that the sooner needed to be preserved. But now let's look at some of the texts pertaining to that as well. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that we will preserve a vicar right

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yes, we revealed the vicar and we shall preserve it. So this is a promise from Allah subhana wa tada that anything that takes the title of a vicar or the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala, it shall be preserved without a doubt. So that is point number one. Point number two, if you look in terms of the coroner, not a chronology, of the preservation of the sooner you will see that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had scribes for the Sunnah, just as he had scribes for the Quran. So these two that mix now one was assigned for the writing of the Quran and the others were prescribed for writing assessment of the prophecy system, and this is authentically established. And you will

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see that even in one of the narrations of Sahil Bukhari, we all know that the most famous companions for narrating Hadith when you think of the most famous companion, who do you think of terrible horror, or whatever?

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He narrated the most Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He has another narration in Sahih al Bukhari which says, that there is no companion that no knew more than me, except for Abdullah Mohammed bin alas. And he said, Why is that? He said, he was he used to write down a hadith during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So this is indication number one, indication number two earlier the Allahu taala and who he had a school from the Prophet sallallahu Nilsen that he had written down himself that he had saved in a treasure chest, which is the image to hide saved in the chest, which is mentioned in Sahih al Bukhari, as well. Point number three is when we study the

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chapter of Zakat, we know that we derive the rulings from the Quran and the Sunnah. The primary source for the Sunnah, in terms of driving rulings of Zakat is a lecture that Amara hottub wrote to unnecessarily Allah houttuynia, who is a governor in another land. So Omar writes to us and he says, that this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught to me in terms of the dividing of the circuit, and how much is the gap to take, and I advise you with the exact same thing, and he had it written down and sent it to us. So we can see that during the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, a hadith were actually being written down. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had

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no problem with this. A lot of people will come up with a point over here and they say we have an authentic hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says that I forbid you from writing down a hadith that take this general term. And they say this proves that he did not want the Hadith to be written down. But we say to this, that this has to be taken in its proper context. And even * Rahim, Allah, one of the great scholars of Hadith who came in the eighth century, he said that one of two things takes place over here, either this hadith was abrogated, meaning that this is in the advocacy of Islam. And it was later on abrogated, because obviously, we know the companions, they

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wouldn't have disobeyed the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, thus, they would have destroyed their schools. Point number two, and this actually makes more sense is that this ruling was particular for those scribes who were writing down the court on the positive side and did not want them to record Hadith so that it wouldn't be mixed with the Koran and one would be confused or construed with the other. So this is a refutation to that point. So this is in terms of the companions writing down a hadith and you will notice that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually took great precaution in the companions, narrating Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, as well, just to

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mention three brief points on this issue. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in one Hadith, may Allah brighten the face of a man who narrates a hadith from us, just as he heard it. So here is a form of encouragement. Point number two, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that

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Let none of you withhold knowledge if he is asked about anything. And if you were to do so, then he would be branded from the hellfire. So point number one is to learn the Hadith, memorize it and narrate it, just as you heard it here as you heard it. Point number two is that if you're asked about the sooner the prophet SAW, that's enough, and you don't make it clear to the to the people that know that you will be branded from the hellfire. And then pointed number three, He further emphasize this, he said that let whoever lies upon me intentionally prepare his seat in the hellfire. So he psychologically prepared the companions of the Prophet send them to memorize the

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Hadith just as you learn to them, and convey them diligently and to beware of fabricating anything. And this is why they're called the most trustworthy of nations. So this is just at the level of the companions. And I'm sure you want to include something over what is the meticulous nature of the collection of the Hadith knowing? Can you describe the biography of the person? And what would a person have to feel as far as qualities for that Hadith to be accepted? And how many people does it line up from ABC to the last and final question or problem hum peace be upon, okay? In terms of a hadith to be authentic, there are five conditions that needs to be met condition number one, is what

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they call it, the saw the Senate, that it has to be a connected chain of narration from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. To the person who's compiling it, we got to know who's in between, you have to know everyone who's in between and those people, they actually have characteristics. condition number two is what they call term adopt. term adopt means they have to have absolute perfect precision, and they're reading the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Point number three is adultery what that they have to be trust with the people that not only do their memories have to be on point, but they have to be people who are away from sin, and away from innovation.

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Yeah, point number four is either my shadows, or a lack of contradiction or opposition between the narrations amongst themselves. And then the fifth condition is Adam ellerton, coda or a lack or absence of a, what they would call a sickness, or a disease in the Hadith, or a weakness in the Hadith that would cause it to be weak. To give you an example of this,

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Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah, he tries to make a point in his Sufi about a particular Hadith, and this is the well known Hadith, the seven people who will be under the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala. On the day that there is no shade except his shade, all of the narrations of this Hadith, they say that the mere Imam gave charity so secretly, that the left hand will not know what the right hand gave. But Mr. Muslim, if you want to prove a point in here, he goes on with the narration, that the left hand will give that which the right hand will not know. So it's the exact opposite. So this type of deficiency, it is even recorded, along with site collections, just to prove a point that this is an

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inauthentic narration. So all of these things meticulously put together, you're studying a connected chain of people, where you know, their names, their teachers names, there's father's names and everyone that they study with, and you know, the level of precision of their memory, and you know, how trustworthy they were in terms of their religion, an average person, our times not to be allowed to narrate Hadeeth, due to various reasons from them is that our memories are nothing close to what the memories of the people of the past were, and to our dedication to the religion. There's nothing like this as well. Just to give one example, we have the likes of Emanuel Bukhari Rahim Allah, who

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has narrated to have said about himself, that when he wanted to memorize a book that had two pages, he'd have to cover one side, because it would interfere with his mind when he would read the other side. So you'd read a page once, and he I'd have to cover the other side, so it wouldn't interfere in his mind. And he'd be able to memorize a page like that. And similar stories have been married about Imam Shafi and other great imams as well. And in terms of their piety, it's narrated that emammal berhadiah him a whole lot in the month of Ramadan, he would finish the Quran every three nights, at nighttime, in Salah. And then during the day, he would finish the Quran once in terms of

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sitting and reciting the Quran. So this is a totally different level of piety and a totally different level of, you know, preservation and memorization of the texts that we're talking about. So without a doubt, when you apply these very constraining rules to Hadith without a doubt, you know, you'd have to have even this sense of themselves would have to be a form of revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala in order for it to be so perfect. So can you record this from some of the messengers in the past, were there at that time, their time, if you were living during the time of Jesus peace be upon him, Moses, that they were the walking instructionals they were the walking

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examples of the revolution.

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There was given to them for that time.

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For instance, Moses, he was teaching the people about the Torah, Jesus peace be upon and he was teaching the people about the NGO. So today, we have the last and final revelation sent to mankind, the Quran and the messenger, the last and final messenger sent to mankind. He is teaching us to the Hadith, the Quran, exactly, I definitely agree with that, for this is the same thing makes sense? Oh, yes, I mean, this is the job of the messenger to explain the revolution that was revealed to him. And it would actually be unjust and unfair, that a messenger would pass away, and his message not to be preserved, as this message has been preserved meticulously, whereas oppose the messages

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before. They were for that time that people and we don't have it today. Since this is the very last message till the Day of Judgment, it had to be preserved meticulously, whereas the other religions they would have abrogation in other religions would come thereafter. Therefore, it wasn't as much of a necessity to preserve them, because in further revolution worse was coming. Whereas in our situation, there is no further revelation. Allah subhanaw taala says that he was hot demon nebby in the seal of the prophets, yes. closing comments and suggestions for those who are looking into Islam. For those who have accepted Islam. Give them some awesome good advice. My advice for those

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people is something which I personally benefited from Sahih al Bukhari itself. emammal Bukhari Rahim Allah, he starts off his collection of a hadith with the first chapter being the beginning of revolution. And this is what you would think that emammal Bukhari would be talking about in this chapter, but amazingly, the very first Hadith he brings is the hadith of ahmadnagar throb where he says in the Mullah hamato Benito in the Maluku Lima in Manoa, that indeed actions are by intentions, and every man shall have that which he intense. So from this, we derive that normal behavior the human law is setting a standard for all the Muslims that whether you're writing a book of Hadith,

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whether you're reading a book of Hadith, whether you're eating, whether you're sleeping, whether you're drinking, try to purify your intention, as much as possible, purify your intention, because when you purify your intention, this is when the help of Allah subhana wa Taala comes and this is how you improve yourself, that each time you do something, you have a specific intention of what you want to achieve and what you want to get out of it. So you're actually measuring your status in terms of where you're going. So that is point number one. Point number two, the last book in Sahih Bukhari is called Kitab woods or hate or the chapter of monotheism of Allah subhanaw taala. And the

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Hadith he ends off with over here is Kadima attorney, Saif attorney Allison tequila attorney Almeida, Habib attorney allotments panel of the Hamdi, Hispaniola hilarium, that there are two words, which are light on the tongue, yet are heavy on the skills and are beloved to Allah, man, meaning the Most Merciful and the most compassionate, and they are Subhanallah, behind the heat of heinola hill at him. And the point that the amount of acquiring ml is trying to do over here is that at the end of every act of worship, that you do, you thank Allah subhanaw taala, that you're able to do this, because it is only by his favor and his blessing, that you are able to do it. And the fact

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that he chose you specifically, to increase your self knowledge to do any act of worship, to do any form of good is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala himself that he needs to be thanked for. So this is what I would summarize as my advice to all Muslims that purify and renew your intentions. And then thank Allah subhanaw taala for all the blessings he has given you may God Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and earth law rewards you for being with us to me and us.

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And thank you, everybody here for being with us here today on the D show. We look forward to seeing you next week. Here inshallah, God willing until then, I sell on Lake and peace beyond to you and see what everyone's talking about.

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You find one contradiction, it can't be from God.

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But the rational idea the rational explanation is you do your best to give up worshiping God is why I will never give up spending this

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unnecessary step you don't know if you're gonna live till tomorrow.

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So you got to find that urgency to do the right thing right now.

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The reality of life usually doesn't sink in until tragedy Commons.

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You got a few bad people. The media grabs ahold of that and spends it the way they want to.

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If you say that you do not believe in Jesus you have stepped outside of this nine you cannot be a Muslim ended at 10 in our faith to

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my brothers and sisters in the listeners whether you're an atheist Jew or you're Christian

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How can we deny the oneness of vacuum gates? The one that gave us like he's just the stain that we've read the Old and the New Testament now read the final Al Quran has been sent to mankind as a source of healing and guidance revealed to Mohammed. Now what is recited by one in six people across your sphere. Start your journey here and if you really you're sincere, you come to the only way to go yo let him know Eddie is the dean radio show.

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