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Sulaiman Moola


Channel: Sulaiman Moola

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The transcript describes the historical context of the Islam world's golden era, where Muslims achieved great advancements in advancing their religion. A man named Omar praised the person and addressed them with a sword, but the interviewer notes that people prefer false praises over constructive criticism. The interviewer describes a culture where people prefer false praises over constructive criticism.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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in chapter 22

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verse 41,

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praising the Sahaba says,

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The companions are such that if I give

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them power and authority on the land,

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they will never abuse power. Instead, they will

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establish prayer, they will discharge zakat, they will

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invite towards good and forbid from evil.

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When we look at the golden era of

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the Muslims, and in particular the rule of

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the Khalifa Rashidin,

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we find the display of such amazing character

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that in this time and age, it's almost

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unthinkable and inconceivable.

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Say, now Amr radiAllahu anhu one day addresses

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the people by saying,

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oh people,

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Any one of you, if you ever observe

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a defect, mistake, or a folly in me,

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then you have my absolute blessings and permission

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to address me, to rebuke me, and to

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chastise me. So a person stood up from

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the congregation and he said, oh, Umar, we

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will do precisely the same. We will challenge

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you. We will address you. We will rebuke

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you. Omar

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then praised the person, thanked him, acknowledged him,

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and he said, Alhamdulillah

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he led the

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I'm so grateful to Allah that there are

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people within my ranks that will address the

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wrong of Omar using the very sword of

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Omar. Can you imagine that?

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Imagine today, a manager, a boss, a principal,

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a person in public office can stand up

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and say,

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listen. I am not infallible. I am prone

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to mistake,

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and whatever wrong you see within me, please

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address it with me.

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Sadly, we live in a time where people

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will prefer

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