Shadee Elmasry – Is YOUR Job Blocking Your Dua EP. 12 Ramadan 2024

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of "order" in relation to the internet and how it can lead to spam and malicious behavior. They also mention a Prophet who advises against asking for more wishes and encourage people to make their job harder and ask local people about their job. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding certain behavior and making one's job harder.
AI: Transcript ©
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Everybody human beings are made to love order, and I love order and

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when you see order in the universe and order in life you feel good

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and you feel at ease. So the order of our videos here just so you

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have it in your head, we covered the sugu hats around da, which is

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all the misconceptions people have around dua, then we cover the

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target that which would motivate us to do draw all the time and in

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this next series of videos, we're going to be doing the shoot

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preconditions before you think about making draw, you have to do

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these things, then we're going to cover the Muharram certain things

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are prohibited into it's not an open check, you have to know this

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and number three, as spam and Java there are now causes there are

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things you could do to make your DUA this is like cleaning up your

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resume things you could do to get your at your door more likely to

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be answered.

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So now let's get to the shoot. The number one shot comes in a story

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with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam and side of who pass.

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Salman Abele cos was the uncle the prophet, the prophet always

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praised him and always said good things about him like who has an

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uncle better than my uncle, sad, sad was extremely intelligent. And

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he said, O Messenger of Allah make dua for me, so that so that what I

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can see better I can fight better I can be rich. What do you think

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he asked for? What did he asked for? ask Allah to make me more

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Jabba Dawa? All my prayers are answered, this is in the genie

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movies they say you're not allowed to ask for more wishes, sadness,

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Allah is more generous, sad, and Abby will curse at almost zero

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love make my dua always answered immediately. The Prophet didn't

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make dua for him. He gave a precondition first, this is where

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we get this and he said it in a few words out the metallic, you

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stepped down to two things you fulfill the condition you get the

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result out that Matamata means make here food had a even though

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it says by is an accentuation of Khaled not just how that

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absolutely certain. Now is this just about me? So I'm gonna go

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sell drugs and buy Khaled me and my daughter is going to be Mr.

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Jab. No. It's also the money that buys the meat. It's the money that

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buys the clothes. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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accentuated this In another Hadith, in which he talks about a

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man who has all the signs that he should be answered. He says roba

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shatta Ovenbird. There is a man dusty, disheveled he puts his hand

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out to fall he had a he had a summit put his hands up in the

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air. So that's the third thing. So he's a very humble looking guy,

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very poor, put his hands up. That's another reason that you'd

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expect him to be answered. Why our kuleana beer up here is desperate

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in his heart. That's another reason his dog should be answered.

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And he's saying yeah, it'll be out up another reason he should be

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answered. But Allah never answers his dog. Why is that? And he says,

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Well, my Bible woman haram. Well, my shrub a woman haram, woman

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basket woman haram, his food is haram is drink is haram. His

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clothes is haram. Well, how is his clothes? How long was he wearing

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golden silk when he's a poor man? No, he bought it with wealth that

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is haram. Why is wealth that is haram the condition. Reason is or

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the cause of not accepting to do it. The reason is, well, that is

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haram. Essentially you wake up in the morning and come home at night

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disobeying Allah. Now you ask him, you wake up in the morning, you do

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haram and your job, your whole job is haram. We're going to answer a

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question about this in a second. Your whole job is haram. And then

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you come home at night. And you do this every single day. So every

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day you're at war with Allah, every day you're disobeying Allah,

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when Allah says, file yes, that Zhi Wu Li. If you want to love to

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answer your DUA answer his command to be to work in how to to make

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your job and your income lawful cut. If all if if your servants

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ask you about me I am near for in near curry, Hua Ji Woo Dawa to die

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either done, but yesterday God answered me first, then I answer

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you. So, here we have to ask what is the halal and haram job, you

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have to look at the industry and the job at large. If the service

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or the product is lawful, then your job is lawful. If then the

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job does one or two things that's haram. It's up to you to avoid

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those things. So work at ShopRite I don't have to know if the owners

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of the shop right took a loan from the bank to sell my business. I

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don't have to know what they do with their money. I'm in produce

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which is lettuce and tomatoes. No problem. I'm in dairy yogurt and

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milk, no problem. But I can't go into the franzia I can't go into

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the pork. I can't go into the liquor. If they sell that I can't

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go into the wine, even though it's in the same store. That's not the

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overall it's had the industry in general the store itself the

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product itself overall is headed but I avoid what's going on

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minute. Now the opposite? No, I'm an electrician, and a liquor store

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asked me to put up the lights. I can't do a single thing because

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the whole industry is forbidden.

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The whole the whole thing is should be haram should not exist.

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I can't even move a brick for them or plug in a wire, even though

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that itself has had. So you have to understand now how to make your

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job harder and go further and ask your local folk if your job is

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lawful or has sugar doubts in it, so that your dog can be answered.

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