The Deen Show – Kevin Hart Becomes Puppet for Gambling Industry while Khabib Nurmagomedov Says No!

The Deen Show
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the potential consequences of gambling and drug addiction, including negative consequences for individuals and families. The speakers emphasize the importance of listening to God and the association of gambling with addiction, but also acknowledge the dangerous nature of gambling and its potential negative impacts on individuals and their families. The segment ends with a promotion for a free copy of a book and a message of peace and love.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salam, they call them hey guys do anything addiction is not a failure of will. It is a brain disorder, which is preyed upon by the gambling industry. So I'm going into my Twitter account and I start seeing these gambling ads.

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Instantly, just when found books with some prominent figures, like one of the Muslims that read the backer packets, you know, talking about like, like, Hey, man, you want to start bursting. Let me see the packet. Give it to me to

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read as part right there. One of which was Kevin Hart. Okay, you ready? Oh, God, we've been told. They're out to kill us all. So I'm thinking brothers and sisters, we went to the streets to ask Americans about Islam. Here's what they said. Do you know anything about Islam? No. Do you know anything about Islam? No, sadly, do you know anything about Islam? Not really. Do you know anything about Islam?

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No, sorry. You know what Islam means? Islam?

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No, we've been told that they're out to kill us all. That's what you've been told that Muslims are out to kill you all.

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Well, that's it to say on TV. Anything. I know it's in the Middle East. Whether you're gonna have four wives, brothers and sisters, as you can see, there are so many Americans who don't know about Islam. We need your help to change that help us to build the deen center, the first Mega Dawa center in America. We have $500,000 left and we need your help to finish click the donate right now may God Almighty Allah reward all of you

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who's Kevin Hart? You are a huge name. Probably the biggest name in comedy right now. And you could have a private island to hang out on. But also Wonder Boy, Thomas, when you sign up that $5 to get $200 in free bets instantly. And I start thinking hasn't Kevin Hart made enough money that he doesn't have to go and get in bed with company doesn't care about people in industry, a company that went into the ruining people's lives? I'm still paying for this a piece of papers that destroy our family. destroying families is rotten to the core to the cool. I mean, not too long ago, Kevin Hart did have a near death experience, where he almost lost his life. He came very close to death. Oh

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seven guy so those are the emergency calls made moments after Kevin Hart's vintage muscle car careened off in LA road. And he was very thankful to God, I'm thankful for God.

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Thank you for life. It was interesting the way he was thinking and talking after this very, very close encounter with death. Basically, would you realize that you're not in control, but when God talks, you got to listen all along.

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Let me only do

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one a miracle. For

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the first time since this terrifying accident and frantic 911 Call now hopefully Kevin Hart will see this. And he'll have a change of heart and he'll leave off his connection with the gambling industry. Ruins people's lives. It takes the money it ruins their families and maybe after he has a look at what Habib has to say. And that's what motivated me to go and talk about this is when I saw the stance, and we commend our brother Habiba hamdulillah numerous times and will think it was an opportunity to make a ton of money I wish to tell at Celtic Milan, Premier White Castle at South Castle is a requirement bookmaker, if there's any ghetto Vonda vitam gets involved. He would provide

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us with the gambling industry, but he said No, he won't do it with I'm not prevalent in the Wii games and I'm watching was not Toby talks about and Kevin Hart can take a lesson when he talks about how gambling is more dangerous than alcohol. Oh, yes.

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You should pass the chimp out. Where he talks about how bookmakers these gambling industries how they ruin families. How primitive generally Columbia on a show called The Monster Book make it unusual to see with Samia doesn't it?

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People can go ahead and see Kevin Hart, the fans of Kevin Hart and they'll go click on this ad this gambling add

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towards balance instantly. Just when five bucks they'll take his advice because that's what they use Kevin Hart for and he's others like Wonder Boy, when you sign up that $5 to get $200 in free bets instantly. And so many other these athletes and these people are thinking once you become addicted it's very, very hard to stop because you have turned you've changed your brain addiction is it is a brain that has changed to become

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craned to the desires of the of the gambling, they're just thinking about the dollar worshiping the money. You know, they got so much money, they just want more, and then not thinking about the consequences, the ramifications of this family come out here.

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I'm still paying for this. So people end up going to the sites, and then there's the start of the addiction parts of the brain get turned on, and then they can't stop. And we think there's probably a chemical basis to that and you got not only that person's life gets destroyed, but their whole family gets ruined. I was hiding the tickets for my family and I was so addicted to gambling that it took over my life. And Bobby compares it to a drug addiction and he's right spoke SMA Rebekka Malaviya Kotori Zafir nitro platform is

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a standard septum standard service. It's always silly similar shots, comparing it the same level of gambling and drug addiction being at the same level. We just saw me last night it was okay at the cinema ballets. Tegra maniototo, somewhere in a common

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space, the Apple does this or the camera now narcotic EDA examiner and you're not an economic commander.

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And Hamdulillah He says no to alcohol and gambling, Kevin Hart and many of these other celebrities out there, they can take a deep lesson from this example of Hubie COVID. I'm not prevalent in the video games and I'm watching version. So you got to ask yourself Kevin Hart, Wonderboy and all these others who are

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instantly just read five books getting offered probably big sums of money to go ahead and promote these gambling industries. Is it worth it at the end virtually deliberately harm people, if you have a conscious, if it hasn't been that corrupted and tainted? Do you want to help ruin people's lives, ruin people's families, he knew what he was doing was destroying himself and his family, connecting with industries who are rotten to the core rotten to the core. And God willing, this can be a motivation, because if you see other people at the same level of your status, or even bigger, like Habib, talking about this taking a stand, God Willing the good and you can come out, and you can

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also take a stand to get away from the alcohol to get away from the gambling, and all these things that are destroying society, destroying individuals, destroying homes, and then you can go ahead and do something even more courageous and more bold. You can go ahead and go deeper. And to see why is Habib talking like this? Where's he getting the backbone? Where's he getting the strength? It's his connection to his Deen His way of life. And you can look into that way of life and looking at all the proofs and evidence that it provides the human being to know that it is the the truth, and you can start searching also for the purpose of life. And we'll get you a gift to make things easy a

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free copy of the verbatim Word of God Almighty on, go ahead and visit the D We can send that out to you as a gift to you. And I hope this message can reach people like Kevin Hart and others that can go ahead and think before they act and they get tempted and they sell themselves out for the dollar for the money so they can go ahead and help impact lives for the better. Do things that will help society not destroy society, like alcohol, and in this case, gambling. Thank you guys for tuning in. Subscribe if you haven't already, hit that notification bell. And do not forget to support us with the dean center project where we take the D show into the Dean center. And we'll see

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you next time until then. Peace be with you. A Salam aleikum, we've been told that they're out to kill us all. So I'm gonna go brothers and sisters, we went to the streets to ask Americans about Islam. Here's what they said. Do you know anything about Islam? No. Do you know anything about Islam? No. Sadly, do you know anything about Islam? Not really. Do you know anything about Islam?

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No, sorry. You know what Islam means? Islam? No, we've been told that they're out to kill us all. That's what you've been told that Muslims are out to kill you all.

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Well, that's it to say on TV. Anything. I know it's in the Middle East. Whether you're gonna have four wives, brothers and sisters, as you can see, there are so many Americans who don't know about Islam. We need your help to change that help us to build the deen center, the first Mega data center in America we have $500,000 left and we need your help to finish click the donate right now may God Almighty Allah reward all of you

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cannot leave without giving you a gift if you're not yet Muslim and you're tuning in

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Let's see what these Muslims are talking about. And you'd like a free copy of the Quran. Go and visit the deen We'll take care of the postage and everything and get it delivered to you. And if you still have some questions about Islam, call us at 1-800-662-4752 We'll see you next time. Until then Peace be with you. A Salam aleikum. And if you liked this episode of the deen show, like this video, share this video far and wide and support us on our Patreon page so we can continue this work. Thank you for tuning in Peace be with you as salam aleikum

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