Shadee Elmasry – How the Caliphs Died or Were Assasinated

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the deaths of different people in different situations, including a woman named publications, a man named Eleasma, and a woman named carriers. They also mention the importance of peace being upon the people they are killing and the need for further information on the events leading up to their deaths.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now let's talk about how the old died.

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Right How the older prophesy Salam died a natural death but also the

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Prophet peace be upon him died from the effects of some poison.

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All right that a Jewish woman had put into his food. And the

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prophets I send them mentioned that

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one of the causes of his death was remnants of some poison that a

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woman had put in his food. Okay, so that's one thing. That's how

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the Prophet peace be upon him passed away. Abu Bakr Siddiq also

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died a natural death on his deathbed.

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All not able to cut up was killed

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at federal prayer

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by a Persian slave.

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Now what happened with this Persian slave? His name is Abu

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Lulu Alma juicy, I will not look means the pearl diver, Persia. in

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Persia, there's a gulf right there. And there. There are a lot

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of pearls in the Persian Gulf. That's why if you look at the Gulf

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states, all their flags are chips, right? And pearls, because Pearl

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diving is how they make their money. So this man is a Persian

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slave, and he works for one of the Muslims. His job is to make money

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for this Muslim. That is his master. So he complained to Alma.

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He said, he's working me to heart.

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Right, so he bought the master and they talked, and then Alma told

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the slave to go. So the slave thought, this Medusa thought that

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Alma was ignoring him, his ignoring his complaint. But

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privately, the prophet Omar admonished the master said, take

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it easy on the slave, but the slave he had a lot of anger inside

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of him, because of this incident, and because of another incident,

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just in general, the Muslims conquering the Persians, so he had

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a lot of anger inside of him. So then one day, he poisoned his

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sword. He covered himself up, and he went to federal prayer, and he

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waited in the first row. He waited in the first row, and in the

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middle of the prayer, okay, he took out his knife and he stabbed

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on top several times in the back. And then he turned around and

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there was a big confusion and he also stabbed many other Muslims

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and in the end, he killed himself. He killed himself almost died a

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few days later from the the wounds and from the bleeding. So that's

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how the great Khalifa Omar

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died, he was actually killed and stabbed in federal prayer. 13

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years later, in Medina.

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There were some people from Egypt and Iraq that were unhappy with

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the governor's there.

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And they came and they surrounded the the house of the Khalifa

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Offerman had been have fun.

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And luckily for all the men had been our fan, he refused to allow

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any fighting in the city of Medina. So he disallowed the

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Muslim army to come and push these people away.

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Okay, and to make a long story short, eventually, one of these

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people climbed over the back wall of his house,

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broke open the doors to stormed in or open the door, and they stormed

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in and stabbed him.

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While he was reading Quran, and his wife had her fingers cut off.

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When she tried to stop them. They cut off her fingers. They cut off

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her hand or they cut. They swiped at her hand and cut her fingers

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up. Her name was nebula it's actually a quite a popular name

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among the Desi community, anyone know anyone named Nyla?

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Yeah, so that's not that is off man's wife. Okay, and she's very

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special woman. She's tried to defend off man, but they swiped at

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her hand and cut off her four fingers. But then they stabbed him

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until he was killed.

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Right so off man two was killed. Okay. Now, I Lee rules. When I say

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now I live in Avatar.

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All right, the most knowledgeable and wisest and the best judge,

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according to the Prophet, peace be upon him and the gate to the City

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of Knowledge. When he ruled he moved the killer the capital from

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Medina to Kufa in Iraq. When he went to Kufa there was another

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rebellion against it. There are several rebellions against it. And

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he fended them all off. One of these groups, okay, one of these

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ended up sending someone to kill ally at Fudger

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and they stabbed him in the head while he is praying Fajr

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In the month of Ramadan, and he died a few days later. So that's

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how Ali died. He was killed. So now how many of the of the four of

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the five we've covered for three of them were killed? Two of them

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were killed by Muslims.

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And then the last one is Hassan Ibn Ali has individuality. We said

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he abdicated the Khilafah Okay, and he gave it for the sake of the

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keeping the peace in the ummah. He gave it to Maui.

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But he also didn't die a normal death, he was poisoned.

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There was some poison put in his food. Okay, and he died at a

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relatively young age, okay, because of being poisoned. Okay,

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so this is this is how the five calibers you usually hear the word

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forklifts, right. Because they live, they ruled for a long period

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of time, Hudson only ruled for six months. But this six months is

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very important. Right? It's very important because it gives us the

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precedent that if you have to, you can give up the colophon you can

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give it to someone else while you're still alive. Also, we need

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it to finish the 30 years that the prophets I sent him said the

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rightly guided caliphate after me is 30 years, okay. So, this is the

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Khilafah how the K lifts, how the Khilafah was passed down, okay,

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from one to the next, or power was transmitted, transitioned, and

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also how they were killed. Got any questions?

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The Prophet was not in certain situations. So what do we do? We

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need to know what to do. The Prophet peace be upon him says,

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you follow my way follow my example. And the example of the

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rightly guided Khalifa is after me so the five leaders after the

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Prophet peace be upon him. We follow their examples. So they're

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examples is part of our religion, what they did their judgment

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