Suhaib Webb – Usul alFiqh Lesson ThirtyOne Axioms Related to Bayyan

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The importance of clarifiers in teaching people to reach moments of clarity is discussed, with the Sharia being a process that can be used to hold back certain things until there is a need for it. The message of the Prophet is to build people to a moment of clarity, and the importance of clarifiers is emphasized. The Sharia's message is to wait until the people are ready to act, and building people to the moment of clarity is crucial for everyone's safety. There is a window for the audience to see what is beyond the war centers and why people need to be prepared.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome back to our explanation of the Warapat,

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and we're talking about

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ambiguity and the clarifiers. Now we want to

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talk about a few axioms that should really

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help animate our minds

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as we try to understand the application of

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those two principles. And as I mentioned previously,

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especially those people involved in dawah, those people

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involved in calling to

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Allah, those people who are involved in sharing

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content and so on and so forth.

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These these these steps are important to ensure

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that our dawah is compliant,

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with Islam. Results don't necessarily mean it's done

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right, but Allah is merciful.

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I don't want you to overthink it, but

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So the first axiom is

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related to Al Bayan,

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right? The clarification or the clarifier.

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Is it allowed for us to imagine that

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the clarification

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could be delayed

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the revelation.

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So something is sent in revelation that needs

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to be clarified. Is it gonna be clarified

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in the time of the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasallam or could that be delayed till later

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date? And that's very important as we think

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about the application

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of teaching people and engaging people and helping

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people reach moments of clarity.

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So the sheikh, he says, tahiru

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delay something.

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You know the word, the hereafter.

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So the the delaying

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of the clarification

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at the moment of

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right? The moment that the kitab comes from

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Well, you Jews will take Khirub Bayan and

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walk till Khitab, you mutlaqal.

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Say the Mona nasheikh is not Imam Al

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Haramain. This is outside of the book of

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Imam Al Haramain. Okay? So we're just adding

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to some

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things to help you, alhamdulillah, and to build

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for greater discussions in the future.

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So he says,

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here means without restriction.

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So he says it is allowed for that

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to happen

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in all situations,

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all circumstances that could have happened.

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That is the position

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of Adi Sunnah.

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There are some, and you may find this

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as some books that attribute the

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that this is not allowed according to the

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It's it's impossible.

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That would never be understood. However,

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you have to be very careful

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that what is attributed to the actually

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Sometimes it's not necessarily a,

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a robust investigation.

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For example, Taqin and Takbih

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will talk about it in the future. They

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really say what people say they said on

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that issue, or was it some of them

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or a few of them or this what

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was the actual position of that that school?

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here the majority,

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including the Mu'tazilites,

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they say it's this is possible. Why it's

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in Quran? Allah

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says in Surat

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Surah Al Qiyamah

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verse number 19 Thumma Inna Alayna Bayana Thumma

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means thereafter

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like torahi,

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a delay

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It's different than fat fat means immediately. Thumma

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means like some time past.

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So it implies a delay. So the verse

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of Quran says thumma inna then there upon

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us Bayana e Bayan o Quran.

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So the Bayan came comes later. So that's

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the evidence for

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As well as certain actions of the Prophet

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Alaihi Wasallam. Why? Because in the Sharia there's

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something called a tadaruj.

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There's this, a process,

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the, the, the idea of emergent

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religious growth.

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People grow into this. So we see now

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on TikTok and other places, new Muslim to

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get in a lot of, of static from

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people who maybe even like not Muslims

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that are trying to put so much on

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their plate that is breaking them.

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So these people obviously aren't aware of

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We'll talk about the other application of this

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in a minute, but but but what we

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learned from the the the jililwahi,

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the the generation that received revelation,

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is that not every things were sent but

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then later on it was clarified.

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Fasting has been prescribed for you

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the comes later on.

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the idea here is that we learn that

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in the the the the method

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of legislation and the method of communication

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and building people to moments of clarity,

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sometimes there is this process

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that can be taken into account.

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Also from the life of the prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallamah

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you know the hummus due to Allah the

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hummus due to Allah and his messenger found

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a * alfal.

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Right? He said the

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family who, who are those nearest of kin?

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The prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam later on he

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clarifies, it's

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Abdul Mutareb Bani Hashim

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not Bani Umaima,

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excuse me, not Bani Nofa, not those people.

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It's it's the family of

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Al Mutalabi and Hashimi that came later on

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and numerous other,

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narrations that we could we could give as

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an example.

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So the principle here is that

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that the moment the revel- revelation is sit,

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the clarification could come later, what it means.

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Right? And we said we learned from this

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as we're gonna talk about in this next

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axiom, the idea of like, how do we

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teach people? How do we build people? How

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do we engage them over time?

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Because the goal is to, to have someone,

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alhamdulillah, establishing Islam

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in their lives.

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And so there's, there's a second axiom now

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that comes from this and it says,

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that the Prophet

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could actually hold back teaching people certain things

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at the moment it sent until there is

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a need for it.

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Because he says,

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it makes much more sense because the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam, there are things that were

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sent to him

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that he knew about

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that had not there was no need for

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the people to know about them yet, but

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he knew about them. So he waited until

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there was an Eden, then he taught them

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You will find these examples detailed in some

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of the books of of,

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of the the the application of Usul

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Now I just want you to have this

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idea in your mind.

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Of course, you don't wanna run there's principles

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for this, right?

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You gotta be very careful. But what we're

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taking from this is that the Sharia is

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a process. And this goes against also like

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the Islamophobes

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and some of the crazy people, right? Everything

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just has to happen right now.

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Step by step

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build the people to a moment of clarity

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so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasalam to shit

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he says something beautiful.

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He says

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because the first one we said, like,

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there was a need in this situation. There's

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actually no need yet. So if there's no

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need, then obviously it will be allowed to

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wait until the people are ready. Like the

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famous hadith of Saydah Abi,

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when the when he more or less I'm

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going to paraphrase,

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you know, when the prophet said whoever says

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the shahada goes to Jannah, then he said

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like even if even if he stole, even

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if he committed Zina, even if he did

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egregious crimes and the prophet said, yes, yes,

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yes. He said, I'm going to go. He

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said, but don't tell the people, don't tell

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the people because it will make them lazy.

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The same similar hadith, the hadith of saying

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them, you know,

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he told them Allah will not punish them,

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but but don't tell the people yet. They're

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not ready for it yet.

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So the the idea of mura'at al imam

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we have a great axiom

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that's the idea of the imam, the teacher,

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the ustad, the sheikh, the murabbi

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looking out for the had, the ahuwal of

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the people

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and then engaging them in that way engaging

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in engaging them in that way.

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Then he says,

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That's what we talked about earlier,

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that it it within this idea of it,

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of it being

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delayed to the the point that it's needed.

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Right? Because that's where we don't accept it.

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And the waqtatahathub?

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Okay. The moment that it was sent is

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That could come later on. A clarification could

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come later.

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In relationship to the prophet sallallahu alayhi salamah

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ila waktil Hajjah

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until the moment it's needed.

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Till the, what does it mean by needed?

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People need to know it to go to

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Jannah. People need to know it, right? Because

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of their situation.

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So we have another axiom.

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The opposite is not allowed for us to

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believe that Allah or the prophet, sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam, would delay clarifying something if there

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was a need for it. So keep in

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mind, these these axioms that we're talking about

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now, the need isn't there yet. People aren't

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there yet.

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So he says

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is steps. Right? For

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means, like, a process,

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the process of of clarity.

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So building people to that moment of clarity.

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Out of all the different opinions,

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the strong opinion is it's allowed. It's acceptable.

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Because Allah says

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fight the mushrikeen.

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Then later on the prophet

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clarifies who are the mushrikeen? Who are those

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you're supposed to fight? So he mentions who

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you're not allowed to fight the old people,

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people, you know, like priests and so on

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and so forth. These are exempt. So the

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exemptions come later.

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So the prophet and and he actually said

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these in different moments at different times. So

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the idea

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is like this process of it happened.

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Next time

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the next few lessons are some of the

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most important lessons we can take in the

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subject of the book.

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So I really hope that those of you

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who have been following will pay attention

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because there is a lot

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to be shared there, but let's quickly review

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what we've talked about. We talked about Al

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Al Mubayin. Al Mujmal. We talked about what

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it means.

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What it's, it's, it's evidence, it's significance, it's

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meaning isn't clear.

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Al Mubayin, we said

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3 different kinds of meanings for it. We

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don't wanna get caught up in that now,

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but the strong, you know, opinion that we

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gave was

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says there's nothing wrong with what he said,

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Right? That taking something from a place of

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being ambiguous, crowded, talked about, to a place

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of clarity.

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And then we talked about some of the

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reasons for both. And then we talked about

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some of the axioms.

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Don't come to definitive conclusions on the axioms

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that I'm presenting to you now.

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I'm just I just want to open a

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window for you so you can know like

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later on. Okay. These are the messa' and

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these are the issues that are going to

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come later. My my purpose in this course

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is not for you to stay in the

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warahat. The warahat is, is a very simple

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text. It's somewhat complex,

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has a lot of blessings, but is by

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no means

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the sort of, like, the standard, if you

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will, in the sense of taking you to

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the intermediate into the greater books. It's just

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it's like ajormia is to Arabic.

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It's a good look like to have to

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fall to Tajweed. Like they're important. They help

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you. They give you sort of the soul.

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But my hope is, especially for the English

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speaking people

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and serious students, that we go beyond this.

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So I'm opening up sort of a window

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to you to see sort of what's beyond

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the warahat.

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