Taimiyyah Zubair – Qur’anic Pearls Day 29 – Feeding people and seeking the Face of Allah

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the concept of sharing birthday wishes with others, the benefits of Islam's creation, and the importance of healthy eating and sharing good food. The speakers emphasize the need for healthy eating and sharing good food to avoid eating too many people. They also emphasize the importance of rewarding individuals and sharing good food to avoid eating too many people. The speakers stress the need for a culture of sharing love and healthy eating to avoid eating too many people and the desire to see people as valued.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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are you all able to hear me just send one message so that I know give me a thumbs up

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okay Alhamdulillah awesome. Our other Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim er Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim rubbish lahi sadri were Siddeley emri wash slowly rock data melissani yokocho Kohli Allah the Kobe was sadly Sonny was rude Sophie moto Colby menial herbal aalameen in today's session of Quranic pearls in sha Allah, we will be looking at an ayah from Joseph number 19. And this IR is from Surah Al insan, verses eight to nine, where Allah subhanaw taala says, were you lewrie Muna tarama Allah who behave Myskina way a tieman what a C RA, and they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan and the captive. In Namah. Nada mo calmly

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Roger Hilah, saying, We feed you only for the face of Allah, only for the countenance of Allah. Landry Domaine come Jessa and wala Shu Kula, we wish not from you any reward or any gratitude. There are two kinds of people in this world. First, those who only think about themselves, who only care about their self interests. And this is why they engage in things that bring them some personal gain. Such people do not have any compassion or concern for others. Such people who are just focused on themselves, who are selfish, who are just takers are deprived of giving.

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Secondly, the second type of people or those who, even when they themselves may be in need, are concerned about the needs of others. At times, they will even give preference to other people over themselves. It pains them to see other people in pain, they pay regard to their own feelings, and also the feelings of other people. And such people are a blessing for the creation of Allah on earth. You see, when there is genuine faith in the heart, it is manifested through one's actions through one's attitude towards other people. So we see in this idea, that without waiting for any thanks or any reward, these people go on to bring benefit to others. And such people are beloved to

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Allah, and they also love Allah and in their love for Allah, they are willing to do all good things. So those who do good to others, we learn that such people most definitely find goodness and reward. These verses that I've just read before you that you can see these verses are from pseudo to insane. where Allah subhanaw taala says in abroad is a boon I mean, cat sin can amaze Urdu haircare fura indeed the righteous will drink from a cup of wine whose mixture is of cat food or in a shrub will be her Reba de la heat you fudgey Runa heart of JIRA

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a spring of which the righteous servants of Allah who will drink and they will make it gush forth in force and abundance. Who are these people who will be treated so honorably so generously in the gardens of Paradise? They Are you full nubbin every way a halfmoon a young woman can or shall Rahul Mustafa era they are people who fulfill their vows and fear a Day whose evil will be widespread while you are a Muna tarama Allah who be miskeen and way a team and what a Sierra and they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan and the captive. And they say in the monitor mo calmly Roger Hilah Landry domain comm Jessa and Wallah

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Xu Cora, they say, we feed you only for the face of Allah, we wish not from you any reward or gratitude. So these are people who will receive a generous reward in paradise. Why? Because in the world, they cared for the needs of others. And why did they do that, because of their love for Allah, they love Allah. And this is why they care about the creation of Allah, they want to please Allah. And this is why they take care of the creation of Allah. So they use to fulfill the promises that they made with Allah, and they were afraid of the Day of Judgment. And the Day of Judgment is described in these verses as a day who's evil and harm will reach everywhere. And this is the fear

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that urged them to do good deeds purely for the sake of Allah. It is this fear that led them to, to, to hasten to rush in doing good deeds, and especially to perform these good deeds for the sake of Allah alone, to see the face of Allah, that this means that their good deeds were purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And they expected no reward or thanks from any person whatsoever. So in this ayah, it has been said, that when you are a Muna tarama Allah who be that they give food, in spite of love for it. Now, Allahu be he has been interpreted in a number of ways. The first interpretation is what you can see in the translation, that they give food in spite of love for that

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food, meaning they would love to eat that food themselves. But still, they actually gave that food to other people. Secondly, this has been interpreted as that they gave food because of their love for Allah. Because they love Allah, they're willing to give anything for the sake of Allah. And the third interpretation is that they get that they give food to others, in spite of shortage of food. Because you see, when you have a little bit of food left, there is a different kind of love that you have for that food. How do you feel towards the last cookie, the last cookie, right? Or the last piece of meat that's left in the skillet? Or the last serving the food that you really want to eat?

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Because you're hungry? The last samosa right, the last one, when there is little food left when there is shortage of food, then there is a different kind of love and attraction that you have for that food. So it is said over here, that when you remove dorama Allah who be that they give food to others, even though they themselves are in need, or they give food to others, even though they love to eat that food themselves. Because Allah says Lenten Allah will be had that on fecal matter, hey Boone, you can never attain piety, you can never attain the good reward until you spend out of what you love. So they themselves want to eat, they need to eat, but then they see that someone is

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hungrier, or someone is more eager to enjoy that food. So they give that food to those who are unable to get that food themselves. Why are they unable to get that food themselves because they are miskeen, your team a seed, they're needy, orphan or captive. Meaning because of their poverty, because of their weakness, because of their immobility, they're not able to get that food themselves. So what do these righteous people do? They give them that food. You see, the miskeen is the person who is in need of another's aid. They're they're not able to help themselves. They're not able to earn themselves, they're not able to go and buy food themselves. Your theme is the child

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whose father has passed away. So this child is unable to look after himself or herself. And the seed is the prisoner. The one who is confined, is imprisoned, they're not free. And remember that these verses are mucky. So they were revealed before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina, before the glory days of Islam. So the prisoner over here includes any prisoner, or even slave or a Muslim who was imprisoned by a mushrik in Makkah, unable to go around freely and live their life. And we see so many examples of that among the companions, how so many companions were imprisoned and they were tortured. And some have said that the seed the prisoner over here refers to

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Ones who become socially incompetent, or who become mentally disabled, because of imprisonment and torture, because they were previously imprisoned, and they were tortured so severely, that they're no longer able to fulfill their own needs, they're no longer able to take care of themselves. So the righteous slaves of Allah take care of the needs of those people who are unable to take care of themselves. And we see that so often people are rendered immobile, or they're confined, or sometimes they're in complete social isolation, because of sickness, sometimes because of travel restrictions. And especially these days, if a person you know, is has has the virus, then they have to socially

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isolate themselves, and what happens then they're not able to go outside and buy food, they're not able to continue working, they're not able to continue earning an income. And so even though they may be physically able, they're restricted, their freedom is restricted. So that a seed is not just a prisoner, someone who is in the prison, but also someone who is restricted, someone who has lost their mobility, someone who has lost their freedom, Whatever the cause may be. And then we see over here that specifically, what is mentioned here, is that where you'll 30, Muna Thuram, they give food to them. Why? Because food is a basic human need, that all humans share. Every single human being

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needs to eat food. And we see that feeding other people is a symbol of generosity, of compassion, and of showing honor and regard to other human beings to treat them with dignity. And here it has been said that the righteous when they give food to others, they say that in llama neuter Mo, commonly referred to Hilah, that we feed you only for the face of Allah, meaning they say this in their hearts. And these words show what great sincerity they have, that the only reason why they're giving food is to seek what hola to seek the face of Allah. They want to honor the privilege of seeing Allah azza wa jal, they want their Lord to be pleased with them. They want their reward from

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Allah alone. So they say learn to remain calm, Jessa. And well our shockula we wish not from you any reward or gratitude, because the reward that Allah gives, no one else can give that reward. Remember that the reward that Allah gives to his slaves, is too huge and too great. Any, if all of the people gathered together to reward you for something, then their reward can never ever match the reward that Allah can give. So, this is why they say learn to read woman come Jessa on wala shockula which means that they do not seek any acknowledgement, they do not seek any praise, any verbal or monetary reward from people. And sometimes this is so sad, but we get offended when people do not praise the

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food that we have prepared. When people do not thank us for the food that we have sent them. And sometimes we become so cheap that we actively ask them so how was it? Did you like it? Did you enjoy it? Any we we actively seek Praise and Gratitude from people. You see, seeking reward from Allah alone means that you want the greatest and the best reward possible. And that means that your deed must be performed with absolute sincerity. And sincerity means that you only expect reward from Allah, you don't expect any kind of reward from people because if you expect something from them, that could possibly diminish or cancel out your reward from Allah entirely. So do not ask people for

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anything, do not even say that please make draw for me. Because sometimes when we you know feed someone, or we give some money to them, we give them a gift and people are thanking us, or you know, they're appreciating us we say something like, Oh, just remember me and you're the odds, even that is a form of expecting a reward from people do not even demand that because that is a form of expecting your return from them. Of course the recipient, meaning if if we have been given some kind of help, assistance, food gift from someone, then absolutely It is our responsibility that we should thank them and we should make the offer the giver because the one who does not show thanks to people

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does not show thanks to Allah but the person who is giving should

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Never demand or expect or request any form of return. The person who is giving should not even say that please make the offer me. So Allah subhanaw taala is praising such people over here, the abroad, he is praising, not just their action of feeding people, but also the state of their hearts. Mujahid says that the words in the monetary mockingly word your healer, that we only feed you for the countenance of Allah. They don't actually say these words out loud to the person that they're feeding. This is their self talk. This is what they say to themselves in their heart and only Allah hears them. And Allah subhanaw taala mentions that over here, Allah subhanaw taala is praising the

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the hearts of such people the sincerity that dwells in their heart Allah Allah Ameen home and you see feeding people while you're ramanathapuram. feeding people is something that is greatly appreciated in our religion. We see that Allah azza wa jal himself feeds his creation. He attributes this action to himself when Allah subhanaw taala says, well, who are you to remove while our youth that he is the one who feeds he gives food and he is not fed? And Allah subhanaw taala likes for his creation, that they feed one another. We learned that Ibrahim alayhis salam described his Lord as who a lady Hello, honey, for Who are you? Hi, Danny. Well, levy Who are you rimoni way Ispahani, the

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one who created me. So he is the one who guides me, and he is the one who gives me to eat, and he gives me to drink. So Allah Himself feeds his creation. And he likes for us that we should also feed one another, we should also give food to one another. And we see that Allah subhanaw taala. When he feeds his creation, he feeds them so generously. Just think about the volume of food that the earth produces. on a regular basis, Allahu Akbar, and the different varieties of food, the different kinds and types of food, different sizes, different fragrances, different flavors, and think about how every creature needs, you know, a different kind of food. What the whale eats is very different from

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what a dolphin eats, right? And what other fish eat, what what the jellyfish eat, and what the creatures of the sea eat, again, is very different from what the creatures of the land eat. And no two creatures eat the exact same kind of food. Right? Every creature has its own requirement. What may be very beneficial to one creature may be toxic and lethal for another. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us and so the obasa is 24 to 32 that fall young Laurel in Santa Isla thar ami, then let mankind Look at his food, announced abarbanel ma Saba how we pour down water intolerance. So Masha Hakuna Allah Shaka, then we broke open the earth, splitting it with sprouts for unbuttoned raffia

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Hubba and we cause to grow within it grain. We're in a burn wakaba and grapes and herbage was a tuna one Allah and olive and palm trees were Heather equal Wilbur and gardens of dense shrubbery were facts he had done well above and fruit and grass matar Lakhan Wali unami calm as enjoyment for you, and your grazing livestock, Allahu Akbar, and all of this food that Allah subhanaw taala causes the earth to produce. Yes, you people eat it, but other creatures also eat it. And Allah azzawajal is the one who feeds all his creatures. We learn in sorbitol anom Allah subhanaw taala says wahoo Alevi unsure a genetic Maru shatin Well, I run my own shot, and He it is Who causes gardens to grow both

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trellised and on trellised when Nakula was Zahra amo telefone aku Lu and palm trees and crops of different kinds of food was a two hour room man and olives and pomegranates mush with a shabby hand while going along with a shabby similar and dissimilar kulu min summary he either a smaller so each of each of its fruit when it heals such varieties of food that Allah subhanaw taala has produced for you eat them enjoy them, but then at the same time, what are two haka who Yamaha Sadie and give it do

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On the day of its harvest 1234 and do not be excessive because in the hula, you're a bull moose ruffini Indeed, he does not like those who commit excess. So Allah azza wa jal encourages us to benefit from the good things that he has provided us, and also give this food to others share it with others. And you see, when it comes to certain forms of the cat, such as a cat that is due on harvest, then that has to be given in the form of food, you see as a cat is due on the harvest of staple foods, grains, and even dates and raisins. And we see that even when it comes to fatahna, the fifth Ronna which is due on June 5, or at the end of Ramadan, that is also supposed to be given in

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the form of food, when it comes to different expectations, different kuffaar lot, again, food is supposed to be given. So for example, the expiation for accidental murder, the expiation for pronouncing Li Han of a certain form of divorce, and the expiation for,

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for for breaking, you know that the obligatory faster normal Don, by engaging in sexual activity in this is also something that requires an expiation and the end the expiation for all of these violations, is what it is to feed 60 people in need. Right? That is one of the options. And the expiation of a broken oath also is what feeding of 10 people in need, violating the limits of Iran when a person goes for Hajj, right, they're supposed to observe the limits of Iran, but if they violate any of those, then again, they have to give some form of expiation, and that expiation is to feed six persons in need. So, we see that the feeding people is something that is encouraged. And it

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is also something that is mandated in certain situations. When it comes to the sacrifice of either of her, again, we eat from it, and we also give to others Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran for kulu minha what other immortal cornea or walmartone that eat from it, and also feed the needy and the beggar in another place for kulu minha will have to remove itself or feed each other and feed the miserable and poor at hedge. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that hedge mob rule is one in which people are fed. biblical hedging a thermometer on the piety of hedge is that you give food to people and that you speak good to people. This is what makes hedge even more rewardable it

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is the quality of the people of paradise. The people of us hubballi mean the people on the right side that they give food. Oh ilter Amon Fie Yeoman Lima. Sahaba. Your team and them acaba, our miskeen and vama throbber that the people have the right side are who they are those who feed others on a day of severe hunger. Who do they give food to an orphan of near relationship or a needy person in misery, Allahu Akbar. So you see, there is a deep connection between a man and feeding people feeding those in need, and it is the quality of the people of faith, people have Amen, that they feed others. In contrast, those who do not believe are described as people who do not feed others,

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instead of to help out Allah subhanaw taala describes the people of *, that in the hole can allow you to build a healer Aleem that this person who is in * who has been tormented and punished in * is such that he did not use to believe in Allah the Most Great when you're hoodoo Allah alotta Armand miskeen and he did not encourage the feeding of the one in need. In certain my own we learn our ater lady you can leave will be Dean for the early khalidiya do earlier team. Have you considered the case of the one who denies the religion or who denies the day of judgment? That is the person who repelled the orphan? What are your hook do allow for amil miskeen and he does not

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encourage the feeding of those in need. So we see that aboda rhodiola Mourinho, he would ask his wife, when she was preparing food, that add more water to the broth, why to increase the volume of the food, because when the volume of the food is increased, then we can share it with with our neighbors and with those in need. And he would say that we have freed ourselves from half of the chain of * by believing let us get rid of the rest of it by feeding other people by feeding those in need. We learned in the Hadees that the best

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deed is to bring delight to a believer. And how can you do that? How can you bring delight? How can you bring joy to someone that you can cover their nakedness. They don't have proper clothing, appropriate clothing, cover them, provide them proper clothing. And so often we see children, poor children not being dressed properly, because they don't have any proper clothing. In the winter, Allahu Akbar, so many people do not have access to warm clothing. So one of the best deeds is to bring the light to a believer, how do you do that? You can cover his nakedness, you can feed him to his fail or fulfill some need of his a lot of people who are experiencing poverty. Yes, they're able

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to get by, they're not starving, necessarily, because they're able to eat a little bit here, a little bit there. But how often do they do they eat to their fill, where they feel satiated, where they feel satisfied. So, you know, so often it happens that we go to pick up food, especially in you know, in Muslim countries, this is something very common, that at the time of authority, you go to, you know, buy some food for your family. And then there are poor people over there poor children over there who are begging in the streets, who have not eaten to their fill in a very long time. So buy them food as well. And don't just give them just a little bit, buy them an entire meal so they

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can eat to their fill, they can feel fully satisfied and satiated. This is one of the best good deeds. And remember that feeding people is not limited to just feeding those in need feeding the orphans or the prisoners. Yes, and these verses that's mentioned. But we learned that there's reward in feeding anybody, any human being, any person, any living creature, even your own family, your neighbors and even your enemies. Why? Because life depends on food. It's a human need. It is something that brings happiness to people. It is something that brings comfort and relief to people. And not just people any creature, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, After

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emilija air feed the hungry, visit the sick and free the captive. And sometimes the hungry is not necessarily you know someone who is really poor, who has not had proper food to eat in a very long time. The Hungry can be a traveler, the hungry can be your own child. The Hungry can be your own spouse who has been working nonstop the entire day, that they didn't get a chance to sit and have lunch or to eat properly. So the hungry the jet air is a is someone who is hungry. And remember that this is a deed that Allah subhanaw taala loves. A man came and asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that which people are most beloved to Allah, and which deeds are most beloved to Allah.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the people most beloved to Allah, are those who are most beneficial to people.

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Are you nasty Habu in Allah? He said a Hubble NASA Illallah Hadar Allah and for all homeliness, those who benefit to people the most. And he said, the deeds that are most beloved to Allah are that you bring delight to a believer, you remove some anguish from him, you pay off his debt, or you remove his hunger. This is one of the best deeds. We learned that the best people are who those who feed others, we learned that so sohaib Rumi are the Allahu anhu he narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that fear will come man up to

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the best of you are those who feed others. And so Hey, bro de la hora. And who would feed people so much so frequently that Romano de la Mourinho once criticized him that he said that you are very excessive and feed in feeding other people. So So Hey, bro, the Allahu anhu said that why should I not do that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the best of you are those who feed others. And he This is not something to be criticized. This is something that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam encouraged us to do. And there's reward in feeding every living thing, not just humans, even animals. So we learned that once a man said to the Prophet salallahu earlier

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Salaam, that sometimes I'm giving water to my camels, and a stray camel shows up or camel belonging to someone else shows up, meaning that camel is also thirsty, and it wants water. So then I give it water. Is there any reward in this? Do I get any benefit and any reward by by feeding a camel that is not mine? And the Prophet sallallahu earlier Sallam said there is reward in feeding every creature with

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Deliver, meaning every living thing, everything that has some appetite that has that need to eat to drink. So when you feed that creature, whether that creature is big or small, any even a thirsty dog, right, there's reward in that. And remember that giving food feeding others is a form of charity. in Hades, we learn that what you feed yourself is an act of charity for you. Can you imagine my other uncle enough suck for who I like a sadhaka. Because some people have difficulty in in feeding themselves, they feel guilty, or sometimes there is, you know, some,

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you know, some kind of fear associated with feeding yourself that you feel that you're being selfish, or that you feel that you're not worthy of eating good food, or that that, you know, sometimes we feel like, it's, it's not nice to just focus on yourself or to, or to pay attention to your own needs, we think that it's more rewardable that we, you know, pay attention to the needs of others. But remember, when you feed your body, good food, when you feed your body, the food that it needs, this is rewardable. And, and this is in, you know, very important for us to share with people. Because these days, anyway, when it comes to eating disorders, they're so common. And a lot

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of times, you know, this is associated with what eating is associated with, with a sense of guilt, right? So we need to, you know, remind one another of this, and we need to teach our children about this as well, that we need to have a healthy approach towards eating, that what you feed yourself is an act of charity, you're not being selfish or greedy, you're not being you know,

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you know, greedy in the sense that, that you are neglecting doing good. No, when you take care of yourself, this is also rewardable. The Hadees continues, that what you feed your child is it is an act of charity for you. Some people feel that, you know, when they're paying for groceries, they feel like they're wasting their money, you're not wasting your money. When you're buying food for your children. What you feed your wife is an act of charity for you, meaning you're rewarded for the food that you buy for your wife. You see, sometimes what happens that if if a woman is pregnant, or a woman is not feeling well, or she has a certain, you know, wish to eat some kind of food, and the

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husband has to you know, go go buy this food and that food, you know, they begin to feel burdened by that. But if we remember this, if men remember this, that when they give food when they feed their wife, this is something rewardable then every trip to the grocery store becomes easier, because you remember that this is something rewardable and what you feed your servant is an act of charity for you. So feeding people, even your independence, even your family is an act of charity. This is something that is rewarded. And remember that when you give food as charity, then this is a charity that grows and increases with Allah, we learn in a Hadees that a date a piece of date, one fruit is

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something so small that can fit between your two fingers, it can turn into the size of a mountain. Any Allah subhanaw taala causes it to grow until it turns into the size of of Mount or herd. Allahu Akbar, meaning the reward for this deed is multiplied many times over. And do not belittle any kind of food that you can give to someone. Even if it's very small, it is still rewardable the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said is your eye lubaina calm ouabain and nadie hijab and that place between yourself and Hellfire is screen. Meaning put a shield between yourself and the fire. Even if it is with a piece of date. Any even if you cannot give it give a whole date, give a piece of it

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even that is rewardable sorry, the bin jubair radi Allahu anhu said that the Muslims used to think that there was no reward in giving small things as charity. So if a poor person showed up at their door, they did not think it was appropriate to give a date or a walnut or a piece of bread as charity. So they would return the beggar empty handed saying I don't have anything, there's nothing because they will think to themselves, that reward is for giving something proper, something that we would like for ourselves, and we would not like to receive just a walnut or just a piece of bread or just one date.

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So they would not give small pieces of food or small things as charity. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed for me Yara Mal, Miss Oliver rotten, hiring Yahoo, that whoever does even even a mustard sorry, even an atom's weight of good will see it, meaning the tiniest particle of goodness, if you do it, Allah subhanaw taala values that and he can reward you for it. So through that idea, Allah subhanaw taala encouraged the believers to give, even if it is a little bit, because it's possible that that little bit is increased and multiplied. So sometimes, you know, we belittle the food that we can share with others, we say, Oh, this package is too small, or it's just too mangoes, right? Or

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it's just half of a watermelon, it doesn't make sense to give only a little bit know, if that is all you can give at the time, give it because you never know what Allah subhanaw taala will will increase for you. Of course, you should make sure that that food is is good, it's not spoiled. It's not, you know, of bad quality. It's not burnt and things like that. It should be edible, right? Not something that will make someone sick, but it should be edible. And even if it's a small quantity, and that is all you can give at the time, then give it and remember that when you include other people in the food that you're eating, then there is blessing in that food. So for example, you you

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bring groceries for your family, and you include other people in that so you give some of it or you have prepared food and you share some of it. Right, then there is blessing in that food. We learned that once a man complained to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we eat food but we do not feel satisfied. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that perhaps you eat separately. So he said, eat together and mentioned the name of Allah so that your food is blessed for you. Hasn't it been early said that blessings rushed to the house in which others are fed from the knife to the hump of the camel, meaning every part and everything of that house is affected with Baraka with

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blessing with goodness, because the knife is you know, something small, right? And the hump of a camel, right? It's something that is high. And it's something that is tall, something that is you know, bigger. So everything and every part of that house is blessed when people are fed in that house. So make your house a house in which other people are fed or a house from which other people are fed. A Buddha radula horn who said that my friend meaningless Sula, sallAllahu earlier Sallam advised me of three things. And one of them is that when you prepare soup, then increase the volume by adding water and share it with your neighbor. So sometimes, you know, we don't have the the

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opportunity to feed, you know, people who are in need, or even our own relatives or friends, or even other Muslims, because we may be living in a neighborhood where we don't have such people around us. And especially these days, because of, you know,

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limitations on you know, social gatherings. It can be hard to, you know, share your food with others. But it is still possible to share food with your neighbors. And it doesn't have to be food that you prepared in your own house. Right. It can also be packaged food, it can be fruit that is unwashed, unpeeled, straight from the grocery store, you know, you you just deliver to their door. So seeing what is appropriate for the place and the time that you're living in the neighborhood that you're in, but make it a point that you share food you give to others. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us that the believer is not such that he eats to his fill, while his

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neighbor on his side goes hungry. He said no person should eat to his fill while his neighbor goes hungry. So we all should be careful about that. And there's that famous story of that couple from the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, to whom the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him sent one of his guests to and this family did not have much food, the only food that they had was just enough for their children. So they put their children to bed, they turn the lamp off, and they just put the food that they had in front of the guest and the guest ate and in the darkness. You know, they pretended like they were eating. So the guest thought that they were also eating but the

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guest was the only one who was eating. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed when you see Runa Allah unfussy him, Well can I be him kasasa that they give preference over themselves to others, even though they themselves are in need.

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When my you put your hand up, see for Ola eco homophily home, and whoever is saved from the selfishness of his soul, than such people will be successful. So sometimes it happens that you know, the only food that you have is food, that's enough for you. Or you feel afraid that you know this is barely enough for us. And you know, we don't think about, you know, sharing that with others, but at times, make yourself give to others what you have bought for your own self, what you have bought for your own family. And make a commitment with yourself that when someone comes asking you for something, do not return them empty handed. Because a man asked the Prophet sallallahu earlier

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Salaam that what makes Jana do on a person, meaning what guarantees that a person will definitely enter Jannah and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam mentioned a few things and of them was whereby they looked around, feed people generously, we learned another Hadees that lofty homes in paradise are reserved for people who feed others. And it is a deed that raises a person's degrees in paradise. And you see, when you feed others, you you bring multi you, you you you bring benefit to yourself. And also you bring benefit to others how that first of all, you remove your own greed, you remove your own selfishness, right. And then when you feed someone who is hungry, of course you are

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fulfilling their need. But you're also having another impact on them, that sometimes people have a certain type of, you know, certain anger or dislike for you. But when you feed them, then that anger and that dislike goes away. Or sometimes people who are suffering from poverty, they develop, you know, hatred for people who are wealthy. So when you feed them, then it removes their anger and their dislike. So feeding other people has multiple, numerous benefits, not just in the Hereafter, but even in the world. Right. And it is something that improves social relationships. And we see that in contrast, not feeding other people not feeding others is something that is condemned herbal,

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it is something that leads to *, we learned that the people of * will say, Well, I'm not gonna throw a mole miskeen we will not have those people who feed those in need, we run out of those people. And we learn about the people of the garden insert column, when they, you know, swore that they will not give any of the harvest to to the people in need. What happened by the time they reach their garden, to harvest it, that garden was ruined, it was all burnt up. So when you deprive others deliberately, what happens is that you end up depriving yourself with every other Billa we learned that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will ask that all son of Adam, I was sick, you did

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not visit me or son of Adam, I was hungry, you did not feed me or son of Adam, I was thirsty, you did not give me to drink. And the person will be surprised. He will say Yup, you were the Lord of the worlds. How could you be sick? And and how can I visit you? You are the Lord of the worlds How could you be hungry? And how could I feed you? Right? You are the Lord of the worlds How could you be thirsty? And how could I give you to drink? And Allah subhanaw taala will say did you not know that such and such servant of mine was sick. And if you had visited him, you would have found me there such and such servant of mine was hungry. If you had fed him, you would have found me there

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such and such servant of mine was thirsty. If you had given him to drink you, you would have found me there. Meaning This is a deed through which we find closeness to Allah. This is something that draws us nearer to Allah azza wa jal, and when we deprive people of food that we can easily share with them, even water that we can easily give them, then if we deprive them, then this is a sin. We learn that three people are such that Allah subhanaw taala will not speak to them on the Day of Judgment. And what does that mean that Allah subhanaw taala will be very angry with them. And one of them is a person who had extra water, who had a lot of water, but he would not let travelers drink

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from it. And he was too stingy to give them water to drink. And if he gave them that water to drink, it would not it would not put him in poverty. Any It was not hard for him to share. But still, he was selfish. So this is something that angers Allah zoologia. So we all need to pay attention to this. And remember that feeding others this is a prophetic trait. We learn about Ibrahim or his Salaam in the Quran, in multiple places, how When the angels came in the form of humans, right, he just treated them as guests, and he welcomed them. And he served them roasted meat. Right, we learn about the Prophet sallallahu

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He was sanlam, who would so often, you know, include his companions when he was eating, and even read about even sadya. He said that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam called me to eat sahul with him, you know, typically we share if thought with people, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him to come join him, and eat some food with him, feed on Milan. And he said, Hello, ma ilaha IL mobarak that come to the blessing meal that come eat this meal with me. And the Sahaba followed in these footsteps, we learned that even irmo villamartin who never used to eat food, unless a poor person was there to eat with him. And we also learned that once in a model de la Horne

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who fell ill, and he expressed his wish to eat grapes. So his wife sent someone to buy grapes. And as he was bringing them a beggar followed that man. And when he reached the door of the house of even aroma, that beggar began asking for food. So Abdullah bin Rama, la de la hora new imagine he is sick, and he can hear that beggar asking, he says, Give him the grapes. And so they gave the beggar the grapes. So then his wife sent someone to buy grapes again. And then the same thing happened and this happened a number of times. So

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then she finally said to the beggar that do not come again and again like this, because otherwise you will not find any goodness with me. Meaning then she she became a little worried for her husband, he was sick, he needed to eat. And every time that food was brought to him, then the beggar asked and even Oman would give preference to the beggar over himself. But this shows us how the Sahaba their way was that they would give food to others. And at times, they would even give preference to others. There's a beautiful story but I shuttle de la Mourinho, that once you was fasting, and a beggar came. So she said to her servant, that give him bread. And the servant said

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that, you know, the bread is the only thing we have right now. It's just one piece of bread, and you're fasting. This is the only food that we have for if thought. So I shall deliver on her said, Give it to the beggar. So of course the servant had to listen to I shall do more on how she gave it to the beggar. And what happened later on in the evening is that someone sent a gift of a goat to I shall dilla horn hi any, so much more food came, so I shall do more and have called her servant. And she said to her, that eat of this, this is better than that one piece of bread, Allahu Akbar. And so often you will be amazed that you share a little bit of food with someone and sometimes you know

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you're looking forward to eat a certain food or to follow yourself but then you realize that you know, if, if they eat it, they will be so happy. So you give it to them, you give it to someone else. And Allah subhanaw taala compensates you with something that is even better. We learned that the Salah it was their way, the way of the righteous predecessors was that they would include others in their meals especially in if thought we learn about the library model de la Mourinho, Malik Ibn Dena, Achmed, even humble ne These are people who would often you know, break their fast with others, they would not eat alone, we learned that hessonite buslee are the LeBron mobarak they would

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often fast themselves in order to be able to feed others meaning they would keep voluntary fasts outside of Ramadan, why so that they would have food that they could give to others, some of them never ate alone. And at the time of thought they would take their food to the mosque in order to share food with other people. And sometimes they would feed others only what they like to eat themselves, like you know, sweets and desserts and things like that. And they would also save food in order to you know, serve it to their guests or or serve it to people who came to visit them. So we should also think about how we can feed people and how we can include others in the good food

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that we are enjoying. But one important thing is that inner monitoring will come lever to Hilah that we only feed you for the face of Allah because the thing is that everything besides the face of Allah will perish. Con lumen la her fan weyerbacher guajajara be cuddle Jalali will Ikram nothing else indoors. So for example, if you feed someone something, and they get very happy with you, and they give you let's say, you no more food, right as as gratitude, what's going to happen to that food, it's going to finish. Even if they give you you know, something to keep in your house, it will eventually finish. So, you know, yes, you're not asking for that reward. But the point over here is

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that do not seek do not expect, you know, any reward from people that you help that you give something to expect only the ones who will not that should be your own.

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ultimate goal because nothing else can endure seek the reward that is ever lasting couldn't Lucia inherently come in now what you her everything will perish except his face will law higher on what abacha Allah is best. Right? So remember that there is nothing like Allah. So do not compare the face of Allah with the face of the creation because laser committee he shade There is nothing like him. But remember that seeing Allah seeing the face of Allah is a privilege. It's a reward that is reserved for Allah special servants, which I had said about the Aya Lila Dena Arsenal host now was Jada that those who do good, they will have good and even more, he said regarding even more that

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they will have forgiveness and the great pleasure of Allah and other said that the additional reward is another area where Gee, that the additional reward is that they will be given the privilege of seeing Allah. And remember that every blessing, every reward will diminish. When the people of Paradise will see the face of Allah. It is the greatest honor. It is the greatest reward which the believers will be honored with on the day of judgment and there will also be honored with it in paradise. In a Hades we learn that when the people of Paradise will enter Paradise, Allah azza wa jal will ask them. Do you wish me to give you anything more? They will say, Have you not brightened

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our faces yard up? Have you not made us enter paradise? Have you not saved us from fire? Meaning, what more could we ask for? What more could there possibly be? Any we we would think that this is the greatest of the highest reward that a person could get? What more could there possibly be, and this is a decent Sahih Muslim. So what will happen, Allah will lift the veil and they will be able to see Allah and this blessing. This gift will be the most dearer reward the most dearest reward that they will ever experience in paradise. Indeed, this reward will be greater than any other reward that they will enjoy. And every Friday will be Yeoman moseyed. In general, it will be the day

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of increase meaning the day that they will see Allah. So it's the day that they will increase in their goodness in their reward in their happiness and their delight. So this should be our ultimate goal of our ultimate desire, the yearning that we should have in our hearts, that era. I want to see you, Europe, I want your approval. And remember, this is a condition for the acceptance of good deeds, that we do things purely for the sake of Allah. So whatever that we are doing anything big or small, let's do it for his his sake, for his face alone. And remember that this is what brings sweetness of faith. This is what makes good deeds enjoyable as well. Allah subhanaw taala says a

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lady UT mela who yet as he who gives from his wealth to purify himself, well, Molly had dinner in the home in near Mattoon to jeiza and not giving for anyone who has done him a favor to be rewarded in Liberty law, our Europe bill Arla, but only seeking the face of his Lord the Most High, well, a sofa Yoruba, and he will be satisfied he will be pleased, meaning the person who does good seeking the face of Allah, then Allah will be pleased with him. So let us pray Salah, seeking his face, let us fast seeking his face, let us give the cat seeking his face, let us give sadaqa and spend on others seeking his face. Let us give whatever we give to people not seeking their smiles and their

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approvals, but rather seeking the face of Allah subhanaw taala. Even the morsel of food that you put in someone's mouth, even when you're seeking knowledge when you're teaching when you're reciting Quran, when you're making liquid, when you give a donation, when you leave something for the sake of Allah, when you strive in the cause of Allah, anything big or small, the goal should be Europe. I want to see you, Europe, I want the privilege of seeing you that you are pleased with me when it comes to sobor also observing patients controlling our anger, making a commitment, forgiving other people, fulfilling our responsibilities, all of these we should do purely for the sake of Allah. And

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we should also ask Allah

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What is a Luca Ledbetter? Nobody. ILA, Jake, Europe, I asked you for the pleasure of looking at your face. I want that, that reward. I want that privilege. I want to experience that joy of looking at you. So what should we do then? What are the main takeaways? That first of all, let us bring sincerity to our deeds. And how do we do that? by reminding ourselves when we're doing any good deed that I'm doing this for the sake of Allah. This is Lee wedgie. Hilah in Noma notary more commonly referred to Hilah. Even when we are dealing with other people, we're working with them, we're giving something to them. We're fulfilling their need. Let us remind ourselves that this is for the sake of

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Allah. Do not sell yourself short, by expecting anything less than the face of Allah. And in your good deeds in the work that you do. Direct your face to Allah. Meaning submit your face to Allah and direct your face to Allah live your life while facing your Lord or the lucky Annika Tara and keep the company of people who seek the face of their Lord who who don't seek worldly things and and you know, the reward from people. Keep the company of people who are eager for the rewards of when also when you make dua to Allah, set yourself before Allah. Right set your face before Allah in a Hadees we learn that there is no Muslim who fixes his face before Allah azza wa jal in begging in asking

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except that Allah subhanaw taala will give him something sooner or later. So direct your face to Allah surrender yourself to Allah and seek the face of Allah and keep the company of such people as well. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all sincerity, inshallah, we will conclude over here subhanak alone that will be handing a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta, a stuffy ruco A Tobu Lake

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