Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-034C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 253 Part 2

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The history of Islam is discussed, including the birth of Jesus Christ and the use of "naive" as false statement titles. The cultural significance of "naive" is emphasized, along with its relation to the physical appearance of Jesus Christ. The use of "slack" in Islam is discussed, including reciting events and reciting "will" to inspire people. The negative consequences of Allah's actions, including conflict and violence, are also discussed, including the creation of animals and the use of "right."
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What are Taner? Isa model human by Hina it was a year the National Bureau had called us and we gave very sad the son of Meriam clear proofs and we supported him with the pure Spirit. What are tainer and we gave a Hamza is the root we gave to Risa Alehissalaam. Who is even who is the son of mme Allah subhanaw taala gave him what l by hinnat or by Kinette is the plural of the word by Hina. And beginner is from the root letters by noon. Right. A clear evidence. Muy bien is one that is clear one that makes clear beginner is clear and evident proof. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala gave three Saturdays and I'm clear proof so a year now will be really helpful to see a year dinner from Hamza
Yeah Dad, that ye is to aid so Allah aided him Bureau Hill kudos rule means spirit. Kudos means pure off. Dalsin is the route. So two things are mentioned here. That first of all, Allah gave him begging at and secondly, Allah aided him through the pure Spirit. Now remember that as early as salam was the last messenger from the Bani Israel, for the Bani Israel, and the only prophet that came after him was Muhammad Sallallahu already he was Saddam. And you will notice in the Quran that every time he recited he said I'm as mentioned he is described as resub memoriam or ISA the son of Medina, the son of Medina, you need this as mentioned every time he is attributed to his mother,
why? Because he did not have a father he was born only have a mother, Allah subhanaw taala tells us and sort of earlier Imran I have 59 that in the metal or ISA in the like Amanda Lee Adam Holika, whom interrupts on the calendar who can fire code that the example of reciting Sam near Allah is like that of Adam. Allah created him from dust. And he said to him be so he was, he came into existence. So just like that, there is already Santa almost penetrator created him with his Kadima. And Madame really has Sam when the angel came to her to give her good news. She said that Enya cannoli Hola, Manuel lamium Sassani Bashar wollam A Kuba Leah that how can I have a boy? How can I
have a child when no man has touched me? And basically she's referring to marital relations. And she said, What am I Coppelia? Any I'm not married, and on the other hand, I am not someone who is unchaste who was going to sleep around. So how can I get pregnant? So the angel replied to her that canaliculi Colorado bookie who are lay your hand, this is how it will be your Lord has said that it's easy on me. Well Enoggera Allah Who areata Linda so we make him a sign for people what Amata Mina and a mercy from Us. What kind of Amana McCullough. Yeah, and this is something that is already decreed it's going to happen, it's happening. So he's already his son was born without a father, he
only had a mother. Now, this is also a indication of those who claim that resigning snap is the son of Allah or with a biller, and he this is wrong, and we should believe that this is wrong. That is, are they Sam is not the Son of God, no, Allah does not have a child limb Yelland he does not have a child. And we have to be very careful about this matter. Because, you know, sometimes when we hear people calling bizarrely sound the Son of God, and he we get so accustomed to it that it doesn't even bother us anymore. It should bother us every single time. We should detest this concept, because this is very serious. Insert money and Allah subhanaw taala tells us about how terrible this
statement is and Darrow little money whether that that they ascribe a child to Allah, it is so terrible that the skies would work check the count of Samoa to get the fatahna Minh who had he it's such a wrong statement that the sky is would almost rupture because of it. This is how wrong the statement is. This is how devastating it is how terrible it is. What the headroom in who you know, the mountains would collapse because of that. So as early as Sam was born without a father, as Allah subhanaw taala says he was even ammonium he was a son of Medina and only Medea, no father. And, you know, in the Bible, in the New Testament, in the gospels, the it appears that what they're trying to
say is that money I'm earning As Salam was pledged to be married to a man called Joseph. And before they came together, she was found to be pregnant. And Joseph did not live with her and she gave birth to a son. And he was a carpenter. So they believe that he was the legal earthly father of Jesus, and something that Joseph was his biological father. And he all of this is incorrect. What we believe is that Madame
Friday has Saddam was neither married as we learned in the Quran, Willa miam says Nene Basha. She used to live in beta luctus right in her Murghab in her prayer place, and Willem cubilia She was not someone who was unchaste right and resigned. He said I was not the son. He is a slave in near Abdullah as he said, I am the worshipper of Allah, I am the slave of Allah. So what are Taina resub pneumonia Mumbai Hina Allah's Panthro tells us that He gave him clear evidences. And what were these clear evidences? Why were these clear evidence is given to him anyway. You see, evidences are given why to strengthen an argument or a claim reciting his Salam was a messenger to Bani Israel and the
Bani Israel eel, you know, spiritually morally, they had become extremely corrupt and they were not going to accept a messenger easily because they did not like what the messengers talk to them. So in order that they would have no reason to deny every Saturday synonym, Allah subhanaw taala not only made the birth of every Saturday salaam, itself a miracle, but unless parents are also equipped to resolve this and I'm with many miracles, so think about how the mother of reciting s&m was, her birth itself was amazing. Her story itself is amazing how she was such a righteous woman, any you can never imagine that she would do anything wrong. She was under the guardianship of a prophet of
Allah, the Qadiani has Sinha right. So how could she ever do anything wrong? And she was not married and then she gives birth. And not only that when he was born and Medea brought him you know carrying him and the people immediately you know accused her restarting some as a baby he spoke in the Imagine a baby speaks Hello Akbar heading a baby speaks a newborn child is talking is saying in the Abdullah attorney al Kitab Madonnina be here but you're on any mobile can a nama con two we're all Sani masala tea was the ketema don't hire any imagine a baby speaking that, you know that there's something special going on over here. Alright, this is not you know, just something ordinary, you
know, this is, you know, something different. So, the birth of reciting Salam itself, you know, showed that reciting Sudan was you know, special. He was different. And on top of that, Allah subhanaw taala equipped him with bayonet clear evidences and they're mentioned in sort of earlier Milan I have 49 resolve this and I'm sent to his people that Anil Nakula Kamina klinika Hey, at the time that I create for you from clay something in the shape of a bird, for unfuckable fee for your Kunal played on the evening, then I blow into it and it becomes an actual Bird by the permission of Allah will open it will act Maha will abrasca and I heal the born blind and the leper will heal Mota
and I revived the dead be isn't allowed by the permission of Allah, what will not be Oh can be methaqualone and I can inform you of what you eat will matter who want you to come. And I can inform you of what you have stored in your homes. And he all of these were what miracles that he were given. And these miracles were unique to him. But Subhanallah because of these miracles, people falsely believed that he was God or the son of God. And they fail to understand a simple concept that what a glaucoma Shatta Wale does, Allah is able to create whatever he wants and he can choose whatever he wants. And whatever that resort is Sam was able to do off miracles that were given to
him by Allah, Allah subhanaw taala gave him those miracles were attained every seven Imodium will begin at what a dinner will be rowhill per dose and we aided him with the pure Spirit. Now this was another Felina Another virtue that reciting as Sam was given. Now, what is Ruhul codice? Rohan codice has been interpreted in many different ways. Okay, and when you see the translation, Holy Spirit, okay, or pure spirit but don't think of the Christian concept of Holy Spirit Hey, there's strange practices you know, among famous people with regard to Holy Spirit activate I don't know what they're doing but don't think of that rule he'll produce is something different Okay. To
understand anything in the Quran. The first thing is that you look at other verses, okay, other verses that mentioned the same thing. So for example, just now, when I mentioned to you that the miracles that recited salaam were given are mentioned in earlier one I have already known. This is an explanation of the word but you next
So what begginer what clear proofs was he given? You look at the rest of the Quran and you will find into the allium run the miracles that he's already said I was given. All right now who is Rohan codice while we look at the rest of the Quran, is Rohan Padis mentioned anywhere else? And in what context and what does it mean over there? So first of all, we see that rural produce is mentioned four times in the Quran and three times it is mentioned in regard to recite a sunnah that Allah subhanaw taala aided him with Rohan produce. And the fourth time that will have put this as mentioned in the Quran is in sort of the null i 102, where Allah subhanaw taala says holiness Zilla
who who will produce email Rob Big Bill Huck that say the row who will produce has brought this Quran from your Lord in truth. So who brought the Quran to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Allah azza wa jal it was Jibreel right? So then who is Rohan CONUS? It is debris. All right? And then we see the second step in you know, understanding the meaning of the Quran is that you look at the Sunnah, okay, in the Sunnah, we see that Hassan even fabric, Abdullah Horan, who, who was like the poet of the prophets of Allah, who earlier Salam, the people of Makkah, you know, they will do a lot of hedging, meaning a lot of derogatory poetry against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. So, his son, Radi Allahu anhu, who was a poet, he wanted to respond to them through poetry, he wanted to insult them in return, all right, by using poetry and the prophets of Allah who were who sent and prayed for him that Allah whom a kid who grew Hill could use that Oh Allah, aid him through Rohan codice, meaning with Jibreel. Painting, allow Gibreel to inspire and strengthen Hassan. And you see, in a hadith we learn about how there is an angel appointed over every person. The gist of the hadith is that when a person is humble, the angel increases the intelligence of that person. And when that person is arrogant, the angel decreases that. Okay? And we learned that just
as shaytaan whispers evil, in order to counter that Allah subhanaw taala has appointed an angel to inspire a person with positive things we learned in the Quran that in Alladhina, Kala buena Allah the Messiah come tetanus Zulu RLA inhuman Malavika to Allah the half of Allah doesn't know that those people who believe and then become steadfast than the angels descend on them, the angels visitor and the angels say to them, don't fear don't be sad, alright. So the angel does not come in the form of a human in front of you, you know does not say to you in a way that is audible that you know, don't be afraid. Don't be sad, but the angel is able to inspire you in your heart positive
feelings, just as shaitan is able to affect you with negative feelings or to put negative thoughts and fear and such things in your heart and angels are able to inspire you with positive thoughts. So the prophets of Allah who are innocent and prayed for her sandeman pabitra de la hora, and who that Oh ALLAH assist him through to her and produce meaning led Gibreel help him Allahu Akbar. And you know of the poetry that has suddenly been said is a verse which says, Would you believe you Amin Allah He fina, Laurel Hill Odyssey Lisa behalf app where basically he's referring to Jibreel as Rohan kudos. So when we look at all of this, we understand that rowhill produce is Jubilee right.
Now, why is to be called Rural goddess, pure spirit, because Jibreel does not commit a sin, okay does not commit a sin. Angels do not disobey Allah, they do not do anything wrong. Some say that he is called through her goddess because he belongs to the holy one meaning to Allah. Other say that he is called Nikolas because he brought what purifies the inhabitants of the world, which is Revelation. So this is why he's called Rohan codice. Now, Allah subhanaw taala says that we aided Raisa Ali salaam, through to help others. Have you think about it, every prophet of Allah was helped by God. Right? For example, we learn in the Sierra and you know, so many Hadees we learn about how
Gibreel came and told the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, get up from here leave from here, because the people are intending to harm you. Do not eat this. This food is poisonous, right? Things like that. So Gibreel also aded the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he ate it
other prophets of Allah also at the command of Allah. So why is this mentioned over here for ESRD Salam that will either now will be no headquarters and it's mentioned three times in the Quran that Allah aidid recited listen and through to her kudos, because the help that Allah subhanaw taala gave a very sorry, listen, I'm through Gibreel was very unique to the help that other prophets were given through Djibouti Housel first of all, remember that resign his son was born without a father. And Gibreel is the one who blew the roof into Maria and she conceived. So that is the first to eat. Secondly, Gibreel aidid bizarrely, Saddam to speak while he was a baby in the cradle. Thirdly, in
all of his circumstances, Gibreel aided reciting his Salaam and we learned that resort is Salam. He was very eloquent and he addressed the Bani Israel very powerfully, very powerfully. And even in the gospels, you can find different incidents were recited and I'm addressing the Bani Israel. And, you know, it's definitely contaminated in the sense that what's in the Bible is not accurate, because, of course, it has been changed. But you do find statements that are very powerful, you know, they move the heart and you can feel their effect. And Allahu Arland. Whether he said them or not, he said those words are not, but what you definitely see is many speeches of reciting his sunnah. The
fact that he addressed the Bani Israel wherever he went. So how was he able to address the Bani Israel people who were not willing to listen to him people who were plotting to kill him, people who rejected him on his face? How was he able to do that a year to now who drew headquarters and when Allah subhanaw taala is help is with a slave then a slave is able to do things which are very, very difficult even. So we should ask Allah subhanaw taala for help. And then we learned that these aren't his Salam did not die, right. Rather, he was raised to the heavens, and Gibreel is the one who aided him in that matter, just as debate as the one who took the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam on the Bear Lodge and the sloth Gibreel aidid recite his center in rising him to the heavens, and he will also aid him in his dissent when he returns closer to the day of judgment. So all of these matters are unique to reciting Saddam so what are you at the National Bureau headquarters? Well, I will share Allahu Mahkota ladina embody him embody merger or Tamil bye automobile minute if Allah had willed those succeeding them would not have fought each other after the clear proofs that come to them. While Oh sha Allah, who if Allah willed SHA is from the root letters Shinya Hamza mushiya Will, so if Allah wanted Muppet that Allah they would not have fought,
if Coca Cola is from cough dalam cotton is to kill and it could detail is to kill one another or to fight so Alladhina Lombardi Him those who came after them after who after the rustle after the messengers of Allah, okay, they would not have fought one another. When mimbar Dima after Jaya tamale baking at after clear evidences came to them. Jaya atone Jamia Hamza and bayonet again, floral of the word begginer. binning the people after the prophets after the messengers, they fought one another. Right. And if you think about it, since the beginning, there has been much bloodshed, right? Many, many wars, and Allah subhanaw taala sent messengers for the purpose off guiding people
for the purpose off bringing them out of darkness. And if people are guided, if people are out of darkness, that means that they should not be committing bloodshed, right? But this bloodshed happened. And remember that nothing in this world happens without the permission of Allah. If Allah subhanaw taala wanted, there would have been no wars, there would have been no divisions between humanity. And if Allah subhanaw taala wanted there would have been no murders, no cattle. And that would mean that if Allah subhanaw taala wanted he could have forced everyone to believe and be righteous, right? But that is not the will of Allah for the world. Meaning Allah subhanaw taala has
willed that people should have freedom to act. And when people have freedom to act, that means that people will differ. Some will believe some will disbelieve, there will be divisions and sometimes those divisions will escalate.
due to conflict and war and bloodshed, this is all the byproduct of what people being granted free will. So if Allah wanted, he could have prevented all of this bloodshed. How by taking freewill away from people. But that is not what Allah has willed for the world. Allah subhanaw taala has created life and death in order to test people and when people are being tested, they must have the freedom to act the freedom to choose, right otherwise How is that a test? And Allah soprano Tada is testing who believes in who does not a ucommerce anomala and if people are going to be tested on their deeds, that means they must have free will. And a consequence of freewill is that people will differ
people will, you know have divisions and people will have conflict. So while Oh sha Allah Who Nakata Alladhina, embody him member, the major Tamil beginner. So there were two possibilities for the people of the world. One is that people are all with the 15 United, all the same, identical, all right, and that is not going to happen. Because as we learned earlier, people were one nation. And then when they went astray, Allah subhanaw taala sent messengers, and then some people believed in the messengers, others did not. And now there is division among humanity. Right? Some believe some don't. And when there is division, right, that's the second possibility that people are multi Fein.
They are different because they have freedom to act freedom to choose. So this will continue to happen in solitude, I 118. Of course, Panthera says well, OSHA or Buka ledger, Allah NASA Omata Wahida if your Lord wanted he could have made all people is single community, everyone the same? Well, I used Luna mock Delphine, but they will continue to differ. This is something that is a natural consequence of the fact that people have been granted freewill that they will continue to defer. So it is sent over here we're lacking telephone but they deferred, who deferred the people after the profits if telephone highlanda is the route FTF How did they differ? That Some believed
and others did not? So for example, after a sinus and I'm what happened, some people believed in reciting the Sunnah, and many people did not. And what happened then, those who did not believe in early cinema created great difficulty for those who believe in him did persecuted them. Right. So historically, I mean, there has been a very long conflict between Jews and Christians. And he, right now things seem to be good, but historically, things have been terrible. There have been massacres. And he many many people were killed just because they believed in reciting his sunnah or because they did not believe in him. Right so what can you tell us who they different for men oh man am no
woman who man cover so among them are those who believed in among them are those who disbelieved natural consequence of people having free will. So remember that Allah subhanaw taala has created different kinds of creation. Okay, first of all, Allah subhanaw taala has created creation, that is Micallef and Marcin, meaning they're obligated to obey Him. And they're also protected against sin. And these are angels, right? Because they obey Allah. Leia, sunnah. Allahumma Omraam. We have an automated model, they don't disobey Allah, and they do what they're commanded. They never disobey Him. Secondly, there is creation that is neither McAuliffe nor Marcin. Lamb color, well, Mr. So
meaning they're neither obligated to obey Allah, nor are they protected against sin. And these are animals, birds, fish, insects, all right. So we see for example, they do things which are very long. For instance, will you see how alliances find each other? Right? Or, you know, sometimes you see videos of A, for example, a tiger, or a cheetah, killing a small, innocent looking deer, and you feel so bad in your heart, if you pity for that poor deer, right? If you have a pet, like a cat, for example, you know, you'll give it food. And what's that food? It's animal meat, you eat animal meat, right? The point is that animals, sometimes you witnessed them committing lolium on each other.
Where they hurt each other, they kill each other. I remember when I was little, we used to have buddies. And, you know, they multiply very quickly. So I think in our cage, initially, they were just like maybe five or six pairs and suddenly they just became so many. The population does multiplied and I remember ever
Good morning, when I would come I would see one buddy that had been killed and other buddies that were injured in the cage. And I couldn't understand what was happening. And someone told me that this is because there are too many buddies over here they're fighting over the nests, you know, where they can nest where they can lay eggs. Any it is learned that you kill someone, you evict them from their home, you throw out their eggs, or you kill their babies. This is one right? But for animals, there is no Halal haram. Right? They're not obligated, there is no Xena, right? Because they are not obligated to obey. Right? And they have no he said they will have no agenda or agenda
for them the hereafter. However, there will be results among them so that the perfect justice of Allah is established as the prophets of Allah who are a new setup said that even the hornless sheep will take retaliation from the sheep that has a horn and then they will be turned to dust. So this is a second type of creation, those that are neither obligated nor protected against sin. All right. Thirdly, there are those creatures obligated to obey Allah and they are not protected against sin. They're more Caliph. Latemar assume Okay, and they are more your meaning they have free will. And these are humans and jinn, we have the ability to disobey Allah. Angels don't have the ability to
disobey Allah, we do. So, when we have free will, there will also be judgment. In total in San Ayah three, Allah says inner thy now Sevilla in my Shakeela in Makkah fora, indeed we have guided the human being to the path either he can be grateful or ungrateful. So when people have free will, they have the choice to obey or disobey, then people will be divided. And this is the case from income Catherine woman come movement among you are those who disbelieve in among you are those who believe people are like that. And it is only inevitable that those who believe will not be on the same page as those who disbelieve and vice versa. And these differences will lead to divisions, which can lead
to aggression which can lead to conflict and violence and equity tile. And think about it if bliss is also there, and he took an oath that he will mislead people. So if Allah subhanaw taala wanted, he could have made people and gem like the angels. It's not hard for Allah. It's not difficult for Allah, but for wisdom, and because of his will. And because he is the king, he is the owner, he can decide whatever he wants, he can do whatever he wants, he has given people free will. All right, and Willow sha Allah Who Makuta Liu, and if Allah had willed, they would not have killed one another. Well, I can Allah if Ergo may you read but indeed Allah does what he intends. So these divisions
will continue until the end of time. All right, we learn about how, first of all majority of the people do not believe and this will be the case until recently he said outcomes then all people will believe, and Islam will enter every house, and then after him shaytans influence will become strong again to the point that everyone will disbelieve Allahu Akbar, and people will be disbelievers for generations, and then the day of judgment will come upon the worst of all people. So if Allah wanted, he could have prevented all of this. I don't think it's not an Allah control or Allah's ability, it is an Allah's ability, but Allah subhanaw taala has let this happen. Because Allah has
given people free will to test them as to which of them will choose good and which of them will choose evil. And what I can ally of ours, oh my God, dude, it is from raw, well, that era, the era is intention, and everything happens by the will of Allah. All right, and remember that there is different types of irida of Allah, one is a dowry, alright, related to the creation. And this is when Allah subhanaw taala allows things to happen, because he has given free will to people. And just because these things happen, it doesn't mean that Allah subhanaw taala loves these actions. All right. So for example, there's war crimes that are happening because people have free will, Allah is
able to intervene, but he does not do so. Why? Because then how will the evil of people be revealed? And how will they have a fair chance to, you know, be tested, so things that Allah subhanaw taala allows to happen, it doesn't necessarily mean that Allah subhanaw taala loves these things. Secondly, there is another Sharia which is his marhaba meaning the things that Allah subhanaw taala has commanded us to do and these are matters that Allah's parents are loves, all right. So for example, if a person prays salah, they prayed by the permission of Allah, right? They had no field from a
Allah they had help from Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala likes that action. So you know, some people have a hard time accepting that why is there evil in the world? And why doesn't God stop this and Why has God willed this? This is the answer, that if Allah wanted, he could have prevented everything. When I can the lie of our DOMA unit Allah does whatever He intends, and we are not to question him like us or Amaya, for whom us alone. Allah is not questioned about what he does. We are questioned. All right, and Allah has complete knowledge. When are you hate want to be here Dima, they cannot encompass him in knowledge. In surah Taha, I want her intent Allah subhanaw taala tells
us that so Allah has perfect knowledge he knows so we should always think good about Allah.