Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 25 – L255B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The concept of "dams and dams in the Hereafter" is a temporary income that lasts for a long time. The speakers discuss various types of sin and punishment, including major sin, cosmetic behavior, and minor minor refuses. They stress the importance of trusting one's Lord and showing one's anger to avoid negative consequences. The speakers also emphasize the need for consistency and communication to achieve a healthy life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim lesson number 255 sort of the Shula is number 36 to 42.

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From Eau de toman che in, so whatever thing you have been given, what is it? What is it three editie femora, Terrell higher to dunya. It is but for enjoyment of the worldly life.

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Women are in the lucky and whatever is with Allah that is higher on that is much better, whatever. And more lasting. For who lilla Dena Amano for those people who believe were allowed to be him, yet our Cologne and upon their Lord, they have relied from our ot to mention in multicam, meaning anything whatsoever, whatever that you have been given anything that you have of this dunya it is what fermata will hire the dunya anything of this worldly life, anything of the luxuries of this world, even if it is equal to the treasures of our moon, what is this reality? It's just the matter of this worldly life. What does matter? matter is from the fetters mean time. And matter is used for

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anything that is necessary that is enjoyed. That is useful. But there's one condition, it's temporary. It applies to food, it applies to clothes, it applies to the house that a person is living in the furniture that he has anything that he has. If you think about it, it is useful. You have it for a reason, so that you can use it. However, its benefit and its life. Both are the temporary, they're temporary. So from a terrible hair to dunia whatever that you have in dystonia, it is just an enjoyment for how long until you live. So it is enjoyed for the duration of this life. And then what happens it perishes quickly or the person perishes quickly either the thing dies, or

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the person goes away. He dies first, from a terrible dounia. So anything, no matter how enjoyable, no matter how beautiful, no matter how attractive, no matter what its amount is, eventually, if you look at it, it is just beneficial in this dunya. But there's another thing which is warmer in the law, heat and whatever is with Allah, meaning in the hereafter of reward that is higher on it is much better, better than what better than what you have in this to me better than what you have been given in the studio.

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Because if you think about it, whatever a person has in this dunya it's not perfect. It has some faults, it has some deficiencies, you will always find some problem or the other with what you have with what you enjoy. You always wonder if only the color was slightly darker, if only the texture was just a slight bit softer, if only the size was a bit bigger, if only this had another pocket if only the zip wasn't there, you always have something or the other. That is not according to how you want it to be in what you have in the studio. But the reward of the hereafter Allah subhanaw taala says it is higher and it is much better compared to that which is in the dunya How is it better?

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Now? It's perfect. It's everlasting. In its quantity, it's much better in its quality, it's much better, and also in its time in its mood. It is what

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I would call more enduring permanent everlasting avocados from the letters by coffea from the word Becca and Becca is to remain to endure to last. So whatever is with Allah is a much better and be it's eternal. But who will have it? Anyone who wants it? No. Who will have it it is for Lin levena Amano for those who believe where a lot of Bohemia, Tama Kowloon and upon their Lord, they rely, if you think about it, this dunya Allah gives it to everybody, whether that person believes or he doesn't believe whether that person is obedient, or he's not obedient. Why? Because this dunya it doesn't have any value in the sight of a last parameter. It's very insignificant, it's very small.

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It's nothing before our last panel time, but the hereafter that is something very special. So Allah doesn't give it to everybody, who does he give it to those who fulfill the conditions and who are they and Medina Avenue, where a lot of Bohemia token who believe and they also rely upon the Lord.

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So when this is the case, that everything in this dunya compared to the Hereafter, it is not permanent, it is of lesser quality.

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It is less in its quantity, its lesser transient compared to the Hereafter, then what should a person prefer?

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What should a person prefer that which is temporary or that which is permanent, that which is permanent, that which is lesser in its quality or that which is much better in its quality, which is much better? So, it's only logical that a person should prefer that which is in the hereafter. Intro to calf I number 46, a loss of paralysis and manual Bellona, Xena to hire to do near wealth and children both What are they just the adornment of this worldly life? Meaning there are a means of beautifying a person's life. But that's it. It's Xena only of this dunya This is not dean of the hereafter. wealth and children cannot bring Xena to a person in the hereafter unless he has used

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them in the proper way. What is it that will benefit a person in the hereafter? What about the attitude of slowly

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but enduring good deeds, good deeds that endure they are higher and bigger However,

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because it is the good deeds that make it to the Hereafter, whatever a person has, he will not take it with himself to the grave, he cannot take it with himself in the Hereafter, anything of this dunya. So never should a person give preference to it over matters of the hereafter.

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And this is only logical. If you think about it. In theory, this is very logical, but what does a person need in order to make the right choice of preferring the asset or overdue near

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a man and the worker.

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Unless a person has these two qualities, he cannot do that he cannot prefer the author over the knee. Because a man in the article that gives a person the courage that gives a person the theme that he should prefer the head over the dunya and the worker, because if you think about it, when a person has even when a person goes out in the way of allowing a person does something good for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, you will face many obstacles, you will face many fears that what if I lose out on this? What if I'm going to miss this? People have fears. But when a person has the workload on his Lord, then Allah will give him the courage to take that step.

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And Allah will give him the ability to remain firm on the good deeds that he's performing. But what is necessary Eman And

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without these a person cannot do anything good. And he cannot remain firm on good. He has to trust upon his Lord.

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Just the other day somebody was telling me about this one child who I believe graduated from high school and they were going for a trip to this particular city with the school. And you can imagine if the whole class is going boys and girls and majority are non Muslim, and even if there are Muslim, what do you think they're going to do? Eat outwear go out where so he wasn't given permission to go by his family. So he accepted and then he got an opportunity to go with some other friends of his were much older than him to another country and attend the class and be with the sheriff. And I was thinking that look you give up something for the sake of Allah, Allah will give

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you something much better when when you prefer the ohana over the domain. And for this unit, you have to have trust in Allah subhanaw taala that if you give up something for the sake of Allah, if you let go of something, Allah will not deprive you, He will give you his reward as promised and He will give much better in the dunya and definitely in the hereafter. But for this man and also the worker they are required. So they let me know where a lot of be him yet a worker

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and a person who does not place a stressed in a loss of penalty, he will not be able to take any risks. He will not be able to take the bold steps he will not be able to make sacrifices. trust in Allah isn't necessary, what other characteristics are necessary what other things are necessary for a person to develop and himself so that He is worthy of that which is in the hereafter? After Eman and tawakkol when ladina Edgerton a boon acaba ism some actions are also necessary and are the actions remember that I'm going to include also doc leaving something because when you're leaving something, you're struggling to do something

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so when Medina yeji, Tony buena Cava, Islam and those who avoid the major things.

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One Ludhiana This doesn't mean this is another group of people. No, this means that these characteristics are also necessary. The age of 10 Ebola from each dinner gene noon, Jump. Jump is the side of a person and age. Another is to save one side from something.

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You come across something you come face to face with something something's coming your way, externalize What? That you turn your side away from it. You don't even touch it.

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So the big 10 Ebola cover is what does it show that they have the opportunity, but they still stay away?

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It's very easy to stay away from something that you've never come across. That never comes before you.

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But it's more of a challenge when you have the opportunity to do something and still, you avoid it. That's much greater. So when Medina yazdani, buena Kava

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Kava it is the plural of Kabira and Kabira. Is that which is great. And Tibet, Iran is what are the major sense?

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How are they major? How are they great?

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You think about it, for example, ship ship is what a major thing? How is it great, the punishment is very great, how else?

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The consequences are very great. the harmful effects are also very good for examples in what is it a major sin? But that's a major sin, does it not have major consequences? Of course,

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and they're much greater, much more severe compared to other things. So this is how their cabella is. Now the question is, which sins are major since

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major sins are those which have been classified as major by the sheer? Not that a person says, Oh, I think this is a great thing. No, it's major, why because it has been classified as major by the sheer how, through some direct clear text pneus like for example, and I have the Quran or Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that clearly tells us this is a major sin.

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And in particular, it is such a sin, on which is cos punishment, meaning the evil consequence of that sin has been specified.

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Like, for example, when a person performs an evil deed, what do we learn, he will get punished for it. But if it is a sin for which the punishment has been specified, then that sin is which one, it's a major sin. And what is that punishment? Like? For example, first of all had in the dunya, what is had a legal punishment Indonesia, for instance of a person committed theft? Is there a legal punishment for that in the dunya? What is that cutting off of the head? Similarly murder? Is there a legal punishment for it in the dunya? Yes, what is it cuts off? Similarly, other accusing a chase person of Xena, is there a legal punishment for that? Yes, there is. And what is that?

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80 lashes 80 lashes. So, first of all,

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what is Kabira? See what is a major sin? What's the definition that on which there is a specified punishment? And what is that specified punishment The first is had a legal punishment in the domain. Secondly, worried

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meaning a threat of punishment in the Hereafter,

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a threat of punishment in the hereafter. Like for example, we learn in the Quran that those who consume the wealth of the orphans, those who consumed the wealth of the orphans, what are they consuming in reality? Fire, right so they will consume fire in Hellfire into their bellies. Now they're consuming the wealth of the orphans in the hereafter they will consume fire well into their bellies. So there's threat of punishment in the hereafter.

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Thirdly, on that action is also the learner of

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learner for who for the one who does it.

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Like for example, from a hadith we learn Latin Allahu Mulana, when

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Allah has cursed the one who curses his own parents. So cursing one's own parents, this is what a major sin Why? Because Allah has cursed such a person.

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So the action in which is a Nana of Allah that is also a major sin. Similarly, Allah is another the anger of Allah subhanaw taala is on the door of that action.

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For instance, a woman who refuses her husband, does Allah become upset with her? Yes. So this is also a major thing.

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Similarly, an action that is clearly declared as Haram, an action that is clearly declared as hot on for instance, the consumption of Riba what is the last panatela say concerning it.

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The word How long has it been used? Well, how will my liver and Allah has made Riba unlawful? or How long has it been? So consumption of labor? What is it that it's a major sin or it is an action which when a person does his Eman is negated meaning is

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Amanda's canceled out.

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For instance, the Hadith of the Prophet said a lot of sentimental Russia. felice, I mean, what does it mean?

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Cheating also, bribe, this is what that person is not for amongst us. Similarly, another Hadees tells us that layer you may know molag manager who the person whose neighbor is not safe from him, that person does not actually believe.

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So, harassing the neighbor, is this a major sin? Yes, it is a major sin. So, what action qualifies as a major sin, we'll go over it again. First of all,

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had Indonesia, secondly, worried in the Hereafter, thirdly, learner of Allah fourthly, of Allah fifth, declared as Haram, forbidden clearly in clear terms,

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and that Eman has been negated of the doer of that action. And also remember one thing that if a person persists on minor sins, then that is also what it becomes equal to, in its severity, a major thing. So when Medina yazdani, Buddha, Kava is me and those who avoid major sense, first of all, they avoid them. And secondly, what else do they avoid one flower Hush, and also the in decencies.

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flower which is a floral of fashion. And furniture is an act that is very immoral, that is very indecent. And it's generally used for those sins that result from Chava sexual desire of a person

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those sins that are a result of a person fulfilling his unlawful or incorrect sexual desire.

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So for example, dinner is a fashion a lot of solitary tells us in the Quran, in Uganda fashion, indeed, it is a fashion similar to homosexuality, even that is Fisher.

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Similarly, marrying those women who are forbidden from marriage. Like for example, a person's own art or mother or father's previous wife. This is what

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Allah subhanaw taala calls this action as well fashion the Quran very clearly.

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So primarily fashion refers to such sins that result from a person's sexual desire. And this is not just limited to Xena homosexuality, marrying those women who are forbidden from marriage but it goes on to any act that is indecent that is immoral. Like for example, *, or for example, for nog, Rafi or, for example, looking at things at people at scenes that are unlawful with lust with desire. Similarly, saying for harsh words, reading for harsh things, this is also what fascia because when a person indulges in such actions, does it arouse his sexual desire? It does, and is that sexual desire lawful, it's not. So, whether it is * or it is saying for harsh words or it is

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meeting a non Muslim alone, holding his hand, talking to him chatting, whatever it is, this is also fascia listening to something that arouses a person's desire. This is also fashion using abusive words, this is also fascia. And if you see many times for which they fall under cover, like for examples in homosexuality, they are gay, and if you think about their Kobe, but why are the lakish mentioned separately when they are a part of Kobe most of the time, not all the time, but most of the time, why they mentioned separately

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because people when it comes to avoiding major sins, they do that but when it comes to FireWire, which many people follow over there. Many people fall over there. They will not commit Zina, but they will watch something that is not right. They will not do Schick but they will hear something, they will listen to something that will arouse their sexual desire which is incorrect. So many people fall over here. Perhaps they will not even lie, but they will have a relationship that is wrong. And they will say oh, this is only friendship. There's nothing wrong over here but in reality, it's wrong. So many times we see that people undermine for wash but we see over here that

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allows a parameter that says avoiding the cadet ID and avoiding the for wire which is necessary both avoiding both of them is necessary. It is also concerning the fact that it refers to those crimes on which there is legal punishment. How would you differentiate between for white Asian, Kobe, Kobe, the list is long power for Asian which ones those on which there is a legal punishment in the morning. Like for instance, theft Xin

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The consumption of alcohol, highway robbery. All of these actions is there legal punishment for them in the dunya yesterday's in certain desert is number 31. Allah subhanaw taala says in touch Danny bukoba Ilana to the whole nanhu Luca fitter uncomfy article, one of the hill Komodo, Helen Karina, if you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden cabella isn't covered. If you avoid the Cobra, which you are forbidden, then we will remove from you your lesser sins. So if a person stays away from major sins, despite the fact that he has the opportunity, then what's the benefit? What's the benefit is lesser since they are forgiven, one of the healthcare model and Karima and we will admit

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you to a noble entrance meaning in paradise into the najem ayah 32 we learn and Medina eridani, buena cabella izmi. Once our hash those who avoid the major sins and also a moralities. So avoiding major sins, and this is a prerequisite of what of what entering Jenna, getting the reward of the hereafter which is played on whatever.

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And if you think about it, when a person avoids major sins in in decencies, then what happens? many doors that lead him to evil, they are shocked.

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And if a person indulges in these, then many doors that lead to evil, they're open for him. Because if he can do one wrong thing that will lead him to another wrong thing we read earlier that when a person does good, then Allah gives them the ability to do more good. But we see that when a person indulges in combat and for why hash, then he develops a lifestyle of disobedience to a loss of not caring about the limits that he has said. So Allah deny any Buddha izmi wildflower husch

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what either mahabali boo, and whenever they are angry, homeopathy alone, they forgive

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what probably blew me off the road. This third thing is also mentioned. Why? Because even this leads to many evils. Anger leads to many evil things. This is why what either Malibu if you notice, man, this man is extra and it gives a meeting of whenever they're angry. In whatever situation on whoever they're angry. What is their reaction? What is the reaction of forgiveness, forgiving Who?

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Those who have angered them? forgiving who those who have angered them.

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Because when a person does not forgive the person who has angered him, what does it lead him to?

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vengeance, taking revenge, inflicting some kind of harm, because remember the type of anger that others have other ways that anger which turns into taking revenge, or inflicting some kind of punishment on the one who has angered you.

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One is that you're annoyed, you're upset. you dislike what the person said. But it doesn't necessarily lead you to punishing them why they're older than you. Can you punish them? No, you're annoyed, you're irritated, you're angry, but you can't punish them. You want to take some kind of revenge. You can't even do that. You don't have the ability you don't have the authority. But as always, well, such anger that translates into taking some action. This is why Allah says we're either Mohali boom el Faro, they forgive when they have the ability, when they have the opportunity to take revenge to infect them arm, what do they do, they forgive those with anger.

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And a lot of the profits are allowed a sudden described what anger is and he said anger is prompted by shavon who has been created by fire.

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And if you think about it, although it is said that it is such a fire the chip on costs in the heart of a person by which he flares up. It's caused by shape one and shape one is made from fire. And when a person is in the state of anger, he flares up literally. And also otherwise, literally, his face becomes red, his eyes become red, his body temperature it becomes extremely hot.

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And otherwise, as well it turns into a heated argument sometimes harsh words spewing out of his mouth. So what either mouth only boo, Allah subhanaw taala says over here, whenever they're angry, homea feeling they forgive. And he'll feel alone. What does it mean? That they let it pass? they forgive the one who has upset them. Why? out of hoping reward from Allah.

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Now if you notice, it hasn't been said over here. They don't get angry.

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It hasn't been said they control their anger. what has been said? whenever they're angry, they forgive What does it show

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That because people are weak. Getting angry is something very normal.

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Especially when you have authority. When you are older, it's very, very easy to get angry. For example, it's very easy to get angry at children, very easy to get angry at those who are working under you. Very easy. But what's the problem? The problem is persisting on that anger and acting according to the anger, that is where the problem lies. Getting angry is okay. However, if you persist on that anger, you prolong the matter, you don't get over it, and you act according to that anger, that is where the problem begins. This is why Allah says when we are feeling

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and if you forgive the one who has angered you, then you will not punish them, you will not say harsh words to them, you will not take revenge from them.

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So in order to control one's anger, what does a person need to do?

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Forgive, overlook, ignore what the other person has done. So you need some unique tolerance. And it is only such people who will be rewarded with a greater reward in the hereafter when they're in the line higher on well over and over here, what do you need to work on?

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That if I forgive this person, I control my anger a lot will give me something better, along with rewarding.

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So when a person trusts on Allah, then he is able to control his anger as well.

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And we think that showing anger, acting according to your anger, that is a display of strength, that shows that you're very strong, for example, you're angry and you can get at the other person. We're showing that we can say a lot, or we do something to the other person, we think this is strength. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, the strong is not the one who overpowers in wrestling. But the strong one is He who controlled himself in anger.

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Strength is not in losing yourself. Strength isn't controlling yourself, when you let go of yourself, because many times in anger, when a person is angry, he's not able to think clearly. his emotions come in, his ego comes in. Then because of that emotion, he's not able to think clearly. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that the strong one is the one who can control himself and anger because he can control himself that shows he is very strong. He's able to control himself. We learned that once a man came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he said, advise me. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to him, don't get angry.

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And he asked again, and again, advise me advise me and each time what are the profits or losses, and I'd say that, don't get upset, don't get angry. Because when a person gets angry, then that opens the door to many, many evils. Sometimes you say his words that are very inappropriate, you do things that are very inappropriate,

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you scare people, you frightened children, you leave such marks on them, that will haunt them for the rest of their lives, you will do something that will also harm you. Because in that emotional state, when a person is not thinking, right, he takes that step sometimes, which he regrets later. This is why a person who was very intelligent, he once said, that anger is beneficial only for the one who has nothing to lose.

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Do you get it?

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Anger is beneficial for who

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only that person who has nothing to lose. Because when he will get angry, and he will show his anger and he will act according to his anger, he will end up losing

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nothing then.

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But otherwise, when a person shows anger, then he loses many things, he loses people. Sometimes he loses as well, isn't it that sometimes when people are angry, they break their things,

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isn't it they make the craziest of dishes of decisions and later on, they regret. So only the person who has nothing to lose, he should show anger. But we see that all people have something with the other subjects therefore, it's in their best interest if they don't show their anger. And we see over here that Allah subhanaw taala says woombye a few. So it shows that the believers they do get angry. But in their anger, they don't get out of control. They don't get out of control. So their anger is within limits, within limits, and when they forgive the other person, it helps them control their anger as well.

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And we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would he got upset, would he get angry? Yes, he would. But when

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for his own sake, know for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala we learn it is reported in this hate that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam never took revenge or never became angry for

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For his own sake, only when the laws of a law were violated, then he would become angry. And otherwise people would say so many things to him do so many wrong things because of which it was completely fine for him to become angry, but we see him forgiving people over and over again. But when it came to the religion of Allah, then he would hold people accountable, then he would become upset. So he would be angry, but his anger was in the right place, in the right way as well. And even in the state of anger, he would not say anything wrong. We learned that his face would turn red, but he would only speak the truth.

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When is it possible when a person forgives the other homie?

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So what a demo hopefully will homeo funeral when they become angry, what do they do? They forgive others.

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When levinas dejavu there have been him, and those who respond to their Lord who have responded to their Lord is the Jabu from the ruthless. Gene. Well, that is the job.

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And it's the job is to respond to someone. And joab is answer, right. And it's basically the opposite of what is to

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ask for something to question something and remember there are two types of soil, which is why there are two types of job.

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One type of soil is you ask something and you want an answer.

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You ask something and you want an answer. So what is the job? Then? you reply?

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The second time so al is that you ask for something? Not you ask about what you ask for something, you demand something. So what's the job?

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That you give it? You do it? Like for example, one is that a person asks, where's the water fountain?

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What's the response to that? It's in the cafeteria.

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Another So Alice may have some water please? What's the job for that? It's in the cafeteria? No, what's the job that you bring it? So two types of soil and therefore, two types of job? So when Medina's dejavu, there'll be him over here, they respond to the Lord, what kind of response is meant over here? What's the call of Allah subhanaw taala. The call to some action? Right? When Allah calls the believers, he's telling them to do something. So this is the Java is the Java in fair inaction

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and worldliness the Java will begin to respond to the call of their Lord. If you notice, they respond meaning they respond immediately without any delay, without any procrastination without any hesitation. Whenever Allah says, Yeah, you are letting me know. They don't say yes. And that's it, what they do what has been done, they do what has been commanded, they refrain from what they have been forbidden.

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Similarly, when Allah subhanaw taala gives a command when he prohibits something, they respond to Allah by their action. So when the Venus dejavu there have been him, they have responded to their Lord, so they are obedient to his commands, and they refrain from what he has forbidden. Well, Carlos salata and they also established the Sunnah, what does it mean by establishing the Salah

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that a person fulfills the prerequisites of sadhana

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regularly consistently on time. So, basically, if you summarize the karma, the Salah means that a person prays the Salah properly,

00:33:50 --> 00:33:54

what does it mean by praying properly fulfilling the prerequisites,

00:33:55 --> 00:33:58

the pillars and the conditions

00:33:59 --> 00:34:11

fulfilling the prerequisites which means that for example, when the time of Salah enters only then a person prays when he has will do then he prays he's facing the table, he has the right dress,

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then the pillars, what are the pillars of Salah little core is to do

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whatever is necessary to be recited in it. And however that position has to be

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then conditions and maintaining it regularly. So for example, with we should in jamara for men in congregation, so akarma salata and they established the center, once when I mentioned right after responding to the call of their Lord

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when the Adhan is announced, what are we being called to a loss of time?

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If you think about it in Salah, higher Salah halal fella, constantly, people are being called, so it's a call. So akarma salata, they established the center

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and if you think about it,

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When a person establishes the Salah

00:35:03 --> 00:35:08

he has to perform will do when you perform will do. Will it help him control his anger

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when it? Yes, so all of these characteristics, they strengthen one another, they lead to one another.

00:35:19 --> 00:35:44

Well I'm gonna go home and their affairs Shura in consultation buying a home between them, meaning whatever affairs they have amongst themselves, whatever common matters they have amongst themselves, how do they decide concerning them, despite themselves and not letting other people know at all, how Shura by consultation.

00:35:45 --> 00:36:03

But the Shura is amongst you Baynham between themselves. So what does this show that only those people who are related, they do show with them? And those who are not related? They don't do shadow with them. Why? Because if you consult someone who has nothing to do with the matter that you're dealing with, what kind of suggestion Do you think they will give

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something that could be completely irrelevant? Like for example, you're struggling with regards to your test or your assignment. Now one is that you call up your group in charge, and you ask her, what should I do? Can you please help me out? Please suggest me and the other is that you ask someone who doesn't know anything about the course. And you ask them, should I do it? Should I not do it? What will they tell you? Don't do it. You're tired. You've done so many. What's the big deal? So Shura with who by now home between themselves themselves means those who are related. Now the question is what is sure the word Shura is a master from the roof letters Shinwell Ra.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:44

And it's under structure off for Allah, like the word Europa.

00:36:45 --> 00:36:46

What is the

00:36:48 --> 00:36:56

consequence rate and result? Roco furla. Similarly, Shura, similarly Bushra. Okay, so it's a muster.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:03

And it's a muscle of Bab mufa. Allah, what is one of the characteristics of bamboo farla

00:37:04 --> 00:37:07

mufa Allah Buddha had

00:37:08 --> 00:37:11

during the action together there is more than one person involved.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:21

So sure, they don't just consult with their hearts, or what do they do? They consult with each other one another.

00:37:22 --> 00:37:44

And sure, is basically when a group of people, concerned group of people, they reflect on the different aspects of an issue. They reflect on the different aspects of a particular matter. And they exchange their suggestions, they exchange their opinions and their views. And then they come to a decision.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:55

So how do people come to a decision concerning a particular matter? By reflection on its different aspects, exchange of suggestions and views and then

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a unanimous agreement that okay, this is what we're going to do.

00:38:01 --> 00:38:08

So it's discussion and then final decision. So when sure has been done,

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over a particular matter, can you go against it afterwards? Can you know when Shura has been done, when the final decision has been made, then you have to abide by it. So I'm sure avena home and their affairs are in consultation between themselves meaning they do not make a decision without consulting one another.

00:38:32 --> 00:39:10

And they consult one another and do not act hastily. When a person does not consult the other person is being hasty in taking action he is, in order to consult each other, you have to have somebody you have to wait for that time when everybody can meet up. So they run their affairs by mutual consultation. And they help one another by this because when you help another person by discussing the issue with them, by involving them in the decision making process, that are you making your matter easy and their matter easy. Yes, you are. So it's a way of helping each other as well.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:40

Because when you discuss when you reflect then many, many aspects come before you, your mind opens up and you're able to reach the correct decision. So, we see the childre this is something very, very necessary for teamwork. When people are working together, when people are working collectively, whether it is at a very large scale or small scale large scale like for example, a national level, small scale like for example running a school or running a household, a family.

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When people are working together, they're in the same place. Then Shula is extremely necessary with who all those people who are related.

00:39:53 --> 00:40:00

Because if a person does not consult other people, this will lead to many problems. For example, if there is a family

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family living in the same house. And it's not just parents and little children, but parents and adults, or for example, grandmother, uncle, people living together in the same house. In order for them to live peacefully, what do they need to do? consult one another.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:55

For example, one day, the father decides, I'm going to cut off the internet, I can't afford to do it, I can't afford to pay for it. I'm just going to cut it off. If he cuts it off, without doing Judo with other people is going to affect them? Is it going to make them upset? Yes, it will make them very upset. Similarly, one day the husband decides I'm going to invite all my friends over dinner. He doesn't consult with his wife and she has an exam The next day, is it going to lead to a good relationship or a bad relationship? bad relationship. So it leads to lack of trust, it leads to ill feelings, it leads to grudges and anger. So in order to avoid anger, what do you need to do?

00:40:55 --> 00:41:04

Sure, from before, so for people to work peacefully, for people to live peacefully, surely is necessary.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:08

And there are many, many benefits of shorter than you think of something

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that other people, they feel special, they feel important, they feel included. And if you just decide on your own, and just inform them later, how do they feel

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left out, they feel they have been disrespected.

00:41:24 --> 00:42:08

Sometimes when a group of people are deciding on a matter together, then the best option comes before them. Because when a person is making the decision independently, he's only thinking with his one brain. He's looking at the matter with his own eyes only. And he has biases. But when people are discussing something together, and multiple brains, multiple views as a result, better decision, people become united, then if you just make a decision on your own and inform them, will the other people agree, even if they technically agree with you with regards to the decision that you have made, they will feel hurt, their heart will not be with you that you accept the decision that the

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other person has made. But just because you weren't consulted, you feel hurt. And as a result, you don't want to accept what they have said. This is why many times when parents consult their children, when it comes to making their decision. And children, they feel good about it, and then listen to their parents happy. But when parents don't consult their children and what happens there's feelings of resentment.

00:42:32 --> 00:42:35

So it's a means of unity. What else

00:42:36 --> 00:42:40

that each person feels they are contributing.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:57

It doesn't become a one man show rather, people feel that even they have a say, even they have a share in the work that's going on. And if one person is just making decisions himself, commanding other people, then this leads to dictatorship, right? And people don't like it.

00:42:58 --> 00:43:13

Responsibility is also shared. Because in case something goes wrong afterwards, you can't name one person that you decided this use at this, you took the step? No, everybody agreed, therefore, the responsibility is also shared.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:23

You feel more confident with the decision because everybody has agreed, so many people are behind it. And when you're alone in that decision making, then you feel afraid.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:48

It's a way of opening doors of communication, that it's an excuse that we will get to sit together and talk to one another communicate with each other. And if there is no shoulder, no communication, misunderstanding, like for example, people living in the same house, the mother is making her own decisions, the father is making his own decisions, his son, his own daughter her own

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and if there's no shirt on amongst themselves, then what will happen no communication, but if you have to ask your father, what do you think I should do? Please tell me then you end up having a conversation with him you have something useful to talk about? You get to know about how he looks at things he gets to know more about you. And similarly when a lot of people are working together for example, Institute in a school in an organization and everybody sits at the same table, then there is communication, there is no miscommunication. Otherwise people only assume Yeah, I think that course is starting then I think that course is ending. But when people are brought together at the

00:44:27 --> 00:44:37

same table, and what happens there is communication, there is clarity, of work, or even job description. who's supposed to do what

00:44:38 --> 00:44:47

you basically when the other person over there when you consult them. I remember somebody once advised me that whenever you are doing anything, always consult your husband.

00:44:48 --> 00:44:59

Anything with regards to teaching with regards to especially the work, always consultant because when you consult the other person that a they will give you a very good solution that you never thought of and

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Be they will support you, they'll be supportive of you. And if you just tell them Oh, by the way, I'm going to class five days a week 95 or 93, I'll see you in the afternoon and you have to do the dinner, these many days of the week, and I will do the dinner these many days of the week,

00:45:15 --> 00:45:29

then this leads to resentment. This leads to the other person feeling that I'm supposed to be the boss, you're supposed to be listening to me, not telling me what to do. So it leads to unity, it leads to love, and it keeps people together.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:32

Any other benefits that you can think of, but

00:45:35 --> 00:45:45

people are willing to sacrifice as well. And if you just impose, impose, impose, then people are not willing, perhaps they will. But they will have feelings of resentment,

00:45:46 --> 00:45:54

peace of mind sukoon, which is so important. And if people don't have Shura, then it leads to division.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:32

It's so now the prophets are alongside him as well. And you see, when people are working together, when people do show up, when they're happy, when they're not cheating one another. There is no backbiting involved, then Allah will also put in the work, isn't it? And if people are working together, they don't do Sure. there is division, there's ill feelings, there is resentment, there's Tiana. Then will there be Baraka? No. So if you want the help of Allah, then you have to follow his instructions as well. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us over here what I'm doing Sure. avena and if you think about it, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what do we learn about him that Allah subhanaw

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taala commanded him to share with him, Phil.

00:46:35 --> 00:47:16

After the Battle of overheads, the profits or losses, and I was told that you do Shura we do with the companions? Did he need to do Sharon with them? If you think about it, no, he received revelation after all, he was so far sighted, he did not need to do Shura. But still he was told to do Shura, because when people are working together, it's a very healthy thing to do. It leads to many benefits. And we see that after the prophets Allah Allah said unto us, however, they followed his footsteps that are motivated are know when he was a halifa. He had made a committee of six members are the companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, with whom he would regularly consult

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Who are they are manually learn who are literally dying, who don't have a sacrament, we will cost and

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so the profits on a lot of them did it a little did learn who did it. And we're all supposed to do it. If we want to be successful to not work. Well, I'm sure avena home woman models up to now whom you want to call in and from whatever we have provided them, they spend, they spend where

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in the way of Las panatela, in obedience to Allah subhanho. Because when a person even spends on his own needs, fulfilling his own personal needs, but they are done in obedience to Allah, then this is also correct. This is also a means of earning reward. So remember, as economic recon they spend in obedience to a master plan. They don't spend in wrong ways. They don't spend wastefully, but rather they spend in obedience to Allah. This includes a cat, this includes sadhaka, this includes fulfilling their needs. So they're not stingy. They're not hoarders, but rather they are giving. And if you notice, my mouse, aka home, men has been understood in two ways.

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Men after a period meaning some of not that they give everything away to that they have nothing left, but somehow and secondly, men has also been understood as everything men have been. Meaning whatever we have given them they spend. So basically, they spend according to the situation, whatever the situation requires from them.

00:48:46 --> 00:49:09

For example, Abubakar of the learner, at the time of the expedition to the book, what did he give everything? Because that's what the situation required. He didn't keep anything to himself, but rather he brought everything but we see that at other times, what did he give only some Why? Because that was sufficient. Or that's what he could afford. That's what his situation allowed.

00:49:10 --> 00:49:17

So when a man was a canal, homeopathic on the main thing is that a person should be giving you should be willing to spend

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and then depending on the situation, he will decide how much will be merasakan at home, you come in Serato for con is 67 we learn when Medina either unfuckable learn new three, four, what am jaqua to work anabaena Delica Tawana and they are those the irregular miner who those who when they spend they do not do so excessively or even sparingly, meaning they don't go to extremes of being extremely wasteful and going to the other extreme of being stingy, but rather they are between that justly moderate warming models up in our home. You

Ash-Shura 36-53 Tafsir 36-38

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