Shadee Elmasry – Clip Common mistakes the Jeem + Perspective on Legalizing…

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the potential risks of wheat and the need for legal stance in the wake of the recent crop. They suggest that anyone who tries to make wheat legal should avoid it and instead open up for advertising. The speaker also mentions the possibility of a penalty if anyone tries to avoid it.
AI: Transcript ©
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montage with means giving every letter it's right in reciting the

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Quran potential wheat has read. Joe does not

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touch touch. Touch. Yeah, like to eat jugs, you know? Yeah. Like

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judge, Judge Judy. Sailing Ted's wheat. Tajweed Yeah, like in the

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United States Judge Judy. Touch wheat. Okay. Okay. So someone

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brother asked me about what I want. Yeah. And I say, Look, I

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don't do wheat, but when I do, it's touch wheat.

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Okay, since everyone's got an American raise these days, okay.

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There's a lot of people that they, they they really try to make it

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acceptable. My position is this. You don't need to put people

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behind bars and ruin their lives. But at the same time, if you make

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it legal, you open up for corporate money and corporate

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advertising. And you will just have something you don't you can't

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ever go back. The cat is going to be out of the bag. I wouldn't

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leave. I would just stop the penalty to this degree. Just make

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it a fun

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