Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 06 – L071H

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a situation where a person committed a crime and was punished by the government, but was later found to be a criminal. The speaker suggests that the person may be killed or punished by the criminal if they do not comply with regulations. The importance of forgiveness is emphasized, and forgiveness in addressing past crimes is urgent. The speaker also discusses the loss of anger and punishment for actions that cause people to commit crimes, and the need for people to forgive others for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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inland levena taboo, except for those people who do Toba, who repent from,

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from those people who waged war against a lion is messenger from those people who are pathetic, who is own a film of the facade. So if anybody if any person was involved in such activities of terrorism before, but he does tober he repents

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Min cubberly before and after the writing that you catch them.

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You have control over them. They repent before you gain mastery over them before you catch them.

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Follow the know and the love of what other than needed lies forgiving, and he's ultra merciful.

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This is the mercy of Allah. This is the forgiveness of Allah. That Allah subhanaw taala is not biased. He's so merciful that if a person was committing something as serious as this,

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but then he does Toba and he repents than Allah Subhana Allah will forgive him. But this also shows to us that if a person does though but after being caught,

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if he does Toba after being caught, then is this ever going to be accepted? No, then the punishment will be carried upon him.

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So what do we see in this ayah? First of all, we see that no matter how great of a crime a person has committed, no matter which crime it is, if he repents, Allah will forgive him.

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And we know about that incident in which a man had killed 99 people and he killed one more. And when he did doba, his tilba was accepted of law forgive him.

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So if a person committed these crimes, but repents before he is caught, he will not be punished.

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But if a person is caught, and then he does Toba, then it will not be accepted from him.

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Let's say if a person was a highway robber,

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he was with the gang.

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And everybody who who crossed that road, they would stop them and they will take their money and they would kill them or whatever.

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Now, the government is in search of these people. They can't get ahold of them.

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One of them. He realizes one day what I'm doing is wrong. This is not right. This is unfair.

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And he does tell.

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He says that's it. I'm not doing this anymore. He leaves that guy and he goes away. And then all of a sudden when a police officer season, you see this picture that you're one of those people, he says, but I have stopped doing that stuff. I don't do it anymore. I've done Toba.

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And you really see him that he's not involved in that anymore. He has completely changed. He becomes more religious. He goes to the masjid. He has a beard. He's learning the dean. Then in that case, you're not going to implement the punishment on him.

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Because he has done Toba before you caught him.

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But if he is caught, and then he says, No, no, I do tober

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then in that case, the punishment will be carried upon him. However, it is said that if let's say the person in his 30 officers will be killed someone if he killed someone.

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And now he does though. he changes his ways. And the heirs of the person who was murdered by him. When they're seeing him, they say that no, we want to carry out because

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you understand the heirs they say that no, we want to kill him because he killed my brother. He killed my son, even though he has done Toba. Still, that punishment of crystals will be executed on him. Why? Because it's the HAC of those people.

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This has that is mentioned over here. This is from who this is from Allah soprano.

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And when a person does Toba, then Allah subhanaw taala has lifted this head from him.

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But still does learn the transgression that he committed against a person against the heirs of the deceased it is their health. So even after he does Stover, if the demand that he should be killed in return, then you will be killed as a sauce.

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On the other hand, if a person is caught committing these crimes, and he hasn't done tober he hasn't done tober and let's say the person whom he killed his air say forgive him. It's okay.

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Like for instance, a man comes and he barges into somebody's house and he commits robbery over there and in that person

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As he also killed an elderly person in the house.

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Now the relative of that elderly person, they say, you know, forgive this man, it's okay.

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They will not forgive him.

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Still, he will be killed. Why? Because he did not do Toba and it's the hug of Allah that this head must be carried out against him.

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So, you see, there are two ways of looking at it.

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This hat that is given over here this punishment legal punishment, this is from who from a loss penalty. If a person is caught, it will be carried out. If a person does Stover before he is caught, then this will not be carried out on him.

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On the other hand, the Hulk of the people, the Hulk of the people, the person who has been killed his heirs.

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If a person is caught before he repents, even then the punishment will be carried on him.

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And if he is caught after repentance, still is going to be carried out if the IRS want.

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So basically, before repentance, the heirs don't have a choice. After repentance, they have a choice.

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I will repeat that, before repentance, the heirs don't have a choice. They don't have a say, as to what to do with the criminal. Why? Because it's a heck of a lot.

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And after repentance, the heirs have a choice. It's up to them, whether they forgive or they don't, if they forgive, no punishment, if they don't forgive, then that person will be killed.

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There's a very interesting incident in which we learned that I the sad, he was a person who used to block the roads used to shed blood and he plundered other people's wealth.

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And the leaders and the people like they were trying to capture him. But they could not do that until he came after he repented.

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So they try to look to find this guy but they couldn't find him. And eventually what happened. This man he repented and he came

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and he repented after he heard a man reciting the ayah here Eva da Latina s la vida and forcing him let the Karnataka Rahmatullah in the La Jolla field, the New Belgium era, in the who, who will have a photo of him that oh my servants who have transgressed against themselves, despair and out of the mercy of Allah. Verily, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, he is forgiving and he's merciful.

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So he said to that man, all servant of Allah recited again. So he recited that I again, and Ali put down his sword.

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And he went to Medina, in repentance. And he arrived during the night,

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he washed up and he went to the masjid at the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and he prayed the budget prayer.

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And he sat next to our hotel, they learned him amongst his companions.

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And in the morning, that people recognized him and so they went after him. He said, You have no way against me. I came in repentance before you had any authority over me.

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abou a little did I know he said, he has said the truth. And he held his hand. And he went to Medina and Hong Kong, who was the governor of Medina, during the reign of Maria

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obrigado Danone said, this is early, and he came in repentance, and you do not have a way against him, nor can you have him killed.

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Why, because he came, before they had power over him, and he came in repentance. So it was, this is not already, even a be part of this is already sad. So and he was absolved of punishment, and he remained on his repentance and went to the sea, to perform jihad in a lost cause, and he died over there.

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So this is the justice of a loss of anger, this is the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala, that if a person he has been committing great crimes in the past,

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but once he has repented, then you will not punish him, you will not have a way against him.

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And it shows to us that if we know of someone who used to do something wrong previously, and now we know that they have changed their ways.

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Don't remind them of what they used to do. Don't insult them, rebuke them for what they used to do in the past from what they have repented. Because sometimes people try so hard to get rid of bad habits. And what do people do? What did they say? That Oh, look at you now. Now become all righteous, or nice.

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But this is something that is incorrect.

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If somebody has done Toba, then accept that.

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We also see that we're on one side it is a responsibility of the authorities to

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After the criminal

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on the other side, the door to Toba and forgiveness is always open.

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No matter how great the crime is, there's still hope.

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We see that. Previously. For us, we're having a narrow demeanor. Dhamma was mentioned over here, nobody's mentioned.

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Sometimes we just feel bad about what we've done. But we don't fix our ways we don't change our ways.

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Though we're includes that a person changes his ways as well.

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Like, for example, this incident that that is mentioned to you.

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He left everything, he went to Medina, he took over so he went there, he prayed. And I mean, he changed his ways, quite obviously. And then he went and did jihad. And then he died over there, he didn't go back to the desert, harming other people again.

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But instead, he went, he completely changed his ways.

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So there's a clear difference between the damage and Toba. The damage is that you feel bad about what you've done.

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You feel guilty for some time, and then you move on, you do the same thing again.

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You've seen the damage is a step of over. It's one of the components of tober.

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And then they'll buy into the person leaves what he's doing, and he changes his ways.

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With this interest station

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is something very serious, very serious.

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lives, their honor, their property, their peace, their security.

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I mean, this is the right that Allah subhanaw taala has given and if you violate that in any way, there are severe consequences. And in the following, if we will learn about the punishment for theft.

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It's a serious punishment. Why?

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Because a life, property honor, the security of the other is a right that Allah has given.

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And you have no right to go and deprive them of the right that was a panther that has given them.

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And if a person does that in any way whatsoever, there are severe consequences for that.

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Another very important lesson that we learned from this is that if somebody has done something against you, and they have apologized, or they have changed their ways, then in that case, you should also forgive them.

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If a loss of hunger is so merciful, that he will forgive a person for such a huge crime that he is committed, and who are we? Who are we, if somebody has done wrong on us, and they have changed their ways, or they have apologized, and we should also have a big heart and forgive them for the wrongs that they have done.

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anything you'd like to say?

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She just mentioned about how 15 years ago she was in a country where there was war, where people were being killed, and women are being raped until now. She has nightmares of what she saw

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those scenes, they don't go away from your memory, that fear that you have in your heart. It doesn't leave you.

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It haunts you for the rest of your life. It affects people it affects children. It doesn't let you trust anyone.

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So this is how severe facade will others and the people who cause facade fill up you Harry Bruno mucholder sudo, the wage war against the innocent slaves of a lot

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people who are living at these, and you're waging war against them taking their peace away, snatching your property, disturbing their lives.

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This is something very serious and there are great consequences for that.

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In this first visit, it's so important to realize our mistakes and then rectify our actions as well.

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Like Bobby, when he killed his brother, he only felt regret. But that's it.

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Nothing beyond that. However, when it came to, for example, RDL sad What did he do? He felt bad. He did over and he also rectified his actions. So people are people. They make mistakes. You can do the greatest of mistakes as well.

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However, it's up to you as to how you react,

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the way you react the way you respond. That is what matters.

Al-Maidah 27-40 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 34

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