Shadee Elmasry – Answering Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how Jesus Christ will judge people's deeds based on their actions. They argue that Jesus Christ will judge people's actions in a limited capacity, and that judge behavior is ultimately up to the individual. The speaker questions the legitimacy of certain stories and suggests that it is up to individual discretion.
AI: Transcript ©
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Your book says that ASA Son of Mary went up to heaven alive, and

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he will come back to judge the dead and literally, so I asked him

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Muslim who judges, they will say, God, while you're telling me this

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prophet will judge, so which is which? Okay, Jesus number one

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comes down, he ascended. And he comes down again. No one said he's

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going to judge between the creation, you're going to heaven,

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you're going to * show me your good deeds, your bad deeds. Nobody

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said that. It is not said anywhere in the Quran. The judgment doesn't

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even happen in this world. The judgment happens in the afterlife.

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Number two, God judges, human beings judge but they're different

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human beings judged with what God gave them. Humans being judged in

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a limited capacity. So yes, we could say Jesus will judge in the

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sense that He will judge Christianity to be true or false.

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Judaism to be true or false. What are the true stories versus the

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false stories?

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