Suleiman Hani – What are you willing to sacrifice Desires and Destinations

Suleiman Hani
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the interrelated aspect of desire and behavior in the world, using the analogy of a damself. It emphasizes the importance of strong believers in Islam for avoiding struggles and challenges, avoiding harms, protecting others, and balancing intentions and effort. The segment also highlights the success of giving in Islam, including the act of worship, and offers advice on handling difficult situations.
AI: Transcript ©
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La subhanaw taala commands us what is translated as all believers, be mindful of Allah as he deserves. Worship Allah as he deserves and die not except in a state of worship. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to live upon Islam and to die upon Iman Allama Amin.

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Our hotel today is about the intertwining of three concepts in one area, the concept of desires, shoutouts and donations, so the font, as well as destinations near yachts. And when we talk about destinations, oftentimes people think whether they're Muslim or not, where are you going in life? What's next for you? Where are you headed in life? What are your destinations? The short term destinations for the next year or two and the long term plans that you have? Where are you headed in this world? And why are you headed there? Why are you after these destinations? What are you after that particular education? Or that career or that relationship? Or having a child or raising your

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children or living in a certain place? Why are you after these destinations? And most importantly, once you know why you're chasing after this destination of a dunya and the greater destination of Jannah. The question is what are you willing to do to get there? How much are you willing to sacrifice for the goals, the destinations that you have? If you are to say I have a particular goal with regards to my studies, my career, my finances, my location? What are you willing to sacrifice to get there? And how many sacrifices will you make along the way? Around this time every year? We hear an increasing amount of discussions and lectures on the story and the legacy of Prophet Ibrahim

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alayhis salam. Why not only because his nickname was the friend of Allah Helene en la Halina Rahman. But if you study his life, you find everything that he did. All of the stories of Ibrahim Ali salaam can be summarized with the word sacrifice, he sacrificed for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. And this means to put Allah subhanaw taala above yourself to place the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala before your desires before your worries before your anxieties before worldly things, knowing that when you sacrifice for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala this will actually help you with your worldly things. This will in fact liberate you and fill your heart with the love of Allah subhana wa

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Tada he Ibrahim Ali Salam lived in a society in which people worshipped idols, his father was amongst those that actually made those idols. And they were the type of people who would look at people who did not worship idols as backward. You don't worship idols, they would find you to be what intolerant? How can you be intolerant towards our idols? How can you be backwards and not worship these idols so that you will get what you want, and have what you have of blessings of this world. So they will take away the blessings that Allah gave them. And they will associate partners with Allah subhanaw taala. Prophet Ibrahim Ali salaam, lived in that time. And sometimes we think,

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since the physical idols are gone, at least hear, at least in the majority of the world, that people no longer worship idols. But the truth is, idol worship still exists, and it's more prevalent than ever before. There are people who take money as their idol. And what this means is they will do anything they will sacrifice to get to that destination of a certain amount of wealth, even if it means hurting people, abusing people stealing from people, even if it means doing that, which is HUD on prohibited selling something prohibited interacting with an engaging with something prohibited, why they've taken money as their idol. So they're willing to do whatever it takes to get to their

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destination, the effort is there. They value that thing. Some people place on a pedestal, the concept of fame, or status, or in our times to be an influencer. And they want following. They're validated by this, they are willing to sacrifice everything of principles, their morals, whatever it takes their dignity, just to get to a place in which they have a tension. There are people who worship power, and they will do whatever it takes to get there and to hold on to that power, as we mentioned in last week's hotline, and the reality today the most frightening and deepest idol. That in fact is the foundation of these examples, is the idol of desires. When people take their shahada

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to their desires as an idol. It means they are willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill those desires. And some people will take another step further to facilitate those desires for others, and some will take it to another step. They will spread these things in society and another step they will make you seem like you are intolerant if you don't agree with our ideology

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Chasing after desires. Now the chasing after desires is not limited to one movements. It's not limited to certain forms of liberalism in society today, but it is the foundation of it. And you cannot deny that the concept of secularism to remove God from society from conversations, in order for people to see more neutral is in fact a religious stance. It is an anti religious stance, but it is his own religion. So, when people place their desires, their shouts, their how as well on a pedestal, they will start to basically take this as their religion. And when people take their desires as a religion a photo item and he took all the ILA who wants to pass Allah says, Do you see

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the one in other Ira Tammany Takada, Allahu Hawa, you see the one who takes his or her desires, as a, as a as an idol as a deity. These are people who are willing to sacrifice and compromise whatever it takes to get to that destination. No matter how many people they have to hurt, no matter how many morals they have to compromise on, no matter what needs to be changed of religion, so that they can reach a lifestyle in which they think they're happy.

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And in reality, we have the truth. And we have desires, desires can be good, like your desire to eat something healthy, your desire to pray, that's a good desire. And desires can be candy, but false, it can lead you to harm, like the desire that some people have for intoxicants, whether it's alcohol, or weed or anything else. We don't need to justify with the immense amount of medical studies coming out in psychological as well, almost every single week, and you study how harmful alcohol is in terms of consumption, how destructive it is to the mind and the body. And yet some people have that desire, they will chase after it, because they see it as a solution to another

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problems coping with the reality of this world, or a hardship or depression or struggles. And they think this will satisfy them. But what do we find in every study, it hurts them even more. It causes more problems, it increases crime increases depression increases suicide. And we don't need to justify this because it's an obvious example. But if you're struggling to understand any of the rulings of Allah subhanaw taala, and you don't know the wisdom behind them, you have to recognize that sacrifice for the sake of Allah is not necessarily knowing the wisdoms behind the scenes for every ruling. It is submission to Allah subhanaw taala why? Because the truth, in terms of religion

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is always good for you. Desires are not always good. The truth is greater than our desires, the truth is greater than our desires, the truth is greater than our desires. And if you say I love Allah subhanaw taala and I ask Allah to make all of us amongst those who love Him and we are beloved to him.

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Then you sacrifice, you sacrifice you choose Allah subhanaw taala over your own desires, whether you see it as something minor or major you choose Allah subhanho wa Taala the same way that when you pray, when you give charity When you fast, you're sacrificing. And in fact, when you first you get to a point where if your Eman is strong enough in the moment, you're not fasting and complaining, this is so difficult I don't want to fast anymore this is you know, I'm struggling. It's hard on your body. But the believer reaches a point where their Iman is so strong their love of Allah so strong, they see that sacrifice as something that is Suey, that is the sweetness of iman May Allah

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subhanaw taala has to taste it consistently. And the lifestyle that you live upon in this world if you keep sacrificing for Allah subhanaw taala what does he promise? You sacrifice your desires here and Allah promises you a home, a land a destination that has no sicknesses, no illnesses, no trials, no tribulations, no hardships ever again, in which you can have whatever your heart desires Lahoma Ayesha owner fi her, what are the numbers eat, they will have whatever they desire in paradise and with Allah is more and this is the meeting with Allah subhanho wa taala. When you talk about sacrifice, we fast forward from the time of Ibraheem Alehissalaam all the way to the companions of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Most Muslims know the story at a surface level what happened in the Sierra they know that Mecca was definitely the first 10 years was much more difficult than any other time. They know that the conquest of Mecca later on the eighth year after digital that this was a turning point. A large amount of people became Muslim after this point, an immense amount of people embraced Islam when it became easier in terms of society. So I want to focus on for the rest of the hope with this one idea. With the foundation in mind of the theme of the hutzpah I want us to focus on this one idea that intertwines these three things and why they are

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intertwined again, the concept of desire shallot, as well as donations sold apart as well as destinations kneehigh at your end. What is it? Allah subhanaw taala says again, think of the companions they've sat

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If I so much up to this point, and this is a Surah that's revealed in Medina solitude Hadith I attend Allah subhanaw taala says one Allah Quran Allah to feel Kofi Sabine in LA he was the law he meet all through summer wa T one. What is the matter with you? Meaning Why should you not spend in the Cause of Allah, I'll explain the meaning behind us. When Allah subhanaw taala is the sole inheritor when Allah He me, Roth. Allah is the inheritor of the heavens and the earth, meaning what everything in this universe will perish. And Allah subhanaw taala will remain. So Allah is the inheritor, the sole inheritor of all things, meaning nothing belongs to you. Nothing belongs to you,

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and no one belongs to you. Everything and everyone belongs to Allah subhanahu wa taala. So, when you die, Allah subhanaw taala, saying to the companions in a time in which they are, they're given a sense of urgency about the state of the OMA the state of Muslims. They're being given a sense of urgency now about the expedition's that are coming. Why should you not spend in the Cause of Allah? Why should not detach your heart from wealth mainly from dunya? When Allah is the One who will inherit it at the end of the day, your heart belongs to Allah, your wealth belongs to Allah, your children belong to Allah, everything of this world, in the heavens and earth belongs to Allah

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subhanaw taala the Creator. And what's amazing I actually discovered this just last night, as I was working on a Tafseer book, there's only one other AI in the entire Quran, in which you find what Allah him, you want to send out what he went out, and he's in Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the ending of the eye is exactly the same as this one right here. Well, Allah Hobbema time I don't have it. Allah subhanaw taala is aware of all that you do? What is the link between what Allah him your ortho and your wealth, and your Shaohua and your desires, and your end destination that Allah is aware of all that you do, and you'll be given a compensation in the next life based on what you actually did,

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based on your reality. We will be inherited by Allah subhanaw taala taken by Allah subhanaw taala we return back to him. And when we part from our wealth, we find that there is no need, it's not reasonable to be attached to that thing, which you know, does not belong to you, to the extent that you're not willing to sacrifice but it's not only about money. It's not just about sadaqa charities, it's not only about spending in the say in for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala it's about all types of sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice to earn Allah's pleasure? What are you willing to sacrifice to make it to Jannah? How much are you willing to pay? Now, of course, we all know in

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hindsight, if anyone standing in front of the gates of Jannah prevented from entering was asked would you wish to go back to the previous life and give an entire earth full of gold equivalent to Earth full of gold would you do that they would be willing to do that the people of hellfire are willing to sacrifice everything, but here they did not sacrifice. And once your soul leaves your body, the opportunity to sacrifice ends the opportunity to restrain your hunger and your neffs and your Shaha to stop them, that opportunity ends. So every time you remember any reminder that comes your way any sign of Allah subhanaw taala should be a reminder for us to turn back to him in the

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moment that this is its own unique opportunity and Allah subhanaw taala at the end of the day we return to Him He will inherit everything that we have. In addition to this, we find the name of Allah subhanaw taala Allah worth is taken from this ayah and several other ayat in the Quran. We're gonna nanowire the theme as an example. And another one to how you don't wear the theme when he's called upon subhanaw taala and he says in unity through our Illuminati what you didn't know you're a Geralyn Allah will inherit everything in terms of this universe and everything that's on earth he will succeed it to you will remain his forever and everyone will perish. And when we perish, we're

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now question about what we did with regards to our sacrifice. So ALLAH SubhanA dresses now the Companions lie is that we mean Come men earn for communicability fertile Wakata.

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Those who used to sacrifice they fought for the sake of Allah, and they give charity, charity is being specified in these sorts of sorts of Hadith. They are not like those who embraced Islam after the liberation of Mecca after the conquest of Mecca. Why? They are all good. Well couldn't Anwar the lone hasna they are all good. They're all rewarded. But I want you just to imagine what you know of the CETA the history of the Muslims in the first decade at least, how much oppression they went through. That if you chose to convert to Islam, you knew you were sacrificing everything worldly. You were going to put yourself in harm's way, you would likely engage with those who hated you and

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oppressed you and you could not fight back as a community. It was not permitted yet in Mecca. You are likely like many of the companions to be abused sometimes by your own family. How dare you convert to Islam? How dare you leave idol worship. So they were willing to sacrifice everything of a dunya and some of them lost everything of this world. And some of them were

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killed like So Maria and her husband are the Allahu Anhu. They were willing to give all of that up. Why for the truth, what does that tell you? When society does not make the truth easy, and you sacrifice because you know what matters more than your desires more than your comfort, more than your concern about peer pressure, you chose Allah subhanaw taala Allah will reward you with the reward that is special. And those who come later, when 1000s of people embraced Islam after the conquest of Mecca, those who converted some of them were some of the greatest companions in history, and they have the reward. Again, Aquila, why the Lord will hasna in this ayah Allah will give them

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all why he promised a reward of goodness, but they are not the same.

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And many of the scholars comment on these ayat and they say, this is a reminder of opportunities, those who did not embrace Islam before the liberation of Mecca, and they waited, and now everyone's Muslim. So they said, it's easy to become Muslim, it's a lot easier to feel convinced you're less worried about worldly things. How will people perceive me? This is similar to many Muslims in the US and around the world today, when their concern about other people is so great that they are now changing the way they interact. They changed their name so they don't look like they're Muslim. They don't sound like they're Muslim, they change their appearance. They want to hide their hijab, their

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salah, whatever it may be why they're afraid, deep down, they're embarrassed, or there may be even an inferiority complex. But what are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of Allah and whose validation matters more to you? Whose validation matters more if all of society became Muslim today, and then suddenly you call yourself Muhammad? And then suddenly you started to pray in public and wear hijab and all of that the rulings of Islam, because everyone else is doing it did you sacrifice at a difficult time or at an easy time? Allah subhanaw taala is reminding the companions and reminding us as well about opportunities without eco outlaw muda Raja Tamina Alladhina Anthropo

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MINVALUE of Cotonou, Okinawa, the Lord Krishna, those who embrace Islam and sacrificed at a difficult time have a very special reward with Allah in our lives as well. We think here's an example, April 2020, when things were shutting down, and people were afraid, and nonprofits all across the country around the world were afraid what's going to happen to donations when everyone is afraid what happens they hold back on charity, people don't give as much during that time, we saw a tremendous amount of people in our community and all around the world in this OMA who stepped up and said because it's difficult now, I want to donate I want to help. And in fact, we can assume

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optimistically that the reward for that sadaqa at that time because they sacrifice their desire, their fear, for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala was so much greater than a time in which there's relative ease. There's a potential recession and someone is willing to step up and donate. There's a great reward in a time of fear. There's a great opportunity as well that may not come again in this person's lifetime. And the Companions, as well are varying ranks and the Prophet sallallahu eyeson reminds us so we never forget, let me know are we the strong believer how you don't what have been alarming and want me to live? Well, if you couldn't find the strong believer, this is what our

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destination should be. We should be seeking strength in all things. The strong believer is preferred and more beloved to Allah subhanaw taala than the weak believer, but there's good in all believers. Well, he couldn't quite as a reminder, what could lower the Lord has not what he couldn't hide? Why, because of your Eman, at least you believe in Allah. This does not mean sins are excused. This is not a justification of sins or disobedience. Rather, this is to say when you see or feel that there is a Muslim who is weak in their Eman or maybe you find yourself weak at some points, that there's still hope this person will repent and at least they are believers but there is hope they will

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repent and return to Allah, there is hope they will change at least they are not rejecting belief in Allah. At least they did not abandon Islam altogether with arrogance. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us and our children or upcoming generations along the Amin. Allah subhanho wa Taala is teaching us through the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that the at the root of this entire discussion that it's about your willingness to sacrifice, and that's what Jihad neffs is all about. To strive to fight against your desires, your lower self, your desire, say I want this and you know Allah subhana has prohibited it and out of love for Allah you sacrifice, it may be difficult in the

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moment, it may be difficult on one's body, but Allah subhanaw taala is promising you a special reward. There is an authentic hadith attribute to the Prophet salallahu audio centimeters metaphor in which he says it his Salatu was Salam and Mujahid do mangia had enough so he's the one who strives is the one meaning the one who performs jihad is the one who goes against their knifes meaning they control their desires for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and one of the scholars chef mubarak for the LA Mola. He says this means you conquer all your evil temptations and inclinations, you're conquering these things within yourself. You're

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doing acts of worship, all out of love for Allah subhanaw taala and you're avoiding acts of disobedience. Furthermore, he says this type of jihad, which many people the majority of people ignore when they talk about jihad, because they misunderstand what it is, whether you're Muslim or non Muslim, he says this is the foundation for every other type of jihad For indeed, if you cannot conquer this struggle internally, you cannot conquer an external struggle. Someone's coming to attack the Muslims, the companions of Medina or any other city, and there's no internal struggle, there's no connection to Allah, there's no willingness to sacrifice How are you going to give your

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life for the sake of Allah? How are you going to avoid running away in the battlefield? In other words, obviously Jihad has its conditions, and we are not talking about the external jihad. Here we are talking about the internal jihad. At one point of hustle and bustle from Allah was asked, which jihad is greater is best. And he said Jihad Dukkha Huwag. you're striving against your desires. Ibrahim Ibrahim Rahim, Allah said something very similar. These are companions are tabulating from the early generations and the following generation. He said, A sheduled jihadi Jihad will How're the greatest of jihad is striving against your desires. And in fact, he also said the same thing. You're

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in need of an internal battle, an internal victory and eternal struggle to be dominant against your desires for you to be successful externally with everything else. So if you struggle to pray, you struggle to perform acts of worship, you struggle because you continuously fall into sin and disobeying Allah subhanaw taala. And yet, we find sometimes Muslims are engaging in major sins and criticizing the state of the OMA and calling for jihad in a way that is not permissible. And they can't even stand up and pray on time. They can't even fast the day for the sake of Allah. They're criticizing the Muslim Oh, man, all they want is the physical, they think that's what it means to be

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strong, but they can't control their desires. They're far away from Allah subhanaw taala. May Allah subhana, Allah guide us and guide others through us. And the last point on Jihad enough striving against your desires, and sacrificing for the sake of Allah.

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External Jihad has so many conditions, and it's not always valid in a certain time or certain place. It has conditions and in most cases, when people are talking about it, it is limited to groups of people and limited to certain times in history or times in the future, whereas the internal jihad is always conditional is always required. It is always part of being a believer. So it's a condition that as a Muslim, you say I believe in Allah, I submit to Him, do you have enough says a condition upon you? Meaning it is an obligation upon all Muslims, strive against yourself? Your desires, want one thing and Allah Subhana Allah wants you to do something else. Whether people know or not,

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whether people see or not, doesn't matter. Well, Allah will be Matamata went to Columbia. At the end of this I Allah's reminding us he is aware of all that you do. He's also aware of your circumstances. So if you say I used to pray a lot more volunteer prayers, I used to give more in charity. Now I'm struggling financially. If you say I used to be able to fast more days throughout the year and I'm dealing with an illness, may Allah grant us all in a loved one, she felt, know that Allah was aware of your situation and will reward you based on your intentions and your greatest effort. A lot of times we talk about intentions and we forget your greatest effort. Allah subhanaw

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taala is aware, there are many parents who tell us when they've had children, or many mothers who are now raising a child or two or three, that they're not able to do what they used to do in previous Ramadan's. They feel like they're missing out on the reward. But Allah is aware of your situation, your sincerity and your best effort. Whatever your situation is, like the example of the young man in Toledo a few months back when the earthquake happened in Syria and Turkey me Allah subhana accepts our brothers and sisters, a shahada, a young college students, and the many college students are broke these days or they have debt. He stood in line, he's about to donate $20 And he

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saw the man right in front of him swipe his credit card for $10,000. And he was next in line and then he was like, about to walk away. I said, is everything okay? Said I feel discouraged. Like $10,000 $20 What's the point? It's like, I'm not doing anything. I said, are you able to do more? He's like, No, man, I'm in college. I'm like, I completely understand. The reality is what Allah subhanaw taala already addressed this in the Quran. And the Prophet sallallahu ryson addressed this as well. That perhaps 100,000 Did hums let's say dollars in charity. It was surpassed by a did home how the man who had 100,000 he actually who gave 100,000 had a lot more. The man who don't need to

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do one did 100 or $1 He only had $2 He gave 50% of his wealth and charity. Do your best for Tacoma hasta la autumn. This is what it means to sacrifice for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala knowing at the end of the day, everything you sacrifice Allah will replace How will he replace it in his own way? Will he replace it a one for one? No, absolutely not for you, Larissa in the next area man the letter yo creola called on hustler whoever gives a good loan codon hustler is not actually alone. Hold on hasna here is a charity. Why is the word used here codon Hassane instead of sada

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Oh, it will play in Rahim Allah says so that the one who struggles to give in charity and sacrifice thinks of it as a loan, meaning it's going to come back to me. Because Allah promises what you give will be replaced. You sacrifice your time for Salah Allah will replace it with Baraka with blessings, you sacrificed your health for something important. You sacrificed your energy, you sacrificed your wealth, and so on and so forth. Allah promises you everything you sacrifice in a dunya, he will replace and at the end of the day, the replacement is not an equivalent, you're not sacrificing one for one. Allah subhana multiplies and multiplies and multiplies, and then rewards

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the believers in the next life as well with the reward that is not an equal transaction, but rather a mercy of mercies and eternal Jana May Allah Subhana Allah grant us all the highest levels of Jannah and forgive us for shortcomings and make us amongst those who constantly sacrifice for his sake and are encouraging and motivating others in a wise manner to sacrifice as well. ask Allah for forgiveness. He's the oft forgiving the Ever Merciful acquittal Holy * that was still federal law, you will have confessed all federal in the whole of one line.

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Of hamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah what an early or sahih woman WADA

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like the Companions who sacrificed their desires before the conquest of Mecca, in the eighth year after hijra, like the Companions who sacrifice they had one opportunity.

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And many of the scholars comment on this one that I again, there's so much to say about it. Well, we have limited time. And they say, any opportunity that you know of in Islam, that comes once a week, once a year, once a lifetime, take advantage of it, because that opportunity may not come again. And even if it comes again, that's a different opportunity. Don't say to yourself, I'm not going to pay attention to my salah today, because I always have tomorrow. Tomorrow is a different Salah it's its own day, its own time its own witness for you or against you. Likewise, the month of Ramadan came and left so quickly. And when it came, we took advantage I hope and I pray that we did all that we

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could, but it left. And there were many people who were with us in Oman, who passed away recently, and just yesterday we had a sister in our community passed away last Japantown have mercy on her and all of those who preceded us. The reality is every opportunity in Islam is a unique opportunity. Now we are on the doorsteps not of the greatest nights of the year, but the greatest days of the year, the days of the hedgerow around the corner, there will be people who are going from all around the world for Hajj, and there will be people all around the world doing as much as they can because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there are no days on which good deeds are greater or more

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beloved to Allah than these 10 days of the ledger. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and recite much to hollyland Take me into Hamid and there are many other acts of worship. And a lot of people ask around this time every single year, about the specific acts of worship, they are similar to them alone, read more Quran, pray more no often give more in charity. But there are specific things like fasting the ninth of the ledger, the Day of Arafah, the greatest day of the year in which everyone should be fasting if you can, medically and making dua, everyone should be taking advantage of that day between from boyhood all the way to another tip, if you can take

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advantage of that day make a lot of dua the greatest day of the year. Furthermore, a lot of people have asked recently and this is why I'm addressing this today and I will end with this in sha Allah, the act of worship of sacrifice, this hope was all about sacrifice. And one example of sacrifice is the altar here. Also some people call it the full Vani sacrifice what is the act of worship? Some people don't know. But in fact, a great bulk of the OMA meaning the scholars actually believe that it is Wajid upon those who are financially able to every single year to try to perform at least one sacrifice on behalf of your family. Meaning if you have the financial capacity, you are not eligible

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for DACA and you're able to in terms of offering through an organization to try to do so it's an act of worship, that Allah subhanaw taala references in the shortest surah in the entire Quran, for Salah did not become one, pray to your Lord and sacrifice Imam, Abu Hanifa. And many of the scholars that came afterwards, they took from the evidences from the authentic narrations, that it is in fact a wedge in the opinion that I follow is the majority opinion which is that it is a pseudonym or aka highly, highly encouraged. And this is the opinion of many scholars. Why did I mention first that some scholars and again a great percentage say it is warranted because when you see an emphasis on

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something that actually could be an obligation, you don't want to ignore how serious it is that it is very serious. And if you follow that opinion stick to that opinion. Those who say it's sunnah moussaka the highly encouraged because you are helping many people who are poor, many people who don't eat meat. Many of our brothers and sisters every single year when we're traveling, they're telling us with their families, their communities, we don't eat meat, except because of the charity that we get every time every year around this time.

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From the Muslims around the world who give their ultimate sacrifice. And the scholars who said it is a pseudonym Oka said, if you're able financially to do so, and you don't it is mcru, which means Allah subhanaw taala hates it. And of course, this is an act of worship, that shows sacrifice that for many of us, you're not even physically having to go and slaughter these days with the organizations that we have, and the organization that is here today. These days, it is so much easier to perform these acts of worship. And I ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us consistent with our families. If you are going today, to offer a sacrifice with the organization that is your beaten

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man, then at least teach your children as well about this act of worship, teach them what it is that you just did, and why it's so important, and how rewarding it is with Allah and these are the greatest days of the year. May Allah subhanaw taala accept from all of us in our brothers and sisters who preceded us and alleviate the affairs of our ummah. May Allah Subhana Allah make us a people of sacrifice

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