Tawfique Chowdhury – Love Of The Prophet Muhammad Saw

Tawfique Chowdhury
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers various types of love, including material love, which requires attention and praise, and the importance of praising and-bearing for one's parents. It also touches on the historical and cultural significance of Islam, including its importance in the way people are treated and the way it is addressed. The speakers discuss the concept of "one thing" and the importance of giving back to others, including helping others and acknowledging that everyone has a responsibility to do something. The pandemic has impacted people's behavior and the need for social responsibility.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashura seal ambia you even more stunning so you deny Mohammed

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hawara sola, who fuck was the folder? nazima

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have you Mohammed In Sung Allahu alayhi wa sallam, or shall we Sherman Umoja?

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Allah subhana wa Taala says in the beautiful code

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a coma.

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Seeking Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the beautiful Quran, say oh Mohammed, if you fathers, your sons and your brothers, your wives in your relatives, the world which you have obtained, the commerce in which you fear decline, and the dwellings which you have which which you are pleased with are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger as struggling in his cause. Then wait until last panatela brings about his command. And Allah subhanho wa Taala does not guide the unworthy people. My brothers and sisters, there are three things which if a person feels there are three things which which if a person has then he will indeed taste the sweetness of a man The first

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and most important of which is what is what my brothers and sisters it is but loving Allah and the messenger it is what loving Allah and the messenger it is that you should love Allah and the messenger more than anything else. Mmm by Hakeem Allah have mercy upon him, reports in as soon as that once a companion came through Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said, Oh rasulillah you are more beloved to me than everything else, or a pseudo law, you are more beloved to me than my family and my wealth. Also law when I'm with my family, then I remember you also Lola, then my, again, I feel my heart unrest. I feel this unrest and this tension in me. And I must come out and

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run to you or Sorolla until my eyes see you. And then I feel my house funding addressed. At that point, the companion started to cry, he started to cry and then also loss of the law while he was alive, looked at him and said Oh, so and so what makes you cry? He said Oh, so and so what makes you cry? So the companion may Allah have mercy upon him said then also Allah, I remember this. I remember Jess and that I will miss your surah Allah and then when I pass away, and you will pass away, and I will go to my grave and then you will go to my grave. How shall I say How shall I look at you and be with your rasulillah and thereafter you will be raised up in I will be raised up and

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inshallah you will be with the companions of the prophets, you will be with the prophets in the Day of Judgment, and you will be the highest order paradise whereas all rasulillah what will happen

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To me, if I indeed do make it to paradise, that How will I ever be in your in your in your companionship or this love now that I'm your companion How will I ever be your companion in paradise? At that point Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed a beautiful person for my youth Ella sola. sola ecomondo Allah Dina Anam Allahu Allah him. Mina nebby Noah de novo shuhada hain

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una karateka. At that point, Allah subhanaw taala revealed the beautiful verse. And when this verse was revealed in the companions became so happy that they've never been so happy in their lives. What did Allah subhanaw taala say? Allah subhanho wa Taala said, Indeed he who obeys Allah and the messenger, indeed he obeys Allah and the messenger, then he will be with the prophets and the city of Keene and the martyrs and the good doors in the day of judgment has to Nakula economical and water righteous company that is.

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So I asked my brothers and sisters who are listening to me today, oh, you who say that you worship Allah subhanaw taala. And you say that also loss of the law, what is your guide, and your prophet do not wish to be next to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam do not wish that you could come to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and grab his hand and shake it and give him a hug and say oh Rasulullah how much I missed you also law how much I loved you how much you read about you? Or azula how much you wanted to wanted to be with you do not wish this. Indeed every single Muslim wishes this.

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The dilemma of Islam Allah have mercy upon them. They mentioned the love of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Salaam is the greatest act of a better dimension, the loving Allah and the Messenger of Allah is the most and highest deed that you can do. And they mentioned that in the love of Allah and the Messenger of Allah is the basis and foundation for all deeds, such as mentioned, but even seeing him Allah mercy upon him in his fourth hour, and it will Kodama may Allah have mercy upon him, reports. The Dalai Lama have complete consensus that it is obligatory upon every single Muslim. It is obligatory upon the heart of every single Muslim to love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now

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the people's love can be a four different types, people can afford different types of love. The first type of love, which everyone would have known is that everyone and every man can love material things. Like for example, everyone loves a good soap. Everyone likes nice perfume. Everyone likes the nice car. Everyone likes to have good in this life. This is love for the material things. The second type of love which people can have is love that necessitates physical desire, such as the love between the husband and the wife. The third type of love that people can have is a type of love that necessitates obedience, but it does not necessitate praise, such as for example, love for the

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parents, such as what love for the love for the parents. And this is the love which necessitates obedience to the parents, because you must obey your parents. However, it does not necessitate that you should praise your parents or extol your parents above others. And the fourth and the last type of love is a love that is due to Allah and His messenger is a love that is due to Allah and the messenger. No, it is not a material type of love. No, it is not a physical type of love. No, it is not the type of love that only necessitates obedience. Rather, it is the type of love that necessitates obedience and praise and exaltation, that you should love Rasulullah sallallahu

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wasallam, that you should praise Him that you should extol him that you should make him higher than anything else.

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This love which is due to those who lost a loved one is alone cannot be putting towards I can't say love of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam is x y Zed can be defined as x y Zed No, this is not possible. For indeed love for Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam is only known by the actions of the heart is only known by the actions of the heart and the actions of the limbs.

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So why must we love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Why is it obligatory for a Muslim to love? Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam rather the question should be how can we not love Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam How can we not love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam has certain authentic hadith in Bukhari Muslim with the finale agreed upon that he said that none of you will enter Paradise. None of you will enter Paradise until I become more beloved to him than his father and his child and and all of mankind. Then his tribe when he said his father, he meant his tribe. When he said his son, he meant

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All his wealth and belongings and possessions, and all of mankind anything else that he may have not mentioned in these two things, visiting elsewhere, people, anything else, you will not truly enter Paradise, you will not truly be a believer until you love Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam then all of these, all of these things,

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why should we not? Why should we not lovable? So, lesson learned when we see his great character, when we see his great character, do you not remember how the arrow came to the mosque? How the Arab from the desert came to the mosque, and he needed to use the toilet however, the people are praying, so he came and he joined the join the prayer and then he finished the play with the people and when the so lots of love out of settlements had said salam, Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullah. Then he got up immediately, and he went to the farthest corner of the mosque, and he opened his pants and he started to urinate and urinated in the part of the mosque, did you not see your people how the

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companions wish to hit him, how the companions wish to rebut rebuke him, but the Prophet sallallahu wasallam told him that who, that who leave him, let him complete it, leave him and let him complete it. And then after, after the companions let him and he completed his, his what he had to do, then Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said, Call him to me in the best of manners, call him to me. So the companions called him to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. The best of characters? Yes, we're lucky the best of characters he told him. Yeah, has also And so yeah, had also and so these are the places of worship, these are the most so a lot of places of worship. It

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does not be for us to use these places of worship as places of urination than indeed the companion. This, this this Arab, he was so amazed at this character Rasulullah Saracen, what is this character that makes a man

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have so much patience over something which none of us would have ever had patience upon. Once I remember praying that are we in this in the Prophet's mosque?

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I remember praying taraweeh in Prophet's mosque, and I was in the route I was praying there. And then there was a small child, a small child, and he had actually he couldn't hold his, his his bladder anymore. So he just let it go. And we were were in the road. So he just let it go. A poor child, he couldn't wait for his father to complete 20 he couldn't wait for it. So he just let it go. And somehow and Allah It was as if there was a whole new world was nothing. You see, the poor that you see the people the pious people are screaming, shouting out What is this? What is this? our will to be lousy Billa whose son is this was child is this? Where was a flock of Rasulullah sallallahu

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Sallam where was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Allah subhanho wa Taala says no

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one call me Mama. Yes.

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too soon

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to be near Mattila because

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we're in.

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We're in NACA Allah, Allah Philippine army. Allah subhanaw taala says in the beautiful verse in Surah Surah Kalam, he says what noon he says no one call me Mama is true. And he swears by the pen with which the angels write down our deeds. He swears by the pen with which the angels write down these Wilma antebi natural image known and all you Mohammed by Allah's grace are not met, you are not met overall Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in Melaka La Jolla mamnoon and for you is a reward that is everlasting paradise for you is an everlasting paradise. And then he says, we're in Mecca Allah Allahu looking at him and indeed you are upon an exalted character, you are upon an

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exalted character. And this is an example of also loss of a loved one is a man's character.

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So how can we not love him? How search How shall we not love him?

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Also from the from the reasons why we should love us all that sort of love in itself is that he always chose that which was easier for us. He always chose that that which was easier for us. Do you not remember when Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam told the companions or people, Allah has written knowledge upon you. Allah has made Hutch obligatory upon your Jew, so do Hajj to perform your Hajj. And so a man came up and said, after Cooley, Armenia Rasul Allah is it in every year or prophet of Allah, and the professors are turned away and he kept on walking. And he came and said, after our peculiar era, so Allah is in every year prophet Allah, so he kept on walking, and he can he repeated

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his questions to the prophets of the lovers, Allah has said, where I should say yes, where I should say yes, then he would become obligatory.

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upon you, I would not be able to you will not be able to look at the resume for this woman. Look at the mercy for this woman. So why should we not let him

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also look at the example also loss of the law when SLM the Battle of other look at the example of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Battle of other 317 people came out of Medina in order to fight the Kufa in order to get back the the wealth was the was the profile of Medina of Makkah had taken from them. And when the caravan of Abu sufian, diluted them and went back to the went back to Makkah, then Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam knew that lust had written for them, for them a war against crush. So when the caravan reached Medina when reached Mecca, and the people and the and the messenger of Abu sufian reached market and the people of Mecca came out in all their glory in all

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their develop, they came out 1000 of them to fight a lion is messenger to wage war against Allah and the messenger. So they came and came in all their and all the splendor they came to fight the Muslims. And then the Muslims waited for them in the battle but in the in the in the plains of butter. They waited for them in the plains, the butter and the Muslims were all very tired. The small, sorry group of Muslims were all very tired, so they slept the night except only one of them, except one of them. And that was really cool. That's awesome. So he stayed up all night, imploring his Lord, raising his hands up to Allah subhanho wa Taala and saying, Oh Allah, if this small group

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of Muslims are to be destroyed, or Allah there will be no one left on this earth to worship you. Or Allah We implore you, your Allah, O Allah, we implore you all throughout the night. Imagine this lone man standing up all throughout the night in this forgotten Valley, but he stood up all the night imploring his Lord, whereas all the Muslims were fast asleep, fast asleep they were whereas this person was making the law. Now I asked you if Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam had not been sent to this coma? Where would one of us be? Where would we be? asked me this question? Would you be in Medina coming for a holiday? Why would you ever come to this place? This forgotten city? Why would

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you ever come to this? Why would you ever come to this city? It was a little less than la what a seller did not do what he did for us after Allah subhanaw taala How would you be spending a time now where would you be would you be coming to Hajj? No, you would never be coming to Hajj, what type of animal would you be worshiping? What I do? Would you be worshiping Subhana Allah look at the great mercy of Allah. So why should we not love Rasulullah sallallahu

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Do you not remember? Have you not read the Hadith Rasul Allah Saracen about the Day of Judgment, about the Day of Judgment, when when the people will all gather, the people will all gather and they will go to all the prophets, they will first go to Adam, and then they will go to all the other prophets thereafter. And all the prophets will say no, no, go for me go away from me. I have done this and I have done that mean that they are worried about themselves. They will be worried for themselves except for Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam on the Day of Judgment, so you will go to him. He will go to the zoo lesson love what is the day of judgment.

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And when you say a little Sula, please ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us please ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us will also allow us and I'm saying no, no nasty, nasty all myself all myself. I wish to say myself myself. When you say Oh, my family, my family, will you say my family, my family? No, never. He will say my own my own Mama, my own man, my own man, in the most difficult times of people when your father and your mother will run away from you, your father and your mother though. The ones who you love the most, and who love you the most as you think will run away from you. They will run away from you, why will they run away from you, they will run away from you because when you

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come to them, you may ask them for even one reward. And then they will be stingy on that day, they will not even wish to give you one reward because they will see the great punishment in front of them and the great reward in front of them genda and now it will be it will be ready in front of them. So how will they even give you one small reward? How will they even give you one small reward except for us all of us on the law one is alum. He is the only one only one who will make the work for us. He is the only one in Paradise, only one on the Day of Judgment. Who will make those suits to Allah subhanaw taala for us, so why should we not love him? Why should we not love him?

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The most the people who are most worthy of of being of loving Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam were indeed the companions of Allah companions also lesson the lesson. We have in the companions of the zoo lesson love. It's a beautiful example, to teach us how to love a soul lesson lesson. So we see in the example of Abdullah Abdullah in the saloon, now of the live Mr Lu who was a beloved solo he was the leader of the hypocrisy of Medina, but his son whose name was on

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Abdullah was the son his name was also the love, the leader, the son of the leader of the hypocrites, but he was a believer the son was a believer. So what happened was once in the Battle of venomous Caliphate, the people were coming back from that war and the love the salute the hypocrite had gone with Rasulullah Rasul to show that he was also a good Good, good believer to show off that he was also good believer. So when they were coming back from Burma scallop that Abdullah in saloon, told the people, he said, when we approached Medina, indeed, the more honorable offers meaning himself will throw out the more humble of us, meaning also loss of a loved one.

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And at that point, some of the companions heard this, and they knew that our beloved saloon was trying to mock us hula salsa. So they went to law school and told them, Look, this is what our beloved Salaam is saying, also, let's see what I'm saying. And so Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam became saddened at that. At that point, our beloved Son, the son heard what his father had said, Son heard was his father has said, and so he took his soda. And he went to Rasulullah Sorensen and said, also order me and I will cut my father's head off for you. Or me and I will cut my father's head for you. Or a salami my father and mother be sacrificed for you. Look at the love for Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam This is the true love for Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. At that Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam became happy and said no leave your father leave your father leave him and so the small group of Muslims approached Medina, they approached Medina as you know the sooner Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam was when they approached Medina then they would hurry they would hurry up to reach to reach Medina.

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So they started to hurry up and I believe the solute started to run and then Abdullah the sun came and he put his salt his father's neck and said what law he will not enter until sued last law while solid enters. Well law you will not enter until the more honorable office meeting Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam throws at the more humble of us, meaning or you my father.

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And at that point was all of a sudden after he entered Medina, and he heard that this is what this is what a beloved son had had done to his father. He became happy and said no, let him enter and he made the offer of the law. Look at the love for those who love the law seldom What is this love that makes a man Miss Rasulullah saw Salah What is this love that makes the man wish to sacrifice his father and mother wish to sacrifice his father and mother the most loving opposition's to him. What is this love, it is but love for the best of mankind. Also the Battle of other Vedas and Java, our VEDA about read that the trustee of this woman that I mean this woman he killed his own father in

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the Battle of others. And we know our Allah have mercy upon be alive you pleased with them on our killed his own uncle, alas in that little brother and Mousavi Mousavi man, he killed his own brother in the Battle of butter. What is this love that makes a person kill his own own relatives? What is this love that makes the person killed his own relatives? I asked you, I asked you people that if the sun was now on one side and the father was on one side, if one of them were on the other side of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, would you have the courage to go and fight? Would you have the courage to go and fight your own father? Would you do that?

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Mohammed is the son of Abu Bakar. Mohammed his name was Mohammed he came to he came to Abu Bakar and said on the Battle of butter Oh my father, I was trying to avoid you because Mohammed was actually a non disbeliever still. And Mohammed came to fight. Mohammed Hassan came to fight Abu Bakar his own father in the Battle of mother. So he said I was trying to avoid you or abubaker I was trying to avoid you or my father so that I don't have to face you and kill you. He said as for me when

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he said as for me what law he had I found you I would have killed you straightaway.

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He said I won't lie I would have killed you straight away. This is the true love for Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.

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And once I was a fan of sufferance the daughter was happy but I'm happy was one of the wise also received the love.

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Once Sophia was was still a disbeliever he came to visit on Habiba in Medina. So he came all the way to Medina, and he came to the heart of Habib and he knocked on the door and let him in. So he came in and he wished to sit down and there was a mat on the ground. And so he wished to sit down on the mat. And when I saw this she quickly went and folded the mat up and took it away. She quickly rented folded the mat up and took it away. So I was a fan of sushi and said well like it is as if the mat is better than me or I am too good for the mat.

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It is either the mat is too good for me or I am too good for the mat. So have you ever replied No rather, this is the matter of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and you are a filthy polytheist and you are a filthy mushrik and

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will never let a filthy mushrik sit on the mat or a soulless universal. If this is the love for the map of the soul lesson. What is your love for us all as a wrestler? How do you show your true love for a soulless wrestler? They are these people who swear against the law. They are these people who talk against the law. Have you ever felt your eyes having tears? Whenever this has happened? Have you ever felt this anger this burning passion inside you? When you have heard about this photo against your soul as a wrestler? Where is your true love for Rasulullah?

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Sophia, the alignment ally mercy upon him when he was still a disbeliever he was

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he was punishing a lot of the believers in Medina. In in Makkah, he was punishing a lot of the believers he was punishing Zaid and once when when he was punishing say, and he was stoning him and he was lashing him. Then he put him into the cage and he told him also so Jose, do you not wish the Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam be in your in your in your place? You're not wish that you'll be back at home with your family and also lots and lots of lumbini a place? And he said well i i would not wish the Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam be even pricked by a throne. I would not wish that so lesson law lesson will be in print by phone. When once when a worker may Allah have mercy upon him when he

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was being last once we also saw when he was when he was frustrating in the cabinet when he's praying to the Kaaba, and he was frustrating than the Kufa of courage saw him and they and they bought the ranch and trails off of a of a camel that they slaughtered. And they put it on the back of Rasulullah. And so when a worker saw this, he came to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he came to the sewer system and took this off and took the trails of this camel off of the back or so.

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And so as he went, went to to this Michigan to this crash, and he started telling them off for the football they did. So the machine they started to beat abubaker and they beat him and beat him and beat him so much. Until Abubakar fell, fell, fell, fainted and fell. Thank you. So the people of Albuquerque his tribe came and took him back. And when after a couple of hours abubaker regains his consciousness when he regained his consciousness abubaker What was the first thing he said? What was the first thing he said? He said, Well, ah, how is Russell Russell Russell, the very first thing that he said was how is Rasulullah saw Russell, this is the true love of a companion for his true

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beloved bussola Saracen.

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Also in the Battle of offered, there was a moment from dunhua dinar. And we did not know what this woman's name was. This woman from Bengal dinar, she came to the battle about that to see what had happened and 70 of the Muslims had died. And 37 of the non Muslims had died. So 70 of the Muslims that died in battle a mother. So she came and passed by a corpse in front of her and said, What is this corpse? And because it had been mutilated, because the machine had come and cut off the noses and the ears and cut open the chest and taken up the hearts and the livers. And so she asked, Who is this course? So one of the competitors replied, this is your father. This is your father also. And

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so then she went and passed by another puffs, and said, Who is this? He said, Oh, this is your brother. This is your brother. And so she passed by another cops and said Who is this? This is your son, three or four family members, her father, her brother and a son had died. Then she asked, but where is Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam? He said well as Rasul Allah, the companion said Look, he is there he is there. So she went to Russell Russell Russell and said, also Allah truly Rasul Allah, as long as you're alright and all my worries are nothing to truly orsola as long as you are okay? You are my beloved. Truly as long as you are okay then everything else is nothing. Everything else is

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nothing as long as you're okay. Also, like everything else is nothing

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in the Battle of whether the battle a battle, sad to say he was from one of the fighters, one of the one of the people of one of the people of the unsub, one of them so he was he was lining up to fight the people of other and

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fight the machine on the day. And when the people understood us and allowed to sell them, he was going past with his with his stick, and he's correcting people and putting them into line. sad because he this person who started coming online, he started coming out of line. He started coming out of my soul searching and saw him and he went with the stick and hit him on his stomach. He hit him on his stomach and hurt him. So sad because they said, What is this? What does this word mean? And I want to compare so to Sula. I want Recompense. I wish to get you back on Sula. You have let me so wish to hurt you back. So Solas wrestler, he lifted his stove as it hit me back. He said hit me

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back. So sad to say he came to the zoo was a wrestler. And you had wrestlers wrestle him and he kissed him. He kissed him on his stomach. So all the companions saw this. I said, What is this? Oh, sad. rasuna system said Oh, you're sad man.

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Monica, what is caused you to do this? Oh sad. So sad, sad, sad also la you see the machine in front of us. And soon after a little while we'll be fighting. And I know that I may die in this bedroom sort of sooner I wish that the last thing that my body touches is your skin or Rasulullah imagined the love for those who listen listen. Imagine the love for azula

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do you not remember how this tree was crying for azula wince when Rasool Allah was giving the hook back and thereafter when the number of Muslims became so much when the number of number of Muslims became so much that there was felt the need to build a to build a member of Rasulullah saw a member was built. And when this was as soon as wrestling started to give us good the from the member they could hear the honey, honey Joseph, they could hear the windings of the tree. They could hear a sound coming from the tree and authentic hadith in Bukhari, they could hear this sound coming from the tree. So last lesson attempt was a tree It was as if the tree was crying. It was as if the tree

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was crying. So it also lost a loved one in Salah went to the tree and put his hands on the tree. And then the tree stopped crying. The trees crying on authentic hadith in Bukhari. So some of the seller said if this tree was able to cry, if a tree a thing that does not have life, if a tree who is not obliged to level so lots of love what else Allah was able to cry for missing Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam I'm not a people who say that their profit is Rasulullah sallallahu Ala Moana was crying for missing him

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and a few other people more worthy of crying for missing Russell less and less.

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missing him when he was little less love when Salaam had died. The first and the most. That was the people of Medina used to make all the time to Allah subhanaw taala was that Oh Allah, Oh Allah give us the meeting of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam at the pond, because the first time that the inshallah all of us will meet Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam if we die, if you die as Muslims is on the pond of our culture, we will inshallah meet him on the Pontifical Council. This is the first time we will meet him. So the companions after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had died, used to make dua to Allah, Oh Allah give us the meeting of our heaven. Well Allah give us the meeting of our

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beloved Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam at the Pontifical Council.

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And as we ally mercy upon him, he used to say I see also the loss of the law while he was in my dreams every night. He said, I see Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in my dreams every night, except in the odd nights in which I do not see him. So he raised his hands up to Allah subhanaw taala. He raised his hands to Allah subhanaw taala and said, Oh Allah, please let me see my beloved even on the odd nights. He said, Oh Allah, let me see my beloved even on the odd nights. How many of us have ever seen Rasulullah sureselect ministry yet and this is to see lots and lots and lots of them every day, except in the in the odd days every even light used to see those who love

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and so used to make lots of Allah Oh Allah, I cannot bear this. I cannot bear missing my prophet even for one day. So let me even see him even on the odd days.

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Sorry, sadly, never you will pass a law and mercy upon him. He used to say well, like there was nothing more beloved to us there are so lost.

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He said there was nothing more beloved to us than also less than law.

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And my eyesight had not seen anything more beloved to me then also loss of the law on SLM certainty caddies in Bihar in a Muslim, he said nothing had my eyes had seen nothing more beloved than also last long. Listen, and we're lucky we could not make ourselves look at Rasulullah he said we the companions because of a great player praise and a love and exaltation of Rasulullah sallallahu. ala we could not make ourselves look at Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam No wonder because they love Rasulullah sallallahu so much, they could not bear bear to even put their eyesight at rasulillah. So whenever a solar system came in front of them, always be looking down. Always be looking down. Now

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Mira sola, now Mira Sula, now me my father, my mother the sacrifice for your soul. What do you command me? What do you order me also love you for Allah say this is how the companions work. This is how the companions are an example of the true great love for Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.

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Once Abdullah Abdullah Mohammed the son of armour came to came to me and said Oh, my Oh my father. Oh armor. Oh my father. Why do you love Osama so much? Why do you love Osama this particular companion called Osama? Why do you love him so much? You love him more than me? Why do you love him more than me? By Allah? He has never beaten me to any battle by Allah has never beaten me to any any battle. I've always been better than him in every battle. So why do you love him more than me? Oh,

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My father, so on me Allah have mercy upon him. He said, Indeed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to love Kusama more than you. He said, Indeed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to love Osama more than you. So I prefer the love of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam rather than my love, I prefer the love of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam rather than my love. How many of us prefer the love of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam over over and over and above our own love. We notice.

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We notice what's essential of Isaiah and Abu Bakar. We know he used to love He is loved and loved margerine he's loved them more than our own people. He's loved them more than all our own families. So how do we live our own families more than them? How do we love our own families more than them rather, we should prefer the love of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam rather than our own love.

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someone came to a best who was who was the uncle of a solar solar cell and said oh bass except Islam. This was when a bass was still a disbeliever Uncle avasarala Bass was still a disbeliever he said what bass except Islam or bass except Islam will lie. It is more beloved to me that you should accept Islam rather than my own uncle Al Khattab accepted Islam. Well, life is not beloved that you should accept this larger than my own uncle politics of Islam, and a buzzard. Why? Why is more Beloved, that I should accept this guy rather than your own uncle, whereas your uncle is closer to you than me. He said because Allah Rasool Ullah sallallahu wasallam would have loved that you accept

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Islam before my uncle, so I prefer His love, rather than my own love Subhana Allah This is how this is how Amari truly understood that when he had come to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and said oh Rasool Allah, I love you more than anything else except my own self, except my own self. So so so Rasulullah Saracen told him no, I'm not you have not truly believed. Then I almost said now also Allah, I love you more than everything else, including myself. So at that point, also less and less and less and now. Now you have truly believed now you're truly believed. Do you see how oma truly understood what that meant? How it truly means love of food loss and the love that you put the

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lovers all of us above and above and before your own love, that you put his own love before your own love that you put him before your own emotions.

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Once Bilal was from the the fighters, the land was from the fighters in the Battle of goods and the battle for the for battle. This as you know, the Battle of battle for puts for battle madness wasn't really fought. Why? Because the people are waking up this they came, they came to me and said, Oh, Holy moly, here is some poison. He said, Okay, here's some poison. If you drink this and you still survive, we will give you beta map, this will give you the case of battle map this without you even having to raise a sword against us. And we saw this and saw that you could save all the Muslims. So I said this mill latter call to Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, that he drank it,

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and nothing happened to him. So happy may Allah have mercy upon him, the great scholar says and seal Allah Lula, he says, had Allah He has Marchesa how they will lie, this is a miracle, look, how how

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he drank the poison, and did not die. Later on, when when the goods was taken over, then the people who had actually made the made the poison, that the priests will actually made the poisonous and will lie we had made the poison from the most poisonous of things that we could ever find the most poisonous of poisons that we could ever find Subhanallah so what so we come to the to our to our story, and that is Bilal Li mercy upon he was from the fighters who opened up goods. So Omar Li mercy upon him came from from from Medina, and he came to all goods in order to take the keys of all goods from the people from the from the machine from the from the from the Christians,

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from the Romans at that time. So the time for prayer came, the time for prayer came and saw the companions because the companions that all gathered together to fight that war, looked at Bilal they said oh, Bella, would that you give that run once more because Allah Allah be pleased with him had made an oath that after the death of those who lost the love of love, he would never give the other ones you would never give the other even once

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so the companions that are all below please would that you just give that that Just for once just wants to remind us of your other ob lol because we really miss it. So we'll keep insisting sing No, no, I had made a promises only for those who are only for us all. So the competitors kept on insisting Captain sustentabilidade agreed with so Billa went up to the minute, he went up to the highest place that he could find and he put his his fingers in his ears and he said Allah

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What what Allah, Allah Akbar, Allah. And the companions remember that on the land, they compared the companions who had get the remember the villas, and they remembered how Malala is to give the other two Rasulullah sallallahu salah and remind the Muslims of their prayer. So they started crying. Why were they crying? They're crying, they were not crying because because because there was anything different in the other No, the other one was the same other than and the companions will all there yet are the only thing that was missing was their beloved also Russell Russell. So they were crying because they miss Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, they miss Rasulullah saw wrestler, until the people

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were so amazed at the people that the old they when they saw all the companions, the great army of the Muslims had come to conquer goods, and they were all crying when they heard that of the law. Subhana Allah look at the love for Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam the hearts of the believers.

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There are certain signs that truly show that someone really loves us all. So

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there are certain signs to show what the lover Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam truly means to us. If all of these stories that I've told you, and these are not stories will lie, there are stories, but they're all authentic Tales from our pious predecessors. If these stories have not touched you, then I do not know what will touch your heart. If these stories have not touched you, if the love Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has not entered into you and you are in Medina, you're in his city, and you are in the city of the coffee's companions. If His love is not entered into your life, I feel sorry for you. And I hope that everyone has been affected by these stories has been affected, and

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that the love Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has truly entered into their hands. So now the question must be asked what are the true signs the show that someone really loves the soul lessons?

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The first most important sign that shows the true love of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that you should follow his example is that you should put his Sunnah before everything else is that you should love his Sunnah more than anything else. As do not see how Allah subhanaw taala says no put our call in

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to hipbone Allah has a Tabby Roni Habiba como la. Allah subhanaw taala says in the beautiful Quran, say indeed so Mohammed tell the believers, if you indeed truly love Allah and follow me that Allah will love you. Yes, if you love Allah and therefore level solar solar cell, because the level of so a lot of love Allah are intertwined, they are together, they are connected. You cannot love Allah except that you love Allah and he cannot level so let's set that you love Allah.

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So if you indeed love Allah, then Follow me Follow Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, that Indeed, Allah will love you, that Allah subhanaw taala will love you. And not only Allah will love you, because Allah knows what he loves. He will tell jabril alayhi Salaam he will say oh jabril indeed I love so and so. So love him as well. So gibreel goes down to the people of the heavens and says Oh, so and so people go to heaven. Oh people have the heavens Allah subhanaw taala love so and so so love him. And as you breathe out and Salaam tells all the angels say oh angels, Allah azza wa jal love so and so. So love him. And he tells the people of the earth, saying love love so and so and indeed for

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Allah loves him for the people of the earth also love him

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for the signs of true love Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is to remember him a lot is to remember him a lot and to send your your salutations and your peace and your blessings and greetings apostle lessons and Allah subhanaw taala says in the law, why am I not? So Luna Allah Nabhi

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Allah Dena amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam with this Nima Indeed Allah or believers Indeed Allah in the end the angels send their peace and blessings and salutations upon us all muscle muscle. So you too are believers in your priests in your business in salutations apostle sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Mohammed Kumar so later Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim Philomena in the Camino, Majid Allah, Mohammed Ali Mohammed

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Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim Abraham a Filomena in alchemy, de Mogi from the love for the signs of love for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam is to have this great impatience. Describe impatience and his great eagerness in your heart to meet him is to have this great impatience and your great eagerness in your heart to meet him.

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Subhana love He left me alone mercy upon him. He used to love us all as a loved one is in love so much, that on his deathbed, when beloved Li mercy upon him he was dying as even Cassini Allah may Allah have mercy upon reporting down me higher that Villa when he was dying,

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his companions the companions of Bilal came to him and when and when started crying so Billa we're going to miss you ob lol what is going to happen to ob lol, you go

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We are going away from us. So belaz smiled at them say No Do not be unhappy for Allah He I'm going to meet my hubby what law he I'm in I'm only going so that I can make my habit that I've been missing for so long. I'm only going so I can I can meet Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam so don't be unhappy for me

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from the signs of love for a solar solar cell

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from the true science,

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love for Rasulullah Salah is that you should love the one that has solar cells and loved and they should hate the ones that are soulless and allow what is a love, hate it.

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So you should love the answer. You should love the Muslims. You should love every good thing that our soul as a wrestler pointed us and directed us to and you should hate every every evil thing and you should hate the disbelievers and you should hate the people of shitcan Kufa and sin This is from the signs of loving Rasul Allah says Allah, how do you wish to love Rasulullah and you do not love that which he loved? How do you wish to say that you hate that you hate that with the solar system hated and you do not really hate that? How do you love this life so much? yet? Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Never once did he ever love this life? Never once did he ever love this life, from the signs

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of loving those who are similar similar is that you should shun this life is that is that you should share this life Subhanallah how this life has come to us in all its glory. How this life Allah subhanaw taala had opened up this life to us. Do you not remember how Allah subhanho wa Taala had told us in the law what he was saying oh prophet of Allah, Mohammed, if you wish, I will turn this all mountain of water and you have visited mountain or heard how grand and how big the mountain is? How large and wide and how expensive the whole mountain is. He said if you wish I will turn this mountain into gold for your Mohammed. I will turn this mountain to gold or Mohammed as Rasulullah

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sallallahu wasallam said no Oh Allah. No. Rather Oh Allah. Let me live with the poor and let me rephrase with the poor. So if you indeed love Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam How do you love that person did not love How do you love this material life? This good card is good wealth, and this life that you're leading? And this is great hotel that you're staying in and the great food that you're eating, how do you love this? How do you love this over and above the love of of what Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had love Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam once there is a beautiful, new beautiful relation. And the companions came out of the house once our book came out of his house and he was

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extremely hungry. I will work with the greatest of the people after us after the after the prophets came out of his house. And he had tied a stone to his stomach. And Oman also came out of his house after door and he had tied another stone to the stomach. Why tie and stones center because they were the weight of the stone would fold stretch receptors of the stomach and make a thing that is full, make a thing that is full so he will not be hungry. He will not be troubled with that with the worry of hunger. And then when they came out of the houses, they saw Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the best of mankind the Beloved of Allah came out of his house and he had three stones to his stomach.

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He has three stones to his stomach.

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Imagine this. He was more hungry than all of them put together. When you have this food in front of you. And you remember there was never had this beautiful food. He said well la casa de la what is a lamb never saw white bread? What law he never felt the taste of white bread. And we all we eat his white bread. We eat the best foods. Do you not see this food in front of you and you see the Rasulullah saw restaurant the best of mankind did not even have even even a morsel of this. Do you not feel that Allah subhanaw taala is going to go and go into forbid you from from Paradise. Do you not feel that Allah Allah Allah has forbidden you from really tasting the sweetness of Eman from

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really tasting the sweetness of Eman because you are so much into this life. You are so materialistic or people Subhana Allah, Allah forgive us. May Allah give us a dislike for this life in our heart. May Allah truly lets us live in this life as if we are truly in like like in a prison for because of this. If this life becomes like a bed of roses to us, then there's something wrong. There's something wrong either Allah subhanaw taala does not wish to give us give us the great good that he is waiting for us. Or that Allah subhanaw taala wishes to discard us Subhana Allah, may Allah Allah keep this life away from us, not luck keep the love of this life away from us.

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Lastly, lastly, there is a beautiful Hadith that I wish to mention to you. And authentic hadith in Sahih Muslim the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam authentic hadith

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He said Abu huraira may Allah have mercy upon him said, he said, from the ones who love me the most. He said from the ones who love me the most will be a people who will come after me. He said from the people who love me the most will be a people who will come after me.

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Talking about us, we are a people who come up to the civil law, we are people who have come up to the civil law. So he said, the from the people who love me the most will be people who will come after me. People will come after me, and they would wish that they could sacrifice their their families, and they will, in order to just see me even once.

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He said, for the people who will come up to me are people who will love me the most. And what is the characteristic of these people? The characteristic of these people is that they would wish that they could sacrifice all their wealth and all the family in order to just see me even once I ask you this question, and I leave you with this question and answered, are you of those people who wish to sacrifice all that you have? And all that you possess, and all your family and your children and your father and your mother, in order to just see your beloved Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even once Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had said, he said,

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There will come a people after me, who will be my colleagues, my best friends, my best friends, they will come up people after me.

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Who will be my best friends in Paradise, best friends in paradise. So the companion said, companions the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, also Allah We are your family. We are your best friends also Allah. So Allah Subhan Allah wa sallam said no, you are my companions. Rather, my colleagues, my best friends will be people who come after me. And they will love me and believe in me even though they have not seen me

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will lie This is a hobbyist talking about us. Allahu Allah, we make you witness that we love Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and we believe in it even though we have not seen him. So we wish that we will be from the Haleakala rasulillah the truly beloved friends the rural life paradise Subhan Allah Allah Mohammed ik should Allah Allah he goes

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okay, now inshallah we take some questions if you have any questions they can also um and also the sister if they put some questions on the side, a brother will come up and bring them down inshallah we only have about 1520 minutes that the

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smil Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah he was a happy woman wala? Because the question that

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sola sola showed us the best guidance in everything from the things that he showed us was

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how to do Salah upon him. So, he showed us the best way of of saying Salah upon a solar system in prayer, which is say, Lama celebrity and Mohammed Ali, as you know, you know, in through the tree that you say in salah and there are very various narrations on how to say this. So, the brothers question was what is the best way of saying in outside of the Sala

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Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had not really defined what is the best way of saying the Salah upon him outside of the Salah. rather he lifted upon its upon its clear meaning so that which is best in Salah is also best outside of Salah because as you know also Lhasa Muslim has said that the prayer is the one with the praise indeed just its application itself. So when you're making this this is a supplication as well. So if it is the best thing that if we have a guidance or a solar source lemon in Salah, then that is also the guidance best guidance also outside Salah. However if in any way that you that you say you're sola sola, even to say alongside you know, some of them is to send is

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to send your peace and blessings and your greetings and salutations upon sola, sola. And as you know Rasul Allah subhanaw taala has has special angels that go around and he listened to the people who are who are sending the salutations of Rasulullah saucer and they go back to the solar system and inform him that so and so has sent you solicitations on you. And from the benefits of this solicitation is that our solar system remember this on the day of judgment and he will make dua for you and tell us for you on the development based on it. Yes, weather continues.

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right. The first question was the I have the Quran which is the EULA masala Allahu wa sallam with the schema. Allah smart Allah says Allah Allah He means pray upon him was a limo and send your your greetings to him. So the two words have have really same meanings similar meaning, okay, because of the fact that Alice Frankel only mentioned these two together in order to really emphasize

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the fact that you should really, really be sending a salutation upon Salima mentioned that the greetings and salutations because you cannot greet results awesome, except that you're praying for him and you cannot praying for him except that you're greeting him. So these two words are actually as you consistent synonyms.

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Both have a similar meaning in this context in this context, or colorific. Further,

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right, the weather asked the question, what are the characteristics of the people who will meet will meet Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam at the pond? The characteristics of the people who will meet Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam upon other people Alison Ahjumma no one else will ever get to drink from the pond except for Alison or Gemma, Gemma by that I mean people who hold on to the Quran, who prefer the Quran Sunnah above anything else. So they put the view of the Quran and Sunnah and the opinion of the Quran, Sunnah, above everything else.

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So they are the only people who will get to drink from the point of a solar solar cell. So it must be understood that the point of the solar systems actually before a consecrated opinion amongst Salima is actually before the Syrah exactly before the Surat Okay, the syrup as you know is is a is the bridge that everyone has to walk. So the point of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is actually before before the Surat as we even Catania lemmas have mercy upon you mentioned with me is actually before before the surah

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and this is part of our culture has has to, to come to two canals, two pipes that come from the river come from the rivers of Paradise, and feed the feed feed the water to it, and the characteristics of this pond is that the water is is whiter than than snow is more clear than snow whiter than snow, it is it is sweeter than then than honey, it is called an ice.

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And the and these all affect the headache reported in in all the pitocin and that the the the length and breadth is is square in size. If you square the size and the length and breadth of it, the length of it is between the distance is like the distance between Medina and Salah in Yemen. So now is the city in Yemen. And this is the distance This is the length of breadth of of this ponderable concept. And of course as you know the well known hiraeth and that they will be the number of cuts that will be on this. This concept is like the number of stars like the number of stars, and everyone who will pray for me will get to meet a solar cell and everyone who drinks from it will

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never be thirsty in their life ever again. Salima mentioned whoever drink from it, why would they drink a paradise they would only drink for pleasure, nothing else not Professor leatherby thirsty again after this

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dilemma retest again. Right. Now the significance of this pond is because of the fact that that has many of the narrations from the south mentioned that Allah subhanaw taala will bring the sun closer to us on the Day of Judgment until it is only about 10 to 10 centimeters above our heads only. So so people everyone will sweat so much. You people will sweat so much it is it is a great idea of test and torment. Everyone will sweat so much on that day some people will sweat up to their knees, something was fed up to their elbows up into the shoulders and people will be drowned in the sweat. So, this is why this is the significance of the pond of Surah Surah Salah that they will actually

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get to quench their thirst and they will never be thirsty again. After that

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right smell luggie was from from from the from the brink of a coffee shop.

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My sorry.

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The brother is mentioning whether whether there is an authentic hadith or not about whether the member of soulless wrestling is above the house or the color of the color of Allah I don't know if any of the Ducati Thunder a lot of time a lot of

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questions from them.

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If you have any questions please write them down and brothers coming up now.

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Okay, making dua for a solo solo solo

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And the etiquettes of making dua for social, ethical making door for soldiers wrestling is as Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had taught us that you should make dua for him ask Allah subhanaw taala to send you salutations and your peace and blessings on on the service person. It is not as people sometimes imagine that all I give the reward of my hedge to Rasulullah as some people say, for example, some people say Oh Allah give the reward of my prayer to the soma, or the reward of a sacrifice or solo the reward of a stone intersolar all of these innovative practices for sources will never did that the companions they love resources for more than more than us, they never did

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that. So when you're in email, address, you send your peace and blessings in your salutations upon him.

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And you make the offer and sale Allah give him the highest tissue station of Paradise just like you do, which is you know, in one after the other is done, after you're done you make you make your your your salutations of Rasulullah allowing more of the hideout eternal solitude or Allah The Lord of this great prayer and of his great call and this

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great great prayer.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:19

Medina last syllable for the LA give Rasul Allah Mohammed Salah Salem Allah sila, the means and the greatest substations for the land the best and most immense of glory in Paradise, whether it's through Russia and the highest highest grades in paradise

01:01:22 --> 01:01:35

mahkamah more than Allah diwata and give him the station station on Macaulay Mahmoud, meaning the Praiseworthy station, which is which is a station that is in the Day of Judgment, which is a higher high level station above the plane of

01:01:37 --> 01:01:52

Yokohama. Give him the station which you promised him in Nicoletta, California. This is an extra wording some decent we're happy if it's if you find this authentic, it's it is authentic. So you can say this extra wording in Nicoletta prefer not to break your promise.

01:02:10 --> 01:02:10

More than a

01:02:16 --> 01:02:55

nap. Now, this is a good good thing that you mentioned. Once a wave niqab came to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and said oh, I also law certainty. Addison as a Muslim, or wavemaker, one of the complaints of soldiers restaurant came to the salon and said, Oh Allah, how much of my Salah Shall I give? So I give you shall I give you half? Right? So the professor said, if you wish they gave me half. They said, shall I give you three fourths? He said Wish you wish me three fourths? And Shall I give you all of my Salah? He said we were you too. Were you to do that, then it will be enough for you. For you to do that, then that would be enough for you.

01:02:57 --> 01:03:31

So this had these limits? I had had difficulty understanding sorry, what does it mean to actually give your salatu salam meaning do you say that Oh Allah make my Salah, this prayer that I'm praying for Rasulullah know what this hadith really means as many as I mentioned, is that a wave niqab used to make a dua to Allah subhanaw taala every day, he used to make lots and lots of art and every day, so when he said Shall I give you half my dog? Meaning Shall I make half the dog that I make for you? And when Shall I make three fourths of my dog for you? Or should I make all of my dog for you? So when you said that solo said way to do that, all of that for me? And there'll be enough for you. Now

01:03:31 --> 01:03:48

the live I mentioned the Why would it be enough for you because as you know, they had had that when I met when a Muslim makes law for his brother. Allah subhanaw taala sends an angel and says Walla Walla Walla Walla cometh when you say Oh Allah gave my brother name this one this one lucky my brother

01:03:49 --> 01:04:23

Abdullah this and this right there are less father cells sends an angel and says and repeats after you say Oh Allah give him at one let me slow and for you is the same for us the same Allah giving the same give him the same. So this is why when you're making all your dua for solace for Salah, so that's perfectly fine. That's perfectly fine. That is that is enough for you that if you were to actually spend your time making love for a solar system so Allah given the high station paradise or luggage in the most worthy position and and this is all that you are to make and not make up for you then indeed this would be enough for you. But truly, no one can make complete door for sources

01:04:23 --> 01:04:46

except for loves who really loves him in his heart. You will not be able to do it okay until your heart really loves the solar system. Because when alpha is coming to an end you will say oh let me just make a door for me myself. Allah give me a good job Allah give me this give me give me that. Right. So you will not truly be able to make complete love for the door for a solo so until you truly love him in your heart, and that is when your tongue will show it and when your actions will show it as well.

01:04:50 --> 01:04:51


01:04:52 --> 01:04:53

last question mother's

01:04:55 --> 01:04:56


01:04:57 --> 01:04:58


01:05:02 --> 01:05:05

A portion of a detector numerous provider

01:05:09 --> 01:05:11

or something to that effect is

01:05:13 --> 01:05:14

something that is

01:05:17 --> 01:05:58

like, you know, when was little Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he offered 100 camels in his last Hajj and he offered 100 camels By the way, I wanted to actually mention something. And that is also, just before I answer your question whether Is there a Surah Surah Ceylon had said al had uladzimir such that Hajj is to offer food to people and just slaughter and we notice lots of lots of lovely offer 100 camels. Now how much is obligatory on us to offer in slaughtering How much? One sheep, or how much for camel? one seventh of the camel. Yeah. But the professor said love. He knew what was obligatory and he was one seventh of the camel. But he offered what he offered 100 camels 100 camels

01:05:58 --> 01:06:21

a sacrifice. This is why the professor Sallam said, Alhamdulillah You're such, he said al Hajj is offering food to people giving food to people and also slaughtering. So my advice to you is to offer a lot and sacrifice as much as you can. This is from the benefits, this is from the special things about hedge that you offer a lot and sacrifice the professor cillum did so much. So why should you also not do so as well?

01:06:22 --> 01:07:01

Right. So the professor has already mentioned he offered equivalent to 700 people, because 700 camels and 7700 he offered equivalent to 700 people, whereas we offer only one, no rather, if you have the means and the ability that offer love and sacrifice, this is the this is the good etiquettes of having a good hedge that you should offer a lot of sacrifice. Right. Regarding this question is that when people offer sacrifices, they also sometimes they say or make the sacrifice for a soulless person. Now this is a exception, because also Lazarus was you know that he had when he sacrificed his animal after he sacrificed his first sacrifice. He said yeah, Allah

01:07:02 --> 01:07:16

and Muhammad Ali. This is for for Mohammed meaning himself for soulless Arsalan and his family that he slept with the second one he said, Yeah, Lucha and Mati and Omar, Ahmed Mohammed, Salah, Salah, aladeen, alum

01:07:18 --> 01:07:49

and a lot this is for the oma of the soul of my oma who have not had the means to sacrifice. So it shows therefore the resource Islam did offer sacrifice on behalf is oma se permissible for you to offer sacrifice on behalf for a soulless wrestler. It is permissible for you to do that. Now, but of course it's obligatory for us first of all to offer on your behalf. So offered personally behalf on your family. This is what is obligatory first, and everything else is it's a purgatory. But that in Shall we finish the panel from the budget alone and to start over

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