Shadee Elmasry – Valid But Sinful Fast

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of sinful behavior, including fasting and sexual activities. They explain that sinful behavior is a result of one's actions and does not necessarily mean they will be rewarded. The concept of valid behavior is related to gaining or maintaining a status, but it is not a substitute for reward.
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valid but sinful has to be in one act. Let's take for example, the

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month of fasting. I fasts my month Ramadan, I did not eat, drink or

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have sexual * or emit any sexual fluid for the day. So

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it's valid, but the whole day I spent it watching illicit movies,

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cursing, yelling. So my behavior in the fast is sinful, but the

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fast overall is valid. Valid does not mean you'll be rewarded for

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just means your body fulfilled what you were asked. That's the

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meaning of valid but sinful

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