Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P08 087B Tafsir Al-Anam 151-153
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Lesson number 87, sorbitol an arm I 151 to 165
all say da Hello, you all come at loop, I will recite man that which helped Rama he forbid Rob Bukom your Lord, or lay come upon you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told over here that tell the people come, listen to me, I will tell you what it is that Allah has actually forbidden on you. You have made many things haram on yourselves. And you have made some haram things lawful on yourself. So the whole religion is mixed up on you. There's so much confusion, you don't know what's right, you don't know what's wrong. Come I will tell you, what is it that Allah has actually forbidden. So you can stay away from those things. Like we discussed earlier, that what happens is
that children he distracts us from what is more important, what we actually have to do children, he makes us forget that, or he makes us negligent towards that. We don't give it that much importance. And then we start worrying about things which are unnecessary. So for instance, you have an exam, you should be concerned about what preparing and studying for the exam. But what happens with some people is that they're concerned about what they're going to wear,
how they're going to go, what they're going to eat that morning, what snack they're going to take along with them, who they're going to sit next to which pen they're going to write with. So their whole time goes into worrying about unnecessary things. Allah subhanaw Darla is saving us from that, because life is short, it is very precious. So you really have to know what you have to do and what you have to stay away from. Because you don't have eternity in this dunya you really have to have on your fingertips, what you need to do and what you need to stay away from. So the prophets that a lot of cinemas told over here, tell the people come, I will tell you what you're not allowed to do so
called Darlow at Roma help Rama Rob buco islandica.
Notice the word dialogue dialogue was from Ryan langwell Rulu. What does renewal mean? Hate the ILO is to call someone to a high place this is what literally means that come up. Meaning I will tell you about such things which if you follow, and the wrong things which if you stay away from what will happen, you will come out of your humiliation and the disgrace that you've imposed on yourself and Allah will elevate you.
Allah will set you free, Allah will raise your ranks. So what is it that will truly bring honor to you following these commands, and in these verses that we will study today there are certain commands about which the ruler might have said that these commands, these laws are common teachings of all the prophets of Allah, meaning all of the prophets of Allah, they brought these teachings, even though the details they must have been different, they brought different chakra air. But this was the main message brought by all of the prophets of Allah, even our best said, that these verses are more commands more come at me the content such that you have to follow them. Even Mr. Rude said,
whoever wishes to read the will and testament of the Messenger of Allah, on which he plays to seal them, let him read these verses, meaning this is the message brought by the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And not just him, but all the prophets before some said that these are the commandments that were given to the hood as well as the 10 commandments. And what are they?
First of all, Allah that not to shriek who you all associate, be with him che anything. First and foremost, you do not associate any partner with Allah che, no person, no angel, no rock, no tree, no animal, no creature, no light, nothing. Do not associate anything with Allah. Why? Because he is way ahead ahead. Allah de la mia lid, what am youlet and there is none like Him. Therefore do not associate anyone with ALLAH. And this is something so important that if a person stays away from check, then even though he may have committed other sins, Allah subhanaw taala will still forgive him. Why? Because he stayed away from shit in
Sahih Muslim we learn whoever dies, associating naman with Allah, that eventually he will enter Jannah eventually he will enter the meeting Allah will forgive him for the other sins eventually, and he will enter Jannah. But what's the condition that he must have stayed away from shit? But the sad reality is that majority of the people they believe in Allah, however, they associate partners with him. So the first thing that you should stay away from is Allah to shriek will be che, that you should not associate any partners with Allah. And what else has he commanded? One thing I'd like to clarify before we move on, is that at the beginning, it has been said, I'll tell you what, Allah
forbid on you. And in the list, we will find some prohibitions and some commandments, okay? Doesn't mean that those commandments are what Allah forbade No, it means that's what you have to do. It's just that Haram has been mentioned earlier. Why? Because the machine had made halal things haram on themselves. So given the context in which this list was given, this is why my humble Amar Aleikum was mentioned. However, the list comprises of both provisions as well as commands. What else has he commanded you were Bill Wiley, Dany and with the two parents, son and utmost good, meaning Allah commands you, that you do utmost good with the parents, because after Allah, for amongst human
beings, after the messenger,
whose right is the greatest, after the right of Allah, and His Messenger, who was right is the greatest, your parents, even though you may not feel any love for them, because you feel distant from them, and you have no connection with them. And you are in a different world from which they are in, you're very different from them, you think differently, you live differently. Still, what does Allah say will be invalid any person, why isn't for the very fact that they are your parents, they are the source of your coming into this world. They are the source of your living today. Allah subhanaw taala created you through them, so they have an air sign on you. For just this reason that
your mother gave birth to you, she carried you for several weeks for several months in her body, she gave birth to you through the pain that no man can ever understand. And No woman can ever understand until she actually goes through it.
She went through such a transformation in her body just to give birth to you. And she didn't regret that. And she went through so many sleepless nights, disturbed sleep because of you. She sacrificed her career, her personal time. Why for you, she sacrificed going to social events. She sacrificed so many things. Why? Because of you, your dad, the money that he earned. Instead of using that to fulfill his desires, what did he do, he went and bought diapers for you. He went and bought clothes for you, which you only wore for a couple of weeks they are spent on you, their money, their time, their physical energy, to the point the times when they were physically exhausted, mentally drained,
you know, like when you're tired. And then on top of that you have a screaming child in your head, you just want to jump out the window.
That's what you want to do. But parents don't do that they will still hold the child, right and try to comfort the child even though they're exhausted. So for this reason, only, we've been worried any air sign up, even though they've yelled at you many times, even though they don't spend on you anymore. Even though they may say things to you which are very hurtful, you know what doesn't matter, they did Air sign on you. So you have to do Air sign to them. You have to do Air sign towards your parents, whether they live with you, or they live far from you, if they live with you. Three different ways you can do your son, if they're too far from you, then you have to do Ersan
towards them as well how there could be different ways. But one of the things that you can do is doing something with your time with your life with your money that will make them happy. That will make them happy that they are pleased with you. Because unfortunately, our parents raise us and then at the end, we do what we want to even though our parents are unhappy, and we don't care about their unhappiness. Why? Because we're more concerned about our desires about our future, and we don't care about their happiness, this sacrificed for you and you don't care about their happiness. That's really wrong.
So we're Bill Wiley Dain. Here Santa with the parents do your son, utmost good, through whatever way that you can. You can never be indifferent to your parents. You can never ignore your parents. No, you have to do Ersan with your parents. And then Wallah and do not talk to Lou. The third thing which is forbidden on you is what? That you should not kill Allah, the come your children, men from inletting fear of poverty, do not kill your children out of fear of poverty in black us from meme lamb off. And imlach doesn't just mean fuck, it doesn't just mean poverty, it's actually the fear of becoming poor, how that you fear that what you have will finish and then you will have nothing left.
And therefore you will become poor. It's like a person thinking that I have food in my refrigerator. If I cook it, and feed it to other people, then I will have no food left.
Okay, you will have no food left, but Allah has blessed you with another paycheck with which you can go to the grocery store and buy more food and come back and fill your refrigerator with that food. So what is in luck, this fear that I will have nothing, this fear that we will have less that we will become poor. If I drink this juice, I will have no juice left. If I use this perfume, I will have no perfume left. If I use this cream, I will have no cream left. If I use the soap, I will have no soap left. If I wear these clothes, they will become old and I will have no clothes left.
And this is from Shaytaan. This kind of negative thinking is from boo Shavon. Because Shavon threatens you with poverty. Tell me? Are you using the same soap that you used the first day of your life? No. Didn't Allah give you so many soaps afterwards? Yes. Are you eating the same food that you bought three years ago? No, Allah fed you then he fed you later and he's feeding you today? If he has been feeding you all your life, you think he's not going to feed you in the future? He will. So why do you have this fear? Why do you have this fear? Be hopeful? Be hopeful, have trust in Allah, and always have this hope in Allah subhanaw taala whenever you have this fear, I will become poor, I
won't have money left. What will I do? Always tell yourself, Allah gave me before he's giving me now. And inshallah he will give me in the future. I'm not my provider. Allah is my provider. He is the one who will provide me. So this is why Allah says don't kill your children out of fear of poverty, because many people, either they don't have children out of fear of poverty. Or if they are expecting children, then they are afraid of becoming poor. Right? And then was shaking Arabia, what would they do that they would have children? And then they would have this fear that how are we going to feed our children? So instead of our children starving to death, we're going to kill them
ourselves? Allah says no, don't do that. Because now we know Zuko, calm, can we provide you with a year home and then also, we provide you and we will also provide them. You didn't come to this world with money with which you could buy your food, no, Allah gave you that. And just like that, Allah will also send food for your children. It works the exact opposite way, we think because of children, money will become less but the reality is that because of children, the money will become more. You know why? Because now there are more people whose risk Allah subhanaw taala will send and think about living in this country. Every time a child is born, what happens? The child has given
money from the government. Right? So now known as the COCOMO, a year home, you are not your provider, and you are not their provider, either. Allah is the One who provides an enactments with many people, many people I've seen this myself, that as soon as they have their children, as a new child is born. There's just more money coming in.
When people will come into your life and you're responsible to take care of them than Allah will give you more to spend on them. Because remember, this is not in your hands. It's Allah who provides so not Zuko. Cool. What a year home.
So, the fear of poverty should not make a person. Stingy, should not make a person delay the Sunnah of marriage and delay having children as well. If it's other reasons, that's understandable health. You know, a woman is busy with her education. That's a different story. However, just the fear of poverty should not be the cause. No, because Allah is a provider, Wallah. And do not duck caribou, you go near, do not even go close to Alpha hush the indecency is plural affair. Hisher What are fascia acts
indecent acts such acts which are evil in themselves, and they affect other people. Also, top of the list is Zina adultery, fornication, because it's an immoral evil act, and it affects other people also, because evil spreads in the society, marriages break, children are lost, right? So well not tolerable for workers don't even go near in decent actions, which indecent actions matter that which Lahoma It was apparent minha from it wama and that which batana it was hidden, meaning whether that fascia is apparent or hidden, we learned about sins that are open and hidden meaning that are done publicly and that are done secretly. So whether this fascia is publicly having a haram relationship,
or it is having a secret, how long relationship whether it is something like Zillow, or the secret habit of playing with one's own private parts. This is also wrong. Well, a Taco Bell for wacky Chanel, Zara minha one Arbitron don't go near such footwear Hush. Whether they're open, or they're secret, whether they are acceptable to the society, or they're not acceptable to society, still, you will not go near them because Allah does not approve of it. One and do not talk to you off kill a nappsa The soul do not kill the person which person allottee that witch hunt woman he forbid Allahu Allah, meaning Allah has not allowed you to take that person's life away, do not kill them. The only
person you're allowed to kill is who Allah except will have with the right with the justification, meaning there's a just reason for killing that person. So for instance, there's war going on. And one army is facing the other. So over here, obviously, it means that you kill one another. So if somebody comes in front of you, yes, you are going to raise the weapon against them. Why? Because they're coming to do the same to you. And this is the reason why you came in front of each other. So in that case, different story. Like for example, a person has committed a serious crime for which there is capital punishment. So that is different. But an innocent person
who has not committed a crime, who's just walking down the street. No, that's not right. Well, Dr. Lu Neff, seletti. Hello, from Allahu Allah will help. And we know about the sanctity of a believers life. It is more than the karma itself. It is more than the karma. And when it comes to a non Muslims life, because many times people think, Oh, perfect, what's the big deal? We're at war with them anyway, who said you're at war with them? If you were living in their country? And you have a peace agreement with them? How can you raise weapons against them? And how can you kill innocents? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, this is a decent quality, that whoever killed a person having a
treaty of protection with Muslims, a treaty of protection, what does that mean? That there is agreement between you two, that you're not going to kill each other, you're not going to fight one another. Whether it is that a Muslim nation has a peace treaty with a non Muslim nation, or it is that you're living in the same society. And part of the rules is that you will respect each other's life you will not take each other's life away. Then, a person who killed a Muslim who killed the person having a treaty of protection with the Muslims, he shall not smell the fragrance of paradise. He will not smell the fragrance of paradise. Even though its fragrance is perceived from a distance
of 40 years.
Such a person will not even go near Jana, the one who kills in our Muslim, okay, but that non Muslim has a peace treaty with the Muslims mean there's an agreement that we will respect each other's life. If you're at war, that's a different story. But when you're at peace and still you go and violate, then this is a serious crime. So Allah Dr. Universality haram Allah who in love and help them early combat or you all what Slocombe he has instructed you will saw come from Wesleyan well solid yeah what is mostly an important instruction given with a lot of emphasis this Allah tells you be with it La La come so that you are alone you use your account you use your reason, you use your
mind and realize what ignorance you're living in and reform your lives. Make them according to how Allah has commanded Allah has legislated
more commands, wala and do not takanobu You approach Allah also forbids you from what from approaching mal wealth of Alia team the orphan do not go near the wealth of the orphan. Because in Arabia, it was common. If a man died, he left children and the children are the heirs of their father's property.
What would they do? They'll go and just take that property? Because what is that two year old child gonna do? What is a five year old child gonna do? What is that 15 year old kid going to do? They can't defend themselves. So just go take whatever you want. Allah says well as dakara Bowman and your team do not even go near the orphans wealth. Earlier we learned in Surah Nisa that those who consumed the wealth of the orphans unlawfully what are they in reality consuming fire, they're consuming fire they're taking parts of Hellfire for themselves. That's what they're preparing in light except the only case where you're allowed to approach the orphans wealth is when Bill lucky
with that which here it is best meaning only approach in the best manner what is that best manner that you take care of it? Why in order to protect it in order to make it grow? So for example, you invest it so that it can grow you look after it so that by the time the orphan grows up, his wealth is safe and secure. So in that manner, yes, you may approach it but if it's something else that you want to use it for yourself, then you better keep away because then you will be taking a portion of Hellfire for yourself and do that be careful about the orphans wealth Hatha until you have a lulu he reaches a should the who is majority his full strength or should from Shin dal, dal, shoddy, strong
severe, so I should do his full strength, whether it is mental or physical, meaning when the orphan is fully capable of looking after his wealth, managing his wealth, then yes, you give it to him. Until then you look after it. But don't misuse any of it. So we see the basically in these commands and prohibitions, the common evils, the evil that was prevalent in that Arabian society, there being much because this was very common. You consuming the wealth of the orphan? Well, oh four and you all fulfill al kala alkine the measure? Well, me Zan and the waked alcohol from caviar, lamb kale is used for measure. So for example, length, or volume of a liquid, okay? So when you are measuring
something, the length of something, the volume of something, or while Misa design has weight, so when you're weighing something, so for instance, you're selling something by length, by volume by weight, then how should you do that? Oh, full fulfill it bilkis With the justice, meaning be fair over there.
Don't give less and don't take more. So for example, you're supposed to give one meter or let's say 10 inches worth of something to someone, and you just make it nine and a half, you make it nine, like what's the big deal is only an inch only half an inch? No, they're paying you for it, you better give them full, you cannot reduce it. If you do that, that would be wrong. That would be a serious crime. It's Leanna. In the Quran, what do we learn why, you know, little Mapa Fifi war to those who cause reduction meaning who cause reduction to loss to others by taking just a little bit away by giving just a little bit less. Whale water them distraction for such people. When it comes
to their own rights, they're very particular 100%. Right? I only work from nine o'clock to five o'clock, not five or one, not five or two, so I have to exit at five. Right? But when it comes to doing your own work, then what happens over there? Yeah, it's okay. If I left one section of the report blank, it's okay. If I ignore this one email, it's okay. If I leave this part of the work. It's not a big deal. It is a big deal. You have to have the same standards for yourself and for others. So when you're giving something by volume by weight measure, make sure you do it with justice. Allah says Learn not nickel LIFO we burden Epson any soul except was Arha. Its capacity. No
soul is burdened with more than what it can bear. In other words, the commands that Allah is giving you over here, they're not impossible. They are doable. They're practical. They're not impossible, you can actually do them. So for instance, if you're measuring 10 inches, is it really that difficult? Is it really that impossible? It's not. It's not impossible. In fact, to do piano, you have to put in more effort. Because then you're like, Okay, let me take quarter inch from here and quarter inch from there. Right? And if you follow the rules, if you're fair, and just that's actually much easier, much easier. You don't like sometimes people try to avoid giving taxes, right?
So what do they do? They try to squeeze $5 from here and $10 from there, and they go through their entire accounts and figure out okay, how
Can I save a little bit more money? Really just give it what's the big deal, it'll come back to you, when you next time you go to the doctors, they'll come back to you. If you're truthful, then you don't have to have good memory. Correct? Why do you say the truth all the time? Right? Do change the details and to present truth as false. So then you have to remember all the details, and can we mix it up this way, let me mix it up that way. Just keep your life simple learner can live when Epson Illa was or her. And this also means that no person will be burdened with more than it can bear that sometimes it happens that you're trying your best to be fair and just However, after all your human
being, and what happens accidentally, you give a little bit less, you take a little bit more. Okay? Why? Because at the end of the day, what are you a human being. So for instance, you're giving someone something that is supposed to be 10 inches long, okay? And you just take the measuring tape, you measure it and you give it and then later on, you realize that oh, it was an eighth of an inch less? eighth of an inch or less? Okay? Not half, not two thirds, eighth of an inch, right. So that is a little bit only. And it was an honest mistake. It was an honest mistake. And it happens many times. That for instance, your time is at work until five o'clock. You thought it was five o'clock.
But then what as soon as you sit in the car, you see, it's 459 It was an honest mistake. Now it doesn't make sense that you get up and you back up and you go again and put your jacket on by the time you'll get inside will be five or five anyway. So you're like, Okay, forget it, but that one minute, you're getting paid for it. However, you didn't work, right. But it was an honest mistake. So learn who can live when Epson Illa was aha was an honest mistake. Insha Allah, Allah will be forgiving over there. But when you realize that this is happening, then make up for it through other ways. Make Up For through other ways. What either and when another command that Allah gives you is
what that when quantum you speak, when you speak then far below, then be just be fair. Be fair in your speech. What does this mean? Be fair in your speech? So for instance, you are praising someone that speech right? So what do we have to remember, I have to be fair in this praise also. Because sometimes what happens is that we like somebody, and because we like them, when we're praising them, we praise them more than necessary.
So for instance, did their assignment on time so we say, Yeah, you know, Mashallah. She's always on time. And mashallah, she's never absent. Really? That's not true. Just because they did their assignment on time doesn't mean they're perfect in every other way. No. But what happens if we like someone, we just praise them, you know, to no limit. And on the other hand, when it comes to criticism, again, we're not always fair. And just just because we don't like someone will criticize every little thing, every little thing about them, even the way that they look. And the way that they talk, and the way that they cook, and the way that the stand, and the way that they walk,
right? Because every little thing about them bothers us. So we criticize everything. But what does Allah say? What are called tone faculty to be just unfair? In your speech? When we're telling somebody about something? We're narrating to them an incident in that sometimes we exaggerate. we exaggerate. I was, she was looking so beautiful, so beautiful. I can't even tell you like, amazing, like Princess like fairy like, whatever. It's very rare that people say such things, right? Because we always find faults in others. But when we're telling people about something we exaggerate a lot. Somebody was speeding, maybe by 10 kilometers an hour, and we say, oh, there were going on 200
kilometers an hour. Really, that's not the case. But we exaggerate. Somebody said one nasty word to us. And we say, Oh, they're so rude.
And they yelled at me. They give it to me. They humiliated me. Far the law be just and fair. Whether you're talking about your children or you're talking about your parents, or you're talking about your friends about people you like people you don't like whatever it is what you autumn fair do while Ocana and even if it is the Possessor of near relationship, meaning the person whom you were talking about, even if he's very close to you in relationship, maybe your own children still be fair. The fair because what happens is
at our own children, we don't want to recognize we don't want to accept their faults. We don't want to accept their shortcomings or our own family members. So for instance, your husband, your sister, your brother, your mother, we don't want to accept the day made a mistake. So we will defend them, even if they've done something wrong, even if they deserve to be criticized for something wrong that they have done or said, But Allah says well Oh Canada CORBA even if it's a close relative, be fair in your speech about them and do them well Oh, Canada.
What are your ID law he another commandment that with the covenant of Allah, O fool you all fulfill meaning you've made a promise with Allah not fulfill it, or you've made a promise with someone else with some people in the name of Allah fulfill that don't break it, the early combat or you all was saw come, he commands you. He enjoins on you He instructs you be with it La La come so that you that karoun You all remember, you will take heed, meaning Allah gives you all these commands, so that you remember them. You take them to heart, you apply them, not that you forget about them. So take these commands seriously. Don't take them lightly. Well, Annette and that indeed the last the 10th one is
which one that were unhealthy, and that indeed this slit awfully is my way, the prophets that allows him to stall to tell the people that this is my way. What is my way? What I've told you over here, don't do shit with the parents do good. Alright, don't do Xena don't kill, fulfill promises be fair in your speech, this whole list that is given over here. This is my way. This is the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Musa tema one that is straight, this is the straight way therefore flutterby rule so follow it. Make sure that you follow this way. Wallah and do not that who you follow a sub all the ways meaning a sub is a Florida Sabine, that there are so many other
ways out there meaning ways of living so many ways. Don't follow them. Rather you must follow this. So for example, when it comes to relationships, what is mentioned in these commands that stay away from Xena right? But we see that there are other lifestyles in which Zina is committed it is accepted. But what does Allah say? Oh Allah, wa or Sybil do not follow other ways. This way of the Prophet saw a lot isn't what does it say do not commit shake. There are many other ways out there in which it was done openly different kinds of shit garden right. But what does Allah say do not follow that. In this what do we learn? Bill Whalley Dany Sana with the parents do good. There are other
lifestyles out there in which parents are treated like nothing, really. They're treated like strangers. They're treated like ignorant people, like backward people. They're given no respect whatsoever. What does Allah say? Don't follow that way. So any way of life, any practice any action that contradicts the way that Allah has taught us that contradicts the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what do we learn, do not follow that well, the tabula rasa what do we have to follow the Quran and the Sunnah, anything that contradicts that, we have to stay away from it why? Because if you follow it, then what will happen for the Fall Raka. So it will separate the footlocker from
fall off the flip, the follow up is to create division to create separation. So if you follow the other ways, it will separate become with you on from civility his way, meaning it will separate you from the way of Allah meaning it will not let you remain on the right path, then you will end up somewhere else instead of reaching Allah's pleasure. What will you reach something else? And what is that something else? His anger, his punishment is disapproval. So this is a very serious matter. Because sometimes people say, What's the big deal? You know, you say it's a bitter what's the big deal people are reciting Quran? So what people are doing such the so what if they're doing it to a
grave? I mean, you know, people are doing it with a very good intention. Ultimately, they want to make Allah happy. So what if they're doing this wrong? If they're doing that wrong? No. You know, what will happen? It will deviate you from the right course of action. And when you will take a wrong turn even slightly. Then what will happen
You will end up somewhere else. You know sometimes on the highway, literally when you change the lane from just one to the next, what happens you will end up in a completely different place. Completely different place. So while we are saguna for the federal public Ameren Seville their early commissar can be that oh, you all will Slocombe he instructed you, he enjoined you be with it, la la come so that you Dr. Cohn, you will save yourselves, meaning Allah is emphasizing this, that you follow the right way. Don't follow other ways. Why? So that you can be saved from what? From punishment, you can have to or you can be saved from punishment, because if you follow other ways,
then there's punishment awaiting at the end. Once the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he drew a line, in the sand with his hand, he drew a line in the sand. And then he said, had us a beat Allah, he was the crema, this is the right way of aligning the way that leads to Allah. And then he drew lines to the right and left of that line. So he drew lines parallel to that on the right, and on the left. And he said, these are other bats. And on each bath, there is a devil who calls do it. Meaning, there are so many other ways out there, of making money, of having relationships, of eating food, of dealing with your parents of worship, there are so many other ways and isn't that
there is a gazillion ways out there to do anything, so many ways. But what do we learn that on each is a shaytaan calling towards it. So be careful. Don't follow that instead, remain firm on the right path. And shaitan is constantly going to call you towards other ways, and he will belittle the wrong action for you. What's the big deal the whole world does it it's innocent, it's pure love. Come on. It's natural. Right children will put these thoughts in a person's mind, you know, deviating him the Prophet sallallahu Sallam warned us and Allah subhanaw taala warned us over here as well. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses
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to Shri Qubee Nisha
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Really lovely.
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if somebody asks you, What is Islam?
What do Muslims do? What do they practice? What are the first things that come to your mind? Well, we don't take interest Well, women are supposed to cover. Well, men are supposed to have beards. And yes, we don't eat for kiss. We don't drink alcohol. We talk about these things. Yes, they are part of our religion. However, remember, this is pseudo anonymous. In murky Sula. Right? This was early part of Islam. And what do we learn? These are the first teachings that people should be informed off. Then this is what Allah wants us to do. This is what he wants us to stay
where we're from. And if you think about it, all the things that are mentioned over here are logical, they make sense. If Allah told us don't kill your children out of fear of poverty, because he's your provider, this is an amazing instruction, if he tells us be good towards your parents, I mean, every person who has a sound heart and mind will agree with this. Allah tells us fulfill your covenants fulfill your promises. Every person who has integrity will agree with this. Right? So these are the teachings of Islam. But unfortunately, people have a completely different image of what Islam is. Right? Completely different image of what Muslims do what they believe in. So for
instance, they believe that Muslim people, they don't like daughters, so they kill their daughters, right? Sometimes when they're pregnant with them. And sometimes when their daughter, she doesn't wear hijab, they will kill her. Or if she has a boyfriend, they will kill her.
Isn't this common about Muslims? Isn't this what the people believe about us? Muslims, they don't fulfill their promises, Muslims, they cheat and they lie.
Think about it. How much isn't that we practice these teachings, were very concerned about ingredients and sub ingredients. We give a lot of importance to that, about the length of our hijab. And we worry a lot about these things. Yes, they are important, but these are more important. Because this is the first things that Allah subhanaw taala commanded his servants with Imagine all the prophets of Allah brought these teachings. So how important it is for us to follow these as well. But we are distracted. We are more concerned about, you know which Institute to go to and which scholar to listen to, and who to refute, and who to agree with. We're more concerned about
these things. This should be our priority, our main focus, our relationships, our upheaval, our attitude towards our parents, our commitments and promises, our dealings with other people, this is the foundation, this is the foundation of your moral character. And if it's not strong, if this is not correct, then the old structure will be weak. This is what we need to focus on and everything will fall in place. So I feel like especially nowadays, we tend to focus on our outward image more than our hearts and you know, the purification of them. And so instead of worrying about oh, what do I think of this person or that person, I should keep my hearts clean, I should focus on the
remembrance of Allah instead of you know, the outward Oh, I should protect the prey like this or that, like, we tend to focus on just, you know, how we sound to other people. So pretend to seem righteous then actually act upon properly what we have learned, right?
Yes, yes, I just want to advise the teenager here, you have to be very careful about your mother's you know, your mother's is your Amana, you have to take care of them, you have to obey them. Because if you don't leave me, it will bite back it will come back to you very true.
Sounds like um, um, I remember the chaplain of St. George campus came to our university. And we were doing like this workshop on Dawa, and it was very interesting the video he was showing, and what he said was that we worry so much about telling other people like more specifically non Muslims, about we are not that we forget to tell them what we actually are. So we tell them, Oh, we don't do this. We don't know that. But what exactly are we if you can't really tell them what we stand for? Yes. So the next time somebody asks you about Islam, or somebody wants to know, make sure that you tell them about these teachings. They're logical, they make perfect, complete sense to any person who uses
their mind and heart. This is the Dawa of the prophets. This was the call of the profits.