Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 030B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 221
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I was going to show up on your rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim.
What are some Jihad Masika the Hatha you mean and do not marry polytheistic women until they have believed
in the verses that follow commands about family life, such as marriage, and divorce, and the personal relationship, the intimate relationship between a husband and wife are mentioned. They are detailed.
Islam faces great importance on family life, especially the relationship between the husband and wife. Because the family is the basic unit of the society,
if the family is okay, if the family is proper, if the relationship between the husband and wife is okay, then the rest of the society is also going to be okay.
The Islam of the family means the Islam of the society and the facade of the family means facade of the entire society.
We see that marriage in Islam is not just about enjoyment. It's not just about fulfilment, of one's physical desires, or attaining some temporary benefit. And then moving on know,
when a man and woman come together, there are certain duties and responsibilities that are laid upon both.
Because both the husband and wife are to live together in the same house. And there has to be peace and harmony between the two.
Therefore, certain responsibilities have been placed upon both husband and wife so that the family can live in peace and by large, the society can also be peaceful.
And this is why we have been given clear guidelines regarding marriage, especially about choosing the spouse.
For example, a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam explains to us that don't go home Allah to be herba a woman is chosen for marriage for four reasons. Lee mallia for her wealth, when he has a visa for her social status, while he drew Madea for her beauty, while he the NIA and for her religion. Falls foul be that Dean Terabithia Dhaka So marry their religious woman, may your hands be filled with sound.
So, a woman could be married for different reasons. But what is the best reason what is the most important reason why a woman should be chosen because of her religion.
Because the more religious, the more obedient a person is, to Allah subhanaw taala the more careful he or she will be towards fulfilling his obligations, the duties and the rights of the other.
And you remember that this hadith does not just apply to when searching for a wife, but it also applies when searching for a husband.
We see that many times we have a very fairy tale image of marriage happily ever after. And happily ever after can only be possible when both are on the same page
when both share their values, when both share their principles and both give the rights of each other.
So this is why the command has been given over here that Wallah Thank you Hello machete karate HECTOR You mean
do not marry polytheistic women until they believe
because a person who does not have deen or Iman who does not have faith, then a Muslim a believer should not marry them. He should choose the person who has EMA.
So let's look at these verses.
Left. Thank you who left over here is for prohibition.
So it's a prohibition. You are Muslims are not allowed. Latin key who do not mean you are prohibited from me.
Lord, thank you who is from the roof letters known geth have from the word Nika.
And Nika means to me, it is marriage.
Literally, NACA means of them. It means to unite to do things together, to join, to collect, do things together. This is the literal meaning of the word nigger,
and the word nigger. It actually means Jamar.
It actually means sexual *.
This is the literal meaning of the word Nika.
But then the word is also used for the act of Nikka. The marriage contract
Because only if two people are married, are they allowed to have sexual *?
So the word Nika actually means Jamar. It actually means sexual * but it is also used for academica.
It is also used for the marriage contract.
What is the marriage contract?
The marriage contract is a legal contract that is between a man and the guardian of a woman
who is his contract between the man and woman, okay. Remember that it is a contract between the man meaning the husband and the wives garden.
And it is this contract through which both become halal for each other. Both become halal for each other meaning they may live together there is no veil between them they become lovers for each other, as we have learned earlier that husband and wife are the best for each other.
So now thank you who do not marry meaning all Muslim men do not marry who almost regards mystic women.
God Mushnik Earth is the plural of Masha Rica
and Masha Rica is a feminine AF mushrik. And who is Mushnik? One who does shake
so much she gets women who do shit.
So don't marry women who do shake the polytheistic women.
Now what does the word shake mean? chick is from the roof address, Shin rocker and chick is to associate partners with Allah.
Either in worship, that a person worships others besides Allah along with Allah or instead of Allah
or in different ways.
As we have studied earlier inshallah you will study more detailed and upheaval.
That Sheikh is to associate partners with Allah either in his booty in Riba in Lulea, considering someone else to be Illa in Rubia, considering or believing someone else as the creator, or in the names and attributes of Allah.
So who is a Muslim person?
Much that person is one who associates partners with Allah.
And the word Muslim is also used for those who don't believe in any revealed religion.
It is also a term that is used for who those people who don't believe in any revealed religion. What is it revealed religion, Islam,
and the religion that Allah's Python has sent down, people changed it, some change it into Judaism, others change it into Christianity. So Mushnik is a term basically that is used for other than Muslims, Christians and Jews.
It is a term that is used for who
other than Muslims, Christians and Jews, by large, and there are other exceptions, such as Sapiens, the mundanes, the sabe own that we learned earlier, however, mainly it's Muslims, Christians and Jews other than them or who will shake.
Now, the question is that, if you look at it, the Jews are the Christian stealth illusion, isn't it? For example, the Christians they believe in a sign is sunnah they're worshipping they consider him to be God. They consider them to be son of God.
Similarly, we learned about the hood some of them said is a is a son of Allah. So what is that? Shank? So yes, the people of the book they do commission. However, the rules concerning the people of the book are slightly different, which is why the term Mushrik does not apply to them.
For them, the word Kitabi or Lupita is used.
Mushrik is like someone from the people of Macau and the time of ignorance. Someone who worships idols okay.
Similarly, if there is a person who claims to be a Muslim who is a Muslim, but as we know that with all the innovations that are very prevalent in the Muslims, if there is someone who is involved in some sort of shit, we're not going to give the label Mushnik to him.
We're going to say that yes, he commits sure but we're not going to give the label which stick to him.
So let them keyhole Mustika do not marry Mushnik women had their young men until they believe.
Notice the word you mean there's a shutdown the known as
this shutdown the noon what is the shutdown on a letter me that there are two letters, right.
So the first letter is off the route. What's the route
Hi, I'm Jamie Moon email.
The second noon is all feminine.
I want you to notice this over here, because a lot of words are going to come, which are going to have this noon at the end which indicate feminine floral, you may know means they believe you may not mean means the women believe.
So this known at the end indicates feminine, and it's called New Nisswa.
So let them be hung mushy guy, they had the men do not marry them until they believe why?
Because if a person does so, if a person marries a mushrik woman, if a man marries a mushrik woman, then what's going to happen?
He is only going to do one of two things. What are they?
That first of all, he is going to compromise his religion. Either he's going to compromise his religion, his values, so that the relationship can work.
For example, if the mushrik wife wishes to go to the temple, what is he going to do? He's going to have to drive her there, maybe he's going to go participate with her, maybe he's going to have to go with her. Similarly, if she wishes to have some idols in her house for worship, he's going to have to allow that. So either he's going to end up compromising his religion, his values, so that the relationship can work. Or because of the differences, there would be a constant strife, a constant clash between the husband and wife, which will not allow a healthy relationship, which will not promote a healthy relationship.
Why? Because the heath and schicke Islam and they're completely different, just as a night and day, just as the Eastern West, they're completely different.
They cannot be the same, they cannot coexist, they cannot be the same. A person cannot have Schick and Islam together.
So a mushrik, and a Muslim cannot be married together. Why? Because they're completely different.
And because they're completely different. Either they will have to compromise their faith in order for them to coexist, or they will have to live with constant strife with constant fights and differences, which will make their life very difficult.
And we know that marriage is a source of sukoon
marriage is what brings comfort and peace to a person.
And if marriage is what is making his life very difficult, and what's the purpose of that marriage.
So, we see that when it comes to acleda, when it comes to belief, when it comes to values when it comes to faith, then both the man and woman have to be at the same page, they have to be the same why? Because other differences can be ignored.
For example, differences in language differences in culture, differences in preference of different foods or different colors or different styles or different things they can be ignored. Why? Because they change over time. And a person can live without them.
But religion is a part of a person fit is a part of person. What did we learn Iman is Eman is what is in the heart. It is true and by the actions as well. And the tongue. So what is in the heart is going to come out in the actions. If the actions are going to contradict then how can two people live together? How can there be harmony between the two?
So Allah Thank you hurl machete Gad, had the human do not marry the mushrik women until they believe.
And if a person compromises his team, he says okay, fine, I love this person, I cannot live without her. Doesn't matter. I will stop going to the masjid. Or I will let her raise them however she wants, not as Muslims, but however she wants. Okay, what's going to happen? He's going to lose his dunya find his aka.
And even if he doesn't join the dunya in the Hereafter, their relationship is going to cut off from the moment of death. And they're going to be enemies to each other in the hereafter.
So do not marry them until and unless they believe.
So we see here that the prohibition of marrying polytheists is clearly given.
It's clearly prohibited it's clearly forbidden to marry someone who's Machig unless of course, if they believe
and if they don't believe. What does Allah subhanaw taala say that the slave woman is better than the free woman. When when the slave woman has a man
and the free woman doesn't
I'd have email. Because even if a person is a slave, she's uneducated. She doesn't have any wealth. She doesn't have any status. She may be very bored. She's maybe not that fun. She doesn't have that much experience. You cannot relate with her mentally on the same level. But because she has Iman, she is much better than the mushrik woman who may have many other qualities that you're impressed by.
Well, no urge of outcome even if she pleased you our job outcome from the letters are in gene but your job is to attract someone to the level of amazement that you are just amazed by that wishek woman
you're in love with her. No matter how much you love her, no matter how much he attracts you, no matter how much you admire her no matter how much you are impressed by her, because she doesn't have Eman. She is not better
than the Muslim woman.
Willow EarthCam.
So therefore, you will not marry her.
The thing is, that the best quality like mentioned earlier that a person can have is Iman.
So if a free woman does not possess that Iman, then she is not at the same level as that of a slave believing women even
the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that duniya Mata on will hydro Metairie, dunya and not to saleha the life of this world is Buddha delight.
And the best of the delights of this earthly life is the righteous wife.
That's the best mudhar The best gift of Allah subhanaw taala that the person can have a righteous wife, a righteous companion. So a woman may be very attractive, she may be very educated, she may have many things that amaze you. But if she doesn't have Iman, then she's not the best mother, she's not the best delight of this world will lower a job outcome.
At the same time, Allah subhanaw taala does the men that will add on Keihan machete Kena and do not give in marriage to the mushrik men
do not give who in marriage. The women who are under your guardianship. Notice the word don't care who earlier what was the word? Then key who doesn't care who is you marry,
don't care who is you give in marriage.
So in other words, the guardians are being addressed over here, the guardians of who? The Muslim women.
So for example, their fathers, they're being told that when you have to marry your daughter to someone do not give her hand in marriage to who do Mushrikeen to the Mushnik men, which again is a plural of Mushrik
just as Muslim men are not allowed to marry mistake women. Likewise, Muslim women will not be given in marriage to who the mushrik men.
Do you notice something here? Muslim women are not being addressed? Who was being addressed, their guardians are being addressed.
Because when it comes to marriage, the marriage contract takes place between who the husband and the guardian of the woman. You understand. It takes place between who the husband and the guardian of the woman? This is not a contract between the husband and the wife, but the husband and the guardian of wife. Why? Why is it so is it because the father is selling her daughter is giving her daughter for some benefit in return? No. It is to show to the husband. That look, we are here. She's our daughter.
She is our sister.
And we are doing a favor to you by letting her marry you.
You dare do anything to her? We're going to protect her so be careful.
This is for the protection of the Muslim woman. This is for her protection.
So the men the guardians are being told that you do not give the Muslim women in marriage the mystic men, Hatter, you know until they believe until those mystic men believe and once they believe then don't have any problem in giving your daughter's and marriage to them.
Because sometimes it happens that a person who was non Muslim, they become Muslim, their converts. If they try to get married to a Muslim woman. Then many times people have hesitation or their families have visitation
that we don't know what kind of life they used to live before. What if they had a girlfriend What if they used to drink what if they did this and that, you know whatever crimes whatever sins they may have committed in the past once they
embraced Islam, they're gone.
All those sins are gone. They are perhaps cleaner than you more righteous than you. Because from the day you were born, you were raised as a Muslim. So yes, there may have been many sins that you committed, and you probably did not seek forgiveness for them. But the person who probably grew as a non Muslim one day embraced Islam, what happened, all their previous sins were forgiven.
So never think that you are more righteous than them. It's quite possible that they're more righteous than you.
So Allah tells the guardians that if you do you have to give your daughter's and marriage to non Muslim men don't do that. But if they believe the men, then give them in marriage, Hatha, you may know.
And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that lanica Ellerbee Willy, there is no Nikka except with a Wali, with a guardian.
Meaning if a woman just says that I'm just gonna go get myself married myself, I don't need to take the consent of my father, my father does not need to be there, then that marriage does not have any status in Islam, it will not be considered a marriage because there is no Nikka except with it, when he
when are the two men on and surely a believing slave, a male believing slave, he is higher on much better MidMichigan than a mushrik wallow are Jabba come even if he pleases you, even if he amazes you who amazes you? The majestic man?
The worship man, you might think that he is very noble, he's he has the best degree the most secure job. He's very capable. He's very smart. He's very bright. He's this. He's that. But again, because he does not have Iman, you're not going to give your daughter in marriage to him.
When I mean on Cairo, memo, shaken Willow or Juba calm, and if you have no other option, but a slave, a Muslim slave, then it's better that you give your daughter in marriage to him.
Yes, it's better that a Muslim woman marry someone who is lesser in worldly status than him. Because he has Eman and if he has Eman, then that will be better for her in this world and in the hereafter.
There is a story that we learn about there was a man a companion, who was not that handsome. He was not that smart either. And he in fact had some disabilities.
You can imagine if there's ever a person like that, with some disabilities, with some physical deformity, who is even going to consider to marry them who would nobody does ever. But this person, this companion was a very righteous man.
Once the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he found him in the marketplace and he held him from the back and he said, Who will buy the slave from me? He was just joking. Right? He was just playing with him, that who will buy this land from me?
And he said, nobody would, you know, like I am, I have no worth in the sight of people. Nobody likes me because of who I am, how my body is, what my status is, nobody gives any importance to me. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam assured him that he had a better status in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam loved him, Allah loved him because of his Iman.
And then there was an Saudi companion. And on Saudi combining, what does that mean that he was from Medina, he was off the inside.
And the prophets of Allah Salam asked that if he would give his daughter in marriage to someone, that man thought that the Prophet saw a lot of son of himself wanted to marry his daughter. And he said, of course, why not? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, I would like that delay, but Mary's, your daughter, and he said, I will have to ask her mother, that he was a little hesitant. So he went and discussed with his wife. And she was like, No way. There is no way that I can give my beautiful daughter to this man, this disabled man who doesn't have any wealth, he doesn't have any importance, nothing in the society. She refused outright. But the daughter heard the conversation of her
parents. And she said, that has the Prophet sallallaahu Salam asked you? And they said yes. Then she said, There must be something good. I'm okay with it. Can you imagine the girl agreeing herself when the parents were not agreeing that if the prophet said a lot of Saddam said then I agree, there is no harm. I have no problem whatsoever.
She agreed. And because of that, the two got married. And in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala revealed verses that will mechanically move men in one minute in and that it's not befitting for a believing man and a believing woman that when Allah and His Messenger decide something that they should have any problem with it. They should accept it readily.
They should submit willingly in
At lady, she did marriage labor. And very soon after the labor he passed away. And she was one of the most sought after women in Medina, meaning she got the most number of proposals after her husband passed away after she became a widow.
Her status, it grew
immediately, because she obeyed the prophets of Allah is Allah. She didn't have to. But she obeyed the Prophet salallahu Salam, and she convinced her parents into it. Because what did that companion have? He had Eman.
He had Iman. And that is the most important thing that you could ever possess.
You know, many times it happens that women complain. All I want from my husband is that he should treat me nicely, that he should treat me nicely. He should be good towards me. I don't care if he doesn't earn much money if he doesn't buy me nice things. If he doesn't buy me expensive things. I just want him to respect me and accept me the way I am.
And many husbands also have the same complaint against their wives. I just want her to respect me who can respect their spouse? Who can accept them the way they are? Who can forgive them? A person who has Iman, because the stronger the Eman the greater the submission, the more humble a person is.
So this is the reason why Allah subhanaw taala says that a believing slave is better than English. stickman Willow are Jabra calm, even if he pleases you.
And if a person disregards His Command of Allah subhanaw taala and goes on and marries in which take woman or a woman is married to a mushrik man, then is that considered Nica? No, it's not considered Nikka that would be Zina. It would be fornication it would be adultery. This would be a life of fornication it cannot be considered marriage in Islam.
Because in the Quran, we learn la Hoonah * Allah Whoa, what a home your hair Lunella home, those men are not permissible for them. And those women are not permissible for them.
Okay, if let's say a person is in a situation where they want to get married to another who is a non Muslim,
and the family tells that non Muslim person that you have to accept Islam, otherwise, we cannot let this marriage go through. I mean, it's not going to work. So if the other whether it's a woman or a man, the non Muslim, he under pressure, or she under pressure, says La ilaha illallah at that time, but in their heart, they don't accept Islam at all, then what are we supposed to do?
Remember that we are to accept people on their, on their apparent we have been told not to judge what is in the hearts of other people.
When a person says I am Muslim than they will be considered a Muslim. But in Surah, tauba, we learn that if they establish the prayer and give this a cat, then there are your brothers indeed.
So there have to be some manifestations of that Islam as well. Does that person go for July at least? Do they go to the mosque ever? Do they ever pray? If they do, then you will accept them. But if they don't even change their religion on their passport or anything, then obviously they're not going to be considered Muslim. And if after some time you ask them, so are you muslim? Do you believe in Allah? And they say, No, no, I don't. Then obviously, they're not Muslim. And that marriage will be terminated.
so Willow or Jabba come? Why, what's the reason Allah says, Hola, aka de una Illa. Now, those people meaning the wishek men and women, they call to the fire.
If you respond to their invitation, they're calling you marry me, I love you. I will buy this for you. We can live such a happy life. I accept you the way you are. And you feel like yeah, they're the ideal spouse for me. Allah says no, don't get deceived over here. In reality, they're calling you to the hellfire. Are they actually calling you to the Hellfire like they say come to the hellfire. They don't do that.
But they will call you to ways to actions that will lead you to hellfire inevitably,
because if they do shake then once in a while, you will also do shake.
You know, once the Prophet saw about a sudden was requested by the machine again, that just touch our idols, you know, just to show respect for them, that we consider them holy, that you know, we believe in them. We believe in them as our gods just touch our idols. And Allah subhanaw taala revealed such strong verses that you're not going to have you even listen to them. Then this would be a great problem. verses were revealed prohibiting the Prophet sallallahu some
but you're not going to, you're not going to show any affection for those idols because you don't believe in them.
So if a Muslim is living with them which stick then you think they're not going to show any respect for their idols, what if there's an idol in the house, and there must be right you see them in stores, even here. It's amazing how I remember I once went to a store, and another that I walked by from outside and I saw that there was something that looked like an idol right in front of the door, and there was a bowl of fruit as an offering, sitting right next to it. And this is here in Canada twice I've seen with my own eyes. So if people can keep their idols just like we Muslims, we keep our religious symbols as well in our workplaces, in our cars in our home. So it's only
understandable that you give religious freedom to the other as well. But if there's ship being committed in your own house, that how can you live though hate how can you teach your children? How can you?
And you know what, the children are the ones who suffer the most? They are the ones who suffer the most they grew up thinking what am I am I Muslim? Am I Kris Jenner? My this semi that what am I children have no idea they are lost.
And if you raise people without faith, if you raise faithless people who do not have love for God, whatever that God may be, then you're raising people who don't have fear of consequences in their lives. You know, religion, no matter what religion it is, it keeps human beings, humans.
It keeps them humble. It makes them responsible individuals, whatever that religion may be.
And if you decide that No, our children they can choose when they grow older,
then you are leading them into disaster into confusion
to the children suffered the most they don't know what's happening in their lives. They go through identity crisis and so on and so forth.
So Allah says, the owner Elon, now they call you to the fire. And on the other hand, who Allah who you're the root and Allah invites from the root letters dollar in well, a lot invites you in an agenda. Walmart Farah, be easily Allah invites you to Jana, and forgiveness by his permission, that if you marry a muslim person, if you choose a believing person as your spouse, than Allah will give you Jana.
This will lead you to the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala.
Because we learned that when a person gets married, when a Muslim gets married, then they have completed how much of their faith
half of their faith that doesn't mean that a person gets married twice so that all their Eman is complete? No, it means that half of their faith is inshallah save and the other half they have to be worried and concerned about right. There are many things that people can only do when they're married and other things they cannot do. Right. So we'll love we had the RO il Jana, one, Martha.
So when a person's Eman, half of it is complete,
then he has less problems, less difficulties, less challenges to deal with obedience to Allah subhanaw taala becomes easier.
It becomes easier.
With many women, it happens that when they're unmarried, they're not sure Should I wear hijab or not? You know, I'm not sure I'm not 100% I'm still a little confused. But once they get married, they get the support of their husband because he's also he says, No, I want you to cover I want you to wear hijab, so then she's able to do it, even though her parents may oppose or her siblings may oppose. But because she has that support from her husband, she's able to be more obedient to Allah Subhan God, right. Likewise, another Hadees we learn that may Allah bless the man who gets up during the night to pray, and he wakes up his wife as well so that she can also pray. But if she refuses to
get up, He sprinkles water on her face that get up, wake up and pray doesn't mean that you know he takes a little glass of water and pours it on her face. No. And may Allah bless the woman who gets up during the night to pray and wakes up her husband and who if he refuses sprinkles water on his face.
So we help one another to get to Jana.
Both encourage one another to get to Jana to earn the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala when both are on the same page, when both are righteous servants of Allah soprano authority and if that's not the case, then a person is going to go the other way.
So Allah Who yadda ru evil Jana, Wilma Farah be IDNA he by his permission, where you bet you know it he'll a nurse and he clarifies his verses for the people. Why la Lomita the karoun so that they may take a lesson yet to the Quran from there
Caframo The key is to remember, but the key is to take a lesson, to accept a lesson to accept inosine a reminder.
So Allah clarifies all of this over here why? So that people understand and they're able to accept the instruction that Allah subhanaw taala is giving us over here that don't marry them we should again instead marry who? The believers it's better for you it's better for your faith, it's better for your era, it will lead you to forgiveness in the hereafter it will lead you to Jannah in the hereafter
let's listen to the recitation
well done thank you
sneaking in you know Walla.
Phil on TV in Wyoming, you know,
as you know, I love
that relationship with the husband and the wife is not just about living together, but there's intimate relationship between husband and wife as well and that has some etiquette that inshallah we will learn about that, for example, the hot or cleanliness, that, for instance, in the relationship of the husband and wife, there are many things that are forbidden, for instance, in all texts, this is something that is not allowed in Islam. And if a person may raise a non Muslim, then how can they force them the wisdom behind why such marriages are forbidden in Islam? There are many reasons, which make it very clear that it's better for a person to stay away from this. And as long as a
person is striving to please Allah, Allah will in sha Allah bless him or her with the righteous spouse, but you have to be patient.
Now, like I mentioned to you earlier, that the term was strict does not apply to the Jews and the Christians, the people of the book.
And in the Quran, we learned that Muslim men are allowed to marry righteous women, from the people of the book. So it doesn't mean just any Christian any do but there have to be a good, righteous Jewish woman or Christian woman, almost a man is allowed to marry them.
But a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a Jewish man or a Christian man.
Is that clear? You might say why this is discrimination against women. This is not fair. Why? What's the reason? Because in Islam, or even in general, who has more authority in a marriage generally typically? Who, The man, the husband,
even if he does not have more authority, who has more physical power, physical strength, the husband, the man, right? And
if a woman marries her husband, who is not a Muslim, then as a Muslim woman, she is supposed to obey her husband. But if the husband says, come to the church with me and pray to restart a salon, or let's celebrate non Muslim festival or something, then Is she not disobeying Allah? subhanaw taala Yes, she is. Yes, she is. So, the husband has more authority, he has more physical strength, she the Muslim woman cannot protect herself in some situations.
So it is for the protection of the women that such marriages are not allowed, but the Muslim men are allowed to marry Christian women or Jewish women why what's the reason because at the end of the day, he has more authority. And if he thinks it's not working out, then there's also the option of divorce in which the man will not suffer as much because whenever there's a divorce, who suffers more typically the woman because she has the children and she has to look after the children and her body has been changed so much, you know, in pregnancy and birthing and nursing and so on and so forth. So, women will suffer more.
Okay. So this is the reason why a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a non Muslim regardless of what their religion is at all. And remember that at the end of the day, it was instruction is this whose instruction is this? The instruction of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.
So, there has to be some wisdom, there has to be some reason because Allah we believe that He is the Most Merciful. We believe that he is the most wise we believe that he is the most knowing
and whatever He tells us to do, there is good in it for us and whatever He prohibits us from there is also some reason behind that.
Yeah, it happens with many children, that when they grew up in a family where the parents are of different religions, even if one is Muslim and the other is not, then they end up as people with no religion.
Yes. Yeah, of course that happens many times I remember, there was a girl that I knew her mother was Christian and her father was Muslim, but he was not that practicing at all and, and they left to their children, whatever they want to do. So there were times when she would practice Christianity, and there were times when she would practice Islam. She said, I don't know whether I'm Christian or Jewish, I have no idea. And when she was a teenager, obviously, at that time, you're making your own independent choices. You do things your own way. She was completely lost, completely confused. She didn't know what she wanted to do.
There are some things concerning which you can give children a choice, right? Which shirt would you like to wear orange or red? Okay, but there are other things concerning what you don't give children a choice because if you give them a choice, they don't know what's good for them. For example, you ask them, would you like to eat? What will they say? No, because they want to play. But you know, they're hungry. They're tired, they're exhausted. They don't want to eat. So what do you do at that time? You feed them anyway, you don't even give them the choice because they don't know how to make that decision for themselves.