Taimiyyah Zubair – Bukhari 049 Ablution Hadith 165 168

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of washing, wiping, and washing clothing, practicing good deeds, and building a culture centered around customer satisfaction. They emphasize the need for practice and learning from experiences, and invest heavily in technology to improve the customer experience. The company is investing heavily in technology and innovation to improve the customer experience, and emphasizes the importance of creating a culture that inspires and inspires employees to work for their company. They also emphasize the need for a culture centered around customer satisfaction and that employees should make sure their customers are satisfied.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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How are y'all doing?

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Can I speak in every class? Now? Do you want to slowly arredato slowly we'll get him I'm about Fairwood. wilhemina shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim.

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Sidley Emery angry at me listening after hueco Lee Robin. So

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there were some questions about what we have learned so far. One question was about mother raising the mouse in Google? How should that be done? is a person required to take the water all the way to the back of the mountain almost gargle? And then take it out? Or is it sufficient to just, you know, swish the water around your mouth and spit it out? What we see is that for cleaning the nose, yes, it's very clear that water has to be sniffed up into the nose and then blown out because if it's not taken in, it cannot be blown out, right. But when it comes to rinsing the mouth, and you don't have to exaggerate in the rinsing, because if you do that, that you take the water all the way to the

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back, you might end up throwing up, and it's kind of difficult to do that, because the water may actually end up inside you may actually drink it. So keep things simple, where details are given within we are to be careful about them and where details are not given where something has not been made specific, then we should do whatever is easier for us. inshallah. Another question is that is it necessary to sniff up water and blow the nose after waking up from sleep every time or just in the morning. Likewise, when it comes to washing the hands upon waking up, is it every time or just in the morning, in the Hadees, we see that in some bodies, what is mentioned is in the morning, and

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in some generally from sleep. So definitely in the morning, when a person wakes up, they should blow their nose, they should clean it out completely, and also wash their hands before they do anything else. But otherwise, as well, it's a good habit. It's a good habit to do that. Because when you wake up, you never know, your face might not be that clean. So before you go in front of people before you present yourself before people, it's best to wash yourself. Okay? Also another question was that can can a person wash a part of the body once in Voodoo and another part three times in the same will do? Or is it necessary to maintain the same frequency throughout, it's best to maintain the

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frequency like if you're washing your hands once your face once then maintain that. But if for some reason, let's say you started washing three times, by the time you reach your feet, you have very little water left. And in general, there's no signup in that. There were some questions related to wiping over, let's say a band aid or something in child that will be made clear in the next section that we will learn when it comes to wiping over the socks and will do should that be only when it's difficult to take off the socks, or even when it's possible for you to take off the socks. No, there is no condition that has been set. You know, a person would generally wear socks when it's cold or

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when they're outside of the house, then definitely it's more convenient to wipe over it saving time. It's definitely more convenient, but it's not necessary that you remove the socks and you wash your feet. But remember that there will be a difference between washing and wiping in the sense that when you wash with the water, what else will fall the sins also, but when you wipe then inshallah some sins are removed, but obviously less. Some people they make it a habit that even in the summer, you know they will wear their socks, or even when they're at home they will wear their socks Why just so that they don't have to wash their feet. So yes, it is convenient, but don't make it a habit also

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wash your feet because that is also something on the Day of Judgment, those parts will be bright. So it's necessary that we wash them more and more

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as washing the feet when you have a socks in NATO, it's innovation when you wipe the feet with socks up and down must known as on the top only. So don't make it hard upon yourself and start wiping at the bottom as well. And if a person makes it a habit, you know or considers it to be necessary or considers it to be better than that would be a problem. So Miko regards to wiping is it also three times or just one

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bad Leslie are hobby washing the archive meaning the heels are what is the

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the heel of the foot. So washing the heels and above the heel is the is the ankle. So washing the heel means washing the ankle as well. So, we see that washing the heels in will do is as necessary as washing the toes are the top part of the foot the entire foot should be washed, the heel should not be neglected. The ankle should not be neglected know the foot all the way from the beginning to the end should be washed thoroughly. What kind of new syrena and even searing young sailor he would wash modera the place of a heart in the ring, either tapa when he would perform

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Do even serene when he would perform will do, he would wash the skin that was covered by his ring. Why is this being mentioned that all parts have to be washed, every part has to be made wet. Okay, even if something is covered by a piece of jewelry, it has to be washed. So for example, the person is saying, Oh, I'm wearing, let's say pants or tights that cover my ankles, and it's inconvenient for me to lift them up. No, you have to lift them up, and you have to wash your ankle, you have to wash your heel. Now, this shows that when a part of the body when a particular limb has to be washed, then all of it in its entirety has to be washed, it cannot be done that one part, you know,

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you only wipe over and the other you wash, every part of it has to be washed and nothing of it should be left dry. And things that cover the skin could be such as for example over here was mentioned the ring. Likewise, a woman could be wearing some makeup on her eyes that say she's wearing waterproof mascara. Or let's say she's wearing lipstick that is water repellent, or any kind of makeup on the skin. That is water repellent. Likewise, nail polish on the nails. Likewise, a person has a bandaid on their skin, a person is wearing huge earrings that are covering a major part of the ear, you know, things like that. So generally, what do we see that that part that thing has

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to be removed, and then the skin under it has to be made wet as well. Remember that things that covered the skin, there are two types. One, that was such things are those that are big. So when a person is wearing them, they cover a major a significant portion of the skin. So for example, a rink, it's covering a major part of your skin. Likewise, the person has a bandaid on it, that's also covering a major part of the skin. And other things are very, very small, almost, you know, it's not even noticeable, a very small amount of skin is covered, let's say a person has to apply some kind of medication on the nail on the edge, the side of the nail, their cuticle, you know, is infected or

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something. So they have to apply a medication that's almost like nail polish, it's very, very insignificant. It's like a barrier that is imperceptible. And on top of that it's also very, very small. Because the woman is wearing mascara on her eyelashes, how much is covered, very, very small amount of the area is covered. So the scholars have differed over this with regards to that which is big, that covers a major significant portion of the skin, it's very clear that that object has to be removed, and the skin under it has to be washed. So for example, you wearing a big ring, you remove it, you wash that part of the skin. Likewise, if a person is wearing a cast, if it's removable, you

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remove that and you wash your arm or you wash your foot. And likewise if it's a bandaid, you remove that and you wash the skin. But if it's not possible to remove it, a person has fractured their ankle, a person has fractured their wrist, then they're not obligated to go through that hardship and remove that cast and wash up. Okay, likewise, you have a big cut on your skin, you're wearing a bandaid, and if you remove that and make your skin wet, it will not heal as quickly. So in that case, what should be done to him. Because remember that case of the man who was sick, who was sick and he became job, right. And in the morning, he was wondering what to do and the people told him,

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You have to take a bath, right? They didn't tell him Okay, wash your body and just wipe over your head. No, they told him you have to take a bath. And he died as a result of that. And when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam found out he said they killed him, molecule them, he was very upset that if they did not know they should have asked those who knew. And that man should have simply performed their mom and that would have been sufficient. So like we learned earlier, that what has to be washed cannot be replaced by wiping. So you have a bandaid, you have a cast on, if possible, remove it if not possible, then Allah has given you the other option. And what should you do, just

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simply do

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like was if you're wearing a ring or big earrings, then there's no difficulty in you know, rotating them or moving them or taking them off and making the parts of the skin wet or washing it. So a person should do that. But if something is small, very small, it's almost you can't even notice it or it's very, very thin the barrier is imperceptible then the scholars have differed over the some scholars have said it does not matter. And other scholars have said that no it does matter. So for example, if a person is wearing some kind of medication, it's very very small, very small amount on their cuticle, then what's best that they should perform will do before applying it. Okay, but let's

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say they have to keep it on for several hours and the next soldier comes in the time for next pair comes in, then what should they do?

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They will do time. But other scholars have said that no, it's such a small amount. It's such an insignificant amount, and that barrier is also imperceptible, you can't even see it. This is just like Hana on the hair, or some hair dye on the hair. It is a barrier if you think about it, but it's very imperceptible, it's very fine. Likewise, if a person is wearing a cream, or has oil on their hair, yes, the oil does become a water repellent. But we haven't been told that you have to wash up your hair or completely remove the oil and then wash the skin. No, you're supposed to perform will do on top of that you're not required to remove the oil. So likewise, if a woman is wearing makeup,

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lipstick, you know, mascara or something like that, then some scholars have been lenient in this case. And they have said, it does not matter. But it doesn't mean that you're wearing nail polish. And you say no, it's okay, no, that's a huge amount of area, if you add it up, it adds up to a lot of area. So what's the conclusion? Whatever you understood,

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if it's a bigger amount, if it's lesser area, then what has to be done, you remove the piece of jewelry, or whatever it is covering the skin and you wash it, if it's not possible to remove it, because of some health reasons, some genuine reason, then in that case, what will be done.

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And the other case where it's very small amount, then some scholars have been lenient in this case. So they have allowed that a person does not need to remove it and washing over it is sufficient. Like if a person is wearing all water repellent makeup, okay, on their skin, their wedding day, and they just go to the washroom, they splash a little bit of water on the face only once and the dab, you know, with the with the wet cotton ball or something like that, and the rest of the face to make sure everything is wet, and their makeup doesn't even get ruined. No, that's that's not great, because the whole face is covered. Okay, the whole face is covered by something that is water

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repellent. But like I said, if it's just like cream foundation or something like that lipstick, and it's an imperceptible barrier, it's just like oil on the skin, then that's okay. Remember that when it comes to things such as rings or jewelry, it's not necessary that you remove it, you can even rotate it. Okay, you can move it around a little. And that is also sufficient, because from other versions, we learned that, that it wouldn't sit in, he would not remove the ring, but he would just rotate it. What is mentioned over here is that a yuxi Lumo, they are hot and you would wash the place covered by the ring. And you can wash it out by removing the ring and also by rotating it a

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little. So it doesn't mean that you have to remove your earrings and you have to remove your nose But no, it just moving a little dislike men are required to do Hillel of the beer to make sure that the skin underneath gets wet. Likewise, same thing will apply over here. You see band aids are also of different sizes, right? So you apply a small band aid. Like I remember that once somebody had a very deep cut on their eye, and they thought they would get stitches but they applied this really fine tip for the first time I saw it it was very fine, very thin and ultra very smart just covered the cut. So over then you can watch them. But if you have a huge Band Aid that's covering most part

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of the eye then I mean a big portion of the eye is covered you have to wash the entire part if washing the entire part the entire limb was not necessary then even sitting would not move his ring and he would not wash the part covered by the ring. Or you can just be very careful in remove the bended it's best to wear freshmen did anyway. So what you do is remove it. And as you're watching that that particular area around the cut around the wound, then you'll be careful you know with your finger, you can watch the rest of the area and leave a little bit dry. And that will be considered as very small amount which according to some scholars you can leave dry. It depends on the kind of

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the jail. Okay, if it's like oil, then no harm. But if it's like water repellent, in the sense that the hair cannot breathe at all, it's completely covered, then that would be problematic. I do not know about this here, styling products. Okay. So I have a question for you If a woman has some hair dye, is that permissible? Yes. Can she wash her hair? Would it be considered washed? Yes. Why? Because the barrier is very fine. It's imperceptible had the thinner Adam abs and Allah had gotten a Sherpa to Allah had the Santa Mohammed New Zealand policy mirror to Abba hudaydah What can you move Rubina that I heard a boo boo Raila What can a Yama Rubina and he was passing by us when NASA and

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the people were yet to work the owner they were performing will do main from a metadata. What is metadata? What's the wasn't wasn't me file What is my file?

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The to the to Islam Allah so what is metadata then the tool through which bajada will be obtained so it's basically a vessel or a container in which there is water that contains for who okay water with which a person can purify himself so the people we're performing Voodoo from a container although he said us below will do us to be who meaning perfectly perform what it will do for in a well costing because indeed Abul Qasim sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah He said whaleoil are called weeping and wailing wall in our club do the heels Minh and now from the fire. So Abu Reynaldo I knew he was passing by them by some people who were performing will do and he said make sure you perform you

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will do properly as Bill will do perfectly thoroughly perform will do Don't leave out any bar dry. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said we lose our copy when enough so whatever part you leave dry, you ignore you were negligent towards then what will happen fire will touch that fire will touch that because sometimes we become lazy, right we don't want to try too hard in removing all that makeup or and moving at nail polish or whatever in rolling up those sleeves. Then remember that whatever we leave dry, then there is a warning of punishment for that way LuLaRoe kabhi manana. Why do you think about what I really lower on who he told them this? Why do you think he said this

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to them when they were performing Voodoo? Because he was afraid he wanted to make sure they were performing will do properly and they would not become negligent. So he reminded them, he taught them that make sure you perform will do properly. And we see that he mentioned the Prophet sallallahu Sallam by his Konya. I will cost him he didn't say Rasul Allah, or a Nabi sallallahu Sallam he said I will pass him because calling someone by their name, okay, it's good. But calling someone by their couldn't hear. It is better. It shows endearment, it shows love and respect. So this is the reason why he called him by his Konya. I will cousin and besides the companions that were forbidden, from

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you know, calling the messenger sallallahu Sallam by his name, they weren't allowed to say oh Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. No, they were to call him by his title by his description, messenger of Allah, not Oh, Mohammed. So he used the cornea, but definitely calling the Prophet sallallahu Sallam by his title by his description that is even better. Okay, that is even better. Because in the Quran, what is the last parameter? That's a lotta Dr. Lu? Do I have a Sunni by Nico Kadar a bellicon Baba that don't consider calling the messenger between yourselves as calling one another meaning don't make it the same, the way you call each other don't call the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the

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same manner. You call each other by their names when you have to call the messengers of Islam you call him by his by his title. And if you think about it in the Quran, even whenever the prophets are the loudest and misaddressed, how does Allah mentioned him with his title? Yeah, you have assumed and if any place if at any place, the name of the messenger sallallahu Sallam has mentioned that along with that in the same verse, his description is also mentioned. For example, one man will hamedan illa will assume Russell Russell is mentioned over there. Likewise, Muhammad, Allah Sula, LA, right muscle is mentioned. Makana Mohammedan, Ahad emetogenic, malaccan, rasulillah Mahatma

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became. So he said I will cost him he mentioned the cornea because it was out of it was a tradition of the errors, but it is better than calling him by his name. And the Hadees also shows to us that when a person is telling people about something, he's reminding them about something that he should also mentioned the lead, he should also mention the evidence. Because once the evidence is mentioned, and it's easier for the people to accept, if you just said Oh, brothers, you know you're healed or dry, then what would happen? Immediately people become defensive. Immediately people begin to question you like, Who are you to tell me but when you say I heard in a hadith I learned in a

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hadith I learned in the class, then people are more receptive, it is easier for them to accept. Likewise, we could be in a particular place. And yes, there are some rules that have to be you know, followed that have to be observed. Let's say in a classroom, people are not allowed to eat and drink and you see somebody eating and drinking. Now when is that you go to that person and say, Excuse me, you know, you shouldn't be eating and drinking over here. And the other is that you just

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point towards the noticeboard towards the sign that SR you know that sign says no food or drinks in the classroom. So when you say it like that it's easier for the people to accept. So when we are easy with people, then you know it's better for them and when we are difficult and hard with them then we make matters difficult for them. Bad Leslie Delaney finnur Lainey Leslie washing a vigil in the two feet finnur Elaine in the sandals while I am Sahil Island narrow lane and that you should not wipe over the sandals if a person is wearing sandals and by the way not okay. It's not just any kind of sandals It is like you can say flip flops okay with a strap at the back hardly any part of

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the foot is covered. So, when a person is wearing such sandals, then what should he do? He should wash the feet and he should not just wipe over the sandals. washing the feet is necessary. Why should a person wash and not wipe because if he wipes then then what? But most of the foot is exposed? Right most of the food is exposed. So when most of the food is exposed you have to wash but when you're wearing socks when you're wearing shoes that completely cover your feet or leather socks then then what can you do? You can wipe over

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head doesn't have the luxury of new use of Allah Akbar an American answer either in Makkah Budi unabated new Jude agent and no call Ali Abdullah HIV neuroma. So read the new jurij he said to Abdullah even aroma he said to him that Yeah, about the lemon or about the lemon. The lemon was his cornea. His name was Abdullah. His father was Roman, his son was Abdullah, his Konya was Abu Abdullah. So he said, Oh, man, a Touka I have seen you that does not know you do a ban for things I see you doing for things Lem IRA, I have not seen I hadn't anyone min us Habiba from your companions, yes, narrow her, he does it. I have seen you doing four things that none of the other

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companions do. Only you do these four things. So I believe in what he said Carla, why am I here and what is it? Yeah, if not your agent or even gerade What is it? Allah He said or a Tucker? I have seen you. Let them assume. Let them assume you do not touch men from can the corners in law except Allium and the to your money, meaning you do not touch the corners of the Carver. Okay when you're doing the left except the two Yamani corners in other words, you don't touch all four when you're going around the Carver. You only touch two corners, the corners and the rest of the people they touch all four Have you noticed that? Have you noticed that when people do the walk around the

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carpet they will touch every corner? But even aroma he used to touch only to the humanity corners? Which ones are there I will show you in a picture afterwards. What are a toga and I have seen you tell Basu that you wear a neon the sandals with sandals? A city Yeah, the city sandals. A city yes sandals are those that are made of plain flat leather that are here free. And basically this letter is from cow skin. So I have seen you wearing sandals that are like this. What I took out and I have seen you dust blue, that you've color you dye the sofa with the yellow meaning you dye the hair or the turban while a Tucker and I have seen you either contact that when you are be Makita atmaca A

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Helen so

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what does Allah mean from a law to say that albia to enter the state of your home? So the people they enter the state of Islam either a wounded healer, when they see the new moon, the new moon of what the hedger so when they're performing hajj, they're in Makkah, when they see the new moon, they say the salvia and they already enter the state of Islam and when is Hajj after a number of days right? Welcome to Hitler and you do not say that albia meaning you do not enter the state of Islam until you have until Canada it is Yamato via until the day after via so I have seen you doing these four things that other people don't do. What's the reason behind that? How can you do this

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differently? corner of the law or dilemma normal replied ama as far as I can. The corners of the Carver for in need and indeed a lamb Allah I have not seen a suit Elias on Allah.

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Our Lady will send them the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam you must soon touching Illa except Allah many in the two humanity corners. So when he touched only the two humanity corners I will also touch only those two in tawaf, he did not touch the other two, so I will not also touch the other two. Well I'm an Allah Cydia and as for the 17 year old, for in Neela at Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yelled Basu, Nana, I saw him wearing these sandals and Lottie lace up her shirt off. And Latino's which lays a feather is not in a child. And here we are to what bofi her and he would also perform will do in those sandals for no hibou. So I love and Alyssa had that I

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should also wear the same kind of sandals,

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or under the sofa. And as for the yellow color for in Neela at Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Yes, but we'll be here he died with it. He used the same color for no Hebrew and Arabic. So I love to die with that same color as well. What am l Ll and as for entering the state of Iran, for in Neelam or a suit of Lysol Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So I did not see the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam, you Hello, that he would enter the state of Iran had until them Bertha, it would rise up, be with him rahila to his mount, meaning his camera. So when he would leave, when he would depart for a minute, at that time, he would say love back,

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then it is that he would enter the state of your home. So I do the same thing. So in other words, you put on your hand

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as late as possible, not before the due time, but when he would depart for Mina, it is then that he would enter the state of Iran. So I do the same thing. Now we see over here that even drage he was apparently objecting, right at the actions of even a little bit over I know, if somebody asks us that, why do you do such and such? or How come you don't do this? What other people do? We would get offended? That Who are you to criticize me? And who are you to look at me? Why don't you look at your own self. But we see that our dilemma and what he did not mind? He asked him Okay, so what is it that you have noticed different. And when he was asked, he also gave the explanation. So this

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shows that a person should be West, your Southern meaning you should be a little open hearted, especially when a person becomes you know, someone of knowledge or he is helping other people or teaching other people or guiding them in any respect, then he should be a little, you know, open heart in the sense that people will come with questions, they will come with objections, they will come with their concerns. And when they ask, then don't take it too, personally. Don't take it personally. And you should not mind at all. Why? Because you have to be patient over the other of people. Sometimes the objections could be very unreasonable, that How come you come late and you

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don't come at nine o'clock when the school opens? Why do you come just before your class, you could be asked a question or why is it that you have water in class and other people are not allowed to drink in class? Or people could have other objections against you? Why is it that you are doing this differently and other people are doing this differently? So yes, you may have a reason. Your case may be different. You may have some genuine reason. But you have to be patient over what the people ask. Because this is part of the package, you know, when you are in the way of Allah, then people will ask you, and when you are doing something differently, then you stand out even more. So

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sometimes people may ask, for example, you are praying somewhere and you lift your hands up and somebody says, Oh, you so you become Wahhabi doesn't matter ignore them what they're saying. They don't know about the hobbies that you have learned. So you have to bear patiently. You have to have subber over the other of people. Sometimes the questions are reasonable, and sometimes they are unreasonable. So reasonable, let them satisfy their curiosity. And when they're unreasonable, or when they're too personal, then you don't have to go on clarifying yourself. You can respond to them in a nice way. But you're not required to give details. Like sometimes people will be so curious

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about the lives of other people looking for so what do they eat and where do they go, and what's their citizenship and what's their visa status and what's their immigration story? I mean, who are you to ask, what have you got to do with it anyway? But when a person comes in and

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enlightened people become curious about such things. So you may have your own reasons, whatever, but you don't have to get offended. Okay, you have to have patience over the other of people. And sometimes such questions are asked why out of love that people love others, and they want to know every detail about them. So they asked, okay, so when are they coming? And do they have their passport? Or do they have their visa? Or do they have this? Or do they have that it's just out of love. So again, don't get offended. Like the Sahaba they were concerned about the what the very personal letters of the profit sort of auto sentimental. Why because they wanted to learn the

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younger companions, they would follow him when he went to the washroom. Even our best he came and stayed in the house of the prophet SAW the lots of them in the night, because he wanted to see what his nighttime habits were. So this is out of love. You know, this is just like, some people they follow, let's say the prince or the princess or the queen, or, you know, whoever, the Duchess or whatever. Why, just because they love them. Right? Or they are just curious. Sometimes they end up harming them in that process. And other times it is just out of pure love all because they are the queen. They're the prince of our nation. So we want to know every detail about them. Yes, it is

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love. But on our part, we should also be a little bit more careful. Okay, remember, I'm in hurstville Islam in Mali, Turku. melayani of the beauty of a person's Islam is that he leaves What does not concern him. So you really don't need to find out which phone is it that another person is carrying? What jacket is it that they're wearing? You know what time they arrive? When they leave? Which car they drive, where they live? What kind of food they cook? Do they cook, or do they not cook? You know, you don't have to be concerned about all these details. We should be curious about matters that benefit us, not matters that don't benefit us. So this is a big lesson that we all have

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to learn. So the first question that he asked even ermotti Ludo on who was about his touching the Yemeni corners of the carpet in the left and not all four corners on the cover. What was the response of even remote that he touched only the two corners Why? Because that is what he saw. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam doing Prophet said a lot of them did not touch the all for but only two. If you look at this picture, you see the Blackstone. And you see the unicorn, the Yemeni corner and the Blackstone, these two are known as the Yemeni corners, then these are the human again. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he performed the lab, what would he does these two corners, the other

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two quarters, the Shammi corner and the Iraqi corner, these two corners he would not touch

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in tawaf. And even Omar, he also did not touch these corners in the world. By looking at this picture, what comes to your mind, why do you think he did not touch those two corners? Yes, but why did the profit sort of all the sudden not touch the Iraqi corner and the Yemeni corner, because technically, they are not the corners of the Kaaba. Technically, they're not the corners of the car. But the original garba was big, right? stretching all the way from the huddle as well to the end of the header to the end of the Helene. But remember that when the Quraysh, when they were reconstructing the Carver, after the floods, what happened, they did not have enough materials. So

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they reduce the size of the Carver. And they left the other area uncovered. And instead a wall was built. I told you the history already, once before that how later on it was a struggle. It was a competition between the different leaders that came, one would break the carpet down and build it upon the original foundations. And then the next king would come and he would break it down and build it on the structure that the Quraysh had built it upon. So technically, we see that Iraq in the Shammi corner, they are not the corners of the karma. So this is why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not touch them. And we learned that once even our vessel, the lower and who he objected

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at the action of what are we able to lower and who when he touched all four corners, and more or we said that the entire karma is good. So we will touch all of it. But even our best responded that look at the Canon leconfield sudler. He was what an hasin that in the way of the prophets are the loudest enemies The best example. So we should do what the messenger sallallahu Sallam did, and where are we are he said that you are right. And then he discontinued that practice meeting when he learned who when he would do that, though if he would only touch the Yemeni corners. The second question that he asked even Omar was about

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His wearing sandals that were made of tanned leather. And because of this, it is that Mr. mcquarry is quoting this headset now such a long Hadees. He's mentioning just to prove one small point, which is that you have to wash your feet. And you can wash them while wearing sandals, but you have to wash them, you can't just wipe over them. And the proof of that is that even remotely lower I know used to wear sandals. And he said that he saw the profits out of Alison and wearing similar sandals, and when he performed will do he will perform will do in them, meaning he wouldn't remove them to wash his feet, he would just wash his feet while wearing those sandals. So can we do the same thing?

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Yeah, we can do the same thing. Now person might say Isn't it better to remove the sandals, not always, you could be in a place where the floor is very dirty, or it's very muddy, you could be out in the open somewhere. And if you take your sandal off, and if you put your foot on the ground, your foot will become even more dirty. So it's best to keep the sandals on and wash the foot in those sandals. But again, these sandals are different. They're loose. So they're such that when you wash, the entire foot will become wet. The top part as well as the sole of the foot, the bottom of the foot, even that will get wet. So that is something that a person should take care of when washing

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the feet in sandals. But it shows the love that even remotely now we're on who had for the prophets of Allah. He was you can say a true fan.

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When a person is a fan of someone, then what do they do they imitate them in everything. They have this hairstyle, I will have this hairstyle, they're wearing this kind of jewelry, I will wear this kind of jewelry, they're wearing this kind of Avaya will wear this kind of our buyer. So people like to imitate those whom they are a fan of. And even Romano didn't already know he saw the profits or losses in wearing those sandals. And he wore the same he saw the profits or losses and performing were doing them he did the same. And even today, he asked him about that because perhaps he found it strange that even rumor given the level that he had was wearing sandals all the time. You know,

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perhaps a lot of wealth had come in amongst Muslims by that time and everybody wore, let's say proper shoes or more fancier sandals and shoes. And he wore very simple, basic sandals. Why? Because he saw the profits of a lot of women wearing them. So there is beauty in simplicity as well. He followed the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he could have just said yeah, it's my choice, whatever sandals I wear, what has got to do with you. And then he said, I saw the Prophet Solomon instead of wearing them. So this is why I wear them too. He was confident about what he was doing. If somebody makes fun of, you know, let's say our job that Oh, you're wearing a bedsheet or something a

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tablecloth or something, we feel embarrassed, that your hijab is so outdated or your bias so outdated. I mean, you should wear those really small, tight hijabs. But you feel that no, it doesn't cover me properly, I should wear bigger. So don't feel embarrassed, be confident. He was only a child. Right when he saw the prophets a lot isn't but it shows his observation. That how much he observed the prophets, Allah loves them. And you can only observe someone, you can only notice their shoes and their clothes, when you are interested in them. And if you're not interested in a person, then you don't even realize what color they were wearing, what kind of shoes they were wearing, if

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they were wearing shoes or not. Now the third thing that he asked him about was his dying with sofa. sofa is actually therefore on what is Avalon. saffron. It's a very aromatic herb that's used for its color and its fragrance and its taste. Okay, it's used in different ways. People use it in their cooking. And back in the day, and even today, people use it for dyeing as well. Either their clothes or even their hair. Perhaps something else was added to it to color the hair to color the clothes. So even aroma he used to use suffer. Now it's not clear whether he used it on his hair, or on his Durban his clothes. It's not that clear from this narration, but different reports, different

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bodies. They tell us that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he colored his armor, his turban and according to some other reports that he dyed his hair, he colored his hair as well. And there's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars when it comes to dyeing the hair amongst men. For women, it's clear but for the men there is a slight difference of opinion some scholars consider it to be disliked, that men should color their hair with any color and others they consider it to be permissible because there are apparently conflicting reports and if I go into that discussion, it will take very long insha Allah May Allah give us a trophy we will learn about this in kuttabul

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Libous okay in Buhari inshallah. But in a hadith we learned that the Prophet sort of artisan him said that the Jews and the Christians do not

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dyed their hair so you should do the opposite of what they do. This is mentioned in Buhari and other hand he's told us that Mohammed bin city and he said I asked us did the prophets of Allah Islam dye his hair? And I said that the prophet SAW the light is and did not have except a few gray hairs, meaning he did not die. All I saw was a few gray hairs on his head. So I honestly don't know he reported something different. But it's possible that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam colored is there only a few times? Only a few times or when he did, and this did not see him. I mean, it's a personal matter. You know, a person has hair dye, and they don't necessarily walk around with the

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hair dye on on their hair. Right? There's something that's a personal matters, it's possible that honestly, I never realized. So but it is clear that from this, that even Omar he used to dye his hair or his turban. Why? Because he said that he saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam doing the same. So this is why he did it. So this shows that men, they can wear colored clothes, and they can also color their hair. But obviously, colors that are culturally acceptable. Okay, so for example, when it comes to colored clothing, what kind of colors should men wear those that are culturally acceptable? And remember that cultures, they vary in one culture for a man to wear, you know, let's

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say a yellow shirt might be not that appropriate. But another culture, it's perfectly fine. In one culture wearing red is an unacceptable but the prophets on a lot isn't him he wore a red Buddha once, right, so he wore it. So you have to see what is culturally acceptable, the culture of a particular place and the culture of the area, the community, the city, the country that a person is living in. So it is acceptable. The fourth question that he asked him was about his wearing your hairline for hedge that the common people they enter into the state of your home upon citing the wound of the ledger, by pronouncing the Tobia and they continue to do so until the hardest complete.

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So all the way from the first of the headset to the 13th. They're wearing your home but even aroma. He did not he wore it wrong. When on the eighth of the ledger on your meter. We said Why do you do that? Why don't you wear that at home the first day, he said that I saw the profits on a lot of Southern wearing his salon when when he would leave for Mina. When he would leave for a minute, this is why I do the same. There's one important lesson that we learned from this Hades, even or one of

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his actions, although they were very few, but they are different from the majority. So the armor of the people the common practice of the people. Is it necessarily mean? No. It's not that to say that just because everybody's doing something, it has to be right. No, it's not necessary. Everybody could be practicing something, and it could be wrong. Or it could be not the best option. So even Omar, he was unique in his actions, but he was right. So this is why he held on to them. And other people, they noticed them. So they asked him about him and he clarified it to them as well. So it might happen with us that if we are dressing differently or praying slightly differently from the

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rest of the people they might object they might question because you're standing out. So what's the lesson? Don't get offended? just clarify, be patient and clarify. Any question? Yes. I was reading somebody the other day that I read that a writer once wrote that number of followers you have does not signify that you're right because Hitler had a lot of followers and Jesus or a Sally Sam had very few disciples and He was owner who was on the right path. And

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so majority is not always right. But a human Phil will do a will mostly a time on. What's the root? Yeah mean? noon? yadda yadda yadda. Right. And so

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what do you think it means? Starting with the right doing with the right, Phil? We'll do it we'll do one whistle and also when taking a bath. So in other words, washing the right hand the right arm, the right foot first and then washing the left one in will do and then also how can you do that and also the washing the right side of the body first and then the left side of the body. How does it work? Done call center is Marion call center harden and have sort of nit and have sudden Binti sitting on Amelia Island. She said Alana beistle Allahu alayhi wa sallam that the messenger sallallahu Sallam he said Luna to them to Martha and her female companions feel asleep in the

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bathing off even at the heat of his daughter. When his daughter passed away, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to the way

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And amongst whom was Omar Aplia? That when you're washing my daughter's dead body, then how should you do that? If that be my mini her begin from her right sides, woman well they're ill will do even her and the places will do from them. Meaning when you are washing the dead body, then begin with will do first perform the will do first and then watch the rest of the body. And when you are performing the will do or the rest of the body, which side should you watch First, the right side. So the deceased when they're being given their muscle, then how should that be done that first it will do is to be performed, and then the rest of the body is to be washed. And it has to be started

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from the right side. But in the middle is the mouth and nose to be washed as well? No, because if water is poured into the nose or the mouth, and that's not something you want to do to a dead body mean it cannot come out. So what has to be done a wet cloth or something has to be taken and the inside has to be wiped clean. And then wash the rest of the body. And how to do that beginning from the right side. So if the dead body when that is being washed, and you begin from the right side, then for the person who is alive, what should they do, they should also wash from the right side. If for the dead body washing the right side is better for a living person. It's even better than I mean

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it's even more necessary that they should wash themselves beginning from the right side. And this is obviously a mirage is the hubbub Remember I told you before that

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sometimes it is a step above and sometimes it is a voodoo, right? Sometimes it tells us that it is better and sometimes it means that it's mandatory. Over here it is better. So if let's say out of forgetfulness, a person didn't realize and they were washing and they were taking a bath and they ended up scrubbing their left arm first or the left side of their body first. So is it that they have done something wrong? No, they did not follow the sooner so the left the better option, but that was out of forgetfulness. So inshallah there's nothing wrong in that. But if you want more reward, if you want your brother to be beautiful than what should be done, begin from the right

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side. Now this should be done when performing will do when performing hustle whether the reversal is obtainable or otherwise even. Now, I have a question for you when you're wiping the head in will do then should you start wiping from the right side from the front because that's what the senate elders like was when you're wiping the ears should you wipe the right ear first and then the left ear? No both together because that is what the senate elders but when it comes to washing the arms when it comes to washing the feet, then right first and then the left had the thinner household neuroma. Carla had the finisher but to call it Ronnie Ashura signal Sulaiman Kala Samir to Avi on

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masukkan on our Ishita other she said, canon abuse Allahu alayhi wa sallam are the messengers that allow you to sell them your gebouw your ijebu he would like

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a 10 mono beginning with the right feet and narrow Li what are our duty you were to re fit in early he What do you think this is? From non yes when wearing his sandals. So, when he wore his sandals he liked to wear which one first? The right one first, what are our duty he combing his hair, combing his hair. So, when he would comb his hair, he preferred to comb the right side first and then the left side what would he and in his washing the hood meaning fairyloot ohana and ferula Tada the action of obtaining cleanliness, whether it is will do or loosen. So, when he will perform will do or will he prefer to start from the right side where he shocked me he couldn't leave and then all of

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his affairs, he liked to do the right side first or he used to prefer to begin with the right. So, for example, when he would be sitting amongst people and something had to be passed, then he would pass from right side first, if something had to be given or taken, it would be done with the right and when he will be wearing his clothes. Then the right side first when entering the masjid right side first and this word your job this is your job is their son meaning of liking. This is not like being amazed and shocked. No, this is amazed with the meaning of you know likeness when something appeals to you. So we see in this that in doing anything the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he preferred

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to begin with the right side and efficiently equally this should not be generalized. Okay, this is arm muscles. This is general but it is also specific

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Because we know that there were certain things that he would do with the left hand that he would do with the left hand or he would begin with the left side. So, we see that there are exceptions for which the left hand will be used or the left side will be done first, but generally, what was his preference? The right side, this means that a Muslim cannot say that, oh, since I'm a righty, I do everything with right or since I'm a lefty, I do everything with the left hand No, there are certain actions that have to be done with the right hand and there are other actions that have to be done with the left and in doing them a person is there any more reward? Now, remember that there are

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three kinds of things or three kinds of actions. First is Mr. Doctor. The second is Mr. Eisen. And the third is neither was Dr. Nor Mr. Carson what is

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the first one that which is dirty okay or unclean. So, for them, which one should be used the left such as washing oneself after using the washroom blowing one's nose, when doing these actions or when proceeding towards this then what should be done the left should be used Likewise, when a person is leaving the masjid, he was in a good place and now he is going to a place that is not as good as the masjid. So, which foot will come out first, the left one because he's advancing towards something lesser compared to what he was doing before likewise, a person is entering the washroom, then again which foot in first the left a person is removing the clothes he discovered that state is

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better compared to nakedness, okay. So, he is removing the clothes he is advancing towards something that is not that great, that is lesser than what he was in. So, begin with the left. The second type of actions are mustehsan, meaning clean good things. And for them which end should be used the right hand. So for example, the person is eating a person is drinking a person is writing, a person is taking something a person is giving something, a person is entering the masjid a person is, you know, picking up a book picking up the mishap holding them was half insula, a person is standing, you know, with their hands, one on top of the other. So which one is better when you're in the state

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of solace, or your right hand should be above the left? You understand. So in these actions, in these cases, the right hand should be used. Likewise, the person was outside, they're entering the home, the house, so the right foot in first, you were outside, now you're going to your house, the place that Allah has given you to live in the place where you find sukoon. So when you're entering that place, you should enter with the right foot in first. Yes,

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moussaka from the calf, that dirt filled

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off then, okay.

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Yeah, we're coming out of the house, okay. You were in your unless you're going to the masjid or, you know, this forces you to think about everything that you're doing. I moved to words, in this action that is better, because then I'm moving towards this action. That's better, right first. Because when you are going towards something that you're doing for the sake of Allah, you're earning a lot of pleasure through it, then, you know, right first, and when you're doing something that's lesser than the left First, the third type of action is neither was doctor nor was definitely meaning it doesn't really matter. It's neutral. So for that, what should a person do? use whichever

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hand that's more convenient, for example, you're wearing a ring, you're beautifying yourself, okay? You want to wear it in your right hand, like you can't put your ring on with your right hand, on your right hand, can you you want to wear a ring in your right hand, you can't do it with the right and you have to use your left, there is no harm in that. And the reports that was the profits of autism, sometimes he had his ring in his right hand and other times he would have it in his left hand. Likewise, you are closing your buttons. Again, you need both hands, or you are, you know wearing something on your right side. So you need the left hand for that purpose, you're trimming

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your nails, you know your of your right hand, so you need to use a left hand. So, in these cases, there's no harm in using the left hand in even beginning with the left hand. Likewise, a person is entering the car. Okay, now you're entering the car from the right side of the car. You can't go in with your right foot in First, you have to put your left foot in front even if you're going to the mustard. So there's no harm. Okay, there's no harm. You're not doing anything that's less than no person might wonder what's the big deal? Just do whatever is easy, and why are you making things complicated for yourself? The thing is that when a person does these small, small actions, but with

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that intention of following the prophets of Allah is Allah. Then he can accumulate many, many good deeds, many good deeds. You're wearing the hijab, you could pick it up with your left hand, you could pick it up with your right hand.

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But if you think that no, I'm wearing a hijab, I'm going to obey my lord here. Let me do it with the right hand. It's going to bring you extra reward, inshallah you're wearing your clothes, you start with the right, you're eating you, you do it with the right, you're leaving, you're coming to the masjid you enter with the right foot in first, you are getting more reward, inshallah, there must be more Baraka more blessing in starting with the right as well, because a man is used for right but it's also used for blessing. So the result of Baraka. And also I was just thinking that if you're finding it so difficult to perform the little deeds and how can you bring yourself to perform

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basics, there are these also we learned that the last panel Tada, he, when he accepts this other covenant person gives other than Allah takes it in his right hand, and both hands have a lot, right, meaning both hands are best there, right. So when we also do something good, we should do it with the right first, that on the Day of Judgment, some people will be given their books in the right hand and others will be given their books in the left hand, if a person is used to doing things with the right hand, with the right intention, so automatically, which hand will come out, right hand will come out. So it's the way you live, that we will be on the day of judgment and the hereafter as

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well. Yes. And also, just in general, even living amongst people. For many of us, it's the little things, the little small gestures that go a long way. So just imagine even for Allah subhanaw taala it's the small things that we do that go a long way.

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When we're amongst people a smile can make so much of a difference. A small word, a small gesture can make such a difference to somebody's entire day. Now imagine when you're doing the little things to please allow you think that will not make you happy, of course. So little little actions matter a lot as well. I have to be very conscious, and very, very conscious. And for that knowledge is necessary. Like before also, you know, we knew that when you go to the washroom use your left hand, but now it's more conscious left hand not right hand left hand likewise, now inshallah when doing anything right, we should use the right hand. So the So the basic principle is that when doing

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something good or even neutral, do the right hand use the right hand starting with the right side and when something has been specified, you know that it has to be done with the left first or the left hand should be used and for that, use the left hand and it sort of prepares us for doing like good or you know, if you're entering the mustard with the right foot, we're like inshallah, we are going to be doing more good. And if we you know, are using our you know, left hand our left foot, then we are kind of careful to that what what are we going to be doing if you're going outside exactly, it really makes you conscious about your actions, that when you enter the masjid thinking I

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am entering with my right foot in first then you will also say the door and when you go in you will alternate the novel and you will be careful that okay I'm in the masjid I'm here for a purpose you will not waste your time. But if you walk in without thinking without paying attention, then you will neither follow the Sunnah nor will you say the door nor will you be conscious about your actions once you enter the masjid heatless ruffler right every step of the way. So, one person is conscious and other person is lawful, there will be a difference. But we see that consciousness is is built up with these little actions begins from these small actions. And also when it comes to

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wearing shoes or combing the hair in these things also start making it a habit that when you start combing your hair, start with the right side and then the left side. When you're drying your hair when you're straightening your hair, whatever, start with the right first and then the left. Sometimes it's more convenient for us to do the left side first because you know that's where the hand goes. But start with the right side. Okay because then you can really accumulate lots of hands and and also teach children teach children from a very young age that right foot in first we wear the right shoe first and then the left one when wearing clothes we put the right arm in first and

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then the left because these habits developed from a very young age. It's practical longer behind the condition will lay the healer and

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when wanted to be like I said, I'm already caught

Lesson 49 – Chapter 29-31 Hadith 165-168

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