Sajid Ahmed Umar – Ramadan 2024 #10 Mothers & Ramadan

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © A mother talks about her children's weight and managing stress and anxiety during the day and night, as well as the importance of reading the Quran and attending Halakha events. She also discusses the rewarded rewards of traveling and managing stress, including rewards for good thoughts and good deeds. She provides third round rewards for having good thoughts and deeds, and encourages listeners to have good deeds and become better parents.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear mother, I want you to know that your Ramadan is safe. Firstly, your Ramadan is safe. And I don't say this from me, I cannot speak from me. I cannot speak from me I'm speaking on behalf of Allah. And if I speak on behalf of Allah I'm literally signing on behalf of Allah subhanho wa Taala and on earth, so I have to be careful with what I say. I sincerely say to you, that your Ramadan is safe because of evidences in the Quran and the Sunnah. Glad Tidings to you, my dear mother, your Ramadan is safe. So please smile at this juncture at this point, and release the negative stress from you. In fact, if you apply yourself in that which Allah has asked you to, and you do the best

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that you can do from the time that you have, not only is your Ramadan safe, you're going to have the best Ramadan ever. Ramadan more rewarding than all your other Ramadan. So I

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said I'm already Kumar from Atala he or Barakatuh my idea is Brothers and Sisters in Islam to compel Allah minimum income Salah Amal, may Allah accept our deeds I pray your Ramadan is going well. I pray you're doing phenomenally well. Subhan Allah, time is passing us by so quickly. And a week of Ramadan is over and more than a week of Ramadan is over. We'll accept what has passed and bless what remains. I mean, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I'm getting messages, especially from mothers of newborns about Ramadan, and how to manage Ramadan. And you know, given that this is a recurring theme amongst our sisters, I want to dedicate

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today's reminder in speaking a little bit about this. Firstly, to our mothers, congratulations for the children that Allah subhanahu Attallah gave you and may Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah ease you have a affairs with the Amana it's a big trust from Han Allah in raising a child. And not just any child, a child from the Umlauf Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a child of this ummah, a flag bearer of the heat of the unity of Allah and His worship and His Lordship, and his names and attributes. Someone in sha Allah that will be a collective carrier of the legacy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we have this panel Attallah bless you all, and ease your

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affairs in this manner in this trust that Allah has placed upon you. Now, why have I started with these words? Well, I've deliberately started with these words, because many of the mothers who write in Subhanallah, they've just given birth, and they've been used to having a particular Ramadan, or it might be Subhanallah that you homeschooling, and now you have a toddler. And now you have a newborn. So you know, you have a three year old and you have a newborn and obviously you have to go through the sleepless nights and the breastfeeding and maybe you're homeschooling as well. So you're trying to manage your tiredness during the day and the night and asleep. And you know, managing the

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stress of thinking that your your homeschooling curriculum is, is being delayed and so on and so forth. It can become overwhelming, it can become overwhelming and again, then you start thinking back to Ramadan before you are married Ramadan before the child came along and you were reading X amount of Quran and you are volunteering for this charity and you are raising X amount of money for the causes of the Ummah and you are in the service of your parents. And you're doing so much you are memorizing Quran you know reading Tafseer you are enjoying the lectures on YouTube and social media or maybe even attending a Halakha at the local masjid and all this has evaporated suddenly suddenly

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you can't even go for Tara we used to go for throw away you know you appreciate that Salah at home is better but Ramadan gave you that change and allowed you to be part of the whole and feel part of the Ummah and you praying Salah in JAMA and you concentrating more and all this is gone suddenly Subhanallah how it can become overwhelming it can become overwhelming and as a result I chose my introduction more carefully. My dear mother, I want to say to the following. I want you to know that

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your Ramadan is safe. Firstly, your Ramadan is safe. And I don't say this from me and I cannot speak from me. I cannot speak from me I'm speaking on behalf of Allah. And if I speak on behalf of Allah I'm literally signing on behalf of Allah subhanho wa Taala and on earth so I have to be careful with what I say. I sincerely say to you, that your Ramadan is safe. Why am I saying this? Because of evidences in the Quran and the Sunnah. Your Ramadan is safe, glad tidings to you, my dear mother, your Ramadan is safe. So please smile at this juncture at this point and release the negative stress from usually really released from you. The the thoughts that bring to you the stress and

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overwhelmingness In fact, I'm not only here to tell you that you're

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My plan is safe. I'm here to tell you that if you apply yourself in that which Allah has asked you to, and you do the best that you can do from the time that you have, not only is your Ramadan safe you're going to have the best Ramadan ever. Ramadan more rewarding than all your other Ramadan. So why? Because what's preventing you from reading the amount of Quran that you used to be for what's preventing you from Salah to tarawih what's preventing you from having a rest at night you can manage your fast better in the day. Right? What's preventing you from all these ideas that you thinking about right now? It's your child. It's this Amana and trust that Allah has placed in your

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught as a general rule that Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards a slave his slave when he is sick, or when he's a traveler,

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with the full rewards of the actions that he would do when he's a resident Subhanallah SubhanAllah. So think about this. When you're a resident, you go for certain Fudger in the masjid. And now Ramadan, you have to travel and I say this to the brothers have business trips as a chef now we traveling now we bring Fudger in the hotel room, it's not the same I say my brother have good thoughts about Allah. Right? If you can't go to the mosque, you bring in your hotel room, Allah is rewarding you the rewards of Salah in JAMA, because had you been a resident that's where you would have been at the masjid with the Muslims Subhan Allah. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam

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tells us this when you're a traveler, or when you're sick, and you can't do the things that you normally do when you're a resident, Allah rewards you infer this from the mercy of the Lord of the worlds from Russia and the one who possesses a mercy that has no boundaries. So if this is the case, for a traveler, if this is the case, for the one who is ill What about the case for a mother, who is looking after an innocent soul, an innocent human being? This human being that is dependent on the mother Subhanallah was ALLAH he my mother, my dear mother, Allah will give you your rewards of all your previous Ramadan is in full and more, Allah is going to reward you the rewards of being in the

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service of your child.

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Why? Because you are in the service of an innocent soul that is dependent on you. And guess what? I will escalate it to another generation which some of the scholars of Hadith have said is acceptable in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, for me to walk with my brother, this is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his time of need. This is more beloved to me, meaning more beloved to the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam than doing a TKF in my masjid, meaning in his masjid, the master of the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for one month.

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I think about this one Salah imaginable is equivalent to 1000 psi.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam missing for me to work with my brother during his time of need is more beloved to me than aitikaf in my machine for a month. If you do aitikaf in the machine for a month you praying five times a day and then all you other Salah in mercy to neighbor which is equivalent to 1000 sadder. But he says it's more beloved to him to walk with his brother during his time of need. The caffeine is measured for a month. So how great are the rewards by the mother you are getting these rewards because you are walking with a servant of Allah with an innocent dependent servant of Allah during the time of need, your child needs you. And if you

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homeschooling as well, your child needs you it increases reward is proportionate to effort. So you being there for your children, Allah is going to reward you those rewards in Ramadan. On top of the rewards of Ramadan that you got for doing the acts that you always used to do. Subhanallah you are the biggest winner was My dear mother, it's It surprises me that you said you are the biggest winner. And guess what? I'm going to share with you a third round

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to get rewards.

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And that is to having good thoughts about Allah subhanho wa Taala

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if you listen to my message to you in this video, and you decide that you know what, I'm not going to be sad. I'm going to listen to the advice and believe that I've got all my Ramadan rewards plus more.

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If you do that, Allah is going to reward you with a bonus round of rewards. He's going to reward you the rewards of having good thoughts about him this is known as hostel van, horsnell van and having good thoughts about Allah is actually a good deed. And Allah rewards you for those deeds.

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So if you have good thoughts about Allah, Allah will reward you for all the acts of Ramadan that you always used to do. Number one

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And then he's gonna reward you the rewards of being there for your child at your child's time of need. And then for you having good thoughts in Allah that Allah I really believe that when I meet you on the Day of km I'm going to see all these rewards Allah will reward you again for having those thoughts about Subhanallah and this is true to the spirit of Ramadan. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not say man karma Ramadan Iman and why this happened? Man sama Ramadan Iman and why this happened or who fear Allah Who massacred them in them be that whoever fast Ramadan and stands it's night Eman and believing in Allah wash, desire but then having good thoughts about Allah that Allah

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will reward me for doing so.

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Allah says I will forgive all your previous since this is true to the spirit of Ramadan. So my dear mother,

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may Allah bless you. And may Allah love you and Allah preserving and may Allah protect you. And may Allah inspire you to raise children who will achieve the potential that they put their potential, their God given potential, the potential that Allah created them to manifest May Allah assist you in raising your child to that level. And may Allah bless you for his blessings. My message to you is don't be sad, but smile, and thank Allah for he has favored more than you know. I love you all for the sake of Allah. And this is my message to you in this reminder. And until next time, salam ala alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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