Tahir Wyatt – Introduction To The Shariah – P3

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary ©
The use of fit minority in the Bible is not a fundamental weakness, but rather a result of actions of a creator. The natural tendencies of the Bible and the need for people to determine their own values are important. The Sharia, a legal act used for worship, encompasses all followers and is used for worship. The Sharia is a result of actions of the creator, not a fundamental weakness.
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And this is why I'm saying that if you are giving dour or you come across people that claim to be atheist speak to the fitrah. It's there it exists. And try it and you'll see shallow, talk to them about the times. Because a lot of people try to mask their fitrah with whatever with intoxicants with different forms of entertainment to the end of it, or some people may even do positive things just to keep themselves busy so that they don't think because their soul is crying out for something.

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So if you talk to someone and you tell them well, what about those times when you're alone by yourself and the TV is annoying. And you're trying to fall asleep at night and you're laying there alone and you're thinking

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you know that there is a creator.

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That part of that part doesn't change, even if your own who was the

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probably one of the most evil people to walk the face of the earth.

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And he said,

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Allah, I am your Lord the most Hi.

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Allah subhana wa tada said about him

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and his people, what jahad do we have was the pinata and Fuso

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jet, which I think is normally translated as rejection that they rejected. They rejected the ketema La Ilaha Illa stay connected emphasis on the inside of themselves. Not only did they know, it stayed calm, they had yuping certainty

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about La ilaha illAllah.

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They have certainty, even for our own and his people.

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In the Arabic language, which like I said, is normally translated as reject, it means a ton to you, it means to cover it up. So it's not that a person actually does not believe but is that they are covering up that belief. That is one part of the fitrah that doesn't change there is a nother type of fitrah that the scholars refer to. It's actually referred to in the Quran as well referred to in the heading to the prophets of light he was suddenly

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when he said that Allah subhana wa tada said, Hello to a baddie hoonah

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I have created my servants, who nfm hona fat is the plural of honey. And honey is the person who is inclined towards a loss of habitat and rejects everything else or other deities. So Allah Subhana Allah said that he created his service for nefab fejn talents who share our pain, but the devils came and turn them away. The Devils came in, turn them away from a loss of habitat and the honey indicates that one is turning to Allah in worship, okay, not just that they know who else kind of data is. So this is a different type of fitrah Allah Subhana Allah did create every human being upon that and that's why the prophet SAW the light it was on him said khulumani eluding you led to

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Alexandra that every child that is born is born upon the fifth era.

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And then his parents, you hopefully Danny Will you not see Ronnie we might see Santa and his parents come and they turn him into a Christian or Jew or make him be from the Medusa. So, this this is a different type of or this is the second type of fitrah the first one is the knowledge of Allah and knowing that he is one that doesn't change in any human and then there is the second one and that is to intend to worship Allah subhana wa tada alone and that may change depending on a person's circumstances. And the fifth law that Allah subhana wa tada

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instilled in every human being it coincides directly with the purpose of creation that is the know Allah subhanaw taala and worship him the scholars say

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for that yet. Hello, Ali Abu Salah Hello

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Deanna moon. Who knows what that means.

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I noticed two level in here.

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Do I saw some of them?

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Did they react? Yellow I'm hammered. With that he asked you on the spot now. The very at caulerpa the Abu with Allah Allah Allah Allah Moosa me

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that's a good

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the scholars say that in order to better yet, Allah Subhana, Allah mentions that he created mankind

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for the purpose of worship, and until last he mentioned that he created for the purpose of knowledge.

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So, interlock is Allah, Allah Subhana Allah says,

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Allah Allah, Allah to serve as Mr wamena of the mithila hoonah ye Xs l m Rubina, hoonah,

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Lita, Allah

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and Allah Subhana.

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Allah for the health of the shooting in Allah is the one who created the seven heavens

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and the likes of it from the earth. Yet another little Emerald Vina hoonah has come in the sense between them or among them, which Allah mu so that you know, that Allah is Able to do all things and that has knowledge encompasses everything

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and is sorted to there yet a lot how to add a service, or a last kind of data sell enough electoral agenda will insert ilaria Boone and I have not created jinn and mankind except that they worship. So Subhana Allah, Allah created mankind. And he put in him this natural inclination, made it innate in mankind, to want to turn to Allah subhana wa Tada. And he created them for that purpose of worshiping Him alone. Now, this, he better

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than a loss of Hannah, what's Ana created us for?

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Did he leave it to each and every human, each and every human being male and female, to determine

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how that worship is to be performed?

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No, he didn't leave it to every individual to determine what they feel is best for them in terms of worshiping a lot of henna with Anna, he sent his messengers to convey

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what it is that he wanted mankind to do.

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And he sent them and he said, that, in the manner that he like he said to the Prophet is not to say you are only but a reminder, I need to remind people of their duty to worship Allah subhana wa tada

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He created us, he sustains us. And he gave us that natural inclination, and then

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he test you to see which of you is best in his worship. And so, the Sharia that we talked about at the beginning, that many people most people believe is just a penal code, that if you do this, then this is going to happen to you. And if you steal, then this is going to happen to you and if you commit Zina, then this is the punishment for that.

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The Sharia of Allah subhana wa tada is actually what He sent His messengers with,

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in order that those whom he created, worships Him in the manner that he legislated. So, the Sharia is all encompassing and from a linguistic perspective, it simply means a method or a protocol mustafina a straight path

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and a lot of times it is used for a path that leads to water.

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So, they say Should I map

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it is a it is a path that opens up that leads towards water.

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Some some scholars say that the term Shetty I was used for that particular reason because just as water is essential for life of the human being, and in physical life, the Sharia is essential for spiritual life of every human being.

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The scholars have many different definitions that they've given for charity. I'm not going to go into too many of those definitions, but the most comprehensive of them is kulu massana hula hoops atrophy chiave ob la ciudad de la Sunni sal Allahu I do sell them so the Sharia is everything that Allah subhanahu wa tada has legislated in his book, or via the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam. And Allah, Allah says in the keytab says in the Quran so much I NACA, Allah Shetty as in minima via Alibaba say the Rahim Allah to Allah, the great scholar of

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See if

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he says, and the translation of this is, then we made you a part upon a shediac we placed you or we put you upon a shittier talking to the Prophet it starts with center. So follow it. So follow it follow that Sharia acidity Rahim Allah Allah He says a su misura Anna laka Sherry Atan Kameelah 10 cheddar Oh, Isla Cooley Hi. What's in her and Alisha

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says that meaning that we have legislative for you a complete Sharia, that invites to all that is good and prohibits all that is evil but to be so follow it for ineffective as a sagittal Vidya was Salam ala fella, so follow it, because indeed and following it, you will find eternal bliss, and you will find happiness and true success. So the Sharia, it encompasses your beliefs, your belief system, it encompasses all the devotional or ritual acts of worship,

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dietary laws, ethics and conduct

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interpersonal relationships, whether that is marriage, child custody, divorce, international relationships, politics, economics, finance, all of that comes under the branch of Sharia, all of that comes under the umbrella of Sharia

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So, we go back to that initial question.

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When your coworker comes to you,

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or your neighbor, or one of your non Muslim relatives, and they say you're Muslim, right? And your answer is, yes.

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And then I say, Well, what is the Sharia? Because it's all over the news. What is your answer? Other

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is your lifestyle? Is anybody else?

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It is a slam pipe is Yeah.

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Again, I think

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somebody want to

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think things that govern govern Islam.

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I wouldn't exactly say that.

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But I think I think maybe what you're trying to say, last panel down in those bus is that it is everything that Islamic campuses from beliefs and actions. All of that is that should Yeah. So to limit it to a specific thing. Like the Penal Code of Islam. Isn't justice is totally in jail. It's like saying that if someone's to ask you what's American law? You say, Well, if you jaywalk, you go to what was the penalty for jaywalking

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ticket. Right, if you jaywalk, you have to pay $50. That's American lowness skirt. That is a very insignificant or miniscule part of what it is. The shediac is all of Islam.

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It is that which the last kind of data legislated in his book.

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Or that was the practice of law it was some Sallam came with and is built upon five essential principles.

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And I'm not talking about the Pillars of Islam.

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I'm talking about the mocassin of Islam, the objectives that Islam encompasses.

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And inshallah Tada, you should try to write them down, and perhaps, memorize them. These objectives were have been deduced by the scholars over over centuries.

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And one of the first ones to mention them all five of them together was ezeli Rahim Allah then after him, she called his name and Tamia, even Okay, and before then there is another Sam and others that talked about the mocassin of Islam. What Islam

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has come to

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preserve, if you will. All right.

Now it gets even more interesting as we learn the 2 types of fitrah (natural disposition) innate in mankind, and how this relates to the meaning and more importantly, the purpose of the Shariah.

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