Sajid Ahmed Umar – Stories of Al Kahf #06 – When Giants Meet Part 02

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The title "medestones" in the Bible is related to the idea of "medestones" in English, and the title is also related to the idea of "medestones" in the Bible. The history and lessons learned from the book "Sharah Mak Act" by the Prophet Muhammad is discussed, including the importance of being patient with teachers and being clear as a student. The speakers emphasize the need for students to be clear and respectful in asking for specific information and being clear as a student. The importance of learning from one's teacher's experience and not feeling overwhelmed by mistakes is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh they're respected guests at home. I hope you're all well insha Allah and welcome back to another episode of stories from alkaff with us, Chef Sajid Omar hamdulillah we previously discussed the beginning steps of story of when giants meat was the story of Musa and Heather and inshallah Today we will be expanding on how you should

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look at the housings

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of old faces Bronx, how you How have you been handled larynx meanwhile on the local news, I hope you're enjoying your stay in England and I hope that everything is going well. Everything is well at hamdulillah All praise belongs to Allah hamdulillah so going off of last week's episode, we discussed who most are and who you shall we're going to see her but we actually haven't discussed that at all who is her? Why is his name to the for example, and a few other aspects to the man himself. I believe in the Quran. Allah Subhana Allah so Allah subhanaw taala says that he's a righteous slave. So could you please just expand on on who they are as a person inshallah? Yeah

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah le e or sabi obon Walla. Bark low FICO meant to our viewers salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Just like Hello, here and for those questions. Yes. So Heather, obviously is an interesting character in the story.

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Allah doesn't refer to him as killer in the Quran. But his name was killer. And this is attested to by the vast majority of scholars emammal called to be a famous Maliki scholar and Mufasa. A person who's explained the Quran. He attributes this to the majority of scholars and the generations about this attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and killer means a green, green, green. And it is said that that was his name, because he would sit on barren land and where he would sit, the land would become green cultivation would happen.

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So this is just the backdrop to his name.

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Was he a prophet? Wasn't he a prophet, this is an area of vast discussion between the scholars May Allah subhanho wa Taala be pleased upon them. The scholars of Tafseer that appear and others

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have discussed this. And some say that he was a prophet. Why, because he received this revelation, he did act that without revelation, you'd say, this is a catastrophe, you know, breaking the property of somebody else, there was a young boy that was killed, for example, from the actions of Hitler. So he had to have been a prophet. And some add to this, that if we don't say he was a prophet, and say he was from the close, righteous servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala, then we're going to open the door for other people who feel they're from the righteousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to do things and attribute it to attribute it to Allah and say, This is what this is what I

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was taught to funnel. So they say that he was a prophet also they say that Musa Ali Salaam was a prophet of Allah. And if Moosa was being sent to somebody who wasn't a prophet to seek knowledge, then this could be used as a means of attacking the prophethood of Musa alayhis. Salam, right. But in the same breath is called as clarify that even if we say he was a prophet, and say, Musa was a prophet who went to a prophet, this does not mean that knowledge can only be sought from someone who's who's who's the most knowledgeable or known to be the most knowledgeable, rather, a person who seeks knowledge. And remember, our show is about the etiquettes of seeking knowledge driven. person

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who seeks knowledge should seek knowledge from wherever that knowledge is, and learn from people more more knowledgeable than human knowledge, people who are at the same level with him in terms of knowledge, and people who are less knowledgeable in terms of knowledge, because you might find a person who knows less than you, but they have some information that you don't have. If you take it upon yourself that no, I'm more knowledgeable than him, I'm his teachers or whatever. He says, I'm not going to listen, you're not doing yourself a favor, and it leads to more difficulties later, meaning it leads to you being acknowledged. And as a result, as a result, you know, this is a

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manifestation of some form of pride. Right? And you're not going to grow in your knowledge. Because as we said in previous episodes, that the more you learn, the more you should learn how much you don't know means the more knowledge you learn, the more humbling usually the more humbling experiences, which means the more humble you should become, right? So

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you know, this is the discussion within the squad

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Is that he was a prophet because Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says Allah revealed to him His mercy. Yes. Allah says Allah atomism is His mercy and taught him from the knowledge of Allah. So a person who is taught from the knowledge of Allah means he is a prophet. But look, again, it's a long discussion because we know that Musa alayhis salam is mother. She was inspired to put Moosa in the water, right in a basket onto the water. But that doesn't mean she was a prophet. She was inspired. Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the bee. Oh, hey, nylund Elana Hillel Allah. Yeah. And he was he could mean inspiration. And the be received inspiration. Does that mean that he was a prophet? No,

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nobody says that he was a prophet, we say that the be received an inspiration. So it could be that Heather received what was genuine inspiration, what was what was made up inspiration it and in any case, this is the discussion in a nutshell. But you know, understanding him to be a prophet or not to be a prophet doesn't really add or subtract from the story and the lessons itself. But we must highlight that this story and this discussion shouldn't be a means for anybody to do what they want. They just claim that this is really from Allah, Allah, this is very dangerous. Yes.

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The other discussion putting to whoever was is normally a discussion surrounding. Is he still alive? passed away? Right? I'm not sure if you've come across. Yeah. Yeah, they, you know, this kid is still around, and there's no evidence to suggest that So, I mean, do you have anything that you can bring? Yeah. So, you know, the scholars have also discussed this. And there's a group of scholars, reputable scholars, that believe him to still be alive, to still be alive. Remember, we mentioned this attributes is to a large group of scholars, even Salah who is a famous scholar of Hadith, he was of the view that he is still alive, even whenever we mentioned countless people, citing

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narratives of how they met Hadar and things that have happened that have reached that meaning that have reached the masses, no knowledge. People say, No, we met her here. And this is what happened. That is what happened. So they say he is still alive. And is it strange that he's still alive? Well, we know about the Judo module, also mentioned this.

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And they are group of people from the children of Adam, that are alive till a certain point of time to be 4pm. And we will go into that when we discuss the story of Ukraine.

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So Allah does what he wants when he wants, how he wants another group of scholars in his past or in years, as he's passed away, why because they say that, look, if he was alive, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the Battle of badassery. Allah if you don't help these few people here, then there'll be no one who worships you on the face of this earth the way you deserve to be worshipped, and the way you should be worshipped. And that alone could be used as evidence. So this they say that if Why did he say this if he knew about Hitler? So other scholars responded, say that? No, the position of Hitler was on the water, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he said on

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earth, He meant on land. So you know, it's a discussion. Yes, it's a discussion between the scholars about this. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. But as I said, you know, whether he was a prophet, whether he wasn't a prophet doesn't mean relevance to the actual lessons that we can take from the story and even whether he's alive or not. Right, it doesn't affect the story and the amazing lessons that we can get from it in a way or form. But this is just an answer to your question about who is there and what do we know about him? And I think that's all I can think of. If there's anything else I'll add in inshallah tala. With that point, let's get straight into the story

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in sha Allah. So when we start with Isaiah 66,

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Allah Subhana Allah says, Moses said to him, shall I follow you on a condition that you should teach me right knowledge of what you have been taught? Now does that suggest that most Ali Salam is not a prophet now has he been like, you know, as you're not got knowledge has you not got divine knowledge or situation here? Yeah.

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Some have actually

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disputed whether the Moosa that visit the table was actually Musa alayhis salaam, yeah. And the reason for this dispute is,

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you know them saying that look, if we say that Moosa had to go to whether there was a prophet who wasn't a prophet, because Allah teaches his prophets, Yes, right. And even a bathrobe, Allah who and he refutes this. And he cites the reason of the reason of the story of Musa and Heather to us, as he learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right, as he learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that look.

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It was Moosa who gave the speech and the speech was amazing and people were moved and they said, Is there anyone more knowledgeable than you? And he said, No, a lot. Don't go to Cuba. So we learned from this and no, it was actually Musa alayhis salam. Okay, now we know it was actually Musa alayhis salam. Does this necessitate that now his prophethood or his prophecy?

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Was I mean he his prophethood? And his his the status as a prophet was reduced in any way? No, no. Yes doesn't mean that doesn't mean that because prophets are human beings anyway. And the difference between them and others is that Allah teaches them. But does this mean Allah has taught them everything? No, Elias taught them some of his knowledge. So they don't know that which Allah hasn't taught.

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So it doesn't mean one does not necessitate the other. It shouldn't be a discussion that no, if we saying that Moosa didn't know, so he had to go to hit them. So this necessitates that he was in a profit, absolutely not. Okay, it absolutely not. He was a prophet, who knew what Allah taught him and didn't know what Allah didn't teach him. And Allah sent him on a journey to learn something else, which Allah taught somebody else. And he will know when he sits with that person. hamdulillah hamdulillah. So going on to the next idea that come after the first interaction with al Qaeda, we get with the, you know, the three separate stories within this story. Now, at the beginning, okay,

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that actually tells Mossad Islam that you will not have patience with with knowledge that you don't not know. Now, what does this teach us? does it teach us to, you know, to be quiet, when we're learning about different opinions when it comes to our scholars of today in order to, you know, come to our own conclusions, with extra knowledge lead with that person afterwards? Or, you know, being patient with the teacher regardless of what happens? Yeah, I mean, you know, before we discuss this point, we should also discuss how Moosa approach because there's amazing lessons,

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in that alone, in how he after he introduced himself to Heather, what he actually pitched to him, you know, and it was, it was a form of a humble request to a knowledgeable man, you know, that will you permit me to accompany you and be your companion. So you can teach me from the righteous knowledge which you have been taught in this these lessons number one, how to request your teacher to teach you to just demand. And number two, to be clear as a student that you know what you want, you don't want to just learn anything, specifically is that you want to let go specific from the righteous knowledge which Allah has taught, and Allah, Allah Allah. And with that, we come to the

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end of this part of the episode in sha Allah, we hope to see you after the break.

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Salah Marley alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh the respective guests I hope you are well after that short break and ready to learn from the second segment of the show stories from alkaff insha Allah tala hamdulillah shares before we ended the first segment we were discussing how to approach those with knowledge. And also you know, to, you know, discuss why is that you want to learn from them. You know, so now when we move to the, you know, the etiquettes of having a relationship with the teacher, how's that meant to go? Me personally, I find it difficult sometimes to converse with a teacher, especially someone that I've just met for the first time. So do you have any advice or

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anything that you could elaborate on this point in? Sharla? Yeah, jack Hello here and Bismillah salat, wa salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah sabi woman, wala or praise belongs to Allah and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger. Right? So it's, you have this question, many, like you have this question.

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It if you just use the same approach of Mussa, where you don't demand you put in a request, is it possible? You know, may I be a student of yours? You know, are there particular procedures?

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That is the way to go about it, like you would ask for anything else that you value? You ask in a respectful way. And you ask your teacher, like you would ask your parents in a very respectful way. Right? So this is how you pitch it. And this is how you would put in a request and then you be respectful of the answer you receive. Sometimes the teacher is busy, sometimes the class is full. Sometimes the teacher doesn't have capacity. It's not a case that he's trying to do to harm you. It's not the case that he's trying to, you know, be a thorn in your progress. No, he's just naturally physically doesn't have the ability. It's a matter of physics. It's a matter of physics.

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Right? So what does this mean? This means that if he says that, look, you know, I can't, it doesn't mean you should take a stance with this teacher that now you say, Oh, I asked him, and he refused. So I'm not going to listen to his lectures online. I'm not going to listen to his recorded lectures, I just can't get myself to listen to the shift anymore. Now you let me use that as a means of of making the hearts go apart. Right? So this is how you'd go about it that you got to say, number one, I want to be respectful in how I asked number two, I'm gonna respect the person I'm asking. And number three, I'm going to be respectful of the answer I get whether it goes to my liking or doesn't

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go to my liking. And if it doesn't go to my recommendation to anybody else, right, because as you said earlier, knowledge was be sought from his family. Right? And we live in an age where,

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you know, many people can pitch themselves to be from the family of knowledge, but they're not from the family of knowledge and

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Not as it's not just this age, throughout the ages, and that's where the scholars would say, you know, look at the source that you receive your knowledge from. And even in the books of Zulu, or jurisprudence methodology, which is one of the Islamic sciences, they actually cite this that how do you know who is a knowledgeable person? There's ways that the scholars have actually placed in the book, right. And one of the ways they say is a person's become known over time, one of because he has a reputation of it. Another way is for another scholar who's known for his knowledge to give testimony, that this particular person is someone who should seek knowledge from. So this person is

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known to be a person, a person of knowledge, and you go to him and you seek knowledge from him. Right? And he's busy, or you're trying to seek knowledge from when he says, I'm busy, I can't help you. So ask him, Who else can I can I go to so this is the way you would go about it. And we learned this from the way of Musa alayhis salam.

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But the other point that you asked upon which or summarize from what we said just before the break, which is important is for the student of knowledge also to nobody wants to learn. Because if you don't know what you want to learn, how effective is your genuine.

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And if you know what you want to learn, then you can choose your teachers appropriately. Not every teacher can teach you everything. Right? Teachers specialize as well. And no doubt specially a person who specialized in a field is somebody who can, you know, afford you a better greater benefit, right, and someone who's just touched on the fields on you know, at a shallow level when you when you when you specialize the no doubt you're going to have information that others don't have, and understandings and reflections that others don't have. So when you know that okay, I want this, I want to learn Tafseer I want to learn the series to learn the explanation of the Quran, I

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want to learn Islamic jurisprudence, which is the fifth I want to learn the laws and regulations and how to interpret texts and how to understand texts and how to understand evidences and work with evidences and what is evidence and what is an evidence. When you know that this is what I want. I want to learn Arabic language as a tool, so I could study the Islamic sciences. So now you go to an Arabic language teacher, you go to a teacher specializing can also write or you go to a teacher who specializes in tafsir. Moosa knew what he wanted to learn, and he knew the person that will give him the knowledge. So he went to him. And he told him that I want specific knowledge. I don't want to I

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don't want the knowledge that you have, from your experience on the righteous, I don't want I want the righteous knowledge, meaning the knowledge which Allah has revealed to you, and hasn't revealed to me. Right? Because that's what he said he specified, right? That from the knowledge that Allah has taught you this righteous knowledge and remember, we spoke about that element, which is not the knowledge from Allah, Allah teaches to some of his creations, some of his prophets. So he was specific. I mean, if Moosa as a prophet who is upon amazing guidance, if this is his way, the no doubt this is the way of guidance, right? If we're not going to learn from him, we're going to get

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our etiquettes of seeking knowledge from our

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very true luck, law fellowship, and moving on to the next straight off the most, you know, kindly request together to join him on his journey, after the replies with surely you cannot have patience with me. Now, this is very interesting. And you know, the answer that I'm trying to, you know, the question I'm trying to ask here is, is it harder to know? Yeah, How did he know that most, someone who's, you know, just met for the first time won't have patience with him? While having the easy answer would be just to say, one of these others would say that a good teacher knows.

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I mean, if Hitler was receiving information,

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as we will come to learn, that he received when Allah subhanho wa Taala taught him.

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So this is one aspect. But perhaps you might ask me next Is that okay? But if Moosa was so amazing, it was a prophet of a lion, he was amazing, then why would he be impatient as an as a person, because he knows how to seek knowledge.

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And this kind is I've given answers to that. They've discussed it. I mean, you know, in fact, it's a lesson for us, right, which calms us and keeps us motivated. And it's a lesson that stops us from becoming frustrated. But rather, it's it's a reality that we learn from this that teaches us that you know, what, we shouldn't be frustrated to the extent where we drop out, but rather frustrated enough to do something about it to do to change ourselves. And

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the point that I'm I want to reach is some people by nature, it's the it's the human nature to be impatient.

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It's it's, they just don't have the ability the way they are. It's just it's human nature. Right? It's human nature. Some people are introvert, some people are extrovert, you know, some people,

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you know, are more perceptive of events. Some people are more judgmental of events. People have different character types. Right? You can teach a class and teach the same knowledge but different people approach that not in different ways. Right. Some people are more brave to question the knowledge they're receiving. Some people are more accepting of it, even if they didn't understand certain particulars of it. It just goes down to the students.

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