Shadee Elmasry – Ground Invasion of Gaza and the Impact of Social Media Sami Hamdi NBF 268

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The potential ground invasion in Israel is due to Israel wanting to take more land from the District of Columbia, but there are three obstacles to achieving it, including the arrival of the Iranian president and political influence from foreign media. The shift in media coverage of the situation, including the use of social media to promote peace and justice, is also discussed. The segment concludes with a call for action on social media.
AI: Transcript ©
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So I think now all eyes are on this potential ground invasion

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that might take place. It's becoming increasingly imminent

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based on the information that's coming out. Israel wants to go in,

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there are suggestions that it's going this time to try to occupy

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northern Gaza, and that Netanyahu is peace offering to the Israelis

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who are protesting on the street against him and blaming him for

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what they call to be the greatest crisis to Israel since 1948.

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Netanyahu believes that the best way to resolve it is to take more

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land from the Palestinians give it to the Israeli settlers, and

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they'll forgive him for it. The problem is, there are three

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obstacles that Israel and Washington are scrambling to try

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to resolve before they begin a ground invasion. The first is the

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issue of where the Palestinians will go. And that's why there's

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heavy pressure on Sisi in Egypt to open the Rafah crossing. I've seen

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a lot of criticism of CZ, that it's callous that he's kept that

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Bookcrossing close. But I do think and I'm not defending him if I was

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in a position I'd open it. But I do think that one of the reasons

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CeCe doesn't want to open it is because he knows that the Israelis

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want to drive the Palestinians into the Sinai Peninsula, where

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they will live in new refugee camps and the Israelis will never

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allow them to return afterwards, after they finished their ground

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operation and CCP is going down in history as being complicit in a

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new Nakba in Gaza. The second obstacle is Iranian proxies.

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There's deep concern that Hezbollah in Lebanon in Lebanon is

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waiting for the Israelis to get bogged down in Gaza, because the

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Israelis don't have a very good history of ground operations in

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Gaza. Every time they go in, they struggle, they get bogged down,

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they end up with a lot of casualties. There's concern that

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once they go into Gaza, Hezbollah will cross over from the north,

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and those who remember 2008 2009. It's generally considered that the

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Israelis lost to Hezbollah that Netanyahu was unable to subdue

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them in the last year with Hezbollah. And the third obstacle

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is public opinion as a result of social media breaking Israel's

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monopoly on the narrative as a result of everybody sharing

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Palestinian content as a result of the liberation of the algorithms,

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particularly on Twitter and the like, allowing pro Palestinian

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content popular property and content to appear on new home

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pages. And the light is really struggling with the narrative and

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anybody who opens Washington Post. You'll notice that underneath the

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headline about Blinken visit to Saudi and Egypt. Washington Post

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describes it the reason for Lincoln's visit was to ask Saudi

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Arabia, Egypt and these countries to try to turn down public

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opinion. And we're seeing videos now of some scholars in Saudi who

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are now saying that citizens should stop talking about Gaza,

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because Willie al Amer is the one who knows about the issue, and

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that you all have your analysis is causing an unnecessary burden. So

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there are these are the three obstacles now to Grand invasion.

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There are reports that the Americans have sent a Three Star

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Marine General to Israel today to discuss the risks according to

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some of the reports of the risks of a ground invasion, by Dennis

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trying to pressure the Israelis to hold off on the ground invasion.

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They're not sure whether it's wise or not, they'll and the final

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thing that's worth mentioning on this is that the hammer saw and

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the other Palestinian factions are trying to fend off the ground

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invasion. There are reports that the Red Cross is now to receive 50

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hostages of dual nationality that are due to be released as a result

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of negotiations with Qatar, the idea being that if they can

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release those 50 dual nationalities, then the Americans

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can get the Israelis to put off the ground invasion. But the one

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thing that is worth noting here is the idea of the grand invasion

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suggests that Netanyahu has the initiative and he is the one in

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the ascendancy. But the reason NETIO is going into the ground

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invasion is because no matter how much he bombs, Gaza, he's unable

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to wipe away the humiliation that he suffered at the hands of the

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Palestinians, and also the humiliation that he suffered. In

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that breaking of the monopoly on the narrative. I assume that

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you're in the US. But we've seen videos here on social media of

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DeSantis, the Republican candidate going into a supermarket trying to

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say Israel has the right to self defense and Americans responding

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and saying we don't believe you anymore because of what we've

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seen. So I think that the public opinion, Iran and the issue of

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where to put the Palestinians are the reasons why it's been delayed,

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but all talk to answer your question directly. All talk is on

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an imminent ground invasion. Nobody knows when but it's

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certainly building up to it. I'm going to ask one question, then

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I'm going to turn it over to Chicago and I don't know if you've

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ever met, but you can find him on Twitter. Chicago insider, you're

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still on Twitter, right? I asked you have you tried to get off but

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I felt like I had to get back on to kind of talk about this stuff.

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Yeah, to add and to help at least dictate the points. Schiff had on

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this from Philistine you are also from Philistine. I'm from North

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Africa. Algerians are renowned for their support. Okay. One one

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people. Yeah.

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We saw in the World Cup how Morocco was there were more

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Palestinian flags than Moroccan flags held by the Moroccan fence

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so Allah reward them for that. I want to ask you the first

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I was think

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Ken yesterday, the public opinion worldwide is now swaying, maybe

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not in America, but in the rest of the world. It's swinging against

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Israel heart, it's not hard to fathom, and to imagine the Mossad

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doing something, inflicting something upon themselves. So

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That will, that will then be pinned on to Hamas and justify all

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this all over again. Because the Republic event is going so far, I

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believe that's a possibility. What are your thoughts on that?

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I think certainly, it's a possibility. And we've already

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seen the attempts to do that. I think that when you remember the

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story of the 40, beheaded babies, and the way that it was

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proliferated on mainstream media and amongst Israeli allies, I

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think the reason that story went so wide, why it was really pushed

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was because the videos that were coming out actually showed

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magnanimous fighters coming out those channel 12 In Israel, where

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the woman says they came into my house, they said, they won't hurt

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me because they're Muslim. And then one of them asked me for a

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banana. And they left after two hours, there was an interview with

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Israeli radio, which was caught live. And the section was later

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deleted, of a woman who described that when the Palestinians came

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in, they didn't harm any civilians. But when the Israelis

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came to liberated they shot some of the hostages and shot some of

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the Israelis in order to try to say that the Palestinians did it.

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There is also deep concern for anybody who follows Israeli

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journalists, that a lot of the families of the hostages in Israel

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itself are complaining that Netanyahu is showing no regard for

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the hostages that he's going in, and that they're not a priority

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that he prioritizes the annexation of the Gaza strip over the lives

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of those particular hostages. And that's why I think that Israel has

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been pushing it, if you remember the hospital when they bombed the

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hospital in the hospital, and they tried to blame it on a Hamas

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rocket, which was later debunked by forensic investigators. And oh,

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since then the light, because there is this deep concern about

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the shift in public opinion. And you were saying maybe not in

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America, but the polls that came out two days ago, suggested at

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least 53 54% of Americans are now in favor of an immediate ceasefire

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in Gaza, they no longer buy, and that's unprecedented for the US.

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And in the UK. We have a YouGov poll, which is one of the reliable

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pollsters that says that more than 76% of Britons are in favor of an

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immediate ceasefire. And that's quite simply unprecedented. So I

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think that when you when you talk about the concern about Mossad

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staging something they've already tried to stage something with

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regards to the 14th beheaded babies. They tried to stage

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something by saying that the woman was killed and paraded on the

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streets and a news week later published and said that she was

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actually being taken to a hospital where she was receiving treatment.

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They tried to say that they were raped. So that occurred but then

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the eyewitness accounts of Israeli settlers themselves said we never

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saw any of these things that the Israelis are saying. And that's

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why it's important to stress here. And it builds on your point, as

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Dr. Asim Qureshi from from cage said on Twitter when I was reading

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it, he said, you know, the Israelis are telling us what is

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happening. But the Palestinians are showing us what is happening.

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And it's becoming abundantly clear through social media. The vivid

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images of what's happening is forcing the shift in social media.

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And so while your question implies that Mossad might do something I

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would stress they have, and they are failing so far, as a result of

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public opinion when you ask Haroon Are you still using Twitter and he

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says I'm using Twitter because I want to promote the Palestinian

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cause. The reality is this war of narratives is being won on social

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media. BBC presenter apologized not because the BBC editorial

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board said she did anything wrong. She apologized because the social

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media was so overwhelming. And the feedback was so overwhelming. They

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had no choice but to apologize. CNN the reason they apologize was

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not because the Israeli said we're unhappy with your narrative. They

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apologized because the social media was so huge. They had to

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apologize Sky News, which I never thought we'd ever apologize for

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any content on Palestine came out and apologized because they

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presented Kay Bernie had said that the Palestinian ambassador said

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the Israelis had it coming. And Sky News apologize for that

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publicly, the State Department in the US you have the resignation of

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one of the main directors and blinkin has to hold the listening

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session two days ago with his staff to plead with them not to

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resign because they're feeling the pressure from social media. So I

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think that it's true that Mossad might be planning something more,

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but I'll finish on this point. But the point is that they have tried,

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they have pushed and they're failing every single time, not

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because of government campaigns by Muslim nations or the like, but

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because of the ordinary people using their social media, and

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demanding the approval of the veracity of all information.

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That's what's making them crumble. And this is why what's important

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to note here is this is genuinely a battle where you can see the

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real impact of the mobilisation of the Ummah and all Allies of

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justice outside of them. It's a it's a great time actually, for

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anyone who cares about a journalism epistemology to watch.

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And to watch it cannot be denied. Yeah, right. And this is what they

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call the new media where everyone's little cell phone

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combined together actually brings you certainty

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yield certainty and exposes lies

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