Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-040C Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 5-6

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The title of the book " Surah Al" by Allah is not known to be true, but it is known to be a series of disconnected sentences. The speaker discusses the importance of updating information and changing one's behavior to reflect reality, shaming physical appearance and causing unease. The speaker also emphasizes the need for a work of Islam to create a "work of Islam" that creates "work of Islam" to create a "work of Islam" that creates "work of Islam" to create a "work of Islam" that creates "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" that creates "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "work of Islam" to create "
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then it is set in Allahu Allah Yabba Lee he shaved on Phil early wala for summer, in the Lucha indeed Allah La Yaffa it is not concealed or lay he on him meaning to him from him che on meaning Leia che on. So la Jaqua it is not concealed, it is referring to shape, meaning nothing is concealed from Allah. This is who Allah is, that nothing is concealed from him, whether that thing is filled early in the earth or it is in the sky. So whether something is in the earth or in the sky, it is not hidden from Allah, it is known to Allah Lai yoga yoga is from Kapha huffy is something that is hidden. So, Allah's knowledge is perfect, okay, and nothing, whether it is something small or big,

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something significant or insignificant, there is nothing at all that can be hidden from Allah, every single thing is known to Allah azza wa jal. No person can hide from him, no feeling can be concealed from him. He knows everything, whatever it may be, wherever it may be, at any moment of time. In sorrel and Jeremiah 59 We learn we're in the home of fatty her laby lair Allah Maha Illa who and with him are the keys of the unseen None knows them except him. way our animal mirfield buttery will burn and he knows what is on the land and in the sea. Warmer does Ottoman rocketing li Allah Maha not a leaf falls except that he knows it. Well, I have button Filou metal or the wallrock Tobin

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Wallah, yeah, Bissen elaphiti Tabby movie, and no grain is there within the darkness of the earth and no moist or dry thing, but that it is written in a clear record. So everything is mentioned basically, right? That something on land something in the water, a leaf that is falling from a tree, a grain, a seed that is buried somewhere in the darkness of the Earth, something that is fresh, so it's alive, something that is dry, so it is dead, or dormant, every single thing is known to Allah. This is Oh Allah azza wa jal is in sort of the road I attend, we learn early Milady was shahada till Kabir wilmuth Earl, he is the Knower of the unseen and the witness, the grand the exalted, He knows

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everything, the unseen and the witnessed. Now, why is this mentioned over here? What is the relevance over here? This is a warning for us that whether a person concealed their disbelief, or makes it public, Allah azza wa jal knows about it. And this is also a reminder that everything is known to Allah, and he is the one who has revealed this book. So how could there be any error in this book? Have you ever come across a book in which there are titles, something that has been published by maybe a big publisher? And there are typos? Absolutely. Right? Has it ever happened with you that maybe for a university course, you know, you have to purchase a book, and you are

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specifically told it has to be the 2020 version? Okay. And you'll find it, it's very expensive. And you find the 2015 version, which is under dollars cheaper? Can you use the previous edition? No, you can't. Why? Because the research has been updated, the research has changed, the results have changed now. So different things are being taught now. Right? Subhanallah, 13 years ago, when I had my first child, I remember going to the doctors and, you know, being told very different things regarding food allergies, all right. And now, when I go to the doctor, I'm being given completely different information, completely different information, and I am so shocked that how this is the

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complete opposite of what I was told to do before any in just 10 to 12 years, things have changed so much. So this is our reality, right? That we keep learning, we keep correcting what we have learned. We have to update our knowledge, our information, and because of that, we have to keep changing our behaviors, right? Allah azza wa jal already knows everything. Subhan Allah so this Quran does not need any revisions.

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All right, it doesn't need to be updated. And people will make claims like that and make demands like that, that the Quran should be revised. No, it does not need any revision. Maybe your brain does the Quran does not all right, the Quran does not need to be updated, because it is from the one from whom nothing at all is hidden. It is from the one who knows everything in the sky and in the earth. He made you he knows you everything about you. And he knows what is going to happen. Because sometimes people ask, well, the Quran was revealed 1400 years ago, how could it be relevant today? Absolutely, it is relevant. Why? Because Allah knew about today. Allah knew about this century and

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Allah knows what will happen 100 years from now and 200 years from now and 500 years from now, and he has revealed this book as the final revelation until the end of time. So nothing is hidden from Allah. In Surah Al Anam Ayah three, we learn Yarlung Moosey rekom wotja heracleum Warilla MUMA taxi Boone, He knows your secret and what you make public and he knows that which you earn, he is the one who has revealed this book. So trust this book, then Allah subhanaw taala says, who are Ledi use a widow can fill our hammock cave via sharp he is the one who shapes you who forms you in the wombs. However, he wills La ilaha illa who Allah Aziz al Hakim, there is no deity except Him the Exalted in

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Might the wise, we are reminded over here of the fact that we have been created by someone, we did not create ourselves, right, someone created us, and the one who created us is the one who has revealed this book. And just as we don't get to choose our physical appearance, our forms, we don't get to choose the law that we have to follow. Allah chose our form and Allah decided the law that we have to follow who will levy he is the one who meaning it is Allah or xojo, who you saw will come who shapes you, you saw widow comb is from sodwana IRA. So what are you so widow is to give a form, okay to give a shape to give a form and appearance. Sora is once physical appearance, all right,

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you're getting what they look like how they are externally, okay, their physical form. And this includes not just, you know, the color of the skin, or the features, the unique features, like for example, the color of the eyes, the shape of the nose, the shape of the lips, the texture of the hair, but also you know, the height of a person, and you know, their weight, their body structure, all of this is part of Surah All right, so it is He Allah Who shapes you were filled or ham in the wombs, or ham is the plural of the word for him. Raha meme is the root, and this is the womb where the baby is created. So he shapes you in the wombs. SubhanAllah. And how does he shape you? How does

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he form you K via sharp, however, that he wills, however, that Allah subhanaw taala wants, because he is almost somewhere, the giver of forms, the one who has made every form every face every feature, however that he wants. And if you think about it, isn't it amazing that every individual has a unique solar, a unique appearance, and he no two people are completely identical. And even when it comes to identical twins, there's still some kind of difference because of which parents are able to tell them apart. Alright, so Allah subhanaw taala creates whoever he wants tall, whoever he wants, short, whoever he wants, you know, with a small physical structure or with a larger physical

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structure. You know, some people's bodies are very bony. Other people, their bodies are different. Each person has their own unique skin color, the texture of their hair is unique, the shape of their limbs, subhanAllah even the fingers and the nails and the cuticles, and then the hair on the eyes. Any all of this is the unique Surah that Allah subhanaw taala made, you don't get to choose your gender. You don't get to choose your height. You don't get to choose your physical features. All right, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that very lead the creation of each one of you is brought together in his mother's womb for 40 days in the form of a note for meaning at the

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beginning for 40 days. It's just a note for a drop. And then that note for becomes an airlock a clot of blood for another 40 days and then a

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a mandala that clot of blood turns into a piece of flesh for a like period meaning 40 days. Then there is sent to him the angel who blows his soul into him, and who is commanded with formatters to write down the sustenance of that person, his lifespan, his actions, and whether he will be happy or unhappy meaning whether he will be of the people of paradise or not. So, what is this hadith telling us that Allah azza wa jal he puts together, you know, each human being in the womb, however that Allah subhanaw taala wants, okay, you use a widow he shapes you He gives you your forms, que fireshot however he wants, okay, this is all up to Allah. This is the work of Allah into the Zoomer

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is six Allah Subhana Allah says El Loco comfortable Tony Omaha Tico hull calm member the helping field Lulu Matin fella, he creates you in the wombs of your mother's creation after creation within three darknesses Allahu Akbar. There's so much darkness in the womb. And in that darkness, Allah subhanaw taala creates each person. All right, Holcomb mimbar, the Hulk creation after creation, all right, any one stage after another after another. We learned in sort of raffia is 64 Allah Subhana Allah says Allah who led the Jarl hola como are the Carrara was summer abena also welcome for Arsenal Sawako Allah is the One who has made for you the earth as a place of stay, and he has made

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the sky a canopy and he's the one who shaped you. And he has done excellent in terms of giving you your unique shape and form and sorted in Fatah is six to eight year or you will in Sonoma Hora Kabira because Karim Allah de halacha Fussa work afar the luck, fee au Surah T Masha Allah Kovak all mankind what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the generous who created you, proportion you and balanced you in whatever form he willed He has assembled you. So it is Allah who has designed you, you don't get to choose your appearance, even your parents have no choice Subhanallah you know, the mother has some wishes, I hope that my baby looks like me, the father has some other wishes, the

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grandmother maybe has some other wishes, you know, each person has their own wish, but you don't have any control over what the child is going to be like, who they're going to resemble what features they're gonna have. This is all Allah subhanaw taala this decision. So this teaches us that just as we don't get to choose our physical appearance, we don't get to choose the law in who we are. We are the slaves of Allah. Okay, we're not the boss. So accept that. In this day and age, it's very important to remember this. You know, we think that we should be able to choose everything and we should be able to decide everything for ourselves, and we should be able to control everything.

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No, we don't. We are not lords. We are slaves, slaves of Allah. All right. This eye also teaches us that it is Allah subhanaw taala who designs us so no one has the right to boast and feel arrogant about their gender, whether they're male or female, about their height, about their weight, about their hair, about their skin. Why? Because this has nothing to do with you. Any It wasn't your accomplishment. If you are tall, you did nothing to be tall. It's not your accomplishment. It's Allah Who made you tall. If you have long hair, okay, beautiful hair. Again, this is not your accomplishment. You did not make that hair. If you have beautiful skin. Again, you did not make that

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skin if you have the perfectly shaped nose or the perfectly shaped lips. Again, this is not your doing. It's not your craft. It's not your work. So you don't have the right to boast about it. You don't have the right to feel arrogant about it. And because of that belittle others. We learned that when a Buddha Allah Dillo Mourinho, he had an argument with Bilal, or the LA Mourinho in that argument, you know, he said to him, that all son of a black woman, given a soda on the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and learned about that he got very upset with him without that, are you trying to insult him through his mother? You are a man in whom his ignorance any How is it a fault

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of his, and how is it even a fault that someone has a certain skin tone? Why should one be shamed for their physical features when they have nothing to do with their physical features? They didn't make them. They don't have any control over them. Right?

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If a person can be shamed for their actions for the choices that they have made, alright? Because your actions are things for which you will be accountable for, but not your physical appearance, how is it a fault of mine if I am taller, short? Or if my mother is taller, short? How is this a person's fault? And at the same time, how is this a person's accomplishment? When this has nothing to do with a person's own choices, right? We learned that once a scholar of the diseases quinone he was asked to come to moon, the Khalifa have the time to debate with someone, all right. And basically, the other men, you know, he made fun of the residual Killarney that, you know, his

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appearance is so horrible that this is enough reason for him to be, you know, discredited. All right. So we learned that, you know, what Mona as he was sitting there, and he was, you know, kind of impacted by how of the disease Okay, Danny was made fun of for his physical appearance, and kind of discredited because of his physical appearance. As he was sitting, you know, he saw some fault in the architecture of that room, he criticized something that was hanging as decoration. And he got upset with the craftsmen. Okay, you know, like you're sitting and you see something, you see that the paint has not been done properly, or the door was not installed properly. And so you get really

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upset with the builders, right? So the same way mon got annoyed with the craftsmen and so Abdulaziz al Kayani took that as an opportunity. And he said to him, that, how come you are upset with the craftsmen and not this decoration? You know, when he said, because it's the craftsmen who did a poor job. So he said, Then how come? You are okay with someone making fun of my appearance, when I did not make myself I did not make myself. So if you have a problem with how someone looks meaning with their physical appearance, then you actually have a problem with the one who made that person. So how dare How dare we criticize the work of Allah? How dare we think that that a certain person is

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not worthy, because of their physical appearance when Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has made And subhanAllah the way you know, in different cultures, we see how people are ridiculed for the size of their waist, or the shape of their brows, or people's worth is determined by their height, people's worth is determined by, you know, their facial features. This is complete foolishness. And how arrogant could we be to assume that certain features are better than others that certain bodies are better than others? You see, shy pawns goal is what to turn us away from Allah to make us think bad about Allah, and to make people feel arrogant about themselves. And at the same time, ungrateful

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also. And this is the reason we see that, you know, beauty standards, they keep changing, isn't it, they keep changing, because people are not content with their physical appearance, no matter how they are. There was a time when, you know, having bigger lips was really bad. So people would put lipstick in such a way that their lips would look small. Right, and now it's the complete opposite. People will wear lipstick in a way that their lips appear to be double, triple the size. So this is all from shaitan be unhappy with the lips that Allah gave you be unhappy with the face that Allah gave you. And now the amount of deception and I must emphasize this that a lot of women make this

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mistake where they use makeup to look like someone who they're actually not completely different person. And he I personally feel that even when it comes to Foundation, any okay you can put a little bit but the layer upon layer upon layer, any people completely change their physical appearance completely. This is deception and this is you know, a way of showing and gratitude. Yes, you can beautify yourself you can wear you know lipstick, you can wear some glow, you know something to brighten up your face, but if the makeup is making the shape of your face look different. The shape of your nose look different, the shape of your eyes look different. The length of your

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eyelashes are now different. You need there is no part of the face except that you can do multiple things to it to make it look different. So in this is not only a waste of time, but a waste of wealth and any constant ingratitude and

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Then arrogance, and then Salah is affected, because you spent an hour putting on that makeup, how can you make wudu now to praise Allah. So there's so much you know, evil that can come out of this. So everything is good in moderation, everything is good in moderation. So Allah is the One who has shaped us formed you and K fireshot whoever he wants. And there is another problem now, with plastic surgery Subhanallah people will change not only their facial features, but the rest of their body also. And there was a time when this was, you know, a very strange was like a medical procedure. But now it's so common. It's so common, every other person, every other famous person, any it's well

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known, there is plastic surgery, they are so different from how they actually are. And then the effects on people's health, the effects on people's overall well being. He be content with how Allah has made you and realize that this is the body that Allah chose for you. Allah chose for you who are letting you sir welcome Phil Akram UK for Yasha. And sometimes people feel very strange in their bodies, where they're not comfortable in the skin that they're in. They're not comfortable with their gender. They're not comfortable with their height, they're not comfortable with their weight. They're not comfortable with the texture of their skin and things like that, say our ortho biller

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and say Ruby to builder, I am pleased with Allah's decisions for me, And Alhamdulillah that we don't have control over this. Because if we were the ones choosing, then our life would become very difficult. And we see this to do you know people will, once they, you know start changing modifying their bodies, there is no stopping. Literally, there is no stopping. Once people begin to modify their bodies, there is no stopping. It's a vicious cycle that is very difficult to get out of. So who will let you use a wheel control or hammock, a fire shop. However he wants to be pleased with what Allah decides for you. And La ilaha illa who there is no God worthy of worship, but he and

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Allah is Allah Aziz, the name Al Aziz is repeated again. And he is Al Hakim, the all wise, the ever wise, any all of his decisions are based on his hikma his wisdom. So La ilaha illa, who is mentioned again, why? To remind us that the creator the designer, he is the law he is the one who is worthy of worship. And in this is also a negation of the belief that Christians have regarding reciting his salon, that resort is to lamb is God or son of God? No, he's not because he sourly sang was created in the womb, right? And if he was created in the womb, that means he is creation. He is not God. He was created by Allah. Right so he is the slave of Allah La ilaha illa who there is no God but Allah

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He is the only one worthy of worship all right let's listen to the recitation of these verses are older bIllahi min a che Bhagavad Gita Bismillah Walkman

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there's some questions that I would like to address quickly. There's a question can you ask almost software to maintain our physical I guess appearances what you wanted to say? Absolutely. You call upon Allah subhanaw taala by the name Al Musa wit and you ask Allah to grant you contentment with the surah the form that he has given you if you're having trouble

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You know, accepting it or being pleased with it, you call upon Allah subhanaw taala by that name. And also when you see, sometimes we look at ourselves in the mirror and all we see our faults, okay? And the people around us the people we live with, they have probably never noticed those things even some individuals may have, like, for example, as a mother, I find that there are things, you know, that I tell my children to do, which they sometimes get irritated by that, how come you're telling us because I have seen them from, you know, when they were little, so I'm able to notice things that sometimes they're not able to notice, other people are not able to notice. But in general, this is

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very true that when we look at ourselves, or you know, maybe when our mothers look at us, they point out certain faults, and why not to ridiculous or to make fun of us but to guide us to, you know, improve our appearance. But what we perceive as faults many times are not even noticed by people. So when you look at your physical appearance, ask Allah subhanaw taala Allahumma kama has sent the hungry for her sin. Whoa, look at that, oh Allah just as you have beautifully made my physical appearance, make my whole look my behavior, good also, right. Because in Allah Alejandro Illa Sawadee como Anwar Lika. Wallach, in young Guru ilaqua, Looby, como aeromedical. Allah does not look

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towards your physical appearance or towards your properties, Allah looks at your actions, your hearts, that is what matters. This doesn't mean that we neglect our physical body. No, we take care of it. But please don't obsess over it. Because this is sometimes from shaitan, where we dwell over, you know, one tiny thing on our face. I remember once a friend of mine, she has a lot of freckles on her face. And I was with her somewhere and a random lady came to her and she said, I love your freckles. I love your freckles. And my friend was shocked. She's like, really, I have always disliked them. And then she told me afterwards that, you know, she wanted to have some of them

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removed. And when she, you know, went and got checked, you know, to find out about the estimate how much it will cost, it was too expensive. So she decided not to, but Subhanallah she always had trouble with her freckles, and there is someone else who is admiring her freckles so much. And these days, literally people will use henna to make fake freckles on their face. Subhanallah so the issue is not that you know certain things are ugly, or that you know, there are certain things about you that are ugly. No. It's that you need to see yourself as beautiful as Allah's unique work. And ask Allah azza wa jal to grant you contentment to grant you contentment with your physical appearance.

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And people who make fun of other people's appearance or they ridicule it, they look down on others because of that this is a sign of arrogance, a sign of arrogance, and seek Allah's refuge against such arrogance. And when you see people making fun of other people physical appearance, then know that this is ignorance, as the Prophet sallallahu already said, I'm set to a without in Nicaragua, Fiji, eylea that you are a man in whom is still some ignorance. So this is from ignorance. All right. Another question is procedures. You see if there is a medical procedure, or a procedure to fix a fault, okay, then such a procedure is permissible. So, for example, let's take the example of

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teeth. All right, if someone's tooth gets chipped, okay, or if someone's teeth are, you know, such that, let's say there isn't enough space, and they're not able to clean their teeth properly, or because of the way that their teeth are, it's causing some speech impediment, then in that case, of course, there is nothing wrong in getting your teeth fixed, fixing your smile, nothing wrong with that. All right. Because to have straight teeth is not abnormal to have straight teeth is something that is good. Okay, so there's nothing wrong in doing something like that. But if a person is, you know, getting lip fillers and changing, you know, the appearance of their cheeks and things like

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that, that is not permissible. Another question is that we shouldn't criticize the look of edibles because Allah created them. Yes. Don't criticize what Allah subhanaw taala has made. Don't make fun of it. In fact, we learned about the companions that they were afraid to even laugh at animals. Okay, because they said that if I were to laugh at it, who knows?

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I may end up doing the same thing that this animal is doing and I might be laughed at. So, be careful, the same thing Botox, whatever procedure it may be, this is not correct, unless there is a, you know, for example, if there's an accident, you know, an injury a surgery, because of which you know, now there is a clear deficiency in the body or fault in the body and that needs to be mended, then it is permissible. For instance, a man he lost his nose got cut off and the Prophet salallahu it isn't allowed him to put on a fake nose and the man used a fake nose made up something but it caused him skin problems. So he was actually allowed to put a fake nose of gold Subhanallah because

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that would not cause any skin problems. Anyway, this is like a long discussion, but in general, remember this rule that if there is an array of like an actual fault, that needs to be fixed, that is perfectly fine to do. And inshallah we will talk more about this when we learn about changing the creation of Allah. Okay,

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