Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 13 – L130F

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet's near Matala refers to houses of Mecca, houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of houses of
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello Jean Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim

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lesson number 137 Abraham will begin from number 28

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lm todo el alladhina Bharat de Luna Amata la hecho from what I have Lu coma home del Burwell Have you not considered those people who exchange the favor of a VA for disbelief and settle their people in the home of Ruin,

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Adam, Adam total expresses wonder and amazement that this is so strange This is so amazing. Have you seen Did you hear Have you reflected on this? Who those people who bet dulu near Matala he, but the loo from the from the researchers there that learn which is to replace something to exchange something for another to substitute one thing with another to alter something. So what did they change? What did they substitute? What did they exchange, the near Matala the blessing of Allah? So they exchange the blessing of Allah with what could foreign disbelief? Remember the meaning of course, it does not necessarily mean disbelief in every context. What other meaning does it convey

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in gratitude as well, so near Matala over here refers to shukran near Matala, meaning being grateful for the blessing of Allah. So in other words, these people instead of being grateful for the blessings of Allah, what did they do? They became ungrateful for the narrowness of Allah. What does this blessing refer to? And who are these people?

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The people over here, it refers to the people of Mecca, the mushrikeen of Mecca. And what was the blessing that they were given? What was a special blessing that they were given that the Prophet salallahu Salam was from their city from amongst themselves. So the near Matala refers to Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And what was a shocker that they should have shown that they should have believed in Him, they should have accepted him. Because believing in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was something very prestigious for them the fact that he was amongst them, it made them people who are knowledgeable, it made them the oma of the final messenger. So this was something very

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prestigious for them. But instead of believing instead of being grateful, what did they do? They rejected the Prophet sort of audience. So this behavior of theirs, this is amazing. And secondly, the blessing does not alter efforts to develop a mean, the sacred house, the sacred city, the secure city that they have been given, which was the city of Mecca. As you know, that the Arabs, they were very violent when it came to fighting when it came to war. And at the smallest excuse, they would raise their swords against one another. However, whenever someone would enter Makkah, then what would happen, he would put down his sword, even if he saw his father's murder, no one would raise

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their sword in the city of Mecca. So this was a very big blessing that the people of Mecca had been given because this piece could be found nowhere else on this earth.

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So this blessing of last panel data had given them and instead of believing in a messenger, instead of being grateful, what did they do? They did.

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They were ungrateful, or they literally denied the Prophet sort of autism. And as a result, what did they do? Were ahem low and they settled. On our home, there are people that will dwell in the home of ruin. A Hello from the roof address her landline. And remember the literal meaning of the word *, it means to open to untie Helen and firmness is the word Hillel, which is when something is permissible, and a handler is to cause someone to settle, to establish someone somewhere. Because you are when a traveler he arrives at a particular place. What does he do? He unties his saddle his baggage, the roads that he has died is stuffed with onto the camel. So a handler is to settle to

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descend. So these people, they cause their followers to descend a Hello karma home? Where did they cause them to descend? There are Bower in the home of Ruin? Who does their people refer to? Who does what people refer to a Hello comma whom?

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You see, it was mainly the leaders. It was mainly the chiefs of the various tribes who had rejected the Prophet sort of orders Allah and the rest of the people. What did they do? They blindly followed them because people are generally on the religion of who their leaders. So whatever their leaders did, the rest of the people follow them in the previous if as well. What did we learn

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That people blindly follow others. And when they end up with their leaders in Hellfire, what will they say that we followed you in the dunya? Can you help us today?

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So we learned that a person should think about who he is following should open up his eyes and should not blindly follow anyone. When we see that the people of Mecca what do they do, they follow their leaders. And as a result, they ended up where in the home of ruin.

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Their bow is from the roof cutters were well off. And the wall is used for destruction. It is used for ruin. But what kind of destruction is it? What kind of Ruin is it? It is basically economic loss when a person has a lot to sell. But there is no one to buy when he has a lot to sell. But there is no one to buy his commodities, whatever he has put for sale. So imagine if you're selling fruit, and there are no buyers, what's going to happen to that fruit? It's going to go back very soon, because it's life is very short. So when a person loses in this way, then he loses his capital, his investment, and when he loses the investment, then how is he going to continue? He won't be able to

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continue because imagine if a person buys with all the money that he has some fruit and he wishes to sell it nobody buys that fruit so obviously makes no profit. But the money that he invested his last even that so but while his utter destruction utter ruin complete loss.

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So these people the elite of Makkah, they have led their followers into the home of ultimate loss. Ultimate ruin. And what is that home of Ruin? Johanna Hellfire yes loner her they will enter to burn in it will be itself Corolla and watch an evil place of settlement. It is what a wretched case of settlement Hellfire is. Because imagine the machine of Makkah, if they had believed in the prophets of Allah Salah this would have led them to great success. And we see how later on the Arabs who were completely unknown, who were known for nothing only for their battles and their wars. Nobody paid any attention to them. As soon as the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the Sahaba, they started assisting

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him and how the Muslims, they increased over there, we see how the surrounding powers like for example, the Romans, they felt threatened. And we saw how through the Toba, the Romans, they wish to attack Arabia, whereas attenti Lau they had no interest in Arabia, because Arabia was nothing. So then we're stuck in a pocket instead of believing in the Prophet sallallahu wasallam with their disbelief, what are they doing? They were heading towards their loss towards their eternal loss. And especially they were leading their people into that utter loss. And what does that utter loss Hellfire in which they will burn? And that is a very evil settlement. So what's the lesson in this

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for us?

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What's the lesson in this first, primarily, this is about Michigan of vodka. But what do we learn from this for ourselves?

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That first of all, we have to see who we are following and where they're taking us. Where they are leading us? What is their destination? What is it that they're calling us to?

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And secondly, when Allah subhanaw taala has given us blessings, then what does it mean? We should be grateful? What does being grateful mean that we just say thank, you know,

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what else does it include?

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That we should do what Allah wants us to do as well. Because when wished he never given so many blessings, what was required of them, that they should believe in the messenger, and that they should assist him

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with joy Alou, and instead they have made lilla he for Allah and Devon partners, equals and that is a plural of knit. And the remainder is used for an equal someone who is equivalent to the other in some qualities in some attributes, in perhaps his status even however the word needed, it also gives a sense of someone who is your opponent as well. Like for example, imagine two people who are have similar abilities, similar qualifications, and if both of them are applying for a job. They're similar in their qualities, but are they not rivals at the same time?

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They are rivals at the same time. So nted Yes, someone who is similar in some way or the other, but there is this sense of enmity between the two rivalry between the two.

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So they have set up partners for Allah subhanaw taala why had to set these partners or leoline Lu, so that the mislead unstability from his way, Leo belleau lamb over here is of consequence, that when the wish to set up parties with Allah as a result, what are they doing? They're misleading people from the way of Allah.

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Hello. How is it possible?

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Because you seem

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The idols that people worship, apparently, they seem to be very attractive. Generally people are very attracted towards sculptures towards pictures, which is why people are always showing pictures on their phones, on their computers. This is all that people are doing. They always want to share pictures. similarity sculptors, people are very fascinated by them. People have a natural interest in such things.

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So when the mushrikeen when they believe and they worship idols, what happens? The lay people, they have very impressed by the idols. They're very attracted towards them.

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And without even thinking, what do they do? They follow in their footsteps and they also do check Leoville no underbelly as a result they're misleading people from the way of Allah

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What does Allah say all say to them d'amato go ahead and enjoy have some fun for some time in this dunya for in nimasa eurocom illa now for indeed your destination is do the fire.

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Your final Enders were in the hellfire.

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So the machinery they used to highlight their idols. They used to show them off, they used to praise them a lot. They used to give them a lot of importance, which is why people from all over the Arabia, what would they do?

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They would come to America in order to sacrifice for these idols in order to worship these idols. And as a result, people were being diverted from the worship of Allah soprano tarda alone. And at the same time, because of this, they were rejecting the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well. But what does Allah say? Go ahead, continue in this idolatry continue in your wrong ways. But remember that your time of enjoyment is very short.

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When everybody say to my servants, meaning Oh Prophet sallallahu Sallam say to my servants,

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which servants and Medina Amano, those people who have believed

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so totally everybody say to my servants, my slaves who have believed

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if you notice, a las panatela does not say

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yeah, you're Latina woman over here. What has been said, say, leery birdie, tell my servants. So when the believers are being called My servants, what is being shown over here? First of all honor for these believers,

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my servants

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it shows a loss of love. Secondly, in this is also a warning

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that those people who believe those who are my servants, they do such things.

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Check yourself, do you do this or not?

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Because such believers are the ones who fulfill or Buddha who truly worship Allah subhanaw taala. So tell them that up Masada they should establish the center tell them that they should perfect their solder. They should improve their solder they should establish it they should pray regularly. Isn't understood that a believer would pray anyway? Isn't it understood? Think about it. A believer means he's going to praise Allah. But Allah subhanaw taala says only Ribera de alladhina amanu Uk masala tell them that they should establish their sauna because every believer needs to improve his Sunnah he needs to improve in his establishment of his prayer. Because remember your karma to Salah does

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not just mean that you pray five times a day, but what does it include?

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proper will do proper atharv fulfilling all of the prerequisites before praying the Salah. So, we have to check ourselves

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there now that we have learned how to make proper will do are we doing it regularly or not? Is that how we do we'll do are we still not sure? Did we perfect our will do? Did we perfect our

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What about the scarf before and after? What about the hours after making will do and then during the Salah, praying the Salah properly fulfilling all of the requirements, completing all of the YG baths meaning all of the obligatory aspects of the salah

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and also focusing on the extra escar. So you clean so that they should establish the solid they should work on improving their sauna and also where you will feel good and they should also spend mingma from that which was our corner whom we have provided them tell them that they should spend out of what We have provided them what is the loss of data provided us with?

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What does this include? Every beneficial thing that a person is given whether it is food or it is money or it is

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Some physical strength, what else time, what else? skills, what else knowledge, all of this is what this the last panel done is given. So tell them, that they should spend out of what We have given them. If they have learned something, they should share it with others. If they have some time, they should use that time to help others. If they have some ability, some physical strength, they should help someone, they should use that, to serve the dean to help the creation of a loss of parental data. So tell them that they should spend in the way of Allah and how should they spend silver secretly what I learned and also openly silver why silver wire secretly to keep the near sincere and

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pure ny openly

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to encourage other people.

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Sivan has also been understood as that they should spend at the time of privacy. What does that mean? That they should spend during the night when nobody's looking? when nobody's watching? Or for example, if not at night, sometimes you are at the masjid, perhaps you're alone in the masjid. There is nobody else and you see a donation box. Now at that time, nobody's watching, nobody can see you. So at that time, also, you can follow this, that they should spend seven secretly when nobody is watching.

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Similarly, seven also means secretly, meaning without getting anyone without publicizing. There are many things when we do them, we like to share with other people.

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But soccer is one thing that we should try to, in some situations keep it secret. In other situations, yes, it should be Alani as well. But in some situations, we should keep it to ourselves, we should not publicize the fact that we gave donation in the box, or that we sponsored so and so No, this is something that a person should keep

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secret, and especially when sadaqa is being given to an individual.

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When sadaqa is being given to who a person an individual, why, if you tell other people what's going to happen, they're going to feel that other people are going to think bad about them. Because unfortunately, money is a very big deal. Whereas in reality, it's not something that's that important. So civil secretly at the time of secrecy, similarly without publicizing. And they should give support to individuals highly secretive, and also applies to

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voluntary charity

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that this should be given priority, and openly, which should be given openly,

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Zakat obligatory charity way, so that other people can be a witness to your performing your obligations. This is very important. But it does not mean there is a person who's getting sicker patients showing off.

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Similarly, alanya openly, for example, during the day, when other people are watching,

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so that others are also encouraged. Because it's possible that sometimes you're walking to the masjid, you and your sister, and you think about it, I use the masjid, I came here I use the washroom, I didn't want to, I prayed over here. And obviously the machine is bearing the expenses. So it's my responsibility that I should put my share. So when you're walking out the door, you put some money into the box. Now you do it inside of your system. Now when your sister will see you, isn't she,

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she's going to be encouraged. So when you give sadaqa openly, then what happens, other people get encouraged. Other people also get motivated, because sometimes there's nothing stopping us from giving sadaqa except that we just didn't think about it. If you think of it, we have change in our pockets, we have changed in our bags, we have a lot of money in our purses, every time that we visit the message and we benefit from the machine, we can do it but sometimes we just don't think about it, when we read the

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data, but what happens we just forget about it, it does not cross our minds. But if we see someone else do it, then immediately we get reminded so sooner rather than later. And so, the quiz should also be given to a particular cause. So for example, it should be given to individuals, they will return to spending in a particular cause, then a person should perhaps do it openly so that other people also get encouraged.

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So they should spend

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time with us all the time.

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All the time, meaning whatever opportunity they get, they should spend. Sometimes what happens we want to give some sort of public ridicule that other people are watching. I shouldn't give right now. And then what happens we lose our chance completely. There it goes for the next week. We'll

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so when we get the opportunity whether people are there or not.

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People don't know when you have the opportunity spent, because you don't have much time spend monopoly before and yet

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before a day comes which they levy on fee in which there is no trade,

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barrier, barrier and trade in which there is no trade meaning on that day, you cannot give sadaqa and expect that you'll be freed because of that.

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So, therefore, cannot be treated as trade on that day. Right now, if you give, it will free you, but if on that day you try to give in order to free yourself, you will not be able to free yourself because there is no trade on that day.

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nor any friendship nor friendship that could benefit you we have done these words before it will fade out from the real Tetris ha Lamplugh.

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So, here we see that a loss of data has mentioned particular actions, which are a requirement of EMA because Allah subhanaw taala says only a baddie and Medina ermanno. My servants who have believed tell them that they should do this, because this is a requirement of EMA

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person who has accepted imagine a person who claims to be a believer, he must do certain actions to prove himself as we learned earlier, that a believer is like a data entry to the akula. Hakuna Hainan, so the believer has to do something he cannot just say that I have demand and that's it. No, he has to do something. And all of those actions that he must perform, are Lost Planet Allah has mentioned some over here which are extremely important. And asked them are first of all, solar.

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And then spending in the wave of loss of data in all circumstances openly and secretly.

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And allows us to do it, because you don't have much time before a day comes on which you will not be able to do any trade.

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Nor will any friendship come in use.

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In the denier, what happens if a person is in trouble? If he isn't a difficulty? What will he do he will use his money to help himself.

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For example, if a person has lost all this money, he still has something or the other which he can sell. Perhaps he has a savings account. So he can access some money perhaps he can sell his wife's jewelry, perhaps he can sell his house or car to make do. And if he does not have any money, who does he turn to people. But on that day, nothing can help you.

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Nobody can say oh law in the dunya when I died I left behind a million dollars. Please take them and free me today. Nobody can say although I was very good to people, as two people, they were very good friends of mine. Please forgive me because of that. No, this is not going to work. You have to do something today yourself.

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You have to do something today yourself alladhina amanu. If you claim to be believers in do something, because if you don't do something, then how is your tree going to grow? How are you going to produce something? How are you going to reap the benefits in the hereafter?

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There are multiple services Allahu alayhi. Allah is the one who Chanukah some our tea will offer who created the heavens and the earth were unzila Minnesota eema and, and he sent down water from the sky. Allah has created the heavens and the earth and he has sent down from the sky mat and water and he ascended this water in various different forms. Sometimes in the form of raindrops, sometimes in the form of snow crystallized raindrops in various forms of loss panel data causes water to descend from the sky.

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and then he brought out Biggie with it meaning through this water, because of this water as a result of this water coming down from the sky, he produces from the earth minute some of art of the various produce a similar to the plural of the model. And yes, the soil is generally translated as fruit, but it does not only apply to fruit,

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remember it applies to produce. So it includes fruits, vegetables, grains. So, he produced because of this water, various, some of our various produce, fruit leaves, seeds, flowers, stems, branches, different types, and all of these are risk Calico, they are a provision for you how that you eat them, you drink their juice, you use the oil,

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you make bread from it. Similarly, from some plants, cotton can be made and what that people are able to workloads Mater clouds. So this Calico food and clothing, even medicine and class that is used not just for wearing but also for other purposes.

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So this connection This is all a provision for you was so called Allah Komal fulgur ns objective for you the ship's Sakura seen hora and remember the word asleep? What does it mean, to put something to service do bring something to submission, to give it no choice but to do a particular work to perform a particular task. So when something is brought to submission when it is put to service, when it is not given any choice, but to do the work that has been assigned for it.

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So, what's so hard Allah Komal fulica he has subjected for you the ships? What does it mean? That he has subjected the ships for you that you're able to control them, you're able to travel on them.

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Because think about it, a ship which is huge, which is so heavy, it floats on water, but at the same time you drop a pin, you drop a nail, what's going to happen,

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it's going to sink. So Allah has subjected the ships for you, in your favor.

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Lita gfl battery so that it flows in the sea, be Emily at his command by his command.

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It's only when Allah subhanaw taala knows it's because of his command that the ships are able to sail and the other things which may be smaller than ships, they drown immediately. What's so hard Allah come and he has objected for you and help the rivers he has suggested the reverse for you. Now notice the word and how and how does it plural us? Now, first of all, we read the word backup. And then we read now, so by how is a huge body of water like for example, a sea and ocean, a huge lake.

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And another on the other side is a river, a ravine basically water that is flowing constantly from one direction to the other.

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Like for example, in seas, oceans, lakes, yes, there are waves. But what happens? The water stays in one place.

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But in a river constantly what's happening water is flowing from one point to a particular destination until it meets a particular sea or ocean, etc.

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So a Sahara lagoon and * he has also subjected the rivers for you. What does it mean by this? Meaning the rivers he has made for your service for your benefit? He has made these rivers for your benefit for your service. Because think about it allows the panel data could have controlled water or have it concentrated in just certain places. But would that be beneficial for human beings? No.

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Because then human beings would only be able to live were around legs. And in seas, obviously if you're living by a sea even Can you drink that water? No, he can't drink it.

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So, the fact that our last panel data has made rivers what is it

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that these are for the benefit of human beings Sahara local unhealth

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and Sahara also in another way that he has subjected them for you that you are able to control the rivers, you are able to control the result

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that for example, people have tried to change the course of rivers even it's something that is well known. It happens sometimes that it is successful if you try to change the course of a river. If you try to change the direction it is possible sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. Similarly, from rivers, people are able to build ravines for the purpose of irrigating their fields.

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So as to how lockable and how he has subjected the rivers for you. So we seen the previous ayah Allah subhanaw taala mentions sadaqa spending in his way and here, a loss of habitat his blessings are mentioned. If you look at it, Allah subhanaw taala spends on us day in and day out all the time, in so many different ways, food, water, rivers, chips, so many different ways Allah subhanaw taala spends on us. And if Allah dealt with us, the way we deal with others, that he withheld his reign, and he would not cause the plants to grow and he did not subject the ships then what would happen, we would be in so much difficulty. So we see the generosity of a loss of panel data and by this we

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must also take a lesson and be generous towards the creation of almost a predator.

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Well Sahaja locomotion sir, and he has objected for you the sun, meaning he has fixed it for your service. The sun is there why to serve you? The sun has been assigned its work its job it has been put to task for your service was Sahaja loco-motion Sir, it's in your favor, that when the sunrises and sunsets it's an whose favorite, your favorite and

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A person might say, well, human beings are not the only ones who benefit from the sun. Plants also benefit animals also benefit, but ultimately who benefits from those plants and animals, human beings.

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So a Sahara nakoma shamsur. Welcome around, and also the moon he has objected for you. Why? What's the purpose of the moon? for calculating time? And the sun and the moon? They are they're urbane. They are continuous in their orbit. That urbane is the dual of

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the A from the ruthless dial Hamza. What does that mean?

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do continue to walk literally, this is the mean to continue to proceed, do continue to walk.

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And the other side is that he walked continuously. And from this the word that was used for a habit, a usual practice a usual custom gotta be airlifted around. So the sun and the moon are that urbane, meaning in their movement in their orbit.

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They are constantly moving.

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Constantly, they're moving in their orbit, in their movement, the sunrises, the sunsets, the moon comes the moon goes constantly this is happening. It doesn't happen that one day where the sun is not out. There's no sunrise today. Okay, the sun is there, it's not going to go set. No, this is constantly happening. And this is not just in their orbit in their movement, but also in their light, for example,

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the sun, although sometimes it happens that it's very cloudy, but still, there is some light, there's some light at least. So in their light in the benefits that they bring to human beings on earth, that event constantly working.

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Well, so halochem ns objective for you. And later the night when the horror and also the day. Now, you may wonder over here, the sun and the moon Don't move. It's the earth that moves.

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You may wonder. So the Quran contradicts science.

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What does it mean? Why has this been said in this particular way we learned earlier eulogy live in the half. That how a loss of power causes the night to overlap the day in that we learned as to how it shows that the earth is constantly moving. And with that the night and the day come and go. So is this a contradiction?

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This is basically from your point of view. This is from your point of view. When you look up to the sky, what do you see yourself moving with the sun moving? The sun moving? When you look up to the sky? Do you see the moon moving? Are yourself moving, the moon is moving. So it's from your point of view, which is more of a favor on you.

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Because imagine if you were made to feel that you are constantly moving How would you live? How would you survive life would be so difficult for you. Sometimes people cannot sit in a car for too long, sit in a plane or a train for too long, why they feel sick. If you go on a ship, some people cannot take it. So the fact that we are on this earth and we see the sun and the moon coming and going and it's as though we are still and everything else is moving. This is a favor upon us of Allah subhanaw taala

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will attack him and he gave you men coonley Massa ultimo who, from all that you asked of him? Meaning everything that you need. A last panel data has provided that you what

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he has given you everything that you have asked for everything that you have inquired for everything that you have demanded. Allah Sopranos Allah has given you according to what is good for you

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know a person may wonder that I never asked for my eyes.

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I never asked for the sun.

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Like for example, when people are told this life as a test, and unless pounds is created, as they say, Well, I never asked to be created. Sometimes people say such silly things. So, what does it mean by this that He has given you everything that you have asked?

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You see, there are two ways of asking

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two ways of requesting. One is through listen

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through the tongue, through McCall through one's words.

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For example, the person wants to get married. So they pray to Allah, Allah, grant me a righteous spouse. This is what kind of asking through the listen through the tongue makaan. And the other is through has had the state that a person does not directly ask for it. But his state demands his state necessitates that he should be given. Like for example, a child

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when a child needs to be fed or needs to be changed. Sometimes some children Yes, they cry a lot but other children, they don't cry too much. Who knows that the child needs to be fed, the mother knows. So it's the state of the child that chose to the mother that the child needs.

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This similarly, our state, it demands that certain things should be given to us. Like for example, we should be given oxygen to breathe, we should be given sunlight, we should be given water, we should be given food, we should have certain things in our body, we should have certain things in our environment. So, Allah subhanaw taala has given you everything that you asked of him, whether yourself or whatever your state demanded, whatever your state necessitated. So Allah subhanaw taala has given you everything that you need basically,

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you never asked for your eyes, you never asked for so many things that you have a loss of hands on has given you

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what internal do near Matala II, and if you were to count the blessings of Allah letter suha, you would never be able to enumerate it, you would never be able to list those blessings. There. So from the newsletters hasard. Yeah, from the word hisar. And hisar, is used for pebbles, and if so, is to calculate, to enumerate.

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And what connection does this have with pebbles? Because the Arabs when they would count? How would they do it? With doubles? Like, for example, even children, sometimes when they're taught how to count? How are they taught through beads, or through sticks, or through different different things,

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similar to the Arabs, they would use pebbles. So if you were to try to count to number, the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given you, you would never be able to enumerate them, you would never be able to list them, you would never be able to calculate them. Never they will do is from or that and other this number.

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So if you want to know the number of the blessings of Allah has given you never can you pursue had never can you calculate them?

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Like, for example, if you ever tried to count the number of hair on your head? Can you figure out a formula through which you could calculate that number? Can you? You cannot, but each hair on your head is a blessing.

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Similarly, if you try to count the number of potatoes that you've had, the number of rice grains that you've consumed in your entire life, is there any way of enumerating them? Is there any way of calculating them? There is no way.

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If you try to calculate the number of breaths that you've taken, can you ever calculate them? Never. If you try to list the blessings that Allah has given you, you can never calculate them. Unless the penalty has given you so many blessings, blessings that you've asked for, and blessings that you never even asked for yourself. But your state demanded, and Allah gave them to you, without even you requesting were entered do near Matala he later saw but what is your behavior or human being? In insanity? Indeed, the human being he is lava lumen. Surely he is most unjust, and he is extremely ungrateful, Lalu and Kapha. This is how most people are the one whom is one who does a lot of work.

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Notice this is not the only one who does a lot of

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casinos will how, how does a person do a lot of work on himself that Allah subhanaw taala has given you so many blessings. Instead of being grateful for them. You're ungrateful, instead of using them, instead of turning to Allah, so that that becomes an increase in your blessings. What do you do? Return away from him depriving yourself of the blessings that Allah has given you. The human being is loom

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very, very unjust to himself. Allah has given so many blessings. And yet the human being does not even care for himself. Just think about it.

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A loss of pounds Allah has given us so much what does that show? How much he cares for us? How much he cares for every single person. Like when a person is given food when a person is given air to breathe when a person is given a family when a person is given eyes, but it's still a person disobeys a lot and ends up in the Hellfire, then who is unjust. It's the person himself. And he's extremely unjust, a law bestowed so much on him so many blessings. And look how unjust this person is that he didn't avail them. He wasn't grateful and he ended up with the Wrath of Allah.

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And at the same time, the human beings are also very,

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extremely ungrateful, because the blessings are so many. Therefore, the in gratitude is also a lot because when a person is not grateful, then what happens depending on the blessings that he has been given his in gratitude is also a lot. So lava lumen Kapha. So we see that as

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Everything that we needed, whether we asked him verbally or otherwise, Allah subhanaw taala has given it to us

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for our benefit. So what should our behavior be of gratitude and of obedience? And if a person does otherwise, then he's only harming himself. He's not harming a lot at all.

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This edition.

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what's up?

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He was self taught.

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What's up?

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What's up?

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When you realize that someone has been so gracious to you so kindly, that they have given you so much, then how do you feel naturally? What do you want to do?

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You want to do something, to appreciate their favorite. And you realize the fact that you can never make up for it.

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When somebody has helped you, when somebody has given you so much, there's no way of paying them for what they have done. There's no way of doing that. Because your son is your son, there is no recompense for your son except for your son. So when a Lost Planet, Allah has given us so many blessings, what is our duty?

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What is our responsibility? That we should also do that what pleases them? Like, for example, parents,

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when they're so kind towards their children? What do they want from their children that their children should grow up and give them money? What do they want, that they should obey them, that they should listen to them, that they should respect them? That they should not waste the money that the parents have given them?

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Like, for example, when parents spend for their children's education, what do they want from the children that they should do? Well, not that their money is being wasted.

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Similarly, when Allah subhanaw, taala has given us this hand, these eyes, the mouth, the ears, the ability to breathe, to walk, then what should we do? use it in words that will please him that will make him happy. Not that our body is decaying away, not that our time is going away, our life is going away, and we're not doing anything productive. Know, when you've shown favour to someone or when you've been good to someone, what you want from them is that whatever that you've given them, you can get its value somehow.

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So similarly, when Allah subhanaw taala has given us so much, and it's our responsibility that we must do what pleases Him.

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If somebody has been good to us, we can never say to them, I'm sorry, I cannot do this for you. I'm sorry. I can't listen to you this one time. We can't we don't have the confidence to say that. But Allah subhanaw taala is

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given us so much yet when it comes to pray when it comes to reciting the Quran, when it comes to doing something good, we have a list of other things to do. And we have no shyness in presenting those excuses.

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And the reason behind our ingratitude and our injustice with ourselves is because we don't even acknowledge the blessings that Allah has given us. If we acknowledged them, then our behavior would certainly be different.

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The iron which spending is mentioned, when it comes to spending, for example, when people make their savings account for their funds, they spend so willingly, they will cut out a portion of their monthly income so willingly because they need that money in their later stage. Similarly, when it comes to investing for a child's education, people will so willingly set aside some money, which they perhaps need at that time, but they will set it aside for their child's education, why they will need it later. When it comes to dunya. We spent very willingly but our last presenter is telling us you need this for tomorrow invested today because on that day, nothing else will help

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We see that sheduled agenda is a tree that is good in itself and it's also a source of benefit for others. Similarly, we see that the believers have been told over here that they should do a comma to swallow and at the same time, benefit others as well. And they should also spend in the way they should also spend on one another be beneficial

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to will end over here

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because they should when they're either in the into the stockbroker wanted to assume already called publicat

Ibrahim 18-34 Word Analysis and Tafsir 28-34

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