Suhaib Webb – Muslim Men Are Not The Enemy of Muslim Women

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 apologizes for going on a rant about Muslim women and acknowledges that they hold each other accountable, but not partnering. They also mention that Muslim men are their allies and need to be careful with feminism, which is a enemy to the Muslim man. The rant is a statement that needs to be unpacked.
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Advise one another, we hold each other accountable,

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but we don't militarize one another, we don't

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weaponize the place of women in our lives

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just because of our own insecurities. So before

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I get and I'm I apologize for going

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on this rant, but this is something that

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needs to be unpacked.

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That Muslim women are our allies and Muslim

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women have to be careful with feminism,

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which makes the Muslim man an enemy and

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locates the Muslim man as a consummate enemy.

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And now you can see how neoliberalism

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and neoconservativism

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are playing Muslims against each other as Malcolm

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warned us,

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the wolf

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and the fox.

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