Sarah Sultan – Ramadan Strong – Day 3 – Mindful Fasting to Feed Your Soul

Sarah Sultan
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The speaker discusses the concept of mindful fasting, which is a way to feed one's soul during the month of dashteel. The speaker explains that mindful fasting can be beneficial in our daily lives, especially during the month of tet when our deeds are powerfully Taylor. The speaker also discusses the importance of focusing on what is and isn't during the moment, and how fasting can be an act of joy and fulfillment.

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			Spinoza was was salam ala Rasulillah one and he was a happy human winner. And my bad Santa Monica.
Wanna Live it again to everyone. This is subtle Sultan here with the opinion Institute. And today I
just wanted to talk to you briefly about the concept of mindful fasting, which is a way to feed your
soul during the month of Ramadan using the idea of mindfulness. Now, mindfulness was defined by a
professor at Harvard University named Ellen Langer in a really simple way, where she said that life
consists of moments and nothing more. And so when you make the moments matter, then it all matters.
And so the idea of taking advantage of the present moment is important in our daily lives, for sure,
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			but it's never more important than during the month of Ramadan, when our deeds are multiplied so
tremendously. And so when we can take advantage of each moment, during the month of Ramadan, and be
mindful and aware of each moment and how we're utilizing it, then we're setting ourselves up for
success. And so the idea of mindful fasting can really enrich in our, our experience this Ramadan
and chulmleigh.
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			So what does mindful fasting really mean? So simply put, it just means focusing in on what is and
not what isn't? Right? It means focusing in on when you're feeling hungry, and you feel the pangs of
hunger in your stomach, instead of focusing in on what isn't like it is not time for men that have
yet to break my fast. You're focusing in on what is that? I am I experiencing this feeling of
hunger, but I'm also grateful that I know I will be able to satisfy that hunger later on. And that
every time I'm experiencing this, this is a is a struggle from Allah subhanaw taala that I'm getting
rewarded for, right? So in focusing in on what is instead of on what isn't, suddenly that moment
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			becomes really rewarding and reconnects you with Allah's data. Another way to consider it to is what
does fasting truly mean? So fasting isn't just abstaining from food and drink. It also includes so
much more of what we do. So for example, what fasting with our eyes, right? What we're choosing to
see what we're choosing to look at fasting with our hands, what are we allowing our mouse to click
on, on our computer, throughout the month of Ramadan, fasting with our mouths, not just in terms of
food and drink, but also what's coming out of our mouths and how we're interacting with the people
in our lives, especially the people closest to us. When we can be mindful of how we use each present
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			moment. And when we can be mindful of how we use each part of ourselves throughout this month of
Ramadan, then every single moment, no matter what we're doing, can become an act of worship and can
reconnect us with Allah subhanaw taala in a very empowering and fulfilling and really meaningful way
in sha Allah. And so just focus in on the present moment, focusing on what is and that's the concept
of mindful fasting and inshallah it'll be something beneficial for us throughout this month. Does
that glow height on a Santa Monica want to love it again?