Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-046A Translation Aal-e-Imran 78-91 Tafsir 78

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The transcript describes a group of speakers discussing various topics related to Islam, including false and inaccurate statements, references to "has been" and "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has been" before "has
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Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh our author bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim was salat wa salam ala Rasulillah Hill Kadeem rubbish rallys Saudi way acidity Emery Wahoo looked at Emily Sani of Kahu Kohli Allahumma de Colby was sadly Sani was lots of humor to Colby Amin era but I mean lesson number 46 solid earlier Imran versus 78 to 91 will do the translation first. What aim now and indeed men home among them left recon surely is a party, el gouna They twist al Sinatra home their tongues Bill Kitabi in the book, Lita Cebu so that you all think it men from Al Kitab the Book woman while not Hawa it min is from Al Kitab the Book where

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coluna and they say who are eight min are in D is from Allah He Allah warmer while not who are eight min or in the is from Allah He Allah way upou Luna and they say Allah against Allah He Allah al Khatib the lie were home while they Yara Allah moon they know man not Cana, it is appropriate libre shed in for a human being and that you do hula who Allah gives him Al Kitab the Book while hokhmah and the judgment one Naboo water and the prophet hood sama then your Kula he says Lee nasty to the people who know you all be a burden slaves lead to me men Dooney besides Allah He Allah while our kin but rather Kuno you all be Rob Benny Gina once devoted to the rub Vemma because contam you all

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have been to our Lee Munna teaching al Kitab. The book will be MA and because quantum you all have been through soon studying. Wala, and Nora, you're more calm. He commands you all. And that that Duffy do you all take al Mala Iike the angels one newbiggin and the prophets are Baba as lords as more calm would he commend you all Bill Kufri the disbelief bar the is after and Tom you all Muslim moon were ones who submit what if and when a HUD Allahu Allah took me through Alka binding covenant and newbiggin of the prophets lemma surely what? Time to come. I gave you all men of Kitab in book where hate Martin and wisdom so Medan ger calm he came to you all Rasul on a messenger Musa Deacon

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one who confirms the truth Lima of what Mara comb is with you all, let me know now. Surely you all must indeed believe be in him while a ton so Runa and surely you all must indeed help him color he said a Quran tome. Have you all accepted? Well, he was dumb. And have you all taken Allah upon Valley Kong? That is sorry, my binding responsibility Callooh they said a quarrel Nah, we have accepted Allah He said fresh her do then you all bear witness what Anna and I Maracana with you all men among Ushahidi in those who bear witness Fomento Allah then whoever turns away BARDA after that ICA that for hola Erica than those whom they truly Alpha cone or those who defiantly disobey Allah

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Euro then do other than Dini religion Allah He of Allah yerba Hoon they seek wala who while to him, a slammer has submitted man who fee is in a summer wet the skies will up and earth born with obedience, what caught her or under coercion, what la he and to him your own they will be returned. Call you say Amen. Now we have believed Billahi in Allah wa and what on Zillow it was sent down our Lena upon us warmer and what on Zillow it was sent down Allah upon Ibrahim Ibrahim, what is smart ILA and is married what is halka and is her Claire Koba and Dr. Kolb, will Isbell and the Israeli tribes What am I and what OTL he was given Musa Musa where ISA and their isa wanna be Yun and the

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prophets mill rugby him from there Rob la

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are not new for Rico. We differentiate Boehner between a Hardin anyone men home among them when a new and we law who are to him mostly Moon ones who submit woman and whoever yerba tele he seeks later other than Al Islam al Islam dnn as religion, following you obey Allah, then it will never be accepted men who from him were who and he fee in an era the hereafter men will be among a hot seat in the losers kafer How could ya de la who Allah guide Coleman are people ghafar All they disbelieved bother after Imani him their belief What shall he do and they had borne witness and that indeed a Rasul the messenger How can is true what or whom and it had come to them at a beginner at

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the clear proofs will Allah Who and Allah La not yet de he guides I'll count the people a volley mean those who do wrong Allah Iike dos Jezza uhm there recompense an is that indeed I lay him upon them learn eta is curse Allah He of Allah, while Mala ICA and of the angels were NAS and of the people a Jew marine altogether hottie Dean as ones who remain eternally fie hat in it, love not you have fearful it will be lightened on home from them. Either the punishment Wallah and nor home they younger own they will be looked at, or they will be given time in law except Alladhina those who taboo they turned in repentance mimbar the after valleca That what else law who and they made

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reforms? For in then indeed Allah Allah, Allah fold on is ever forgiving? Are Haman Ever Merciful, in indeed Alladhina those who Cafaro they disbelieved BARDA after Imani him their belief, so Medan is there Do they increased COFRA in disbelief learn to Kabbalah. It will never be accepted, though will battle home they're turning in repentance. What will our ICA and those whom they truly Allah alone are those who have gone astray in indeed a Lavina those who Cafaro they disbelieved warmer to and they died while home while they could fell on our disbelievers following your Cabella then it will never be accepted men from a hottie him any one of them mill fill a leak of the earth the hubba

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in gold wallow even if if the DA he ransomed himself be with it. Hola Iike those LA home for them either bone will be a punishment la mon ever painful warmer and not LA home for them. Me Now sleeting will be any helpers at all. Recitation Why

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this Monday, Rahim verse number 78 What in Nam inhome lefur el Canal Warner Alsina to whom Bill Kitab Lita, Cebu hoomin al Kitab. And indeed there is among them a party who altered the Scripture with their tongues. So you may think it is from the Scripture woman who I mean al Kitab, but it is not from the Scripture way Hakuna, who women are in the Lehi, woman who women are in the law, and they say this is from Allah but it is not from Allah way or coluna Allah Allah he'll Ketubah will homier Allah moon, and they speak on truth about Allah while they know this ayah is also about the People of the Book, that among them, there are some people who do what is mentioned over here. We're

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in the main home lefur, Yukon, and fatigue is from the root letters foul or cough and fatigue is used for a party as an a group of people, meaning separate from the main body. So there is a section of the People of the Book who do this meaning this is not something that all of them do, but there is a section among them who does this. And it is said that the furrier in question is their alma meaning their learned men there are about their scholars because they were the ones who would read the Scripture to the people and tell them what the scripture says. They were the ones who had access to the Scripture. So what did they do? Yell Warner elsina, to whom Bill Kitab they would twist their

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tongues in the recitation

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of the Scripture, why in order to recite it in a particular way, so that Lita, Cebu women al Kitab, so, that you would think that what you have heard the person read is actually from the Scripture, whereas in reality, it was not from the Scripture. Now, the word yellow guna is from the root letters lamb, well, yeah, and lower Yahweh is to twist something to turn it around and depending on what you are twisting or turning any of course, the manner would be different, the word lower is used for the turning of the neck, any to turn back to look back, it is used for the hand, any to turn the hand, it's also used for the tongue, any to curl to curve or to bend the tongue. And what

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is meant by bending or curving or curling the tongue when reading the book is to not read correctly to not recite correctly. For example, if a person is reading what in their main home and they change the vowel slightly with a net instead of saying enough, they say a knee okay? Or the word leader Cebu instead of saying the taxable who a person says Lita, Cebu her, okay. Any changing the vows of any word requires what bending something in the mouth, meaning bending the tongue curling the tongue, so as to recite it differently. So, this is referring to their deliberate incorrect reading of the book. Why, in order to change the meaning, of course, but they will do it in such a way that

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Lita Cebu who by the way, the word elsina is the plural of the word Lisa and Lisa and means tongue. So, they twist their tongues in the reading of the book, Lita Cebu, they do it in such a way so that you the listener would think that who it meaning what they have read is middle kitab. From the Scripture, well, Mohammed Al Kitab, whereas it is actually not from the Scripture. So what happens is that the person who does not know the Scripture gets fooled into believing that what he has heard is from the Scripture, whereas actually, it is not from the Scripture, you know, for example, if someone does not know the Quran that well, but they have heard the recitation of the Quran many

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times in their life, and imagine now they hear someone reading something in Arabic, just as the Quran is recited, would they be able to tell whether it is Quran or not? No, they wouldn't be able to. Why because the person reading is just reading in such a way that the Quran is read. Alright. So this is their deception, that is being exposed over here that how they would deliberately, you know, read the book parts of the book incorrectly in order to distort the words in order to give false meaning. And the reason why they're being exposed over here is basically to tell us that how can you trust these people? And how can you trust what they have of Scripture than or what they claim is

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from the Scripture? Or what they say the scripture means? Or anything else that they claim? How are these people reliable, they're not reliable. You see, we learned that from the sixth century to the 10th century AD, this is when the Jewish scholars basically compared the different manuscripts that they had of the Torah, in an effort to unify the texts, okay. And this is when they also added the vowels themselves, okay. And this is when they also selected certain interpretations, because the difference in vowels means that you can read the text differently, and you can give different meanings, any, this is something that they had to do but even now, the reason why there are so many

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different versions of the Bible is because it depends on how you read it. It depends on how you string the words together. And you know, just as an Arabic, when you change the Halacha, that the meaning changes, all right, the meaning changes when you change the huddle cut. So similarly, depending on how you read it, the meaning changes. So if this is what they have been doing from the very beginning, this means that what they present as scripture is not actually the scripture that Allah revealed. It's something else. It's different. Now, you'll wanna elsina The humble Kitab remember that lay lay a lovely meaning is to twist the actual

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Words any to change the pronunciation of the words while reading a text okay and when the pronunciation of the words is changed then of course the words are changed and of course the meaning is changed right like for example we learned in South Dakota about how they changed hips back to him ba okay. Now this is literally lay your loves the that the tongue is bent slightly or moved slightly from the right point from him talk to him but you just take the tip of the tongue slightly higher to enunciate the known sound him for him means we beg your forgiveness and Ahimsa means wheat. So they literally did this with the words that they were given. Alright, and then les is also Lael Marner,

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we need to change the meaning okay to give a different interpretation, and this is done by changing the vowels. So they yell Warner LC Netta homebuilt Kitab Lita, Cebu women al Kitab woman women al Kitab. Now this is something that actually happened with the previous scriptures with the Torah to with the injeel. Why, because it is the people who were entrusted with the responsibility to guard the book to guard the scripture in total, my ADA I have 44 Allah subhanaw taala says in that unzila tell ratafia who don't want to come will be handed over Yuna Latina Islam only Latina who will Rabbani Yuna will about to be muster feel lumen keytab, Allah that we sent down the Torah in which

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is guidance and light and the prophets who surrendered to Allah judged by it for the people who became Jews and as well as the pious scholars. All right, they would also judge according to the book that they were given. Why, because they were entrusted with the responsibility to preserve the book of Allah, the Mustafa lumen Kitab Allah, but a lay any distortion of the words of the Quran, this is not possible. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala says insulted hedges ini in the international Mozilla the croc we're in Allahu La Have you alone. Indeed, we are the ones who have sent down the message. And we are the ones who will guard it. Allah subhanaw taala is the one who is

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preserving the Quran. And there are those who try to twist the meaning of the words of the Quran. They cannot change the words of the Quran, but to try to twist the meanings of the words of the Quran. And there are those who are Muslim who makes such attempts in order to make the Quran more palatable, I guess to people today or to make the Quran you know, prove their desires or align with their desires or with different aspects of modernity, any they want to change the book of Allah, but they can't change the word so they try to change the meaning of the book of Allah. So there are people who attempt to do this and Allah subhanaw taala says, way a coluna, who women are in the

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Lehi, woman who women are in the law, they say that it is from Allah, meaning what they have read, whereas the fact is that it is not actually from Allah, what Allah subhanaw taala revealed, was something very different. There was something very different. So the Torah that Allah revealed, the Injeel that Allah revealed as a board that Allah revealed is very different from what people have done to the Torah in G and the booth today, and he they have altered it. And any what this is showing us is that there has been a deliberate attempt to change the words of the Scripture over the centuries. So we are colonna, women are in the law. Hilma women are in the law and when they say

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that it is from Allah we are coluna at Allah Hill, Khadija wahome Er Allah moon, they say lies about Allah while they know and he deliberately, knowingly they lie about Allah and they know this is not an accident. And he if someone makes a genuine mistake in recitation is a genuine mistake or a genuine mistake in comprehension. And by genuine mistake, I mean that they have done their due diligence in learning in researching in studying and asking people of knowledge, yet they make a mistake, then that is a different matter. In fact, we learned that the mooch the head, the scholar, who strives to reach the right conclusion, but he ends up at the wrong conclusion is still given a

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reward. For what for his sincerity, for his effort for his driving, right and the scholar the much the head will reaches the right conclusion gets double reward for his sincerity effort and also for

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reaching the right conclusion. But those who have malicious intention, who want to use the scripture to justify their desires, and who have the audacity to play around with the revealed words of God, then for such people is very severe punishment. We learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned that mancha Barella Madame Midan failure to bow McArdle, Julio note that whoever attributes a lie to me, deliberately, any fabricate something, and attributes it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then such a person shall make his seat in the hellfire, meaning that is where he's going. This is lying about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam What do you think, then

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is the punishment for lying about Allah? Where coluna and Allah Hill Khadija wahome Er Allah moon. So what is the message of this idea? What this is showing us is that the scripture that the people of the Book present is not reliable. The things they claim are not reliable, because now you cannot tell between revelation and the changes that they themselves have made, and anything that they claim, whether it is about Allah subhanaw taala or about reciting his sunnah, any, none of that is reliable, because so many changes have been made by people over the years.

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