Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 009E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 47-48

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The Day of Judgment is a serious event and everyone should be cautious and rectify their actions. The event is a real event and everyone should be aware of 24 hours given to them. Understandability of actions and analyzing and unpacking boxes for deeds is crucial to avoid wasting time and becoming accountable. Everyone should use their deeds as a means to improve future deeds and take action.
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Now Allah subhanaw taala addresses the Bani Israel again. Yeah Bani Israel, Albany Israel eel Earth guru near Mati remember my blessing allottee and our onto our Aleikum, which I blessed you with which I favored upon you. Only I gave it to you. And I gave it to no one else but you special favor upon you. Were only football to come. And indeed I preferred you football to fell God land fertile. Fertile is an extra favor that is given to someone surplus. They're not necessarily deserving of it. It's an extra favor, even to them and not others. Excellence. Favor special favor.
So we're only football TOCOM I preferred you on an island mean, above the world. What does it mean by Allah mean over here? That all the people of the world's meeting all the people of that time from all of mankind, Allah subhanaw taala chose who the Bani Israel how that he chose them and he sent the prophets from among them, he chose them and he sent the books to them not other nations were only for love to come and Allah Allah mean and this shows to us that the blessing of deen the blessing of Eman is a huge blessing. It's a huge blessing which a person cannot gain just by himself it's a favor of Allah subhana wa Tada and that Allah reminds them what Taku yeomen and fear a Day
fear that day? What the Who have the core of and what is the mean by having the core of something that you do what is required and you stay away from what is forbidden. So what the cool young man fear that did take a shield against that day so that you can be protected and saved on that day. Which day is this? The day one leather jersey? Yo by the way from the roof gutters? Yeah Well me and lather Jersey it will not avail that jersey Jeem ze Yeah, Jersey, yeah jersey, which is to recommend someone you know when we say Jezza Kyla who have Iran or Zack Allahu khairan, what does it mean? May Allah give you just that may Allah reward you. So, desire is what recompense either reward or
punishment either depending on what the person has done, and depending on what the desert so what the cool yeomen leather Drizzy it will not recompense, meaning it will not reward it will not avail it will not benefit who not soon any person or nothing from any other person shape and anything. Meaning no person can avail another person on that day. Anything at all che ingenia Hamza thing, no person can aid another on that day, which day is this?
The Day of Judgment. On the Day of Judgment, no person can aid you. No person can save you, no person can rescue you. In this world, if you're going through a problem through a difficulty can somebody come and rescue you save you avail you benefit you in some way? Yes, they can. If not a lot, at least a little bit. On that day, no person can help you. Whether you cobalamin Scheffer or tune, whether you value your value of Balamb Qubool and COBOL is to accept la Yakubu it will not be accepted minha from it meaning from any person Shafaq on any intercession. Shiva is from the letter Shane, fat rain. Have you heard of the term Shiva? What does it mean? When somebody appeals for
another on their behalf? For example, a person was unable to take their test on time. The teacher says that's it. You can't take it again. So that student goes to another teacher and says can you please request her to take my return? Can you please request her? So the teacher goes and does chauffeur for the student? You understand what your car is now. So Willa Yoko BARROWMAN, hasha Farah on the day of German no intercession will be accepted from a person. What does it mean by this? Meaning on the Day of Judgment, intercession will be not accepted for the one who does not deserve it. It will only be accepted for who for those who deserve it.
What's the intercession that could be done on the day of judgment for what for what need for what purpose? That for example, if a person is destined to the hellfire, that's where he's going. Shiva would be that he is not sent to the hellfire. For example, a prophet of Allah requests Allah to not send that person into hellfire. Secondly, if a person has to enter Paradise, Shiva would be to enter him paradise without any difficulty. So that person is admitted immediately. Similarly, if a person is already in hellfire, Shiva would be that they are removed from the hellfire. But when a woman has Shiva Shiva will not be asked
cept it on that day for the one who does not deserve it?
Well, are you bloomin hasha Farah, whether you call them in her or alone, nor any compensation will be taken you huddle Hamza Ha, that an idol? Or in the law? What does other mean? How do we know the word as justice? How do you generally understand it? Justice balance, but the word or the literally means the equal of something over here, it gives the meaning of a compensation. If a person is accused of a crime, and they are to be in jail until their case is resolved, they're supposed to be in jail. What do people do? They request for a bill? Have you heard of the term bail? What is that, that for example, if a person committed a crime, the family the supporters are to bring up a certain
amount of money, for example, $20,000 $50,000, to assure that this person is not going to do anything wrong.
Now, the bail, it varies for one criminal, it could be $5,000. For another criminal, it could be 10,000. For another criminal, it could be 20,000. For another, it could be 50, for another could be more millions even. And for some it's not given at all, it's not allowed at all. They have to stay in jail. So Hola, yo Hado minha on the Day of Judgment, no compensation will be taken. No person can say, Oh Allah, take all this money, take all this wealth, and please release me from the hellfire. It's not going to happen while you have them in her or their own. No person can ransom himself on that day.
No person can ransom himself on that day. Allah says Allah homeand saloon and they will not be helped, you will sorrow noon Sodre they will not be assisted. What is the reminders that if a person is doomed to punishment, that's it, they're not going to be helped, they're not getting out of it. If you are in any difficulty today in this world, what are the ways of getting out you either find someone who can help you or you find somebody who can request for you or if you are capable yourself, you give money, so that you can be saved.
Think about any scenario, any difficulty that you could be in these are the three ways of getting out
that a person comes in helps you or Shiva is done or an other is taken, but on that day, nothing of this will work. Nothing at all will work. Why? Because every single person will be concerned and preoccupied with his affair, his own affair, he will not care about any other. Allah says in the Quran in certain movements and I have 101 that for either novikoff is sorry, fella and Sabina whom Yama even that one the trumpet is blown, the no relationships will remain between people. In this world what happens a father will do anything to save his child. But on that day, all the relationships will be finished. A father will not care where his child is, if he's okay, if he's in
danger if he's in trouble, no. Incidents are bizarre, we learn the Colibri in Yoma. In in Shannon, you need
every person will be occupied with the Schatten with an affair that will make him forget other people.
A father will run from his child, a mother will run from her son, just imagine
every person will leave all others, he will be concerned only about himself.
lethargy is enough soon enough cinci
no one can aid you on that day, no shofar will be taken either will be accepted either will or you heard him in her or the loan and no compensation will be taken. This is why the Prophet sallallaahu Selim said Whoever has done an injustice to his brother, whoever has done any injustice with his brother with regard to his honor, or anything else, you've harmed another person, you've been unjust to them, he should seek to be absolved by him before the Day of Judgment, meaning you should seek his forgiveness when before that day of judgment where there will be neither the now nor that hung.
On that day. If a person you've wronged comes up and says Oh Allah, this person was very unfair to me. I want my right back. And if you say here, take all this money.
No dinner, no, there's no currency will work. No money will work.
If he has some right actions, the person was done wrong. If he has some good deeds, they will be taken away from him. Why? to counterbalance any injustice that he did. So in other words, on that day, the only currency that will work is what good deeds. If you've wronged someone you cannot give them money. You know what you give them your good deeds
And if your good deeds are not enough, you know what happens? Their sins come on you the punishment that they were supposed to suffer, you will suffer now, what are you doing? How are they doing well who mune saloon and they will not be helped.
The Day of Judgment is a very, very seriously. But unfortunately we don't think much about that day. We learned earlier that the Moto painter who will build our karate home, up known they believe with certainty about the Day of Judgment Alladhina YOLO Nona. anomala corabi him, there are certain about the meeting with their Nord. Our problem is that we live in this world, and we forget about the hereafter. We are very, very negligent about it. And what shows that is our actions. If we are careful in our actions, that means we're careful about the Day of Judgment, we're concerned about it. And if we were negligent, carefree about our actions, then that shows we don't fear the Day of
Judgment. But that day is such a day when you will be on your own. No friend will aid you. No government can aid you. No police can aid you. No army can help you. No neighbor can help you no friend can help you. Even if she's best friend forever. She cannot come in at you.
You're on your own you and your deeds. And that's when you meet your Lord. And that's when he will judge you. So if we're not preparing for that day, if we're not serious about that day, then we'll be in serious trouble on that day.
Will our home Yun solo they will not be helped. And this is a fact reality because every single person is going back. Not even one is exempt.
That means all of us are going there as well.
So we better become careful and rectify our hearts, rectify our intentions, rectify our actions, our behavior with other people the rights of Allah as well as the rights of people because otherwise we're going to be in trouble. That's a simpler recitation.
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here last year
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What will help you on that day, your deeds, your email your actions, if they're the right guide, if they're accepted, then you're a winner.
And if they're missing, if they're the wrong kind, if they're useless, then we're in trouble. Think about it. Every single day, we're given 24 hours. And think of those 24 hours as 24 boxes. And you have been told you have 24 boxes in one day. Fill each box with anything that you want anything, it's up to you your choice. And then at the end of the day, you ship those boxes to your future house. And when you get there, you open up the boxes. What would you like to find?
Just packing material. You know, sometimes you get a parcel that's huge. And there's a small thing in it and the rest is stuffed with this packing material. Is that what you would like to find useless stuff? Would you like to find some boxes empty? Would you like to find some boxes full of garbage?
Full of snakes full of roaches. Would you like to find boxes that are full of empty bottles? Or would you like to find boxes that are full of good stuff? What would you like to find
something that's good?
Has it ever happened with you that you're traveling from one place to the other? you backup your beds and when you get home you open up you're ready to know what was I thinking why did I put this
Ordell soap in my bag, what am I supposed to do with this now, and then you throw it, you don't end up using it.
At that time you put in such a burden. Such a waste came all the way. And then you open it and then you throw it, you get rid of it.
This is what we're doing with our lives. Every day, we're given time. It's up to us whether we spend that time in doing useful productive things, good deeds, or we waste that time to sitting looking in space, daydreaming, thinking about our problems, thinking about our worries, thinking about the things that make us sad, being lost in our own world, or wasting our time watching what other people do.
Like, for example, somebody's renovating their home, and somebody's buying a new house and somebody's selling their house and somebody's cooking something. And somebody's buying clothes, and we watch them on the television for hours.
Nice choice. Nice, that nice this nice that? Is it for you. Is it for them? It's for them. So what have you find out about it? So what if you see it? Is it going to help you in any way? No, but unfortunately, we waste our days doing these very things. But remember that we have to unpack these boxes when we get there. This is what we will find. So be careful about what you put in your boxes. Be careful about what you back in your bags. Because on that day, only your good deeds will help.
The more knowledge we're gaining, the more accountable we are becoming, meaning Allah subhanaw taala will hold us accountable. This knowledge should not just be increasing in our information, it should be transforming into action. Every single day, we should analyze ourselves, we should check ourselves What have I done today to show on the Day of Judgment.
What am I prepared today, for my tomorrow? Is there anything that is presentable, that can save me? Or is there nothing that is of value?
The question is if we know that we're not able to do everything that we have knowledge about doesn't mean we have to stop gaining knowledge. No. It means that you keep learning and you keep trying and you keep doing sub and you keep asking for Allah's help. Because the solution that Allah subhanaw taala has given over here was there you know somebody was solid, this is not just to deal with difficulties and problems and trials. If you look at the context of Bani Israel there scholars are being told who had a lot of knowledge who weren't practicing that knowledge. So you may know a lot and you should keep learning, but it doesn't mean that you forget action. In order to do action. You
ask Allah's help. Whenever you learn something Maitreya Allah please give me the ability to do this as well and you try consciously yourself as well. For example, we learned earlier about the importance of spending, right when we Melrose Akana, whom you and for whom, now if a person says oh, I don't spend a lot of money because I don't have much. So I shouldn't learn more Quran because I'm still stuck here. Know what you should do is make the firm intention that you're going to give something even if it's one cent even if it's five cents, and you make a conscious effort. This like you put the money in your wallet, when you're going to school that this is going to be my lunch
money this is going to be my bus money, you keep separate money for sadhaka make a conscious effort and this is what sub and at the same time you make dua as well.
Don't waste your life. Use that to do something that will benefit you later.
Subhanak Allah whom will be humbucker Nisha de la ilaha illa Anta Mr. Federica when a to relate