Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 014B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 83
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim
in the verses that inshallah we will read today we will learn about another aspect of the history of the Bani Israel. We know that the Bani Israel, they were the believers of their time, Allah subhanaw taala had chosen them. And Allah subhanaw taala had also taken many contracts from them many promises from them, they were required to do certain things because they promised Allah subhanaw taala that they will do them and in return Allah subhanaw taala obviously promised him reward and victory and success. So, in these verses, we will learn about some promises, some Meetha up the covenants that the Bani Israel had made with Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah subhanaw taala is
reminding them that look, these covenants you made with Allah, but then what did you do? And in particular, we see that they went against those covenants. So in other words, their breach of the covenants that they made with Allah subhanaw taala are now being mentioned. And we see that yes, the Bani Israel are being mentioned, but who should we be looking at ourselves? That a promise that Allah subhanaw taala takes from a people, what does it mean? That the people say that yes, we are going to do such and such we are going to obey you. When we become Muslim. When we say that we are believers, we are in a way promising that yes, Allah we will do whatever you tell us to do. We are
required to do certain things. But if we go against that, we are also doing what breaking the promise that we have made with Allah Subhana Allah. So Allah is teaching us through the history through the example of the Bani Israel. So we should be reflecting on ourselves. And at the same time, where the certain promises were taken from the Bani Israel. It shows to us how important those particular actions were. How unnecessary their work that Allah subhanaw taala made them promise that you must do this. So it shows to us that if we want to please Allah subhanaw taala then we should also do the same actions. Let's look at the covenants. Allah subhanaw taala says what is a HUD Naomi
Falcone is raw eel. And recall remember when we took the covenant of the Bani Israel, we have read the word VSA earlier what is Misa a covenant a promise that has been made and it's from the root letter as well so off without is used for a rope with which prisoners are bound with which prisoners are tied up and is called me sack. Why? Because in it a person promises to do certain things to not do certain things. And it is as though the Misaki ties a person up. It binds him. He is not free anymore. He's restricted. He is supposed to do something he's not supposed to do something. So we're in a huddle now Meetha Bani Israel, what was the covenant? It has eight clauses in it. First of all,
letter buena, Illa. Allah that you will not worship anyone but Allah. Letter buena. thurgoona is from the letters. Alright, back then. And what's the main word? Reba? What does it rebounder mean? Worship, and I told you earlier and so to Fatiha ear canal Buddha, what year can a serene are better is what do humble oneself it's a little humility, to submit oneself, to become a slave to someone to accept one smallest and to accept the greatness of the other. And as a result, obey in every matter, never ever disobey, do whatever a person is commanded, and stay away from everything that has been prohibited. This is what everybody is. So what was the first thing that the Bani Israel were
commanded to do? They were made to promise that they would not worship anyone but Allah illa Allah. Why? Because the greatest right is of who? Allah subhanaw taala why? Because the greatest favor on us is of who? none but Allah. So when Allah His favor on us is the greatest. That means that his right is also the greatest. And what is the best that you can offer to someone that you surrender yourself to them, you give yourself to them? And you say, tell me anything. I will listen to you. This is what everybody is to become a slave to someone that's the best that you can give yourself. He has bestowed the greatest favours on us. Because of him we are existed because of him. We do what
we can do. Because of him we are able, this is why his right is the greatest and this is the reason why lether Medina in the law when it comes to the
worship of Allah, when it comes to obedience to Allah subhanaw taala. No one else will be given preference over there. Only Allah will be given this right? Because only Allah has favored us. This is why only Allah will be worshipped. Where we are to obey Allah, we cannot obey anyone else, where Allah has told us not to do something we cannot obey anyone else, anything else. The highest priority has to be given to Allah subhanaw taala This is the purpose of our creation as well. We have learned that wilmerhale octal general ins Illa Leah who don't Allah subhanaw taala says that I have not created men and jinn except that they should worship Me. So this is the purpose of our
creation. And if we don't give the hug of Allah then we are useless. Nothing better than garbage. This would be our reality if we do not worship Allah subhanaw taala so the Bani Israel were made to promise later or buena, Illa Allah you will not worship anyone but Allah. No human, no rock, no sun, no moon, no idle, nothing you can worship. The only being you can humble yourself before surrender yourself completely to is who? Allah subhanaw taala and this is the message that Allah subhanaw taala conveyed to every single Oma. This is not just what the Bani Israel recommended with no, every single nation was commanded to do this. We learned Allah subhanaw taala says and sort of the narrow
that will occur the Barcena frequently Oh, much of a Sula that we have sent in every nation a messenger and that messenger What did he convey that a net would Allah which then he would love that worship Allah and avoid the false Scots? Worship Allah and avoid all false beings, all false deities who call you to their worship? abandon them and worship who alone? Allah subhanaw taala so let our Medina illa Allah.
The second command that they were given the second closet This contract was what? What Bill Wally Dany Sana, and with both parents do airson Notice something Allah's right as mentioned, and then who's right as mentioned, the parents, because whose favor on us as the greatest Allah subhanaw taala. So his right comes first and foremost amongst mankind Yes, the Prophet salallahu Salam in his favor on us as the greatest but after him from the people that we know that we are acquainted with, that we are related to whose favor on us as the greatest our parents, so first things first, Allah's right comes first. And then comes the right of who the parents were Bill Wiley Daini. If Santa and
the word Wiley Dane is the dual of wear lid, who is well it while it is one who while other? What does one of the mean to give birth to procreate? So well, he then the two who gave birth to you, so who does it refer to the mother and the father? Some people think in our religion, we were only supposed to do Ersan towards our mothers, or we're only supposed to do Xand towards our fathers and treat the mother like a servant No way. Bill Wiley Dane, both the parents deserve your son. Were Bill validating, or Santa? What does this word exon mean? We learned the word Mursaleen. Earlier airson is from her son and her son is to beautify something and your son is in one's dealing with
the other in one's behavior with the other. The way a person speaks to someone the way a person deals with someone. He brings beauty in his actions, in his words in his behavior in his dealings. How do you bring beauty in your words and your actions and your behavior in your dealings? How would you do that? Well, you can only do extra when you've done what you're supposed to do. Isn't it extra is the next step. So exci includes first of all doing what you're supposed to do. Secondly, doing extra more than what the other deserves more than what the other has done to you. This is what your son is an ultra remember that your son is different from other other is justice. Someone is good to
you. You are good with them. Someone smiled at you. You smile at them. Someone gives you a gift. You give a gift to them. They were very good to you. You're very good to them. Your son is a level above justice. What does it mean? That you are good to someone even if they're not good to you? You say good to somebody even if they're ignoring you. You think good about them even
If they don't think good about you, you treat them with respect with love, with niceness with kindness, even if they don't do the same with you.
This is what your son is that you do good to the other, not in return, not in exchange, not as a payback, but out of the goodness of your heart to seek the reward of Allah subhanaw taala. This is what your son is. Notice Allah subhanaw taala says women when they need your son, can you ever, ever pay back your parents for the favors that they have done for you, you can never give birth to your parents. And that's sufficient. That's enough, your parents gave birth to you, you can never ever pay them back for what they've done for what they've gone through. For the effort that they've put in, for the pain that they have taken for the sleepless nights they have spent for the money they
have spent on you for the hours they have spent in trying to feed you and trying to bathe you and trying to nurse you and trying to take care of you. You can never ever pay them back. Because generally we think my parents are not good to me. This is why I cannot do listen to them. My mother yells at me, my father doesn't understand me, they forced me to study, they forced me to do this to force me do that they're in a different planet, I'm in a different planet, I cannot do Ersan towards them. You have to do it anyway. You know why? Because your mother gave birth to you. And that's enough. That's enough of a favor to make you their servant for the rest of your life. And it doesn't
matter how they treat you, because they have given birth to you. And those of you who have gotten married who have had children who appreciate your mother's like you'd never did before. Many times it happens that the day a woman gives birth, that is when she truly loves and appreciates her mother. Before that. Yeah, she loved her mother, but not as much. But when she gives birth, that's when she realizes how important and how nice her mother has been. This is why we're Bill Wiley Daini. Santa, with the two parents with both of them do extra good in return. And what does it mean by Ersan, towards the parents, your son towards the parents means that you become obedient to them,
that you become a source of pleasure, a source of happiness for them. How can you become a source of happiness for your parents how that you do stuff for them, instead of making them do stuff for you all the time. By being a good Muslim. Many parents their desire is that their children start praying property that they become a good person. So if you become a good person, you do good. You pray, then you're a source of happiness for your parents. Never talk back to your parents, no matter how frustrated no matter how angry no matter how upset you are. Because if you talk back, if you yell if you argue, if you are harsh with them, you're not going to make them happy, you're going to make
them very sad. By doing what they want you to do. So for example, they want you to study the Quran. Do that to make them happy. There are mainly four ways through which we can do your son towards our parents, you can summarize all of these examples and more into four points, first of all, through ones called words, that the words we use, they should be such that make our parents happy. What kind of words that if they say something that we don't agree, like, oh, are these words that make parents happy? Or that you don't know? You don't know what you're saying you don't understand my situation. You come from that country. We're living in this country you studied 15 years ago, I'm studying
today, I go to university, you never went to university, these words. Unfortunately, these words are very common. These words hurt parents. They make them extremely sad. You know, if you physically abused someone, it will not torture them as much as the words that you could say against them that will hurt them. Words, that please parents that make them happy, are respectful words that are kind that when we speak to them, we address them in a nice way in a loving way that we talk to them. Many times it happens that we don't even bother talking to our parents. We don't even bother sending them a message. Calling them up asking them how they're doing, asking them how things are. Or even if
they're at home. You come home, leave your bag, go up into your room. Don't bother me. Don't disturb me. I'm busy. gone for lunch. I'm busy going for dinner. I'm busy. Where's your homework? I don't know. Go away. This is how parents are treated. Are these good words. They're not good words. Well, Bill Wiley they are Santa. The first and foremost thing is using good flight kind nice words no matter how upset you are, no matter how angry you are, no matter how tired you are and what or how frustrated you are. Because if you do
don't you're not doing your son. We think being good means, you know helping mankind helping people, helping people who are sad, who helping people who are going through problems, who are going through difficulties. Yes, that is very good. But you know what? Charity begins where? At home. If you cannot be good to your parents, no matter how good you are to the rest of the world, it doesn't matter. Really, it doesn't matter. What is needed is that you are good. Do your parents in the words that you speak with them? When we talk to our friends, when we talk to our colleagues, when we talk to strangers, we're so polite, so courteous, so proper, as if there's no one well behaved more than
us. But when it comes to our parents, it says though we are the worst people on this planet. It's as though we have never been educated. We have never been trained, we have never been taught how to speak will be the way they are center. The first thing in your words, be careful. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran that what a lot of Buka Allah Darboux Illa Yahuwah will well Rainier Sana immeasurable Ohana in the cul Kibera huduma Okinawa, if one of them or both of them become old, in your presence being there with you and they're old, fella taco Lahoma of them don't even say often. And you know what? Old people, elderly people, sometimes they become very annoying. They will
ask you the same question. Many times, they will nag you, for example, your mother tells you please do the dishes. And you know, we'll be fine. You know, I just got home, they put my bag down. Let me just relax and let me do my homework, then I'll do the dishes. She'll ask you did you do it? Did you do it? Did you do it? I told you so many times. Why haven't you done it already? And you're like, Mom, don't yell. Don't say off. Don't get upset. Allah says what at and how a woman and do not even scold them. Do not call them do not show your anger to them. Because there were so many times when you were a child, and you perhaps drove your parents crazy. You made them worry till they cried. But
they still loved you. You refuse to eat food 50 times but still they've had you. You refuse to get out of the shower, and they stood there waiting for you. You refuse to come inside? And they stood there with you until you were ready. When they were so patient with us. Why can we not be so patient with them? When it comes to our actions. When it comes to our behavior, we should also do your son towards them. Allah subhanaw taala says well, fifth Lahoma Jenna has Illumina Verma, that lower your wing of humility out of mercy for them, meaning be humble in front of them. So the first way of Air sign is through your words. The second way of Air sign is through your actions. What kind of actions
do such actions which make them happy, do such actions which make them pleased. And part of that is being humble in front of them. The way we stand before our parents. It's as though we're standing before our servants or someone who is much lesser than us. Someone who doesn't have any idea about this world, standing high and tall arrogantly with our shoulders outstretched and looking down at them. This is not appropriate. Actions, behavior, body language should have humility and your son in it. Allah subhanaw taala also says that we'll call and say Rob Durham woman come out of Bayani saline. That Oh my Lord, You have mercy on them. Just as they brought me up when I was a little
child. I was helpless. You know, out of all babies, the human baby is the weakest.
Many other creatures within hours the animal is standing. Within days, they're independent. But the human child is the weakest of all creatures on this planet.
Who takes care of us, our parents, our mothers, our fathers, this is why we should also make dua for them. So part of your son in actions is what making dua for them. What else comes in doing your son through our actions? How can we do Ersan towards our parents through our actions, that whatever they ask us to do, do it right away. Please don't delay. Unless there's a genuine reason that's preventing you and you let them know you inform them. But don't keep delaying and delaying and delaying so the parents keep waiting.
What else comes in your son in actions? Becoming a sadaqa jariya for them doing something good so that their reward also goes to them? Also in your son is doing stuff for them?
You know, they've cooked for us for so long? Why not? We cook for them now. They've ironed our clothes for so long. Why not we begin to iron their clothes now. They've cleaned up our
rules for so long. Why don't we clean their room for once? They have been driving us around why don't we drive them now? We'll be divided Dania Santa through our actions. Thirdly, what comes in your sign towards parents? Is that through one's wealth, a person? Does their sign to them? How the money that a person has, he spends it on his or her parents.
How much money do parents spend on their children? All of their paycheck, basically, whatever they can afford, and where does that money go on your clothes, on your food, on your accessories, on your luxuries on your season pass, and then the whole time that they have to drive you there and drive you back on gas, all their money goes on you. And if they're spending anything on the house, that's also for who for you. They could have been living in a small apartment, something very, very small, something very tiny, but they want a bigger place for your sake. They spend everything they have on you. So when you have money, how can you keep it away from them? When you have money spent on them
as well? Whatever that you're able to?
Allah Subhana Allah says in surah baqarah it 215 That yes, Aluna cometa Yun FICON they ask you about what they should spend, called se, ma and fuck them in Hainan funnel, Wiley Dane, whatever you spend of good than it is for the parents, whatever you spend a good who comes first. The parents. When we think about giving charity, we think about the hungry people somewhere in the world. Yes, we should be concerned about them as well. But how about buying your mother gifts? Sometimes I'm not saying Mother's Day is coming. So there you go buy gifts for your mother. No, every single day of your life is Mother's Day. Why? Because everyday you're alive, it's because of the fact that she gave birth to
you. It's because she cared for you. It's because she nurtured you. She looked after you. She educated you she trained you. She supported you, she encouraged you. So this is why we should also spend on them. Buy them a gift, just out of the way. Fourthly, another way through which a person can do Assad and his parents is through his job, what is a person's status, the position that he has the things that he can do because of who he is or who she is, for example, you are very good when it comes to phones, when it comes to computers, and your mother, she wants an iPhone, and she begs you please set this up for me just show me how to play the Quran on this and show me how to take a
picture on this like, take a picture was so simple, it's a phone, go to the camera, press this, hold the phone up and press click and there you can take a picture what's so difficult about that? Relax, the way you're comfortable with technology, she is not the way you were able to use it, she is not. So whatever you were able to do because of who you are, help them do axon towards them. Similarly, if a person is a doctor, if a person is working in a particular place, and through his job through his work, he can help his bear and so he should do that he should always give them preference. And we see that many times it happens that the kind of job that a person has many times the benefits are
extended to the parents even when people become stingy. No, be generous towards your parents. whatever good you can bring to them through your status. Bring it, give it to them. So we're better Wiley, Dany or Santa with both the parents do your son. How can we do your son, you'll be good to her. You will cook for her. Even little girls can help their mothers in the kitchen, for example, laying the dishes at the table, picking them up, perhaps unloading the dishwasher to whichever they can. This listening to them and not annoying them at that time. What else will you do today? Spending more time with your parents. We get so busy in our schedule that we forget to sit with
them, we forget to talk to them, we forget to care for them. We say we're too busy. Take time out for your parents. Isn't it amazing that no matter where we are, no matter what we're doing, we have the time to look at our phones. But we don't have the time to send the message to our parents. We don't have the time to take a picture and send it to them of something nice that we have seen. What else can we do? Being nice with siblings because when we fight with our siblings, when we're mean with them who gets hurt our parents trying not to say bad words or harsh words saying off that for many people, sometimes it happens that they are living away from their parents, whether it's in the
same country or a different country, same city, different city, whatever the situation is a person is away from their parents. So take time out to call them take time out to send them a nice message. Take time out to communicate with them. What else can we
Do asking them for advice, asking them for their opinion for their suggestions for their guidance. share good news with them. So you got your test back today. Those of you got very good marks, going through your test to your mother, go and show it to your father. And those of you didn't get good marks, go and ask them to make dua for you. Be thoughtful, and do things even before you're asked.
Sometimes we know the dishwasher has to be unloaded. Why do we have to wait for a mother to command us? Don't you see in yourself? Similarly, we know that the carpet has to be vacuumed. Why should we have to wait for the mother to command us? Do it yourself before even she has to tell you? Thank Allah subhanaw taala for all the blessings and thank our parents as well for the favors that they have done to us. So there are many, many ways of doing your son towards our parents. I want you to list some with yourself something that you're going to do, because this is something that is extremely important of the Lebron or model the learner he said that I asked the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam which action does Allah subhanaw taala love the best. He replied, A Salah to Allah walk to her, performing the prayer at its proper time. And then he was asked then what and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said kindness towards parents. That is the best action that Allah subhanaw taala loves, after a solid are their work they are after the right of Allah comes who's right? The right of the parents. And gratitude to parents is something that is extremely important. Allah subhanaw taala says what will sinal insanity Wally de hammer Allah to Omaha one and Allah one that we have instructed the human being concerning his parents, because his mother gave him weakness upon
weakness. The entire process of pregnancy and birth and afterwards is what a process of weakness on weakness the woman only gets weaker and weaker and weaker one and are no one, what fissara will fear our main and the nursing the child for two years. This is why Allah has commanded Anish called Lee Wiley Wiley dAche, Iliyan. asleep, be grateful to me and also to both your parents because to me is your return. Remember, your parents may have done anything, may have said anything. But after all, they are your parents.
And because they gave birth to you, because it took care of you when you were helpless. It is your responsibility that you are good with them. And if you're not good with them, this is the height of ingratitude. Their sign towards parents is also sharing good things with them. Whatever you are learning, share that with them as well. You don't know what's gonna happen in the future, you might have to move away, they may have to move away, you're not together anymore. And then you have regrets. And eventually all of us have to leave this world anyway. So before you are regretting the time that you have now, do Ersan towards that many times it happens that when we're going through
some difficulties, you know, with our children, with our husband, or with our family situation, or whatever problem that we're having, whenever we call our parents, this happened and so and so said this, and I also heard that my mother in law did this to me. And my father in law said this, my brother in law was like this. No, don't complain to your parents say good things to them because your situation will change. But the way they're worried their worry will never leave them. Being a good role model for your younger siblings so that your parents are happy with you. Even if your parents have passed away, I still do Ersan towards them how by being good by doing good by making
dua for them.
No one in this world can replace your parents. No one at all can replace your parents, the way they are sincere to you the way they want the best for you. No one else is like that. The way they will sacrifice for you. No one at all will sacrifice like that.
I've seen in myself. There are mothers who are old, aching, hurting, but the way they care for their children. No one else does. Everybody else would happen to them. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I'm busy. But the mother will always make time for her children. No matter how old they are, no matter how independent they are. No one at all can replace your parents. In a situation where your parents are doing something that is incorrect. That is wrong. And it's quite possible that there may be a situation like that. We'll start with the mermaid when he accepted Islam his mother said until you're Muslim, I'm not eating I'm not drinking. I'm not going to sit in the shade. I'm not going to
comb my hair. Basically she was ready to die unless masala we will remain left Islam. What would you do in a situation like that? Do whatever you want. I'm a Muslim. This is my choice. You can save me in the hereafter. We'd be very bold and arrogant, right? But he would put food in his mother's mouth, Mother eat
and he would also invite her to become Muslim. I mean, that's a different thing. That yes, you want me to do
leave Islam, I'm not going to leave Islam. This is something understood. However, that did not mean that he was harsh with her, or that he ignored her, or that he did not care for her. No, he cared for her, you put food in her mouth, request her to eat, this is what we're supposed to do as well. Even when our parents are doing something wrong, we should be concerned for them. And instead of being furious, and upset with them, and ignoring them and leaving them, we should do that which is best for them. Remember that even if the parents are not Muslim, forget about not being good Muslim. Still, we are supposed to do Ersan towards them, still, we are supposed to be good towards them.
Their disbelief does not justify that we become harsh with them.
Many times it happens that our parents, their thinking is completely different from ours. They come from a different country, we have grown up in a different world, we expect something different from them, they do something completely different. It's possible, very much possible and you feel that you're very distant from your parents, you have no connection with them, no relationship, you don't have that feeling where you just want to go hug your mother. And you wonder how do people do that I've never experienced that. People might experience that. In a situation like this even, we're supposed to Ersan towards them. Because remember what your son is doing extra good. Even if the
other is not good to you, you're still good to them. So even if they don't come and show good behavior to you, you show good behavior to them. And even if they're different in their thinking, accept them the way they are, and figure out ways through which you can do good to them. And believe me, you can once you make up your mind, it's about deciding I have to be good to my parents. And once you make that decision, you will find different ways different opportunities. So the second thing that the Bani Israel were commanded to do was what would be the wild any Arizona? What's the opposite of Ersan being bad towards them? One opposite is being back towards the parents. Is that
permissible? Not at all. The other is that a person is neither good nor is he bad, even that is not permissible. Because we say I don't say harsh words to her. I don't say good words to her. I just didn't talk to her. Not acceptable. I just stay away from them, not acceptable. I just don't meet them not acceptable. You have to do your son towards them because that is what Allah has commanded us. The third thing that the Bani Israel recommended were that whether CORBA and to the close relatives meaning if sand towards who they will call via the loo there these words they mean possessor, and El Korba Cuba is close relationship, they'll CORBA those people who have a close
relationship with you who are the those who share the same blood as yours, meaning your blood relatives, either from your mother's side or from your father's side.
close relatives are who those who are related to you through your mother side or through your father's side. So for example, amongst a close relatives, first of all, come to your parents, then come to your siblings, whether they are full or half. Then through your parents, you also have your grandparents, you also have your uncles and your aunts on both sides and their children as well. That this is who they will Kirpa. Now if a person has their parents and their grandparents and great grandparents, are they supposed to your son towards a great grandparents as well? Yes. And then Korba includes all those relatives who are connected to you who are related to you up to your fourth
ancestor. So your parents, their parents, their parents, and their parents, parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents and your great great grandparents, all of them, including your children are who your close relatives. So your aunts and your uncles, through your mother's side through your father's side, all of them are who other children are your close relatives. So Allah subhanaw taala is studying us to do Ersan towards our close relatives. How do you do that? How do you do Ersan towards your close relatives. Basically, in the same way that you do your son towards your parents, obviously, the level is going to be different. Just as you're supposed to accent
towards your parents through your words, you're supposed to Ersan towards your close relatives through your words, actions, actions, wealth, well, Jack your status as well. You're supposed to your son towards your relatives in a similar way. The examples include, for instance, giving them gifts, saying good words to them, helping them financially, starting with relatives when giving charity, keeping in touch with them maintaining ties with them,
amongst your close relatives or your siblings. Words, could words stop fighting, stop arguing and every little small thing. Be respectful to your
siblings, unfortunately, we think we can be mean to our siblings. However we want to we can say whatever we want to, we can put them down, we can insult them, we can use bad words against them. No, not permissible actions, sharing things with them. Sometimes we're like, you know what, this is my back, don't even dare touch it. This is my bag. I bought it. Every time you use my things, you destroy them. No, there's no harm in sharing. It's good. This is part of your son. Your younger brother wants a ride. I'm not a chauffeur. So okay, give them a ride
your son towards siblings is also necessary, do as much as as necessary, but don't completely get cut off.
So also with relatives we're supposed to do your son. And then while your timer and the orphans utama is a plural of your team, who is your team? A child who has not reached the age of puberty and his father has passed away?
A child girl or boy who has not reached the age of puberty and what happened? His father died. Now when this child reaches the age of puberty, he does not remain an orphan anymore, meaning the term your team will not apply to him. Now Allah subhanaw taala is telling us to do your son with who would the utama and it's from the root letters. Yeah, to me. And utam literally means to get cut to be alone. And if you think about it, an orphan child is alone. He has been cut off, the father is gone, he died.
So your son, towards parents towards relatives? Is that understandable? Yes. Parents have done so much good to us. Relatives have been good to us. But the orphan? Has he done any favor to us? No. But still Allah subhanaw taala one says do Ersan towards the orphans? What does it show that Allah wants us to be good to those who benefit us and also those who do not benefit us? Those from whom we can expect some return, and those from whom we can expect no return even
axon towards all members of society, relatives, as well as orphans will your time. And yet data includes those orphans that are related to you and orphans that are not related to you any orphans. And why is it that we should do Air sign to words, yet I'm towards orphans? Why do you think so? Why do they deserve your son? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said that he meaning the Prophet salallahu Salam and the one who looks after the team will be like this. And he joined his two fingers together, maybe they will be close together in the hereafter. The person who looks after who? The orphans, it's a highly rewardable act. But why the orphan out of all people, we have the blessing of
having parents and they don't. But why the orphan, they have no one to support them, they have no one to care for them. They have no one to spoil them, they have no one to look after them.
Who cares for you who spoils you, your father, your parents? Who spends on you, your parents. But an orphan is the one who does not have the Father. So even if the mother is there, the care that he receives this limited, it's incomplete. He always has that sense of loss that I don't have a father even if the mother loves him to bits, but still you will always have that feeling. So the orphan is a child who is deprived?
A child who is deprived, and a child who is deprived deserves that we should do Ersan towards him. How can we do our son towards orphans in two ways, first of all, in our dealings with them, that when we talk to them, when we take care of them, when we speak with them, when we do anything for them, we should be good in our dealing with them. And secondly, in particular, in taking care of their wealth, because an orphan he inherits the wealth of his father. Correct. So when he inherits that, well, don't just come and take it. These children they can't take care of their wealth. Just take it ourselves, no, look after it, take care of it. Keep it as an Amana for them. So doing your
son with the orphans, Allah Subhan Allah Allah says in surah, Doha for Amelia tema, Fela Takahara as per the orphan, Do not oppress him, your own child, if he doesn't listen to you, who bothers you? irritates you? Give him a smack. Put him down. Do whatever you want. If the father finds out, isn't he going to question you? So many times that happens with mothers, they get upset with their children, and they don't yell at them or the fear of the father. They will not discipline them because the fear of the Father, but in the case of the orphan who's going to come and protect that
child, when the father is not there when the mother is not there who's gonna protect him?
This is why you have to be extra careful. And you know a child who comes from a family like that, there may be some behavior issues. Like whenever something new happens in their life or something different happens, all of a sudden you see a difference in their behavior. Many times it happens that when the second child is born, the first child starts acting up a lot. He becomes extra clingy, starts misbehaving, starts throwing things on the floor, starts pushing other children, for no reason. Why, because he feels that the mother is busy. Now imagine if a child comes from a family where the father is not there at all. Imagine the state of the mother, isn't the child's behavior
going to be affected? Of course. So when he acts up, which he will certainly, what are we supposed to do? Do your son forgive, ignore, let go, be kind, be nice, be generous, so also do your son towards the orphans, then well, Messiah keen, and the needy wants Messiah keen is a plural off miskeen, who is miskeen riskiness under letter seem cathinones second is to become still. And miskeen is someone who has become still who is stuck somewhere. Why? Because of poverty.
He doesn't have enough, he's unable to go around, he's unable to travel, he's unable to do much. Why? Because of his poverty. So his poverty has in a way, stranded him. Okay, he is stuck because of his priority. Now miskeen, when the word comes alone, it includes every kind of poor and needy person. It includes those people who have nothing. It includes people who have something but not everything that they need. miskeen includes all types of needy people. So our son towards Messiah keen as well. How can we do our son towards the Messiah keen, giving sadaqa? The cat? How else can we do your son towards the needy people in the society? Tell me who are the needy people give me
examples. For example, people living on the streets homeless, they do not have enough provision to survive. If there is a natural disaster or something, people lose everything. They have people who had everything. But now all of a sudden, they're left with nothing. So disaster struck areas. Also person has something but he doesn't have enough. So for example, a person doesn't have a job. And as a result, they have the bare minimum to survive. We think Myskina someone who is extremely poor, has nothing at all. And we don't see those miskeen in this country. So don't worry, no. miskeen is someone whose basic needs are unfulfilled.
If a person is going through some difficulty, he is suffering from poverty, he is suffering from a natural disaster that has completely wiped out everything that he had, are we still supposed to help them because we learned that people suffer because of the sins that they come in? We don't know that that person is suffering because of a sin that he committed. And even if that was the case, still, we're supposed to help them. Because their account is with who? Allah, Allah, who will judge them, Allah will ask them, but we will also be asked that when we saw someone in trouble, did we assist them or not? You know, the machine would say that. Why do you tell us that we should feed the hungry
people? If Allah wanted, he could have fed them himself. If Allah did not feed them, why should we feed them? Allah wanted them to be hungry, because they're evil. So we should also leave them hungry? This isn't correct.
There are some people have been given more other people have been given less, because we are tested in this way. That what do we do when we have more? What do we do when we have less? Do we help the unfortunate or do we ignore them? So Masaki in all types of needy people, whether it is someone who just had an accident on the street, you were passing by them you saw they were in need, get down and help them? Or you see a person who looks as if they have some need? For example, it's winter, they're not wearing a jacket? Isn't it obvious that they need a jacket, it's winter, they're going out in the snow, and they're just walking outside? Isn't it obviates the need to go somewhere?
miskeen is not just someone who has nothing at all. It could be someone who is walking towards a bus stop, you can give them a ride, go ahead, they have some need that is unfulfilled. And if you see a need unfulfilled in the other and you can fulfill it, go ahead and help them. Then the next thing that the Bani Israel recommended to do was were kulula nursing her snur and say good words to the people. Notice the word Lin nurse, a nurse includes who just Muslims, all people, just elderly people know just educated people. No, just your friends. No. All people every single human being, whether he's from your country or from another country, whether from your family or from another
Amelie your neighborhood or some other neighborhood, any person, what do they deserve that you speak to them in a decent manner? You speak to them in a good way we'll call in Nursey. Her SNA.
Now good speech includes two things. First of all, that it's good in its hater meaning in its style. And secondly, it is good in its content, good in its style. How is that, that when a person is talking is not shouting, he's not yelling, he's not talking in an insulting way in a derogatory way. He's not talking as if he's talking to an animal that doesn't understand anything, no, talking in a good style in a good manner. Secondly, the content has to be good. How is the content good that the words that you select the words that you choose are also good, are also appropriate, are also respectful. So we'll call in Nancy hasna. When you talk to people talk in a decent fashion, the
words that you select should be good, without being fake, without being pretentious, you know, being natural, being good, being generous in our words, this is something that is very, very important. And also, according to NASA, her SNA includes that we use appropriate words we are clear, we are honest. For example, if we're talking to a person, we talk to them in a language that they understand. Many times it happens and we'll come to the lab Muslims are such that we come from different backgrounds, different countries, we speak so many different languages. It happens that we go to a place where people speak a different language. They don't understand our language, we start
talking to our friends in our own language, and the other person is just wondering, what are they saying? So if you're a Pakistani you speak Urdu, when you see a Pakistani Sister, don't switch to Urdu. speaking a language that people understand if you're a Somali Sister, you see a Somali sister don't switch to Somali speak in English, it will happen that we forget. And all of a sudden we switch to the language that we're more comfortable with. But correct yourself, repeat yourself if you have to. And this is something that we must all strive to do over here because we have sisters from so many different countries, so many different languages. Let's be good to one another in our
speech, speak in a way that is good and speak in a language that is understandable. Well, kulula Nursey hasna. They were also told, we're okay we'll salata and establish the salah, because that is the hack of Allah will add to the Carta and give this occur. Because that is the right of who the poor people. But what was their reaction Allah says, So Martha will later on but you turn to with the will later on? Well, alarm. Yeah. And the only is when a person turns away from something, leaving it behind his back. A person turns away from something leaving it behind his back. So for example, I'm facing you right now, if I turned around and walked away, this is what the will lead.
So you were given these commands, you were instructed to follow them. You made a promise that you will do it. But what did you do? You turned around and walked away? That were later on? So Martha Latham Illa kalila. Men come except for just a few of your colleagues of lamb lamb pinned less, so only a few of you followed or lived by the covenant. Were unto Morty Loon, and you are ones who turn away more of the balloon floral of the word more and more annealed is one who does aerosol air at all there's a version or enrol bought an airlock is when a person is detached from something, meaning his heart is not attached to it.
You see, do things are mentioned over here, so moto a later
Illa kalila men come watch anthem, more Elune it's quite possible that if a person turns away from something and walks away, his heart is still attached to it. You're visiting your family in a particular country, you say salaam to them to go back home, you turn around and you walk away into the terminal. Is your heart still attached to them? Yes. But this is when your heart was not even attached anymore. You had no interest. You turn walked away, and you had no regrets. You never felt guilty. You never felt bad about disobeying Allah subhanho data were ultimately alone.
What does this is show to us? There are many commands that Allah subhanaw taala has also given to us with respect to his rights with respect to the rights of people with respect to the rights of all categories of mankind. And what are we supposed to do? Obey Allah subhanaw taala in every respect, because if we turn away and walk away, and we have no interest then we are no different than the Bani Israel, the Bani Israel suffered because of their breach of covenant and if we disobey Allah, then we should also expect the same. Don't think that if you disobey your parents
Everything will be fine. No, things will not be fine. If we disobey our parents, if we make them unhappy if we don't give the right of the orphans and the needy, if we neglect our prayer, then we should be worried. Because breaking a promise means consequences.