Tafseer of Surah An Naml #17 A tricky question

Sulaiman Moola


Channel: Sulaiman Moola


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The speakers discuss the importance of gratitude and the power of gratitude to increase one's ability to achieve goals. They share historical narratives of the throne being relocated and the need to change the format. They also discuss impressing someone with Islam, including a woman named Sayyidina who is convinced that her throne is on fire, and a woman named Soleiman who is convinced that her throne is similar to that of the person she is speaking to. Later, a man named Bilqir who is convinced that his image will be presented is also discussed. Finally, a man named Surayman alaihi's stance on the worship of the sun and other worshipers is discussed in various court and media interviews. He explains his stance on the worship of the sun and other worshipers, and how he has been convinced by his actions.

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So SubhanAllah

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we concluded on the note of the importance

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of gratitude and like it is mentioned in,

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Tanwirul Azhan

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I love these words.

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Because gratitude will secure

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the bounties you have and it will attract

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the bounties you don't have.

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So when you have gratitude in place then

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that which Allah has endowed, blessed and favoured

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you with, you would preserve it. And with

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, it's it's not insurance,

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it's assurance.

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Allah gives you that absolute assurance.

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If you are grateful, surely, definitely I will

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increase for you. Look at the kindness of

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And if you are ungrateful

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Allah says, surely, my torment is severe.

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Allah didn't say,

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I will definitely punish you. Out of His

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grace and His kindness, He says, for the

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one that is ungrateful,

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remember my punishment is severe as well. So

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there's a difference in the tone. When it

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came to gratitude,

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Allah said, absolutely, he will increase.

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And that's exactly what Sayidina Sulaiman said.

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My lord is.

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He is

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independent. He's self sufficient.

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Karim, he's bountiful.

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he will even favor if he chooses

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or he will delay

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the torment and give respite and grace and

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to the one that is ungrateful.

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And that's the point, we concluded on verse

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40 that how when Sayedna Suleiman alaihis salatu

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was salam witnessed this, observed this,

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you know, that constant,

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reminder of gratitude.

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So one of the signs of the believers

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are they constantly

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fear that Allah can seize what he gave.

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They don't ever believe they are anchored in

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their health, in their wealth, in their fame,

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in their bounties, and their privileges because the

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the the essence

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of of humility is

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you know, you don't believe yourself

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deserving of what you have, while the essence

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of pride is you feel capable and entitled

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to what you have. And may Allah save

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us from that sense of entitlement.

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Said, well, I am skilled and competent. Well,

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that's how it is. Given my know how

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and my expertise, that's that's what I'm entitled

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Hazam in Fadulirabbi,

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just to recap, this is the grace and

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the mercy of Allah

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that the entire throne was relocated,

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and Asif, that was this,

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jinn, who was the mighty strong jinn, whom

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who had the knowledge of Ismul Adam, the

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supreme name of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And he presented it just in that, batting

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of the eyelid.

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Before your

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gaze is returned to you.

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This is the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala I'm

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of Surah Quraish.

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Allah puts a thought in my mind.

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So, in Surah Quresh

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Quresh actually is Tasryr, by the way, which

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is a diminutive noun of.

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Means a fish, a whale actually.

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And the children and the offspring of, Nabar

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bin Kinana was known as Quraysh because they

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were the prominent and the dominant family. Hence,

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they were known as the Quraysh. But Quraysh

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is a a tasr noun of Quraysh which

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means a whale.

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The Quraysh used to embark on 2 journeys.

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1 is in the winter months and 1

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is in the summer.

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And when they used to travel, they were

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safe and sound.

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And people will be generally abducted, looted, kidnapped,

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But nobody would harass them in any way.

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Why? They would say, these are the custodians

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of the Kaaba. These are the people of

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the Haram.

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So Allah gave them a lot of protection.

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Will they not reflect and observe and see

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how people around them have been apprehended and

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yet the safety and security and amnesty and

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protection afforded to them? In Quran, it is

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written under under this ayah,

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That we learn from this if Allah has

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given you fame and prominence

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more so associated

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to matters of deen, you're a scholar, you're

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a, you know,

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in charge of an Islamic,

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institution or organization,

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and because of that Allah has given you

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recognition and Allah has given you respect. People

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take it their tie their their pride to

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welcome you, to entertain you, to host you,

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to be in your company.

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This should increase you in gratitude, and not

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that you feel inflated and conceited

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and and proud and arrogant. May Allah save

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us from pride and arrogance. May Allah bless

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us with humility,

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and increase us in the bounties that he

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has favored upon us. Ameen.

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this woman is travelling.

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She's left. The narration suggests historical. They were

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with a whole army. 1000 of them. Right?

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These are historical narrations.

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We cannot say with certainty that it is

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absolutely correct nor do we suggest otherwise but

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there are historical narrations, so we just share

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it. So tens of thousands entire entourage and

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her army and everyone, they all come in.

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So Reym

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wanted to further impress her and make her

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that he was a Nabi of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala

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and that the strength Allah gave him was

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So to display a miracle to her, to

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add to her understanding in addition to the

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letter that he had served to her. Verse

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when the throne was relocated and presented, Sayyidina

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Sulaiman alayhis salam said to those there, you

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know, in his presence in his court,

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you know what, change the format of her

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So can you imagine

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astonished, how startled, how perplexed,

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how impressed she will be,

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knowing I left my throne and I came,

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and lo and behold, when I arrive here,

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my throne is here.

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Change it. Disguise it.

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You know, just change the format, etcetera.

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I want to see I want to examine.

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Does she recognize

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that this is her throne or is she

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from amongst those who fail to identify this

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is her own throne?

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Bayanur Quran makes the deduction fee.

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This ayah gives off the indication of the

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that a teacher

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can examine a student before enrollment

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or a mentor can examine a potential disciple

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before embracing

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a spiritual relationship with him to say, okay,

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I need to ask you 1, 2 questions.

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I just want to, you know, find out.

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This is the basis of it. Sayyidina Soleiman

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almost creates a test here. Let's examine her.

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Let's let's see her intellect. Let's see her

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wisdom. And the aim, of course, was to

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get her more convinced

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on the nabua that Allah

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had blessed Suleyman alayhi salatu wasalam with. So

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again, look at that verse 41, Qala Suleyman

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alayhi salam said,

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change it. For her. Her throne. Nanzur, we

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see, we observe, we monitor.

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Does she recognize?

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Or is she from amongst those people who

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failed to understand? Because it's it's it's it's

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a challenge to know your throne has been

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and then you know what?

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You're surprising someone, you give him the car

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to a panel beater,

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you you know what,

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body shop as they would say,

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attend to it and then spray it again

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and then you surprise him and you give

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him the car. Now

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is this a new car? Is this my

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car? Is this that same car changed, refurbished,

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and now he's like, okay. Wait. What's happening

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here? You you can appreciate the the confusion

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and the aim of Surayman alaihis salaam is

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nothing more than to impress upon her the

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strength that Allah has given him. This is

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divine divine. Understand when it's divine? Like one

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person came to Mufti Mahmud Rahimahullah

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and he asked him, is the questioning in

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the grave possible?

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So he said, possible for me? Possible for

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you? Or possible for Allah?

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Is the questioning in the grave possible? Like,

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is it possible a person dies and then

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he'll be questioned? Is it possible for you?

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Obviously impossible.

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Possible for me? Obviously impossible. Possible for Allah?

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If you don't believe that there's no iman.

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Everything is possible for Allah. In fact, the

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Quran says

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in in, Bani Israel.

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Allah says after someone dies, make him into

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stone, put him into steel, or put him

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into a position where you think resurrection is

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more remote and impossible,

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and then see how I recreate him and

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how I I I I revive him and

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resurrect him. So,

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at verse 42, she finally

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arrives with her entire presence, etcetera. Can you

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imagine the spectacle? Some historical narrations say there

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was almost like a cloud of dust,

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asked the people, who's this? And they said,

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this is Bilqis,

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and she's coming with her entire army. So

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it was again a spectacle that she came

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with her entire

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When she came, verse 42,

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it was said to her,

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Is your throne similar to this?

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Now reflect over the words. She was not

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is this your throne?

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And this is mentioned

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in because if she was told,

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is this your throne? Then in a subtle

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note that was kinda giving it away that

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it is,

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because it had the same type of format,

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etcetera. Now she was convinced on the strength

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and the naboo of of Suleiman alayhis salaam,

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and then been asked, is this your,

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is this your throne?

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That wasn't asked to her. But to add

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to the question,

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there was a twist to it,

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and it was asked to her, is your

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throne like this? Is your throne like this?

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Right? And I'm reminded of the academic discussion,

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which is mentioned in Hamda Tulkari, which is

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the commentary of Bukhari. When a person will

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be lowered into his grave, may Allah make

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it easy for us all. And then he

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will be asked,

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What is your opinion regarding this person? Now

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a lot of people assume

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that when he will be asked or she

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will be asked or the occupant or the

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dweller of the grave will be asked, what's

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your opinion regarding this this person?

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People assume

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that the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam's image will

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be presented

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and that is the furthest from the truth.

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Hafiz ibn Hajar has written this year.

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There's a and I've read it,

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you know,

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a detailed answer to a mysterious question.

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And he says that there is no proof

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to support this year that

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Nabi alai salatu wa salam's image would be

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presented in any way. But as we would

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refer in Arabic language, what is your opinion

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of this person

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that is

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it's in your mind.

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Knowing that person because our life is in

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following the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. So

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in Alhamdul Qari it is written, if someone

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were to raise the question and say,

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but that's such,

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an abrupt tone. What's your opinion of this

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And it doesn't incorporate the necessary

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and reverence in referring or addressing

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to the Prophet

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because obviously the reference is to the messenger

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And the answer given is,

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The reason why it's been asked like this

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because it's a question. If a person in

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the grave was asked, what is your opinion

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on the greatest human, on the most amazing

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the most honorable, venerable, august, prominent human to

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ever come on earth, then that itself is

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giving the answer.

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So the question is quite base and simple

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and straightforward

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and outwardly abrupt. But the aim is, of

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course, the test.

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So here she was tested, a Hakadah Arshuk,

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is your throne like this? And she was

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smart. She was wise. She was intelligent. There

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is no doubt about that. As we follow

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through and we come to the culmination of

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this, you will realize this.

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So her response

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was she reciprocated in a similar way. She

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Almost the same, if not the same.

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Looks like it's the same one.

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As the scholars say, they came with a

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twist, so she also came with a twist

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but indicating to that. So they didn't ask

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her. It's it was asked to her, is

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your throne like this?

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And she was not asked, is this your

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throne? So she didn't say, this is my

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throne because remember it was readjusted.

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She said, it looks like the same

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as if it's the same.

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And then she said,

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the truth be told, oh, Soleiman, I was

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convinced on the veracity of your prophethood before

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the display of this miracle.

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Honestly, I knew with certainty you are a

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I mean, I appreciate this display

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and, you know, it's unique and it's great

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and it's wonderful. But even prior to this,

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I was

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And we were given the knowledge.

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Prior to this,

00:16:23--> 00:16:24

display of this miracle,

00:16:26--> 00:16:27

and we had submitted.

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In principle,

00:16:29--> 00:16:31

when I received your letter and then the

00:16:31--> 00:16:34

subsequent returning of the gifts, I was convinced

00:16:34--> 00:16:35

without doubt,

00:16:36--> 00:16:38

and and this obviously just added to it,

00:16:38--> 00:16:40

just added to it. I mean, how many

00:16:40--> 00:16:43

companions who had studied the books and who

00:16:43--> 00:16:44

had heard about the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam

00:16:44--> 00:16:46

were convinced. And then, of course, when they

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met the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam,

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it was just another level

00:16:51--> 00:16:52

of further

00:16:52--> 00:16:53

adding to that,

00:16:54--> 00:16:56

conviction that was established,

00:16:57--> 00:16:59

you know, prior to this as well.

00:17:02--> 00:17:03

Now Allah

00:17:12--> 00:17:14

the worship of the sun and the worship

00:17:14--> 00:17:15

of other things

00:17:15--> 00:17:18

prevented her from worshiping Allah.

00:17:19--> 00:17:22

Surely, she was from a nation that would

00:17:22--> 00:17:25

disbelieve. And because of her exposure to that

00:17:25--> 00:17:28

atmosphere and that environment, that became a blockage

00:17:28--> 00:17:31

and that became an obstacle and a hindrance

00:17:31--> 00:17:31

and impediment

00:17:32--> 00:17:34

to the truth. But no sooner was she,

00:17:35--> 00:17:37

exposed to the truth and she seen the

00:17:37--> 00:17:37


00:17:38--> 00:17:41

then, you know, what things changed immediately positively.

00:17:42--> 00:17:44

We leave it on that note. She has

00:17:44--> 00:17:46

arrived there. Can you imagine this year, Suleiman

00:17:47--> 00:17:49

in his might and grandeur? She thought she

00:17:49--> 00:17:50

was great and amazing. She had a great

00:17:50--> 00:17:52

throne. She had a great following. But, of

00:17:52--> 00:17:56

course, nothing. Everything pales before the strength and

00:17:56--> 00:17:58

the cloud and what Allah has given to

00:17:58--> 00:17:58

a Nabi.

00:17:59--> 00:18:01

But it doesn't end here. It doesn't end

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Surayman alayhi salaam displayed this one miracle by

00:18:04--> 00:18:06

the relocation of her throne and the readjustment

00:18:06--> 00:18:09

of her throne. Well, there's another surprise that

00:18:09--> 00:18:12

awaits you, which Surayman showed her

00:18:13--> 00:18:15

to add even further to her conviction

00:18:15--> 00:18:18

and see what that surprise is.

00:18:15--> 00:18:18

and see what that surprise is.