Tahir Wyatt – Accountable to Allah

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary ©
The title boss is the boss of the city and fear is the act of taking care of oneself before the day arrives. The importance of finding the right motivation for actions and finding the right resources to complete them is emphasized. The framework for identifying actions and finding the right motivation for them is discussed, including recognizing the shortcoming of actions and turning around in order to change one's behavior. The importance of actions and motivation for doing them, specifically losing work and staying late, is emphasized. muhabba is also discussed as a way to avoid reading a book.
AI: Transcript ©
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The load on the ladder meanwhile shadow under the load you saw the handwash head wonder Mohammedan amdavad a suitable battle load I mean, llama suddenly or something more vertical no man and Amina Mohammed, while early he will suffer Yours may in my bag.

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Allah Subhana Allah says towards the end of sorbitan hasha as you said these these eight that are off recited in the Quran, Allah subhana wa tada says, Yeah, you're Latina. I'm gonna talk a lot. Yeah, you handed in on top of La while it's on the map. Goddamnit what's up Allah?

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Allah Subhana Allah here is commanding us with taco he says, Oh, you who have Amen. It took a lot.

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And a tuck was often translated as God consciousness.

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I was talking with somebody the other day about how we used to translate it as the fear of a loss. And we actually moved away from that because a lot of people don't really understand the fear of a Lost Planet, Allah in a broader framework of fear being a motivating factor to avoid those things, which would displease Allah subhana wa Tada. So, in any event, it is that reverence, fear of the laws of how azada that makes us conscious of him at all times. have Taqwa of Allah. Interestingly enough, we're coming out of the month of taqwa the month of Ramadan, the month where we reminded to that the goal in fact of fasting that the higher objective of fasting is to attain taqwa. So let's

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get out of here is saying yeah, you already know I'm gonna talk a lot. Then he says, Well tongue though knifes mathematically like and let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow,

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that each one of us be conscious of our actions and what it is that we are putting forth for the hereafter and then allies will remind us again, what type of law right so sandwiched in between tequila, right? These these commands of tequila is that we are conscious of what we are putting forth with tomorrow, and that we look to them. And this is the manager Amanda NASA said you know him a lot and it says his head he is on Kadima and says that this noble I, US lone female has ever of him or herself. It's enough that it is the foundation it is a it is the primary proof for the obligation of Maha Sabha to neffs and that we take account of ourselves.

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Literally, you know, we could say doing a self audit, right? So when a person has a company and you do your books, and somebody else comes in and they audit, you know, they are looking at every little thing, you know where this dollar came in and where that dollar went out. Right? So there's this process of auditing, and more has ever to neffs is the process of auditing yourself taking account of yourself doing your self examination. And so Allah Subhana Allah is commanding us to do this. In this ayah well, tempo knifes Mecca dematerializing, while tumbler obviously is the command form of the verb. So last man john has commanded us to look forward to what we have to look to what we have

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put forth for tomorrow. That That being said, there are several I mean, this theme throughout the Quran is is prevalent, and in the son of the prophet Isaiah salatu salam as well. There's an oft mentioned Hadith and though the Hadith has some weakness in it, the The meaning is accepted across the board, the prophet it is Salatu was Salam said, okay, you saw when Danna Neff, so, okay. You saw mandanna nafsa huami De Lima Baghdad moat, the intelligent one is the one who takes account of himself down and if so, who means Yang has? Absolutely So he takes account of himself, he does his self examination. While I mean that he meant back then, and he works for that which is after death.

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In other words, that His focus is on the Hereafter, His focus is on pleasing Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And in that same regard is the is the famous statement of hip hop of the Allahu anhu, which comes in the

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keytab Zoo by an email. And what are the Allahu anhu he said, hassy boo, boo, circum cobla and to have civil, take account of yourselves, take account of yourself before the day comes when you will be taken account of was American cover and choose No. and weigh your DS before the day comes when they will be weighed. And if we really think about this, this

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advice from a middle momineen probably a long time and it was profound.

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Because he's reminding us that the day will come to Panama, no matter how

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How long you think that day is going to be away from you right now somehow sometimes like, it's like a person they know they have to take a test, that test might be two months away, if you know that that test is two months away, don't wait for the night before to start preparing, right? There's, you have to go to class, you're going to study you're going to, you know, read outside, because you're preparing for that test. When you know that the day is going to come in, you have to stand before a loss of data for heresy will come full circle. So take account of yourselves before the day comes when you will be taken account of the profit it is Salatu was sent in said in a very famous

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Hubby, that oh, well, may you have a lab do it. Oh,

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man. I mean, I mean, he's allowed to do that the first thing that a person will be held accountable for on the day of judgment from his actions is salaat. Right. In other words, in the past, I saw him say you had said that you have the advantage that the servant of electronic data will be held accountable for this and he will have to answer for that you have is going to be taken to account. And so a person should take account of himself before the day comes when he will be taken account of loss of Hannah who has an bacillary Dynamo logs. On this account, the intelligent person, or the one who will have a light account on that day will be the one who takes a lot of does a lot of self

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examination and this life, so it'll be easier for him in the next line. And the one who doesn't do any of that in this line. You should and you're lucky and he is going to put himself in a or subject himself to destruction.

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That being said, there's a lot that can be said on this topic of more hazards. And I don't want to go too far on laying the foundation. But I do think that is very important for us. A lot of times we think about a bed. The first thing that comes to mind is saliva or fasting or hygiene aroma and and we oftentimes neglect what we call an EBITDA till convenience. So the the the worship of the heart, right Toba, for example, true repentance, feeling remorse for what you've done and having that firm determination not to turn back to that is an act of the heart. And it's an act of a bed that is beloved by Allah subhana wa tada tilaka loving the law, putting it put it really putting your trust

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in the last hands and relying upon him. All of these are acts that are beloved to Allah hands out in the actions of the heart. muhabba is similar in the sense, this self examination is not something you're going to do with your hands or your limbs is something that is an action of the heart. And it's very important that we that we give it its due

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one of the early tampereen mamoon live in Milan, Rahim Allah Allahu Tada, who was actually from the students have been our best and they've been almost in it shall be a long time. And

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he said a very famous statement related to Haskell and I think it puts things in context. He says that a person will not be a turkey. We won't attain taqwa, right? He says you will not become a turkey had a akun enough See, he said them will have certain ministry initiate etc. And he he won't become a person of taqwa until he has his to himself more severe in overlooking or or that oversight, making sure that things are done right.

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That he does this to himself more than a business partner would do to his business partner. And that is why they said enough sukoshi can collect right that the the soul that the self, if you will, is like a deceitful business partner, right? He's your business partner, but he cheats you sometimes in them to handsome who they have a dramatic if you don't take account of him and you don't watch him he's gonna run away with your money. And so same thing can be said about the soul. If we're if we're not conscious, and we're not looking at our actions, then it is very possible that are very likely, in fact, that the Nuff said amount of assume that that part of ourselves that is whispering to us to

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do bad things is going to take over. So with that being said, I want to lay out some framework for how do we do this? Because a lot of times we hear, okay, yeah, it's supposed to take care of yourself. Well, what does that mean? Does that mean like I sit in a dark room, or I turn on a little light and then I start thinking about what I did during the day or what what how does that work? And so in shallow to add, I'd like to lay out some framework that will help us in shallow to add on this path of mahasweta. And this comes directly from Elijah to left by eminent am Rahim Allah to Allah which is a very famous book

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dealing with the subject

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Well, it deals with a lot of the Mr. Little cumbia and the diseases of the heart, and also very bad at the heart. And so when he talks about mahanthappa, he says that Mohammed has two broad types. All right. So this is the first thing that we want to look at.

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The one is muhabba, mal cobalamin. So taking account before you even do an action, and then the second broad category is after the action is done. So these are two categories, before you even sit down before you even do anything, you want to take account of yourself. Alright, so then he goes on, and he breaks that down into four more categories. All right. And so what you look at here is, number one, this action that you are intending to do. So he says that you stop, at Sure, at the first time that you're thinking about doing this, this? Is this action, the first time that you're desiring to do it, you stop there, and you ask yourself, Is this action within my ability? So that's

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the first question is this action within my ability to do and reasonably? Right, and this is very important for us to look at a lot of us sometimes, you know, we we may have a desire to do very grandiose things, but they may be outside of our ability. And the reason why I'm gonna claim is talking about this is because you don't want to get frustrated, and you're in a better of a loss of habitat or in any of your actions to the point that you stopped doing them. Okay, because this is also not something that is beloved to Allah subhana wa Tada. So here we go. First thing you do you look at, is it, you know, within my reasonable, reasonable ability to get this done? If the answer

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is yes, then the second question that you have to ask yourself, is, is doing this action better for me than leaving it off? So a lot of times, yes, I can do it. But Should I do it is the better question here after I've determined that I can do it. So is it better for me to actually do this thing? Or is it better for me to leave it off?

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If your answer to that question is yes, this this act of a bed or this act in general is better for me to do it? Then your third question that you ask yourself is, what is my motivation for doing it? And this is where the whole concept of a class comes in? Is, am I motivated to do this action solely for the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa tada and seeking his reward? Or is this something else motivated me? Am I seeking things from people? Am I seeking that they praise me? For the action that I'm doing? Am I looking for validation from it from an external source? For example, so even Okay, Rahim Allah, Allah says that we have to look at all of these things, am I looking for financial

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kickback, and this is also something even Okay, emission. So this should be an act that is done for a loss of habitat, but you know, a person is only doing it for some financial gain. And here, we have to stop because you don't want to get used to doing things. For other than a loss of Hannah who was added, the easier it becomes for you to do things for other than Allah, the more difficult it will be for you to do things solely for Allah. And so you don't want to get in the habit, period. I mean, this is even outside of a bed, like even mundane things that you might do. Okay, and I'll just take a side note here, for example, you know, you might cook a meal for your wife, right? Are you

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doing that just because you messed up and you're trying to get back in her good graces? Or are you doing that because you want to please Allah subhana wa tada by doing things that are pleasing to his creation, for example, I mean, it's just something to think about, meaning that we want to try to get to the point where everything that we do is for the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala. Obviously, when it comes to a bat, that there are only supposed to be solely for last payment added, and it is not permissible to do that for other than allies origin. So our third question then is what is my motivation?

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And then the last question is, so once my once I've determined that I can do this action,

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and I should do this action, and it is for allowance of Hana horchata. Then the fourth question that I'm asking myself is, Do I have the necessary help? Do I have the necessary resources to complete the action? If it all came about him a lot of data here specifically, referring to the human resources and Helen model, more an ally and it doesn't have the help that is necessary to do this particular action?

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And so he gives us the example of the prophet Isaiah SelectUSA them in Mecca. He says if you don't have the people that are necessary to and in the in the helpers that are necessary to complete that action that would be solely for Allah subhana wa Tada, even though you may be able to do it yourself, you know, you may be able to do this action by yourself, but it's not going to reach the conclusion that you are looking for. He says, then you fall back, then you stop the same way that the prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam did not engage in jihad in Mecca. Because the numbers simply were not there. Okay. So this is something that a person,

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you know, this is the framework that little claim uses before in action, and this is how we we look at it. So again, he says, you look at Is it possible? Is it best to do? Is it done for a loss of habitat alone? And do you have the necessary resources to to complete the action,

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moving to what is after the action?

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Even Okay, him by Him alone,

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goes on to say that after you have done an action,

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you're going to look at several areas. And the first of them is and he said, he, he almost, you know, he lays this out as, as well as, like another words like you, you've been very critical of yourself. And, and I hope they say, Come on, maybe, you know, one of our mental health professionals can perhaps talk a little bit about this in the future, we don't want to be so self critical that we become self defeating, right? That you're so critical of your actions, that you just stop doing actions, right. Because this is also like, for example, a person is scared to, you know, or they feel like maybe I'm doing this, to show off, you know, I'm doing this out of react, so I'm just not

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gonna do anything. We don't want to get to that point, either. But what he's saying is that after you do an action, you do want to be critical of yourself. And so you look at the following things. Number one, you look at your level of a class, okay? Because it classes also levels. Right? And so how sincere were you in this action for a loss of Hamlet? It was it purely for him, there's something creeping and if something did creep in, how do you make sure that that doesn't happen in the future, you want to look at your nisi hat linen, and this is a little bit different from sincerity, this is the word mercy how which is often translated as, as advice obviously, doesn't

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mean that as it relates to the hack of a loss of power to add it in the better translation for the CIA in general is fidelity that you are true to something.

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And so, as in like, you know, infidelity is when a person in a relationship is not being true to their partner, right. So that fidelity that it is totally, you know, you know, done for the pleasure of Allah subhana wa Tada, from start to finish. You, you want to look at also what he says Bhutan back to, or Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So, in this action that I've done, have, I done my best to do it the way that the prophet SAW on the line, it was seldom prescribed for me to do it. And this is a lot of times where we fall short, we get accustomed to doing things a certain way. We watch somebody else do something a certain way. But are we truly aware of the Sunnah of the Prophet,

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it is a lot that was sent out as it relates to this particular action. And that is very important, because it's not enough that we worship Allah subhana wa, tada, we need to worship Allah, the way that he prescribed that we worship Him. This is very important. And this is one of the things that has historically distinguished from those who leave the path of Anderson is that they're very keen on worshiping Allah the way that allows parents to prescribe for himself to be worshipped. After that, even will claim about him Allah mentioned his shoe who they'll send another words.

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Have you have you done your best in this action? Okay. Have you have you reached the level of sand in this act that you have performed? Right. And and that's important, too, because and then it's tied directly to what comes after it and says, You who did succeed? Right, which is to also recognize your shortcoming in whatever activity bad that that you've done. Right after salon immediately do so am I stuck through law statute or law stuck to the law? Or the law for what? Because Because you just did something wrong. I mean, you just prayed, I stuck to the law, because you always need a loss of hands out is forgiveness number one, and number two, because you yourself

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recognize that even in that salon, as short as it was, there was some shortcomings. You know, perhaps you weren't totally, you know, mindful the answer.

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hires a lot. Or perhaps there was some things that you could have done better that you didn't do so recognizing your own faults and shortcomings, and whatever action it is. And then he says, what you who the shocker, and witnessing the gratitude, another words that we are thankful to Allah Subhana, who was Anna, for having guided us to those exit events that we've done and these are these are as it relates to activity bed, if it is something that is hot on and it will claim has a different framework that he uses for, you know how to knifes and that is where a person is going to turn back to a loss of Hamlet, repent to him, literally, Toba right needs to turn around so so we're turning,

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we're changing our ways with turning from that act of disobedience and turning to the obedience of Allah subhana wa Tada. And being critical in that way. And looking at and this is very important when it comes to acts of disobedience. Don't just look at the act itself, look at what led up to the act, because you have to, if you want to stop any act of disobedience, or loss of habitat, you have to be able to stop the roles that lead to that disobedience of a loss of habitat to avoid the situations, the conditions, the scenarios that puts you in that environment that made it easy for you to disobey Allah subhana wa Tada. So these are things that that you look at after an action you

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take account of yourself. I'll give one example. And then I'll finish here because I know I've taken a lot of time. But the example that I'm going to give is the example of salaat. Right? When it comes to, for example, a person who misses a lot and fidget.

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And then he says to himself, what is it that caused me to miss a lot and fidget? It's not that I did that, just that the person missed a lot of fidget, that's nice, you know, that is a sin.

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But what is it?

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It was that I stayed up late, you know, with my friends the night before, and I did not get enough sleep. Okay? If that is the case, then a person who was truly, you know, repenting to a last parameter is going to realize the next time that I can't stay out that late with my friends. So you're actually thinking in advance, right? So here we go. Again, your friends call you and say, Hey, you know, we want to go, we're gonna,

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we're gonna hang out together, we're going to read a book together, it's going to be nice, it's going to be full of a bad and so on and so forth. But then he starts thinking, so he says, Can I do this action? Right? says, Yes, I can do it. Number two, should I do this action?

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When he starts to think about Should I do it? And then he thinks that Wait a minute, if I do this, though, it may seem like it's a good thing. It's not really good for me because I need this amount of sleep to be able to get up for selected and so then he stops right there. He doesn't even get past that point, because he realized he realizes that leaving it off is actually better than doing it. Anyway, this is the framework that was provided by mo clam. This topic of muhabba is one that needs a lot of reflection.

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One lecture is not enough, but hopefully inshallah tada there's some benefit in what was said, well, Long Island was alone. Some of

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you just signed up for part two.

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That's unnecessary. When you say it's not enough for one lecture and they say, you know, there's more.

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very beneficial shift. Sounds like a lockout.

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