Taimiyyah Zubair – Indeed I am Near – Day 01

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of not calling upon anyone experiencing weakness or anxiety is emphasized, as it is essential for hedge in worship and achieving goals. The COVID-19 crisis and its potential impact on the economy and the retail market are discussed, with caution from people not to work too hard during the pandemic. The speakers express concern about the potential impact on their customers and employees, and caution people not to work too hard during the pandemic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

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our other bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah al Karim

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Al Hamdulillah with Allah subhanaw taala has great blessing and favor. We begin the program Audioboom Mujib, a series on doors. In the month of Ramadan. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us sincerity, so that we begin and complete the series only for his sake. And may Allah subhanaw taala enable us to act upon whatever we learn in this series mean.

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Da is the best act of worship.

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It is a means of drawing near Allah azza wa jal and when a person calls upon Allah subhanaw taala. They get to express their pain, their worries, their concerns, before Allah subhanho wa taala. When a person makes the error demonstrating their dependency on Allah subhanaw taala.

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They are manifesting their weakness, their neediness before Allah subhanho wa taala.

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They are calling upon the one who hears the one who knows the one who was merciful, the one who is kind. The fact is that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who is perfectly great. And we his slaves are the ones who are poor. We are the ones who are in need of Him. We are the ones who are weak. And there is no stage of our lives. When we can be independent of calling upon Allah. Rather we are such that no matter what stage of our lives we are in, no matter what we are doing, no matter what is happening in our lives, we are in need of calling upon Allah subhanho wa taala. And we and as we continue to call upon Allah, this helps us maintain a constant connection with our Lord our

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And when we call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala this helps us to continue to have faith in Allah to continue to believe in Him. And when we when we call upon Allah subhanaw taala we are recognizing our neediness and we are recognizing the fact that we have a Lord who helps a Lord who cares, a Lord who listens and a Lord who is able to grant us what we need.

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Allah Our Lord is near he is fatigued, he is Mujeeb he responds to us.

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, what either sir Allah Kariba the Omni for any party.

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What either said Allah Kariba de or any for in new Corrib OG Buddha with a dari either done, fell yesterday Bulli while you may know be La La homeo schoon. And when My servants ask you concerning me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon me. So let them respond to Me by obedience and believe in me, so that they may be rightly guided

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Allah subhanaw taala shows his mercy towards people in this ayah by calling them very buddy my slaves. And when Allah subhanaw taala describes himself as Kareem, as the one who is near, then he is encouraging us to call upon Him. So we are the slaves of Allah, we belong to Allah. And he the Exalted is near, he is not far so we can call upon him whenever we want. We can call upon him whenever we need. In a hadith we learn abou Musa luxury Radi Allahu Anhu reported that once we were in the company of the of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we were traveling, and whenever we went up a high place, we would say, La ilaha illa, Allah, Allahu Akbar, and our

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voices used to rise, meaning they would say this out very, very loudly. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to them, that all people, be merciful to yourselves, be kind to yourselves, meaning you do not need to shout, you do not need to raise your voice. And he said, You are not calling upon someone who is deaf or someone who is absent. Rather, you are calling upon the one who is with you, no doubt, he is severe, but even he is all here he is ever near the baraka smoogle with our Elijah Dooku His name is bless it and exalted his his greatness. So in this Hadith also, we learn that Allah subhanho wa Taala is near, so we can call upon Him in our heart, or we can whisper

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to him or we can talk to him in a way that is audible. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in surah Taha what in Pedja, horrible owl, for in who Yharnam was several a Hoffa. And if you speak aloud, then indeed he knows the secret, and what is even more hidden Subhanallah there are times when we are able to express our draw verbally. And then there are times when we just keep what is in our heart, in our heart. We don't even know what words to use. We don't even understand how we can express ourselves. Allah subhanaw taala knows he hears the call of our heart. He knows what we say in our hearts. So no matter how we talk to Allah, Allah hears because he is Corrib. In a narration, we

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learned that a man said to the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam that a Caribbean or Abona, that is our Lord near, so that we should whisper to him, or is he far so that we call out to him in an audible way. So this idea was revealed that we're either set or like everybody or any for any Corrib I am near. So call upon Allah, however you want, you can make your door audible or you can whisper or you can say, in your mouth or just in your heart. And remember that when Allah subhanaw taala hears, He cares, he responds, as he says in this idea, that oh gee Buddha with a dairy either Don, that I respond to the DA the call of the caller when he calls upon me. So Allah subhanaw taala

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answers, he responds. In a hadith we learned that a Bedouin came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and he said, O Messenger of Allah, teach me something good. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took his hand, and he said, Say Subhan, Allah, meaning on his fingers, he showed the man how to count, say, Subhan Allah will hamdulillah La Ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar. So the man repeated the words, but you know, on his hands, and then he thought for some time, and he came back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he said, that a messenger of Allah, these words, Subhan, Allah Alhamdulillah, La ilaha illa, Allah Allahu Akbar, all of these words are for Allah.

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What about me? What is for me? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, that when you say, Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanaw taala says, so Dr. Allah response, he answers and he says, You have spoken the truth. When you say, when you say Alhamdulillah when you Say Subhan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala says, You have spoken the truth when you say Alhamdulillah Allah says you have spoken the truth when you say La Ilaha illa Allah, Allah says you have spoken the truth. When you say Allahu Akbar, Allah says you have spoken the truth. When you say Allahumma fiddly Oh ALLAH forgive me. Allah says I have done that. When you say Allahu Mahamuni Allah have mercy.

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Si en mi, Allah says I have done that. When you say Allah Who Mota zucchini or Allah provide me, Allah says, I have done that Subhan Allah, every time that you remember that you mentioned the glory of Allah, every time that you call upon Allah, asking him for something, Allah subhanaw taala responds, he answers, because he is near. So we should feel that Allah is near, we should remember this fact that Allah is near. And with that feeling with that, in in our minds, we should remember Allah we should call upon Him, we should beseech Him. You see at times, we hesitate asking people for help. And we hesitate sharing our feelings with them. Why? Because people, sometimes they seem

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so distant. They're so preoccupied with their own worlds, they're so lost in their own own worlds, that even though they may be sitting right next to us, they're so disconnected. They're so aloof. Sometimes you're talking to someone, and it appears as if they're hearing, but they're not actually listening. Sometimes people hear they listen to what we're saying, but they completely ignore us, or they show no empathy whatsoever. So what happens is that over time, we develop the habit of keeping everything inside. We we learn not to share with people we learn not to express our feelings before them. But Allah subhanaw taala is not like that. He's near. He is accessible, he's approachable, at

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any time of day or night, at any place you are in, he is near, as we learned in Hadith, what an Amara, who either Danny, that Allah subhanaw taala says that I am with my slave, when he calls upon me, when you call upon Allah, when you talk to Allah, Allah listens, he is near. At times, we're afraid to ask people because we fear rejection. And rejection is something very painful. There's disappointment that follows. So when people reject us, then what happens is that we learn we develop the the habit of, you know, not having any expectations of them. And eventually a time comes where we stop having any hope. And we think that we should not be asking for help, you know, from anyone,

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but Allah subhanaw taala is near. He does not reject us. He does not disappoint us. He helps his slaves, he gives his slaves more than what they can even imagine. At times, we do not ask people because we fear their judgement. We fear that they will think of us as someone who is very greedy, or someone who is very crazy, or someone who is not being sensible. So then we learn to not dream big, and we learn to not have great aspirations, and we begin to keep everything inside, bottled up. And we think that we have to be entirely self sufficient and self reliant, because we believe that we falsely believe that we have no one but ourselves. But this is not how Allah subhanaw taala has

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designed us, Allah subhanaw taala has designed us in a way that we need, we need someone for support, we need someone for assistance. So Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us over here, that he is fatigued, he is close to us. And this means that he is unable mince America, meaning he is near us with respect to listening to our prayers. He hears our prayers when we call upon Him. And isn't the so beautiful? If you think about it, you are such a tiny creature. Somewhere on this massive Earth, which is somewhere in this massive universe, like a grain of sand is on a beach. Now imagine what are you compared to the entire creation? You're so tiny. Yes, you may be so apparently

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insignificant. But when you call upon Allah, Allah hears you. Allah gives attention to you Subhan Allah, Allah gives you so much importance. Do you recognize your worth before Arambula Allah mean before the Lord of the Worlds? Allah is Corrib he hears you. And Allah is unev as an he has been able to Jabba, he is near in terms of responding to your prayer. He does not delay rather Allah subhanaw taala His timing is perfect. He gives you what you need at the time that is perfect. And Allah subhanaw taala is near his slaves He is Corrib such that he knows each

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Every slave, and he is especially near his worshippers. So he is with them. He helps them, he hears them, he accepts their prayers, and he gives them the ability to do good. And when Allah subhanaw taala is near for any Corrib This means that there is no need of an intermediary, a third figure between you and your Lord. You see in this ayah, Allah subhanaw taala says, What either set a lack or a burden on me for any party, that when my slaves ask you about Me, then indeed I am near, it has not been said that for coal in need Corrib that then you are Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam should tell them that I am near the word coal, say is not even there. Because Allah subhanaw taala

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is responding directly to his slaves over here. He didn't he does not ask His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam to tell to tell people about what Allah subhanaw taala is saying, rather Allah subhanaw taala addresses his slaves directly, he responds directly. So this is the way that you call upon Allah directly. And you know what, you are worthy of doing that? Because Allah hears you. And Allah subhanaw taala says, Oh, gee, Buddha with a dairy either, Dan, I respond to the call of the caller. When he calls upon me, meeting Allah does not waste the draw of his slave. Allah is not preoccupied with something that would distract him from answering you, from responding to you from

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giving attention to what you are saying, No, oh gee Buddha with a diary either Don, I respond to the call of the caller when he calls upon me. The question is, Who is this Dari? Who is this? Who is this caller? This is the caller, the one who truly correctly calls upon Allah subhanaw taala. With attentiveness, with hope, with conviction, and, but and while removing any barriers that prevent the DA from being accepted. So remember that Allah subhanaw taala, responds, og boo. He says, Oh, gee, boo, I respond. And response does not necessarily mean that a person is given exactly what they're asking for. Allah subhanaw taala certainly responds, and he knows how to respond to His slave, what

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to give to his slave, because sometimes, we don't even know ourselves, what is good for us what is right for us, or when is the right time for us to have something but Allah subhanaw taala knows. So he responds, every time you you talk to him, you call upon Him, and He responds in different ways. So we should call upon Allah with faith with conviction. And we should call upon Allah subhanaw taala like Zachary, Allah has sent out, like he said, Well, I'm a combi Dora econ Bishop here. And never have I been in my supplication to you, my lord, unhappy, meaning, Oh, my Lord, every time that I have called upon you, I have been happy after that. I have never been disappointed after that.

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After that, I have never failed after that. So we see that the one who calls upon Allah certainly receives something. They're not returned, empty handed. Or Gee Buddha with a diary either Don, Allah says fun yes, the Jubilee, when you mean OB, la la whom your shoe Dune, so they should respond to me, and they should believe in me, so that they're rightly guided, meaning just as we like that Allah subhanaw taala should respond to us. We too should respond to Allah, when he calls us. You see, when we are called to Salah, Haryana, Salah hyaline fella, Come to Prayer Come to success. What is our response? When Allah subhanaw taala calls us in the Quran? Yeah, you have levena Amma No, all

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you have believed and then a command is given, then how do we respond? If we want Allah subhanaw taala to respond to us, then we should also respond to Allah when he calls us. When Allah subhanaw taala addresses us, commands us to do something prohibits us from doing something that we should listen, we should obey. While you may know be and they should believe in me being we should believe in Allah. We should believe in the fact that he hears we believe in the fact that he has power over everything we should have. We should believe in Allah subhanaw taala his generosity in his mercy in his compassion

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In, in His judgment in his decree, while you may not be called upon him with conviction with faith, law Allah whom y'all should own, so that they are rightly guided. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the supplication of the servant is accepted, as long as he does not supplicate for what includes sin, or cutting the ties of relationship and as long as he does not become hasty, meaning as long as a person does not ask for what is sinful and does not ask for something, that means that their their ties of kinship will be severed, and as long as they do not become hasty there there will be accepted. So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked that a messenger

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of Allah, what does it mean by being hasty? How can the dari the person making dua become hasty? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the person says, There are two what are our two meaning I supplicated I supplicated I made da I made Dora but I did not see that my daughter was being accepted. And so the person loses interest and he abandons Dora, this is being hasty. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to not be hasty. So we should keep calling upon Allah, we should keep asking Allah because he is Corrib he is near and he is Mujeeb he responds he answers in sort of Hood i a 61. Allah subhanaw taala says, what Elijah who? The AHA him slowly *. Calleja

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comer Buddha Allah, mela comin Illa in zero, who are unsure a communal was Star Morocco fee her festival fugu, some to LA in rugby Kalibo Mujeeb. And to samode, we sent their brother Salia. He said, all my people worship Allah, you have no deity other than Him. He has produced you from the earth and settled you in it. So ask forgiveness of him and then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive. Son are they his Salam invited his people to worship Allah alone. And he reminded them that Allah is their only God, the only one who deserves their worship. And he reminded them that Allah is the One who created them, who produced them, and who caused them to inhabit the

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earth. And then he invited them to seek forgiveness from Allah and to repent to Him. And then he gave them hope. He told them that your Lord is my Lord is near he is responsive, so call upon Him. So the one who is near the one who responds, then do you not want to be near him and ask him, he Subhanallah if someone were to offer us that I am here I'm listening to you ask me for you know for anything.

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You know, I am here, I've got my you know, my checkbook with me. Ask me for anything, I will give it to you. Then no matter what we are doing, we would leave it and we would come. And we would benefit from that opportunity. Because we don't know when else we will have an opportunity like that. Allah subhanaw taala he is our EP is ever near. He is Majeed. He is Ever responsive. He responds to his slaves. And you see saleha Santa told his people to first of all, bear in mind that Allah subhanaw taala is the only one worthy of worship. Secondly, he told them to remember the favors of Allah, that He is the One who created you. He is the one who inhabited you in your land, provided you

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everything that you have. Thirdly, he told him to seek forgiveness from Allah. Fourthly, he told them to repent to Allah. And finally, he said in Nairobi, caribou Mooji, he invited them to call upon Allah. So this shows us that before Dora, before we call upon Allah, there must be Eman. There must be faith in the Oneness of Allah. Secondly, there must be sugar, there must be recognition. You know, acknowledgement of Gods favors, gratitude for the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us and when we have sugar before we ask Allah sugar also brings us hope and conviction that when Allah subhanaw taala has given me so much without even me asking him for any of this. And he

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has so much to give. He has created so much he has given me abundantly before then I have hope that he will also give me what I am asking him for. So there is sugar. Thirdly, there's is the father

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that we should seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala for our shortcomings, and you see this is very natural when you're making dua, sometimes there is a sense of shame and guilt, that how can I ask Allah when I am such a bad person, when I have committed such and such sin, and shaitan also whispers to you, that your daughter will not be accepted this door, your daughter will not be accepted today your daughter will not be accepted, because you are such a bad person, you are so evil. You have done this and you have done that. So, these negative thoughts and these whispers of shaitan they prevent us from making the art from having hope. So, how should we counter these

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negative thoughts? With is the thought that we seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala we admit our shortcomings before him that yes, I have committed many sins were thought of to be them be and I confess all of my sins before you Europe. But I also ask you because your treasures are vast and your forgiveness is great. So seek forgiveness. Fourthly, we see that he told them to repent to Allah to do Toba. And what is Toba? That a person leaves since and that a person has the firm intention to change their ways to become better than before? So make Toba and then when you will make Dora After these steps, you will find your Lord to be Kalibo Mujib, the one who is near the one

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who is responsive. And you see the opposite of Corrib is buried, meaning someone who is distant, someone who is far someone who is distant is not just someone who is just who is distant in a physical sense. You see, sometimes there could be someone who is sitting right next to you, or who who lives with you in in your home. Alright, but they're still distant from you. You have no connection with them. Why? Because you don't find them to be kind and affectionate. They don't care about you. They don't show any empathy toward you. They don't help you. It doesn't seem like they love you. And when they show harshness, then you feel even more distant from them. When they yell at

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you. When they disrespect you when they're when they're rude to you, you feel even more distant from them. So there's that disconnect. Allah azza wa jal is Kareem, Kareem as in he is Raouf. He is Rahim he is his kind, he is merciful. He protects us, He provides us He guides us, he is Caribbean Mujeeb. So we should call upon Allah subhanaw taala. Now, as we talk about da and the different ways of calling upon Allah subhanaw taala. Let us first talk about what Dora really is, what is it? What is this concept of the RA. Now, linguistically, the word Dora is from Dalia drew from the Muslim dua or Dawa and it means to call someone how, in an audible way, and to call someone in order to draw their

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attention to what you are asking for. This is the raw and when it is sent down to Allah, meaning I made dua to Allah. It means that I prayed to Allah, I asked him with humility, hoping that he will grant me from the good that he has. In the Quran, the word torah is used in a number of ways. First of all, we see that the word Dora is used in the meaning of calling as in summoning someone to summon to call as in to summon. So instead of earlier Imran is 61, Allah's paralysis for call Diallo nother webinar on our webinar accom that you that say to them, tell them that come, we should call meaning we should summon our children and your children. Secondly, the word Dora is also used in the

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Quran in the meaning of asking for something. Insert Fattal 18 Allah subhanaw taala says that were intended room with Allah to Isla him, Leah, that on the Day of Judgment, if someone who is heavily laden with the burden of sin, calls another person to bear their sin to bear their burden, they will not help so we're intended to call as in to ask someone to come and help.

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Thirdly, the word DA is also used in the Quran for saying as in proclaiming something

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into our rough I have five from a Canada Ottawa home. They're only Dharwad as their only proclamation their only claim their only statement then was,

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was such and such

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fourthly, there are also means to worship. In sort of, can we learn what Obatala Allah Kulu beam is car Muhfucka Leura buena rapa sama what you will learn nada rhewum In Duni ILAHA we will never call upon someone other than Allah as a god, meaning we will never worship someone other than Allah. So let another word Dre means worship.

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Number five da also means to request for help.

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To call to one's aid instead of Baqarah. We learn to be Surah Timothy wonderul Shuhada ACOEM call your your witnesses, meaning call them to your aid. The number six it also means to invite bike new Harley ceramsite cannot be any doubt to call me Leyland Manohara I called my people meaning I invited them by night and by day number seven, it also means to assert something. So for example, in sort of zap we learned Odorheiu, homely Abba, he him, call them by their fathers. Meaning when you when you call someone, call them by the name of their father, that the son of so in so meaning their actual father. Number eight, it means to ask or to pray for something. So in sort of the Bacara, we

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learned part of the rule in Arabic, the Bani Israel said to Musa alayhis salam, that you should Call upon your Lord meaning, ask your Lord, pray to your Lord. So when we're talking about calling upon Allah, then there are means asking Allah with humility, for the good that he has, and asking him with hope. PB he said the DA is to express extreme humility and neediness and weakness before Allah subhanaw taala. Abraham said, Dora is to ask Allah for something that benefits the one who is asking and to ask Allah for protection against that which is harmful for the one who is asking. So there's two aspects to the one, you are asking Allah to grant you what is beneficial for you. And you're

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asking Allah to protect you from what is harmful for you. So both of these things are included in da. Now there are two kinds of Da in our D. First of all, dA is da riba meaning da which is synonymous to worship. And this is that a person worships Allah, with hope of reward from Allah subhanaw taala and hope of protection from his punishment. So for example, when a person performs salah, or they're fasting, or they are reciting Quran, or they're giving sadaqa, they're making Likud they're glorifying Allah subhanaw taala. All of these acts are acts of worship. And through these acts of worship, in these acts of worship, what are we doing? We are hoping for reward from

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Allah. And we're also hoping that Allah subhanaw taala will protect us from punishment. So any such deed is basically a state in which you are asking Allah for reward. And you're asking Allah for protection against punishment. Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, we'll call the robo Komodo Rooney as the juvenile comb and your Lord says, Call upon me, I will respond to you in the ladina has stuck Verona and Reba T saya the whole Luna Johanna Daffy Dean, Indeed, those who disdain my worship will enter * rendered contemptible. So in this is Dora means both things, calling upon Allah and also worshiping Allah. Now the second type of DA is dA that is a request, where we are

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asking Allah subhanaw taala for something and this is da Miss Allah. So this is where a person is directly asking Allah subhanaw taala for something good in this world or in the Hereafter, and a person is asking Allah subhanaw taala to protect them from what is harmful in this world or in the Hereafter. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a dua oh who Ellery bada Dora is worship, and he recited the higher order book and with the Rooney Esther Geobella calm and when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there are is worship. This means that Dora is a major part of worship, or it is the best form of worship. This is similar to how the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said that Elijah Alpha Hajj is out of this doesn't mean that that hajj does not exist.

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include going to Mina, or Hajj does not include, you know, going to miss Delica. Hajj does not include, you know the Rami or tawaf or sorry, not all of those rituals are part of Hajj, but the most significant part of Hajj is what it is on offer, the best of hedge is on offer. It is the essential of hedge. And this means that the person who finds it often finds hedge and the one who misses out often misses hunch. And this also means that alpha is the most honorable act of worship during Hajj. So when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that Dora that Adara who Allah Riba, this means that it is the most honorable act of worship, the best form of worship, the most important,

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you know, part of worship, the essence of worship, the goal of worship, that you call upon Allah, and every act of worship of servitude is what it is a way through which we are asking Allah, you know, sometimes we ask Allah subhanaw taala verbally through our words, through our listen. All right? We ask that y'all Allah grant me this, yeah, Allah protect me from this. And sometimes we are calling upon Allah through our state, through our condition through our actions. So for example, when you're praying Salah when you're reciting Quran, why are you doing that? You were doing that? So Allah subhanaw taala will give you a reward. You're not asking verbally Yeah, Allah give me

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reward. No, but through your deed, you are hoping you're expecting reward from Allah subhanaw taala.

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And dua is the most honorable act of worship as the prophets of Allah who earned who said them also told us now remember that Dora is something that we are all in need of. Because Allah subhanaw taala addresses all people in the Quran in surah fathur If 15 Allah says yeah, uh, you have NAS, all mankind, or people and Tomoko Cora illa ma, all of you are in need of Allah, all of you are poor, before Allah, Allah who will need you will Hamid and it is Allah, who is a Lani who is free of need, He is the one who is rich and he is Hamid, he is praiseworthy.

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Our condition is that we are focused on we are poor, we are in need. And really if you think about it, what is that phase of our life or that state or that age, where we can say we have no needs? Or what is that time of day or night or time of year or month or week when we can say I have no needs? No, we always have some need or another.

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We have the need to eat, we have the need to breed. We have the need for connection, we have the need to feel loved. We have the need to feel accepted, we have the need to feel security. So all of us are poor. For karate, we are in need and we are in need of Allah. And Allah is the One who is rich, the one who is free of any need. He is the one who is completely independent, and the one who owns all treasures. And he is Hameed He is perfect. He's always praiseworthy. So He is the giver and we are the ones who were always in need of receiving. So we are always in need of calling upon Allah subhanaw taala.

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And the fact is that Allah subhanaw taala owns everything in sort of the mafia cone i A seven Allah says what Illa he has a in a Samar what he will all to Allah belong the treasures of the skies and the earth. He everything within the skies and the earth, all of the treasures, all of the things belong to Allah in sort of hedging, what Eman Shea in Illa in Ghana has no and there is nothing excepted with us are its treasures. So whatever that we are in need of Allah subhanaw taala has it whatever that we want, wherever that we desire, whatever that we yearn for whatever we wish for. Allah subhanaw taala has it and Allah subhanaw taala has it in abundance, He is in control of it,

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which means that we can only receive it if Allah subhanaw taala grants it to us. So we should call upon Allah. There is no other way of getting it. We cannot get anything unless and until Allah subhanaw taala gives it to us. So if there is anything we want, we need to ask Allah

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And remember that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who is able to bring us benefit and also protect us from harm and to remove harm from us in sort of an RM is 17 Allah says what am seska Allahu buildin fella Kashi Allahu Allahu, and if Allah touches you with something of harm, then there is no Remover of it except Except he, meaning there is no one who can remove that harm from you, except Allah subhanaw taala what em seska be hiding for who are other coalition party, and if he touches you with something good, then he is able to do all things. In a hadith we learn that a man from the tribe of Bulu Jain, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Messenger of Allah, what is it

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that you invite people to? Meaning what's your message, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, That I invite to Allah alone, I invite people to Allah alone, he who when some calamity strikes you, you call upon Him, and He removes it from you. And when you are in the wilderness, and you lose your way, you get lost, and you call upon Him, He saves you, He guides you. And when you are struck by famine, and you call upon Him, He causes plants to grow any none of this is in your control. Subhanallah in his sometimes when we are in some difficulty, and we want to get out of that state, you know, we would like to get rid of whatever is bothering us. For example, if we're if we

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have fever, and we want to get rid of that fever, we want to put it away, take it away from us somehow, we are not able to do that. You can have medication upon medication, but it's not going to go away unless Allah subhanaw taala allows, so Allah has Allah is the One Who removes that calamity from you that difficulty from you, when we are lost in any way, and we call upon Allah, Allah is the one who guides us and if he does not guide us back, if he does not save us, that we will be lost forever. So we are in need of calling upon Allah. And the fact is that everything in the heavens and the earth depends upon Allah, in sort of ramen, we learned Yes, Ellu whom and fissa my wife you will

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out Kula yo woman who are fish Schatten. That whoever is in the skies, and whoever is in the earth, calls upon Allah, everyone, everything asks Allah and every day, he is in a new shirt and meaning he is bringing about something new.

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So everything in the heavens and the earth depends on Allah, including us.

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Now, when people call upon Allah subhanaw taala. Remember that there are four types of people when it comes to calling upon Allah.

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One of the scholars said that people are four categories with respect to calling upon Allah. First of all, our people who neither worship Allah, nor ask him for help. Any there are people who live their lives without worshipping Allah, without making dua without asking Allah subhanaw taala for help, whereas Allah is the One who has created them. He is the one who has given them everything they have, and he is the one who has granted them wellbeing and safety and protection. So they're committing a great injustice, by neither calling upon Allah nor worshipping Him.

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The second type of people are those who ask Allah for help, and he helps them but they do not worship Allah. And yes, this is true, that even those people who do not worship Allah who do not believe in Allah when they call upon Allah in a, in a state of Iran, in a state of desperation, Allah subhanaw taala helps them.

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Then the third category of people is of those who worship Allah and obey Allah. But they do not ask Him for anything. They do not call upon Him, they do not make dua, and they do not put their trust in Allah. And there are many Muslims who are like that. They will, you know, do things that Muslims are supposed to do, but they don't make dua. When they're in difficulty. They don't raise their hands. They don't beg Allah. They don't humble themselves before Allah. And the fourth category of people is of those who worship Allah. And they ask him, they pray to Him, they ask him for help. So he helps them and he responds to them, and he helps them to worship Him to open

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him and he also helps them in other matters that they ask Allah subhanaw taala has helped for. So in the Quran we learn a year can now boo what a year can Listerine, it is You alone we worship and You will only ask help from

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meaning to worship Allah Allah. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us. So we want to be of the fourth category, the people who worship Allah and the people who call upon Allah.

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Now DA is something very important and it is also something very, very beneficial. First of all, Allah subhanaw taala invites us to call upon Him. Allah subhanaw taala invites us that we should call upon Allah we should ask Allah in Hadith we learn that in the last third of the night, Allah subhanaw taala, addresses people. And he says that is there anyone who will call upon me so that I will answer him? Is there anyone who will ask me for something so that I give it to him? Is there anyone who seeks forgiveness for me so that I forgive him? And he, Allah Himself invites us, then we should call him we should ask him we should pray to Him. Subhan Allah, so we should call upon Allah

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we should make Dora. Secondly, remember that Allah subhanaw taala responds to us, He answers us. For any Corrib OG Buddha with a dairy either Don I respond to the call of the caller when he calls upon me. So we should ask Allah because he answers Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we should ask Him for His favor, was a Lula hum in fugly ask Allah of his favor. And fuggle remember is surplus it is extra, it is something that a person is not necessarily deserving of, you know, for example, you give someone

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you know what they deserve, as in for instance, their pay, right? If you have employed someone you pay them, but follow is that you give them more than what you're supposed to pay them. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us over here was an alarm in family, ask Allah of his favor. Meeting ask Allah for things that you know you are not deserving of or you think you are not deserving of you think it is extra, you think you don't really need it, you think that you are not worthy of it still ask Allah for it, because Allah is able to give it to you and Allah is very generous.

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And Allah subhanaw taala loves it, that we ask him, this is So, this is so amazing. You see, people do not like that we should ask him what we should ask them. Right? If you request someone for a favor, once, twice, three times, it is something that you know, they get tired of Allah subhanaw taala He invites us to call upon him every night, every day, all the time, we are invited to call upon Allah subhanaw taala and every time that we are in need, we are to call upon Allah. And the thing is that our needs, they never end. As for as long as we live, we are in need of one thing or another.

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Then we see that Allah subhanaw taala tells us to, uh to call upon Him for the fulfillment of every need, every single need of ours, whether it is worldly or religious, something basic as an a necessity, or, you know, something greater than that, anything and everything. In a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah azza wa jal says that all my slaves, all of you are lost, except for the one whom I have guided. So seek guidance from me, and I will guide you,

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all my slaves, all of you are hungry, except for those whom I feed. So ask me for food, I will feed you, all my slaves, all of you are naked, except for those whom I clothed, whom I give clothes to. So ask me for clothes, I will clothe you, all my slaves. You commit sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins. So seek forgiveness from me. I will forgive you, all my slaves. If the first of you and the last of you and all of the people and all of the gin were to stand in one open playing field and ask me for different

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One thing's for many things, I am able to give every single one what he is asking for, that would not reduce me in my treasures.

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Subhan Allah. And in this hadith we learn that it would not reduce from the treasures of Allah except like what a needle reduces from the ocean when it is dipped into it, meaning nothing. So, ask Allah subhanaw taala for whatever it is that you need, even the most basic things.

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We see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he also told us to call upon Allah. In a hadith we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to even our best sort of the Allahu Anhu that all all boy Yahoo lamb, I am going to teach you some words, meaning learn these words bear them in mind. What are these words if we learn phulka you'll be mindful of Allah Allah will protect you. If they lead the jitsu to Jack Be mindful of Allah you will find him before you will either CELTA fantas Allah, that when you should ask, then you should ask Allah meaning when you have something to ask for. Then direct your ask to ALLAH ask him what he has done that fostering Billa and when you

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need to seek help than seek help from Allah, Allahu Akbar, any whenever you have any need any request, anything that you need help in then direct your thorough your requests to Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us to make Dora

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and when a person makes the wrong they increase in dignity, in in honor, in the sight of Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that lays a shade on a chroma Allah him in a Dora. There is nothing more honorable before Allah Dandora meaning when you make dua to Allah you increase in your honor, in the sight of Allah Subhana Allah when you when you ask people for something, then with every request, what happens your status decreases your worth decreases your your dignity, it decreases in their eyes. When you ask Allah you become more honorable, because you will you find Allah closer and closer.

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And remember that Allah subhanaw taala responds to the door as of His slaves in the Quran we learn well according to Donna new home, Fela Nirmal Mooji Boone, no called upon us. So how excellent are we to respond meaning Allah subhanaw taala responds in the most excellent way and he is excellent, you know as Mujeeb.

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In the Quran we learn in our biller Samira Dora, indeed, my Lord is surely the one who hears the Ibrahim alayhis salam said that

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and Allah subhanaw taala accepts the dua of the one who is desperate for help. In sort of the normal, Allah says Amin ug will Matala, either da who were actually for Su, or who is the one who responds to the one who is most any who is desperate for help, who is defeated in every way, who does not know how to help himself, who has no one around him to help him. But he calls upon Allah, Allah subhanaw taala response to him, answers him, Allah subhanaw taala yet she was so he removes the harm from that person, even our best through the long run, who said that this is the person

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who is in such

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a need, that is causing him great hardship, any if that need is not fulfilled, he will be in great hardship.

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And other olema they have said that this is referring to someone who is suffering from extreme poverty, when they call upon Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will bring them relief, or that this is the person

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who finds themselves disconnected from everyone and everything is sometimes you feel completely abandoned by others completely disconnected. You don't know who to even talk to who to call. And even if you were, you know, trying to call maybe your phone is not working, maybe your phone is dead. You know, sometimes you find yourself in situations like that, then you have no way of reaching out to anyone. But remember, you always have a way of reaching out to Allah subhanaw taala all you have to say is Allah, all you have to do is call upon Allah

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You talk to him, and Allah is Karim, he responds and he will bring you out of your difficulty.

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And we learned that Allah subhanaw taala commands us to call upon Him, and He promises us that he will respond to us. In a hadith we learned that once you know people were in great difficulty and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said to them that you have complained of drought in your homes, meaning in your land, you have complained that there is drought, there is no rain, there's no food. And Allah subhanaw taala has ordered you to supplicate to him. Allah subhanaw taala has commanded you that you make God to him. And he has promised that he will answer you. These are the words of the prophets of Allah who are to us.

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That that Allah subhanaw taala Waqqas Amara como la Whoa xojo Allah under the rule, who will work the comb as the ajibola comb, he has promised you, he has guaranteed that He will answer you. So this is what you should do in difficulty, call upon Allah, and believe that he will respond to you.

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And Allah subhanaw taala, he is the king, he is the Malik, he is the owner of everything, all the resources, all the treasures, all the powers are in his hand, everything is is in his control. He is medical molk.

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And when he is the king, he calls us that we should ask him, he orders us that we should pray to Him, we should ask him. Think about the kings of this world. What do they do?

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They close their doors on people. You see people who have wealth, people who have money, what do they do? They hide their wealth from people from others, why out of fear that if they see that I have money that I have this and that they will ask me for it. Maybe you have done this, that in your house, maybe you have hidden you know your chocolates or your sweets or maybe some money that you have. Why? Because you're afraid that if your siblings see it if your children see it, or even if your spouse sees it, they will ask for it, they will expect that you will give them something from it. So this is the nature of people and we are stingy. Alright, because we have very limited

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resources, we are poor. Allah subhanaw taala is not poor. He is the King who owns everything, and He invites us that we call upon Him.

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And when Allah subhanaw taala intends good for his slave it no I am said that when Allah subhanaw taala intends good for his slave. Then Allah subhanaw taala gives his slave the opportunity to be humble and weak before Allah to be needy before Allah, meaning Allah subhanaw taala decrees something for the slave because of which the slave is in great need.

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For example, everything's fine all of a sudden, you find yourself in great difficulty

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and you are not able to help yourself. And you try different things to solve your problem but you cannot solve it yourself. This means that Allah subhanaw taala has intended good for you. Why? Because now what are you going to do? You're going to turn to Allah. You're going to humble yourself before Allah. You're going to cry before Allah. You're going to ask Allah for help. You're going to express your neediness, your weakness, your desperation, your ignorance, your your sins, even your injustices. You will acknowledge the favors of Allah, you will acknowledge the gifts of Allah you will acknowledge the power of Allah. So this is what this is excellent for the slave that the slave

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shows servitude to Allah.

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Even Taymiyah said that when Allah subhanaw taala intends good for a slave, he inspires him in his heart to call upon Allah and to ask Allah and when the slave asks Allah for help and calls upon Allah. Then Allah subhanaw taala makes that Dora a means of attaining the good that he prays for. And he now when you were in difficulty, and you made there are to Allah, what happened after that there are you got what you were asking for. So if you were not in difficulty, you would not have received something that

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Good for you.

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So, remember that when we are in difficulty, and we are calling upon Allah subhanaw taala, then Allah subhanaw taala wants good for us. Remember that there is something that is very, very beneficial the Prophet sallallahu already send them said that supplication benefits against that which has come, and that which has not yet come so hold fast, or worshippers of Allah to da, meaning DA will help you against things that have already happened, and things that have not yet happened. So, keep making gara keep making Gara. You see, sometimes we are suffering with something that happened 15 years ago, five years ago, a mistake that we made 20 years ago, Allah subhanaw taala is

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able to help us so call upon Allah DA will help you.

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And we learn in a hadith that, indeed, Allah is merciful and generous, and he is shy, that his slaves should raise his hands before him and then he does not play something good in them. Meaning when you call upon Allah, Allah will certainly give you something, something you will not return empty handed. In another Hadith we learned that when a Muslim, young slip a wedge holy law here as the agenda that a Muslim fixes his face before Allah, meaning sits down and just makes dua to Allah for long and consistently, over and over again. And he is, you know, completely focused on Allah subhanaw taala and he asks Allah subhanaw taala for something, then Allah will definitely give him

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something and it is up to Allah. He will give it either sooner or later, but he will definitely give it so this is how we should be making the Allahu Akbar. You see, Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran whereby she didn't Madina, Munawwara middle Sally had give good news to those who believe and those who do righteous good deeds. Give them good news of what a reward of paradise but there is a condition over here, those who believe and do righteous good deeds, this good news is for them. When it comes to their up, there is no condition. Allah says oh, the Rooney call upon me as the dribbler Come, I will answer you. So the only condition is that you actually call upon Allah. That's it, no

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other condition. And we see that even when a bliss asked Allah subhanaw taala for something, Allah gave it to him. Imagine a bliss the one who showed so much arrogance before Allah refused to obey Allah. When he asked Allah that Allah grant me a delay, don't cause me to die until the Day of Judgment. Allah subhanaw taala granted that and yet it please lies to us. When he tells us your dog will not be accepted and we believe his lie. Don't believe his lie, your dog will be accepted. Believe what Allah is telling you. Oh gee boo, I respond. In another Hadith, we learn that nothing turns back the decree except supplication, and nothing increases the lifespan except righteousness,

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and human Ghazali. He said that there are repels trials and tribulations, just as a shield is a means of repelling arrows. Meaning if arrows are being shot toward you, you will pick up a shield in order to defend yourself to protect yourself, just like that. trials and tribulations are averted because of Dora. And just as water is a means of growing plants, meaning when you will give water than the plant will grow. Likewise, when you will make Dora then you will attain Allah subhanaw taala has mercy and, and tribulation will be repelled from you.

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So Dora is a means of attaining abundant goodness. And we see that the prophets of Allah the righteous, what did they do? They called upon Allah and they asked Allah subhanaw taala for big things, big things, and many things. Look at the doll of Ibrahim or his son and he said what have been our birth for him Rasulullah min home yet through early him i attic, that Oh ALLAH in my offspring Send a messenger. This is a big thing that he asked Allah for. And Allah subhanaw taala responded to that.

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So Dora is effective against all trials and difficulties and tribulations. It pushes, it repels trials, it prevents them from even occurring and those that have already occurred, it removes them. Dora is the weapon of the believer. It is German real hate, it is something that brings a whole lot of good to a slave.

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Because you see, every good thing is in the hand of Allah. It is an Allah subhanaw taala has control and Allah subhanaw taala is most generous. So if you ask for something

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Good from Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will give it. So ask him because this is a means of getting a lot of good. And when we make the raw, then our illness goes away our worries and our concerns, they go away. In the troubles that we are experiencing, the problems that we are in, they get solved. Because of Dora, we get sustenance because of Dora. We also get closeness to Allah. We learn millimeters, Allah Yocto, barely the one who does not ask Allah that Allah is angry with him. Subhan Allah, this means that the one who asks Allah that Allah is pleased with him. And if you feel that Allah is angry with you, then make dua, Allah subhanaw taala will become pleased with you. Ask Him

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for help ask him for forgiveness, ask Him for His favor His mercy and Allah will become pleased with you.

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And when a person continues to call upon Allah, they learn to become free of the creation, any they learn to become independent of the creation, and they learn to depend on the Creator.

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And when a person continues to call upon Allah, they, they receive closeness to Allah. And and this is how they they become connected with Allah subhanaw taala. Without Dora there is disconnect. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us the joy of calling upon Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us the ability to call upon Him for every little and big thing. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us closeness to him. And may Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to remember him and call upon Him. The moment that we get struck. The moment that we experience any challenge any difficulty, that our first response, our our first thought is that my Lord is there, he will take care of me, he will

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answer me he will help me in sha Allah. In our next session we will call we will talk more about the importance of DA and the ways in which DA is accepted. And then in sha Allah, we will learn about the various kinds of doors that we learn in the Quran and Sunnah. Inshallah, we will conclude over here Subhanak Allahumma will be handed a shadow a La ilaha illa. Anta Astok Furukawa Toby lake was Sarah more alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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