Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 124E Tafsir Yusuf 53-57

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers stress the importance of avoiding small mistakes and being humble, and emphasize the need for everyone to make small mistakes to avoid losing their success. They also discuss the negative consequences of fasting and the potential for evil behavior, and emphasize the importance of showing one's independence and being trusted. The speakers stress the importance of showing mercy and showing respect for others, and emphasize the need to show appreciation for one's hard work and not waste one's time in a busy environment. They also mention the success of staying true to one's dreams and not wasting time in a busy environment.
AI: Transcript ©
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Next Jews warmer Albury own FC and I do not acquit myself Oba REO from bad raw Hamza Baraka, what does it mean?

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To be free of responsibility, meaning to be innocent to have nothing to do with something. So use of lsmu says, well melbury own FC, I don't claim perfection for myself absolute innocence for myself, meaning I am a human being, I don't claim to be perfect. Certainly I did not commit this crime that the people accused me off. But at the same time, I'm a human being. And I may have made mistakes here and there because after all, human beings are prone to making mistakes.

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And this is also very important to understand about yourself and let other people know this about you.

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That even if you're very good, and you're very punctual, whatever, you're still a human being, you're still imperfect. What happens is that if somebody praises us or acknowledges something good in us, immediately we think I am so good, I am so good.

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And we start flying. Basically, it is important to remember to keep our feet on the ground and it is important to be humble. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he was known as

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truthful, he was known as honest. He was known as someone who was very intelligent, someone who was very strong Gibreel came to him he received revelation, but at the same time, he was a human being and because he was a human being, did he forget certain things at certain times? Yeah, like for example, once he was praying salah, and it was supposed to be follow a car, but he led people in only to Raka. After to recurring, he said the salon. Now, all the Companions, they're wondering, what's going on? And they were too afraid to even say anything to the Prophet sallallahu something. So one man, he came and said, you had a suit, Allah said, Alana said and has a prayer been

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shortened. Or did you forget, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, the prayer has not been shortened, and I did not forget either.

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He was so short that he didn't forget. That's what happens, right? Because when you make a mistake, you honestly make a mistake, because you're a human beings.

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So then the Prophet said, a lot of time he asked other people, is this man truthful? And they said, Yes, you did pray only to Docker. So then the Prophet saw a lot of things that okay, and then he led the people into more rocker, and such there's a hole at the end.

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Why? Why did he make this mistake? Why did he forget? Because he was a human being. And there's something that we need to remember also, because as soon as we see something good in a person, we put them on such a high pedestal, that we think they can never, ever, they can never, ever make a mistake. And if they do make a mistake, we say,

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failure. What a big disappointment. I don't have any respect for this individual anymore. They said this, they made that mistake. How could they forget the surah? How could they forget this? If you know why, because you're human. So we find that a lot of times people do this to show you that even if they make one small mistake. And like people, a lot of times people don't notice the difference of opinions. So if the sheikh says something that is a different opinion than what they have heard, they automatically say, Oh, this person's wrong. This person doesn't follow Islam. He's leading something crazy. Like they get so much hate mail on Facebook, on Twitter, everywhere, people are

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constantly attacking them, the smallest thing they said, Yes.

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So it's important to remember this, that every human being no matter how much knowledge he possesses, no matter how good he is in his character in his manner, after all, he's a human being, and you will make mistakes. And it's important that we also make the people around us understand this. The problem is within us, we want to feel that we're perfect. And we want to show that we're perfect, which is why if a small mistake even is pointed out, we don't want to accept it. We bring an excuse a reason to justification, right? We want to be like an untouchable in sense that nobody can criticize us in any way. Use of our lesson and says Well, no, but you will never see. I don't

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acquit myself. No, I'm a human being. Yes, this woman was at fault. All these women were guilty. I was unjustly detained in the prison. But it's okay. I also make mistakes. And so humble of use of our listener, you know, when your correctness is proven in front of the other.

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When you win an argument, then what happens immediately you're like, you know, I'm the best. I was right. I'm always right, and they're wrong.

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But use of reticence

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says Whoa buddy went up see I'm not perfect. Okay, you lost now I've lost before also, I won here what's the big deal? I've lost before and I will lose again in the future because I'm not perfect perfection is only for who? Only for who? Allah azza wa jal so when that will be going up see, he says in the NAFSA indeed the nuts the soul, the amount I can be Sue, it is surely amount Bisou. Amara is from the letters Hamza meme, from the word army. What does it mean?

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I'm a Yep, model to command. Right. So, Amara one that commands, how much? How frequently? How frequently very frequently, again and again. So in the NAFSA amount on Indeed the naps. It is a persistent in joiner, meaning it keeps telling it keeps commanding you to do what Bisou with evil. Your naps doesn't stop telling you to do evil, it always tells you to do evil, it always tells you to do bad again and again. Which is why when the month of Ramadan comes, we are happy that our 100 Allah Shayateen are locked up, or if not all of them, at least the major Maitreya, Athena locked up according to the understanding of many scholars, but then what's the main, you know, thing that we

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have to fight against? Our naps? What does an obscene amount of a zoo Alright, like, for example, make up an excuse, like, I think I'm sick today. Yeah, my head is hurting. And you know, what, if I fast I'm really, really going to faint or something. So don't fast. Okay, then what happens after a week's time, amount of Bizu It's so late, you're tired your school tomorrow, two hours, three, four hours of class tomorrow. And it's such a long day of fasting, took it Take it easy, just pray to knuffel at home for eight Knuffle at home and then what happens after a shot you're doing this via a model B suit tells you just put your head down on the floor. It's okay. And then what happens you

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take a good nap for like an hour or something and then when somebody comes wakes you up, you can only just crawl to your bed a model B suit right? So if we keep listening to our knifes, if you follow your heart, you follow your heart's desire, then what's going to happen? How are you going to do so? Or are you going to do how are you going to do so or something good. So

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because you see the knifes who created it, Allah subhanaw taala for El Hamra. Hafele Jorah Ha, what taqwa and Allah has placed in the snuffs. It's voodoo and it's Taqwa. Right? Meaning there's the potential to sin, and the results have the potential to do good, but generally average people their knifes, what does it tempt them to do? Evil. So in enough Santa Monica to be su l, mer, Hemara be, except who saved from this, a model Bisou the one who murder him or be who my Lord is merciful towards only He can resist the temptations of his soul of his heart. Only he can control his emotions in Nabila photo Rahim. Indeed. My LORD is forgiving and merciful. How beautiful. He's

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giving so much hope. That okay, this woman has made a major mistake. Yes. Because our knifes it prompts us to do evil, and we even commit wrong we even commit evil, but then eventually if we seek forgiveness, then inshallah there's greatness in that that is Allah's Rama honors and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, willing to forgive and show mercy to the servant who was repentant. This also shows how like in our society nowadays, there's so much stigma behind a woman having desires, but usually by these long just brushes that off kind of like it's okay, I make mistakes, you make mistakes, and like, you can repent and or something doesn't make that sin. Okay? That is still a

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sin. A crime is a crime. Haram is haram, an act of disobedience will always be an act of disobedience that cannot be made right. But with that, always show the door to repentance. Always show it. give hope to people. Yes, something bad has happened. Okay, nobody's perfect. Everybody makes mistakes. And after all, we have the snuffs that's always dumping us to do evil. And if evil has happened, then turn to Allah in metal beautiful, don't hate, MY LORD is forgiving and merciful.

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Also, it has been said about these if the previous eye on this one, but this was not the Statement of Use of ricin and rather it was a statement of that woman that she said

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For that I am confessing now openly that I did try to seduce yourself, but he didn't listen to me. Why? So that my husband knows that I did not betray him, I didn't actually commit the sin. I did try, but I didn't end up committing it. And she says that I don't claim that I am perfect. I did try to seduce use of format with balloon FC. And the reason for that in an absolute amount of time Vizu the soul does prompt you to do evil. And my LORD is forgiving and merciful. And I hope that Allah will forgive me. I hope that my God will forgive me. What Colin Malik. Now this case, you know, it was investigated, everything done. Use of our listener has proven to be innocent. The King is so

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persistent. He says, we'll call and Malik don't even bring him I want to meet this guy. Who is he? I want to see him I want to meet him I want to talk to him. And I stuck useful enough See, I want to hire him already. I need him I need him in my government I stuck useful enough. See as Douglas who is from the wrote letters Harlem saw is the class is to select an appoint something exclusively for a purpose for one purpose for one task. Like for example, you may be working somewhere and you may have done different jobs to do.

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Okay, 10 different things to do. But then one day, you're told you're doing nothing else. But this, you're doing nothing else. But this your sole purpose. Your only purpose of coming here is to do this one task, that is your responsibility. So as the list will leave enough, see, I will appoint him for myself, meaning the king wanted to appoint use of His Son as his personal advisor, as his personal advisor next to the king, sitting next to him, advising him telling him what to do what not to do. I mean, this is a very big position can you imagine from the prison

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to next to King?

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Isn't that amazing? From the prison, where a stuckness will enough see next to the king, personal advisor to the King

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who can get this only the one for whom Allah subhanaw taala opened doors and who will Allah subhanaw taala get such kind of success to the one who is patient, the one who suffers through the hardships of life and focuses on the positive every experience is a learning experience. So the king said strapless with enough see Phil America lemahieu that when he spoke to you somebody Salam kala The King said in NACA Leo Mela, Dana MacKinnon me indeed today From this day onwards, Latina you are with us Makino and one who is firmly established. I mean, on one who's going to be trusted. From this day onwards, you are McCain. I mean, who is McCain from their letters mean Catherine McKenna,

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is to be firmly established, we'd read this earlier also McKenna, right.

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So you were established in position have a very secure position, a very secure position, no one can harm you. No one can accuse you. You don't face any threat anymore.

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You're secure.

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Has it ever happened that you are working somewhere or you're doing something and you don't have that job security? You have this fear that you're going to be fired any day, any moment? Or you may have heard of such people that were working in such a place where, let's say a company that's going bankrupt, and every day or every month, five people are fired? So how does this person feel? Any day? I'm going to be fired? Is that being McCain?

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No, that's not being lucky. Machina is one when you feel so secure, you're established you have nothing to fear.

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And Amin, you're going to be trusted. Whatever you say, we're going to believe you. Whatever you tell us, we're going to do it. Any suggestion, any instruction you give, it's going to be carried out you have authority, you have security.

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Now, what do we see here? Up until this point, the king had only heard of use of a sinner. Now when he met him, he was even more impressed by him. He was so confident in use of our escena that he said your Makita I mean, we think about it, how can you say to a person whom you've never met before you're meeting them for the first time you tell them you're secure here? Anything you say it's gonna go it's going to be accepted? How's it possible use of artists and I'm really one the king. He won the Kings heart. How

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how, through some fake talk through some magic through some false promises and lies no through truth. Use of a yo Sadiq, man of truth, through honesty, through his good o'clock because he was a Marcin. So the king recognized the virtues of use of Redis and his great ability, his good conduct his perfect mannerisms. And if the king is recognizing the virtues of use of our listener, then they definitely were true

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color use of our histogram said it your only place me appoint me. I know Jose

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on the store houses of the land, because that is a Florida Louisiana Jose noon and Arizona is a treasury a place where things are stored.

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Okay, a place where things are stored. So for example, a place where food is stored, grain is stored. Okay, so use of artisan am said appoint me over the store houses of the land. The king wanted to keep use of rice, and I'm close to himself in the court, and use of rice again. He preferred to be a worker.

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He preferred to be doing the real work out there. What do we like?

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What do we like to someone give us a comfortable chair. We can sit behind a desk and a spin around, you know, on it all day and just shoot orders to people and have the power to say to somebody, you're fired or you're hired. We want authority, right? This is what we enjoy.

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But use of an s&m He didn't want to fake authority. He wanted to the real work. He wanted to help out people because 14 difficult years were coming up in which either the country was going to make it or it was going to be ruined. So he says a John Niala has that in an appointment over the treasuries of the land in the Hatfield on our lien. Indeed I am Hatfield. I am a guardian, and I am early Am I am knowing what does Hatfield mean, very beautiful word from him? And what does it mean, to guard and to protect, to preserve him like people do the feel of Quran?

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Half of the Quran? What does that mean? That you preserve the Quran in your heart in your memory. And by that you are guarding the Quran from being forgotten, from being mispronounced from being changed from being altered. So you're not just preserving it in your heart, you're also guarding it, you're protecting it.

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So helpful is to guard something from external dangers, and to also protect something from going waste

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from going waste. Like for example, if there's a house and somebody's looking after it, then what's going to happen? It's protected, it's looked after. But if nobody's looking after it. In the winter, nobody shut off the water. And then what happened all the pipes burst, and the house was flooded, and it turned into ice. And then over the spring, all that melted and then went through the wood, I mean, the house is ruined. Why? Because no one to protect it from external dangers and from going waste. So use have already said I'm said I am have I'm happy, I can guard and I leave I know, meaning I know what to do. I am competent, I am aware of how to deal with the coming years. Now,

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does this look like use of readiness and I was really putting himself forward. And to some people that might seem like this is against humility.

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Because if you're humble and you should be quiet, and you shouldn't tell other people about what you're capable of doing, what your strengths are, how you can contribute, we think this is against humility, is it against humility, it depends, depends on what your needs are. Because in the mill Armello beneath, if you're telling people about your past experiences, about your past accomplishments, about your abilities, with the intention of, you know, really portraying yourself as a big shot and having some dominance over them, then this is definitely not appropriate.

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But if you're telling somebody about your capabilities, so that your capabilities can be best used, you can help others you can benefit them, then this is not just encouraged. In fact, it is wajib on you. It is mandatory on you to do that, because you're not allowed to let yourself go waste. If Allah subhanaw taala has given you some talents, and you don't tell people about those talents. And as a result, people cannot benefit from them. Then you're not just depriving yourself you're also depriving others. Now think about it. If you have the ability to type really well, really fast, and you go somewhere to volunteer, and you say, give me anything. I'll be happy with anything.

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And they say, Okay, could you please fold all of these hijabs or all of these materials and put them in?

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And you say, Okay, so your job as a volunteer is to fold, fold and put things away, fold and put things away. Okay, and Hamdulillah, you're volunteering. But at the same time, there's another person who's been put to type. They type, maybe 15 words, in a minute and a half. And you can type 15 words in half a minute.

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Come on, what's better, you do that job, or they do it? You do it. Why? Because you can bring more benefits. Also, remember that if you don't use your talents, and you start doing something else, you're not going to be satisfied.

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You're gonna get bored. You're gonna say, I didn't go to school to fold hijabs for a whole year. No, I made all this money so that I could develop some skills that I can put them to the right use. I'm not satisfied here. And then you're going to be looking for other options. So you should tell other people what you're capable of doing, what your strengths are, how you can contribute to that Inshallah, you can bring the best benefit to yourself and to others around you. Now, if you think about it use of right SLM. He said, I am Hatfield. I am Marlene, I don't want to be sitting in the court on a comfortable chair. I'd rather be managing the food supplies, their proper storage,

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adequate storage, et cetera, et cetera. Why? Because if he didn't do that, somebody else did it. And they didn't do a proper job. This would mean hundreds of people would go hungry. Many people would starve to death.

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So it was almost mandatory in use of writing salaam to put forth his abilities, offer his services, so that he could bring benefit to people.

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But what happens is that in our humility, we keep waiting.

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If you see that someone is lying unconscious, you know how to do CPR. And there are other people aunties around and they have no idea and you have the training and you say, are in front of aunties, I don't do anything. No, if you don't get up, that person could die.

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Don't wait to be called go do it. Go offering our services, benefit contribute.

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What are the Alikum a canal the use of a filter, and thus did we establish use of our s&m in the land which land, the same land in which he was brought as a slave, where he was sold for a few days at home? Where he was not given the importance and the value that he deserved? Allah established him.

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Allah established it. You see, when people they don't treat us the way we deserve to be treated. We are disappointed with people and we say, Oh, they didn't value me. They didn't give importance to me. Why? Why do we look up to people because we're expecting from them. We think that they are the givers of honor. But the fact is that Allah is a giver of honor. Allah will establish you, if you become his, if you become a true servant of his. And you show that servitude through the difficulties of life by accepting his decree. But I bleed to be law here about robbery to be like Europa, then Allah will establish you what can only come a canal use of a fill up yet about what

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women have yet about well from bow well Hamza,

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to go about to settle, to make home

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so he could settle minha in there meaning in that land, Hazel your shot wherever he will, before he was restricted, in the house of disease as a slave, then he was restricted were in the prison, and now so much freedom that he could go anywhere, wherever he pleased. No sleep will be Rama, Tina Manisha we reach with our mercy whomsoever we will, we touch with our mercy whom we will, Allah shows mercy, to whomsoever He wills, we have to prove ourselves worthy of it. Well, no, we're at your mercy need. And we do not allow to be lost the reward of those who do stand the reward of those who do good, it's not wasted. And if you think about it, use of artists Adam, he was in Marcin from

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day one. From day one, he did your son to his master. Yes, he was put behind bars, but eventually, he was proven innocent. He did their sound to the person to whom he gave the interpretation of the dream to he forgot as their son, what happened? That same man came back to him. Allah will not waste the reward of those who do so

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What a jewel, Hera TeeHee. And surely the reward of the Hereafter is far better.

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Wow. If this is their award of duniya, that Allah subhanaw taala is giving so much authority and freedom and power and respect to use of artisan for what were his heir son. If this is the rewarding duniya then what is the reward in the law? What is the reward in Jannah? What is the reward in the Day of Judgment? When a jewel acidotic hired for who Lavina Amano? What can we decode? For those who believe and those who have Taqwa it's much better.

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You see in this dunya what happened use of our s&m He resisted the temptation. Women were coming after him he stopped. He didn't comply over there. What was the reward that he got later on? position in the land? But on the day of judgment? What's the reward for such a person?

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What's the reward for such a person? He will be given shade? Under the shade of ALLAH SubhanA. Donna?

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Under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala?

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Because holders that will your sunny in the lesson. Is there any reward for your son except yourself? If you've done their son, what do you get? Your son? If you show good, what do you get? You can good.

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And this is why when a person is fasting, a song? What does Allah subhanaw taala say about it? Or SoLoMo? Lee? It's for me. Fasting is for whom? Allah will enter a juicy big and I will reward the servant for it. And what's that reward? We haven't been told about it. What is that reward? When will a person find out when he will meet? Allah subhanaw taala. In this dunya do you get reward for your fast? Yes, when you break your fast. Finally you get to eat you enjoy. It's a reward.

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You get, you know all those fasts done. But the second reward is were in the Hereafter. And that is far better.

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If you look at the timeline of use of police and EMS life, you find that he left around the age of 14 or 16 or 17. And he didn't. And then he was at the house of God until he was at least 30 between 35 and 40. So that in itself was almost 20 years away from his family. And then he spent a maximum of nine years in the prison. So again, you add to 29, almost 30 years, you know, he was just having difficulty he was struggling, he was going through a lot of problems. And only after that was he finally given the position near the king of Egypt. And it's difficult to imagine because we can't ever imagine being patient for 30 years. If you think about it. 30 years is an extremely long time.

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We wait for a few months and we get tired. We're like okay, well, marks aren't getting better, this isn't getting better, that isn't getting better. And most of us here haven't even lived to be two decades old yet. So I mean use for the time went through difficulty for almost 30 years before he was finally given a reward by last house.

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And you see anything that brings you success in this world, any position of success.

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If you want to get there you have to go through years and years of hardship, years and years of hardship. One of my uncle is a doctor, he's a medical doctor. And there's very little age difference between me and him less than 10 years. So when we were growing up, and we would often go visit my grandparents house every time we want to spend time with our uncle, right? But he would say no, I'm busy. I have exams coming up, I have exams coming up. And then what happened he moved out because he was in university. And then every time he'd come visit again, he'd be studying at night in the morning during the day. Very, very good student very hard worker, Mashallah. And then after that he

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moved again. And again. He was studying and studying well, like, when is he already going to become a doctor? When is this going to be all over?

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When is it going to be over? But even now if I asked him what's going on? Why just to go and other refresher course. So I took this thing and I took that thing. It never ends. From my childhood. I remember he was studying to become a doctor. He always wanted to become a doctor. It took him his entire life. But even now it's not over. So anything, anything valuable that you want. It demands effort from you. It demands effort from you, you have to go through that training, use of what is that I went through 30 Some years of hardship that Archer was like never ending. But eventually he got the fruit. Eventually he got the fruit of his effort. Right? It paid off. And it was that fruit

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was very sweet

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When a person is patient and a person keeps driving, than at the end, he does get reward. And if in duniya, that reward is so great, how much greater is the reward in the afterlife? How much greater and you know that reward it begins from the time of death, because after all begins from when, from the moment of death, how the when the angels of death, they come to take the soul of a person, what do they do, they bring with them fragrance and a shroud from Jannah. And they say good comforting words to the person, oh, good soul that lived in a good body, come out to the pleasure of your Lord come out. And so the soul leaves the body. And then the angels, they take it, they take it up to the

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skies. And then what happens? The angels over there they ask, Who is the soul? Who is the soul and they call that person by the best names that he would be called by in this worldly life. And they say, rule him for you have a good soul that has come from the earth. Welcome, and to her me that I'm like you but you know, Hamidah You're welcome, enter praiseworthy, and they keep encouraging that person, until that's all is taken up in the journey to the heavens and then Allah subhanaw taala says that the soul must return to the body, the soul is returned to the body and the person is questioned, Allah subhanaw taala helps that person in that questioning of the grave. In a hadith we

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learned that once the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that when a person is laid in his grave, the angels come to him to question him, those angels, they're carrying a mace like a weapon in their hand.

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And they asked the person the three questions that we know about.

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And the person if he was a believer, he confidently answers the questions. So one of the companions he said you had a suit of love how can a person be at peace or respond confidently when he sees an angel with that weapon, you know, anyone would become fearful and forget.

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The Prophet sallallahu sallam said you have to be to love and Medina

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will cope with that but Allah gives stability to those people who believe because the reward has already begun.

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They pass the test a door to Jana is open a window to Jana is open. A person has shown his home and Jana day and night, morning and evening so that he can increase in his gratitude on the Day of Judgment what will happen in the harsher in the gathering of Hashem those who are standing will be placed on podiums of light and Hadees. We learned they are not prophets or martyrs. No, they're ordinary people, those who are just in their affairs, Allah subhanaw taala will honor them. They will be close to Allah. Allah will forgive them. They will be called from the gates of Jana, all the gates of Jana open for them and in Jana, they will be welcomed with Salah Wallah agile, karate

00:32:53 --> 00:33:14

higher the reward of the Hereafter is much better so anytime you're doing something good you're struggling you're being patient and you see no reward no immediate benefit always tell yourself reward of the alcohol is better. We will rest later we will enjoy later

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we listen to the recitation of these verses and do reflect on them as you listen one

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owner see

00:33:31 --> 00:33:32

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00:33:36 --> 00:33:37

me in

00:33:39 --> 00:33:52

B for heavy work all aluminum toned EB a stuffily slowly enough C

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00:34:00 --> 00:34:04

me Bala John

00:34:08 --> 00:34:10

in Hawaii

00:34:13 --> 00:34:15

worker then it can

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00:34:25 --> 00:34:28

no sleep will be off mattina min

00:34:31 --> 00:34:37

Wallah normally on a job seeing what a job

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00:34:47 --> 00:34:48

want to add?

00:34:49 --> 00:34:59

Hero did Medina Avenue. Can we get the call write this down and put it somewhere for yourself where you can see it regularly, especially through the month of Ramadan.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:09

because sometimes it seems like it must be out of your mind that you're fasting for 30 days. I mean, if you tell somebody anonymously that this is what you're doing,

00:35:11 --> 00:35:15

they look at you strange what's huge in your, in your senses.

00:35:16 --> 00:36:10

You show in this heat, like not even a sip of water, no midday snack even nothing at all. And for 30 days in a row, yes for 30 days in a row. Why? Because when a jewel activity hide, the reward of the Hereafter, is far, far better. And whenever you feel this kind of hesitation, or laziness, that you don't want to stand in prayer, you don't, you're tired and you desperately want some sleep or you're desperately want some rest, just tell yourself, this will pass, this will pass but in sha Allah, the reward is going to be amazing. Because it's only this short life that Allah subhanaw taala has given us right? short life. Like the people, they had the seven years in which they could produce as much

00:36:10 --> 00:36:13

as they wanted, and they could save as much as they wanted. Didn't that pay off after.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:19

So what we do on this live, we need it for eternity.

00:36:20 --> 00:36:36

We need it for eternity. This is why every moment every day, every night of this month is precious is valuable. Because deeds are going to be multiplied I mean, the reward is going to be multiplied for them. So take advantage.

00:36:37 --> 00:37:17

Whenever that laziness is coming over you pushed yourself well agile accurately Hi, I was thinking when you were talking about like do you did in the orchestra is like when you're doing in the dunya your deeds, you're sowing your plants and you keep sowing and sowing, put like the seven years. And then in the afternoon, when you finally get, you have those, that time where you can't do anything because you're standing in the hustle. And then you finally get what you stored and what you bought in the euro. So if you did good, and if you did waste all of that food that you had, then you can actually enjoy from it. And if you did waste it, then you won't be able to enjoy from it. Which is

00:37:17 --> 00:37:53

actually Long Island because in the grid, what can you do? Can you open the Quran and read it, we learned that the angels will come and make him sit in order to question him and that person will see the sun almost about to set and he will say a salah or salah, I have to pray that the angel will say that you used to do before now is not the time for you to pray. Now you answer our questions. So this is the time to really do whatever we want and store for our auction or whatever we want. Because then we want people do anything,

00:37:54 --> 00:38:32

anything at all. Now whenever there's a huge sale going on, we look for the best bargains the best deals, where we have to pay less for more. So even if we think about it now these few years are going to be nothing in comparison to the athlete or if we're willing to pay as like this these few years for the sake of Allah for the sake of winning or Africa in the end, it's going to be the best payoff ever because it's the reward there's never ending. It's never ending in this dunya what happens you can store for future but eventually your savings they will also run out. But what the good deeds that a person does in this duniya while back piatto a slightly had a slightly had they

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remain the last and the last for an eternity, never ending.

00:38:38 --> 00:38:49

So use your time use your life wisely. Don't waste too just staring at Facebook or staring at your phone and just swiping it on and off. No.

00:38:50 --> 00:38:57

Use your time in a better way. This chance these few moments that Allah subhanaw taala has given us use them in a better way.

00:38:58 --> 00:38:59

You know this Friday.

00:39:00 --> 00:39:02

Somebody we know their close friends.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:06

Their wife passed away and she had her Janessa on Friday.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:10

You know what that means? A day before Ramadan?

00:39:11 --> 00:39:20

A day before Ramadan. If Allah subhanaw taala gave us the ability to fast on the first day, how much grateful we should be to Him.

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How much grateful because when a person fasts while he is in the way of Allah and all of you are in the way of Allah by the way, right now, when a person fast while he is in the way of Allah then His face has distanced from hellfire. 70,000 years, he is far removed from hellfire. We should be thanking Allah for this opportunity to fast today. But unfortunately, what do we hear from people? I'm scared. How am I going to survive? I'm not ready for this.

00:39:51 --> 00:39:59

So I'm gonna go you know how you said about not wasting time and this precious month? Last night and Ravi made me sad

00:40:00 --> 00:40:30

See that? When we had that 15 minute when the person was speaking, the Imam, and I saw most of the girls had cell phones and they were texting. And you know, they didn't stop till he said, Allahu Akbar. And you know, that's when they put their phone away and otherwise to I think, if I was doing that, even in Mesilla, my thoughts would be with, what's the next message coming over, I just ask all you young girls, for this month, put away that phone, it's not going to benefit you in any way.

00:40:32 --> 00:40:44

If we can survive without food and water, we can also survive without other things which are not a basic need. Right? Because this is a month of really training ourselves making the most of it in sha Allah.

00:40:46 --> 00:40:48

As Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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about 13 years ago, I came to Islam. And at first I felt like was inappropriate to say this, but since we're talking about dreams, I'd like to say that I'm when I convert to Islam, and I became pregnant with my firstborn son.

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I was pregnant at the time and I once had a dream. And our curtain was what he called like, those are black curtains, they were blinds and were like leather mineral law. I dreamt that I was facing the curtain and a pop of the curtain goes a banner. On the side of the banner, there were two ladies mashallah your beautiful ladies Masha Allah, and they're wearing black abayas and white he jobs. And they were looking at me, one had kind of like oval face and one head around her face was a little bit older. And one was much younger, they were looking at me

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on the left hand side of the banner, at the top, I could not read a Rebic. And I saw like, you know, a leaf.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:43

And I did not know what it meant. And when I woke up, I told my husband I said, I had a dream se this woman to you know, lady's been looking at me. And mashallah, they look like Arab Pakistani, and there were black buyers and Yp jobs. And he asked you to not really tell me something, maybe they're angels. So anyways, I joined at the time I was living at Regent Park and I joined the health center. And at the health center, I was going to prenatal classes. And there's a lady there. She was much pregnant, and I was just seven months pregnant at the time. And she was weighing chocolate brown, her bio with a chocolate brown niqab. And she was very nice to me. She was from Pakistan. And she'd

00:42:43 --> 00:43:20

be very sweet to pull the chair out. And she didn't know who I was. And one day when I said talking to her, at the time was you know, has dressing a little bit inappropriate. I had. I was wearing overalls and yellow overalls with a white hijab. And I was four months pregnant at the time. And she asked me, you know, she says, Well, I teach. One day I asked her, I said, Where do you live? And she says, Well, I live around here. And she says, I teach Quran. And I told her, Well, I've converted to Islam. And she says, we'll come to my house, and I'll teach you Quranic verses. And she says, I teach little kids, I said, you know, I'm much older, etc. I'm kind of embarrassed to learn karate

00:43:20 --> 00:43:28

amongst little kids. And she says, That's okay, come to my house. And so I went to her house, and she taught me, my Shala how to sell it,

00:43:30 --> 00:43:40

to learn the alphabet, and also how to say color develop in our school, our hard color to be like good for luck. And also, she taught me how to stay at the course.

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And later

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I ended up moving from there. And

00:43:55 --> 00:43:57

I lost count back from her.

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00:44:02 --> 00:44:08

13 years later now, I was at, you know, here at Lake Chabot to make sure.

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And I had I was going through something hard. And I went, I went to my neighbor and my neighbor was coming here to alHuda. She says, Come to a hotel with me. And I said, Oh, no, no, no. She says no, you have to come Come with me. And I came. And when I came in by

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I sat in here.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:37

The first week I didn't really notice. Well, you know, I didn't really think anything of it. But the second week, when you turn on with

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recitation, recitation, for some reason, tears, you started streaming the my face without any control. And I'm sort of wondering what's going on? Why is this and the second?

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The second day during the second week?

00:44:58 --> 00:45:00

I looked at I said, Wait a minute.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:15

Hear and I looked up and I see the better. I look to my left I see a better look to my right is better than I see sister Tamiya and I looked closer and I said Masha Allah Allahu Akbar. I said this, my dream has come true

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my last panel, God bless you with the knowledge of Quran and the understanding of the theme and really give you what you came here to get. Inshallah, and all of us also

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subclinical locomobi, Hamdi going to show you a lead into a stockbroker wanting to be a celebrity

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