Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 04 – L055B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history of inheritance and the practice of inheritance in the region, including the rule of club membership and the distribution of wealth and property among the heirs. They emphasize the importance of honoring deceased family members' properties and not giving small things to anyone without their consent. The speakers also emphasize the need for everyone to agree to give small things and not give small things to anyone without their consent. The importance of treating people with their rights and not letting anyone take them without their knowledge is emphasized. The conversation also touches on the importance of fearing and speaking out in response to negative behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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For him

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at number seven to 15

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literally joining us libo mimma Tanaka, Wiley Danny will occur a boon for men is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave well in Lisa in a three boom memento kalavati then will occur a boon. And for women is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave malerkotla Minho, kassala be at little or much, nothing even more for Uber and obligatory share

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anniversaries that we will read today inshallah, we will learn about the laws of inheritance,

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that when a person dies, the wealth, the property, the state that he leaves behind, who does it go to? Does he ever say as to who his property goes to, or are the laws given by a loss of data,

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we learned that in the days of ignorance in Giulia, they were to extremes in the matters of inheritance.

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First of all, those people who were entitled to a share, they were completely deprived of their right. So for example, if there is a man who leaves behind two young children, and they definitely deserve a share from the state that their father left behind.

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So the children, they were completely deprived, nothing would be given to them. Instead, some other male relatives would take them.

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And sometimes, some people who should be given something, they didn't have any rights at all. Like, for example, the wife, she has lived with the husband all her life, for so many years. But at the time of that, she doesn't get anything from the wealth from the estate of the husband.

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So we see that there were extremes when it came to inheritance at the time of ignorance. And when it came to inheritance, the Arabs traditionally they had three main ways of dividing the estate, or three main ways of inheriting from the deceased person.

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First of all, a person would inherit because of Confederacy, because of being a leaf of the other, of the deceased, who is a honey from the other person. There are two people, they're not related to one another at all. They're not cousins, they're not brothers, they're not an uncle and nephew. No, there is no relationship between the two. They're just good friends. And these two friends, what they will do is that they will become highly for one another.

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And that meant that my life is your life, my blood is your blood, my wealth is your wealth, and vice versa.

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So basically, if somebody befriends me, then they're your friend. If somebody has enmity to me, then they have enmity towards you as well. Both of us are together. So if I die, my property goes to

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you. And if you die, your property comes to me. So this was through Holly. So as a result, what would happen was that if a person died, and he had to leave, then the belief would take all of the wealth and nothing of that estate would be given to the deceased person's children or his family members or anyone. Why? Because he had a leaf.

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Secondly, there was also the customer of the Muta banner,

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with a banner is something like you can say adoption, from the word even, what does even mean? Son? So, if somebody does not have a son, they have a lot of wealth, they have a lot of property, what do they do? They like a particular person and they say that you are like my son. So what does that mean?

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That when I die, you would inherit from me.

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But the fact is that in adoption as well, there is no inheritance. There is no inheritance in adoption, which is why there is the permission for will see

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that you can legally will one third of your wealth for somebody who is not an heir.

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Another tradition that the Arabs had was that only the oldest son he would inherit. So basically, he would inherit the entire estate of the deceased father, his younger brothers or his older sister even would not get anything. Only the oldest son, nobody else button.

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Similarly, the Arabs, they would also inherit women, too. For example, if a man died leaving behind three wives, those three wives would

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Also be inherited just like his camels were inherited. And otherwise the women, they were completely deprived of any share of the inheritance. Because according to the Arabs, the one who is brave the one who can do something is the one who deserved some wealth. So for instance, someone who can participate in a battle, someone who can bring food home, someone who can defend our people, someone who can fight with a sword is the one who deserves inheritance. But a woman, she cannot do anything like that. She cannot even lift a sword, she cannot go to the battle, she cannot bring money home, therefore, she doesn't get any share of the inheritance.

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So with the coming of our Deen, all of these practices were abolished.

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And we see that this was just the case with the Arabs. But even today, unfortunately, people who claim to be Muslim, they have their own laws of inheritance, that the women they're forced to forego their share their right. And it's only the brothers who inherit all of these practices that are contrary to the laws of Islam, what are they generally, they're generally, there are the days of ignorance, they're pre Islamic. Because when Islam came the laws that Allah subhanaw taala said they abolish all of the other practices.

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So in these islands, we will learn about the law of inheritance, that a person inherits not just because he is the belief of the other, not because somebody claimed that he is their son, when he's not actually their son, not because he's strong, and he can bring benefit to the society. No, inheritance is because of the relationship. It's not because of your bravery. It's not because of your friendship. It's not because of your personal preference. But rather, it is because of the relationship that is between the deceased and the people that he has left behind.

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Over here, we learn literally jelly for them in the region, as you know, as a plural of Roger, I notice a region has been used and this includes all men, whether they are young or old, the oldest son or the youngest son, for all the men, which men, the men that are related, the men that are off kin, they're related, not adopted originally refers to who which men related for them, there is an asleep, there is a fixed share

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the sleep as you know is used for a share that is fixed a portion that is fixed, you cannot increase it you cannot decrease it, you cannot cancel it. No, it is fixed. So for the men is a share of what mimma from whatever debacle Well then, that the two parents leave that the two parents left behind

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taraka for the rotator style or calf, what the stock mean to leave something and actually then is the dual off well it

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well, it literally is father and from that the dual of the word right it is used for the father and mother both the parents.

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So the men will inherit, they have a fixed share of the estate that the parents leave behind.

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So which minorities the sons, so the sons, whether they are the oldest or the youngest, no matter how many they are, no matter how young or old they are, real science, they have a share of what their parents leave behind who else leaves behind while accountable and the close relatives

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and Accra Boone is the Florida club. And a club is used for newsletters cough rubber, from the word core, what is called mean closeness and up korab is closest one was most close.

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All people are related to one another, some or the other. Why? Because all of us are from Neptune wider from one person from other medicine, all people are related somehow or the other. But outcrop is the closest family, the closest relatives

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and a qaboun. They include first of all the parents, both the mother and the father.

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Secondly, a Crone include children. So both the sons and the daughters.

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And thirdly, the Accra will include the spouse.

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So in the case of the man, his wife, in the case of a woman, her husband

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and these are the direct heirs, who are the accruable are the direct heirs of the deceased. Notice siblings

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Not on the moon. They are in some sense, but direct heirs in most cases, or who, just the parents of a person, the children of a person and the spouse of a person. And in other cases where there's the absence of either the parents or the children or the spouse, then the siblings inherit, but primarily the direct heirs or who, the parents, children and the spouse.

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So my MetroCard, why didn't well, Accra, Boone, so what is mean by one or kerabu? That the men have a share from what the Accra Boone leave behind from the state of the Acropolis?

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So for example, there is a man and his wife passes away, when you get a share of inheritance. Yes, there is a man and his son passes away when he get a share of inheritance. Yes, his mother passes away, will he? Yes. Well.

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And remember that inheritance is not for all of the blood relatives. So for example, if a person dies that he'd behind parents, children, spouse, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren, everybody is not going to get a share. Why? Because if everybody's going to share them, it's probably going to be very little. But the rule is of a club, a club, a club? What does it mean?

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That if the closest family members are alive, they inherit. If they're not alive, then after them, whoever is closest will inherit, if they're not alive, then after them, whoever is most closest will inherit, which is why, as I mentioned to you, that primarily the direct heirs are parents, children and spouse, if they're not there, one of them is missing, then who? siblings Then who? Uncle, then who aren't? Then who? cousins? I mean, it goes on and on. But a couple of curb rule, this is also fictionality.

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That how do you choose? Okay, if the children are there, then are you just going to choose any aunt or uncle or cousin by your choice? No, that rule also a couple o'clock that is also fixed in everything.

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So my mother actually then will occur. So as sons as fathers as husbands, or in some other cases, being relatives, the men, they will inherit, regardless of their age, regardless of their age. So what is it that makes a person worthy of inheritance? relationship?

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Remember that it's relationship?

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Well, let me say, and for the women, again, all women, whether young or old, whether rich or poor, whether they work or not, for all of the women, there is an acebo, there is a fixed share that a loss of panel data has set mimma talk and well he then when

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same thing for the women, that if the parents die leaving behind an estate, then the daughters, they have a share. And if they're a crow bone, if they pass away, that as a crow bone, they have a share.

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And this was something that was non existent at the time of jelly. What, that women also are entitled to a share of inheritance. This was something unheard of non existent.

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magma, from what man over here refers to the estate, the wealth or the property that the diseased person leaves behind.

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menma from what unless it was less men who have it, meaning of the wealthiest stayed on notice from the letters off lambda. From the word Good luck, what does that mean? shortage of something. So my my column, you know, whether it was less level in quantity, ogasawara, or it was more, it was a lot.

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Meaning regardless of the quantity or the value of the estate, if the disease person leaves behind a billion dollars, who has a share, the men and the women and Accra boon, you can't say that, oh, he's leaving behind so much, then it must be given to other people as well. No, it's only the heirs.

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Similarly, a person who cannot say that, Oh, it's so little, just give it to the wife. The children should not take anything. No, you're not going to decide menma alimento okasada. Regardless of the quantity regardless of the value of the estate, it is going to be divided according to what according to the laws of inheritance that almost panatela has given

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up on the Minho. Elgato

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and this is an urban abortion, meaning everyone has an asleep. That is muffled. That is hurting

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For this one, the routers failed all but what does it mean obligated to make something mandatory?

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and fraud is one that has been made obligatory one that has been ordained that has been fixed.

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So the errors are fixed and the shares are fixed.

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And the law of inheritance has been made obligatory by who? more prudent by who?

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by our last panel

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that just as solid as further upon you. You cannot say that, no, I'm too tired. I don't want to have prayed a lot. No, you have to pray. Similarly, the law of inheritance is ultimate fruit, you don't have a choice with regards to that. It is fixed by law. So

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no one can come and alter the law. No one can come in edit the law. No, you apply it as it is, as a loss of handout has already.

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So what do we learn from this is

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that first of all, the men and the women, both of them inherit, the men and women original, and the nessa both inherit, whether they're healthy or sick, rich or poor, employed or unemployed, young or old. Regardless of any other factor, what is the only deciding factor

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So first of all, the equality in the sense that both men and women inherit, and secondly, that the heirs, they are determined only by relationship, not by age, not by financial status, not by friendship with the disease, nothing else, the only deciding factor is what relationship because sometimes they say, Oh, this child has so much money, and this other child doesn't have much. So give everything to the other child. No.

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Similarly, one could say that the parents, they love this child more, this child was more obedient, even though it has to be according to the law, you cannot change it.

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Regardless of any other factor, the only factor is relationship.

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Also, we learn about the obligation of the distribution of the entire estate of the deceased person. All of it, every single thing that the deceased has left behind, all of it will be distributed according to the Sharia. Whether it is a low cut, or whether it is a little or a lot, regardless of how much it is, it has to be distributed.

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And remember, the estate of a person does not just include his business, or the house that he owns, or the land that he owns, or the car that he owns. No, it even includes his personal belongings,

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his clothes, his shoes, his socks, his utensils, even the food items that he has left behind in his refrigerator, even that is included in the estate of a person. And all of that is going to be divided amongst to the digital and the Nyssa that are available. This shows to us that if a person has died, then the wealth that he has left behind it does not remain his anymore. Immediately, whose property does it become the heirs it becomes the property of the heirs and not the property of the person who is dead. So what does this mean?

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That if you go to their house for condolence, then you can't just go eat from the refrigerator, do anything in that house or use anything of that house without the permission of the IRS.

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Sometimes the father dies and what happens? All the relatives, they come to spend some time with the mother

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of the children with their spouses and their children, they come to spend some time with a mother and they're using the money and they're using the food and obviously electricity is being used, the gas is being used, so much is being used.

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If the heirs don't agree that house should be used that property should be used, it should not be used. It can only be used by their permission, by their mutual agreement. Why? Because it is not remain the property of the deceased person, it becomes a property of the IRS. A person might say no, it hasn't been divided yet. Even if it hasn't been divided. All those people who have a share in that inheritance, they must be asked permission first. Their permission must be taken first.

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Also, we learned that the shares of the IRS they're fixed because Allah says no civil mahfouda and the distribution of the estate is mandatory. Just as soon as mandatory just as any other obligation of rd is mandatory.

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What either How about all prismata orba Walia Tama well Misaki

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And when other relatives and orphans and the needy are present at the time of division for the Cova men who then provide them from it will call Lula whom column alpha and speak to them words of appropriate kindness.

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Now what happens when a person has died leaving behind this property, obviously, it's going to be distributed amongst the heirs. According to the laws that are lost count Allah has given what happens that at the time of division, other people they come and visit, sometimes people come for condolence, it's only the second day, it's only the third day. But let's say one of the sons has come from abroad, and he has to catch a flight back. Now, the distribution has to be done immediately. And it's best if it's done as soon as possible and not delayed. Because sometimes people really mind he hasn't even been buried, or his body has not even dried and you're already

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talking about distributing his property, is that all you can think about, and to become very emotional. But the thing is that if it's somebody right, it's there, right?

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So if at the time of distribution some people come for condolence, whether they are relatives or they are for or they're needy, they're orphans, whatever. And what does Allah say, also give them something

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even though they don't have a share in that inheritance, give them something, however, is from the reflectors how bla bla from the word hello, which is to attend to be present somewhere

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else this matter is from Luca scarf see me and FISMA means division. Taksim is to distribute. So what does that mean by this division?

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This division is understood as the division of the estate of the deceased person after his death,

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the division of the estate of the deceased person after his death.

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So imagine that estate is being divided, the shares are being allotted. Just imagine, the wardrobe of the person is out. And the sunsail behind, I'll take this route, you take this shirt, we should imagine this, everything that we have is going to be given away is going to be distributed amongst the people.

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We hide it from them, we don't want to give them anything. But the fact is that the moment we die, it becomes their property, every single thing, from your personal belongings to anything that you own, anything that you possess, it becomes theirs.

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So the estate is being divided amongst the heirs. And at that time, who was present on Cobra, other close relatives, who are these little corba these are the mushroom is mushroom is meaning those who are not entitled to inherit those relatives who are not entitled to inherit.

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So for example, Amanda is leaving behind parents, children and spouse who comes to visit maybe siblings, maybe nephews and nieces, maybe an uncle there who will uncover

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so they come to visit. And by chance, it's the time for distribution of the estate.

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So similarly, it could be in laws, it could be in laws. So, if they come at that time, when the atomic and the orphans which orphans, they could be related, or they could be unrelated. So for example, there is a person who is looking after orphans in his own house. And that person dies, the timer there. But just imagine the state is being divided the orphan children are just watching. Or, for example, somebody else comes in visits, and they have orphan children with them. Or let's say they're not even related. They're just coming by chance to visit.

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One Masaki and the needy Misaki is a Florida whiskey.

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Which Masaki This was hacking also can be from among the relatives, who are homeless, who are not entitled to inherit, or it could be other Misaki. Let's say a person's friends. They're not that rich. They're not that wealthy. It could be a person's servants, workers. So at the time of division, if other relatives are present, or the uttama, or present, or the most sakeena present, then what should you do? Ignore them? And just think, well, they don't have any share. So it's not there, right?

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They don't have to, that's what you should do. What does Allah say for provide them Minho from it,

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provide them from it, meaning give them something of the estate as well.

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this is going to be before the division

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The state.

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So let's say you have everything out, and all of a sudden somebody walks in, and they're just looking,

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just imagine, they're looking because the whole house is going to be empty. Now. It doesn't belong to the mother anymore. It has to be divided amongst the mother and the children and other relatives. So just imagine everything is out. People are emptying up all the rooms, all of the closets, all of the cupboards, everything is coming out, and it's going to be divided. And all of a sudden, somebody else comes in doesn't have a share.

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Are you just gonna let them stare?

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No, for Superwoman, who give them something,

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walk around a home and say to them, cola maruf, a word that is appropriate.

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Notice the importance of cardamom.

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What is the mean by this column alpha.

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This is understood as first of all that at the time of giving them something, because you know that it's men who it's going to be something very small, you can't give them a big amount, because if you do, it's going to affect the share of the heirs. So you're going to give them something small, you can't give them a lot. So when you give them something, then say kind words such as, take this male up about a kindness for you, say kind things to them,

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instead of giving it and reminding them of the favor.

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Secondly, it has been said the column or roofer, it refers to apologizing, politely.

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Just imagine if there is a couple, and they have young orphaned children. So who are the heirs if the parents die? The orphan children, they're the earth, who's going to come divide the estate? Somebody else, some Guardian is going to come.

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Now he does not have the authority to give something that belongs to the orphans to someone else does he know. But in the case of adult children, they can decide themselves, okay, you know, we can afford to give this dish set, or these are the clothes that my father wore, I don't think I'm going to wear them. They don't fit me. So let's give it to these poor people. So older people, adults, they can decide on their own. But if it's the matter of the orphans, and you are just a third person to manage their affairs, you don't have any right. so in this situation, you can apologize, politely, cola. Moreover, what does it mean? A statement of apology that is offered with kindness

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that a person could say, I'm sorry, but this is not mine. It belongs to the young children. He can say kind words, instead of saying, Do you have some work over here? Jeff's in business? Can you please leave? No. Because sometimes when we're doing something and other people come, we think that they're interfering, and we want them to go away. And we turn them out. What does Allah say? Allah ma hufa. If you have to send them away, speak, politely, speak appropriately. But before that, give them something for Zuko moment, give them something of it.

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So we learned that in the previous ayah, the direct heirs of the disease were mentioned, a couple, the direct heirs of the disease were mentioned. In this ayah, we learn about the Maha rule.

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Those who are not entitled to inherit

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when it comes to the direct heirs? No question, they have to be given their shares. But when it comes to the maharal, if they don't have a share, they don't have X portion. So what do we learn that give them something anyway? When before the distribution, and with the mutual agreement of all of the heirs mutual agreement of all of the heirs, all of them have to agree that Okay, let's give this if even one sister disagrees, or one son disagrees? No, you cannot give it by yourself. Everybody has to agree.

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So what do we learn from this if

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we learn about the other, the etiquettes, and the law, the manners that are the indicates that although someone does not technically have a share, but still show generosity to them,

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many times, we become very strict about following the rules. We should be strict about following the rules, we should follow them properly. But then we neglect being generous and kind towards others.

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For example, you are a worker somewhere, you have a job of doing one particular task. You're being paid only for that. Let's say your job is to sit at the reception desk and greet everybody who's coming or not even reaches agenda, phone calls. That's your job. That's what you're being paid to do. And that's what you're required to do. But let's have somebody comes and asks you something. Are you not going to answer them and say that no, this is not my job. I'm not allowed

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Know, you can go the extra mile, you can be generous towards someone, you can show kindness to someone. So we see that, although these people, they don't have a fixed share, but still we are allowed to be generous towards them many times and following the rules properly, we need like being kind. We need like being affectionate. We need like taking the extra step, we just clock in and clock out. That is when I'm supposed to come in. And there's one I'm supposed to leave nothing more than this. Nothing less than this. But what is our Dean teachers?

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But although they don't deserve it, definitely, but still give them something.

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Also, we learned about the last panel that is compassion towards all people. Have you ever experienced being ignored? Let's say somebody's offering some food items, let's say dates, or crisps, or small chocolate bars, something very tiny, and they miss you. They don't see you. Or they see you, but they don't give you How do you feel? Very bad. It's a horrible feeling. Even if it's something very small, didn't give you let's say you were fasting, you weren't going to eat it anyway, you didn't want it anyway. Let's say you're allergic to nuts, you weren't going to eat that chocolate bar anyway. But still, just the feeling of being ignored is horrible. But look at the loss

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of parotitis compassion that allowed these people yes, they don't have a share. But still, if they come give them something. And according to even our best Well, there are no it is legit. It is mandatory. It is mandatory that if the other relatives, if the poor and the needy and the orphans if they come and they're present at the time of the distribution of the escape, then you must give them something even if it's very small, some food item, something very tiny, but you have to give it

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ultimately that over here Allah has said for Zuko men who give them something of it. Now, a fixed amount has not been set, that you may give one eighth or one 20th or whatever a fixture has not been given. But it has been left to the discretion of the IRS. That whatever you find appropriate whatever you find reasonable, you decide yourself, because in some situations, we cannot be told by someone else to do something. We are the best judge in that position. So we are left to decide on our own whatever is reasonable, whatever is appropriate, beside that much.

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Also, we learned from this ayah that their son to the relatives, comes before our son to the orphans and needy. Where do we learn this from the order? Will curbar mentioned first, then who the uttama and then the Misaki. So if and towards relatives comes before if and towards the poor and the needy.

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Sometimes one person has died leaving behind some property leaving behind the estate, out of our compassion out of our generosity. What do we want to do? Just want to give everything to the poor. We give it or we don't give it to the other relatives. Maybe they're needy. Maybe they like our particular thing. Maybe they need that particular thing. So what is this shows that your son towards relatives comes first?

00:33:25 --> 00:33:50

What else do we learn from the sire? Do things have been mentioned? For Zuko, Minho? And Kowloon column alpha? What does it show us? That if sand towards the other can be done in two ways? How? First of all your son will fare with action? And secondly, xand will own your sandwich. What do we learn about the rights of the orphans from this?

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What do we learn about the rights of the orphans in particular? And all of these if we're learning about the rights of the orphans, their wealth, preserve their wealth invested, when they're old enough, give it to them, don't consume it. The wealth of the orphans it should not be given to somebody else without their permission without their consent.

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In Messiah, what do we learn about Muhammad?

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Those people who are not entitled to inherit and the orphans are mentioned.

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Notice, the vokera are not mentioned by Sakina mentioned but for curar not mentioned. Similarly, the travelers are not mentioned the neighbors are not mentioned who I mentioned yet

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that they Adama they don't just deserve, that their wealth should be preserved. They don't just deserve their wealth should be invested, that their wealth should not be consumed by others unlawfully. But they also deserve kind treatment in the general sense that if they are present at this scene, in this situation, although they don't have a right although they don't have a fixed chair

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But because they are your team, give them something. What does it show to us?

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That if there is an orphan child, even though they don't deserve something from you technically, what should you do? Give them something anyway. Be kind towards them anyway, because they are getting in your team is someone who deserves treatment?

00:35:25 --> 00:35:25


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no sleep

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00:36:29 --> 00:36:52

And let those executors and guardians fear injustice as if they themselves had left weak offspring behind half who are lay him and feared for them, Failure to follow her well, your kulu Colin said either. So let them fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. While yaksha Well, yaksha, the Lamb over here is of under

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what does that mean? That this is a command, this is an imperative that he must fear, he should fear, who should fear alladhina those people, which people, those who divide the inheritance, the executors of the will, the guardians,

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basically, this is been understood in a number of ways. First of all, it is said that when the auction ladina this alladhina refers to those people who attend a dying person, meaning a person who is dying, and they are by him. And at that time, what do they do? They tell the dying person that make sure you will a third of your wealth to this in this charity, or this in this person or this in this cause. Why? So that the children, they don't inherit as much? What does Allah say?

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That these people who are present at such a scene when a person is dying, and they're encouraging him to will his money to others so that his children get less? What should they fear? They should put themselves in this situation that what if they die leaving behind young children, what would they want for them, all of their money or some of their money, all of it. So over here, those people who are present at the time of the death of a person, they're being told, that make sure whatever you advise to the dying person is correct. is just is something that you would want for yourself, is something that you would want for your own children. Because in these situations, sometimes the

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dying person cannot think rationally. Sometimes he's overcome by emotion, sometimes, because of the pain, he is not able to make the right decision. So those people who are suggesting to him, those people who were advising him, they should put themselves in the other person's shoes, what would they want for their children.

00:38:50 --> 00:39:32

Secondly, it has been said that aladeen over here refers to the dying person himself. Those people who are at their deathbed, they reverse to them. And the ayah tells them to not bequeath all or most of their properties to other persons, to other people, neglecting their own children. Rather, they should fear about their children whom they're leaving behind. They should fear about who their children whom they're leaving behind. Because sometimes out of emotion, out of friendship out of loyalty to someone, people they need let the rights of their family of their own children and they become very concerned about others. So over here, the dying people are being told that you should be

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concerned about your children while they're off for a week.

00:39:36 --> 00:40:00

Thirdly, it has been said that over here the addresses to the LCL and also yet is a plural of wasI. Who is Wesley. Wesley is the one who is instructed with the overseer. So basically the executor of the will. So let's say a person dies leaving behind young children. So he asks his brother or his cousin or is the

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Duncan to come. And he tells him about his money. And he tells him that this money of mine should be given to this child and so on and so forth. So this executer of the will, he should be concerned for the children of the dead person, just as he would be concerned for his own children, if he were to die. And if he was concerned about his own children, if he was to die, what would he want for his children, that they should get everything. So, similarly, this executer of the world should be just unfair towards these orphans. He should not hide anything from the estate, he should not keep anything of the estate for himself, or give it to someone else who does not deserve it. Someone else

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who is not entitled to a share,

00:40:48 --> 00:41:32

then it has been said that, over here the addresses to the earlier the guardians of the orphans, because you see, when a person dies, he doesn't just leave behind money. Who else does he leave behind? family. And imagine if he's leaving behind young children, those young children, they don't just need to be fed, but they need to be given love. They need to be taken care of. They need to be provided a good education, a good family, a good house. So over here, the guardians of the orphans are being told that just imagine yourself, if you were to die, how would you want your children's guardians to take care of

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00:41:35 --> 00:42:02

the way that you want your children to be treated after you have died, in the same way treat the children of the diapers. Because sometimes, dealing with children becomes very difficult. Dealing with your own children becomes difficult. If a child is sick of a child is not well, the child is very insistent they want something. It's very difficult to deal with your own children. Imagine if you're dealing with somebody else's children all the time,

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even you're very angry, if you're very upset, you're not going to slap, you're not going to beat them up. But somebody else's children, you think you can slap them, you think you can ignore them, your own child, if he's crying, you're going to run, but if somebody else's child is crying, you're not going to run to the child. It's possible. So what does Allah say over here to the only to the guardians that treat the orphan children exactly as you would want your children to be treated after your death. Treat them the exact same way. Be fair, Be kind, be gentle, be loving towards them, just as you would want your children to be treated.

00:42:44 --> 00:43:09

Well, yaksha levina lo dokumen Hall of Fame, if they were to leave behind them, meaning after they that they would return they are often young, weak children. There are deplorable Sharif and who is the one who is weak. So who are the three of them, they're often weak offspring, weak children, infants, or older than them, young children.

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Basically, they're unable to defend their rights. they're unable to make money or support themselves. Whatever reason it is, if they were to leave behind the return, they are often Half an hour later, they would fear for them, they would fear what for them, the wastage of their lives, the wastage of their money, the wastage of their property. So they should put themselves in the shoes of the dying person, what would they want for their children? failure to coma, so they should fear Allah, concerning what concerning the wealth of the orphan children and secondly, concerning the treatment of the orphan children, because one is the wealth, the money, guarded, preserve it, look

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after it invested, just as you would want somebody else to garden, preserve and invest your often children's money. And secondly, treat the children the way you would want your children to be treated. And do this out of the fear of Allah. So fear Allah.

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And remember, what is the core of Allah, the fear of Allah that stops you from doing wrong from disobeying him and motivates you right? to basically it is to it the harder

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it is to take a shield? against what? against the punishment of Allah.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:40

Remember this definition? The court is it the hardened wickwire meaner than

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it is to take a shield against the punishment of Allah.

00:44:46 --> 00:45:00

So over here, when Allah says, finally attack Allah, then they should fear a lot. What does it mean? That if they don't fear Allah with regards to the property of the orphans, and with regards to the treatment of the orphans, and what are they inviting? What

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Are they exposing themselves to the punishment of Allah folia takala fear Allah Walia kulu Colin sadita and they should say a word that is correct. So, he has on the roof letters seen that that from the word said they used to do which literally means to be straight, what does it mean to be straight from the same what is the word said which is used for a barrier, because barriers generally a wall or something like that which is generally straight and said that is also to make a hole in something. So, out on studied

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a speech a statement, a word that is studied that is correct, that is straight, what is that statement? It is a statement that is appropriate.

00:45:51 --> 00:45:52

So, that is what

00:45:54 --> 00:46:15

an appropriate statement. My said the mo there who the molder, the place, the context is appropriate. Meaning whatever the situation demands, you speak in that way, whatever is appropriate for the situation, you speak in that way.

00:46:16 --> 00:46:17

What does it mean?

00:46:19 --> 00:46:27

That if in a particular situation, you need to be harsh, you are harsh. If in a particular situation, you need to be soft and gentle, you are soft and gentle.

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For example, it's good to be humorous, it's good to be funny, but within a limit. Similarly, it's good to be gentle and soft. But if a person is giving a hot bath, and he is talking very softly, very lenient, or he's cracking jokes, every other sentence, is that appropriate for the helper. It's not appropriate what is appropriate for the hookah, that a person should speak with some verb with some are

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so on and studied his statement that is appropriate in a context, in a situation. And it is according to wisdom, both in content and in style. Because it is studied, it is to the point it is correct. It is as it should be.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:26

So when the owner, Colin's a leader, what does it mean? That they should say, according to the leader, they should say to who they should speak to the orphans of Golden City.

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Sometimes when it comes to dealing with the orphans, when it comes to dealing with young children, who are not your own, and you want to be strict with them, you think that you can be strict, you can be firm, and you're lenient all the time. What happens to children, sometimes they could become spoiled, they don't know discipline. And sometimes people go to the other extreme, they're always strict, they're never gentle. What does Allah teaches, speak that which is appropriate.

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Secondly, it has been said that while YOLO, colons are neither, they should speak to the heirs of the dead person, who the earlier the earlier of the orphans, they should speak to the rest of the heirs how in a way that is appropriate. Because sometimes, let's say, the dead parents they had written in their will, that my children will be taken care of by my cousin or by my friend. And what happens to their relatives can say, No, this is my niece, this is my granddaughter. so in this situation, instead of having a fight, it was the wish of the parents it was the will of the parents that my children should be looked after by my so until friend or by my this and this relative. so in

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this situation, what should the guardians do? Speak that which is appropriate, because they are saying out of love. They're saying out of affection for the children, so to speak that which is appropriate.

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And 13 has been said that while you're Kunal colon sadita, they should speak to who to the person who is dying.

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Because remember what yaksha this is an address to those people who were present at the time when a person is dying. So they should say only that which is appropriate. Meaning they shouldn't tell the dying person to make a will that is incorrect. That is not in favor of their children, but rather they shouldn't suggest to them to make a will that is appropriate.

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So what do we learn from this ayah

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you should love for your brother, what you love for yourself. Like for your brother, what you like for yourself in every situation, put yourself in the other person's shoes, it will be much easier for you to understand.

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What else do we learn from desire.

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Over here lesson, when it comes to dealing with somebody else's money, when it comes to dealing with somebody else's property, then have fear of Allah. Because if we are careless, if we don't fear a line, if we do whatever we want, then we're inviting the punishment of a mob on ourselves. Every person should be given their right that at the time of that the dying person should be advised to

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Make a car that is correct, you should be advised to make a lasagna that is fair and just that the children their share is not neglected and the share of other people results are not neglected. So every person's rights should be given to him.

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And this teaches us that for ourselves, we should make a will at a time when we are stable when we're able to use our mind and make a rational decision.

00:50:25 --> 00:50:49

Also, we learned that at the time of death, a person should be very careful about his will see, the profits on a lot of circumstances are these that is recording imagine a man may do good deeds for 70 years. But if he acts unjustly, when he leaves his last testament, meaning as we'll see, the wickedness of his deeds will be sealed upon Him, and He will enter the fire.

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00:50:53 --> 00:50:58

Because of the overseer, that is unfair. There was a year that is unjust.

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What else do we learn?

00:51:02 --> 00:51:19

If a will has been made by the dead person, he made it well before he died. And if the execute is of the will they're just carrying out the will then don't come and question it don't come and try to change it unless if it is contrary to the Sharia. If it is against the Sharia, then you have to change it, you have to alter.

00:51:21 --> 00:51:42

Like for example, if a person says give all of my money to the masjid, that's not gonna happen, he can only give one third and the rest has to be given to do the years. In emotional situations in stressful situations, we should be careful about colon sadita. We should speak that which is studied, which is correct and appropriate.

00:51:43 --> 00:52:07

It is important to give everybody their share, but at the same time how we give the share how we give the other person's right. That is also important. Like for example, the orphan is living under your care you're preserving their wealth. But giving them the right isn't just about taking care of their wealth, but it is also about treating them properly. It is also about treating them kindly in a way that is correct.

00:52:09 --> 00:52:36

Then Allah says in the Medina, Yoku Luna, Amalia Tama, indeed those people who eat who consume the wealth of the orphans, Woolman, unjustly meaning without any right, they don't have any right to do so. In the previous ayat, we learned that the rich man he should abstain from the property of the orphan. But as for the poor man, the poor Guardian, if he has to charge for the service that he's offering, he may do so.

00:52:38 --> 00:52:51

Over here, the word that has been used unjustly, what is unjustly that you don't need it your money, but still you take it or that difficult he takes it how not with Marvel.

00:52:53 --> 00:53:25

Remember that he can only take with Marvel. So he takes it unjustly, ISR often will be down while they are actually consuming in my colonna, feeble Tony him now, indeed, they're only consuming in their bellies now on fire. What they're actually taking inside as fire, not money. Why? Because this is going to bring punishment under the judgment, the punishment of the Fire.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:29

The word baton is a florala button.

00:53:30 --> 00:54:07

And the word button as you know is the stomach. And over here it has been said yeah, Karuna, feeble toning if they're eating in their stomachs. Sometimes you put something in your mouth and you spit it right out because it tastes horrible. Or you take it and you throw up, or it gets stuck halfway through. A person tries to eat something, he talks on it and he passes out. But this is that he accrued a fever on him it actually reaches their stomachs. Yeah, Karuna fever. autoneum. Nada. What they're actually consuming is fire meaning such taking of the orphans property will entail punishment in hellfire.

00:54:09 --> 00:54:11

Just imagine extreme heartburn.

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And then imagine fire burning up the mouth all the way down to the stomach.

00:54:18 --> 00:54:20

They're consuming fire actually.

00:54:22 --> 00:54:35

What's your slowness? And soon they shall enter to burn into a series and what is sorry? blazing fire? That is what they will be punished. And what's your slowness area? What do we learn from this is

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the obligation of looking after the wealth of the orphan with justice, being sincere towards the wealth of the orphan.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:48

Also, we learned that if a person consumes it with help,

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we can consumes the wealth of the orphan with Hulk that is not wrong. What is mentioned here is

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that you don't have any right over it's still you take it

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and we learned that

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consuming the orphans property without right is what kind of a sin, major sin. What's the evidence? The punishment of fire has been mentioned.

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Remember that any sin for which punishment in this world or punishment of the Fire or the curse of Allah is mentioned that sin is a major sin.

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So over here if it has been said was a a slowness or evil, they will enter to burn into hellfire. What does that mean? That what they have committed is a major sin. And we learn from a hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, he thought he was several moves to avoid the seven great destructive sins. The people asked all as messenger What are they? And he said, a ship Kabila. associating partners with Allah was said, and magic will conclude nasality harmala who 11 Hulk and killing us all whom Allah has forbidden except with right? What occlude Riba and consuming river with a clue Malaviya team and consuming the property the wealth of the orphan. What the worldly Yamazaki and

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retreat from battle workers for mercenary movement at Lafayette and accusing chaste women of fornication, who are laughing at me will never even think of anything wrong or doing anything wrong.

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So we learned that consuming the wealth of the orphan unjustly is a major sin.

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And also, we learned a very important lesson that if we're taking somebody else's property without any rate, what should we think that it's actually fire that I'm taking and all the pleasure all of the attraction of that thing will disappear. Just imagine the spin that I'm picking up although I really like it. This fire for me these shoes that I'm taking although I really like them, they're fire for me. This food that I'm eating, it's not mine. This is fire for me. This book that I'm taking it's not mine This is fire for me.

00:57:10 --> 00:57:20

Anything that does not belong to you. And if you take it without the other person's approval without the other person's agreement unjustly just imagine that it is fire that you're taking

00:57:22 --> 00:57:24

it is fire that you're looking into

00:57:25 --> 00:57:31

its fire that you're interested in and the attraction the pleasure of that thing will inshallah disappear

00:57:32 --> 00:57:33


00:57:35 --> 00:57:36

what Leo

00:58:06 --> 00:58:08

una de boo boo

00:58:13 --> 00:58:15

boo, boo boo

00:58:18 --> 00:58:19

una sorry.

00:58:23 --> 00:58:46

If you notice over here, the core came first and then Colin said either folia Taka Lucha while yaku Colin said even that they should fear a lot and they should speak a word that is studied in total reserve I number 70 we learn yeah you are Latina Amano it the cola her workqueue Colin sadita

00:58:48 --> 00:59:00

over there as well. It is mentioned that fear Allah and save polenta Dida What does it show that a person cannot speak out and said either except without a diploma.

00:59:01 --> 00:59:20

So, if a person does not have the favela, then he will not be able to speak Poland said either so of the benefits of the choir is that it helps a person speak that which is appropriate. Speaking speak that which is relevant, speak that which is correct. In content, as well as in manner

An-Nisa 7-14 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 7-10

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