Shadee Elmasry – Shaykh Hasan Spiker Explains Mystical Knowledge

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The concept of mystical knowledge is viewed as a way to explore deeper levels of human experience and is a distinction between logical form and logical matter. It requires matter and is crucial in proving the existence of the Creed. mystical knowledge is viewed as a way to explore deeper levels of human experience and become aware of the reality of the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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When you talk about mystical knowledge, a lot of people have

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trouble with mystical knowledge. Because when we speak, speech and

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reason are intertwined, yeah. Could you elaborate a bit on how?

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What What exactly is mystical knowledge? If it's something that

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seems to

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be different from Rational and empirical knowledge? Yeah. So

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could you elaborate on that a bit?

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Well, absolutely, people raise an objection, which I think is based

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really quite straightforwardly on a misunderstanding, that mystical

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knowledge, according to the prescription of the of the

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advocates of mystical knowledge is a total water illogical, you know,

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it's a it's a stage of domain to level it's a world beyond the

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And therefore, how can that be used as a premise in rational

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thinking? How can that be, in any way? Knowledge which, where it

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might be interesting to read about people's claims of their

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experiences? But how can it form part of our overall picture of

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reality, which is supposed to be accessible to everyone, for

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example? Well, I think this is based on a basic misunderstanding

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of what being a power beyond the occult means. For one thing,

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there's a distinction between the discursive Apple, which is the

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apple, which essentially reasons in a straight line, you know, one

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plus one equals two, every ASB every B and C, there is C, that

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kind of logical, strict, you know, discursive, linear reasoning.

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And there's a lateral man has a workable, which you might call the

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receptive intellect. And that's the apple which simply discerns

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distinct objects, right? So whether those are intelligible

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object, as in pure context, let's say universals here, they've got

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this universal and you've got this universe, you've got the, the

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universal of human being, and the universal of just purely abstract

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concepts like Unity and multiplicity and things like that.

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And because you can distinguish between them, they are distinct

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and themselves, you can end as an intentional object, that one or

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that one, the same as sensible objects, you you distinguish

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between them.

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And the thing is mystical experiences exactly the same,

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because the mystical experience is distinct. So what I'm trying to

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make is

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mystical experience is a tower beer is a stage or domain or world

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beyond the discursive Apple, right there that will Richard reasons in

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a straight line in that fashion. But so as to the sensible world,

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just as much the sensible world is also a toll beyond that discursive

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Apple, right?

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So the point is, people have these misconceptions about reasoning,

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which are may be insufficiently philosophical, as if, you know,

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Reason is somehow this, this self explanatory thing? Well, in fact,

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reasoning is just a form.

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Right? It's a form, which requires matter. So in logic, you have this

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distinction between logical form and logical matter. So logical

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form is just, you know, that, say, the figures of the syllogism, you

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know, the fact that you have to have, you have to have a first

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premise, you have to have a premise, you have to have a

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conclusion. And then how do you get from the premise to the

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conclusion where it's by the middle term? And then what, what

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position is the middle term, in the first premise, if it's in,

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let's say, the predicate position, then, you know, it's the first

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figure, if it's the predicate position of the first figure in

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the first premise, and etc. So. And if it's the subject position

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in the second premise, then it's called the first figure, that's

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the form. Now, that in itself is completely empty. That's the

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logical form does not get you anywhere, except seeing that, you

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know, that logical form has to produce a true conclusion. But,

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but but at this stage, because we're only at the stage of logical

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form, we don't even know what we're reasoning about. You have to

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be reasoning about something. Yep. Right. So, the idea is that you

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can include mystical knowledge. Well, if you can include sensible

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knowledge, if you can reason about sensible objects, right, which are

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not which are again, a total beyond discursive reason. You

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could also reason about mystical objects elaborate for us on where

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would we place mystical knowledge in epistemology, will it be

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downgraded? Because it's something we'd all don't have access to, to

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it and to checking it

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Well, there's a distinction obviously, between metaphysics and

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epistemology, which is really a narrative body

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distinction, but doesn't make it not real. So it's perspectival.

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But you can have perspectival properties which are real

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because it's about your means of approach to

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reality, right? So saying which one has priority metaphysically?

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mystical knowledge has ascendancy over sense knowledge and merely

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rational knowledge.

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But epistemology epistemologically, we're talking

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about priority in terms of sequence, how do you get to the

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conclusion that you're going for? Now, mystical knowledge is of

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absolutely no use, if it's not regulated by the other aspects of

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human experience, because we're not just spiritual beings. We're

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not a sorceress. It's not only mystical knowledge. Now, that's a

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mistake that a lot of modern people who are very interested in

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spirituality tend to make, they might be total modernists about

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philosophy, they might be even really methodological skeptics,

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they might not even believe you can prove the existence of God

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using reason. But there are soft wrists. As you know, I can get on

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with just making money and being in this world and being totally

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worldly, because none of that really matters. The secret access

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that I have is to this mystical knowledge, which that's the only

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the true knowledge, right? I don't mean totally worldly, obviously,

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in the sense of, you know, being ahead. And it's because of their

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spiritual, they're unlikely to be like that. But I mean, in the

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sense that I, you know, there's no integration between my

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metaphysical view and my reason, right is your soccer ism. Other

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than that, I'm just, you know, it's just the world. It's just,

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it's, it's just the, you know, the world which is somehow out,

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opposed fundamentally to the spiritual. And

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the point is, I'll give you an example the center's critical

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Janee says, In shuffle, more active, mystical experience cannot

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be used to prove the Creed on a public level. Something very

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interesting, it's because the Jews and the Christians and I think

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he's particularly confined to the Jews and Christians, maybe he says

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other religions as well, but they also have spiritual experiences,

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by which they that they claim somehow prove the truth of that

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creed. Correct. That's what says,

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mystical knowledge has to be supplemented by rational work by

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rational arguments, correct, right? Because we believe in

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reason we believe in rationality. So the point is, yes, no, I mean,

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in terms of the first stages of knowledge of the world, if that

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we, you know, you know, when, before teaching someone how to

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read and write and how to raise and basic stuff, and how to use

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their senses, we just put them into a hallway and that's how they

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get to know everything right to the degree, the rational

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framework, you know, proofs for the existence of the of God Allah

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to Allah,

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of prophet hood

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you know, the basic items of creed that has to come first and that

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absolutely has to serve there as a foundation.

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