Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-011D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 61-62
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So Mussolini's Sudan, he was upset with them was on SNL. Carla he said a testable they don't and lady who are deniability who were hired, would you exchange what is better for what is less? This doesn't fit you? How can you even think about this? Allah is giving you something better men and Sanwa. And you want something earthly, right? Something that will cause you to work so much, if that is the choice that you're making. And by the way, this question at this step, they don't know this question is, Toby, this is a question of reprimand. That why are you think about what demand you're making? What choice you're making? And then he said, a beautiful missile and for Imola, comesa,
alto, go to any settlement, any city and indeed you will have whatever you have asked for. If you want all of these goods, go get it yourself. I don't need to make dua to Allah for this. Allah is already arranged for these things on bigger. Now there's a question how is one and Salwa better than what they asked for? Because if you think about it, when someone does two things, and what they're asking for is a whole lot of things. And we know that, you know, leafy greens, chickpeas, bread, garlic, onion, I mean, they make food, more flavorful lentils, you know, there's more variety. Many, you would think that that is better. So how is Mensa better? Yes, that first of all, it was far
superior because it was heavenly food. And what comes from above, of course, is going to be better than what comes from the earth. Right? And then, secondly, yes, they're given Manitoba from Allah subhanaw taala. And if they eat that, they're obeying Allah, they're going to be rewarded. Just eating months at work itself was rewardable. And monks, and well, we're almost penalties gift to them. And then also, if you think about it, it required no effort on their part that was ready made, pre prepared, and what they were asking for required, prep, food preservation, food management. And before that, even farming, harvesting, tilling the land, etc, it requires a whole lot of effort.
Also, if you think about it, when it comes to men Sunhwa directly from Allah, it was absolutely lawful and pure for them. But the produce of the Earth can be impaired by unlawful and corrupt practices. So a bit too misaligned for England, a comesa. Alto, he said, Go get it yourself. And there's a number of lessons over here, the one thing is that will sorry, the center is not accepting their ingratitude. He is firm in his response to them when they show in gratitude, and when they complain, and when they want. And this is something that we need to learn that as leaders in whatever capacity even as a mother, as an older sibling, when people show in gratitude to Allah, you
know, you need to discipline them, you need to teach them a lesson, not that they should respect you, but they should recognize the blessings of Allah. Because if a person does not recognize the blessings of Allah, and they're whining, they're complaining, sooner or later, they're going to be ungrateful to you as well. Gratitude is that inner sense where he could recognize the favors of others on you. So if a person does not recognize the favors of Allah, of course, they will not recognize the favors of people, you make your children grateful to Allah, they will also show gratitude to you.
So, as a leader, may recognize when people are showing in gratitude, and when Samsung was not accepting all that whining and complaining, and he is giving them a firm answer. So this shows us the importance of teaching gratitude, and also the importance of making people realize that what they have from Allah is better than what they're desiring. You know, sometimes, it so happens that you have a certain blessing from Allah. And yes, you know, there's a test with every blessing. But then keep looking to what you don't have. Keep thinking about what you don't have. You need to draw your attention to what Allah subhanaw taala has already given you. You know, for example, if they
reflected over how mundane Salah are better, they would enjoy it more. Right? And they would be focused on their mission on what they were supposed to do. Now, this doesn't mean that eating good foods in this life is something that is not okay. We should just eat the same food every single day. No, there's nothing wrong in eating good foods, as long as it's done in a moderate way, in a lawful way. But any the reason why they're being reprimanded here is because this demand, first of all shows extreme ingratitude and greed, and also lack of purpose. You see the bunny is sloth
You were not rescued from Egypt, so that they could enjoy good foods of the world. They were not given preference over the rest of the people with special blessings of Allah so that they could enjoy earthly blessings. No, they were chosen, they were rescued, so that they would live by the laws of Allah on earth, they would be that Khalifa. Right. And then by extension, be a source of guidance for others as well. But here, they're just concerned about different foods. They're not concerned about how they're supposed to practice the law, how they should make their way quickly towards their destination, the Torah that Allah has given the laws that Allah has given, they can
start practicing those laws, any no concern for that. They're just obsessing over dunya. So we need to also think about ourselves that, especially as a woman, I like to say this to other women as well, that think about where's your time and your attention going? What is your greater concern in life? Right? Yes, we want to make sure that, you know, we're eating well, our families are eating well, we're trying different recipes, you know, getting different types of foods, etc. and handed in the Allah has given all of these blessings and we use them, we enjoy them with gratitude, but handling them, but at the same time, think about, you know, what else do you want to get from your
life? What else do you want to achieve in your life? Because we see that when, you know, for example, when children are indulged constantly, then their threshold for enjoyment, any gets messed up, they want even more, they're not satisfied. So you don't want that your entire youth you spend in serving different flavorful foods to your children. And, you know, they don't even turn around and show gratitude to you, and what do you have? What have you accomplished in your life. So there needs to be moderation, there needs to be a bigger purpose in our lives. And with that bigger purpose, there's also contentment. What happened then well, booty both are laden with Villa to
wellness Cana, and they were covered with humiliation and poverty. Because if you're constantly thinking about what you don't have, and you're constantly comparing yourself to other people, I have never eaten Malaysian cuisine. I have never been to that restaurant, I have not had a nice burger and so long, I missed that. I wish I could have that, you know, looking at other people, what they're eating, where they're eating, what they're wearing, where they're going, chasing the dunya only brings Villa and mascara to a person. Whereas we learned that if a person, you know looks at the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given them and lives for a higher purpose. Then we learn
in Silicon Valley that is 66. With regard to the bunnies sliding the people of the book went out unknown, a common thought I thought in G, that if they properly established a tilde and the NG meaning the properly observed the law, they properly followed any they lived what these books taught them, Walmart Lindsey, even the European Economic foking, they would have eaten the blessings of Allah from above them, women back the Algeria human also from beneath their feet. In it, they would be covered with the blessings of Allah, they would not miss out, they would not have less. Allah subhanaw taala would give them so much. And we see this in the life of the companions. Right? That
yes, there was a time when they had to endure great difficulty, like at the Battle of fires out. Right. Everyone was hungry, the Prophet sallallahu Ortiz and was so hungry, he had not eaten properly for days that he had tied rocks to his stomach to keep it pressed in. Because if it's not Preston grumbles more and you feel the hunger pangs even more. And when one of the companions saw that, he he was overwhelmed, and he went home and he asked his wife, is there any food? And you know, she said that there's just enough, so she started preparing the bread and she started preparing some meat and companions went quietly to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and said that
yes, we will come and eat. And the Prophet sallallahu already sort of announced it to the people who are around him. So about 80 men came along with the Prophet sallallahu were in at the center. And the wife of a Buddha was a little upset, you know, with her husband that I told you to only get the prophets of Allah who are the cinnamon here, you brought so many people, how am I going to do this? So the prophets of Allah who are who said went up to her, and he told her that people are hungry. Right, and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam himself would take a piece of bread, and he would put some food on it's a meat on it and he would pass it on. So about 80 companions, eight of them, there
Certain was not always there any salad? Can we have seconds can we have thirds? Is there any lentil soup? Is there any thing else or is it just this is any yogurt is there any, you know, dip on the side nothing, you know, their concern, their obsession, their home and home their main concern in life was not food. They are concerned with something different. To establish the deen of Allah to follow the messenger of allah sallallahu already he was. So this really shows us that we need to think about what is my greater purpose? What is it that am I striving towards? So booty back our Lady Medina to wellness can poverty of the mind poverty of the heart, externally also they became
weak internally also they became weak. Why? Well that will be a lot of women, Allah and they incurred the Wrath of Allah because of course they would incur the wrath of Allah if you show so much in gratitude to Allah for the blessings, any word that will be other women Allah this is given. May Allah Subhana Allah protect us.
This shows us that ingratitude is something that brings the Wrath of Allah, that he could be unknown can we act furono var tilde? And how is it why is it that they were struck with humiliation and poverty, because they used to constantly deny the signs of Allah, they used to constantly disbelieve in the signs of Allah stuff in a long way to learn and to begin a belated help. And they used to kill the prophets of Allah without any right.
We learned about how they killed zakat era and his son and eventually the later generations of Bani Israel. They killed the pig era Salam even attempted to kill reciting his sin. And remember that there was never a generation except that a Prophet was sent to them. And they always had a prophet of Allah among them. And why did they kill the prophets? Because you know, the prophets are going to tell you that you should follow the love of you should not be greedy for the world, you should not bend the rules of Allah to pursue worldly things. So when someone is telling you that what you're doing is wrong. And you don't want to change, then you're going to become violent. So this is what
the money is taught, yielded big killed the prophets. If they killed the prophets of Allah, then what do you think about the righteous among them? They were also silenced. Way up to rune and a beginner belated help, how could they do that? Because they used to valley copy Morrow song What can we have to do? They used to disobey and they used to cross limits. And the thing is, that one disobedience leads to another
and violation of one limits or one boundary leads to another. So they used to disobey, meaning they did not do what they were commanded. And yarda do, they did not leave any forbidden thing. And whatever they were forbidden from, they didn't to the point that they denied the verses of Allah, they killed the prophets of Allah who stopped them. And he this is what happens when a person has immense love for the world. They increase in humiliation and inner weakness, they have no inner result, no moral standard, the heart is poor. Right? And with the anger of Allah with the curse of Allah, you need a person only goes further in their misguidance and error. So on the surface, it
seems like what's wrong with demanding more food, you know, but it's not a small thing. One thing is going to lead to another, it's going to lead to another it's a behavior pattern. It's that twisted, perverted thinking, that's going to get worse over time. Now, these is where, you know, addressing the bunny is slightly present at the time of the Prophet sallallahu where it is and um, then if you think about it, they were not the ones who did what is mentioned over here was their forefathers. So why are they being blamed? Right? And then people look at these verses, in this case, the Quran is clearly anti semitic. But he there's a reason I mentioned this reason earlier as well, that they
were very proud of who they were. Right, they assumed that they were the best. So they're reminded of who they really are. Any, don't just boast about the fact that Allah gave you a preference, also acknowledge the wrong that you did. And secondly, this is again, a reminder of Allah savers upon their forefathers that think about it you did, even you know this much that you went to the extent of killing the prophets of Allah, Yet Allah gave you chances. Then it is said in the medina a man who will lead even had one masala indeed those who believed and Alladhina amanu. This is referring to those who believed now in her motto Allahu alayhi wa sallam, or livina Avenue. Those who believe
Before the bunny is slightly Okay, before the bunny is slightly all came about those who believe in the prophets of Allah and when livina had who and those who became Jews, meaning they followed moosari His salaam properly. And when the surah and those were Christians, meaning they believed in and followed reciting his sin was sabihin and those believed in followed Yeah, he already has seven min. Nebula he will you will ask whoever believed in Allah and the Last Day why middle Saudi have ended righteousness? fellow Marines have been in water how often are they when
they will have their reward with their Lord and no fear? Will there be concerning them nor will they greed? Now some people look at this and they say, Well, you know, this shows us that people of different religions as long as they believe in Allah, they believe in the last day they do good things, then it's fine. Whereas this interpretation is incorrect. Because when you look at other verses of the Quran, they say something completely different. So for example into either 185 It says when they inevitably lay it on Islamic Dean and fall and you're gonna meet who whoever seeks a religion that is other than Islam, then that religion will never be accepted from him. Well, whoever
will accurate terminal has seen that person will be a loser in the hereafter in certain Nyssa verse 150, Allah subhanaw taala says in the Medina at Faloona Villa he will also be in the those people who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers. While you read sunnah and your failure Cobain Allah he will also Levy and they wish to discriminate between Allah and His messengers. How were your coluna note meno regarding when a call will be borrowed and they say that we believe in some and disbelieve in others, that we believe in some prophets and we don't believe in other prophets. So we believe in Musar ism we don't believe in Muhammad Sallallahu hernias are that we believe in reciting Senna, we
don't believe in Muhammad Salah who are using this is discrimination between the messengers of Allah. Right? Well UD do not a turkey to Boehner, Danica Sabina, Oda Iike homall Kathy Runa halka, Allah says regarding them that those are the disbelievers truly any such people are not believers. In reality, this is not Amen. So remember that this verse, verse number 62, is not teaching us what exactly Eman is, okay? If you look at the context, in the previous verses, we see that different crimes of the bunny is slightly lower mentioned. Right, their rebellion, their disobedience, their bad actions are mentioned. And you know, it seems like all of them are portrayed as disobedient
people to Allah. And so they are deserving of the punishment of Allah. So then you wonder where all of them like this, every single one of them was like this, you know, because the AI speaks in general terms, right when you said what if quantum and also we have over here what you told me Yeah, Musa Linda SPOILER ALERT army worried we will never put up with one foot to every single person from Bani Israel, you say this? No, it was certain individuals among them, right? Did all of them kill the prophets of Allah? No, it was certain individuals among them. Right? Did all of them deny the signs of Allah, the verses of Allah? No, it was certain individuals among them. So sometimes, you
know, when you read through these verses, you might think all of them are evil, all of them are deserving of the punishment of Allah. So this idea makes it clear that no, those people who believe whether they came before but he is slightly ill or afterwards, and those people who were Jews and the Christians and the mundanes, the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah, any person among the who believes in Allah and the Last Day meeting, his faith is correct. What Amina Solly her and his actions are correct, then such people will be rewarded by Allah, and they will have no fear and no grief. So what's the message here? that not all of them were bad? And his teachings, another
important lesson? You see the bunnies like you used to think that they were children of prophets, and because of that they would attain salvation. So Allah subhanaw taala sets the criteria over here, that it's not your blood. It's not the group that you belong to. It's not the label that you carry. It is your faith and your deeds that matter. If Amen is not correct, if your faith is not correct, or if your actions are not correct, then there will be fear and grief, there will be no reward. So this idea teaches us on the one hand, that first of all, we should not generalize. Okay. And secondly, just the label that one carries is not enough to save them. So for example, a
Christian at the time of reciting Who said I'm a follower of reciting of center, if that person
did not believe properly if the if he did not believe in the hereafter because there were among the Jews, even actually, at the time of reciting people who did not believe in the hereafter. Even after he started his setup, there is this concept that there is no law. Right? That law contradicts the grace of God. So we don't need to do anything. We don't need to observe any love. We believe in the grace of God and that's sufficient. So no, you don't put yourself in a box thinking that if you carry a certain label, you belong to a certain group, you will attain salvation. No, that will not bring you salvation, what will bring you salvation is your faith and your actions you as an
individual. So the responsibility is on every single individual. And notice over here, Eman and Ahmed Saleh both are mentioned together. And this is an important rule that it is not enough to say that I believe it's also important to do what the man requires. So for example, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam once asked his companions that Do you know what it means to believe in Allah Alone? This hadith is in Behati, and they said Allah and His Messenger know best. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam answered that to believe in Allah Alone means to testify, that there is no God worthy of worship, but Allah and that Muhammad Sallallahu already said it was the messenger
of Allah and that you establish prayer, and you give subcat and you fast in Ramadan, and you mentioned more actions. So you see, a man is not just a thought, an inner belief. The man requires righteous action. Where a middle slowly * right so that is essential. We learn in a hadith about Abu l de la hora. And with that, he said to the Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, that what will save a slave of Allah from the fire? How can a person be saved from hellfire? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Amen in Allah belief in Allah. So without asked, Oh prophet of Allah, is action required with faith? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Yes, and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that, you know, a person should spend out of what Allah has given him. So without said, what if that person is poor? And he believes but he's not able to spend anything because he's poor? He doesn't have anything that he can give the prophets of Allah who are using himself and he should command what is right and forbid what is wrong. So without said, O Messenger of Allah, what if he's not able to do that? That he's not in a position to command what is right and forbid what is wrong? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, then that person should teach someone unskilled, some skill. And even if you can teach someone, for example, how to
tie your laces, how to close the door properly, right? How to put the dishes away, for example, you know, any kind of skill he should teach him? and I both have said, well, what if he doesn't know anything himself? What if he himself is unskilled? So the Prophet sallallahu Earnest said that he should help the oppressed? A Buddha said, what if he himself is weak? He himself is oppressed, that he doesn't have the power to help the oppressed to the prophets of Allah who earned his and him said you haven't left anything good in your brother, have you? Any the questions that you're asking there such that, you know, this person is incapable of doing anything? So the Prophet salallahu alayhi
salam continued, that he should not harm anyone, he should not harm anyone who said, O Messenger of Allah, if a person does this, and he, he believes, and he makes sure that he does not harm anyone, he does not bother anyone, then will this action take him to gender? And the prophets of Allah who already replied, that if there is any Muslim, who has any of these characteristics, any of these qualities, which qualities are the ones that he mentioned in answering the questions of a Buddha, that you know, he should spend out of what Allah has given him he should command what is right for bid what is wrong, he should teach the unskilled you know, something that he can benefit from, or
that he should, you know, help the oppressed etcetera. So, if any Muslim does any of these good things, then that person will intergender that person will enter them. So what's the main thing over here that with iman, some kind of action is necessary. This hadith is in a shuffle Bonnie has recorded a sensitive to Saha. It's number 266.
So with iman action is necessary. Every individual is responsible for themselves. So this is like a wake up call for the Buddy is slightly that it is not enough to be just proud of your history, to be proud of your ancestors.
Because while you have things to be proud of you also have things to be ashamed of. And the person should not be burdened with, you know, things that their ancestors did. You are responsible for yourself. So, look at what you were doing, what do you believe in? And what are your actions like, for the home room or in the obedience set such people will have their reward with their Lord with a hope and our lakyn will love them yet, they will have no fear of what is to come and no grief over what they have missed. At least number 2669. Because remember, hope is of the future who isn't as of the past and you can only be free of fear and grief when you are content with your present state.
And in this world, there is fear. There is grief. So this is in Jana. Right? Well, I hope you are liking whatever we are here. For also, they will experience this joy in this life where things of this world will not bother them to such an extent that they're always overwhelmed by fear, or always preoccupied with their grief. Allah subhanaw taala will give them what will satisfy them because a man is a consolation and righteous action brings you a sense of accomplishment that frees you of fear and greed. It's healing. Albus Panatela. Grant is all confused let's listen to the recitation of these verses again.
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Amino Sani?
Subhanak Allahumma will be handing a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta a star Furukawa to buoy lake was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh